Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 12, 1953, Page 6, Image 6

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    Pag l
ins CAPITAL JOURNAL, Balem, Oregon
ital Women
In JW Club
Officers of the Junior
Woman'a club who will erve
with Mn. Wallace R. Cowen,
named preildent last month,
were elected at a meeting Mon
day evening. To be installed on
Monday, May 25, at the Colon
ial home are Mn, Cowen,
preildent; Mrs. Z. D. Bartruff,
tint vice preildent; Mri. Rich
ard Lankow, second vice preil
dent; Mri. George W. Dewey,
Jr., corresponding iccretary;
Mn. Calvin Kent, recording
ecretary; Mn. Lawrence Bar
nard, Jr., financial lecretary;
Mn. Gordon Graber, treasurer;
Mn. Ted Jenny, parliamentar
ian; Mri. Ted Tibbetti, publi
city; Mn. Clinton Ault. Mri,
Earl Hampton and Mn. Bill
Clabaugh, director!,
It wai announced that, the
club hai donated more than
$300 to the crippled children'
school in Eugene and that near'
ly 13,000 itampi have been col'
lected for veterani.
' The guest ipeaker wai Glen
Eaton of Portland who ipoke
bout perfume. The special
prize wai won by Mri. Harry
Member of the budget com
mittee will meet on Wednes
day at the home of Mn. Ted
Serving refreshments follow
ing the meeting wen Mn.
Charles Wlnkenwerder and
Mn. Richard Klover.
i i mi in i mm
2 Plan Parties
Among hoiteisei of next
week wlU be Mn. A. A.
Schramm and Mn. SUai
Gaiter who have planned
luncheon and bridge partlei
xor may m and 22, at the
acnramm home.
Past Matrons '
Flit matroni of Harm Rosa
court, Order of Amaranth,
will meet with Mn. James
Barrell, 2396 State, on Tues
day at 7:30 o'clock.
Dancing and cards will
feature the "cotton party" to
be given by Hanna Rosa!
court on Saturday. The affair
is to be a 9 o'clock at the
Masonic temple.
The. committee jn charge
Include! Mr. and Mn. James
Date Told
At Party
Some Notations .
.By M. L. F.
In addition to the newsy
cnatter received each week
from Alene Phillips on doings
At a recent surprise shower ol Oregonlans in the national
given for her, Miss Darlys! capital we have another lerv-
Goodrlch announced Sunday, ice from a "private clipping
June 14, ai date for her roar- bureau" lending many pictures
riage to Donald Z. Wlchman. and clippings about Secretary
The oartv wai siven bv the of the Interior and Mn. Dour -
bride-elect'i iliter-in-law, Mn, laa McKay ... All the events The Warrenton Gold Cup race
Garth Goodrich. The ihower mentioned in these have been 'in 'Warrenton, Va., and the
pictures among the .clippings,
too . . . One from the Timei-
Herald about the "honey iet"
hat a headline: 'Secretary jwc
Kay, Saddled by Work, Stayi
at Hii Desk." ... The article
goei on to lay: "In full rein
on Saturday were two of the
horiiest eventi or tne year
wai a kitchen one and each reported and described duti-
guett presented two of her fav- fully by Miss Phillips, but it
orlte recipei to the honoree. is the treatment accorded these
The date for the wedding wai eventi by some of the Wash-
revealed during one of the ington, D.C., newspapers that
games and prizes in the game intrigues ui enough to mention
went to Mlai Phillli Coon and more about them . . . The pa
Mn. Harvey DeGroff. ' peri there have a style of their
. Honoring Mill Goodrich own ... In the Times-Herald
were her mother, Mri. Harry ! the bit about the recent re-
Goodrich, the bridegroom'i cepiion given lor tne nacriayi.
mother, Mn. Arnie Wichman, . i a long way irom rip
Mri. Dale Bull. Mn. Walter perary, but Capt. Harold H
Gogle, Mn. Lionel Domreii, Burton and Lt. Douglas McKay
Mri. Jess Lucai, Mri. Roger marched all the way from
Rltchey, Mn. Richard Sean, mere or inereaoouis xo
Mrs. J. A. Wagner, Mrs. George et together at the Congres-
Holmquiit, Mn. Harry Minto, iionai ciud weonesaay prompt-
Mn. William Morrlion, Mn. at 5 p.m Supreme Court
Frank Hughei, Jr., Mri. Har- Associate Justice Burton (as of
vey De Groff, Mn. Leonard now) and interior secretary
Manning, Mr. and Mri. J. P,
lard Moore, Mr. and Mri. Al'
fred Archibald. Mrs. Mable
Rogen, Mri. R. Lee Woods,
airs, xsmma Brown.
In Corvallis
In Corvallii on Saturday
lor the second birthday anni
versary of Vadi Hae Santha
nomads 'or Avrudeka, were
several Salem families. En
joying the no-host dinner and
evening of dancing and cards
were - Mrs. Herman Bergner
and Miu Betty Jean Bergner.
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Decatur,
mi.. DMiii. rm ml. NaHin ed together in officers school
Lucai. Miss Susan Goodrich, Mn World War I and served in
Mill Evelyn Iverson. tie m oivision, aoisi iman-
Late rcfreihmenti were eerv- ,ry- "" " "
H only lining mat tops among
i society a oruera ui uie uuy
miiuTT.nT .!ir,AA fh I should be the 5 to 7 p.m. re-
Jt -.. Maw auanntf CCUI1UJ1 K1VCI1 HI W1C VUUBlca-
home of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce 7 m p.Tn h. m
a group of Supreme Court
wives to preside at the busy
nrttn , n K 1 n Talrlntf .aA .fit
. . , , I vwaxcc nn..,tt . .
UttlCerS inStallea cream . and lugar decisions
Installing new officer, to&i '1
F. Pickett. Bridge gamei fol
lowed the dinner.
Kentucky Derby in Louiiville,
Tethered to both eventi were
dozeni of members of Capital
society, who for one day in
365, don't mind being on the
fence from itart to finish. One
of Washington's most noted
horsemen, however, had to
spend Saturday hitched to hii
desk. He'i Secretary of the
Interior McKay, a member in
fine riding form of the Mount
ed Sheriff's posse in Salem,
Ore. Secretary McKay hasn't
been missing out completely on
his favorite sport. Since his
arrival in Washington, he's
been a Rock Creek regular,
taking to the bridle paths with
the same sergeant, park po
lice force, every time out . .
Scheduled to arrive in June
from the West Coast is the sec
retary's own American aaddle
bred bay Eugene Pevlne
or, if you want to take it at a
quicker gait, Gene, for short
. . . Where Gene will put up in
Washington hasn't been decid
ed yet, but for the firit part of
his stay, he won t be settled
here long. Back he goes to
Portland, Ore., on June 12 for
the big Rose Festival. And
who will ride him? The tip
sheets say it will be Secretary
McKay . ; ."
Another article, in the Eve
ning Star, discusses at length
i v ' J" "y
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r; mm
Are Newlyweds Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Z. Dalke were
married March 24.' The bride is the former Roberta Ro
berts, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Roberts. Mr. Dalk
ii the ion of Mr. and Mn. C. E. Dalke of Berkeley, .Calif.
The couple are at home in Salem. (Jesten-Miller itudio
One senate lady the Hells Canyon issue, start-
Sunday Dinner i
Entertaining at dinner on
Sunday were Mr. and Mrs,
L. L. Hansen. Guests were
their two daughten and their
families, Mr. and Mn. Reid
Hamilton, Butch and Ray
mond, and Mr. and Mn. Joe
Difilippi, Dolores and Joe, Jr.
Also present were Mr. Dl
Fllippi's mother, Mn. Sadie
DiFillppi, and Mr. and Mn.
Peter DiFillppi, his brother and
, slster-in-1 a w , ill of Brooklyn,
- On Monday, the DiFillppi
famlles left for Loi Angeles
where Mr. and Mri. Peter
DFllippl and Mrs. Sadie Di
Fillppi will board a plane for
. ,'.' '
of the First Christian church
will meet for dessert at 1:16
o'clock on Thursday wth Mrs.
W. A. Barkus, 470 Vista. Mrs.
C. W. Stacy wlU tell about her
trip to Mexico City.
Joseph'! Mother's club will be
at 2:80 p.m. on Wednesday
In the library at the school.
tiiBiAuiug MCl w I nuivuml
Mr. and Mn TVnnnrri Hlvnn 41.. t it,..,, mrAti-.. MitK namesj
Mrs. Scott Ebright, Mr. and Wednesday will be Mrs. Ed- M' ;. "itf 'nf, ou w"h: "Thistown is as
Mrs. Harry Wilson, Mr. and ward Holden. Chosen to lead ,U"f "I.06" " Hell i Can-
Mn, Clifford Schulti, Mr., the club'i actlvitiei for the f3"adw ' ' i ."iffiiX : ?"d
j Frank Carnathan and Christie,
Mr. and Mn. O. C. Harris and
their son, Donald, who Is home
on leave from the u. S. Navy.
Music Group
Music study group of the
American Association! of
University Women is meeting
Friday at the home - of Mrs.
George Allen. 1010 North
2 lit, a dessert to be served
at 1:30 o'clock. .
Betty Starr Anderson Is to
sing selection, from Faust,
accompanied by Dorothy Davii
Lee. The music appreciation
program notes on the life of
Gounod will be presented by
Mn. Leon Margosian. The
story of Faust is to be pre
sented by Mrs. Corneliui
Lofgren. Mrs. Lee ii to play
the 12th Hungarian Rhapsody
by Liszt, and Mrs. Nora
Thompson will tell the story
of the life of Liszt. The in
terested public is invited.
chairman of the noon lunch-'
eon for DeMolay Mothen
club on Thursday. The group
will elect officers when they
meet at the Masonic temple.
next acnooi seiuuii ure lum. I ...,, i .1,- tKlo
ewis arit, presiaent; UqUad, "marshaling the punch
Sidney Van Dyke, vlce-presi- ki ...i.tor,.- . nm
uenv, una . turner, other phrases used) . . . An-
retary-treasurer. The instal- Lther amm l Hesprlhed
lation will begin at 1 o'clock "roving aides who helped to
and will be in the gymnasium keen the nartv from camnini?
at the school. , in one .Dot." . .
Mrs. Henry Sunderland and . The article describes fur-
Mrs. E. A. Meola wlU serve ther: "Mrs. McKay was in soft
tea following the ceremony, gray chiffon, sparkling with
and there will be a nursery Iridescent sequins, and her or-
for small children. chid corsage was of the palest
pink. Mrs. Burton wore gleam-
A DAUGHTER, named Bar- hw um wMia m hot. fin,ov
bara Carol, was born Thursday, were whHe orchids . . . The
. B;.'." Ban A.nium. lexa. cocktaU-hour shower on Wed
to Staff Sgt. and Mrs. Stanley
P. Olson. Sgt. Olson is stationed
at Brooks air force base at San
Antonio. Mrs. Genevieve Olson
of Salem is a grandmother of
the new arrival.
SOCIAL . committee for
Trinity chapter meeting, Or
der of Eastern Star, on Fri
day includes Mrs. Gleason A.
Young, Mrs. Harry L. Miller,
Mrs. Tom Shlpler, Mrs. Wilma
Knapp and Mrsi Beverly
Lewis. The group wilt meet
at the West Salem City build
ing at 8 o'clock.
nesday it's getting so the
weatherman turns up all over
this week didn't keep doz
ens and dozens of guests
away." ... This particular
Times-Herald article is accom
panied by, a beautiful photo
graph of Mrs. McKay . . .
Another picture, in the Eve
ning Star, shows Mrs. McKay
chatting over the tea cups with
Mn. Oscar Chapman, whose
husband preceded Mr. McKay
as Secretary of the Interior . . .
. Secretary McKay is the sub
ject of many choice stories and
the decision of McKay to with
draw the brief filed by the
Truman administration oppos
ing giving a license to the Ida
ho Power company ...
IN VICTORIA for over the
week-end and attending the
gardens show there was Mrs.
William H. Lytlq, who joined
Portland friends there.
Duo Engaged
Announcement is made of
the engagement of Miss
Aletha Vibbert, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Vibbert, to
Jack Utterback, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Glen Utterback. The
bride-elect is a graduate of Sa
lem high and is employed at turning to Portland today.
a. mi . w,iciuw.a 40 at
tending Salem academy. No
date is set for the wedding.
For Visitor
In compliment to Mrs. C. C.
Colt of Portland, Mn. Mark
Hillary entertained a small
group of friends at an In
formal tea on Monday after
noon. Mrs. Colt wai in Salem
over Mother's day and is re-
will be Laurel guild of Knight
Memorial Congregational
church. Mrs. Arthur Fiske will
entertain the group at her
home, 4290 . Monroe, at 8
o clock, other hostesses being
Mrs. O. E. Palmateer, Mrs.
O. A. Olson and Mrs. A. J.
HOME FROM a month'l
trip east to visit relativei
in Washington, D. C, New
York City and Youngstown,
Ohio, are Mn. John L. Ahlbin
and little ion, Richard. They
made the trip by plane.
. m m m
ATTENDING the Ice Follies
in Portland on Sunday were
Mr. and Mn. A. W. Rocka-
Tuesday. May 12, INS
Rotana Club
Votes for 2
Rotana club members vot
ed to support Mil Lorena
Jack and Mn. Henry Mattson,
both memben of their unit, a
candidates for directors for
the national Rotana board,
when the group met Monday
evening at the home of Mri.
Henry Miller.
The club voted to purchase
a new folding wheel chair for
a polio victim of thla area.
Also, the club voted to glva
$25 to the Red Cross for the
blood program.'
Several members announc
ed they will attend the district
conference , in McMlrmvllle,
May 23 and '24. Mn. Frank
Jackson, the newly Installed
president, was in charge of
the meeting. Refreshment!
were served late.
Alumnae Meeting
Chi Omega alumnae plan
their final meeting of the year
on Thursday evening of this
week at the home of Mrs,
Claybourne Dyer at 8 o'clock.
New officers will be elected.
Co-hostesses are Mrs. W. C,
Dyer, Sr. and Mrs. Francis
T. Wade.
WOMEN'S guild of St.
Mark'i Lutheran church if
meeting at 1 p.m. Wednesday
In the social roomi of the
church. Mn. C. Vavrlck Ii
to lead the devotions. Mri.
O. E. VanBlarlcom ii to give
the book review and Mn. E.
W. Hillstrom is to have charga
of the business session.
LEAVING this week for the
east were Mr. and Mrs. H. G.'
Maison. Mr. Malson, command
ing general of the 41st division,
will stop at Fort Leavenworth
for a short school. Mrs. Malson
goes on to Mississippi to visit
at the home of their son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Kelton Lowery, Mr. Malson to
join her there later. They will
be gone three weeks. ' ,
in Walking Shoes
, pillows your foot
on a foam-rubber
; . ; ; The SOFTEST
shoes r y
nkp nit 1m M Mwnaiw tiUtom ml 7U Amtricm NUtml J Om
Fsel their relaxing, cuddling; cushioned tomfort 1 1 1
and you'll never want these smart Red CroM Shoe a jtm fcoti
Hurry in, try on your favorite style. See if you donU insist
on walking out wearing It
America'i unehattftgtd $h mIim
if "MAWiTnuBifig
L ' ii Ml II II Wl
I The Smartest
I iv One In Town !
I '" 'ylfesHi ftem ' She is wearing separates,
yriirn i Wl created from that fine
iMiSll.dJ- ' virgin wol by none other
I : ' M&fflMfflwm WsXVnk than PENDLETON.
' I ; : Price's now abound in the : j
A -'JrW'-'lBi i 5k Ilf4.' latest fashions by PENDLETON V I
fSv : sMMWi Jackets in plaids, brights I
' JPPll and pastels ... Skirts to mix I
I Of NrLTON h' tJ W W J I
1 Another Exclusive at j