Tuesday, May 12, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, galem, OrtgwT CORONATION REHEARSAL' MoreTornadoes Ike Selects CONGREGATIONALISTS IN CONVENTION e't.: (Continued from Page 1) (Continued from Pag 1) r TT HeWllli 1MB Early rislne Londoners watch minister Abbey annex during 1 rehearsal over the corona tion route. Elizabeth H will be crowned Queen June 2. (UP Telephoto) Zocg Paragraphs Toastmasters Meeting Cap itol Toastmasters Club will meet Thursday evening at 8:15 at the Gold Arrow. Elmer Amundson will be toastmaster and speaker will be Harry Ewlng, Robert Batdorf, Rich ard Batdorf, Vincent Delapoer and William Hall. . Parakeet Club Meeting The Willamette Valley Para keet Club will hold its month ly meeting in the Fireplace Room of Salem Public Library irom 7 to 9 o'clock Wednesday night. The discussion will be about aviaries and breed cages. Not Pack 12 A pack mother reported today that the Scout parade picture in Monday's Journal, captioned as Pack 12, was not Pack 12 which is from the Highland district and spon sored by the V.F.W. South Salem Lions Hale G. Thompson of Eugene, dis trict governor of Lions Inter national, will make his official visit to the South Salem Lions club Wednesday noon at the Colonial house. The program will include a colored film "Fishing in Alaska," provided by the Nash Motor company. Meeting Tuesday Marion Polk County Young Republi can club is meeting at 8 p.m. Tuesday in the Senator hotel. William Thelin, chairman of Clackamas county republican central committee, is to be guest speaker to discuss party organization. AFROTC Day Proclaimed Mayor Al Loucks today issued a ' proclamation setting apart Tuesday, May 19, as Willamette University Air Force Reserve Of leers Training Corps Day. , 'Prison Truck Found The pickup truck used by Robert (Gill) Porter, prison trustee, In his escape Sunday evening, has been recovered in Port land, police announced. . Por ter Is still free. ' - MILITARY MEN AND VETERANS Wednesday, May 13 929th field artillery battalion, Army Reserves, at USAR armory. Thursday, May 14 Organized Naval Reserve sur face division at Naval and Ma rine Corps Reserve training cen- '"comr.Dny D, 162nd infantry regiment, Oregon National Guard, at Salem armory. . D battery, 722nd AAAAW bat talion, Oregon National Guard at Quonset huts. tAdams Graduates Port Leavenworth, Kan. Lt. CoL Howard G. Adams, formerly of Salem, Oregon, May 9 was tf-aHnatvi frwm the eeneral of ficer course at the Command and General Staff college here. In the Army since 1940. and a veteran of service in Euroe during World War it. Col Adams is with the re quisition branch of the field serv im division office, chief of Or dnance, Washington, D. C. He was in the Far East from August, i960 to February, 1952. His wife has Wn in Fort Leavenworth with kim Parent of Adams are Mr. r,rf Mm. Glenn h. Adams, 1060 Estate court, Salem. C .1,.- tMnl Vl.lt Silverton-A 2-o TiWe Rask, who is stationed at Goodfield Air Base, Itexas, arrived home over th. Mother's Dav week-end to ,i - with her mother, Mrs. Mary Rask. Also home for the week-end was a son, oiaii firrf rmnftM Hurries, wuu stationed at McChord Air Base, and his wife. BORN ........ r unn I II. H nPTT AT. BEIKR To Mr. and Mm. Henrr Belar. . . ma n kA( Vffa 11. r-osTKR-To Mr. and Mra, Clinton I. Foster, Jr., 911 Court St, oaiiae. HSWDBrcKSTOI-T. Mr. 'ml Otorce Hendrlckson, Wlllemlna, Mr. fill, MINER To Mr. r! Mra. Damn mXTM AT.- . .W War II. TIANO-To Mr. ltd Mri. Henrr T. Tl.no. ISO Ratellff Dr.. a DOT, MM II. SALEM GENERAL " .. ,, BEVETt To Mr. and Mri. Del. Bevrr, . w, - at at vlrl Xtir 11. WbWbam-T. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Welsirem, 775 Oerth Am., a dot. Mir "untni. Mr. and Mri. UtUt Monro.. 10H 7th St . a boy. Mar II. SILVFRTO BOSPITAI, .Annrmm ta tlr. and Mra. area. . " ';....r. T.Hhii. tin. Mir I. ' TOhOFMON-To Mr. and Mri. Paul a kaf Vfa V . ""JSaiCfo Mr. and Mri. Leo Fined for Disturbance Svend Benjamin Toycen, 1491 Seventh street, pleaded not guilty in municipal court Monr day on a disorderly conduct charge. He was arrested Sat uraay evening for creating a disturbance in front of a downtown theater. He was released on $75 bail. Falls on Fence Terry Taylor 6, 745 McNary street, fell on a picket fence Monday' afternoon and suffered a deep wound in ber leg. The wound was treat ed by first aidmen, who turned the girl over to her mother. Building Permits M. 15. Robertson, to reroof a one-story dwelling at 317 Columbia, $150. Wesley W. Smith, to build a one-story dwelling and garage at 445 Waldo, $12,700. E. H. Burrell, to repair a store at 464 North Liberty, $660. Lizzie Z. McAlvin, to wreck a garage at 995 Fifth, $50. Leo M..Deutsch, to alter a two-story, dwelling at 2340 "Myrtle, 1000. E. F. Smith, to build a store at 3125 North River Road, $10,000. Albert D. Flu- Itt, to rerool a one-story dwel ling at 1216 Franklin, $75. Fred Roberts, to build a one- story dwelling and garage at 680 Wild Wind Drive, $$8600. Overnitht Trip The Che. meketana will engage in an ov ernight expedition . Saturday and Sunday to camp jaeriwea- ther and the ocean near Sand Lake. Sunday the group will hike to the rookery on the top of Cape Lookout Guests will be welcome and those wishing to make the trip should sign the register at 248 North Commercial street and plan to leave Saturday at 7 a.m. or Sunday at 5 a.m. Drivers Fined Calvin Bruce McGown, Valsetz, paid a fine of $75 in municipal court Mon day on a reckless driving charge and another $5 for hav ing four in the front seat. Mor ris Dutoit, 3050 Larson avenue, paid a fine of $250 on a drunk driving charge. ' Col. Larsen Coming Lt. Col. Gerald E. Larsen, Unit in structor for the 104th division (Army Reserves) will be in Salem Wednesday night to at tend a meeting of the 929th field artillery battalion, which is a part of the 104th divi sion. Larsen will inspect the unit and will tell the group of new recruiting methods given him recently at a recruiting school. . RABBIT BREEDERS MEET The Marion-Polk County Rabbit Breeders Association will meet at 8 p.m. Wednes day, May 13, at Mayflower Hall. Members will bring Rex, Martins and Silver Fox rabbits for the Judging con test. Pembertons Green houses, 1980 S. 12th. Open week days 8 A.M. to 8 P.M. Closed Sun days. Choice selection of bed ding plants. 117 Castle Permanent Wavers, 305 Livesley Bldg., ph. 3-3683. Permanent $5 and up. Kutn Ford, Manager. 113' Moving and storage across the street, across the nation. Call Russ Pratt, Capitol city Transfer Co. 113 Ringlet permanent wave $2.50 up. Phone 3-4844, 250 S. Cottage. 11 Road oiline. For estimate, call Russ Pratt, Capital City Transfer Co., 2-2436. 112' Alr-steamshlp tickets any where. Kugel, 3-7694, 153 N. High St "2 Paint with glamorizing Treasure Tones. See our out standing wallpaper selection. Chuck Clarke Co., zoo a. juio erty. , Fresh killed hen turkey 39c lb. We also seU turkeys hv the niece. Orwigs Market, a7S Silverton Rd., Phone 1 11 1 'm iargr J Chamberlain (Continued Iium Page IV Veterans of World War II and the Korean conflict are entitled to state veteran loans if they were Oregon residents before service or have been bonafide residents of the state at least two years following discharge from the armed ser vices. ' $42 Million Loaned Chamberlain's loan brings to $42,060,140 the amount bor rowed from the department of veterans' affairs by ex-servicemen since the present state loan program was inaugurated in 1945. This outlay brings the average loan for the period of the program to $4,208, although the average loan this year is around $4800. . Of the 10,000 loans made to date, more than 1600 have been paid off in full. The depart ment has been required to fore close, or accept deeds in lieu of foreclosure, on only 32 prop erties thus far. Auxiliary Names Head Mrs. Kenneth Sherman is the new president for Salem Memorial Hospital auxiliary. She suc ceeds Mrs. Stephen Sherman, president for the past year who is leaving soon for Hartford, Conn. The rest of the officers will be named at the June meeting. At the Monday meet ing, Mrs. Sherman served the coffee following the meeting, Ideal Weather Ideal weath er is due to continue through the mid-week here, states the weather bureau. The five-day forecast calls for continued mild weather with tempera. tures slightly above normal, but scattered light showers and slightly cooler weather are due the latter part of the period. The maximum for Monday went to pleasant 70 degrees. Tuesday afternoon was due to go a bit higher and Wednesday is booked for a high of around 78. Falls Down Stair Batta lion Chief William Hunt fell down the basement stairs at the Central fire station Monday, suffering a bruised shoulder and a bump on the head. After being checked by first aidmen, he remained on the job. COURT NEWS Circuit Court fti-l comer ts World Iniurtnci Co.: Order alkrwlnff and denying certain mo tions ol deieoaant. Rottr Rlcki. minor, fcr toll guar dian ad litem, JL R. Ricks, jrH ts Ken neth and Ha If. Hansen: Order allow ing and denying certain notions jfg defendant!. HUy . Todd ts David A. Todd: XM- roree decree to plaintiff, confirms prop erty settlement and reitorea her former ii t srryniu. Frank Gasper Burch ti Mary Jose phine Bureh: Divorce complaint alleging cruel and Inhuman treatment. Married at TUuana. Mexico. February inz. Asks restoration of defendant's former name of Hendricks. Charles W. Tambllng u Ruth A. Tambllng: Dlrorce complaAt charging cruel and Inhuman treatment. Asks equal division rf property and custody of minor child, learned at Santa Ana, Oallf.. March II, 192. State ts Donald R. ZUtchen: Placed l two years probation and to make restitution on charge of obtaining money by fatee pretens. Imposition of sentene tuspended, Trelrn Uacauley ts Robert a. Macau- ley: Divorce decree to plaintiff restores former name of Pray. Stat vs John Payne: Pleads guilty to charge of burglary not In a dwelling. Continued for sentencing to May It. Stat vs Lester D. Healer. Sr.: Pleads guilty to eharee of non-support, placed on tnrce years pronation ana imposi tion of sentence suspended. State vs Leonard Carl KoppUn: Pleads guilty to charge of attempted rape and sentenced to 10 years tn stato peni tentiary. Probata Court John Stems estau: Order authorising administrator to sell real property. Maria Kufnn estate: Order of dl- tribution. cteorce Brenenstahl guardianship: Or der approving annual account and di recting payments. Emmitt Hort Henry: Pel It ton for ap pointment of Joan Imaltne Henry si admin litratrli. Jennie Moore estate: Jbtate appraised at 97W. A. 1. Bush estau: Xstata appraised at 1167.013 66- Walter R. fitanion estate: estate ap praised at M,0.U. - At San Angelo 200 miles to the west on the .West Texas Plains, more than . 100 were injured. , . ' . ( . Phone Lines Down The East Texas, tornado was reported to have struck a Ne gro home between Red Lake and Fairfield about 9:30 p.m, The Palestine Herald and Press said storm-hit phone lines did not permit it to get names of the three reported killed. This tornado also was reported to have struck Buffalo, Tex. near by. In Washington, Red Cross national headquarters allotted $200,000 to meet emergency needs of the Waco and San An gelo tornado victims.. More money will be forthcoming as needed, said Raymond T. Schaeffer, national director of disaster service. Two square miles were de molished or damaged in Waco and property damage here and at San Angelo ran into the mil lions. Clark Presents - (Continued from Page 1) If correct, the plan would go far toward settling serious South Korean objections to the armistice plan. These objec tions, underscored by numer ous demonstrations in Seoul and critical statements by offi cials, have caused the United Nations command grave con cern. Ma J. Gen. Choi Duk Shin, Republic of Korean delegate to Panmunjom, this week banded Poland and Czechoslovakia as Russian satellites and said both would bo unacceptable. He also questioned the com munist nomination of India as a third members of the neu tral commission but raised no objection to Sweden and Switzerland, the other two pro posed members. Clark would sav onlv that "we will submit a counter m-o- posal shortly which we are sure will observe the principle" of non-forcible repatriation' of prisoners. Concerned About Relatives -Among Salem families who are concerned about relatives living In or near Waco, Texas, scene of the tornado, are the W. H. Evans family, 1144 Madison street. Their son, Lt. Col. W. H. Evans and fam ily live at 3401 North 32nd street in Waco. Chinchilla . Meetlnr The National Chinchilla Breeders association will meet at 8 p.m Thursday, May 14. at . May flower Hall, 2135 Fairground road. Mid Willamette Obituaries Mrs. Bertha Kirsch Stayton Mri. Bertha W. Kirsch, 61, died In the Santiam Memorial hospital Tuesday. May 12. Mrs. Kirsch was born at Oregon City. Nov. 5. 1891. surviving are her husband. Paul. Stayton: her ' mother. Mrs. Fred Wourmi, Oregon City: a daughter, Mrs. Barbara Hamilton. Roseburg; three sis ters, Mrs. Lucille Redenbach er. Oregon City; Mrs. Vera Ma son, Portland; and Mrs. Agnes Polo, San Francisco. Calif.; and two grandchildren. Funeral services will be at 2 p. m. Thursday. May 14. at the Weddle Funeral Home, Stay- ton with the Rev. Glenn Ver non officiating. Burial will be In Lone Oak cemetery. Mrs. Cordelia Layman Woodburn Mrs. Cordelia Layman. 78, a resident of Woodburn for more than a half century, died at a local nursing home early Tuesday. Her home was at 488 Garfield Street. Born in Iowa March 3, 1875; Mrs. Layman had been an act ive worker in the Woodburn Presbyterian church f or, more than 50 years. She is survived by a son, Ray Mendel of Orcutt, Calif.; a stepdaughter. Mrs. Martha Kamberger. Woodburn; 1 2 brothers and sisters, all in Montana, a grandchild and three great-grandchildren. Her husband, Henry Lay man died three years ago. Funeral arrangements are in charge of the Ringo mortuary. DEATHS Kin, Bartlatt Kin. Birll.lt. at th. ruldtsc. Santa Rom, Cllt., Mar at th. aia M yean. Lata re.ld.nt of Salem. Surrlved br wile. O.rtrude; a daufhtar, Mri. Robert Oenttkov, Columbus, Oa.; three lou, Capt. MelTln Cleveland. Seattle. Wain.! Rolland Cleveland. Salem, and Jerrr Cleveland, Santa Rote. Calif.; elater, Anna M. Bartlett, Seattle, and three randchudren, Robert Steven, and Douflai Qentikow, all of Columbu.. Service, will be held Wedneadar al 1:10 p.m. In the W. T. Rlidon Chapel alth the Rev. Uord T. Anderaon offleletlnf. Coneludlnt service Belereet Memorial Park. Rltuall.tle aerrlt. br th. Ameri can Leclon. capital Poet Mo. t. , Ml.. Lillian Cernell Mia, Lillian Cornell, tn Vwal hoa pltal Mar 11. Lata reeldent of M5 Broadwar 0t. Survived or eteter, Mre. Florence tmmelt, Salem: brother, Fred Cornell, Loe Ane'lee, Calif. Announce ment of tervlcee lataT br VlrfU T. Oold en Co. PhSIII SMatar Phillip 8. Maiar, lata ruldrat of 10 Union Mreet, In UU, eltr at the aie of ). Survived br aUter, Mra. Frank Bi.nth, Dome CHr, Kan. Shipment le brim made to Dodee Cltr, Kan., for lervleea and interment br Howoll-Ed-want. ahapeJ. Gruenther was chief of staff to Eisenhower : when Eisen hower had the European de fense command and continued in that post under Ridgway, Bradley and Collins will serve out their terms which expire in August Fechteler's term has two years to run but Tuesday's announcement would indicate he will not fin ish out the term. There was no Immediate word, however as to when Carney would take over the top naval post from Fechteler. Radford at present is com mander-in-chief in the Pacific, Ridgway has been serving as supreme commander in Eu rope since last -Tune when Eis enhower gave up that post to seek the presidency. Carney now is commander- in-chief of the Allied naval forces in the Mediterranean area. The 'prospective shifts mean that an entire new top mili tary command will take over in Washington. Ike Invites Morse To Breakfast Washington (U.FD President Eisenhower proved, at least today that he's a good sport. The list of seven senators and 11 house members invited to luncheon with the presi dent at the White House was heade by Sen. Wayne L. Morse (Ind., Ore.), fiery critic of the new administration. Morse accepted "with pleas ure." , Drivers Arrested Vernon J. Digerness, 319 South 25th street, was arrested by city Do ne Monday night on a charge or reckless driving and was cited to municipal court Ar rested on . a drunk driving charge was Glen Wayne Walls, liou sixin street. He paid a $250 fine In municipal court Tuesday. State police arrested James Burtis Kesterson, Mill City, on a similar charge for which he was fined $245 in dis trict court and ordered to pay $5 costs. ; . i STOCKS (By The Associated Frees) Admiral Corporation , , ST Allied Chemical gau AUis cnauners t American Airlines l American Power ft Llgfa sa American Tel fe Tel 155 tt American Tobacco 13 H Anaconda Copper 37 Atchison Ralirvsd 93 BHDiwim Bieei siu Boeing Airplane Co. 41 nor- warner at Burrows Adding Machlr. California .ranting mtt vanaaian racuic a 2714 vmtvtpuimi incrar ..(, 60 Celanese corporation inryucr vorporauou tttt 79 Cities Service gj Consolidated Edison isu Consolidated Vultee u Crown zellerbach 39 uuriiH vv kiu a Douglas Aircraft ,,,, 44 uu Font de Nemours ) 4 sastman Kooax -t 43 Emerson Radio 1114 General froodi hi. uinirai uowii 01 UMursist ri. rijsriwg ............. lft H Ooodyear Tire , gjv HomestaKe Mining co. jgy4 international rapcr . am uuua "n' 65V Kaiser Aluminum mu Kenneeott Copper Lockheed Aircraft Loewes Incorporated 12 Long Bell im Montgomery Ward gay4 Nash Kelvlnator 33 New York Central 21 Northern Pacific MU Paciflo Am erics a pish , 104 uuivr mencu . . iu Paciflo C-aj Electrlo 31 FaclIW Tel m Tel ... Packard Motor Car . 116 Stt soy. 14V. I3H as (4 ....t 1IH 33 4914 H 7 lift IH Mtt 31M 44 M 70V. II V. Penner. J. C Pennerlranla R. R. ., Pepil Cola Co Phlleo Radio Radio Corporation .. Raronler Incorp Rayonler Incorp. Pfd. Republlo steel Remold. Metala.... Richfield Oil Aafeway fltoree Xno. . Scott Paper Co. .... Sear., Roebuck Sc Co. Soeonr-Vacaum OU . Southern Pacific .... Standard oil Calif. . Standard Oil N.J. ... Studebaker Corp. ... Sunehln. Mlnlnf 7 Swift 01 Companr 3t Ttaneamerka Corp. Wt Twentieth Centurr Foa- Union Oil Companr . 3V, .101 . 3 . 3814 . . n . 18 . 41 . UK . 4V i. 45(4 union radii. United Airline. United Aircraft United Corporation . . United States Plrwood-. United State. Steel Warner Plcturea Weatern Union Tel WMtlnihoute Air Brak.. Weetlnthous. Xlectrlo .. Woolwortta CEMETERY MEETING Members of the Murphy Cemetery Association will meet at the cemetery Saturday, May 18, for an all day cleanup pro gram and business meeting. The cemetery is off Silverton road near the Little Pudding river. lot. t. T. Lam. RJ. Or. O. Chan. MJ DRS. CHAN . . . LAM CHINESE NATUROPATHS Upstairs, 141 North Liberty of flea opaa Satnrdar wnlr 10 a.m. 1 jn.. f to Y p.m. conmltatlon. blood Bfecauro and irtne tost, are free of oharre. PraeUead alno ItlT. writ, for attractive aifi. a. obU- atloa. The 105th annual meeting of the Congregational church in Oregon attracted a number of leaders. They included: left to right: C. W. Harris, moderator; Dr. Paul Davies, , Portland;. Dr. Seth Huntington, host church pastor; Mis Lyda Houston, missionary of Japan and China; Dr. Elmer Freeman, secretary of evangelism of New York City. Congregational Church G rowth Report Given . , By FRED ZIMMERMAN Congregationalbts on the state and national levels art Increasing in strength as or ganizations as well a finan cially. Thi was the report brought to the 105th annual meeting of the Congregational Con ference of Oregon now in ses- session at the First Congrega tional church by Dr. Elmer S. Freeman, secretary ' of ' the evangelism board of home missions. During his address to the delegate who comfortably filled the auditorium Tuesday forenoon, Dr. Freeman point ed to the growth of the de nomination, spiritually : and financially. The church throughout the .1 U TT V experienced a gross member ship growth of more than 100, 000 persons. . This i the first time in- the - history of the church that tho growth has topped the 100,000 mark. The net gain 1 (till only 2 per cent, the speaker veminded his audience. However, the state of Oregon has shown a mm Special forafcination fTSSSMt rrS I Ifj t.S C. Ft. C4MKrty Brand newl Nota'back nutnb.r" modal . . . you g.t factory d.lir.ry in original factory cntet. And what ieatvnsT Full-Width Fnwsr. PaU-Lantrih Cold. Eztra-Dowp Critpac. Suin proof Porcelain Enamel Interior. Sold nationally murywhtrtat 1269 Ceaatilate 11 PMa VtryUl Bread Use, rkip bik msst elVwRfcC3fcsny dhe. rtavadr wml Meat foa- ,u' AbtoiaoBM aei. ,. . ftrora on of the wtjit&'s fcwSnal man. ufacterm of kitchen cutlery. Sold al rttaU lor U U U II 260 No. Liberty "J net growth of twice th na tional, average. V"' Dr. Freeman, who ha his headquarters In New York City, reported that there were many evidences ot an awak-J ening concern toward religion. Men in the field ot scientific research, added Dr. Freeman, are showing a trend away from the : "mechanistic uni verse" and many are making a "respectable bow In the di rection of God." The 'scien tists have become a bit fright ened over the power they have unleashed. - . . . , C. W. Harrl ot Condon, moderator for the conference, issued a plea for better liv ing condition and larger sal aries for the ministers ot the denomination,': He pointed to - 1 a few instances where the mln- - l isters had to seek Job out- sine oi we enurcn to eke out living. 'The forenoon' program in cluded a brief business session and actresses by Miss Lyda Houston of Japan and China and Rev.' Kenneth D. Claypool of waua walla. - iter. Open q, iiifr YOU SAVI 19000 TO iwoi m MMW - Dr. Stanley U. North ot th church extension division board of home mission' was scheduled to address the gath ering Tuesday night at 815 on "The Protestant Imperatlve.' The session will, continue through Wednesday. ' - Home from Trio . lira. ' Winifred Pettyjohn ntui-ned this week-end . from a trip abroad. She ha been font since January 12. Mr. Pettv- john first visited In California, men weni 10 iew York Citv from where she sailed for Europe. She was in every ccdn- try open to travelers in Europe, also she went on Into Asia and ta northern Africa. On much ot the trip she was on the am ship with Dr. and Sir. L. E. Barrick of Salem, who are con tinuing their travel by going on 10 jengiana lor the corona. ; tion festivities, Mrs. Pettyjohn was in Jerusalem-for 'Easter. Bne was in the Holy Land for lx days. During her six day in noma ne took in aome grand opera. CARD OF THANKS Our heartfelt thanka to all who extended comforting tymy patny ana Help in our recent sorrow, for the beautiful serv ice, floral offerings, and other Kindnesses, we are very grate.. - Mr. and Mrs. : Sylvester Smith, Jr. and Family Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Scharback and Family ' i ' . Mr. and Mrs. : Lawrence Scharbach and Family. ' ,113 S, Fridays 'Til 9 P.M.! " Toti Y oatr . YOU SAVI lo3 ' ' 1 1 '.. . 45742. ' Minaamp, OerveU, a bor. Mar I.