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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1953)
Tnwday, May 12, 1953 Fire Protection Voted Industry Outside City 3 ,. May 7. The fee THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem. Oregon duitrlei located outside the city limits was approved by the city council Monday night upon Payment ol the required fees lor a contract with the city. One was on application of Leonard G. Hicks lor the Hicks Sundry Company, 3060 North luver Road. IU property valu ation is placed at $68,000 and the fee was calculated at $130.96. Fire Chief E. L. Smith approvea ine request. The other was for Worth Petre Company, which was for "newal of a contract that ex- Right to Build Against a motion to recon sider previous action, the city council Monday night again gave Kenneth Hutchlns, 2514 North Front street, the green light to go ahead with con . struction of a building to house his body and fender business on North Commercial between Hickory and Tryon. . But a petition of residents to have the zone changed from business to residential classi fication when the zoning code is revised was referred to the planning and zoning commis sion. . The council two weeks ago voted Hutchins the right to go ahead, the council acting under , " ucff uiuuiuuub wnereoy trie 4 for building permits in places i where zone changes are prob able under the new code. 's Property owners, led last night by Mrs. Marion Elliott i and Leonard Elliott, brought In petition requesting that the ; area, which is now Class III business, be changed to R-l j residential under the new code. 'Although the petition did not ay so, they told the council i they objected to Hutchins' bus sines. Mr. Elliott said the dis trict was not developed as a business area. Hutchins said he didn't think all signers of the petition objected to his bus iness. .. ! Robert Powell, speaking for the zoning commission,' said he thought that under the new lied about as it is now. '5 Alderman David O'Hara moved for reconsideration of the previous approval of Hutch ins' application, but his motion isas voted flown. -9 Mrs. Harriet Ness Ruff ap sealed to the council to give her a permit to go ahead with Construction of several resi dences In Broadmoor Addition, regardless of the fact that the Sew zoning code has it chalk' td for an industrial area, but the council refused. The vote Was 5 to 4. "I She said she and associates had invested all their money in the project, and she thought the council's stand was dis criminatory. wait eal ciuaiea at $150. In other routine business the council tabled remonstrance against building sidewalks on Fredrick Street because It Is not a through street and has little or no pedertrlan traffic. Referred to the planning and zoning commission was a peti tion to imorove a hnllHlnu at 344 Rose Street so it can be usea as a residence. An ordi nance bill will be introduced. The Parent-Teacher Associa tion of Englewood school sent in a letter favoring fluoridation oi city water, which was filed with a grist of material being collected for and against, pend ing a later decision. Subject to aDDroval bv tho city manager authority was given Walton-Brown Electric Company to install a direction al sign at Ford and Mission Streets. For safety reasons, and on recommendatloon of the traffic safety council, permission was denied the Associated Students of Willamette to place a port able sign on State Street in the crosswalk in front of Eaton Hall. Crockatt & Co. were given permission to erect two non illuminated outdoor poster pan els at 2350 Mission Street. Ap plications from the same com pany for a billboard at 464 North Liberty and at 350 South Church were tabled. Tabled again was a petition for the improvement of Haight Street from Prospect Place to Uranada Way. Although City Attornev Chris J. Kowitz had held that the city wasn't liable the coun. cil voted to pay a doctor bill or $17 lor Mrs. Norwood E. Gosnell for injuries caused by catching her foot in a gutter grate in the 3000 block on Port land Road. The city attorney's opinion was on grounds that the city had not been notified ol the condition of the grate prior to the accident. Resolutions adopted .includ ed: Reversing the stop signs at the intersection of Trade and 21st, causing vehicles to stop before entering 21st. Requiring that notice be giv en property owners liable lor cost ol sidewalk construction or repair prior to passage of resolutions authorizing those improvements. North Howell North Howel Earl Me Collum, who is just complet ing his sophomore year in ag' ticulture t OSC is on the hon' or roll for the second year. Candidates for the first half scholarships offered by varl ous organizations in North Howell were. Sewing 4, Geor gia Schaap, sponsored by the Home Economics club; Sewing i, Kathleen Howe, sponsored by the PTA,; Homemaking, Jean Dunn, by the Home Ex tension unit; sweepstakes in art. Gordon Stevens, by, Mrs. Grace Schon, and forestry, Dick Bartsch, sponsored by the PTA. . Recent callers at the L.R. Bawver home were Mr. and Mrs. Zeb Downey, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Wiesner ol Salem ind Donna Sawyer also spent the week-end with her grand parents. . Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bump are announcing the birth of their first granddaughter, born May 3, to Mr. and Mrs. Scott Clevenger of The Dalles. The Bumps have five grandsons. - Mr. and Mrs. Alan Wiesner and children were Portland visitors early last week. . North Howell PTA will meet it the school house May 13 at R p.m. instead of May 15, be cause of school graduation at Gervals that night. Salem Cow Gives 565 Lbs. Fat in 305 Days a prouucuon ol 4,642 quarts of. milk containing enough but terfat to churn 678 pounds but ter is the recent accomplish' ment of Brookshire Pinnacle Ruth, a registered Jersey cow owned by Leasta C. and Floyd E. Bates, route 4, Salem. In 305 days on official herd improvement registry test this cow produced 9,982 pounds of milk with 565 pounds butter fat at the age of 5 years and one month. The record of Brookshire Pinnacle Ruth on a twice- daily-milking, 305 days mature equivalent basis is 10,162 pounds milk containing 675 pounds butterfat. Award Goes ToJ.C. Drury James C. Drury, a resident of Salem, professor of mar keting at New York univer sity's School of Commerce, Ac counts, and Finance,, received a 25-year service award on Thursday, April 30. , Professor Drury was hon ored with six of his colleagues during the annual dinner of the School of Commerce Alum ni association. He is a graduate of NYU where he received his BCS, MA, and. MCS degrees. Profes sor Drury joined the NYU faculty in 1928. Co-author of the text, "Out-, lines of Marketing," Professor Drury is frequent contribu tor to various trade papers and has given radio talks in Salem, Oregon, Boston, Mass., Colum bus, Ohio, and New York City. He has aided the American Arbitration association and the National War Labor Board In the settling of labor disputes. He has also served as consult ant for many business concerns and has done extensive travel throughout the United States, studying wholesale food and primary terminal markets. His study of cooperatives has taken him through a number of Eur opean countries. Oustanding Record By2WoodburnCows Two registered Jersey cows in the Endee Farm herd, own ed by Newton Davis, route 1, Woodburn, have received spe cial recognition for their out standing production records made on herd improvement registry test. Foster Farm Peggy produc ed 10,802 pounds milk contain ing 657 pounds batterfat at the age of 12 years and 3 months. and Endee Royal Dreamit pro duced 10,493 pounda milk con taining 570 pounds butterfat at age of two years and nine months. In terms of produc tion records made at a mature age of 6 years on a twice- daily-milking, 305-day basis, these records both exceed 650 pounds butterfat. The official tests were made under the supervision of Ore gon State college lor . The American Jersey Cattle club, Columbus, Ohio. . Termites can live SO years or more. : qukkxml tltfOHMCi! FatiS Taxicab Fares $1 Flat From Ai rport Downtown Tsxlcab-'fares from Salem airport to the downtown dis trict will be a flat $1 per per son Instead of a metered rate by an ordinance enacted by the city council Monday night. Heretofore the metered rate has been about $1.35 ,from the airport to the down town hotels tor the first fare, plus 10 cents each aditionai tare. The new , rate will be flat $1 per person from the airport to- any downtown point bounded by 12th, Trade and Union Streets and the river. No one appeared to object when public hearings were called on two zone changes for business purposes so the council passed the ordinances. One involves the property at the southeast corner of Capital and Jefferson where real estate office is set ur. The other changes from a Capitol zone to restricted business zone property on the north side of Court between Cottage and Winter where a tea room and restaurant will be operated. Another bill passed chances the name Hayesville Drive to Lilac Lane. Ordinance bills Introduced Included: Providing a new and com plete plumbing code and creating the office of plumb ing inspector, a public hear ing to be held June 8. Permitting the installation of a parking area on the park ing strip on the West side of 14th street south of Bellevue in front of Honeywood Inc. Granting permission to erect five aditionai dwellings on the north half of the south east quarter of Block 70, Narth 8alem addition. Regulating , formation of parades and processions to conform to one-way streets. Permitting construction of two dwellings on Lot 20, Block 1, Willamette addition. Men's Club to Hear Wm. Perry Judge William Perry, new justice of the Oregon supreme court, wll address the Men's dub of the First Presbyterian (Adnrtueaent) Druggists' Prescription For Relief of Itch When vour skin in Irritntd with DimDles. red blntrhva anri other skin blemishes from ex-! iprnaj causes, you're crazy with itching torture, try Sanitone Ointment Itching stops promptly. Smarting disappears immediately, Sanitone Oint ment is also wonderful for itching feet, cracks between toes ana Athlete's loot - For sale WW DRUG STORE State at Liberty rhone t-tlll church at their monthly meet ing tonight on the subject, "Work of the National Council of Presbyterian Men." Justice Perry has been leader In Presbyterian men I work throughout the state and active In the men's work in the Presbyterian church of Pen dleton. Recently the Pres byterian church of Salem was granted charter from the Na tional council of Cresbyterlan Men. ' In addition to Judge PtrrVs talk, the club wU eUct offic ers and see a film. This will be the club's last meeting un til fall. ' r"V; .:;.',: Cherry (Hy Electric til Chemeketa Nnm 24762 aM' 2 Semler gives you the Credit you need and remember, -you Don't Have To Pay On -Extra Penny for the privilege! , QUICK SERVICE! Glasses made to exact prescription of your Registered Optometrist. SM NAM.irMatMStl OFFICES -Jill ) WitMvaMpk tUt, STATE I COMMERCIAL Setae, Or. OJUCM0U SPECIALS MONDAY THRU FRIDAY . Turkey A'La King Monday -Barbecued Hambnrger Dinner Sandwich Tuesday . Macaroni Cheese Wednesday Chicken Croquettes Thursday ' Creamed Shrimp Friday SO' i 1 2-M1NUTE SERVICE . 0 I XWW ARTHRITIS? -1 have been wonderfully blessed in being restored to active life liter being crippled In nearly tvery Joint in my body and with auscular soreness from head to root, I had Rheumatoid Arthritis Wd other forms of Rheumatism, tends deformed and my ankles were set. Limited space prohibits telling rou more here but if yw will write me I wlU reply at once and tell you how I received this won lerful relief. i Mrs. Lela $. Wier 2805 Arbor Hills Drive P. 0. Box 3122 Jackson 7, Mississippi Only on The Milwaukee Road 1U?R DOMES p: J QLYMPANf Tacoma Soattlo Spokane Butts Mlnneapolls-St. Paul Milwauk Chicago America's first full-length domes and the only dome cars over this route. Milwaukee Road Super Domes have seats for 68 on the upper deck, charming Cafe Lounge on the lower deck. Everyone is welcome no extra cost Accommodations on the super-speed Olympian Hiawatha include private-room cars with Skytop Lounge, money-saving Touralux open-section sleepers and reserved seat Luxurest coaches with leg rests. UHVNTf nsiiwisi sunns rwivw For information, tickets and retervations, ask Portland Office SIB S. W. Yamhill St. Phone Afwattr 0204 Cte. V. VolUy, District Paii'r Agtnt E. E. Whits, General Agtnt EVERYTHING IN OUR STORE REDUCED FOR THIS SALEv D0UT VJMT THIS IS : YOUR CHANCE TO BUY AT WHOLESALE PRICES! WE ARE FORCED TO SELL 135,000 OF OUR FURNITURE STOCK IN ORDER TO MEET CURRENT CREDITOR DEMANDS . . . WE OVER BOUGHT . . . THIS IS OUR LOSS, YOUR GAIN . . . THE FOLLOWING PRICES WILL BE EFFECTIVE ONLY UNTIL THE 135,000 IS SOLD. THIS IS AN EMERGENCY SALE AND CANNOT BE DUPLICATED AT ANY FUTURE DATE . . . MANY PRICES LISTED BELOW ARE FAB BELOW OUR ACTUAL COST. . . BECAUSE OF THE EXTREME LOW PRICES WE CANNOT ACCEPT RETURNS. ALL SALES FINAL . . . NO PHONE ORDERS . . . Terms an be arranged if necessary. (Please note: We will be open Thursday and Friday nights until 9:00 for those who find evenings more convenient.) THE FOLLOWING ADVERTISED ITEMS ARE JUST A FEW OF THE MANY BARGAINS AVAILABLE ... WE JUST DO NOT HAVE ROOM TO LIST ALL THE MERCHANDISE WE HAVE IN OUR STORE .... Rockers fir Chairs Chair, Reg. $34.95, Spec. 122.50 Rocker, Berkllne, Reg. $69.95, Spec. $39.95 Rocker, BUtwell, Reg. $84.95 Spec. $59.95 Rocker, BUtwell, Reg. $49.95 ..Spec $35.95 Rocker and Ottoman, Berkline Reg. $99.95 Spec. $69.95 Rocker, Berkline, (red plastic) Reg. $99.00 Spec. $55.00 Rocker, Berkline, (tan plastic) Reg. $74.95 Spec $39.95 Chair, BUtwell (two styles, red) Reg.-$119.95 Spec. $75.00 Slumber Chair and Ottoman, Streit Reg. $149.95 Spee. $99.95 Chair, Modern, Inc. Reg. $44 JO, Spec. $29.00 Chair, Modem Inc. Reg. $49.50, Spec. $34.00 (Many more rockers and chairs to select from.) LIVING ROOM Daveno, Far Ba. Reg. $149.95, Spec. $19.95 Davenport and Chair, BUtwell, green Reg. $289.95 Spec. $175.00 Davenport and Chair, BUtwell, green Reg. $339.95 Spec. $199.00 Davenport and Chair, BUtwell, red, Med aa a loaner, Reg. $239.95, Spec. $145.00 Davenport and Chair, BUtwell, irey, used as a loaner. Reg. $239.95 ..Spec. $15540 Daveno and Rocker, BUtwell, Fiber E. Reg. $189.95 Spec. $159.95 Hlde-A-Bed, Simmons, Reg. $229.95 Special $175.00 Davenport and Chair, aaa't. colors, Reg. $206.95 Spee. $219.(5 2-pc. sectional, BUtwell, green, Reg. $230.00 Spec $175.00 2-pc. sectional, Snperbilt, red Reg. $349.00 Spee. $225.00 2-pc. sectional, Sellg, Reg. $179.95 Spec $125.00 Fold-A-Bed, BUtwell, Reg. $189.95 Spec. $125.00 (Remember, the above are hut few ex amples of the bargains available.) LAMPS, HASSOCKS, END TABLES, WALL RACKS, PICTURES, Etc. MANY ITEMS IN THIS CATEGORY REDUCED 25 to 50. BEDROOM Mr. it Mrs. Dresser and Bookcase Headboard, oak, Reg. $169.95 Special $129.95 Mr. & Mrs. Dresser, Chest, Bookcase Headboard, grey, Harris, Reg. $129.95 Special $75 Mr. & Mrs. Dresser, Bookcase Headboard, Johnson Carper, Reg. $155.00 Special $125.00 All open stock Harmanlzer groupings at H price . . chests, beds, dressers, vanities, nite stands, etc. ... Several sets of L. Ronney bookcase headboard styles at the following prices: No. 1, Reg. $172.50 Spec. $1 50.00, No. 2, Reg. $215.00 Spec. $1 75.00 No. 3, Reg. $289.95 Spec. $ 1 99.00. 4-Pc. Broyhill Cherry Set, a real beauty, reg. $339.95, Special. .$199.00 USED FURNITURE We have some good nsed furniture at prices far below our price paid. Davenos, davenport & chairs, dining room sets, electric range, electric refrigerator, chairs, gas range, used washer, rockers, tables, etc. CARD TABLES Reg. 5.95 Spec $3.95 Reg. $13.95 Spec $9.95 FLOOR LAMPS Now Reg. 36.95 33.95 28.50 19.95 17.95 19.50 WE GIVE awf GREEN STAMPS DINING ROOM Table and 4 Chairs. 1120-202, walnut, Reg. $105.95. Spee. $09.15 Drop Leaf Table and 4 Chain, Mhg. Reg. $204.95, Spec. $169.95 l-pe. Morganton Cherry St. Table, china, 6 chain, hand rubbed. (Please see this). Beg. $57955 Spec $29945 8-pc. Morganton, Mahogany set, table, buffet, 6 chairs. Hand rubbed. Reg. $599.95. Spec $299.95 (Can you imagine top quality furniture at this price. Chairs only sell for each $39.95 Prov. table, N.W. Chair, Reg. $110,40. Special $69.95 BEDDING Reg. 199.00 set, Spee. 1(9.00. , (This includes both mattress and box springs. Reg. 1119.00 set, Spec. 109.00. - 10-year guarantee. (Also sat' isfaction guaranteed.) ' , Mattress or box spring. Reg. $49.50. Only ........ .$34.80 Mattress or Box Spring ' 1 . Reg. $89.50, . ....Only $44.50 CHROME ALL CHROME SETS REDUCED . . . ....... ALSO CHAIRS AND TABLES ; J EXAMPLES OF REDUCTIONS Tobra and 4 Chairs, reg. $169.95, Special ..... . '. .$1 29.95 Table and 4 Chairs, rag. $96.00, Special. ......... $59.95 Also discounts on kitchen stools and metal utility tables .. . , MIRRORS (Don't overlook these. (Guaranteed plate glass Venetians.) 34x46 Reg. $31.00, Spec. .,...$24.50 30x00 Reg. $06.00, Spec. ..... $41.78 30x40 Reg. $33.00 Spec $24.71 30x00 Reg. $61.00 Spec $31.25 30x4a Reg. $41.40 Spec $31.30 $2x48 Reg. $35.00 Spec $17.50 lx3 Reg. $31.00 Spec $15,95 (AH .Ih.r ikn anlUM at ifMlal rl.M.) ( w.rnlna th. lut Urn wm rr.rM Mlrrr at a rtSa.tS vrio. wm iM Ml mi tb Srd far. If ? l.nnlnl t. rn n. f UiM. ml mala, ft.rf.lni, In'l wait) LAWN FURNITURE Chaise lounge Reg. $2t.tS Spec, f Chaise loange Reg. $28.95 Spee. 922.10 Lawn swing Reg. $59.95 - Spec. 944.M Lawn swing Reg. $69.95 8pee. 9S2.M Lawn swing Reg. $79.98 Spec. 9BI.IS Lawn swing Reg. $85.95 Spee. 9S.tS Lawn swing Beg;. $99.95 Spec. 97$).$)S Umbrella and. table Reg. $69.95 Spee. 2SB.00 Menu xoming enatrs Reg. $9.95 8pee. t) SHAG RUGS 24x36 Reg. $2.15 Spee. 30x53 Reg. $4.40 Spee. .S1.IO .S3.2S 4x8 Reg. 12x15 (1 $9.00 Spee. only) red . . $ .(jSO.00 REMEMBER . . . Everything In Our Store at REDUCED PRICES ('FAIR T&ADE MICES IXCEPTCD) 1425 EDGEWATER (FREE PARKING) STolSH WEST SALEM