.... v'. t Page 2 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Tuesday, May 12, 1953 In the Valley . ' Edited by HIKE FORBES Pedee Pedee Mn. Many Davli of Woodlawn, Wash., u guest of Mr.' and Mr. Bulus Dodge the past week and the Croup spent the week-end at Florence with relatives. Mi. and Mrs. T. M. Dryer, Mr. and Mrs. Jongellng, Pam ; and Johnnie, spent Sunday af ternoon at Silver Creek falls. . Nancy Trueax is spending . the week at the O. N. Trueax - home at Longview, Wash. ..." Virgil Endicott entered the Veterans' hospital in Portland the past week for medical care. Mrs. M. BircheU, who fell and broke her shoulder and was at the hospital for several . days, is at home now and in , proving. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Burbank . and small grandson, Braddy Fletcher, visited Sunday after' noon at the W. T. Turner home. The PTA money-making pro Ject, held at the schoolhouse . Friday evening, was attended by large crowd. Mrs. Pruitt, county council president, installed the officers for the coming year: president, Mrs. carl south: first vice ores ... ident, Mrs. Glen Edwards; 2nd vice president, Mrs. c. a. Mc - Cormack; secretary and treas urer, Mrs. JE, M. Cates. Kay Frances Well was in itiated, into the Rainbow for Girls assembly at Dallas last weejr, : Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ronce drove . to Newport Sunday morning and spent the day. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Qua Burbank were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dixon of Cor- vauis and i. T. Wiilet and sis ter, Mrs. Dora Bingham of Monmouth. Mr. and Mrs. William Cease, Billy, Jerry and Beth, were dinner guests Thursday evening i uie nome oi ner parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Harris, near Philomath, honoring her moth er's birthday. Mrs. Maud Burbank la vis iting her daughter, Mrs. Matt Johnson at Newport for several weeks.- Dolph Bevens of Klamath Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Bev ens and daughter Sharon, of Myrtle Point, visited In Pedee Friday evening. They had at tended the funeral services of their uncle, Manly Bevens, at Dallas. North Marion High May Day Hubbard Queen Robin I, Robin Berkey of North Marlon high school was crowned queen of the May Friday, and ruled over May day festivities . Including an evening program presented to a capacity audience. A theme of "American Herl tage" for this third annual May day honored Queen Robin I who was escorted by student body president, Ken Hooley, and seated on a raised flower-bedecked throne sur rounded by her court. The queen wore white be. neath her royal robe, crown princess. Lois Welnert, wear' ing lavender, was escorted by Archie McLead; senior Drift cesaes, Shirley Burnham and LaDonna Sather in pale blue were escorted by Ron Baren dse and Dan McLeod; junior princesses, Frankle McLaren and Bonnie Hathaway in yel low, escorted by Merlin Kile' wer and George Sanders sophomore princesses, Myrna Foltz and Faye Plris in pale green, escorted by Jack Ras mussen and Merle McLaren freshmen princesses Sally De Armond and Noma Foltz in pink, escorted by Ivan Hove and Keith Driver. Carrying the queen's scep ter was little Jerry Reznicsek ana bearing the queen's train were Nancy Wolfer and Gall rlixson. Last year's queen,' Marilyn Ellis, presented Queen Robin with a large bouquet of red roses following presentation of the scepter by Ken Hooley. marrator was Dick Sonnen. Court Jesters Lee Lewis and Raymond Firkle created diversion throughout the pro gram with tumbling and mimi cry.-They presented Mr. and Mrs. Willis ' Berkey. parents of the queen, with a fcoaton niere and corsage. i t Aurora Rosedale "Dance Lessons Ballroom 5 or 20 Hr. Privet Class M0.00 Armstrong Studios 155 8. liberty Ph. 1-152S Rosedale The final meet ing for the school term, of the Rosedale Parents club will be held at the Rosedale school, xuesaay, wy iz. . . . There will be a pot-luck luncheon at 1 o'clock with Mrs. Merle Green, Mrs. Fred Smith and Mrs. Kenneth Van Cleave as the hostesses. Marlon county health de partment Is furnishing a film, "Lease on Life," which will be presented by Mrs. Joe Fitts. There will also be a business meeting and an election of of ficers. Parents of children who will be starting school In the fall are especially invited to attend this meeting. Aurora Mrs. Vernon Ellers and Mrs. John Emrlch of Aur ora, members of Countryside Gardeners, attended the 24th annual convention of National Council of State Garden Clubs,, Inc., last week at the Fairmount hotel In San Fran' Cisco. 1 In a delegation of 40 from Oregon including Mrs. L. W Franks, state president, the Aurora women joined others from their state in wearing Oregon grape corsages at tne convention whose theme was "Progress Through Hortlcul tural Aclhevement." . Countryside Gardeners plan to send a large delegation to the Oregon state convention of garden clubs in McMinn- vllle June 0, 10, II, on the Linfleld College campus. Mrs. Lorin Glesy, Mrs. J. W. McClure and Mrs. Vernon Ellers are attending the flow er school show at the Oregon' lan hostess house in Portland this week. Saturday, May S, plants and garden material will be on sale at Schaar Schmidt's Bar low fruit stand with the Coun tryslde Gardeners in charge. It was announced by Mrs. Ver non Ellers, president. Roy Stoner of Aurora is re ported to be critically ill in Providence hospital, Portland, where he was taken three weeks ago. He has been em ployed at the Stoner hatchery for several years, - Mr. and Mrs.. William At- wood of the Lone Elder dli trlct are parents of a daugh ter. ., The baby weighed 7 pounds 2 ounces, was born In Hutchinson hospital, April 30. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert T. Schaad of Aurora, are parents of a son, born in Oregn City hospital May 3. Sgt James A. Miller of the U.S. air force, arrived home from Japan last Thursday where he will remain on one month's leave. He will report at an east coast base early in June. Thursday he visited his un cle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs, Geo Askln. ' He was accompanied to Au rora by Mr. and Mrs. Clare Miller of Portland. Addition- visiton at the Askln home were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Davis, also of Portland. 'The latter were returning from Salem where they had attend ed the Baptist convention. Tans Maxine Marsh of Em pire, Ore., visited her parents, the W. R. Marsh's. Miss Marsh was on her way to Den ver, Colo. Mrs. Wayne F. Watson Is convalescing at the home of her sister, Mrs. Stanley Wil liams on the Aurora-Lone Elder road. . Mrs. Watson, seroiusly ill at an Oregon City hospital since April 25, will receive special treatment at the University of Oregon medical school, which she will enter shortly. Mrs. Fred Dentel is confin ed to her home with measles. Mr. and Mrs. Oren Ottawav and daughter of Dallas spent Knights Honor . HMarhnHigh Sf. Paul High Mother's Day St. Paul The 14th annual Mother's Day breakfast spon sored by the Archbishop Blan chette Council of the St. Paul Knights of Columbus was held on Sunday morning, May 10th in the St Paul City Hall with tne usual large crowd of la dies of the St. Paul and New berg area the guests of honor. Joseph Zorn acted as toast- master during the program which . consisted of grace by Father James Maxwell, wel come by H. W. Bowers, Grand Knight of the local council. duet by Frances Welton and Al Smith, music by the high school girls quartet made up of Claudia Ernst, Joyce McKillip, Sharon Kirk and Mary Ellen Coleman with Carol Ernst ac companying them on the piano, and a closing talk by L. W. Phillips. ; , ' Father Edward Spear, O.S.B., from Mount Angel, gave the Mother's Day address. Toastmaster Joseph Zorn In troduced the various guests and then presented three prizes to the mothers. Breakfast was served by the members of the St. Paul Knights of Columbus council. Unionvale Hubbard Participating In the Music in May festival at Pcclfic university in Forest Grove from North Marlon will be JoAnne Evans, Keith Mc Nary, Joan Solberg, Frances Jackson, Rosemary Orvold and Connie Beard. Climax of the three-day festival, May 7-9, will be the grand concert at 8 pjn. Saturday at the university Frankie McLaren and Janice Ray of North Marion high school will take part in the tennis tournament at Oregon State college, .Corvallls, Mon day, May 11. Stayton will come to North Marion for a track meet at I p.m. Monday. , . The board of education of North Marlon high tjhool will meet at 8 p.m. Monday. The annual mother's tea will be held by the F.H.A. chapter at North Marion, Tuesday af ternoon. May 12. The B baseball Squad will go to Oswego for a game at 3:15 Tuesday afternoon, while Sher wood comes to North Marlon for a make-up league game at 2:30 p.m. The North Marlon student body council will meet Wednes day, May 13, to nominate as sociated student body officers. Election will be held later. The B baseball squad will play Oswego on the Worth Marion, diamond, Thursday af ternoon, May 14, 3:15. - STARTS TODAY! Unionvale . The Country r lower ciuo 'Will meet at the U. S. Alderman farm in Union' vale Wednesday afternoon, May 13. Mrs. De Laurice Helmlg will do nostess. Mrs. James Fenland will speak on roses. Mr. and Mrs. Joe R. Panek and Miss Barbara Panek of Broadmead were Saturday af ternoon callers at the home of ner aunt, Mrs. Clarence L. Fowler. Elects Officers St. Paul Officers for the coming school year of 1953 54 were elected at the St. Paul Union High school this past week with Sam Smith elected president. John Klrsch - was elected vice president; Vernlta Klmmel secretary, Darlene Pelland treasurer; Charles Merten Parliamentarian, and Janet Daugherty the news reporter. The officers will be Installed at the last regular meeting of the student body this year. , Three additional changes also were made during this election to the student body constitution. Outgoing officer! who will conduct their last meeting next week are president, Bernita Brentana; vice president, Fran ces Bernards; secretary, Dar lene Pelland: treasurer, Jane Brentano; parliamentarian, Carol Smith and sergeant-at-arms, Marlon O'Mara., v- JAYCETTE ELECTION ' Woodbum Election of of ficers will be held during the regular meeting of the Wood burn Jaycee-Ettes Thursday, May 14, at 8 pjn. at St. Mary's Episcopal hall. Hostesses will be Mrs. Welter Scarborough, Jr.. Mrs. Bob Sawtelle and Mrs. Lucius Sprinkler. ' Fairview Falrview The annual all day picnic of the Fairview club will be held at the school house, Saturday, May 29. Baseball games will be af ternoon sports. Charles H. McKee Is presi last week-end In Aurora vis iting Mr. Ottaway's parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Percy Ottaway. X VILLAGE INN Opening Tonight" (Tuesday) ; SHOWS t 10:30 and 1 A.M. ' "BABON OF THE BLUES" Rated one of the country's top eofe and radio artist ' Singer ami Pianists ' . The Charming MUSS MATTY WATSON "BRUMS" Star of TV and radio and formerly featured star with the All Girl Band, Interna tional Sweethearts of Rhy thm. . , The Lovely and Talented MISS ELSIE SMITH "SAXOPHONE" Formerly featured with the great Lionel Hampton band and on radio. NEW VILLAGE INN 3057 Portland Road Chef "Dan" Specialises In Southern Fried Chicken , Phone In your reservations for parties and banquets St Paul St. Paul Two St. Paul U.H.S. girls ave been selected to attend the 12th annual ses sion of the Oregon Girls State which is sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary of Oregon. Verriita Kimmel and Dar lene Pelland, both Juniors in the high school, were selected by the American Legion Aux iliary post of St. Paul and the St Paul Rodeo association to so to Willamette university for. the week ol June 8-14. Girls are selected for Girls State on the basis of leader ship, character, courage, hon esty, scholarship, cooperative ness and physical fitness. This is the first year that St. Paul has. sent more than one girl to Girls State. Friday, May 8 was the date of the anual Junior-Senior Prom which this year had for a theme "In the Garden of Tomorrow." Wednesday, May 13 is the date for the Junlor-S-nlor Banquet. This year the ban quet will be held at Berg'a Cafe In Portland. Thursday, May 14, the facul. ty will put on their assembly for the students. Wednesday, May 20, the stu. dent body wil ltravel to Jant sen Beach in Portland for their all school picnic. I Sunday, May 24 is baccalau reate service in the St. Paul church and graduation is set for 8 p.m. in the St. Paul Cilv Hall on Thursday, May 28. Friday, May 29, will b th. closing date for the Union high school. An award assembly will oe neia in uie nign scnool on the morning of this last dav nt school. Warren G. Harding was th. first president to broadcast bv radio. ' DRIVE-IN THEATRE "MOM UWt UIIIH CUDINJ, HKHWAY ft Gates Open 7:0 Show at Dnik ENDS TONTTE (Tnes.) Winner of 8 Awards "THE BAD AND THE BEAUTIFUL" Lan Turner . Kirk Doug las Pins AH Should See . . . "THE HOAXTEES" LHBn ENDS TONIGHT Open 8:45 "I DON'T CARE GIEL" And "LOAN SHARK" Starts Wednesday Open 6:45 j . LANA : Turner KIRK : Douglas ! PlDCEON ! DICK S Powell the I THE U 1HB DAD AND Bewitful The inside story of the i bad men of history! I A Motion Picture to Make the World Hold Its BUeath! INSTANT ? t.itfjtttftjp AND THE 8 r'V' y " KTr.THET f - ' I ii) m mm mi 7l!siynrTJ!i . Clifton WEBB Barbara STANWYCK Robert Wagner Aadrey Dahon Thelma Ritter Brian Aheme Richard Basehart ROMAHCt, IXCIllHW. 2l Viveca Lindfors AND PAUL CHRISTIAN COLOR CARTOON AIRMAIL NEWS MATINEE DAILY FROM 1 P.M. ENDS TODAY! (TUE.) "NAKED SPUR" i "THE C10WN" ' Pit J STARTS TOMORROW! AY, YOUNG GIRL IV 7 h:h XWDJ TOE ifi A WAS s " , .L l- etf "&'K r WHOLE WORLD HER LOVER! XW(flICO daring love ttory ever told! 1 inuu unrmu t juun nudiun Released thru UNITED ARTISTS IHON rrnra Us ncvel "MOUUH ROUGE" by PIERRE LA MURE . screwpisv dt Anttwey Vsilltf tnd hhn Huston ADMISSION THB PROGRAM ONLYI Adults $1.00 (Inc. tox); Children 50c (Inc. tax) NOVELTY 'THAR SHE BLOWS" BUGS BUNNY CARTOON ENDS TODATI (TUE.) , "HIGH NOON" t "AFRICAN QUEDC MATINEE DAILY FHOM 1P.M. TOMORROW! frr. and Mkkey ' 1 .p m ,-am up i " if' "- 1 for zany V 1a BOB HOPE MICKEY ROONEY 5, MARILYN MAXWELL 1 ,. CO-STAIIINQ CSSA MAYEHOFF V l7n wrt" STANLEY CLEMENTS JACK DEMPSEY MARVIN MILLER "HVW" y rntfuad k HMRT Oinctn) tqr GEOKE MARSHALL HR) tH Jmplir Kr HAL MKTtR md JACK SHU A PARAMOUNT PICTURE -CO-FEATURE! - r4 -"-',n)"0faBuck-ofcBolsl bli kMM. o fc - iAnUT CliMENTS COLOR CARTOON AIRMAIL NEWS