Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 12, 1953, Page 18, Image 18

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    Page 18
Tuesday, MtyltJIf.
Sheep Crossbreeding to
Get Field Day Appro isa I
4-H Winners
At Hayesville
Hyivflle The Wte
Stitchers U completed their
4-H project and exhibited at
the spring show in Stayton It ,
AH member " Uit email Ttr mek
Jnf club compLled" their rojeta and
. rabiMtm. nwarda were a allow:
aandr Stuner, wait ribbon n bui- ,
iU.l Auxin mr, red ribbon on mut-l
E? XSSt- JSSSJSTiJS New York (f) - The head of
b"it4T"o'kSr Voice of America testified
Sahara. JudV Bardere. Carol cnrlaten- Monday the United States
Sba."',M nta third I www nation, in
in m, white ribbon an Homemade the international battle of the
"""fcwkMi, a airwaves far behind Com
- Vh ejtltoneve ohib DcmoMlretlon, munist Russia.
Linda Beneon, "apart tmi Btr nn,
This committee has made the advance arrangements for
Salem's Armed Forces Day luncheon to be held In the
Armory on Terry street Thursday noon, May 14. They
are, starting front center and going clockwise around
the table, G. Ira Moore, Leo D. Helmann, M. Sgt. V. C,
Frlesen, O. N. Enger, C. G. Thommen, G; A. Arbuckle,
C. L. Grabenhorst, Mayor Al Loucks, Bob White, Seward
Reese, chairman of the committee; Henry I. Morris, and
Don Sill. , -
Voice Chief
Says VS. Lags
hind Franc with 268 hours
weekly. . .:.
He said this offers "an idea
of the competitive field in the
struggle for men' minds."
' :,wmA rlhhnn.
- Smell Fit CooWna hib-Jeantt aid
dall, won brtad saklnc eon teal ahemp-
joninip ana ' WIJl nrmio mmnaB
ncunty at Stata Fair.
Alp It Out, Do It Over club Wool
aewlnr contact: arnica akldaU, cham
pion; Prlaclua Durham, alternate: Mar
garet Katka, rad rlbboni Batur Sahara,
rad ribbon. - - - . .
i ajnice SkMall will raprcaant aha club
at aula Pair thla taJL .
Aewlnr Judelm contclt Champion
team,. repretenttnf Marlon .eountr at
atata JFalr, PrlaoUla Durham, Janice
Bidden and Bettr Sahara. Bliheat In
dividual ecore In count, rrlaeUla Dur
ham. Janlc filddall tied for thord puce
In hlsheet Indirkluai aoora.
. Cooilnc ludalni aontaat Snail ttr
aooklnc club, lad by Janlea an4 Jean
tta aiddall, third place. r
Home aoonomlcfl Judcbut aontaat
Champion team, Jaanatta aiddall, Pria
cllla Durham and ISaraarat Katka. Thla
team will repraaent Station aountr at
Caclllc rntarnaUonal thU rail.
Clolhlsa m Jaanatta Btddall, blue
ribbon an aehool draea and nouea aoat.
C'Athlna rvJanloa atddalL adna rib
bon on wool beat draaa and xanaratad
Clothlni llaraarat Hatha, nlua rib
bon on wool weak cwaaa and lanmead
Olothma rf, loresal dlTlaloa Bettr
anara ana rrieeiua, mrnam each re
aelvad blue ribbon. All the members c?
uie cup n vui ana oo n over aim re
ceived blue rlbbona and all exhlbita ware
elected tor aSat Mr. The ahb ti
lad br Uertaret Xatka and Mn. Am
acwint rn-JcanetU Sadden received
Mua rtbbcoe cr nwdalra her aahaai
SawhlaT TV-Malaa aiddaU, blue lib
won for modellna- har brawn wool wraea.
Vrwkwr V Uertaret Katka, blue rib
bon for raodauns har aavr and white
' arool draw.
owlnc XV, latmal 4rtlala KattF Sa
hara, Pnaelnft Darkam, Mm nbbona far
andean' their tormeu.
Jaanatta atddaU. llaraarat Katka.
Sattr Sahan and Jan lea aiddaU will
mooei anir trmanta and compete as
the atata Mr atria rwrkrw Sue tall.
till Ha Haymaker
. CincinnaU JP The Judge let
Addison Cox off with a remit
ted fine of costs on a drui -nness
charge Monday after
Cox apologized for swinging a
haymake that Just missed Pa
trolman John Boebel. Cox, a
ramrod-straight six-footer, is
81 years old.
Robert J. Francis, acting di
rector of the "Voice," said that
Soviet Russia is -"spending
more money in an effort to
keep the signal of the Voice out
than we do to put It In."
He told Senate subcom
mittee that both Russia and
Great Britain lead the United
States in the hour-volume of
International broadcasts, and
that the U. S. soon will rank
fourth behind France, too.
The : subcommittee, headed
by Sen. Hickenlooper, R., Ia.,
opened it new hearings on
"Voice" activities in the
"Voices" office in Manhattan
beneath the glare of television
Hickenlooper announced at
the outset that an objective was
to permit "Voice" officials to
"answer criticisms" and to
make suggestions for remedy
lng faults In the "Voice" cper
i Francis, the first witness,
said Russia now has 695 hours
weekly of international crops
ganda broadcasts, Britain, 661,
ana the U. S., 302 hours, Be
ginning July 1, he said, the U,
S. will drop to fourth place be-
Western Range
Condition Poor
Denver () Mayi 1 range
feed conditions in the west
were the equal of a year earlier
but otherwise the poorest for
the date since 1937, a U. S. de
partment of agriculture bureau
reported Monday. '
The western livestock and
range report of the Denver
western livestock office of the
bureau of agricultural econom
ises noted low temperatures
and a shortage ot toil moisture
in April delayed the growth
of new feed. And old range
feed is short. -
The report rated livestock in
generally good condition, ex
cept in dry areas of the south
ern plains and southwest.
i The range feed summary for
the northwest:
."Washington and Oregon
have ample moisture to make
grass, which is late in starting,
In Idaho, cool dry weather de
layed new grass with some re
lief from late rains.'
The cattle summary:
"Cattle did not make the
equal gain in condition during
April due to cold weather,
short old grass and the delayed
growth of new grass.. Calf
prospect are generally good."
Report May 19
Washington Wl Sen. Wi
ley (R.Wis.) said Monday Gen.
Matthew B. Ridgway,
preme Allied commander in
Europe, will come before the
Senate Foreign Relation com
mittee next week to report "on
world events as of that date.'
He said the i date has been
scheduled tentatively for May
It had been announced prev
iously that Ridgway was re
turning to the United States on
a visit. Wiley, chairman of the
committee, said Gen. Alfred
Gruenther, Ridgway's chief of
staff also may testify.
Wiley made the announce
ment after a closed door meet
ing of the committee during
which State Department and
Mutual . Security Administra
tion officials discussed the for
eign aid program.
Sheep crossbreeding projects
in the Oregon State college hill
pasture flock will be appraised
at a sheepmen's field day to
be held on the college campus
and farms, (jorvains, nexi
Tuesday, May 19.
Since . 1942 the experiment
station has conducted this stu
dy of Willamette valley hill
' . J k.t iitillvsHnn
pasture .
by farm sheep on lands west
of Corvauis. ,
The morning Sessions siarv
ing at 9 a.m. in wunycomoe
hall will be devoted to discus
sion of various aspects of the
breeding program by staff
mnmbers under direction ol
James T. Elings, extension ani
mal husbandman.
Noon lunch of roast lamb
will be served at the hill pas
lure barbecue by the Withy-
combe club with Al Oliver act
ing as chef. Price ol tne lun
cheon will be $1.
Fat lamb production of the
experimental flock which is
maintained on typical hill pas
ture is to be demonstrated dur
ing the' afternoon. "Carcass
evaluation in lambs of different
types," is to be discussed by Ol
iver, meat specialist of the ani
mal husbandry staff,
Results to be presented in re
ports at the morning session
include: "Comparison of Rams
of Different Breeds as Sires of
rai iamoi" by Robert C. de
Baca: "First and Second Cross
nomney, tjnevlot, Border Lei
cester and Hampshire Ewes
Compared in Fat Lamb Produc
tion," by Ralph Bogart: "Wool
rrouucuon irom Ewe of Vari
ous Breed Crosses," by Orah
m. neison: and "The Imnnrt.
ance of Fertility in Fat Lamb
Production," by Alvin C. War-
men, i ....
The college purebred flock
will be gathered for cdnvenl
ent inspection at the nearby
experiment station sheep barn.
Navy Capt. Speaker
Silverton The Lions club
meeting Wednesday, May 13
at 6:30 p.m. at the Double J.
banquet rooms, will feature
Capt. Arthur L. Hamlin, U.S.
Navy, famous for his accom
plishments in line of duty since
his graduation from the U. S.
mavai Academy in 1922.
City to Sell
Home Properly
The city of Salem has some
choice residential property for
sale, and the council Monday
night directed the city man
ager to call for bids on six
lots. ;
Five of the lots are water
department property bounded
by Reservoir, Luther and John
streets. The appraised value of
one of the lots is $2000, two
are valued at $1800 each, one
at $1700, and another at $!,
600. .
The sixth lot is bond
Rural, Summer .nd ey
and is valued at $600.
If voa beve trouble with pUtet
ibei ilip.rock. ceuee tore sum
. i.i . .nniifauun
try Brimml rialll-uaei.
mekee pletee tr.r
bccuMBrimm. k,f
aeatlr t roar plate. Rehnel
pletet I a war o powder or putccM da.
MlviHINal Simplr lav ft tms ol li
liner oa troublwom upper or lower, wte
cad it moldt perfectlr. lM,f m4,mm,
j ., i. i-.. - B1 vonr oletet.
I Removeblo el directed. Mooer back I aot
completelr cctiibod. Alt ynrtngn"
In'W WrV f II I IU1 JllLiLnl
Journal Want Ads Pay
Berkeley (U.R)Members of a
University of California fra
ternity who provided floral
decorations for a dance faced
disciplinary action, today.
The lavish rhododendron dis
play was traced to the gardens
of 13 resident in the area.
WltM foiipoay cotchw ym
by MNpriM, lrodi Worn SaMl
wich Sprvod It M-mwr
In yowr bitch, ft fktt
nady-mintd tpfod nakts
fjwtidaiM Mndwtct. frltiftg
H Ity rttafff Ml wWtWtMl
Aad Ivncb Iok h ftmmd
with Htt-p
fwigy flovar I twMs mud
old cvU. ftrsf of trff. If i f
JmxpwMflntf : j- t .
J'V.;iv;v.v. j,. n i i n- v.
Vj 1
your tie-rack makes
it look so much better
pont you think?"
"',,rl9-- Y'ur ''r, sirsuit. When yea
tflaf r'mederfitse prevld ADIQUATI WIRINtt.
Add Those Convenience' Outlets Now
Call Us For Prompt Wiring Service
f vaMwnvlOTniueBaimtn
I 1 veei vb vim fe
11 1 f 1
Whan jrou brinj your prescription hart fof
oompoundinf, you're assured of greet om
binaUont Only th finest drug art used. A
trained Pharmacist follow your Doctor'
orders to th tetter. Only the most modem
equipment It used. That ell add up to a treat
combination for you and your family' health.
Brine your next prescription to ui and be as
lured of th beet prescription eervlc In town.
405 Stale SI. (Corner of Liberty)
We Give Green Stamps
ejM 3
Every surrey (how it . . . every dealer
knows it America goes far tht
"Rocket"! It's among the most
admired automobile around today
this high-powered, high-styled Super
"88" and that' a mighty profitable
situation for every "Rocket" owner!
For this popularity nay off BIG
at trade-in time! It mean that ,
your "Rocket 88" will still be m
tremendous demand year from now.
It mean that your Oldsmobile
will command top price a a
trade-in ... will get yon top deal on
your aext Oldsmobile, America'
enthusiasm for the "Kocket"meni
literally money in your pocket!
If you don't yet ride in a "Rocket",
consider well the profit in Oldsmobile
popularity. Add it to all the other
powerful advantage of owning '
an Oldsmobile famous "Rocket"
Engine, Power Styling, Power
Steering, Pedal-Ease Power Brake.
Then don't wait . make a date
with America's most exciting "8" th
Oldsmobile "Rocket 88"!
ni Nw Amtmit-Ey
jj US . I A S M
' f fr the "Rocket" can mean
ymoney in y o uet 1 J
m m m c if n -Ntr j - i
Car SMtlwr.4Wliami Cm ami Meter rata
"rocket" engine