V'i Pat 16 FOR SALE HOUSES SELL OR TRADE For Pirn. Clou la apertmenta. 1171 monthly income, pliu ownera lovely j I Br. living auarteri. Income could be Inereaaed U owner could occupy miliar opt. Owner neada 1 Br. homo oa II A. or nor not too far from Salem. Aaklnl prlca 111,000. SELL OR TRADE ' For I Br. homo. South commercial St. Biulnaii Bono property. I gtorp . houae, eaetly converted to duplex. Pull baaamant. Hot water heal. A oool Inveatmenl lor bow and the future. Prlot 113.400. Tar ma. SELL OR TRADE . Por I Br. noma. Neat 1 Br. homo North Salem. Price 110, too. Would . Uka I Br. Bnglawood out. pap aomt dlfforcpce. A. A. LARSEN REALTOR ' in I. .JUe Andy Helvoraen . Ph. Jim A. W.llo . Ph. HTM Bvenlnee and Sunder FOR SALE HOUSES i BEDBOOMS, 14 hatha, Una living room dining roam, nook, full baaa mant, aicallast location. 111.110. 100 Wo. cottaaa. alia FOB PALI OB LEAIB l-bedroom houia with saraaa. Inquire manaaar, 110 B. Commercial. alia PAIRMOUNT HILL Buluatve dlatrlct, bp owner, charm Inr eottaaa. landecaped pardan, lot 10x110, a badroomc. laraa llrlng room, lactrlo baat. aat tuba, fruit traaa, bar. Naa. flno lawn, garaae. mi John St. an ownis WILL call ntco 1 badroom homa. Located nalt to Klnewood, Wail Sa lam. Haa nieo tardan apace, 1P500 with tarma. pftona 41471. mil1 MAI L a bedroom homa, low down pay ment, pood dlatrlct. l weat lltn at Albany, 1-067J aaiem. ana' Englewood Buy! Than aeldom appaari a bup Ilka thla In a cuairlct uxe inia. a orooina, fereed air heat, altaohed aaraaa, laetered, with hardwood floora, dln lna apace la kitchen, needa aoma in terior deaornllnp, located ea lane aoraer lot, pared alreale. Pull price 7110 piua ,ireet eaHem.nuiiii Yl J REALTOR .M- PH0MF: 4-4454 1955 Fairgrounds Rd. Bvenlne Phone: l or WI Bre. phone: 1-T141 all EAST ajaoe da. t-bdrm. hae. Ian tor. tot ! IN ft, with ronnf fruit once, arace, atrawSerrlee, newere. Chick, haa. oiled at., water era tern. Pull price SM7I. Bear perm en ta, O. W. UfTI, REALTOR MM ktlaalon St. Ph. KWO Bra. IHI6 am FOB SAXB OB TRADE Mr equity In II K acrea, new -room hoocc, wired for Tana a, deep well antem, electric pump. Will trade In lata modal car. - Phono Dallaj Mac. 11T BALE OR TRAD a. BT OWfTXR 1 aeraa with -badroora houae, take ar, trailer hstue or what hare you. down payment. 3-T7M tvanlnti. eUU ACRXFlOBt-yaar 3 -bedroom. Ward roba aloaeti, flreplaea, ylaw, taraia In baaemtnt. W430. 1018 Parkway Drive, Klniwood Helihta. al LOOK! S-BEDROOM BEAUTY We belleva thla Utraly bont on eiulet atraat will pleaia you. It haa a doubla taraia and forced air ell heat. Beautiful traaa and ehruMry. Fenced back yard. JUkint Ill.fOO. TREES ON LOT If you want your yountatert eJoaa to t new achooJ, call ua ea this S-bad-room homa for 94800. Dandy daap let. -But Ttry etoee. . LOW DOWN PAIfMENT rm N.tM yea aan tet an alder trpe t-bedroer heme. BprvM li up. ad ywti itooaldl be able to aeU at, a profit. RAMSEY REALTY MM jr. eaemerelel (Ntlee 4-MH Bve. p Baa., Ma Baauep 4-1 PM U4 Just One of Its Kind In town. Built In '43. S -bedroom home plua a aood site den. lam mint and drnlnr room, i fireplacu, nook. Pull dry baaamant, tlnlehad party room, ell heat. Oood location In Bnilawood. Really priced to tell. Call Fat Kemper for eppointment2-ldrf7, English. Shake Englewood wall built lbadroom home, l dewn, 1 ttp. doubla Plumblna. nice llvlnv room. fireplace, aeparata dlnlnt room, nook, full baeement, attached tareet, lovely neloead yard with vatio. ahoica lae. Ken en Mo. llth Bt. .14, WW. CaU lat Kemper, I or appomtmttit. J. Li. Himrnel, Realtor Phoao t-1114 alio 1 BBDBOOM. living and dlntaa ocnbTn alien. Bltahaa, hath. Oa haa line. eflna. Ante rioorea. o-ycar-a. gnoo MM down. PH month, phone MI4I. ENGLEWOOD SPECIAL A HBAti HOU1 OM WO. IPTH err., ervi LUBLI C1.KAH, OTRICTLT BE8 lUENTIAU NBAR BCKOOIB, BUI AT THB PROMT DOOR. TWO BBO BOOM, SPACIOUS CLOSBTe), LABOB . auv. nwia wrrn bwcelunt prjta PLAOI, COHr DIHIITI, WPO.1, AR- eiAnunu, UOHT, MODERN BITCH U. ON OKI PLOOR. LARGE ROOMY BASEMENT, BJJCCT. WATER aawuuBT run. PURN ACE I fuel biu laet rr. only eoi. BINOLE CAR DETACHED OARAOI. PIXCEPTIONALiY PINE PKNCED-IN TARO WITH OUTDOOR KARRBV-riv SEVERAL OOOD PRODUCINO PRUIT . "i "ul "am OUTWrANDINO LANDSCAPINO WITH BEAUTIFUL ryuTimwvt nnu anKline. THE LAWN a aursna Of THERE IS A NICE uuuun, A 1.1. OF TMlfl ryn ,udi eU.OdU WITH BXOEP, TIONAL TERMA. THE nWNWn ,a t TIIUNO TO THE COUNTRY. BT ALL anue una. FRANK LOCKMAN Real Estate Mt Pelrgrounda Bd. Ph. 4-4161 , allf T OWNER, Enalewood dl.lrlcl. An prilled at Ipooo. 1 bedroome, aewloa room, dining room, nice leree living room, patio, automatic oil heat, wre Iheratrlpped. Phone 14711, all!' To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 cLAnpiritu snVEBTiiiNo Per Werd t llmee u. Per Werd 4, Per Werd, I llmee lee Per Werd, I pienlh pp. No Befpnde Mlniaanm IP Werda. READER in Local Newa Celama Oaly, Per Ward , Mlalaeaa M Were. Ts Placcj Ad In 8am Uj'i Papr, Phent t-ti0 Btforp 1( s.m. FOR SALE HOUSES Ph. . Backalt Wit Fa. bi FOR SALE LOTS LOT 1 DOWN, ll ft month, wILb wtttr d4 ilactrlellr. Olott to cbool nd tort. Ocoiral Jtiftj HaUte, 345 CfoUr. tlU CORNEB IMilBO, lMb MtdUon. 13100. Pb. MMB, Wnit Socolotikr, Real Eatitt. tiUl FOR SALE FARMS la-ACBI MOLALLA valley farm, Hacked and equipped, for quick jale. see olav Buar, route I, box 10. Call Molalla aire. $19,500 Fla Urn, aorth. hn S A. pttchM, S A. htrrlu, 3 A. Lo.d k Boutn burin, A. nibcrtt and tvcral aerej f round, Diet 7-rr-jId hoiu: All PlUUrtd afc bdWd. Hi., aMe.il. 7XA nd atMhlnt lhad full ef niohJnirr, latludlnv Tractor, flow, DIk, Cult. 0pnrr, Laddara lot af aihtr Hilfntoi Burt Picha jn x. nith t. eWaa. 4-tm ott. 3-4047 bllS- FOR RENT FARMS OBEDBOOSf HOMK with t acrei. New 140-foot well, eleetrle n.mp. water and Uchtc la houac, no bath, aood eara, onieken houae, abed, u rnllea northweat from Salem. Bent 140 menu, l-reer jeaaa an month. Phone a.m. or after I o.m. a-sssc. bans FOR SALE ACREAGE 5 ACRES Bare 1c aa Ideal acrcaao only 1 at!. aut. aood nee., par., chick haa. Oood wafer ayaicm. only 1900. C. W. RKTVI, REALTOR 1MO MlaaloB St. Ph, I41P0 Bve. PP918 er CM4H hhliae ewaeaeeeeeeeaiwaaaeeeewaeei REAL ESTATE WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES WS MBBD UBHNOS. Partloularlr higher priced homea and all Irpaa with low down papmenta. WEIGHING VALUES? Beo thla cmto homa. Bu Terr lorelr nur pine eucnan. Beat ot con alruetlon. Inaulated. Juat Ilka new Att. aeraga. Pvd. rd. Quiet at. Otlared for P.H.A. price at 19000. tllooo down. HOUSE OF LUXURY The Ilncat aonatructlon. S bedrooma. Bpaclouo living and dlnme room. uouoio piumnint. a-ear att. aareee. Luiurloua baaamant. Located In Beat sngiewooa. eua PP door. Plrenleee. The back rerd haa about the moat poaaiouuiaa ot anp property we have iuiea. 10 a poo lot. puu price l,300. Owner Says He Must Sell pacwui noma, yet lneerpenalve. Owner lervlnt, t bedrooma. yireplace. Att. taraia. Near state Hoapltal, achool and bua. Lovely ehrubi and lawn. Several treea. Orapee. Laae than r.H.A. appralial. Full price yveioB. 5 BEDROOMS plua a baaamant. Oood propartr for aeml-retlred couple or large femllv. Well located. Older type In the beat ol oncuMon. Automatic eawduat lur nece. pull price Ill.tM. INCOME$297 PER MO, en thla I -unit apt. Renta extremely reaeonaoia. in aood condition. Very ooa lerme. run price only 18,000. GROCERY SACRIFICE An Ideal amaller atore In & nromer. oua town near Salem. Owner forced to aeU. Rent only IM per mo. rixturea in tooa condition. Slock very clean, Fall price only HflOO. CAFE $850 Seating capacity for . Operating abort houra yet doing good bueinue. Hoot enly $tft per mo. Fine tor man M Wilt. SELF LIQUIDATING property, atodarn home en an excel lent comer, cloae In. Plua t furnlehrd pie. renin tor aia per mo. each. mie wroperip naa a wonderful fu tura potential. Pull nrle. an aha. OAUU FOR DAN TBAAK. BVE. PH 4-IHP, or MR. KIOOINg. EVE. PH -a. OT MR. CRAWFORD. EVE. PH e-eoav. ix no anawar call 4-1241. $1500 DOWN M tbli 10-acre tract enly gillo xrom vaiem. 4-bedrootn older trpe nomv. Hoairo. 10 z 30 barn, chicken houae. tool hoiue. All tultlfated. Full tvriejqj niB H4M, CHICKEN FAR M and a dandrl Very aioee In. 1 houiu. 1 of them new. 3 chicken houiM brooder houee, 3-ar taraie. i acrpj atrawberrlei, Lote of fruit treea, Thl mriain 1 or g le.cmo. Terma ar rang en, S6 ACRES .(halt frnnl.. e.W Vary ,ood modern older trpe 'home. 7 rooma. Darn, ahed, chicken hntiaa. Lota of flowere and ehruba. WIU. atlt Poll. Approx. I aarea. Walnuta. Sull- anie ror eubdlvlalon. Pull price llt.SM irrma errenafl. CALL FOR MR. LEAVENS, BVE. PH e-tiae. 11 no anawar, aall 4-1344. MORTGAGE LOANS 10-Yaar Malurllr Al Isaak & Co., Realtor office phonea: 4-1111 or 1-tnl lOlt PORTLAND BOAD Bve. phonee: 14731. 4-MI4, 4-IUt, 4-1030 or I J.wa If no anawar, phone 4-23a all 4' CLEAN AND ATTRACTrVE. only 1 yr oio, Mia j-ll.R. home, oil floor fur nace, att. garage, ghakc exterior, paved at -?sp nun only 11100 down. Allan Fletcher. WEI.L LOCATED l.B.R. home. Engle wood diet., wall-to-wall carpet In llv. rm, lot Him wllh aeveral Irult Ireaa, paved at. only 14700. Allan Fletcher. C!SB IN on No. 14l StOood M R. houae, lac. lot I3al5 It., aeveral fruit treea and lota of room for aarden. mo. Allan Fletcher. 1 OOOD ACRES S E. Wllh a well-built 1'B R. houee, full baimt. eapao, with I1M0 down. Allan Fletcher. DUPLEX on So. Pacific Highway wllh ltO'lt. frontage, ea. unit haa 1 B.R., beth A, earaga. A good Invealment at 71M. BURT PICHA. Burt Picha Tt N, Hlih St. Off : S-404t awtac. , THE (JArlTAL, JUIJKJNAL BBiem, urcgon . REAL ESTATE I REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE I REAL ESTATE REALJSTATE "AL- '' CALL COLBATH DIAL 4-4494 . 8 ACRES FOR VOUR TRAILKR Hfll.Lcav- lnr atata, MUST BELL, THla MONTH Larfa 2-bdrm. Jioma (eould bt I), LK, DR. bath, lovalr klUban, utllltr rm barn, bin htt., rant cabin, jr. craak, l biki. from cur limiia. aaritr whtat crop loaa In deal obouid brlni you iim. Pfica iwoo. Tarma aaaoo on, l par month or trailer baa. aa part down parnn. N. LANCASTER 1 ACRKS with 1H ft. frontaia. Lati-bullt attracllva 3bdrm. noma, i.rtt utility. a-er aaraii. nan haa, I sunt of Irritation watar. Baaullfu) i wall kaot arouoda. onir 7BW. 'tarma, aiii'l 13950 dr.., balanca can ba aiiumad on atata o.i. loan ai na par monin. von- aldar trada lor t-bdrm. boma eloaa to at. Vincent aeh. or car aa part dn, 23 ACRE EAST with nice S-bdnn. homa, attached aa raie. Garden aoll. Prio la 14700 with tarma M0 dn, b I4A par month, 5 ACRES WITH A FUTURK.. Mica newer S-bdrm. homa with large LR. OR, bath, aictl- lent kitchen, utlllt jrm., unllnlabad uoitalri. aaraia. barn with harloft. Juet aaat of Lancuter on ftunnrvlew. Price 111,600. CUBDIVID1 IN THE PtJTURC tk WATCH THI DOLLARS ROLL IK. Win Iim for 21. alt bona. WHOPPER BUY IK THIS 10 ACRHS with M A, In etta At Tetch (could cult. 30 A. morel. l-rm. modern home wun nrapiace, car raraae, barn k etc. TOTAL PRICS 11,000 with fa dn. or nuoa run CITY HOMI. . , COMPARE THIS TALUB WITH OTHBRS YOU HAVB SBSN. Thla buy aoea for ell.ooo end look at all able for your money. Hew er S-bdrm. home, majter bdrm lttx 11. lerae nlajtle t ie beth. LR 17V. Mtt, SB Mill, 'kitchen haa more room da buut-lne than the average, alee knotty pine nook, nr. arraneo- anent la exceedingly aood, Roman brick heatolator fireplace 13 lnehca In width, iron Plreman oil furnace piped to all rma., pranch doon open out to covered patio, brick flower plaater, at tached' parage, water ayctem, . lovely utility rm.. etoraae rn- wall-to-wall carpeting, new rtnleh ndwd. flra., fiber plea elnaulatlon, over 1B60 aq, ft. fir. apace, corner lot Juat S bike. from the new Waehlnpton eeh. Buff paid ceo for youncK u thla lent your oeaa our xor all.poo. BVB. rm.: 41715, 41709, JS37J r (Mil ornci DIAL) ST. VINCENT'S DIST. LoToly t-br. home, detached garage, larta lot with plenty ef flowera it ehrubi. Thla homa la right neat to Bt. Vincant'a achool trda, en Highland ATC. 71W. 12TH STREET BEAUTY Thla la an older homo but In enal lent repair. Walla ara Pi altered, asd mere la an aounoance of room. Alao. an apartment In connection that rente for $50 mo. Thla haa an exceptionally larta lot with ft good many bearing treea inciucung nut, enarry, apple and prune. Alao many eh rub and flowere. Thla property haa excellent bualneaa woialbllltlae. The heuee la elean and neat ana ean ee nought for 113,000. INCOME DUPLEX Two-unit new duplex, located a 1010 - 3030 TJnlveriltr Bt. Thla eroner. ty la quite new and hae been ateadlly rented. It k juet bike, from new He Be ACREAGE NORTH SO extremely choice acrea ft ahort outanoe north of city limlte with nou it, earn and other out build true ..Thla property hie very definite bua- ineia poaslbllltlea. Full price 145.000 wun Tery iioerai terma. BUILDING LOT Strong Prlnala Rde., lot 101 x 110. FRANK LOCKMA N Real Estate ' poll Falrarounda' Rd. . 4-altl C114 Center St. Realty $4500 rOUR-ROOM HOI Til K. Muhtiptikn Iria lot. Two bedrooma. lota of built- ina , inaulated. only 14500. Aomi terma, MARKET STREET ACRX with Ihla wtll-built amall home. Wall-to-wall carpet, attached garaee, good well. 10 a II poultry houie. Hear echool and itore. Price W7g. SIX ROOMS UBUBRAN . NORTH. Threa bed- roome, aeparata dining room, M.W floora. flriplace, forced air ell heat, auecner garaae, good well. Juit aom pietec, immeciiata poeaeulon. A nice piftce ror cnuaren on a quiet etreet, yet near lehool and bulneae duuict, rnca eu.ooo. Terme with eaymenti Ilka rent. Will eonetder your amall noma, er iou, ror part. Center Street Realty 1741 Center Street Phone 4-aail Bve. phonea: Olea 1-1111, Bright I-MI3 ellt' $1000 Down buya a larta l-bedroom home only few reara eld. Newly redecorated. Large living room. Large dining room. Oood Planter. Sua by door. Balance like rent. $5350 Pull price for ft good t-brdroom home with baiement, elate to Leelle achool, Paired atreet. Bua cloia by. Lane lot, Would make an axrellent rental. Only IS SO to handle deal. NEED MORE ROOM? if that home of youra la too email, then trade tor thla large l-bedroom home. Brand new. poubla aerate. Beautiful view from large picture window in living room. REIMANN 0 tap REALTORS LOANS AND INSURANCE 301 Routh Hlih Street Phone No. 1-170) Phnn. evenlnaa and Sunday; 4.1471, l-llla, 4-I3W, 1-417. 4-M1I. 1-J344 111- , TOWM PARU II ecru of the tlneat Willamette allt, all la wheal, suitable for almoal any kind of (ermine. Within one mile of Amity, eait. A eu-room liouio that la in lip-lop condition. Three bedrooma, oompoaltloo tool. Inaulated, wired lor electric range. City weler, achool bua by door. Forty by alily barn, four hundred-bird chicken houee. worUhop end garage. Blderly widow will cell tor 111.000 with only 5000 down and peymanle will atari tall of 1PM, or will take email houae In Salem ee perl pay ment, Thla beraaln farm la Hated with ue only. Cell todari It won I leal, CXOSB-IN SUBURBAN Hare la a truly fine ranch alyle houae only four yean old that la Inaulated end woatneratrlppad. II haa lha beat automatic oil heal. II hen I large bedrooma, dlnlna and living rooma. The culeat kllchan HK large nook. Bapenalve wall-to-wall carpeta In living and dlnlna rooma and hall. Two-car partitioned laraae. The lovely lOOilJJ corner let la wall lendaceped. haa aardan. aprlnkler aratam and circular drive. It la aa exceptional pood buy at lll.eoo. ' ' LOVBLT OARDSM HOlU If you Ilka aardaaa and flowere don'l fall to aee thla fire room Ketaer home. Well built comfortable houee only four reara old. Haj a aard.n. lot IlilM. The location a quiet dead-end airMt. The houee la In un equal fine condition. The price la only 111,000. we'll arrange mortgage .to ault within roaeon. Severin Realty Company 335 N. High St. Dial 4-5943; Eve.' 2-5695, 3-3292 0113' PRIDE OP OWNERSHIP Witt ba roun If you buy a homa Ilka tbtelWO . ft. floor apace, fttl reome ara laneroua alxe, aeparata ahower In bath, lane lot It walnut traaa, carpet and draperlea to at IU.B00. tee Ohmart BEAUTIFUL SETTING 3 ACRES Bwell piece to keep a horae or tro, I-bedroom home with knotty pine llvmp room, vary oomlorMble, located about mllec aouth of town. Bore at a pood deal for Juat M400. V ROOMY 2-BEDROOM HOME tocaled la Bnglewood, thla homa haa the extra large loving and din ing room trplcel ot a much higher priced home, there'a a good eating apeee In the kitchen, Inalde uttlltr and pleaeant bedrooma. It'a ONLY 111,000 eo better give ua a ealL WANT TO TRADE? We have a o-unlt apartment houae for I II. too will trade on home In Salem up to eia.ooo. ITS DIFFERENT Beautiful l-bedroom homo with brick trim, double plumbing, full baee ment with largo parlr room and fireplace, radiant heat, cloaa to high achool and within walking dletanoe to eltr center. Thla home la t rear, old call MOW for appointment. 10 ACRES S MILES EAST Well-drained Amity aoll, all cultivated, nearly new bulkilngg In a Beautiful celling of oak treea, conalatlng of largo l-bedroom home, double parage, 10 x. It barn, chicken houae, good location, clue to achool. will call aa terma or take email place aa part payment., pll.OM, Ohmart 6? Calaba, Realtors 7 Court it. phone 34116 - 34118 Bve.: Henry Tor vend IM31 Ted Morrlaon 1604fl Louis Lorem 35SB0 Ralph Maddy 334BB d ED LUKINBEAL, Realtor ,433N. HIGH- 200 CHOICE ACRES COMPLETELY equipped With 114.000 worth ol mdn. machinery, excellent hulldlngg, Irrigation, etc., worth pPl.OOv. (Sialng la believing). Mult Id. 4 MONEY 41 par month lncludea taxaa, Inter eat lna. F.H.A.-bullt tbree-yr.-old a-br. homa, flrepl., oil ht., In aulated. Prd. aU. k walka, real nice neighborhood, eloea to ach. tio.500 Eve. call (Peck) Peckenpugh ?FelaqiS REAL ESTATE $14,000. Neat led In the treea. An every day vacation from nolae ano erowdad liv ing, yet inalde city. Baa apactoua L.R. with .beamed celling. Lena view win dow. Fireplace. D.R. I larta bdrnu. ZMtchen an lneplratlon for any cook. Beautiful lawn, and flowering shrub bery. Let ua show you this home; we think you'll love it, $9,450. Located Inside city, N.I. Thla tlean, up-to-the-minute 4-B.R. home. Fire place, hardwood floora, D.R., very at tractive kitchen. Attached terete, workshop, outside fireplace. Baautiful lawn and ehrubi. Ideal for city farm er aa the let la 61x24tt'. Fruit treei. Can tet F H A. terma. $8,950. Juat one reara old. thla dtndv 1-B.n. homa located Inside city and close to bus line. LR.R. M'xll with fireplace. Oil floor furnace. Very modern kitch en. Large attached garaae. Trees. This norne ta in me oeai ot condition. STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 1H S. Blah St. Ph. 1-4131 Eve. phone 1-1304 cll4 Need Financing Help? With year law down payment, well we have tbree very gaad bare with - B(qpp, Ne. 1: For a young couple, we have ft new well-built FHA-eDsravgvtl bedroom plastered .home with attached taraie, located In a good residential area on a paved atreet, for enly SB00 down with payment less than rent. This property la government appTalsed ana iiuprciia, Oeiog, Ne. t j-or the peopla with a family we have a good English style lVi-story homa with three bedrooms, living room with fireplace, separate dlnlnt room ft full basement, a home that la clean and la tood condition, located In the Englewood district, near schools. The wi erry own rinanclnt very reasonable terme, price reduced Ne. t; A special, hvlnt tuartera. atore, and warehouse. aomt amiit.m,n. about acre ef land, everything toes for enly sjioo. Lew down payment with eaay monthly payment. Don't see how you can lose en thla one. Joe L. Bourne. Realtor uao n. cap no. ph. 1-ixit . ' ellt.1 3 Bedroom Located en West Side near aehoele. thla bouse la well eulted for a large family, naa 1 eedreome downstairs. large living room, dining room, kitchen tilled with bull l-Im, inalde laundry room. Upetaire baa one bedroom and lost of storage room. Everything In tie-top thapa. tia&O with about S1B0O aown. KEIZER Hew l-bedroom houae with double taraaa, can ba ahown now. Automatic oil furnace, fireplace, hardwood floora. Will be torn Pie ted In about I weeks. Sea thla now and pick your ewa color achemt. Prked at mo with 30 down, balanca P.H.A. ABRAMS, BOURLAND & SKINNER- 411 Maeonlo BulMIni Real Batata Tnauranea Mortgage Loac Phana l-llll Eranlnaa: t-tIM . eilJ" Budp Oalaba PHONE 2-6680 $7950 BARGAIN 900 iq. ft. of floor space, plua at tached tar, and 14x14 workshop, pvd. at, 72x213 lot, one block to bua St atore, will to O.I. JUST SUBURBAN N.E. BRAND new 2-br. home, flrepl. & oil piped pur. Pvd. rd. Lot 10x330, very tood carpenter work, you'll really like thla one. 113,000. 8-5413 Ed Lukinbeal 2-8704 dii REAL ESTATE 4 GOD GAVE YOU 100 ye ere or lees. You can't take It with youl Start living now. Call ua to find your Heaven en Earth. CADILLAC ' . BB THIS CADILLAC of homea. We know you will love it. Complete with, flneat MAC-EE carpeting and drapes In harmonising colors. Double windows and aluminum acreens throughout. Smart tile bath, 2 lane br., den fin ished In redwood, storage apace ga lore. Complete aprlnkllng ayatem In lawn. Fleasei If you want one of the best In Salem, call ua for an appoint ment. PA. Beautiful entrance hall. ? DIGGER ? TURN A SPADE In thla garden spot and you're In to atay. Lovely t Er. homa in fine luburban neighborhood. Owner bought because ha lovea to tardan. Now hla health la tone. Take over his aoll and attractive home for $1330. Terma ean be arranged. I960 Fairgrounds Road Meat te Willamette Valley Bank Phong 4-1305 Eve. t-6053, 4.1700, 4-4571 ellS WASHINGTON DISTRICT Let your children enjoy a new achool. while livlnt In a most charming 3 b.r. home, lovely kitchen, aep dining room. i ir cpu re, iuio neat. BRUSH COLLEGE DIST. Large Lot, Straw R.R. berries, fine lawn ehruba. Btt this well built noma oniy me years old. l nr., P.P., Carpet, att. tar., patio. Out ot atate owner must sell. HI ON HILL-TOP WEST JuM finished 3 br home, by better ' builder, U, Kitchen Plumbrrl for auto wui.er. Fire place, H. W. floors, will accept late model car. Priced below eP. H. A. KINOWOOO HETCtHTS Rera Is a fine 1 br home below re placement costs. La. tot from atreet te street. Att, gar plua carport. Own er moving to farm. See thla large home no. TOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 915 Idle water Phone 48743 or 347M el IS" WANTERkLJSTTE NOTICE, If your property ta for aale, rent or exchange, lilt it with ue. we have all kinds ot easb buyers TATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 1BI S. High St. ea WE ARE badly In need of 3 and J -bedroom homes, la Leslie Dlit. Also eeed heme anywhere with amall down par mente. What have you? AL ISAAK, REALTOR, PH 41)11 If no anawar, ph. 4-1346 ea JOE PALOOKA FTGHTtRS LEFT THE WNOTH CBCarOS SCOWLY STARTED TO DISPERSE .ALTHO SMAU WOOPS STILL AWE MXVTO kN HEATED PISC0S6ION... THERE PVERE MILLIONS BET ON THIS FKjrtT t Reeldanltal Lata, MUM, MM each. . il-Acra Paraa Cloaa to falcm l-Unll Motel Drive-Inn Realeurani aa Highway M MO.om.M Talavlaloa e Appliance Stora REALTOR IMl M. Capitol llll1 EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE FOR BALE or axchanie, 12Jaera farm, fenced, all aeeded to train, aiacicLop hlahwar. aprinn. well, family fruit, old bulldlnia. Price 116,000, which In eludei crop. Ouernaer dairy herd aan bam bouihi. alao machinery. Will coo alder court, apt. hoitae, or l-bedroom home and term. OcneraJ Real JEatate 7S5 Center. CDlll TRADE OR SELL Small hie. on bark of lot will trade for place on coait with about equal value or .astro or wiu aeu tor aoou aDl C. W. RSKVa. REALTOR 1160 WUiicm at. Fh. I4B90 Eva. Scale cbiis1 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOB SALE OR TRAD I Reitaurant eoutpment and It ue, Faylnt btulnesa. Box 85. Capital Journal. cdllS FISHING Located on one at Ore. flneat flahlna alreama. M boata, 11 moteri. Plenty ef float apace. cablni, atora lunch counter. Livlnt auarteri. Trailer tpacc with Hint fc water. Tbla la nwiey maker. Tradea er aoma trada en Salem prop. Ill health aaualnt aale, Jtut a flehlnr aeaaon It a tar tint. Full price 115,000. C. W. RKKVB, XBALTOR ltao uusion st. Ph. 34510 Eve. m0 or 40946 cdllS' Body Shop and automobile paint ahep iroealng 430.000 per rear, completely equipped, lncludea 10' x 80 building nnlr B reara old plua a l-bedroom houae at rear of chop. Located on large lot. Ideal aetup for 1 men to work together. Call aa for mora detalia. ABRAMS, BOURLAND & . SKINNER -, 411 Uaaonlc' Building Real Eatate Inaurance Mortgage Loana Phone 9-1217 Bvenlnga, 1-4701 cdll Own Your Own Business WE BAVE TAVERNS. UtTNDRIXS. RESTAURANTS, MOTFTJ3. POUH TAINS, BAKERIES, LUNCHES, AND MANY OTHERS FOR SALE. SOME WITH LIBERAL DOWN PAYMENTS. IP YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL A BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY, BETTER BEE FRANK LOCKMAN Real Estate 1037 Pelrgrounda ph. 4-13(1 "Bus. Opp. Specialist" ed- 11 CULOEOPHTL aum machlnea for aale. Bargain, win trade tor Shop Smith. Phone 31917 after.! p.m. cdllt BUSINESS & INCOME Auto Court Coast prop., very attractive. 10 units plua living quarters. 101 Hwy. in good recreation area hae el ware enjoyed tood business. Owner will consider some trade-in, First time priced at this low f It ure 137,500. C. W. RIIaT, REALTOR ltflO Mlaalon St. ph. JM Eve. 42046 or 39536 cellS Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. Plywood cores, old irowth fir, planer trimmings. Phone 3-7721. 196 Bo. Com'l. INCOME PROPERTIES e-UNlT RESIDENTIAL court, nice dis trict. Price 633,500. General Real Es tate, 356 Center. cftlS FURNITURE FOR SALE SOLID WALNUT dropleaf dining table. Bedroom set complete. Elec. range, ei eellens condition. Posture ehalr and daver.oort. Console radio-phonograph and other furniture Items. Pb. 33979. dI14 A tUFERIOR used piano. Hartman Peck upright grand. Circa li an walnut In excellent condition. $350 eaeh. Ph. 3-1737. dll4 WANTED FURNITURE kill I MM J . Li liflUIII'jJB'ltlliaiil-ai FOR SALE LIVESTOCK rOR SALE 3 nice helfera, 7 montha old. one 1 montha, one Vt montha. White Baca heller. One White rare Holatfln atreet. Nice locker meat. Call 14301 after 7:30 evenlnaa. alll LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCKEB BEEF While (ace daretord, 11c. Locker pork, lie. Nothing down, I moa. to pap. Cuitom killing, rrauer loaned tree. Salem Meat Co, 1311 s llth. Ph. l-ani. ,,. lff1' aXad I i ON A "BIG - BROKE' ON VER BACR rrparI I i1RETTV SUR Y PON'I KNOW VoONT i FAvp " BLUE. DIG6ER. ) A-NOTHER. J, HEAP 10 THE I ( W , e I TOON 1M ON J LAD. I'M JWRB iNrp aiicu HAP WALL BET. YOU'RE PI, BUSH W V ' 4 K"nS- H0W wVS SM 2-Bdrm., Very Attractive Location $9350 Naat dead end glreea in oouin v room' big kitchen, attached garaae, nice lawn, good ahruhe. and flowere. PHA commitment, will 10 O 1. Call Jim. 3-BDKM. SUBURBAN-$8950 Verp atlrnetlre lot with alca gard.a apace, good lawn, MmitM ahruoc. I nice bedrooma. aood-alaed llrlng room and dining room. U a of built-in, Tin kllchan. B.rdwood floor.. Thla homa la In nml"0 and about 4 peara old. Don't paaa Ihla up; H'a a real bup. Call Jim. 3-BEDR00M IN THE MAKING Thla ta a .rr nice little home with maater badroom iown, and partlaUr tlnlahed up. Yea, and a luU extra lot foea with thla gale. Call TINietta. TREES, TREES, TREES Yea, right In the cltr-nlce twebedroom home. Pull a""1" bajement, Terr iovelp rerd. large patio, and rock fireplace. JJnuaual act ting, call Tlbbetta. 3-BEDROOM IN KEIZER Nearly new J -bed room In Felser en approximately M acre. Mutt to appreciate. Cloae to achool and busineaa. Call Chat. 976 NORTH CHURCH MAKE OFFER Owner anxious to eell. Very nice 3-bedroom, full baaement, wall-to-wall carpet In living and dlnlnt room. Third bedroom In baaemer t. Ideal location. Asking price I97&0. Make offer. Please don't disturb renter, but call Chet for more Information, Gardening, Gives Pleasure and Exercise Thla fine euburban homa haa one bedroom down, one up with space for second bedroom. Nice living room 31 x 13, Dlnlnt room 9 x 13, Large kitchen, with plenty of bullt-lrui, tlie. Inalde utility, larva garage, lovely vard with lota of trees and shrubs. Oar den apace with irrigation sys tem, exceptionally tood well. This home la t'4 years old. Don't fail te aee thia home. Lot elte 67 x 390. Call Dale Rebirn for appointment to ee. 1 ACRE, 2 BEDROOMS AND BASEMENT 1 Located close in en Bllverton Road. 1 aere, tood barn, 1 bedroome, basement, tarata. will take late model car aa down payment. CaU Dale Rayburn. RAWLIN'S REALTY (HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT, REALTOR) XM0 X. Capital Bventnr Tlbbetta HIM Jim 1-U71 Grabenhorst Specials MAKE US AN OFFER on this baautiful ranch type boma. I bdrms bath, beautiful llv. rm., din. rm., convenient kitchen it nook. Dble. aerate. Lot 104 x 175 feet. Convenient to bua fe schools. If you crave for a quiet, charming neighborhood, drive by 9947 Stanley Lane out Liberty Rd. Then CALL J, E. LAW ALL ON ONE FLOOR3 apacioua bdrmt., llv. rm. with fireplace, aep arata din. rm., room to eat In kltohen, Inside utility room, backyard fenced, nicely landacaped, Entlewood district. Price 114,000. CALL PETER H. QED3ER MR. INVESTOR Income flM.OO per month, tood lease, excellent lo cation. Modern restaurant building In splendid condition, completely equipped, 2-bdfm. llv. Quarters, off-atreat parking, main arterial lo cation. Price 1 18. SCO. Will consider trade on larger commercial build ing. FOR DETAILS CALL C. L. ORABBNHORST. OWNER READY TO SELL Beautiful S-bdrm. home with full basmt hdwd. firs., fireplace, birch kitchen, auto, oil heat, dble. tares e, soma view, close to etores, bua and echool. Will take trade. CALL ROT FERRIS, c-op. Broker. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 114 ft. Liberty St. Phone 3-2471 Evenings ic Sunday call J. I. Law 1-5113 H. K. Laymon 3-8439 Roy FerrU 1-1010 Peter H. Oeiser 3-99M H3 ROY TODD ONLY $3200 Four yetra old. One-bedroom home, nice kitchen, livlnt, bath. Lte. lot in excellent location, north. Cloae to atorea te Achool. Call Mr. Vander vort, talesman. TWO BEDROOMS Nice comfortable living. Lte. kitch en As dinette combine. Nice bath. Lot 16x111, l blks. to bus As achool. Price 5500. Call Mr. Simpson, eales man. THREE YEARS OLD i Nice 3-bedroom home. Living, din ing .kitchen. Hardwood floors, in aulated A weatheratrlpped. 1 cherry tree, nice flowere aat ehruba. Lot 70x 150 .Price $11,500. Trade for amall acreage. Call Mr. Ruch, salesman. ROY TODD, K3 atata Street Olllce phone 1-1511 aon 1-11S1, Buch 1-7015, Todd 1-1711 PETS GIVE "MOTHER" a beautiful Cannery "MOTHER'S DAY 3-43S5. 1340 Chemeketa, ecllS FREE 3 lovely kittens. 6 weeks old. Phone 37641. 3338 State St. ecll& BOLLTWOOD AQUARIUM 1961 McCoy. one block east or n. Capitol, 1 ij blocka north of Madison. Ph. 2-8807. f ecl28 PUREBRED Shetland sheepdog puppies .Miniature conies), nticrest Kennels, 3766 Chemawa Road. eel 17 MOORE TROPICAL FISH. Parakeet. turtles, supplies,. 3 mllee from Lancast er on Macleay road. 4-3773. Closed Wfdneadeya. eriifl PRODUCE OOOD SEID POTATOES Netted Oame. Plant any time now to Julr, ta.MI per 101. Phillip, Broa., Rt. I. Boa 4S1, 1 rnllea eaat 4 Cornera on State Bt. rn. aauHi. ff TOR SALE netted gam and Burbank aeea potaioea, ,2.r& 100 Iba. Alao No. 1 eating potaloea 11.31 10 lb,i. Onlona ei.uu du ice. 9tso Portland Road. Phone .-.U,B. Ifllft- FUEL West Salem Fuel Co. BLOCKWOOD. CLEAN 1MJ1DIATB DELIVERY Flckup Wood 15 Edaewatar Phone Salem 1-4031 FOR SALE POULTRY N.H. FRTERS, lie lb. Phone 13611. op. pome Liberty echool. till WANTED Colored hana. err, phone 1-31S1. Lee'a Hetch OOLDJN BROAD and New Bempahlre ehlcka. hatched arerp Mondar and Thuradar. Our chlcka arow (aater. JV) a Uateherr. 1130 Btate St. Ph. FOR SALE Twice weekly, dar-old Sitki1,? """'. Parmantera. 2,7,- u 'l V"norlu' Auatra-Whlta. Whlta Kocka, White Wrandottea. Par l'n " K'WHerj. phone rm ra a To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 Tutsd.y, May 12. 195S office 1-4M4 er 4-1M1 phonea Chit I41H Bala Bapbura 1-1041 Real Estate CANDALAR1A Excellent 4-bdrm. home Just 3 yn. old. Lte. living, dlnlnt, convenient kitchen. Auto, oil will furnace. Lae. lot. Price $11,500. Terma. Call Mr. Vendervort, aalesman. 10 ACRES 3 ac. strawberries, balanco In train. All under Irrigation with aprlnkllnr ayatem. Willamette allt aoll. Modern 2-bdrm. home with basement. Garage. Machine ehed, amall barn. Only $10, 00o. Call Mr. Ruch, aalesman. AUTO MOTEL Fire units completed, 3 more almost complete. Built Calif, style. Lee. lobby ft nice living quarters for owner. Lot 100x230. This Is a buy at S35.300. Will trade for farm. Call Mr. Simp eon, aaleaman. i REALTOR Bve. phone: Vanderrort t-altl, Simp HELP WANTED CARRIER BOYS Now is the time to register for a Capital Journal news paper route. No Sunday de livery. See Circulation Mgr. BF.C1IHTF.R NOW (or atrawberrp picking, a acrea clean, Irrigated berrlea. 1 mil, weat and norlh Irora Kelaar Behool. Jorgenaen-Bvana, 111 weat Bowdea Lane. Salem. Phone 4-1601. giig CHILDREN1 AND Mother, peglatar now lor atrawherrr platoon. Tranaporta tlon Jurnlahed. Call Harriet Roblnaon alter 8:31 p.m., H633. ,H7 WANTED Men or women to train hope, alerting Monday, Map 11, Call Jack wee,....,,,..,. HELP WANTED MALE IOUNO MAN tor car hop. Woodrofla'a San Shop, 3400 Portland Rd. No pbne calut. . ... BOYS AND VETS. Tratel entire DB. with national firm .tranaportatlon furnlahed. Cash drawing account. Oood luture. See Mr. Howell. Hoel Salem, 10 to 11 and 1 to 1, Thunder only. ,,n. WANTED Two men with blah achool educa tion, or equivalent, lor aalea work la thla area. Experience ta not neceaaary, althouah helplul. Training an th. Job. Salary heglna at once with on the lob tralnlnr. You muat have car and ba able to ba away trom homa tour nlahte each week. For thnt. hn ,,.m. - - olfer permanent work, better than' ay- r"lna. ana a future. Mas will be aalcctcd through pcraonal In-, lerrlew. Aak For W. Olion Senator Hole Wednesday, May 11 10 OO A.M. to 1:00 p U. HELP WANTED FEMALE WJI7.EJ!f ' ood""', San Shop. Itoo Portland Rd. No phone calla. ab- HmjSEKEErER wanted In country. J. D. ""i r". e-iaia. gbllt By Ham Fisher Ur. Fletcher l-J70e, Mr. fit ha 4-tial till' Journal Want Ads Pay V y af' . . - nr., r