Tuesday, May 12, 1933 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon RADIO PROGRAMS STEVE ROPER The Voice of Love WEDNESDAY P. M. By WILLIAM NEUBAUER KOIN TO CB8 KEX UW ABO KSLM UW MBC KGAE KGW wo bo KOCO M LH (A? Ntwilestnrti) U39 a. CHAPTER 23 ii the excitement Great around the old hotel. Almost with the first speech the guests split Into two camps. There were those who felt that Ephraim Carlisle would make a good mayor lor the simple reason that he was a good hotel manager. On the other hand, there were those who'd been great lv Impressed bv Laniilev and Dan Curtis. As Miss Plunkett summed up their feelings in her bugle like) tones: They're rich men. They dont have to grub lor a living. Therefore the hospital will be properly run at a cost all can afford to oav. Yet Captain Johnny Lord had a different view oi mat wnen ne called Saturday evening to take Ruth to the mass meeting. "It's cockeyed, Ruth. Here's a fellow who could be going back to New York m the lau. I oonx Know how much his uncle makes, but if Dan Curtis is his agent ho must get at least ten per cent of those earnings. Bo why docs he want to stay here? He won't ever make the money here that he can make in radio." "Perhaps he's a doctor who wants to be a doctor." "Boh washed uo. Ruth?" She wished Johnny would stop looking at her that way. one wasn't a monster! She hadn't be trayed anyone I She'd never given Bob reason to hope she'd marry "I never loved hlra, Johnny. I like him very much. But beyond that" not reason. She shivered, "John ny, this is terrible!" He nodded. As they found seats down front the fire-department band played a fanfare and up jumped Mayor Luigl Luchettr to the platform. The first shot of tiie camnalgn was to be answered. "My fine friends," he boomed genially, "she's a pleasure for to see you again. Me, I don't talk the Eenglesh so good, but the heart, she's in the right place. You vote for me, you no vote for me, she's all the same to me. Mayor Luchetti, she's love all of you to night. "She's love you too much." he boomed on, "tor to see the taxes go up. Me, I work for the living, too. You, you work for the living same as me. But do ' e get ahead? Hah. see what the food costs! See what the shoes cost! See what the car costs! This makes me sorry for all the peoples and for Mayor jjucneiu, too. There was applause. He denounced the Civic Better ment Society for Its socialistic ten dencies. He denounced the free loaders of fisherman's Quarter who expected the city to shoulder the costs of their illnesses. But it w a s n't all denunciation. For Ephraim Carlisle he announced pity rather than animosity. "For she's a good man," he told his audience. "She serve fine meals, she's a fine friend to all. She's Joosta man led into deep water By anouier Old man wno areervra the pity, too, for she's worn out from forty years of being the fine doc." It was a good show. In the days that followed Ruth heard the sen timents of the mayor repeated over and over again by his fol lowers. Up went the blood pressure of KDnraim uariisie. 'name cauina: A rotten trick! You can call names even while you're pretending not to. No less annoyed, Rutn managea to hold onto ner temper, -xou might," she said mildly, "insist Mint licli be used to decide the iau. You mlEht Drint an adver tisement saying that you can call Had names, too, out mat you nuvc twi much resoect ior wie inw?w oAnA of thn voters to do so." X1C OA, UU1", -vv- "Thev wouldn't print Jt in the paper." She chuckled. "Dad, Sean I IhjfemjgdFANn IF THE CAMERA 6IBL OPT A ; I jhjsnirnt-wtiide gWBi f 1 " 'i '-M---'-- SHARP FOCUS ON ME, I CAN PROVE "-taa AAyXCVCAAJ 1 "1 ACCORDING TO THI5 aCCK, TjJ V ' V"' I WA5NT IN TORCHVS ROOM S tt.tffSr T,'?-.'.' THE VICTIM PIED AT IO;i5--,?544S WHEN SHE-AND THE CLOCK--eTT, i7,W f efcES 'ii . I - ; 1 " ,5' FOGO 4 I"rtCT'M' vtfcona.'ftitnR l'MrewiPehTOF 3& rwJtJ crtev vutmt II 4IWTf If NATIONAL CHAIR n"'r ' uiflMlim H AllM Asa FeeejIlfBNT MKFW NATIONAL Of Trie " ' J CrAfti THIS Wftwm' MASK OVBK YOU rTTTT CONCBfN6. i It.M Bkilft Wife Stella Delia! wis. Brawn Weuaa Hi Plain BUI Tr Tit rtrU L. Jenco Dee I Wife 1:4' hTaaa N,wl iliU III, 'rep. iui BAPPlDtM Ntwi Cft-nt Gl It I Aunt Jenny MIDUp Bu Ksodfrtj Godfrey Godfrvr ' Godfrey (lodfrty tart Mmtl Dr. Pail Davt Orrwy Llf Bcaatlfal U tm Twa Mmlr Bl Muile Boa BUI Stern iNawa Hevall . Ftirr Btlak wllb Arehla Andrew Paal Harvay iNaan Edltlar Jack owana Jack Owana Cal Tlaney Cal Tinner Life Like MlUUmlr KathAibtan Wakalr Raitoiarr Tanefallr Klrkbani Aant Jemlini ewiaaat Sewipamr Marraw Naw Newa Warld Tada? 'tw On Stare On Stage World Affair Forum Tp TrsSft klarStn QSi Ki, Wait Ka: Hail Ka, Ha,l Ka, Htil KlrkwaaS Klrawaa Lack, V aoch MailaBaviia IRJna Shaw Far lha Girl, far Iba Girl, Tin, Tanaa Sanlrra Cal Hqulrra) Caa llappy Tlma tlntl, Bak Slara Chat Raatla, Bak Oarrat Waatbarman Hama Ed. Gaad Llit. Gead till. Haila alalia Mull Sbappar Muile Huila Matta Paala Staaa Fallaa LaaU leailntwap Mailt Saai Hayaa Sanaa at Par B Wild Bill Hlckak GabrlRaalar WW Kawi Brapbanr ISam Haraa Bpldar Spldar spidar Spldar 'J r Laam Mi rtt.IM Mal'r Ltn, Spldar Spljar Spldar Spldar taaarda Kaearda aaarda Baearda Hai;,Lta, M"'Llraa Mal'r La.... Mal'r tauaa Laaiaa Mil. La.,r. Mailc Mtladr iJlaa Daadv abaa Jim Daadp Bbaw Bran. Train Mailt Mart Maila Hart alalia Marl Trallla Jiaa iTnllle Jtm !inpper Clab Suppar Clab Tn hr rnllof' thev reached the In'Mnllpv isn't a monster. As park." . matter of fact, he very Ilrmly be- Rut hi discovered an unusual Heves in the rlKht for all to be thine as she glanced arouna at heard. And tnen, oi course, we ao thm frowd. Most of tne Deonie nave ouarter-DaKe aos in nu thn were merchants and their newsnaner each week, don't wer famlllea. farmers and white-collar I H stared, but not for the rea- workers. The fishermen were con- on she thought. "Hmmm. Could spicuous by their absence, as were! J, you're right. Look, while we're th TArmprs' nirea nanas. ana ujc nil nern nice ana Deaceiui nice. lower paid people who worked in I what are you going to do during the 'various stores. A chill went I the campaign? I don't care if MirtiiTh hpr ap what harm Dan win'rit fieqinst. me. That'n all riffht. had done already! By this appeal You have the right to think, to in mnmr amotion ne a aiviaeo tne nan vonr own mind. But u ri ne town on class lines. With niacti- nire tn know." eallv one stroke of his pen he'd "I'm aealnst the sort of cam- clouded the Issue. Now the hos- paign they're conducting, Dad. I'm nital was unlmoortant to these fllinr Dan so when he comes back people, a oeaaiy uisiui, una uecu irom ean fTancisco. l tninK it's given, and now anger would fight, a disgrace to use such an argu- ORPHAN ANNIE f DOOCAHMOU TELL MB WHY UTTLEONtry LK WONT WORK? m( ANNIE, ONBf-B 1 HWA BAD FhU. 1 WHENSHEWBSfl I BY-NO ONE'S f BUTCOULDHT TRIED MY BIST- ( YOU HAVE I MAYBE IF WS"0 I 3 DONE ANYTHING -HAD SPECIAUSTS I T ABOUT IT? , I RKTAWAY- -l EXPErj6JVE,BUT" BUT EKE 6 AR6 ANN6-SHAMfV I AWFUL HARD UP- I SHE'S SUCH A V I I kJTOO LOVELY, BRKJHT . I JThHRROLbV ill I I 6RAYaj I il.W 11 Man 'a ram fw Great kjltatnltTt Jiff 0:n 10:Sn I0:S ll:li Bob nopa Bob Bopa Walk a Mil Walk a Ml Ntwi kin Spat Dr.Chrlitlaa Dr. Cbriitlan B. 1. Paaea m War Ja Slillord llnnlar Mlia Groutha Man Kama Tbal Tuna Macia Hoar Marie Ronr Clip Council Cllr Council It : llrn Oil "liiltnl Lana Ranaarl Lona Ranpar Mralarp Tbaalar PM Plarheuia Wbal'a Mr Una Muile Muila Muala Muila Smphancttt Sytnphanatte Mr. Praildcnt Mr. Praildant Record Shop u. n. Slorr Moile la My Bualnai Name Sons Mu.to Harmaalea Muile Danea Tint Oanea Tina Danea Tlrai Danee Time Muila Mule Dr Klldart Dr. Klldara Sapper Cluh Supper Club Sapper Clak Nm ISupperClub Kera Mult Melada Mult Meledr Muile Tea Warn Mailt Tap tvanl glar Tim, - sua Leak Val'r ikenember iCandlellrbi andlellxkl pluile Mailt Hiia Oil lltn Hardr "nltni. Lawb Muile Mailt III Marder Melodlea Meledlea Melodlei Muile IBoiarr Plan lint IBanditand nanmiand Duioul Dare UltDlll Baitbill Banbill Butbill Baiebill Baitbill Baieball Butball jNeara . Nllhl Sanf Nlihl Sane Tpanee Parlr LIL ABNER ment. "Let him. grinned Enhraim Carlisle. He ran his hand through his thin sandy hair. "Every time tney call tnose names I get more votes." . Which isn't the way for the issue to be decided. Right, Mom?" isiien uariisie noaaed. mere were other thoughts in her mind, ana to her they were more im portant than the campaign. This, she was thinking, was the old Ruth. This was a creature of mind as well as emotion. With luck . , . but there Ellen Carlisle stopped, not oaring to go lurtner. (To Be continued) et' t. tin- IVv ?rV32Z WtfrSZ--. HAy in ft -cfiSrV ?on;i Blow Your Top! vv JV yJ'. JW m tn ,wn b,u'1'"1 HMIIILVn II Jtl it Trader Louie' will take most anything in trade Trader Louie 1820 lau Ave. Phone 3 8558 THURSDAY 6 A.M. TO 1 1 :45 A.M. HOPALONG CASS1DY Carol Curtis Pattern I : ' ' . , : . wmwri t?3 ' s ' i 1 Ff. I NEVER PREMIER THW VflU'P PEUBERATELyl TURN AOWN5T HE, MKRV1N... AFTER ALL WE M KONCE MEANT TO EACH OTHER. . J I U5EP TO THINK I L5VEP Ytf M .ABWAIL- BUT YOUR 6REED ANP 6EUFI4HNE4S HAVE CHAN6EP ALL THAT .THI6 15 MY CHANCE TO BE RIP Of WU ! 6URELY YflWRE NOT 6lm TO HILL Mg' V i MUTT It JEFF T3 I'H 60INa TO P3 WHAT I HAVE P0NE A LflN6 TIME A60 TWRri YOU ANP BflY5 AVER 10 THE ' SHERIFF TURN AR0UNP ANP START WALKIN6.' IS. 1 5;kaar"TOk vrwffvm. LTm :JU Dive Weil KOIN Klock lore. Farm Ncwi Breakfail W Mtledlei f;lS Dare Weil R.F.D., Ore. Ore. Farm Farm Nap t Noak W. Miladlei g;30 Dare Wait KOIN Kloek Dre. Farm Ntwa - Breaktait Farm Ni at g:d Farm Tlma KOIN Kleck Ore. Farm Mareh Time Kook New. " TJf Country Ed. K01N K,ck Flnt Edition Hemmlutnai Breaklait Medllatlaai 1 .'f t. Johnnr Will Newa M. Arranikr Breakfeil Nook KOCO Kleek ' .j Newa Newa Bob Oarred Breaklait Breakfail KOCO Klatk ijr K. Manning H. Babbitt Bob Haren Sam Harei Nook KOCO Klatk a.nr Old Sonra Newe Breaklait recll Brawa Jim Dandr Newi ilie. Old Soma Newa Breakfail Fam Allar Jim Dandr KOCO Klatk a'.a'n Muile Box Helen Trent Breaklait Hare i ef B Jim Dandr KOCO Klatk a,45 Mailc Bop Our Gal San Breaklait . Haren af B Jim Dandr cwi e.QG Newa Road of Life 9 am EdltlonNewe Back Fence Woman'! Prt all Muile Bax Ma Perklna Todiri Slan'lelodr Mem Mitlnte Maile 9 Muile Box Doe Me'cne Tarn to Pailor'l Call Back Fence Piano Pat. e;e" V. Llndlabr Guld. Llcht Friend i Bar. Counlei Mallntt Dinah Share to flr B. Reynold! Mr. BurtoV D. Gardner Glen Hardy Back fence Ran i, V B. Reynold! P. Maion C. Huntley Tele Teil Matinee Retard! l:Se Slrlke It rlcl Nora Drake Trae Story Muile Back fence Ran Hid' Strike It rlch,Brlibter Day Trna Slory Mailc Mallnee "cordi (1-Bf DM Noth Grand Slam' Whliperlnr Ladlei Fair Batkftnea Bay! . Dbl or Noth Roiemarr Olrl Marrlei Ladlei Fair Mairnee Bacardi II .jr Phrase Paya Home Party V. Llndlahr Qn. for Day Back fence yi II:' Bob Hope Home Party Barney KeepO. for Day Mallnee Record! KOAC w!f."..r""d;i KOAC Roundtablei I Muilci p:5, Simple to Sew! A little money dress with a wealth of good taste is so easy in the making , . , so beautiful to see. Make It now in your favorite cottons; later, sew the three-quarter cutled sleeve version in winter-warm fabrics. No. 2853 is cut In sizes 13. 14, 16, 18, 20, 36, 38, 40. Size 16: 6 yds. so-in, or ; yos. oi jm-iii. Send 30c for PATTERN with Name, Address, Style Number and Bize. Address PATTERN BU' REAU, Capital Journal, 652 Mis sion Street, San Francisco 6, Calif, NOW M 19 V J S-IV5J HOW IN THE WORLD CAN A LITTLE GUV LIKE SOU MANAGE: TO LEAD AROUND . V I ) T FIND OUT WHICH WAV HE WANTS TOGO REX MORGAN. M. D. j.7'V THEN HANG oh I V -a " 377 Multicolor Bunnies Yes. these adorable bunnies are In the multi color transfer process WHICH NEEDS NO EMBROIDERY. Nice little bunnies they arc in their brown fur and plnk-llned eas. Iron them onto play suits, sun suits, little sweat shirts, pajamas, dress ing gowas: onto Lie squares of a story-tclllng quilt; onto place mats, hand towels, window cur tains. These are 18 of the bunny mollis measuring j ana 4 incnes. Send 30c for the Multicolor Bun nies for Children (Pattern No 377), complete transferring and laundering instructions. YOUR NAME. ADDRESS. PATTERN NUMBER to CAROL CURTIS, Cnpltal Journal, 652 Mission street, San Francisco 5, Calif. VOUR HEART AND BLCOP PRESSUM ARE NORMAL M6LI95A YOU FAKSP A HEART ATTACK TO eeT Ma ovbr hers I DONT KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT REX AAORSAN) 1 m 1 d DONALD DUCK : 1 M PMO ONB OF THESE DAYS CALL "WOLF 'TOO OFTEN I WON'T PAY ANY TO YOU VOU'LL " Fisl :N AND 1 ATTENTION 1 J THAT'S JUST T THE TROUBLfi ff -" THAT'S JU3T bT-1 I THP TBfll IBLP YOU HAVEN'T BEEN PAYING ATTENTION TO ME LATELY .' HAS THERE BEEN ANOTHER WOMAN IN YOURLIFE, KEX Mm T. or Utsjp-- KM 4 i.AA 1JS FM Mar.: KOIN 10 1.1, a.m. la II p.m. KEX K.i DIAL LISTING KOAC, 550 :4S, Newa, Weitben :00, Madllallani; 10:00, (lia Tburldar a.m. 10:00, Newi, Weather; 10:15, Ter Womenl 11:00. School ef Alrt 11:1a. Concert nam 1!:00, Newi, Weather: 1S:1. Noon Para; , u.np, 1;nn. Ride 'Em Cowboy: 1:15. Sebeal ef Aln 1:4S, Boaklhelfl COO, Per Wemeal :S0, Inaolrlnp Maiieianaj Wheat Forecast Wows Increase Washington (P) The Agri culture Department Monday forecast this year's winter wheat crop at 729,884,000 bushels. This figure was 15,130,000 bushels more than the 714,- 154,000 bushel forecast of a month ago. It compares with last year's crop of 1,052,801, 000 bushels and the ten-year 1942-51 avej-age of 797,237,000 The new estimate did not alter prospects of rigid produc tion controls being applied to the 1954 wheat crop to prevent creation of excessive reserves The department made no . forecast on the spring w'heat crop, but should It turn out at the average of 285 million bushels, the combined winter and spring wheat crops would be 1,104,884,000 bushels. - Wedding Anniversary Albanv Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Renninger celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary mun day at their home in Albany. Mr. Renninger was a Linn county commissioner for more than 20 years. He is now re tired. Assisting in the cele bration were the Renninger s two children, Mrs. Hal Bennett, Portland, and Mrs. T. R. Bay less, Albany. The Renningers were married May 11, 1903 in Albany. The couple lived near Halsey before coming to Al bany. ' rn?Cr, ifffibs J AiiL4UT BEV1 I (SHUCKS. NO... Jvri r WOW.' WHAT VtuT-TUX SON. ROOM & BOARD By Ahren S mmyl PUFFLEUTTR.0 ) " " 'Vp- VT .1 TO UNVEIL IT FOR THE WADE AND SEND IT ... i 1 I T Til I I I I Pv-CX -N-C EAGER GOLFING PUBLIC? J TO THE PRESIDENT MART WORTH jg' ACROSS L. Cease S. Conquer 8. Rivulet 12. Kind of bean 13. Collection of facts 14. New York State canal 13. City In Iowa 16. Climbing vine 17. Prong 18. Thoughtful 20. Money hoarder 21. Sluggishness 5.1. Fire 26. Light brown 37. Faint 30. Wasp 32. Procession 34. However 35. Stall 37. Style of type 38. Scoffed 40. Hackneyed 43. Old soldier 47. Military assistant 48. Large receptacle 49. Agreeable 50 Part of the eye 31. Utilize 32 African antelope S3 Span of horset 84. Light moisture 55 Pace DOWN 1. Rebuff A E T AESL EALa0 N PnF TUTgp NBUi EILfiT-E rfASlCrlBC3 DSlEISfeBkllSfclllS OmE NyERFlfflElM I L ImieIdIiIaIt EMAlfTr DE i ntIer p oIl Ami oin v i nil i gtenolNTo. ElArTUSElElNUAlGlolG Solution of Yeiterday's Puui I. Measured duration 3. Sign 5 Give up vol untaiily 6. Turn inside out ' r r r m i ij i r r w fjt- Trrrwf- tfu tr J "Wi LL L2 MM? " Wkm.. 4i ' o Mt; Ifa A Newafcetaree 7. NegaUvot -S. Nerve net works t. Flower 10. Cover Iht inside 11. Ogle 1. Hospital physician 20. Tower on a mosque 22. Light blow 23. Bashful 24. Garden Implement 2J. Worthless leaving 27. Hold back 28. Feminine name 29. Chess pieces 31. Drives nail at an angle 33 Gnawing animals 33 Invent 38. Water vapor 39. Resume . 40. Tight 41. Split 42. Notion 44. Tumultuous disorder 43. Land measure 48. Low tide 48. Undeveloped flower