Tjday. May 12, 1955 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Pat IS NINE-GUN BROADSIDE AIMED AT REDS r -. - ' " TJ'r?WJ''9'V.ku tmu.wm. i M.....1-, ..i i,M.miiii mj,.. ; v. , -J , jMJ 1 Butteville With her decks stripped for action, the battleship USS . ccjr ures a rare nine-gun broadside at target on the east coast of North Korea. This unusual aerial photo ihowa the huge side wake caused by the push of her big . IB-inch rifles. The New Jersey has laid her guns on Com- -rnunist targets which include strikes against Chongjin, Song- Jin, Kojo, and Wonsan. The ship is commanded by Capt. Charles L. Melson of Richmond, Va. (U. S. Navy photo via AP Wirephoto.) , . . . . Roberts Sheridan Sheridan Mr. and Mrs. William B. Best of Sheridan celebrated their SOth wedding anniversary last week with the help- of relatives and many friends. There were 76 call ers at the Best home during the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Best were mar ried at St. Helens, and have lived in several lumbering towns tince then, moving to Sheridan 11 years ago. Mrs. Best was born !n Sweden, and came to the states when she was two and a half. Mr. Best was born in Texas, and later moved Into the Indian Terri tory in Oklahoma with his parents. Since moving to Ore gon, he has been employed in many lumber mils. They have three daughters, Mrs. E. M. Standiford, Van couver, Wash., Mrs. Everett Snider, Wesrtlake, Ore., and Mrs. P. E. Mills, Long Beach, i Calif.; a son, William Best Jr., of Cave Junction; eight grand children and five great grand children. Mrs. Robert Cole and tiny daughter, Sara Ann, were giv en a pink and blue shower by Mrs. Glenn Hill, Mrs. Lester Haenny, Mrs. Cliff Bride and Mrs. Harold Myers, at the Hill home. Guests were Mrs. Cecil Har rison, Mrs. Gene Thomson, Mrs. Harold Ladd, Mrs. Leon French, Mrs. Ed Bauman, Mrs. Perry Newton, Mrs. Francis Thompson, Mrs. James Bloom, Mrs. Vern Willhite, Mrs. Lester White, Mrs. Frank Pratt, Mrs. John Gutbrod, Mrs. Cleo La tham and Mrs. Roscoe Neely. Sending gifts were Mrs. Clay Green, Mrs. Francis Bradley, Mrs. Emery Smelter, Mrs. I. Harris, Mrs. BaylisS Fanning, Mrs. Richard Ridgeway, Mrs. Ben Robinson, Mrs. Arthur Reed and Mrs. Bob Wels. The WSCS of the Methodist church installed new officers at a meeting this week. Mrs. Leland Sackett is president; Mrs. Victor Bgergreen, vice president; Mrs. Ed Browning, recording secretary; Mrs. C. E. Coons, treasurer; secretaries, promotion, Mrs. Charles Shafer; spiritual life, Mrs. Amos Henton; missionary edu cation, Mrs. 0. I. Trice; stu dent work, Mrs. Ernest Hutch ins: vouth work, Mrs. Everett Gardner; children's work, Miss Edvthe Rhodes: Christian so cial relations; Mrs. Mark Wil marth; supplies, Miss Maggie Mclntyre; literature ana piiD llcatlons. Mrs. Lyle Bryant status of women, Mrs. Lynn nirltsr church hostess, Mrs John Hendricks. Chairmen of circles, 1, Mrs. Ernest Hutch ins; 2, Mrs. Roy Dale; 3, Mrs. Charles Wright; 4, Mrs. Mark Wilmnrth. rivric Todd has returned home from the McMinnvile hospital where he underwent iiroprv last week. Mrs. Lucinda Leathers left this week to Join her husband, A 3c Lerov B Leathers, at Chcvenne, Wyo.. where he is stationed with the air force Miss Velvie De Vere of GVndale. Calif., has been vls iHn? at the home of Mr. and M". Roy Hetzlcr. ewls Leathers is In a Mc Minnivlle hospital recovering from major surgery, which was performed to repslr an Injury resulting from a basketball In jury. . N. Mclntyre has been noti fied that his son, William D. Mclntyre, U.S. Army) has been promoted to a major. Major Mclntyre is a patient at Fitz simmons . army hospital in Denver, Colo, Mrs. Clifford Woodward is home from the hospital where she had surgery last week. Her daughter, Miss Mary Johnson of Richmond, Calif., is here with her. Mr., and ' Mrs. Lawrence Berkey wil leave next 'week for Fort Campbell, Ky., to visit their son, Gilbert, who is in the armed forces there. Mrs. Beulah Shafer of Mee teetse, Wyo., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Al Brasket. The annual rodeo queen s dance will be held at the Sheri dan high school gym May 16. Mrs. Edith Green, former state representative from Mult nomah county, will be guest speaker at the annual library, tea, which will be May 14, at 2:30 p.m. at the city library. Roberts Mrs. John Osborn, Mission . Bottom, was hostess for the members of the G. T. club of Roberts Thursday afternoon. She was assisted by Mrs. Frank Needham, Mrs. E. E. Jones and Mrs. Albert Blankenship, serving a des sert luncheon at 1:30. During the business session, Mrs. Jack Eyerly, reported on the sewing for ' the Red Cross that was available at this time. After some dis cussion the club members voted to start the sewing project In Octobter, their first meeting in the fall. It was voted that a committee be appointed to get the sewing that would be needed at that time. Mrs. Jack Eyerly was appointed chairman. Mrs. Harry Eyerly won the prize from the "Easy as Pie' contest and Mrs. Warren Wal lace the consolation prize. The June meeting will be at the home of Mrs. E. L. Gray at 1394 N. Summer, Salem Mr. and Mrs. Austin Cater returned form Des Moines, Iowa Wednesday, where he was called to the bedside of his sick mother, Mrs. L. M, Cater. Ballston Ballston . The Ballston grade school attended the field meet at Perrydale Friday and won the trophy for the fifth consecutive year. They scored more than 60 points. Mrs. Mae Yokem, who has been ill in the McMinnville General hospital for some time, has been moved to the home of her daughter, Mrs. Lima Reeves, in McMinnville. Mrs. Howard Kilmer under went a tonsilectomy at tho Mc Minnville General hospital Friday and is making satisfac tory recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Kilmer were dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mrs. Kilmer's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Black, in Dallas. Sew and Social club mem bers attending the spring fes tival at Tlickreall Thursday were Miss Elsie Taylor, Mrs. Jerome Reece, Mrs. Lily Bow man, Mrs. Lizzie Bissel. Mrs. Martin Van Groos, Mrs. John Focht, Mrs. George Gardner, Mrs. Melvin Johnson and Mrs. Harry Kaltenback. The latest measles victims are the three small children of Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson and Lester Kaltenback. The Ballston school and sev eral of the parents attended the May Day exercises at Amity, May 1. Mrs. Harley Wilson of Sher idan was a dinner guest Thurs day evening at the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson. The occasion was Mrs. Wilson's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Reece were week-end visitors in Portland. The 4-H cooking class met last week at the home of its leader, Mrs. Bob Smith, and made angel food cakes. Mr. and Mrs. Chick Shafer and Mrs. Fred Ottinger of Mc Minnville were guests at the Howard Shafer home Wednes day. Mrs. F. H. Brooks is spend ing a few days at the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Broooks, of Tillamook. GREYHOUND Butteville The Silver Tea held in the Pioneers Mothers Memorial cabin in Champoeg Park last Friday afternoon was success. Guests came from all over the valley including Sa lem, Oregon City, Portland, McMinnville, Newberg and lo cal districts. Belle Passl chap ter of Daughters of American Revolution were hostesses. Mrs. Drexel White and Mrs. Karl Engleman were co-chairmen for all arrangements. The 'Butteville PTA has ar ranged for a special program for the next meeting, Monday evening, May 11, at the school house. Thomas Leupp, superintend ent of McLaren Boys school, and the McLaren School boys' chorus will provide a musical program. Officers for next year will also be elected. Mrs. James Johnson is program chairman and Mrs. Walter Racette re freshment chairman. A large attendance is planned. Mr. and Mrs. Beryl Breit haupt attended a large family dinner honoring Mrs. Bretf haupt's nephew, Donald Bierly, who has been ordered to the Far East. The dinner was held Sunday near Halsey. - The long awaited for class In glo-candle making is now ar ranged. It will meet at the Woman's Civic club building in Canby, May 12 at 8:00 p.m. The Canby Co-op is sponsoring the class and has secured a demonstrator. I The glo-candle wax is now available locally. Every one in terested in learning to make glo-candles is urged to come to the demonstration class. The plant and garden sale being sponsored by the Coun tryside Gardeners club is to be Saturday, May 9, all day at the roadside stand on highway 99E near Barlow. Besides shrubs, perennials and bedding plants there will be gifts suitable for Mothers Day. For Mothers Day, Mrs, R. D. Baughman and three daughters, of Holllster,' Calif., will arrive at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Forester Saturday to spend the week. Mr. Baughman will drive up later in the week and his family will return with him. Willamina The teachers of the Roberts school, Mrs. Bina Staggs and Mrs. Mary Litchfield, sur prised the Mother's club Fri day afternoon with an "Open House" in their honor. Mr. and Mrs, Earl Blanken ship and son Richard, and his mother, Mrs. Clara Blanken ship, returned this week from Vancouver, B. C, where they attended the graduation of her grand-daughter Miss Doreen Blankenship, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Blank enship. While there they visited places of Interest re- Willamlna Danny Endres, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Al Entires, had her tonsils re moved last week. Mrs. Francis Wheeler of Crecent City, Calif., has been visiting at the Lionel Graham home. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cummins aud Jimmy of Seaside spent a night here this week with he parents, and Mrs. H. A, Parrett. They then left for Wentworth, Mo., to visit with his family. Mrs. E. H. Lindbeck has returned from a visit in Olympia, Wash. Sharfen Lash celebrated her ninth birthday this week. when dinner guests at the W. B. Lash home were Chuck and Norma Lash and Pam Denton, and Sharwen's great uncle Charley Kirkpatrick of California, and her grand father, F. B. Lash. The Past Noble Grands club will meet May 14, at the Rebekah halJ with Nettie Wise, hostess. Installation of officers will be held. Attending the Spring Festi val Tuesday in McMinnville from the Fendall Extension unit were Mrs. S. H. Bare, Mrs. A. J. Pearson, Mrs, Bob Bainter, Mrs. Harley Mishler, Mrs. Guy Fendall, Mrs. Frank Bond, Mrs. Douglas - Floyd, Mrs. Dale Snow, Mrs. Chan Mendenhall, Mrs. Ben Mat hews Mrs. Cliff Forbes, Mrs. Carrol Hines, Mrs. John Holmes, Mrs. Glen Dickey, Mrs. Frank Smelser, Mrs. Al Endres, Mrs. O. J. Myers and Mrs. Clarence Chambers. FL club HA will meet Wednesday, May 13 at the home of Marge Blackwell with. Gladys . Sisk co-hostess. The auxiliary to the fire department will meet May 12, at the home of Mrs. Martin Myers, .with Mrs. Lloyd Anderson and Mrs. Darold Blanchard as cb-hostesses. Mrs. Virgil Helder, Mrs. Fred Nelson and Mrs. H. A. Parrett attended a style show and silver tea Tuesday in McMinnville at the home 1 of Mrs. Gordon Carey. The Rebekah ' lodge will have a food and apron sale Saturday, at Robertson Gro cery and Eilllngsworth' Northwest store. Proceeds will go into the lodge flooring fund. Mrs. W. B. Matthews is leaving this week for a trip to Oklahoma to visit members of her family. The American War Mothers will have a carnation sale here Friday and Saturday. Aumsville Independence Aumsville The Bethel Baptist church held Its 4th an nual mother and daughter banquet recently with 88 pres ent. . During the dinner hour. music was played by Mrs. Alene Wilson and Mrs. Muriel Warner, who are members of the Wiltsey vesper band of Salem. Toastmistreis for the even ing was Mrs. Lois Hays. SDe- cial awards were presented to six mothers Mrs. Ed Wallace, who celebrated her 80th birth day May 2. was the oldest guest present; Mrs. T. Dalke, as mother of "10 children; Mrs. uaies, as eldest guest with most generations present, in cluding her daughter Mrs. Mar tin and a granddaughter Mar garet Bates. Youngest .mother award went to Mrs. Perry. Mrs. p. Wallace received honors as eldest mother, with lour daughters present, and Mrs. Simpson received the award as mother with the youngest daughter. Five graduating seniors, Bonnie Nicholson, Lois Holm- quist, Ardith Carver, Nell Dean Foster and Sally Klein, were presented with gifts. Suzy Stover, Bonnie Dalke and Wanda Wallace are grad uating from the 8th grade. Mrs. Ed Holmquist present ed all Awards. Independence Rennle Knowles was honored on his birthday on Sunday, by a sur prise dinner and a gathering of his relatives at his home. ' Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Ira Mix and Mrs. Clara Lewis of Independence; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Flcke and Mrs. Hattle Black of Salem; Mr. and Mrs. William Quartler and Mr. and Mrs. James Alderson of Portland. The Men's Fellowship group of the First Baptist church held the regular monthly meeting in the church parlors, with Pres ident Roland Turpin presiding. Darrell Burch was intro duced by Pastor' Boomer, and led the devotional period. During the business meet ing, the men agreed to spon sor the King's Sons program amongst the boys. Roland Tur pin will be the leader of this group. ,' ' Guest speaker of the evening was Bob Halloway of Portland, who is the head of the depart ment on information . of State Game and Fish Commission. . Refreshments were served by Russell Chappell, Wesley Gaines, Roland Turpine and Walter Lierman. Gordon Wells, recent gradu ate of Oregon State College, will assume his duties as audi tor for the State Tax Commis sion in Salem, Tuesday, May inn. Gordon is being congratulat ed on his marriage to Miss Nina I. Moon, April. 26, at Stevenson, Wash. They are making their1 home in Independence. Friday evening, a Mother's Tea was held at the First Bap tist Church, with Mrs. Paul Boomer in charge. A talk was given to the guest mothers by Pastor Boomer, Mr. and Mrs.Byron Ruddell are announcing the comine wedding of their granddaugh ter, Miss Lela Beach, to Wil bur Jackson, Tuesday evening. May 19 at 8 p.m., at the First Baptist church. Pastor Paul E. Boomer will perform the ceremony. Reception will follow the wedding at the Glenn Hard- man home. grandmother and other rela tives. The executive board of Central High School P.T.A. met Wednesday evening in the Home Economics rooms at ihe high school. Plans were made for the coming P.T.A. meeting which will be held May 18 when stu dent government will be the program. Studentii from Central's Student Council will present the functions of the student council. Jefferson turning by the way of, Vic toria. ' Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stevens left Wednesday for San Francisco, where they will spend a few days ON THE HIGHWAY THE BEST WAY IS... 11 P i WOOF 5 Years Old For outdoor flavor, call (or OLD Cabin STILL mild In proof... yet rich in flavor NEW LOWER PRICES $460 1 $300 FIFTH PINT Cabin tiU Hubbard The Ladies' aid of the Hub bard community church - will hold an all-day meeting at the home of Mrs. June Billington, wedresday, May 13. The pre-school well child clinic for the North Marion area will be held at North Marion union high school, Tuesday a'ternoon, May 12, The first regularly schedul ed year-around airline in the United States was started Au gust 21, 1926, between Detroit and Grand Rapids, Mich., by the Stout Air Service. Mother's Day guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Sherwood were: Mr. and Mrs. Perry Wells, Mr. and Mrs. Gor don Wells, Mr. and Mrs. James Moon and two daughters Helen and Mary; Mr. and Mrs. Jack McKern and two sons, Pat and Mike; Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Moon and family of Shasta Oregon, and Mr. and Mrs. Hank Clinton and family. Mrs. Elmer Oppliger was week-end guest of her son, Alan, at the University of Ore gon, for Mother's week-iind festivities. ' , Miss Frances Agalzoff has gone to California for the sum mer, where she will visit her Jefferson Ted Johnson of Astoria, a graduate of Wil lamette university, has been hired to coach at Jefferson high school. He is taking the place of Fred Graham who re signed to coach at Stayton. Graham has 'seent here for three years. The Jefferson Parent-Teach ers association will meet on Thursday night, May 4, at the high school gymnasium. Eldon Turnldge retiring association president, will show movies of buU fighting he filmed while touring through Mexico and Ceiral America. ; During the busint s meeting. Mrs. Myrna Corn of Depoe Bay PTA, regional vice-president. win install the "new officers for the coming year. Mrs. Dar win Cook will be president; rora f ormer, vice-president: Mrs. Arlie Cooper, secretary; Mrs.Al Gurgurlch, treasurer. The young people's choir of the Christian church will pre sent several vocal numbers. Mrs. Erie Fltziimoni Was guest of honor when the ladies of the Methodist church enter tained at a pink and blue shower Wednesday night, at the home of Miss Edith Llbby. Keiresnments were served by the hostesses, Miss Edith Libby, Miss Virginia Mason, Mrs. Helen Caywood and Mrs. William Gulvln. Mothers day guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles McKee will be their daughter. Virginia Waterman, Lincoln Waterman and son, Michael. Bliss FIdler, who resides In south ; Jefferson, suffered heart attack Tuesday. . His sister, Mrs. Maud Epley, caring for him. Frark Martin who under went surgery in a Salem hos pital, has returned home. He wtl undergo another operation In the future. Jennie McGulr and John Wright have been chosen from Jefferson high school to at tend the state-wide "Music Shaw Shaw Annual meeting of Shaw public schools Mother! club was held May 9. Mrs. Irvln Bartels presided. - Officers elected for coming year were: Mrs. Floyd Vaughn, presi dent; Mrs. Bert Carpenter, vice-president; Mrs. George Walsh, secretary treasurer; Mrs. Floyd Lacey and Mrs. Bartols, hostesses. The graduation exercises will be held May 15 with Jack Ostrem, George Roberts, Nor man Bethel and Westley Let graduating. The annual school picnic wil be held at the Stayton park, May 21, with pot-luck dinner. . New neighbors in the com munity are the Bert Carpen ters from California, also the Loyd Taylor family. Mrs, Carl Lacey, Bob, Mary, Jo and Betsy will leave June 6 for an extended trip through California and the southern states. They plan on being away a month. May" festival,, sponsored by Pacific university at Forest Grove, May 7, 8, and 9. A dessert luncheon was en joyed at the home of Mrs. A. E. Phelps .Tuesday afternoon, followed' by card. High score was made - by Mrs. Harold Knight and Mrs. , William Walls, low score. Present . were Mrs. J. J. Denton,' Mrs. Earl Lynts, Mrs. Francis Phelps, Mrs. Claude Ovtrhol er, Miss Mary Donodue and. the hottest, Mrs. Phelps. mm 90t A A4 I "OUR REPUTATION g your sicuRmr rk.-';- that's : H I A D MED I im Tnitirrrn n ii . 1 , ':.a-K.::i;t-l "Mil JIVHVfrWJb fl n V . .'V: la . a-: i r -j "III XMXm w moa an m r v HAULING R f l -I STORAGE 1 I FUEL I I .. DW 3-3131 J 'ill : or see as at ; a II 99 N. Liberty Every drop made, mellowed and bottled soWy by STIT2EL-WELLER DISTILLERY, ESTABLISHED LOUISVILLE, KY., U49 Or LAKE LOUISE High among gorgeous Ca nadian Rockies you'll 6nd jom dream vacation ai beauti ful Banff Springs, IotcIv Lake Louiiel Kelu with lop lerrice, comfort and world-famous food. En joy golf,tennif swim, hike, filh, ridel Atk about th 2-4-6 day ail-expense tour in the Canadian Rockies. Make reservations with your local agent or sec GaMoJixClM Anwicon tonT tidg. In the 1953 Mobtlgas Economy Run COMMANDER V:8 WITH OVERDRIVE fifushd F in actual miks permllm among all competing 8 cylinder ecru Moks emotional 2408 octwal mMM pmr fitou STUDEBAKER ALSO VJIUS AUTOMATIC DRIVE CHAMPIONSHIP Lond QVrMr V-8 wirmr in dots D wifh 49476 Ion mHmt paw gaMon, Top all other entrants equipped with automatic tranftmtssion inclwding Sixot, in actval mike per goflorw The Land Croisor aroroaod 22.88 actual miltM par gaMoal Stvdwbcskcr Champion Korwt amaztng 26M Over ragged not watt i to Sua Valley, new 195) Wudebofcert, pelfed by txjMfiofictdi dffvfi mbW AeAA CBiMt Boofal FvWty Mode smozifiQ (otoltot inUooqw Stodo bottr vcrdriv m vtomaf.c 4tv, optional at Kfctl OMty W96 MO(L' S9 yOVT IMQffcy ShMsWeMaMV do4oF fid lip vt a HiHfty SrdoiMtVorlM