Tuesday, May -12, 1955 Pag 12 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Ralem, OwfO" Injuries Plague Cleveland On Eve of Yankee Series By CABIi LUNDQUIST New ferk ! Al Lopei came to town today "moariin the braes" uUbe wu openlnc an enrifement u a night elnb infer initeid of mantflnr the Clerelana Indians. He'f got more trouble than he llket to think about at the moment al the Indiana begin their first eaatern road trip with a two-game aeries against the first place Yankees tonight, Both Al Rosen and Bi Boone, who have been the club's chief long-ball hitters to date, are ailing and c 0 u 1 miss tonight's game. And try. lng to play without a long-ball hitter in Yankee stadium like playing mumble-peg with out a knife. . Power Failure Boone has a badly inflamed knee and he is afraid it is a re currence of trouble he had last year when he twisted it and was out of action in the stretch run. Rosen has a stiff neck and a bad cold and feel miser " Both Boone and Rosen miss ed last night's game In which the Chicago White Sox gained a seven-hit, 3-1 victory behind Lefty Billy Pierce. Pierce thus became the first American League pitcher to win five I Major Leagues AMERICAN LEAGUE - W L Pet. OB New York IS 7 .OM ClaMlMUl ........11 t .m 1 Chicago 10 .WD Itt Boston 11 10 .134 3H Washington ll u ,es i M, Louis It U .46 Phlladelohll 10 II .OS Itt Detroit M .140 10 Lait Nlikt'i Retails Chicago I, Clsvslsnd 1. Only game scheduled. ' NATIONAL LEaOUC W h ret. Brooktrn 14 7 Ml Philadelphia il 7 .060 Milwaukee 11 7 .611 at. Louu io .est Now yore .too Plttiburib 0 II .Ot Chlcuo I 11 .313 Cincinnati t IS .31 Tedar'e Resells No samee schedUloa. games this year. ' He has lost one game. The defeat by Chicago not only knocked Cleveland out of first place but confirmed sus' nicions by some of the Yan kees, including Manager Casey Stengel, that the White sox ana not the Indians may be their most persistent challengers in their bid for a fifth straight flag. The evidence in favor of the White Sox Js strong, too, in view of events to date. The White Sox beat the Yankees twice in the only two games they have played, and they now have two victories out of three over Cleveland. The White Sox beat Bob Lemon to avenge an opening day defeat in which he held them to one hit. It was his third defeat against three wins. Al Carrasquel drove in Minnie Mlnoso with a double In the eighth for the winning run. Eugene, Yoncolla Lead District 4 Track Festival Eugene U.R Eugene and Yoncalla won the district 4, class A and B track champion ships here yesterday and quali tied for the greatest number of berth in next week-end's state meet at Corvallis. Eugene amassed 87 points to edge its nearest competitor, Marshfield, with 62 V4. The Yoncalla squad piled up 124 8S points to outdistance sec ond-place Lowell witn ids ss. The Eugene Axemen quail. fled A men and its relay team for the state meet while Yon calla placed 10 and a relay team. , this jiiowra 0WIY BUY IN SALEM SAVE THE FREIGHT Think of it Buy a Brand New Nash Airflyre in Salem at the tame price you would pay at the factory. This offer good only until Decoration Day! $296.52 Nash Ambassador $262.42 Nash Statesman $213.28 Nash Rambler That ere brand new ear. not house can full new Mr service and warranty large aelactlon new available hurry Trad and terms. Discount Can Be Used Toward Down Payment Kid Matthews, Beshore Clash in Portland Ring Portland (WoHarry (Kid) Matthews, trying for a ring comeback and losses to Rocky Mareisn. and Illness, faces "Fearless" Freddie Be shore here tonight in a 10 round bout at the Civle au ditorium. The Seattle slugger Is fit and ready, according to his manager, Jack Hurley. Mat thews, after losing to Mar eiano last year, had to can cel a bout In London because of a back injury and the present fight was postponed a month because of a tonsil operation. In Matthews' last Portland appearance, he decisloned Rex Layne. That Is In May of last year. Beshore last appeared here January 27, winning a decision over Abel Fernandez. The fight ers faced each other In Mil waukee two years ago when Matthews won a seven-round TKO. t Beshore, itching for an up set, will weigh in at about 195. Matthews Is 189. Charles Faces Gilliam Tonight Toledo, O. U.R Former hea vyweight champion Ezzard Charles regarded tonight's fight with young Billy Gilliam here as his last stepping stone to ward another crack at the title, Co-managers Tom Tannas and Jake Mintr said Charles Is determined to regain the title he once held. "When he gets by Gilliam, we'll demand a shot at the Marclan-Walcott win ner," he echoed. Widmar, Evans Top Coast Loop In Pitching San Francisco W Seattle Pitchers Al Widmar and Bill Evans topped Pacific Coast League hurlers in games through Sunday, official league statistics showed Tuesday. Widmar had eight wins against two losses and Evans had retired 46 batters to lead in strikeouts. Average for games through May 10 include: Fidget. LA Shandor, as Lovrlen. SiatUa ...... Bradford, BS Baaat, Sacramento .... Sannln, SD ......., Molaan, LA W. Evins, Seattli .... O'Donnell, Hollywood Widmar, SeaUli Nagr. Saattlo Heard. Portland Sanford, Portland Linda, Portland ...... Klndiiather, Seattle .. Walbel. Portland .... Lint. Portland J. Davie, fleattl9 ...... Del Duce, Seattle Ward. Portland Illlott. Portland Adams, Portland A IS SO W L ... S It IS I ,..io li ie ...14 11 11 ,..i a u ,.. 7 It 13 ,.. 1 J t ,.. 11 II ,..11 14 41 ,..u 3 is ,..11 H II ,.. I 31 14 ,.. I 11 St ,.. II 14 ,.. t II II . .11 II II ..11 4 I ..li i n .. I 17 II ..II II 17 .. t II W .. S II II ,,11110 Hard Tops Next At Holly Bowl The hard tops, which have zoomed to popularity across the country since they started competing In auto races a few years ago, make their 19B3 debut In Salem at Hollywood Bowl Saturday night. Hard tops are sedans and coupes with re-eninf orced bodies and racing motor. They race In slam bang style, with much looser rules than are in effect In other type of racing. A six-car destruction darby will also be included In the FAN FARE v WoH Dlttta lr SCORES in the ALLEYS program. Luke Appling holds the all- The local auto racing season time team record for the best got underway at Hollywood batting average on the Chf-lBowl ' last Saturday, wtlh cago White Sox. He hit .888,Royce Hagerty winning the in 1936. stcok car main event. Capitol Alleys COMMERCIAL NO. 1 Salem Title Cnnar (4) Owen 400, McUullen MO, H1U 417, Delano 114, Quarto Ml; Knlihte el Colembas ( Doutney 431, Bleiler 311, Link 431, Frame 431, B. Bleiler 441. Starr Foeie (i)-eheldon 401, Lauren 133, Walla oil, Dullus 117. Lanlboff 111: Orval's Deed Cara 1 MeCterr ill, Arm 411, Lame, 411, Wllkereon 111. W. Cllne, Jr. 513. OeMlee t tllvertew (I) Herr 417, Frank 131. Howell 434, Herr MS, Bent eon 4M; rVlcllanl'e Sporting Goods (1) Hendrle 411, Morris 411, Harra 443, Bran 411, Lawlesl 413. Rawlinson'e Capital Cltr Laundrr (4) Meleon 111. Rluland 4M, Snrigga 131, Oellaeher MJ, Ueffert MOi Marten Cressaerr ) Allen 4l, Pekar 113, Kenron 333, King Ml, Davenport 447. Nleheltoa's Insurance Cadv 111. Adama 4M. Bertram 4N. Belter 407. Bol ton 413; Woodnr'e Firalliro Co. t) perry sue, wooorr oie, rorenien 131, Adolpb 134, OUnier 4M. Hlfll team lime. Starr Foods, ess: nigh team series, Rewllnson's oapitol city utunqria.-nna, nign Ind. game, Walt Clino, Jr. of Orval'a TJaed Cars, 343; hlsh Ind. series, Walt Cllne, Jr. al Orval'a Used Cara and Bob LenghOtt of Starr Foods, U3. ..... as., nn (It Fallen 411, Oretn lee 313, Aron 431, Relnke llll A. Iff- son-Realler ituis a, - 4VV olhtt 111. Ton Hat Cafe (J)-Coon J47, tlewton m, Frederick 411, Johnston loji Hellr weed Merohanrt (-HlUerleh 331, Her man 410, Bckatrom 307, Masker J4I. mh team aame and series, Leo l Fine cara, 111 and 11771 ntan tod. isme and serlu, L. Foilen, 301 and 413.. DIRECTORY ADDINO MACHINIS All makes used machines sold, rented, repaired. Boon, 4tl Court. Fa. I-I77X BUILD1NO MATERIAL O. W. KLANO Wreeklnf CO. HUliaers cheap euoplles. 1-7393 ovenlnta. oll BULLDOZLVO Duck Pins' Salem Doubles Team in State Tennis Semi-Finals S33CCNTCR ST. s -DletVL. 3Q2eOs& Corvallis W) Oregon's an nual high school tennis cham pionships went into semifinal and final round here Tuesday with the defending champion urant nigft acnool ol Port land boys' team hard pressed. The McMinnville girls' team was favored to retain its title. In the boys' singles, top seeded Norm Merrill of Grant faced Bob Jensen, Corvallis, in one semifinal match. In the other, Ronnie Groves. Roseburg, faced Clayton Carl son, Corvallis. In the boys' doubles, Salem's Dick Wilson and Mai William son met Jack Jacobson and Jim Lehl, Marshfield, and Central Catholic's Jack Al stock and Don Welch, met Dick Lanlg and John Regler, Dallas. Tuesday's tlrls' semifinals: ' Slnsles Diana Peterson. HeUlnnvllla. ve. Marilyn Bimonspn, Jefferson of Port- laaoi tfacaie MB Ford, McMinnville, va. Pour Buckler. Grant. Doouea Jackie Hubbard and Alice Blehop, McMinnville. vs. Barbara and Carol Olson, Jefferson) Illaabeth Cuter ana nusan waicott, orant, vs. Donna Lee and Nella Novak, The Dalles. First Ronnd Bors' Desblea BUI Trent and Leon Huntley, Dallas, defeated Steve nm mna uick jonneon, Fendletpn, 0-1, 3-t, l-3i John Hagen and Don Smith, Lincoln, defeated John Clayton And Marshal Jeldercks, Salem, 1-1, e-ll Den nis Todd and Dout Pence. Klamath Fills, byel Wayne Hennlnter and Don Carter, Roseburt, defeated Dick and Mao Friedman, CorvaUls, 1-3, e-li Jack Jacobson and Jim LehL Muihllald, bre: Dick Wllion and ital WUllamaon, a- jem, oys. Second Roand Bon DmsUo Jacobson ana Jjeat aeieatoa ITent sm BuntlCT, 1-3, 3-t, 6-3; Jack Alstock and Don Welch, Centra Catholic, defeated Todd and Pence, l-S, 7-3, 0-3: Htnninier and Carter defeated Jack Owens and B1U vraia, ureaon Vltr, ej-1, 9-3. Setnl-Ftnals Bora Deiblee Jacobson and Lehl defeated Vance aum uw Douc Boneyford, Ontario, S-4, 0-4; WU- era ana wiuiamson neieatod Bon Mels ner and Bob Moraine, Benson, 0-1, s-ll Lanli and Roller defeated Hennlrwr nd Carter, 0-1, 0-1. . First Brand Ben' Slnsleo Larry Mc Kean, Bermlston, defeated Bob Henry, Canby, 3-6. 6-3, l-lt John Mlnlfle, a lem, bye; Ron Groves, Roaebors, byot Gary Boedlshelmer, Balem, defeated John Btraen, Canby, 0-3, 0-3; Ron Ounther, North Bend, bye. Second Brand Bore Slnriae Mtnlftt defeated McKean 10-3, (-4; Groves de feated Ben Wetlands, Benson; Boedlg- neimer defeated Larry Smith, Franklin, 1-3, 0-1; Clayton Carlton, Corvallis, de feated Ounther, 0-4, 6-4. viearter rinau Bora' Slnolea norm Merrill, Grant, defeated Mlnlfle, 1-1, 1-1; Groves defeated Boedlihelmer, 0-4, 1-7, 0-3. Flret Brand Gtrls' Sioslee Jackie Ford, Marshfield, defeated Mariana Hel iums, renoleton, l-l, 0-01 MarJorie Re mus, Onion City, defeated Hancy Payne, Balem, 1-0, 0-1, 1-0; Diane Pe terson, McMinnville, defeated Myron Bare, Salem, 0-1, o-lt Janet Parks, Pen dleton, defeated Ann Turnbull, Lincoln, o-t o-o. Qaartor Finale Girls Slnalea ord de. tested Remus, 0-1. 0-0; Marilyn Bimon- aon, jenerson, defeated Parks, 0-3, 3-0, 1-1. First Baud Otxle' Deablea Sally Graves and Bonnie Jean MacLeod, Bea verton, defeated lorla Andrea and Lor raine RUla, Balem, 3-0, 0-3, 0-4; Barbara and Carol Olson, Jefferson, defeated Pat Hlikey and Joan Lleb, Hermlston, 6-4, V mi U ISM V J 7m fTeV.r I k.. ' ' w LwatAOtJ ..t i a X rTWWBo fcarofcs h a WKMJS'jUm.kg n isWili OMMt Ma MM Ossgooi Aoeton, oCf mmpohmbtml tswvicwMiWliMwMt ll sncnnl know f to f50(M without cVfeiioaem ifasaitjss tot orjosiaa bene ri is. llsmhisi k bJgbai raoome bivctWi hive aM iba WofM tsaVen oat o( w4jpextd rnextJcst oosm thravrgh OPS feUr pajr sod liopoMls. More tra m ,0O0 OmQotttm ImM OPC saioAsawTiipe, Tbf have oacicW (jmb sifeswaoioes, frtftr aSe atiisneawa at oWrtJS foams and red tapes prfr tht pLac tftpomd bf Fhe Oiwejpoo StorM Med ioal Sot Ants. MwNeal AsMds Uoa and Bit SWeM. Want snh jatowaissal, tfwi W ajaaaiaM, -1 - - BJTf SB,JrrW eTera7iBreT4aTas OREGON PHYSICIANS' SERVICE BLVE SHIELD O.rj. eXAIMI AND SAlit O'HCIS hi Nrtlie4 tofeei, Aaveral, . - rtfjrfOTlle PeMsfitwBSf tTOerewerffJ lit 1 W.I oalOrl.rMfendfOeasea PIiom eft' rm matatMSMM aaad ym MfOICM end HOOHTAl WItISJ IV HI OIC4ffrUNmwereetayewla.il D rWHOOOUT MMoM ladies uuam BOUND 15 Mister Bread (8) Hansen 100, Bye J!!' !0l"r,..,s7, OUm,r Thellidl 310; WlUimelte Bank (D Bye 376, Vlb bert 364, Cook 203. Hlller 301. Vnllnikl 106. WeedroCfo'e Raw SUim at 373, Richardson 301, Kins 333, RieUer Ml, York 360; Ramie oil (D Bye 197. Wood 431. ISeharf US wk 4V n l7. ' " ." High team aariaa And nm. w.,. roffes Ban Shop, 1704 and 017; hlth Ind. series, Nary PollnskL iM: hlsh tnA. Oladyi Wood, 103. Eulldoslni. road clearing teeth. Virgil Huskey, 1010 Fslrvlsw. Fh. 1-3141. ollie CASH REGISTERS Instant delivery of new RCA cash registers. All makes, sold, rented, rl salred. Roen, 411 Court. Ph. 1-1771. o DREISMAKINO AlUratlons, hemstitching, buttons, buckles covered, buttonholes. Mm. H. M. AUender. 1-0011. o3 DRIVING INSTRUCTION Learn to drive the "Xasy Drive" way. Call or see Mr. Entiling, Valley Mo tor Co., Salem. Phone 3-1147 or 4-1074. e FURNITURE REflNIBHINO Furniture reflnlshlns, rspalrlng. Ed ar Brock, 164 Norway St. Phone 313)7. 0131 IUTTRESSSS Capitol Bedding, vsnovatea. Full lias ntw mattresses. Fn. I-44M. OFFICE FPRWTTUBE a SUFFH1S Desk chairs. Wis, flllni eupniiss, ssfea dupUeitotrs, supplies, desk lamps, type, writer stands. Roen, 460 Court, es SHARPENING A NO REPAIR SERVICE Obsrt'l Sharpening ind Repair Serv ice. Lawnmowsri, knives, shsirs, M. erelag and small motors. Ph. 14111 4. lltn ind "D" Me. elite SEPTIC TANKS Hamel'l ssptlc tanks cleaned, line service. Guaranteed work. Phena 1-7404. om. Sewer, septic tanks, drains cleaned. R to-Rooter Sewer Service Phone S.llrl, e . Mlke'i Septlo Service. Tanks clcsnid. Drooler cleans sewers, drains, Phou 3-S466. . olll TTFEWRITERS smitn, corona, wonungios, rtoyu, ro- ,.nMl n,-tahlA. All -n.W.. ... maohlnej. Repairs rent, Roen, 410 Court oa TELEVISION Prompt television and radio repair service. Phone 4-6981. . 173 Market, 4iy or night. olll VENETIAN BUND LAUNDBX Canflsld's Laundry, Repairs, ReflnUb. lng. 1440 a. 11th. Ph. 4-1403. Plck-ui, Delivery. cm WINDOW CLEANING Acme Window Cleaners. Industrial floor waxing, houieclesnlng. Phone 3-3337. 147 Court, . e Journal Want Ads Pay LADIES LEAGUE . BOUND M Matter Bread ft) Wat,... 111 m McQturi 311, o timer J33, Thellade 3J7i Senile OU (1) Bra 117. Wnu! Ml. Schirf 131, Weber J37, Bre 107. WUUmette Bank (1) Cook 330, Miller jiv, rounsu ell, VIDbert 303, Bye 3701 Woedreffee Bam Shm it) w.m.r 10a Richardson S04, Kins 380, Rletser 381, Terk .03. High team series and game, Master Bread, 1747 end 047; huh tel. eerlaa anil same, Mary pollnskl, 41s and 107. University Alleys LADIES MINOR LEAGUE SjBOkl Shaw (II IT ru.nl. UA Wnvla 111. Battles 313, Arthur 111; Birb'i SaerUu Creeds (I) D. Vlldei 331, Wendt 333, W. Valdei 301, Oannon 431. Westera Paatr Cenvarilne Ce. (l Peanon 404, Johnson 331, Cogswell 333, Bpnerly 370; Nehl Bereran (11 Heru 3K Gannon 303, FaUtn 303, Lindsay 403. II f UP TO $1500 "YES" promptly to 4 out of I employed men, women married or ginell. 1-visit loan nhrina Brit, You select best peyment date. Luneh hour asrviee. Conelderate gervice in your boot mterecta. Find out why, "Ifs hnumat to be euro" Loans snaeto en Ante. Furniture er Salary NOW! loans m to $1500 Take p to 24 nonths to repay IVSTSSt I I Ground Floor, Oregon Bldf ., 105 8. HiGH ST., SALEM Phonsi 2-2464 e Rsx Doylo, YES M ANagsr loans over $300 made by Personal Finance Co. of Marlon County omder the) Industrial toon Companies Act off Oregon. Isai west le midtnli sf ill nrmndlni ream lists litems Set. MS, a-IU . L5) 7 V7h u p up a bottle r yTr77T your favoritebrand today! j jf ' E BBBaBBaBBBiBBBwaaiaoiaBBaBBBBiBBBBBBBiBaaBBBiBiewseaBBBaawaBaBaat. laste today's SCHENLEY ...the best-tasting whiskey in agesl jsj Mm pint ' 4!f- OLD $TACG Evwy m)How drop . . . JF TOP KENTUCKY BOURBON $06n? $4.10 iKensel FV KINTUOCY STRAIGHT SOU HON WHISKEY NUT AGEO FOUR YEARS' 84 FDOOF Itt 1 ANCIENT AuE SLB4DCD WrttSOYe 14 PrOOf tS GUAM NEUTRAt SPRITS IS Onr gives you DouWoRkh fastel 2: $3.70 4iMtt icmruacY wmscty-a mfnd.b4 hoof 70 ORAM NEUTRAt SrWTS The whiskey with i40 $55 Age m its flavor Om WE KENTUCKY STKAtGHT BOOT60N WHtSKEY 4 FROOFEYHY DROP 6 YEARS OlD PEDDLEFORD The Bond of Good Fellowship IOTTIED M lOHtl. KENTUCKY STRAJOHT SOUtBON WHISKEY. tOO PROOF U'$ ofwoyt 0 pUatvnl U Ve HARPER $4 Th Gold Medal Whiskey too PSOOF tooaw omr nnno tormo m iono$7.05 KBeTUCKY STRAIGHT RCHJRsON WHISKEY The proa of at BouHxyu OLD SCHENLEY ruuS vtvuts 00 TOO PwOOF.IOTnH) M sONO STWFOHT SOimtON WHtSKEY $-10 10 $6.30 KMtNUY WSIIUSUIORS, kNC, NEW YORlt R i.