Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 12, 1953, Page 11, Image 11

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    ;. ' . : , '
Salons Face Loop-Leaders
Salem, Lewiston Open
Series Here Tonight
Getting the Low Down tSSlSSL
Cham Dion
bmmWw mmIiiia Huftl and
' Challenger Jersey Joe Walcott tune In on each other's
tickers at a preliminary physical examination in Chicago.
They will battle for the title at the Chicago Stadium
May 15. ive Teiepnoio.i
Salem's' Senators return toj
Waters park tonight after a
week on the road to open a
three-came series with Lewis-
ton. ......
T-oujialnn m ana Bed by Bill
Brenner, is resting high and
handsome In first place in
Western International league
standings with 12 wins ana a
losses. . ' . . - i
caiam nn the other hand.
finds itself in 10th place with
4 wins and 7 losses.
Senator Manager Hugh Luby
last night announced the re
lease of two Salem players.
They were Outfielder Don Tay
lor and Infielder Freddie Hal
ler. Both had had a miserable
time at the plate this season.
Taylor tiad batted only .150 in
ten games, while Haller hit .154
WIL Standings
B The AMOcUUd Frew
. . . W L .
Lcwiiton .
Vlctorit . .... '
Tri-Clty '
Rlklmft J
Mn' ..:
Vancouver ii, view...
nnlv Hint ubtduliil.
Spokftnt . iti-ui.
Yakima at KdmoDUn.
WtMtcht at Ciliary.
LcwUton at saicm.
Victoria at Vancouftr.
Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, May 12, 1953 Page 11
World's Championship
Mix at Armory Tonight
.' i t I-., V'i tournament. I S'T"S'TSSf,T"T5?
Th warld'x iunlor heavy
weight wrestling championship
will be at stake In the Salem
armory tonight when cham
pion Danny McShain takes on
challenger Carl Engstrom.
' Engstrom earned the title
shot at McShain by winning
the one-night mat tournament
at tho armory last week. Eng
strom defeated Eric Pederson
in the tourney finals.
McShain, who as a young
wrestler appeared in Salem
a few times In the SO's, has
since wrestled in all the top
arenas of the country, and
rhas made many television
wrestling appearances.'
i McShain has a collection of
beautiful capes, and is a great
showman in addition to being
a toueh grappler.
Tonight marks the only ap
pearance of McShain in Salem
this year.
. Al Ssass, who was de
feated by Engstrom In the
semi-finals of last' week's
. tournament, will meet John
ny Demchnck, rated tops
throughout the country, will
be making his Salem debut.
Popular George Drake gets a
big test in the special event
when he tackles head-butting
Frank James.
Tommy Martlndale, whom
v.w..An mHH mil Viv a mlit
decision in the opening round
of last week's tournament,
faces Buck Weaver in the 8:30
opener tonight.
Rob Olson Flips
One-Hitter for
Dallas Dragons
Mt. Ana-el Held to on hit,
trinU hv Wes Lilhfoot. Mt
lns,l rirnnrad a Willamette
Valley league game to Dallas
Mnndav afternoon. n 10 I.
Lightfoot's blow came ' in the
first inning when Mt. Angel's
brace ol runs were uuwa. a
er that they failed to connect.
Dallas tied it up with sin
gle runs in the second and
third and then iced it. with a
three-run bee in the seventh.
dim on sol s- i
ut. mil joooooo-j l
Olion ul Olbbis Buenlwtt irt Qroi-
High School Scores
(By Tht Aeeoelatad Ptih)
Ctillwuln 1, St. llarr'a (Medlorn) 1
(DUtrlet l-B ahamolnnarilp).
Caacada Union V, creiwali I (DUtrict
5-A-l ahamplonablp).
Ullwaukle I, central Oalaolle (ran-
Tolafto S, Reedinert l :(Dlitrlet S-A-S
champlonehlp). .
Verboart , Garibaldi 1 (Diltrict l-B
champlonehlp). ; , ,
Cleveland 1, rranltlln 1 (Me. H
nlmi) (both Portland).
Onion Cltr T, Foreat Oroya S.
Wcat linn IT, McMlnnYllla 1. .
Tlt , WUlnmlnn II. "
. .421
Scrlvtm ...
Stbitlnl ...
Cltrdr .....
Stratton . . .
Hemphill ...
Colliiu ... .
Muurion .
Rick .......
Colllni .i
Riot ....
Borat ...
ab R SB stn 1bi eae as Pet.
43 If . 3 1 ' 1 . 1 . '
" I - 0OI0 S JIS
41 11 : 1 s 1 1 1 J"
5 t O 0 S1 a 3"
10 1 0 0 1 J I J1S
I I 0 0 0 -333
. 1 4 . 0 0 4 1 0 .100
5s J ,10 10 S .IN
I 11 t 0 0 0 0 J J .113
II 1 0 0 0 0 0 ( .113
11 3 0 0 0 1 0 S .1M
; 1 lit: t -is
l iiosti os 'lu
IT 3 0 10 1 0.1 -110
3 0 0 0 0 S .000
! t 0 I ,.000
I J a I 0 0 0 0 .000
to IS 4 4 10 10 1 0 1.K
10 10 1 s s - 0 .100
11 36 10 J 1 13 i s so;
4V, 4 3 1 4 I 1 . 0.31
34 S3 13 1J 1 J 1 0
t 1 3 3 0 3 0 1 a 11.0
Willamette Wins Pair
From G of 1,7-6,3-2
l 4Iva oamM.
ItM nlrlnrl' Vila TITKL BDUCUBIIbll
ITiaitaUta ... rr
in Salem as a Senator tonight
in v.. 4ftf-haspmiin Joe Liar-
VI11 w -
dy, acquired from victoria aur-
ing the senaiors reran
trip to Canada.
(Br unlta Prtaa)
ph WaiaOrn International
p.uhili Lcarue flares into
action on all fronts Tuesday
night after only one game
nlaved in the ten-team loop
Monday night
The one game piayea provea
nrnflaiMa IPa for tile Van-
rjna who moved into
second place with an 11-8 de
cision over the Victoria iyees.
Games featuring Wenatchee
at Calgary and Yakima at Ed
monton were postponed De-
uu a travel difficulties.
ihnu toimi will set together
Tuesday night in twin bills
whilst alnfflp oamM feature Vic
toria at Vancouver; Lewiston at
Salem and Spokane at -rri-vuy.
victoria 004 101 1010 10 !
Hoaaa, Hopp'(O), Bottltr (I) and Mar
tin; Pletcnar, urara Kit ancj taioaDaiB
Stayton Downs
Central, 5-4
In 10 Innings
Homa win on s, loat 4, .m;. Away nm "" ' 1 j "ii.
llni wont 3. lot 1, .381; latra-lnnlnin tamaa won 0, loot 4. .000! Homa ou
headar. woi; 0, loit 1. ipUt 1: Away doubMM'KKn woa 0, loat 0. ipllt ll ToUl
doublahtadara won 0, loit 1, apllt 3. , '
(By UnlUd Preu) I a hfi r-r A k.1 rl klT iO,
San Francisco U.B Seattle's lb" TV.L J I MlUinvaj
... . . at.. I m naltaA trMtl .
racuie uoast league icauiui
Ralnlers, fresn irom a a to saattia so .iot
victory over Portland and ? JS
series sweep, piay nosi 10 noi- Portland io so mi s
lywood's SUr's tonight f ni-o
That Tlolnlora foueht off a aaoranunta ..." 3 J UV(
a -iuai. T i- v I Oakland 14 S .350 141,
.au ... ... -o - w . i
n.l.Hil nlfflit 4n OroV. (h wa.), lu.Hi
.s;;: ruA
win and take tne series o io KM.
2. Rainier pitcher Steve agy - p. our conference opponent!
held Portland scoreless until ami third, made a tuccesatul Llnfield, Pacific, Whitman and
the eighth when the Beavers doubie steal. Lewis and Clark.
lumped mm lor tnree runs, m Besides tonight's
Wldmar replaced wagy.
World Champ
Danny .
in, holder of the wonas
junior heavyweight wres
tling championship, will put
his belt on the block at the
Salem armory tonight in a
match with Carl Engsttrom.
The world chamionshrp
match highlights a professional-
wrestling card sched
uled to start at S:S0.
Pingel, Pearce Pitch Vik
Win Over WU Sparecats
e.i hlwh uhool's Vikings,
who play Prinevllle at Prlne
ville Saturday In the district 8
finals, defeated Willamette Jay
vees 7-2 Monday.
Ken Pingel and Lowell
Pearce teamed up to pitch a
the-hltter at the Willamette
Saiem got ten hits off Wil
lamette JV starter McCallister.
He was relieved in tne sixm
inning by Pieretti.
Willamette took a one-run
lead in the second inning when
Patton singled, stole second,
went to third on Osborn's error,
and scored on an outfield fly.
Salem went ahead in the
fourth with three runs. A sin
gle by Phil Jantze, a walk to
Curt Jantze, a single by Jer
ry. Gregg and a double by
Twink Pederson did the
The Willamette team was
.nil varv much in the ball
manaiTpri fn spare a
game, - - -- - ,,,,,
single run in the top oi tne Hlu
i fih frame to cioae michu mcner
lead to 3-2. The fifth-inning
marker came when Jack Scriv
ens walked and Kangas and
Malcolm singled.
Salem high picked up a
run in its half of the fifth
on a triple by Phil Jantze
and an error on Willamette
shortstop Scrlvens.
The Vikings added three in
tulllea. in the sixth.
They came on hits by Gregg
and Larry Springer, Pederson's
sacrifice, Payne's double, an
other error by Scrlvens, and a
double steal.
s.i.m travels to Corvallts
today for a I p.m. game with
the Oregon State College
Rooks. The Vlks go to Mt
Angel for Thursday night
age, then travel to Prinevllle
for the district finals Satur
day. Winner of the Saturday
game will enter the state
class A tournament at Alba
nw th Inllnwtnr week-end.
Salem (T """"""''SV ;
it n A a Vartal.9 3 0 1 3
A;!. L ' a 1 a J Uum.ef 1 0 0 0
P.Jant.l 4 111 OMIllar,! J 1 1
C.JanU.ct 10 1 o-aiion.
Onborn.c SOTO uoan.j a ;
Qrm.rl 1 3 1 I 0 0 1
-. a i i 9 Kanaaa.rf 113 0
Pedrrion',3 3 1 0 3 Chlpuao.lf 10 0 0
pinei.p i o "i"" ' ; ; ; i
v.prarca.n I-Klepp.l 0 0 10 a-sucro.n ;
-Preti,p 0 0 0 0
Water Show 1
Slated Sunday
In Willamette
The Salem Boat club will
present its second annual
water show in the Willamette
river, just south of tne old
Salem-West 5 a 1 e m Driage,
Sunday, begining at 1 o'clock.
All tvn nf boats will be in
the water to give exhibitions
of their various uses, ana inere
will be speedboat racing.
Water skiing and surfboard
riding will also be performed
during tne snow.
AriTTitaainn l free, and soec-
tators are advised to use the
west bank, as the activity wm
be centered in tne western siae
of the river.
Touli 11 10 11 0 Totall 14. 0 11
x For Trlplett In 3th.
m For Plnul In 4th.
a For Chlpulao In 8th.
aa Walkfd lor McCalllater In ith.
k r u.l.nlm In Ttti.
cTialriM lot lllllar In Olh
Toledo Wins District
2 A-2 Chamoionship
TOieaO tu.rj laieuw tuiiiticia
A.iar Poorlsnnrt B-l. to CSDture
the district 2-A-2 baseball
championship here yesterday
Qtovtnn Ktavtnn high
school scored a run in the bot
tom half f that tenth lnnlnc
to nose Central B-4 in a Capitol
league baseball game at stay
4ti MnanBV.
That winning run came on
two errors, a hit batter and
arlnwV hv Davat NeitlinK
Stayton had lorcea tne game
into extra Innings with one run
in ha. hnttnm nf the seventh.
after Central had scored two
runs in it half of the seventn
Cratral 001 000 300 o a
... AM AAI lOR 1 I
lfobla and gemot, Jiaicn, jaiaiaav If
and Hemriena.
Cascade Cops
5 A-2 Title
Junction City Cascade high
school won the district s a
baseball chamoionship 'her
Monday by taking a 7-2 vie
firv over Creawell
Dan Feller went the distance
for the Cougars, allowing Cres
well fiv hits. Cascade had a
Had day afield, committing
eatvem arrnrs.
Cascade will play the dis
trict 5 A-l champion, prob
ably Eugene, at Cascade Frl
rlav Winner nf that came will
enter the state baseball tourna
ment at Albany May 21, 22 ana
23. '
Crciw.U 000 000 J-1 o i
caieaoa 1 HI - 0 T
Kratlan and Hartman; Ptllar and
Lanaford. Hoqan
Lead 0PGA Play
Astoria (u.pj jonn iangiora
of the Tualatin Country Club
and Eddie Hogan of the Kiver-
side Golf and Country clun
posted a pair of two-under-par
70's to win top honors in
the Oregon Professional Golf
ers' organization pro-amateur
anviumatAkos here yesterday.
Ralph Dichter, Astoria, led
the amateur with a 72.
Takes Series from
ortland Beavers, 5 to 3
it Chris kowitz. jr.
A timely grand-slam borne
run by pinch-hitter - Lester
Akeo in the eighth inning of
the first game, and a slick four
hit pitching job by Benny Holt
in the second game sparked
Willamette .aniverslty .to .a
double baseball victory ever
College of Idaho In Bush's pas
ture park Monday. Scores were
f. anil s.c.
The double victory paved
that nrav far Willamette's clinch
of the Northwest conference
championship. It was the sear
rata' oishth win asainst two
losses in league play. Llnfield,
wmcn naa been uea witn v u
tor the conference lead going
into yesterdays games, tost to
Whitman 4-3 last night at Mc
Mlnnvlllft. after winning the
first game 7-2. Llnfield's ins
dropped the Wildcats into sec
ond place ana gave we cnam
Dionshin to coach John Lewis'
NW Conference
Track Meet Slated
Here Saturday
Th annual Northwest Con
ference cinder tourney will be
run off at Mccuuocn stadium
Saturday and on season rec
drds Ted Ogdahl's host Wil
lamette Bearcat will rank as
favorites. :
That Rairratl hold - six
straight dual meet wins this
season, including victories over
Willamette was trailing -1
tat 4hat akiarhth Inninal uatMa
Akeo stepped to the plate with
three men on bases and poled
a home run over the center
field fence. Harvey Koepf , Tex .
Kirkendall and Dennv Elaaiaer
scored ahead of Akeo.
. Akeo's blow tied the count
- and forced the game Into
overtime. Willamette won it
la the tenth when pitcher
Mickey Coen, who had re
lieved starter Dave Gray in
the seventh, bunted Kirken
dall home on a aqueese play.
The nightcap was a tight
pitching duel between '. Holt
and College of Idaho's Roger
finwa. . . . .
' Willamette managed to get
only three bite off Sayre, but
took advantage of four Coyote
errors. The Beareata trot two
unearned runt in the first
inning, and one earned tally in
4hat 4h1at That thtrrl-frnmat nin .
which proved to be the win
ning, run, came wnen timer
Haugen beat out a bunt for a
single, advanced to second on.
Bill nelson' single, moved to.
third on a ground-out by Pete
Vlaatrl anrt aavtratrl nn a flround-
out off the bat of Akeo.
Both C. of I. runs in the
mmnnA atattia, wora In that thlrrt
frame. A walk to Harold Clure,
a single oy J-ren jvenooi, a
sacrifice by Ray Mullins and a
single dj Bruce tioison nguxea
in the two runs. f
After Holson's hit, Holt did
twtt ullnw m man tn mrh hafltl.
retiring 13 batters in a row. -
Col an at Maho ...aooooo 100 I t
WUlaaatta 000 101 040 1 T S S
OUon. Arnolil (4), Bayra (l) and Clurai
Orar. Coan TI and Xoapt.
Al Ttaaalrlaaa tnnltfht'a Same in Ttaar win far th Offdahl I Wllaautta MIOOOZ S S 1
o tti. n.u..j ni . i - . rrfeK ji.irvnl Sarra and Clarat Hf13 and Akao.
A nalr nf home runs marked ramento. Portland will . travel over Lewi and Clark last Sat-1
the Beavers' eighth-inning ral-1 to San Francisco and. San Diego I urday. . A feature of the meet I
ly. Dino Restelli racked up his will play Los Angeles in the 1 was a new school mark of 18.1
sixth of the season and Donllatter's park. I in the high hurdles by Dean
Eggert got
J V A iWlHtM W 4 a W V V aw vaakavwaaa -
1 . . a . - w. 11 - m aw, . aa I . a . w til tU
Nav opened the scoring !" I EE:,'r,. It".!. wwiimuiiiiwwm.
for Raattlii in the second in-
ninr when he tallied on Lea
Thnmaa' infield eut. Jack
Tobln came in later to score
aaattia, an Rlaranee lnaa-
ilara'a d noble. Tit Biimen
wAt twa, anairnM rans in tne
fifth on wild pitcnes oy Jim
Elliott and error in the out
t 1 at4t. .1 4hA I aaaUla (Bi
11 IB Aiabu ir l . . - .
Toin. hi t Auitin.j s s I from Brad
I Oolaaarr.l iu I nutia.i.r a i i
Tnoma.l 0 i i nwauui a t a mi- . . , 4w. f.
OrtaU.o' 44 0 Kaleh.i 111 lnr tournev because Of the
VSSSS Sr-.'. i S I presene of fleet Caley Cook.
judnir,n.i 4 i s otaoaa a a i i -rra w.,.,?.,fi aiar wtrn idii
. SK ! 1 t 1 . i th. mt with Wil.
WMKar.a l m m w a-awaoa www -1 -
f. nmnaan.a www wiiamatttA KariirnaT.
"ato.p 0 0 0 01 ,. knr.l. .l.tA ta V.
aVblH ,1111 v wwa
. I ranmaantarl at MeCullae ll
Totala SO SSTU -raUla MS HI .,' Bt,,Tti.v arc Pacltie.
a Annaancao Mc wuimi in ata . . I ... - - -
fc-atruek ant for Saa4 in tin: - I r.nllawa nf Idaho. Whitman and
a cm- , in th ninth mIVi":'.U'.'.. oot ku ojo-s Linf lelo.
,"irZ inn,, when Tobin and "ST ..... ? - t tTVi
r.An nnlrlaherrv. on second I Haard 1 S 1 0 1 1. 0,
""""" 111 Hair 7a SO 0 s 4 l
Wldmar Hi
.i w.. T -Mr BDIIntt. A Ta.
Rutaill. Saant. RBI Thomas, Maddsrn,
juflnion, naataui a. awa-r.
darn 1, Combf, Kaleh. B Brcart, orant.
mi BaaWUl, ntirt. B Tobln, Thom-
.. rvm Wi1u anrl ZlAMalMrTVt
Thomal, Wlljon and OoMabarrr. IVOB
Baattla a, FOruano a. u Rami, mr
Httl and Port. T 1:15. A 1331.
Duckpin Finals
Slated Tonighr
At B and B
Frosty Olson's face Kay's
Radio for first and second
place and Les Newman' tan
gles with Capp' Used Cars for
avi.J fnnrth nlace in
uiiau -
men's city league playoff and
B and B duckpin Dowiing al
leys tonight.
ir .... nlonn'a wnn the SeC-
"wa'J v
ond half championship of the
ntv lcnanp. Kav's Radio
copped the first half crown.
Les Newmans earneu ai
way into the playoffs for third
.rtot hv defeating Willamette
Art Tile 2279-2183 in a roll-
off last night. Newman s ana
Willamette Art Tile had tied
for second place in second
half play. Capps' Used Cars
finished second in first round
Oreqon State
Defeats Huskies
Seattle U.B The Oregon
State. Beaver downed the
TTnlvoraltv nf Wuhin Hon
Huskies 9-4 in a Northern Di
vision baseball game yester
day. .
The Huskies used six pitch
er in an attempt to (top the
OSC slugger but the Beaven
banged out 10 hits for their
nine tallies.
osc Ill MO 3000 11 s
Waatitalton 030010 0104 T 4
walmann and Thomaa: Mvrehr. Val-
Una (1), Norton (1), oatUnaar
(11, Car (0) and Mltenau, Hart (i).
Tia.. l Tatt. Oreaan MaT, 10M
(OaMlled V. 8. Caatl ani Oaadttle
aim Watera low Watari
Tlma Hdlht
' 11:11 p.m. 1.1
11:11 p.m. M
1:14 p.m. t.l
11:07 a.m.
3:08 p.m.
13:41 a.m.
1:57 p.m.
1:30 am
Bearcats Play
Oreqon Today,
OCE Wednesday
Coacn jonn tiewia- wuiam
ette University BearcaU alose
, losa naieball cam
paign in home games against
rtMcmn'a wawMTj ana uie
OCE Wolves on Tuesday and
The Bearcat wm oe (ceung
revenge for . n earlier loss
when they battle Don K.ircn s
Ducks, current leaaers in me
Northern Division chase. In
the early part of the season
Oregon notched a 9-7 verdict
over the Willamette at Eu
The Duck tut win iiari nv s
o'clock at Bush Field. Also
scheduled for I o'clock ta Wed
nesday's finale with the OCK
club. The Bearcats beat the
wolves in a previous meeting
this season.
He u Hm el Boat
"Marino Bard ware, Mar
ine Paint, Life Preser
vers, Beat Cushions, Re
; mot Control Unit, ete.
You (an Buy
For At Uttl At
Cascade Merc.
11AK V. flhnrch
Open Every Night Till t
3:17 p.m. 4 0
1:11 a.m. 0.4
4:38 p.m. 4.1
Tlma nalaht
l:M a.m. -1.1
I'M w. 1.0
1:41 a.m. -1.1
1:10 p.m.' 1.3
a.m. -1.1
0:0! P.m. 1.0
1:13 a.m. -1.7
7:43 p.m. I I
1:87 a.m. -1.4
1:11 p.m. 1.1
1:41 a.m. -0.1
0:10 p.m. 1.0
(fat de, t& oH6!&2)ay) ''
Paarra .......
McOailliier ..
IIP: Kaniaj
.000 313 7
,., Oil 31410
010 010 3
..010 010 1
Ab H B Er So Sb
13 110 4 1
11 11114
17 10 7 7 4 1
1 10 0 10
winn... Vlnael. Iiaar:
McCallliter. Errora Oaborn, Dorn, Scrl-
fna. 3BH: P. janixe. tan: rwrnun,
Payn. RBI: Ori, Pederion 3, Payna 3.
Scrlvent. Malcolm. SH: Pedenon. SB:
Paarce. Rice. P. Jamie, rame. tr ic-
Callliler, Doan. Umpire,: aatw and
Boatman. Time: i:8v.
1 oW.v.ffl
- - "
1' V OMS fully aged
m. mtimm awsa. 1 1 nn r if m-tm a Z BBnM
' aaallUV
You Can Join Saltm'i Station Wagon St With a BIG '53
Dodgt and Never Have to Taki a Back Stat to Anyone
WjMOOK Only $2573 teW-sn!
nAn cncnfinnal winner over all comoarable cars in the Mobil'
nnr Frnnnmw Run. U OVaila ble now at NEW LOW PRICES. You
can own one for as little at $52.00 a month!
Listen for "Hometown News,"
t:SS p.m., Mon. through
Frl.. K8LM
Come In Tomorrow
For a Bktter Deal Ml Ways
Chemeketa and High SALEM Phone: 2-246(
Phone: 2-2468
I 1
PH. 4 3333