Peje 8 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, galea, Oregon Mondny, May U, WM Norton-Holland Wedding On May 2 .SUverton At an evening ceremony at Immanuel Luth eran church, on May 8, Miss . E d y t h e . Beatrice Holland, daughter of Mr. and Mri. Ber nard L. Holland, and Edgar R. Morton, sonof Mr. and Mri. : Zane Norton, were wed. The . Rev. Arnold W. Nelson read the double ring ceremony be fore an altar decorated with pink and orchid dogwood, lilacs 1 ana tulips. Sister of the bridegroom, Misses Dorothy and Barbara Norton, lighted the , tapers. Max Holland, uncle of the bride, sang, assisted at the or gan by Mrs. Arthur Dahl who played the wedding marches. The bride was presented in ' marriage by her father. She wore a slipper satin dress fashioned with lull length train and tlerred lace skirt trim and long pointed sleeves. Her only ornament was a pearl necklace, gift of the Bride groom, Her finger-tip veil was secured by a fitted cap of tulle, seed-pearl trimmed. Her flow ers were of stepnanotis ana lilies. For her matron of honor ' the bride chose Mrs. Earl John son of Beaverton. Bridesmaids were Mrs. Gene Holland of Forest Grove, and Mrs. Wallace Satern. The at tendinis were dressed identi cally In purple with watermel on net and Iare over taneia. Their flowers were wedding- rings of lilacs. Junior attendants were Buth Anne Norton and Lena Leigh Idland of Monitor as flower girls and Kenneth stucKie as ringbearer. Ronald Btuckie of Portland was best man. Ushers were Gene Holland of Forest Grove, and Willis Myers, Wilbur Howell and Ronald Neperud of SUverton. A reception took place in the J '' church social rooms. Mrs. O. A. Braa cut the wedding cake assisted by Mrs. M. C. Njust, : Jr., Portland, and Mrs. Adrian Olson of Eugene. Mrs. Mux Holland presided at the coffee urn, and Miss Lucille Benson served punch. Miss Aloha Leigh Edland played music during the reception. For traveling, the bride wore navy blue with pink accessories. Both Mr. and Mrs. Norton are graduates of the SUverton high school. They plan to make their home at 418 W. Main, SUverton. Club Entertained Hubbard The Hubbard Woman' club entertained members o f the Aurora Woman'! club at meeting recently. Mr. Harry , Schei president, welcomed the lo Aurora club members and Mrs. Lester Keller introduced Mrs. Don Miller who present ed recordings of tone poems, Refreshment followed the program with Mrs. Ora Moms and Mrs. Sadie Rich pouring. The tea table was covered with a pale pink eiotn mith black notes and treDie clefs around a centerpiece of bleeding-hearts flanked' by black and pink tapers. Mr. Schei and Mrs. Hugh Wells received the guests and Mrs. I. T. Rose and Mrs. JK. U Main were the welcoming committee. Attending from Aurora were Mr. J. J. Emrlck, presi dent; Mrs, O. W. Lindqulst, Mr. N. I. Manock, Miss Arietta Kraus. Mrs Engleman, Mrs. John Todd, Mrs. William Wurrter. Mrs. E. E. Bradtl, Mrs. George Elliott, Mil Georgia Kraus. Mrs. James Ogle. Mrs. John Kraus, Mrs. Grace Bishop, Mrs. Ray Yer- tren. Mrs. M. jr. Ferguson, Mrs, George Eilers, Mrs. Fred Wag ner and Mrs. Willis Yoner. Refreshments and decora tion committee included Mrs. L. Murphy, Mrs. E. C. Boyd, Mrs. KeUer and Mrs. Leon Graham. 9 Mrs. Francis Is Hostess to Group K IvertnMrs Rnlnh Fran cii entertained at her home re cently for the - annual Gold Star Mothers tea ana social hour. The rooms were decorated with huge bouquet of pink dogwood, flanked by low ar- rsnntmenti of nansles and fig- nrlnM Mrs. newev Allen was chairman of the decorations. Others assisting the hostess Norman VonBorstel, Mrs. L. P. Oehler, Mrs. Ernest Starr, Mrs. Harry Kuch and Mrs. Gladwyn Hamre. Mrs. Robert Allen, president , rkiturf Pppvpk unit No. 7. American Legion auxiliary, was chairman of the reception com mittee. .... Present were Mrs. xua nar- mon. Mrs. Merle roow, mrs. Merlin Conrad, Mrs. W. Mar shaU, Mrs. Helen M. Wright man, Mrs. S. Held, Mrs. E. Wlk, Mrs. Ernest Starr, Mrs A. J. McCannel, Mrs. Robert Allen. Mrs. F. M. PoweU, Mrs. Gladwyn Hamre, Mrs. Harry v.Vi Mn Bruce Billings. Mrs Leslie A HaU, Mr. L. P. Oeh ler, Mr. E. A. Kern, Mrs. Mag 4. ivonir Mn. Raloh Gordon. Mrs. BUI Sherman, Mrs. Dewey Allen, Mrs. Crete crenneii, Mrs. Charlie Bascue, unit president-elect, and the hostess, Mrs. Ralph Francis. SURGICAL SUPPORTS Of all kind. Trasses, Abdo minal SuDDorts, Elastic Ho siery. Expert fitters, private fitting rooms. "Ask lour Doctor" Capital Drug Store 405 State 8k Corner of Liberty 8H Green Btwnps ALWAYS A COFFEE BARGAIN AT H H GROCERY 2 lbt U8 CHASE & SANBORN For Belter Filling . Longer Wearing ; Children's Shoes BUY" I man aa io Jen mams . M , w-jj SEE ERNIE SAVAGE - Acklin's Junior Bootery Open Friday 'Til 9 P.M. tit N. High Senator Hotel Bldg. QUICK CASH LOANS (or lott mliuils purchases It's whsn you want to talc quick oavanioflt or a coin bargain or make a loit minute purchaie that our fait loon Mrvlce li moil helpful. $25 to $1500 In I 'trip on (1) slgnarure) alone, (2) car or (3) furniture Im. 200, lnd Boor, 117 Court St , Mum 4-3396 l1 Z. I D. WALKER, Mgn f--ainwS 1 L00" Safamir Matte an trimmed according lo rigid ipodfi- """vA Safamiy Mtxrti are trimmed uccordtog lo rigid ipodfi octttotM which oasuro you greatest value and . greatest Majoymont from Try cut Try buying lop grade of moat omSaiaway nnd kx Mm iMhrtntc) people bw,,fTto vnribMi BEEF SHORT RIBS u. US)' Cut from Hie same oeer os our ' fancy T-toncs BONELESS STEW , u. 9' Lean, boneless beef that cook up tender and full of flavor I Carefully I I trimmed I POLISH SAUSAGE ib.39c h, 55c Perfect for Snack 12-oz. ring Pure Ground Beef . Spare Ribs Meaty section. . Sliced Pork Liver 39c 3 for$SBO0 Premium Bacon EE .... .45c Asst. Lunch Meat ttr? 59c FEATURE VALUES FOR THIS WEEK It's important to your child to "rate" with the other youngsters ... in the classroom and on the playground. And that takes energy the frisk, new energy your child gets from every slice of Sunbeam Bread. An after-school sandwich on Sunbeam Bread is so good for her ... and such good eating. ' 'wBf!.' RATH LIB BY For Testy Breakfast GERBER'S Lunch Meat Corned Beef Rath Sausage Baby Food 12-oz. can 45c 12-oi. can 51c 8-ox. can 41c 44lr35e KREMEL LEMON ARGO BLUE or RED LABEL GENTLE Pie Filling Cornstarch Karo Syrup Lux Soap 4-ox. pkg. 8c I 1-H. pkg. 15c I 23c I 3Lt35c CRANBERRY BUMBLEBEE ! BORENE SAUCE TUNA FISH SOAP sol 23' i' 29' ssy 29' DEODORIZES Round the Oock Protection FRAGRANT SWEETHEART Dial Soap Dial Soap Lifebuoy Soap Toilet Soap -2&25c 2Lr.h37c 3b35c 3BRa7.25c MILD DETERGENT FAMOUS GRANULATED SOAF Swan Soap Breeze Rinso Soap White King 9 Bora 25c 15-ox. pkg. h 31c 23-oz. pkg. 29c 46-os. pkg. 57c CLOROX i PERK 1 POOCH BLEACH HORSE MEAT DOG FOOD for ills MMchlng Dogs end uh lew H Well belenced dlef DETERGENT . ... MUD DETERGENT OLD DUTCH Trend Lux Flakes Surf Cleanser 12Vi-oz. pkg. 19c 12Va-oz. pkg. 29c I 19-oz. pkg. 30c 2 ! 25c SCOTCH KIND TO SKIN WATER SOFTENER BLU WHITE Cleanser ' Lux Soap White King Bluing 2 Von.1' 25C 3 Bor9. 25 c JO-oz. size 25c IVa-ox. pkg. 10c Peppers Asparagus Local crop. Nows the time to can 2 Nice plump green onss ib. 25' Prices In this ad effectlye through Wednesday, May 13, at Safeway Stores in Salsm Lettuce !riip, firm heads Lb. IW