Mondtty. May 11," 1953 JSC Mothers Elect; Announce Awarding f!E'Sies'. lem Names Listed THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Satan, Oregon fcrlsono -Tsvlct' rv uiueri club. Others elwtpri c...j P Pres'dent; (Mrs! DoiT Mc pwtry, Eugene secretary, and , Mrs- A. D. Rintoul, Portland, District representatives In elude: Mrs. Edward Majek, Sa lem; Mrs. K. Lounsbury, Eu gene; Mrs. H. F. Altman, Klam ath Falls; Mrs. Vernon Lane, Baker, and Mrs. Chester Her- . fiss Jasmer Bride it Lebanon Lebanon At an afternoon uuy on May 3, Miss De rreS .Jasm!r' da"8hter of. 1 r. """"" J- noiziger, son I Mr, and Mrs. Chris J. Nof er. The service was per ked In a settjng of pink and hite Mowers at the home of ie bridegroom's parents. .Lighting the candles were ... oaruara Jean Jasmer, sis ir of the bride anH mi t .ay Nofziger, the bridegroom's ! The bride wore a u,hit t !Di,?,ni net dress and carried iwu" " wnich lay a cluster ' t red rosebuds. She was given 1 marriage by her father Miss Mary Lou Simpson, 'earing a blue taffeta and net ock, was maid of honor. 'Best man was Jean Hayes (Lebanon. -A reception followed the eremony, 100 guests attend g; At the refreshment table Irs. Bernard Hazen and Mrs. larvin Bishop poured, and ps. Lelela Jasmer, grand tother of the bride, served the AG. (After their return from their ;cuuiiig irip, we young couple 1111 make their home on the ;uijger iarm near Lebanon. . Among students named to reoelve scholarships are: Mabel Huskey, Dallas; Joan Stettler, 'Salem: Billv Wane Harris. Klamath Falls; Alvin Smith, Roseburg, and David Eyers Eugene. - 1 mi Mar . AIJ1I MMcaiu TMM Luncheon for Club Dallas A luncheon at the home of Mrs. Paul Morgan re cently served as the last meet ing: for the art annrwlstlnn tion of the Dallas Woman's ciud. Places were set for Mrs. Allie Hennacin Mm William Duncan, Mrs. O. E. Anderson, irs. tecu Meeker, Mrs. C. L. Marsters, Mrs. R. G. LeFors, mis. uean rorbes, and the host ess, Mrs. Paul Morsan. Centering the table was an arrangement for flowers and canmes made by Mrs. R. C. Le Fors. The members presented Mrs. Dean Forbes, learior nt th group, with a gift, and further smaiea moaern painters. The worn ot -aui Nash, contemp orary British painter, was In- iroaucea to tne group. Each member chose a small Print from Mrs '' Fnrheo' nl lection as a memento of the class. . ...... Rainbow Event Woodburn Everereen . sembly No. 12, Order of the Rainbow, for Girls, will elect new officers at the regular meeting Wednesday, May 13, ucgmiung at v:au p.m., at the Masonic temple.- After the meeting, the girls will enjoy a "dutch treat" at the Coney Island restaurant, , District Meeting ' Salem Heiehts So,w; district meeting of the Federa. uon 01 uaraen clubs will be May 18. at the Amin t gion hall at Corvallis. Registrations will hesin 9:00 a.m. and the mnmi ,. sion will be a garden workshop. In the afternoon, Ralph Gar nen will be the guest speaker and will speak on day lilies. Suina-Zolnowskv ... 9 1 , Wedding Recently ThannnWoH nn h mnrn Catholic church were Miss Vio let Zolnowsky, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Zolnowsky, tin A Onivinn i" Cut m 0 mrn rt Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig Suing, all ox ieoanon. Performins the tingle ring ceremony and nuptial high mass was the Rev. Plus P. Baur, The St. Edwards choir sang. . Th forine una envan In mar. riage by her father. She wore a uihita oHn crnum -urllh full train, finger length veil, and carnen a wn u nravpr nnnir nn whirli lav nn nrfhM Maid of honor for Her sister was Miss Beverly Zolnowsky, who wore a frock of frosted or- GT&nriv nvpi taffpfn . Rririps. maids were Miss Clarice Rohla, cousin 01 tne oriae, ana miss Rose Marie Suing, the bride groom's sister. Berald Suing, brother of the tirlripffrrtnm. was npst mnn an1 ushers were Tom Bartosz and Bob McUavln. A recention for a large, num ber of friends and relatives was given In the church1 parlors. For the wpHHinir trfn in mints south. Mrs. Knincr watp a blue dress with white acces sories and an orchid corsage. Roth, fariria anH nrMpo-rnnm are graduates of. Lebanon high school. Mr. Suing is now em ployed in the lumber Industry. The Corvallis Garden p1nh will be in charire with the Phil. omath Garden club providing the program. Mrs. D. E. Bran? son, 1363 Taylor, in Corvallis, will take reservations until May 13. This is for all fori. erated garden clubs, or' any garden club Interested in flow ers. V Lss mMp I II I 1 if ; . - jt 11 .... v ..-X -7? Weddip? in April Mr. and Mrs. Jack B. Snow (Mary nette Smith) were married April 18 In Highland Friends church. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George E. Smith and Mr. Snow is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil B. Snow. (Kennell-Ellis studio picture.) - " New Officers for Mt. Angel Group Mt. Angel Mrs. - Victor Frey, Mrs. W. D. Karris, and Mrs. Norbert Kimlinger were elected president, vice-presi dent and, secretary-treasurer, respectively, of the Mothers club of Mount Angel prepara tory school last week. The new officers will be installed at the first meeting of the Mothers club in Sep tember by the outgoing offi cers, Mrs. E. G. Unger, Mrs. A. A. Ebner and Mrs. Edward Lambert. - . The Rt. Rev. Damian Jen- tges, OSB, abbot of Mt. Angel Abby and president of the school, and the school prin cipal, the Rev. Edward Spear OSB, were present at the meeting and addressed the group. The speaker outlined plans for the coming school year. Plans . for future events were formulated by the Mothers club at .the quarterly meeting. Tne annual athletic banquet, aerved by the mothers, will be - Tuesday evening, May 12, at 6:30 o'clock In the dining room of St. Mary's school. The dinner will also be a farewell affair, honoring Coach Eugene Bar rett, who is terminating his five year coaching here. Speakers at the banquet will include Abbot Damian, OSB, and the Rev. Leland A. DeJardin of Central Catholic high school, - Portland. The Rev. Edward Spear, OSB, will present the athletic awards. The annual school picnic will be Monday, May 18. A group of mothers will accom pany the students, and fresh men and sophomore students are asked to bring potato salad while cake will be provided by each junior and senior. Graduation day has been set for May 29. The junior mothers will be In charge of the graduates communion breakfast in the St. Mary's dining room, which follows the baccalaureate mass at 9 o'clock that morning. The breakfast committee includes Mrs. Joseph Obersinner, Mrs, Miss Bales Party Feted Four Corner Honoring Miss Geraldlne Bales on Fri day evening with a bridal shower were Mrs. Ross Chris- man and her daughters Misses Ruth and Jeanie Chrlsman, at the Chrlsman home. Miss Bales is the fiancee of Darwin Dick Smith. Their , marriage will be an event of June 6 in the Calvary Baptist church. Extending felicitations to the honoree were her mother Mrs. Homer- Bales, her grand mother Mrs. William Fiester, her sister Mrs.. Leonard Rem ington. Her fiances'! mother Mrs. ' Herman S. Smith, his grandmother Mrs. George Qulnn, his sister Mrs, Verle Klampe, his : aunts, Mrs. Claude Harnar and Mrs. Wal ter Coe; and Mrs. C. R. Os born, Mrs. Edward Roberts, Mrs. James McManaman, Mrs. Stanley Braden, Mrs. I. H. White, Mrs. Ross Chrlsman Jr. Mrs. LeRoy J. Stewart, Mrs. Cecil Hunsaker, Mrs. Law rence Shrake, Mrs. E. M. White, Mrs. Ross Chrlsman, Jr., William Bales, Mrs. Hardle Phillips, Mrs. Frank South, Mrs. Oliver Rickman, ' Mrs. S. II. Cable, Mrs. E. R. Corn ing, Mrs. Rex Nicholson, Mrs. Klyce , Walker, . Mrs. Dale Jeffries,. Mrs. Jess Mcllnay, Mrs. Ernest Walker, Mrs. J. H. Lewis,- Mxb. O. C. Brltton, Mrs. S. D. Hovey,. Mrs. J. E. Webster, Mrs Warren Shrake, Mrs. G. E. Hampton;. Misses Phyllis Shrake, Janice Phil lips, Verlalne Walker, Linda Remington, Linda Brltton, Susan Chrlsman. SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs. Harold Larsen and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin . Hatteberg ' are spending a few days In Van couver, B. C. They attended a flower show over the week end. - Woodburn BPW's Club Entertained J . Woodburn Twenty seven members and one guest, Mrs. Pearl Rondeau of The Dalles, a former member, were present at the recent meeting of the Business and. Professional Women's club. . f The members voted against campshlps for Camp Fire and Blue Bird girls and discussed contributing to the band uni form fund to be voted upon at the next business meeting. Other philanthropic work for the year will be voted upon at tne June meeting. .. An invitation was read to attend the annual smorgasbord of the McMinnville club on May 18 and announcement was made of the bureau of labor meeting in Portland Saturday. May 9. . , . Mrs. Thomas Baldwin, pres ident-elect, presented gifts in behalf of the club to Mrs. Clara Johnson and Miss Emma John son, who are leaving soon to make their home in Califor nia. A gift was presented -to Miss Hildegarde Dierkhislng by the president, Mrs. O. J. Ad kinson, . Refreshments were served after the meeting by Mrs. Bentley, assisted by Mrs. Ann McCarron,,Mrs. Clara Johnson and Miss Dierkhislng. .Miss Dierkhislng . entertained the group at her home. :, The next meeting - will be Carl Fessler, Mrs. A. P. Krae- mer, Mrs. Conrad Schmaltz, Mrs. Urban Butsch and Mrs. A, A. Ebner. . The mothers club voted to purchase a large Oregon state flag for the school. .Freshmen mothers were hostesses at the social hour. Awards for the I evening . were presented to Mrs. Joseph. Berchtold Mrs John SchallberBer and Mrs 'Richard Foltz. May 21 at the library at 3 p.m. A doctor from the health de partment and Miss Mary Test erman, health nurse, will show a film ' on fluoridation and there will also be a program. The health and safety commit tee, with Mrs. FranV Rpntlpu as chairman, will be in charge. Members are asked to bring; guests, ,' SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs. Walter Leisy left Friday for a three-week vacation. They will pick up a new car at Detroit. Mich., and drive to the south ern states, where Mr. Leisy wilr atttend two national lumber conventions. Men with Add Indigestion WORLD'S LARGEST SflUR AT IOC SAVE MORE-BUY 100 TABLETS.49C Gf, heart barn, four lomftcn can make lanoT day teem dark -anriglminvr nlriipm lake a dp from lnilbooa of American. Alwaya carrv iam. nor i 2 ddkioas Tuns miter meals or when 4itr stomach distress occurs. Almost instantly, Turns neutralize excess acid Contain no baking soda or other water soluble alkali to OTer-aJkaiize or acid r abound. No mixing, no water needed. Take anywhere. You never know when acid indigestioa win strike. Carry Toms always. Get a roll todaju a & "najai km fin mmmI Renowned Ethan Allen Think of itl The striking bookcase headboard . , . the spacious 6-drawer dretstr . and the beautiful framed mirror , .. all three for only 189.00. Or If you prefer, panel bed and night stand in place of the headboard. Solid Ethan Allen construc tion throughout . . . hard rock maple, duitproof, dovetailing and hand rubbed fin ish. This it furniture built for years of service, fine Early American reproductions In which you will always take pride. COME EARLY. Always at ERMEL'S American provincial . furniture far Living Room Dining Room Bedroom We Give Green Stamps Plenty of Free Parking Space Decorator Service Free Delivery Charge Accounts Monthly Payments Contracts TRADE IN YOUR 010 FURNITURE SPRING HOUSE CLEANING SALE on all giftwares, lamps and pictures STOREWIDE SALE AT LIBERAL DISCOUNTS Floor lamps, table lamps, pin-up lamps. Distinc tive giftwares of brass, copper, milk glass, wooden ware, etc. SA COLONIAL FURNITURE - POSaC Mm, Ore nmW Big in evm eiie yol onfy 30" wicfo ScdaM 10 socmpm of bestsc! ot one rime! 4 svn-sped surface Wfirti. Left front nor sssor vsns mm iwsiy ovi e D hnM control panel wMt aoto-t wHrKc oven crock, esptaanco oofiof and boilt-in range right. o Full-width storage drawr. Spoedy AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC RANGE A TRCMENOOVS VAttfE AT THIS LOW PRKEI $229?5 Timham Gilbert 260 N. Liberty OUT ON A LIMB! THAT'S MEI rit; f" Yep ... I am really out on o limbf The boss left fawn tor three days and left instructions tor me to sell some merchandise . . . or else. By gosh I am going to do it too ... of course I will be worse than out on a limb when he sees what I did to the prices on his precious carpet, but for three days I m going to live high. So drop around folks and see what I can otter you that the boss can't. ., Sincerely, DON. 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