Page 6 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Satan, Oregon Monday, May 11, 1953 Cap ital Women Edited by MAK1AN LOWBX FIBCHEB Salem Girl Tells Troth At College Announced during the din ner honoring mothers at the Sigma Kappa sorority at Ore gon State college, Saturday evening, was the engagement of Miss Eva Marie McMullen, daughter of Mr. and Mri, Vern D. McMullen of Salem, to August C. Giering, ion of Mr. and Mrs. August Giering of Portland, recently of Tea neck, N. J. The wedding is planned for next October. ' Mrs. McMullen was among the guests at the dinner for the announcement. Miss McMullen is gradu ate of Snlem schools and Ore' gon Stale college where she is a member of Sigma Aappa She is now employed as pri vate aecretsrv at the main of fice of the United States Bank of Portland. Mr. Gier. also is a graduate of Oregon State and is a member of Pi Kappa Phi fraternity. He is with the engineers department in tne state highway department. In Mortar Board Among new members named to Mortar Board, senior wom en's honor society at University of Oregon, is Miss Joan Marie Miller of Salem. Miss Miller, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Vern W. Miller, also was named winner of the Gerlinger cup for junior women and was one of the princesses in the court for the Junior Week-end queen. . mmmmMMtmmMmMHtmmimm Star Fetes Mothers Carousel Club Carousel club's last dance of the spring is calendared for next Saturday evening. May 16, in the Izaak Walton league club house, dancing to be be tween 8 and 12 o'clock. New officers are to be elect ed at the business session. Urs Wolfer's orchestra is playing for the dance. On the committee for the evening are Mr. and Mrs. Karl Olson. Mr. I and Mrs. Robert Tindall, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hynd, Mr. and Mrs. William Leeper, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Irvln Byran, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ahsemmacher, Mr. and Mrs. James Smith. Birthday Event . Celebrating her third birth day anniversary recently -was Miss Becky McDonald. Guests attending a party given in her honor were her mother, Mrs Don McDonald and her brother,' ' Bobby; Mrs. Don Miller and Donna Lee; Mrs, Don Gonser and Vickie of Lcb anon; Mrs. V. Fritzgerald, Ver nadine and Tommie; Mrs. Ken neth McDonald, Becky's grand mother; Mrs. Jess Looney and Benton; Mrs. Ray McDonald, Deanie and Jackie; and Miss Palla Schaffer. . -o e e IN PORTLAND for the Ice Follies on Sunday afternoon were Mrs. C. W. Hoyer and her son and daughter, Laur ence Hoyer and Mrs. C. W Ohlsen. At a special cere mony, Mrs. Hoyer was honor ed for being the oldest mother attending the performance. Today's Menu (HSMtMilMl Honoring mothers attending the meeting of Salem chapter, Order of Eastern. Star, Satur day evening, were Miss Diane King and Miss Marian Benson who presented musiclal selec tions. . Especially welcomed were Mrs. Hugh Van Loan, grand representative to Texas; Her man Johnston, grand sentinel, Mrs. Dessa Hofstetter, worthy matron of Adah Independence; Mrs. Harry Lucas, grand repre sentative to Connecticut. Members of bethel No. 43 of Job's Daughters were guests and presented a degree to Mrs Arthur Woods, guardian, for Mother's day. The girls spoiv sored a pie auction following the meeting. Serving refreshments were Mrs. Hal DeSart, Mr. ana Mrs. Mark Wilbur and Miss Harriett Hiday. Decorations were ar ranged by Mrs. Harry Hiday, Mrs. Wayne Kubl and Mrs. M. F. Grub. ' te Ft Wed In Florida Alc and Mrs. Gilbert L. Wood (Celes te Thayer) were married in Panama City, Fla., recently The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Thayer of Portland and Mr. Wood is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George A. Wood of Salem. FAMILY LUNCH Cream of Tomato Soup Crackers Egg and Chive Salad on Crisp Greens Marmalade Wheat Germ Bread Beverage Marmalade Wheat Germ Bread Ingredients: Vi cup orange marmalade, 20 pecan halves, 3 cups silted flour, S teas- poona baking powder, 1 tea spoon salt, V cup sugar, Mi cup wheat germ, 1 cup chop ped pecans, 1 egg (beaten), H4 cup milk, 2 tablespoons shortening (melted). Method: Spread marmalade evenly over bottom of greased loaf pan about 9 by S by 3 inches. Arrange pecan halves over marmalade. Sift flour, baking powder, salt and sugar into mixing bowl; add wheat germ and chopped pecans mix thoroughly. In another bowl mix egg, milk and fat, Add milk mixture to dry in gradients; mix only enough to moisten dry ingredients. Turn into prepared pan. Bake in moderate (330 F.) oven until cake tester inserted in center comes out clean. about 1 hour and IS minutes. Turn out on cooling rack, marmalade side up. Club Elects Salem Heights Mrs. Don ald Dawson was hostess to the Friendly Neighbors Garden club last week at the club's flower show at her home on Turner road. The assisting hostess was Mrs. Helen Grab-enhorst. There was election of offi cers with Mrs. E. L. Gray named president, Mrs. Donald Dawson," vice president, and Helen Grabenhorst, secretary- treasurer. ' On the program, Mrs. A. R. Tarter talked on old-fashioned roses, and was dressed in an old-fashioned costume. Old- fashioned roses are her hobby and she talked on their history. . Judging the flower show was Mrs. H. W. Cole of Lans ing Neighbors Garden club. Also visiting from ' Lansing Neighbors were Mrs. William C. Ryan, Mrs. Ben Rathjen and Mrs. Milton Blackman. e Little Boy Honored Four Corners Terry Lee Reynolds was the guest of honor on Thursday afternoon when his mother, Mrs. Clif ford Reynolds, entertained for him, the occasion being his ninth birthday anniver sary. Coming to extend con gratulations to Terry were Stephen Johnson,' Dick and Don Brynelson, Dick S h r a k e , Sherman Morgan, Mary Smith, Larry and Rod Lehman, Dorothy,' Dick and Linda Veneman, Cathy and Jay Reynolds. Honors Officers Salem Heights Mrs. Paul Burger was hostess at a dinner nartv recently honoring the outgoing officers of the South Hills Garden club. Honorea were Mrs. Ron Miller, Mrs. Frank Dye and Mrs. Lewis Bartlett. The group presented Mrs. Ron Miller with a gut. The group discussed the club's entry into the Salem Garden Council flower show scheduled for this week-end. Installation of officers took place with Mr. Frank Dye as president; Mrs. K e n n e t n Graves, vice president, and Mrs. Paul Burger, secretary- treasurer. Mrs. Larry Rich was the installing officer. On the dinner committee were Mrs. Paul Burger, Mrs. L. A. Clinker, Mrs. Orvllle Ray mond and Mrs. Charles Niel To Honor Mothers Salem Heights The an nual mothers tea for the Salem Heights school is scheduled for Tuesday, May 12, at 2:15 p.m. at the school. The Mothers club meeting will precede the tea at 1:00 p.m., when there will be a short business meet ing and installation of officers The sixth grade will pre sent the program beginning at 2:30 and the school orchestra will play. Mrs. ArvUla Boyer, fourth grade teacher, is gener al chairman of the tea. FOUR CORNERS . A surprise birthday anniver sary party was given Mrs. Ella Carsten on Friday afternoon when her neighbor honored her. Those present were Mrs, S. H. Cable, Mrs. Henry Stof- ferahn, Mrs. Martin Hensel, Mrs. Fred Buckner, Mrs. Oliver Rickman, Mrs. Rudy Kadin, Mrs. Leo ArhenkieL LEAVING Friday for an ex tended trip east was Miss Alma Schroeder. She will go first to LaGrande to Join her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Schroeder, the three to drive east for six weeks or so. They will be in New York City and Washington, D. C, then plan to travel through the south. Attend Meeting Several members of Marlon auxiliary, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Salem, motored to Dal. las, Saturday, to attend the de partment meeting there. De partment president Mrs. Carl Oberg of Portland, presided. The national president, Mrs. George Holm was honor guest at a luncheon followed by the department meeting at 2:00 p. m. The national president told of the many thousands of dol lars being furnished by the aux iliaries in the United States, Hawaii, and Alaska for cancer research, community service, rehabilitation, hospital work, and the national home at Eaton Rapids, Mich., where many vet erans' children can be reared as in a home. She also stressed national defense work saying she was amazed at the situation existing In Alaska. Oregon is the 47th. state she has visited. Daughter Born From California comes announcement of the birth of daughter, Robin Gayle, Saturday, May 9, at San Francisco to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Rllea, Jr. (Janice Yockey) of Daly City, Calif. The grandparents are Mrs. Lyle Yockey of Stockton, Calif., Mrs. Marion W. Rilea of Salem and Major General Thomas E. Rilea of Camp Withy combe. .. . Articles Printed Solvelg Paulson Russell (Mrs. E. C. Russell), 1635 State Street, Salem, again is repre sented in the pages of 'The In structor," magazine for elemen tary teachers published , In Dansville, N. Y. . A frequent contributor to this magazine as well as to sev eral others, Mrs. Russell's June story is for kindergarten and primary grades. It is titled Sailing the 'Timmy Two.' Girls State Set Here June 8-14 The 1953 Girls State ses sion lor Oreaon will be on the Willamette university campus, June 8 - 14. it is an nounced by Mrs. Frank Zlnn. Girl State chairman o Capi tal unit, No. 9, Salem. The committee in charee of selecting girls from Salem senior high school from Capital unit included Mrs. Zlnn. Mrs Mrs. Ray Bassett. Mrs. X,oui Ramus, Mrs. Malcolm Cameron ana Mrs. a. D. Apperson. Four girls selected and sponsored by Capital unit are Misses Beverly Lockard, Carol Randall. Shirley Me. Cauley, Kathleen Met calf. with Mist Marne Chrlstensen as alternate. The students are selected on the basis of leadership, character, couraae. honesty, scholarship, coopera tion ana pnysicai fitness. The fundamental DrinciDles of how to become a "Really Good Citizen" are stressed at Girls State events, more than 12,000 young women in the 48 states and the Panama Canal zone to attend these sessions. They learn that being a good citizen calls for a natriotic willingness to serve and sac rifice, if need be, to maintain the basic elements . of the A v a - roncui;u lurm oi aovern- ment, and they learn that to be a . good citizen one must uphold and defend the eon stitutlon. e WRC Event Mrs. Forrest Pratt will en- tertain members of the Past Presidents club of the Woman's Relief Corps at her home, 1155 North 16th, on Thursday. Election of officers will follow the 12 o'clock luncheon. Regular meeting of the Woman's Relief Corps will be at the Veterans of Foreign Wars hall, on Friday at 2 p.m. Plans for Memorial day will be discussed. Of ficers Elected Dallas Chosen to lead the Dallas Woman club for the coming year was Mrs. Mars Slack. She will have the follow ing officers to assist her: First vice president, Mrs. Howard J. Eastman; second vice presi dent, Mrs. Larry Allen; record ing secretary, Mrs. Roy Wick strom; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Gene Haislet, and treas urer, Mrs. Ray Kliever. Mrs. Paul Morgan, retiring presi dent, was chosen as a new member of the board. The new officers will be in charge at the October meeting. Founders Day Observed; Club Elects Officers Salem alumnae of Alpha Delta Pi sorority observed the monH founders day anniver sary on Friday eveninp, group meeting at the home of mv. T-euHn D. Clark. Miss nlva June Mayor of Portland, state alumnae chairman, was a special guest. The erouD chose officers at this meeting, Mrs. Roy Green being elected president; Mrs. A L. Pfeifer, secretary-treasurer; Mrs. Allan Gray, Pan- hellenlc representative, tign teen members of the newly organized group attenaea, there being more than 30 alumnae of Alpha Delta Pi in Salem. Present were Mrs. Fred Bradley, Miss Marguerite Glee son, Mrs. Roy Green, Mrs. John Jelderks, Mrs. A. L. Pfeifer, Mrs. Ralph Schulsted, Mrs. George Squire, Mrs. Roy Todd, Mrs. William Zenger, Mrs. Allan Gray, Mrs. Allan Franzke, Mrs. J. R. Clough, Mrs. Cal D. Schulz, Miss Clara Belle Roth, Mrs. Max D. Mc Glasson, Mrs. Dick Buckovlch of Scio, Miss Belva June May or of Portland and the hostess, Mrs. Lewis D. Clark. Prom at SHS Set Mav29 Poppy&ommittee The poppy committee oi Salem unit, American Legion auxiliary,, met recently with Mrs. Jack Johnson to discuss the coming sale, May 22-23. Present were Mrs. Rosemary Henningsgard, Mrs. George E. Day, Mrs, Mildred DeArmond, Mrs. Carleton Roth, Mrs. Charles Bower, Mrs. Edmund J. Bauer and Mrs. Fred Sellers. To Address Club Woodburn Henry Hartwlg of Salem will speak on peonies at the meeting of the Woodburn Garden club, Tues day, May 12, in the Wood burn library club rooms at 8 p.m. Mrs. Harold Colgan is program chairman. Members will answer roll call with their favorite rose, and flower arrangements will feature primroses. Unusual primroses will be the horti cultural specimens. Hostesses will be Mrs. George Sweaney and Mrs. R. K. Seely. The public is invited to attend. Final big dance to end the school year at Salem senior Moh Mchnol will be the Junior Prom, planned for Friday eve ning, May 29. Miss Sharon Johnson Is seneral chairman for this year's affair. e o o Recital Wednesday Thn Junior Federated Music clubs will present their month ly recital program in the audi torium of the Blind school, Wednesday, May 13, at 7:45 p.m. This will be the last reci tal until fall and the public is invited to attend. Appearing on the program are: The Cecilians, Diana Cooley, Sara Mayers, Judy RaVcr Jean Haworth. Judv Rae Haseman, Beverly Walls, Ros- ella Felland, Patricia uoinns, Patricia Perrin, Sharon For rest, Carol Hoffine, Marcia Humphrey. Rodney Schmidt, Jane Doerksen, Lamona Col lins, Helen Lewis, Patricia Stevenson, Elizabeth Jepsen, Joyce Mount, Joyce Stettler, sharnn Anderson. Gaynelle Metheny, Mavis Malbon, Mar lene Bronson, Laurel Herr, Wanda Stinnett, Phoebe Lou Braun, Karen Johnson, Sharon Muller and Daisy Lee Crenshaw. Party After Rehearsal Honoring their daughter, Miss Joyce Reeves, and her fiance, Capt. Eugene Mitchell Beard, Mr. and Mrs. Jay E. Reeves are entertaining Sat urday evening at their home. The party will follow the rehearsal for the wedding of Miss Reeves and Capt. Beard who are to be married next Sunday afternoon In the First Presbyterian church. Dessert will be served and the guests will include mem bers of the wedding party, their husbands or wives, and families, of the couple. m AUXILIARY to the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War will meet Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. for a no-host dinner at the home of Mrs. Albert Hoevet, 1876 South 13th. FUR STORAGE AND ' srws-atii1(S51m IMtcr Car Mmbi Ltmnr Wmt LoCHGLLE'S 1348 Ferry St. Ph. 1-6814 America's MOST MODERN KITCHEN! CAPITAL YOUNGSTOWN ! . KITCHEN 181 N. High St. THE SMART SHOP FOR VANITY FAIR LINGERIE " 115 N. Liberty . MAX FACTOR ends your search for the perfect make-up ! TW Creamy make-up bate and powder all in one... applied with a puff I A complete make-up ht a parse -slim compact. You'll love Max Factor's new make-ap ideal Crane Puff smooths on with puff like powder...ataye on like cream.. .is softer, more Battering than either. And it's apill proofl Creme Puff actually reflects light. ..teems to erane liny imperfections. Won't streak, smear or turn orangey. You never look "made up." End your search with Creme Puffl '125 i Carry Crmt Pmf tvtryvkert m in kinged mirror mm pact. CbooM from Umm S radiant shades I TauLT FAIR of a Mi, pink and while tkin. TSMptinc TOUCH -or a creamy, hvry tkin. candle clow -or a nediom - or ruddy - lAia. ay wnisraa - or an ttivt ,kin. SDN rwouc - or a mnunntd fr aery deep olin tkin) ooDjjilroty , mSimtommf JlUutH Odd tarn l xi iia hml MtJJ ,i - - - - mtrw cvm aMOiakvt7 TOfS p9TK9 aw tmw In SHAD O-LURE HEELS by 09U9 $ .65 15 denier I pair See hew pretty your legi can be with Holeproof Shtd-o-lure heels. In contrasting solid color heels with e dark Beauty Line seam, they're fashion complement to your favorite costumes. And Holeproof s exclusive Beauty Lock finish gives longer wear and greater snag resistance to the Phantom-sheer loveliness. See the season's newest Crown Colors. Sites 8'j to 1 1. Proportioned Medium and Long, le i Heel Colon. Hondo Royal Ifown H..I a Nude keyal with ilttl Hoel lolfe Royal with Ntvy Hoel you'll adore tht Al$ OWLS ill V I Florador In or white. Sixes medium, larce. No. 250 above the waist rirdle No. Z51 above the waist pantie ea. $5.95 No. 50 walat-hifh xiraie $5.00 The cutest numbers we've ever seen, end the smartest! 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