Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 11, 1953, Page 3, Image 3

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Monday, May 11, 1955
Judging Difficult Job
In Spring Garden Show
VT r l I
eignoornooa g r d e n -eri
combined forcei to provide
one of the best spring garden
hows in a number of years at
the Izaak Walton League club
house on South Cottage street
over the week-end.
A number of courtesy dls
P'H1 unusually attractive
while the 15-table display of
the various groups taking part
made the task of inHoino ju
Jicult one- One table, arranged
before he left home, only to re.
turn with little fish, drew many
chuckles. Baked beam and sar
dines had prominent places in
mis display
The American violet exhibit
indicated the interest in this
particularly attractive flower,
Oak Grove Gardeners' bridal
table won first honors in that
envision, with second, third and
fourth places going to Wee
tor the fisherman who 1 jMEff club.
Visitation at
Salem Heights
Salem Heights Visitation
week ended Friday at Salem
Heights and was favorable to
both parent and teachers.
Harry B. Johnson, superin
tendent of the Salem system,
believes that visitation week
at the Salem Heights school
was the first if its kind, and
that a form of visiting school
had been originated.
Parents seemed at first
akeptical of the plan but now
seem to prefer it to achieve
ment night as it gives them the
opportunity to watch their
child in the surroundings of
the classroom, their reactions to
classes and other students, and
the school work being done
rather than just the finished
product on achievement night.
The teachers felt that It had
an advantage over the achieve
ment night as the parents
could see exactly what is
taught and the methods of
teaching used, rather than a
display on achievement night.
The percentage of parents
was about i the same as on
open house,' with an amazing
number of fathers and even
grandfathers attending.
Although it was a lot of
extra work for both Mrs.
Leslie Bates, and Mrs. Lillian
Boatwright In the cafeteria,
they expressed favorable re
action and a worthwhile pro
ject, as parents ate with their
children, at the cafeteria. -
Special arrangements had to
be made for the children eat
ing cold lunches to make room
for the parents.
Monday was visitation day
for. the first grades, Tuesday
for the second grades, Wednes
day, third grade, Thursday,
fourth grade and Friday,
fifth and aixth ' grades.
Parent attended morning and
afternoons, or both, they went
to the playgrounds with the
children ate the same lunches
as the children enjoy in the
A questlonaire will be sent
home later to make a per
sonal survey in each family
as to their reaction to visita
tion week.
Other awards included:
First place winner:
Section A. elm t, pansles, Mri. How
ard Hunsaker; icctlon B, clan 1, tm
peonlei, Mr,, c. A. Kelli, IB, Bet Psf.
ter: class 3, columbine, Mri. Jack Bart
lett: clan 4, delphinium, Mri. c. A.
KalUl cilia (. bleedlnt heart, lira. Jack
Bartlett: data I, palnttd dalar, Mrs.
Don Smith.
Olrlrlon t, aectlon B, clan 10, tin.
John Douslas, for-set-me-not; class 11,
Mri. John Douilai; aectlon C. dan 1,
alnile narcluui. Mrs. Oacar Wlclel dou
ble narcissus, Mri. John Dowlas: elaia
J. tulips, Mri. jack Birtltt; Darwin
tulip. L. N. Slmmom; clan 3, Mn. Oa
car WUle: dais S, Mn. Oil la Schandel.
Section D, clan 0, wliterla. Mn. char
lee Colt; claai 7B, pink doawood, Walter
Slnale Narcbana
Section c, clan 1c, ainglc nardaaoi.
Mri. Oner wide: A, Irli. Mra. Oicar
wide; class 6. Mra. John Doualai; aec
tlon D. daia 1. L. N. Slmoni, 1 B. L. M.
Slmona; 1C. Walter Barkui; D, Walter
Native aaalea, Mn, Charlea Cola; clan
3, Walter Barkui.
Section D-t, lllaca. Mra. Jack Bartlett;
D-4-f, Prank Crawford: aectlon D, 4c,
white Illaci, Mn. Jack Bartlett: JA,
Walter Barkui: ID, Ollbert Fonea; lec
tion D, hawthorne, Lee Canfleld; SA,
iplrea, Mra. Jack Bartlett: 10A, enow
ball, Mra. A. C. Shaw: aectlon Ti. potted
roie, R. o. Brady: F3. cllmblna roce,
Mri. Charlea A. Cole; PI, L. N. Blmoni;
tectlon Q7, Fred Rogers; as, folllace,
Mra. John Doudaa; OB, violet, L. N.
Slmona; OSB, Marguerite Lowery; G4A,
tree tuachla, Ollbert Fonea; OA potted
fuechla, Mri. J. B. Van Cleve; OJ, pot
ted blooming plants Gilbert Ponei.
01A, begonlaa, Fred Rogers; H4,
trllllum, Mra. Charles Cole: HI. Illy ot
the valley. Mra. Ed Zellnikt; H4, wild
floweri, Mra. J. B. Van Clave.
Section B. lb. prlurosei. Mra. John
Douglaa; Dll, not listed, Mn. Jack Bart-let.
Blue rlbbona on dlvlilon a on ar
rangamenta were awarded to (ha follow
Section A, Mri. Joe Benney, aectlon B.
Mra, Jack Bartlett; aectlon C, Mra. Jack
Bartlett; aectlon E, Marguerite Lowery;
aectlon F. Mrs. A. J. Schalk; section H,
Mra. R. O. warren: aectlon L Mra. Rob
ert Oormson.
Judges for the horticultural division
were charlei A. Cole and Al Llnback.
Judgei for the garden dub tables were
Mri. H. V. Compton and Mri. Wheeler
..... .
Standing before an M-46 "Patton" , tank in Korea is
Capt, George S. Patton, Jr., (left) of Hamilton, Mass. With
him is Sgt. 1c Bernard D. Presky of Baltimore, Md.
Capt. Patton, son of the late World War II general for
whom the tank was named, is commanding officer of
Company A, 140th Tank Battalion, 40th Infantry Division.
(U. S. Army photo via AP Wirephoto.)
Lebanon Blood
Tagged Korea
Lebanon An emergency
shipment of blood for Korea
will depend largely on dona.
tlona from Lebanon people next
Wednesday,' it was revealed
Friday by the Red Cross. .
The shipment will leave
Portland and go directly to the
battle area, - said Mrs. Ruth
Parton, city chairman of the
blood recruitment. .
The Red Cross administered
bloodmoblle will be set up in
the Elks lodge Wednesday af
ternoon from 2 until 8 p.m.,
with the goal ol 300 pints being
sougnt nere.
The Lebanon collection will
form the 'basis of the emergen'
cy shipment, It was pointed
out.. To facilitate the local
bloodmoblle visit, the Elks
cancelled plans for a social
night for its members and their
wives that evening.
Sunny side
Sunnyslde Mrs. Clayton
Butve will be hostess to the
Friendly Hour club May 13,
for the last meeting of the
season. A no-host luncheon
will be served at noon, and
the name of secret pals will
be revealed.
Mr. Sweeney received word
that his father was seriously
ill, and left by plane to be
with him.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kills have
traded their home to Mr. and
Mrs. Lester Stringer ' of
New residents in our com
munity are Mr. and Mrs. Hue
sted and children.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Swope
have purchased a farm near
Cloverdale and are moving
London Jacob Malik, new
Soviet ambassador to the
Court of St. James, arrived to
day. He will represent Rus
sia at Queen Elizabeth II's
coronation June 2.
Crooner Laine
Sings in Choir
Washington IUD Crooner
Frankie Laine turned choir
boy yesterday to sing an evan
gelical version of his song hit,
"I Believe."
Clad in a cardinal red robe
and a white stole, the curly-
neadea baritone sang verses
written by the Rev. Dr. Fred
erick Brown Harris, senate
chaplain, in a Mother's day
service in the crowded Foun
dry Methodist church.
It was the first time Laine
had sung In a church since he
was a choir boy in 1927.
Sweet Home Budget
Ready for Council
Sweet Home The yearly city
budget has been approved as
ready for presentation to the
City Council at the Tuesday
May 12 meeting. The budget
exceeds the 6 per cent limi
tation by $8,714.40. .
Expenditure wai listed at
$311,891.60 and listed receipt
at $267,178 leaving a tax levy
of $44,416.60 necessary. All of
the tax with the exception of
$8,714.40 i within the 6 per
cent limitation.
. At the next City . Council
meeting a date will be let for
a public hearing on the budget
Henry Racen Elected
To Office in Church
Seattle W Oscar T. Sterli,
Portland, Saturday was elected
president of the Pacific Dis
trict of the Brotherhood of the
Evangelical Lutheran church.
Other officers elected at the
brotherhood's biennial national
convention included Cornelius
K. Grunhurd, Bellingham, first
vice president; Edward Kirch
of, Bremerton, second - vice
president, am) Henry O. Raaen,
Salem, third vice president.
. T. A. Myklebust, Spokane,
national president, was a guest.
- t
Old Friends Meet
Here After 53 Years
It was an enjoyable visit re
cently when Mrs. Bertha Dai
ley of Beaverton and Mrs.
Pauline Irons met at the lat
ter's home, 638 North 17th
street. ,
Once they were girlhood
friends in Winona, Minn., but
they hadn't seen each other for
S3 years.
Mrs. Dalley came to Salem,
accompanied by her son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Ed Berger, also of Beaverton.
The Bergers returned to their
home, but Mrs. Dailey remain
ed for a longer visit.
Movie extras in Italy are
paid $3.30 a day.
Cherry City
339 Chemeketa
Phone 2-6762
no fuss no muss
no bother no dirt
use Prco-vo-loco
the ciean run
PHONE 3-8862
All 21" Picture Tubes
Admiral Oak
Dumont Mahogany Mod.
Admiral Walnut console
Admiral Mahogany co.oi.
Dumont Mahogany
Admiral Oak Console
Admiral Mahogany comb
Dumont Fruit Wood
Admiral Mahogany comb
Admiral Mahogany comb
Model 309.95
Console 445.00
Get your TV installed for the Marciano-Walcott Championship
Fight May 15
Convenient Budget Terms
Y : : : : : : : . ;!'-
rwaaaajjaywy riiimgjg '''frWeW j j
N' Jffi rTr -V . , -r ' '-4
mm mates ... ua 1
lv VilNiS Racing along on a white-capped wave I 1 !?
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p0z 1 V4 sprayed beach I, , , you' re trim. I J
Ksd Vvl sleek, superlative, in the f lying colors 1 ' l
r554 we've hoisted here . . . A galaxy
vA , of colors -'infused in Schlesinger's ,4
T- 'H i playtime togs that really take to m j
fCri' SfSXi I outdoor livin' in smart, breezy sail- ' M
f'Pyj I ' cloth and crisp zippy denim separates. ' W
1 I Washable and Sanforized of r - Wf 1 i
' PfI ' " II , You're the captain and here's the ' VT)' ? !
I WV V roll call ... with MUSTER! From j
Lr'J mXtf VIkI port to starboard mix 'n match Ll j
uupr m iw zza ssANT Shorts- 2-98 fe'
u . t -vwil CHARGE ACCOUNT I yjk o o oq
Will iL .f TODAY ! ! S m 2.98 ,i
y-;N mrih 24$j ' JlP Pedal Pushe,s m 3.98 Ui
m MwM s,atk$ -4-98 w
hi WAfJA Jackets ....from 2.98 tj ;
!- 4 immli Mpfe Skirts - . 4 98 w
i mWf ' I'SS Shirt$ 1.98 k
i' penays
l"'r 409 Court St, ? , f r
Shorts. .fr0M 2.98
Bras ;.fr0m 2.98
Pedal Pushers f,om 3.98
Slacks... ........ fr(mi 4.98
Jackets ... from 2.98
Skirts . ,rom 4.98
ShirtS ..from 1.98