Monday, May 11, 1933 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Saltm, Ortgm Pag 17 FOR RENT APARTMENTS ATTRACTIVE J . room, refrigerator, range, garage. Phone 1-6670. JP1131 LOVELY PUBNISHED or unfurnished apartment, close in. ground floor. blockj from u. 8. Bank. Shade trie getting. Automatlo laundry. Adults, 8 at 336 Oak St. IpllS 1 BEDHOOM court apartment turtnshed, newlr decorated. Cloea In. 3-0714. JP113 i DOWNTOWN, FIRST ttoor. 3 . ro bath, private entrance, 666 Centei FURNIBHED DUPLEX. 3 rooms, clean. Hollywood, adults, 3-6547, I860 McCoy. 1P113' -t 8 BOOMS lurnlahed, near atorea and 3 buses. 1310 Madison. Jp!3l PRIVATE THBEE-ROOM furnished court r apartment, clean. Adults. 450. 31K Portland Road. 1P138 1 MODERN FUBNlSHED court, HO. 1015 E Madison. Phone 3-7733. 1P116' fMCELT FURNISHED baiement apart- T ment on aim creek. Reasonable, prl f vato garage; US So. 34th. 1p113' i MODERN, unfurnished t bedroom 4. S room apt. 1140 8. 13th. Jpll4 f 8 BOOH NICE apartment. Private bath, f 681 N. Church. Phone 34749. Jpltl 1 NICELY FURNISHED apartments; Am I bassador Apia. 660 Mo. summer. lp' A SEVERAL furnished apartmenta, food location. Inqulra H. L. Bull Furniture. ' Phone 3-C185. IP 829.80 1-room lurnlahed housekeeping apartment, close In north. See Bert yi. Plena, 378 H. man. a-4047. 3Pi' S 8 BOOMS partly lurnlahed, 337.60. West Salem. Phone aooca. ivnv MICE LABGE lurnlshed 3 room apart ment. Aduita only. No pets. Close to t atate buildings and Shopping center. 930 Garnet. Phone 37646. 8 AND 4 ROOM furnished court apart . ments. Oarage. Phone 20548. Ipll7 8-BEDBOOM furnished apt., lnd. utll B ltlea. 1 bins, to school, 1 blk to bus. i 2060 Myrtle. 1P114 a-BOOM furnished apt.. lKhts, water 2 furnished, 323. 1620 Perry St. 3-3101. f 1P113 CLOSE IN, nice, clean 3 room. Utilities t furnished. 658 Center. JpU4 .JVICE 3 room apartment, private bath. t 586 N. Church. 24745. iPU6 S BOOH furnished apt. Call 3-8656 alter p.m. ipiar- FURNISHED 3 rm. apt. Phone 33303. Liebts, water furnished. JpU3 CLOSB IN nice modern furnished 3 t room apartment. Aduita. Phone 38400. 1P116 f WANT TUB FINEST? t One of the newest one-bedroom Court j' apts. Now available. Private utility room and connected garage. 8tove ,' and refrigerator Included, all duality ' features. 2-3728. 1P113' UNFURNISHED 2 bedroom, unusually attractive, comfortable, heat, hot water, garbage furnished.' Close In. Automatic washer. Phone 3-806 or ' Box 88, Capital Journal. Jpll6 MODERN COURT, nice yard, appliances furnished. Near Shopping Center. Aduita. 1439 Trade. 1P113 1 AND t BEDBOOM apt. Newly dee ' orated. In ahopplnc center. 348 No. 1 I2th. 3-1351. IP113 MCE 4-ROOM lurnlshed apt., I or 3 aduita, close ahopplng and atate build- . Inga, private entrance and bath, elec trlo atove, refrigerator, garage. 3-7694. Jpll3 LEE APTS. ' Salem's Most DUtingulahed Addrea. Attractive. Jtp&cious 1-bedroom units at $77; lnrKs plcture-trtmu -window; cheerful color; elect, range and rt Xriserator iurn., television available. For better Uvtns call 4-1641. 585 N. Winter. FOR RENT HOUSES t BOOH COTTAGE. Unfurnhthed, 4 blocks city center, state offices and ahopplng center. AQUlta preierreo. Available May Slat. 449 H. Cottage, 33444. lmll3 UNFURNISHED 5-ROOM Duplex. Like new. Good Bleed rooms. Hardwood finArji insulated for noise. Close In. -wanner, dryer furnished. Phone 34459 evenings. 1QS5 Bellevue. 3m CLEAN AND NEWER 1-bedroom court rental in West Salem. Lovely tile bath, large rooms, refrigerator and electric range furnished. 850 per montn. kbw 11m Realty, phona 34644 or 41761. im" BEDROOM house. South Salem. $65, 996 McOHchrlBt. Phone 35037. Jmlia CLEAN 2 BEDBOOM house. $80. 180 Broadway. Call at 4400 auverton Koaa TbItpi.fx. 1 BEDBOOM unfurnished, Ranse and refrigerator. Adults. Phone 24708. Jnv Unfurnished, $s& west saiem. can .25934. JmlU CLEAN, MODERN, l-bedroom bouae in court. Stove and refrigerator mrn thwi. riiMi in bui. Bit back yard. Ideal for couple. See at 184 N. 8th or Phone 2-7430. J"' a-mn .thf.kter AVE. s-bedroom house. S65. Call Wlllamlna 3853. Jmll4 WELL FURNISHED one bedroom house for couple. Baseme&s, garage, ou am, 65. 2-9894. im3 S ROOM COTTAGE. AdUlU. No pets. 13W W. 4th. jmna OFFICE FOR RENT aUILOINS MATERIALS BARGAINS A" Benwood (Jap Birch) A ,.,.. Sic aenwood (Jap Birch) A Mc " Uahoganr Plywood A ....42c V." Mahogany Plywood A 30c AO, i raintea cedar ahakas, gaurantead to be square fit ting, oompleta with under- eouraa , .318.73 Colored bath sets. Grade A cheap White bath futures .... lowest prices u. u. iAJHO at BON8 Ph. 4-S081 t ml. No. of Kelaer . ma For Sol MISCELLANEOUS " SKILL SAW, 2. Glmn Weodry's. 1808 N. Bummer Bt. all2 KEITH BROWN SPECIALS LUMBER Regular Sale ooo' 3x3 rI No. 4 com. sia 30.00 M lt.00 31 7000 1x8 r1 No. 4 oomm. TUG 30.00 U 35.00 U Car stakes 8' to 10' rough.. .80 ea. lit r1 X Beaded Celling, 40.000 31 OVERSTOCK 4i8 H" duplex board, M.SOit 44.00 M 4x8 W Standard Board 88.00 If Shakes stained No. 1 Tg 18" with ondereourae. sncartoned , 13.00 jq. Plyron Plywood .31 eq. ft. NO, 1 MAHOGANY DOORS 3-OxS-tllH" BC RC.... 10.94 0.83 3-tl!-eilH" RC RC... 11.97 10.91 3-818-SxlH' RC RC ... 13.40 11.07 a-SxMllW" BC RC... 13.91 U.74 1-PANEL DOOR B P. 3-0l6-8ll" 3-4K-8X1H" a-oxe-siHi" ,,, 3-Sxe.8llS" 3-8 3-8H-8B1H" 0.95 8.95 (.99 .0 1 lite 1 panel 3.80 Keith Brown Lumber Yd. Front Court street Phone i-9111 fix am Sara omxif st, i-9111 Amp ma' REDUCED $10 Per Day Until Sold aflTARTXNO PRICK 1340 VS MAY 8 th I Zenith refrigerator model YX-moO Custom Deluxe. Thl treat new Teirtt erator li the ilnest ever to bear the Zenith name . . . ietttirlntr MORE of everything that everyone wants moil. It's B1Q ... 10 cubic feet to give large capacity and complete flexibility. And newt? stmglneered, up-to-the-minute automatic defrost and butter condi tioner plug luch other wonderful features as shelns in the door, giant twin orlipers, porcelain interior, 52-lb. freezer locker. It's America's greatest value In superb, all-feature home re frigeration. May 12th $339.95 ' - Keith Brown Lumber Yard Front 3r Court Street Fhone 39111 we orvz a&B oreen stamps ma NSW DUAL muimrs eoatpieta with headers for Olds N. 1110 Fine St, Sll verton. mi CAUFaSTOVE, 84.30. Olenn Woodrr'a. nI13' DANVENFOBT AND chair set, allghtly uaeo. cparxa eu neater. 34893. ollr FLATS GLASS mirror, 18 x 34, 83 33. Olens Woodrr'a, 1803 No. Summer. Dill' VISIT GOOD reconditioned Kay tag washer, 330. 1090 No. Cottage. Fhone 8-7S87. nl!3 BETTES BABGAIN8 at Olenn Woodrr'a. nllj. LIGHT WEIGHT singer portable, latest model, complete with 'attachments. Today's special, 389.80. Singer Sew ing Center, 130 No. Commercial. 1-3313. W3STINGHODSE ' else, range, 8139J0. Olenn Woodrr'a, 1004 No. Summer. nlll- SLIGHTLY USED 30 gallon hear? duty water tank. 38. 3-7(87. nils M"XJT' MIRROK, 311. Olenrt Woedry't, 1805 No. Summer. n!13 AUTOMOfiLES AUTOMOSILIS 1349 fTUDESAJMI aonirerUUe. Radio. J..' aharp. Fhone 3-3138. .in. U4t CBTILIB Windsor 4 door avian, excellent condition. 3-0038. 833 So. Cma Aranue. aiil3 43 KA18ES 4-door sedan, good rubber, heeler, aporUisht, teat anara, 4491- J.0 down payment on approval ( credit. Open arentnga. BT Smith and won, asaHira, aea Marian, none 1-3043. 1343 NAM Super 4-door Sedan, excel- lent condltton. Fhone 4-3193. ell" MUST SELL 1880 Hudson FacVmakar 4- door. Radio At haater. Verr clean. W1U accept bast oiler within reason. wouw consider older car as part pay ment. Call 4-4314. 114 SOUND VALUE $1295 TOP SOIL ttlver slit and fill dirt. Frompt de livery. Phone 3-1748. NEW 3X13 BUGS, 4 colors, apac. 339.98. Olenn Woodrya, 1408 No. Summer. nils GARAGE DOORS, unfinished furniture made to order. Small carpenter and cabinet repair Jobs. Prices reasonable. Woodworking Fixit Shop ' 1175 Ho. 18 Ph. 1-3381 MM 1947 OLDS Club Coupe, heater, clean, good condition, 7H. FM. 137(3 after 8:30 P.m. mil BATH1NETTE, good condition, 38.93. Olenn Woodry's, 1808 No, Summer. nils' 1943 SfERCBBT club coupe, radio, heater. overdrive, w.w. tirsa, exceptionally cood hour and interior. Fhone 39939. .U8' Organic Fertilizer Free of weed seeds, and odorless. Sack or bulk orders delivered. Phone 3-8137. oll8 TWIN BEDS comp. with coll spring, good cotton mattress. 834.50V Olenn Woodrr'a, 1805 No. Summer. 113 FERTILIZES- Pulverised, rotted manure, delivered anywhere. 3-0774 or 3-8073. nils' NEW DAVENO et rocker. Reg. 3339.50. Damaged,-1149. Olenn Woodrr'a, 1808 N. Summer. ' nl!2' SMALL BOY'S 18-lnch bicycle, 113, 1090 no. cottage, mono l-usi, aire 300 SALVAGE Snorter, Inc. gun case, 2 Hi power Weaver scope. Just like new. 380.60. Olenn Woodrr'a, 1804 N. Sum mer. ' n!12 Mcculloch chain saws. 90s Edge- water. West Salem. Salem Logging Sup ply. Ph. 4-1841. n' CLOTHL1NE POSTS, iron lega for ta bles, furniture, railings. 1145 N. Lib erty. nl3' PELLET rifle, 88.50. Olenn Woodrr, nll3' Remodeling? Oosh, you ought to sea these Birch Docnl 3.8x8.8 Hit. .3,0x4.8 38.80 PLYWOOD (still running out our ears!) 4x8 Rh 14. 818x4x3 Rah I 3ftc All thickness In Sand ReJ, inter ior As exterior. Sugar Pine, Knotty; Pine, Bireh, Mahogany, Seaswlri, WiMtex, all beautiful in 4x3 sheets. KNOTTY PINE Paneling 139.80. Cedar Panel xn.BG. auxaa rirwooa ev. s& foot. WAUVBOARDS, all kinds, sheetrsck 1.40 up. Hardboard 1.7B. snaxea inc. unaer course 11.35 anuere. BET SDO 58.50, 1X4 Fig 98.00, 1X3 Fig 89.50. Nothing down, 3B montna to par. Free delivery 41 estimating serv ice, coma is and visit. Open all iar Saturday. Portland Hoad Lbr. Yard ISffi Fort! and Road Fhone 4-4433 mi' ROTTED MANURE 1.000 yards, thi bast wa have ever had. For good organlo results order rotted cow manure that you can use without fear. 96.00 par nrd. 4 Tarda 818. e yards 838. 10 yarda 340. Flag. stones, lava atone, fence pasta, 4x4 stakes and rustle red ceuar tencing, Phillips Bros,, Rt. 8, Box 493, Ph. 43081. Salem. 3 nl I. 4 Comcra. n NEW fireplace andlrona, 38-95 pair, Olenn Woodry's, 1008 n. summer, mis' BUILDER'S SPECIAL New Planed lum- hr. sia oar as. ana us. aeuverea. 3-2042. melie NURSERY STOCK ' SELLING OUT Fans;, SOc dozen. 3S35 Midway Drive, pnone a-pati. ro"e- CHOICE GLOXUVEAS no' bloom int. Viiltora welcome as aaiema nincsui Violet headquarter. Fuchiia, Pttuula, tomatoe A beddln? plants. Op pen 'a Greenhouee, 4330 Auburn Rd. mblM MARTHA WASHINGTON ferantutns. hutvrirfviB in bloom: liezonlaa. fuchsias and beddlni plant. Kliber'B, 116 Ba lers Helf hU Ave., pnonr mpui CHBYS AN THEMUMS New Krau totro duotlons, ISO English. Spoons, Spiders, Cushion. ueipniniumi unciUQins AtniL4ii. 18 vbrletlei As tilbes: Oer- anlums, Russell lupmea, Iceland pop ples, Iris, Hostas. Black's, 2370 Che niawa Road, 4Vi mile east ot Keizer. FOUR OR FIVE-ROOM suite. Oregon Building. Fhone s-sm, HEDGE OR WINDBREAK Privet, Jautl i. eftmeiHu. conifers, boxwood. Ftv 22182. 27 Hollywood Drive. mb!34" GROUND FLOOR office or store space (or rent. Call at Fltta Market. io COME IN and see our line of garden supplies, shruoa ana oeoaing pit.n. Uiddle Grove Nursery, 43Q Silverton Rd. Fhone MISCELLANEOUS BEE-HIVE TRUCKS U-DRIVK MOVE YOURSELF SAVE V, PICKUPS STAKES VANS TEXACO STATION 819 COURT ST. PHONE 3-1931 FAQS STEVENSON and AL J4EPFORD m BALE3J 8ANO At GRAVEL COUP ANT Contract Work Road Clearing - Ditching Sewer and Basement Equipment Rental Ditching by the Foot Phone Days 3-9408 Ives. 3-4411 or 3-7413 Salem. Oregon m DENTAL PLATE REPAIR J-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARVEY SEMLEH. DENTIST Arfnioh Bide., state Ai Commercial Sta. SALEM PH. 3-3311 m GERANIUM, F18CHIA8 ...35c mum Daniiaa .... a.uu v. Rnvoofl 3 for 31.00 Red Azalea 4 tor 81.00 Zverireen Trees 3100 up Everbearing strawberry Plants. MERRILLS GREENHOUSE,. BROOKS . mbll4 For Sale MISCELLANEOUS FREE FILTER CARTRIDGE with oil 1 eh.nea from May 11th thru May 18th, while nresent stock laats ao hurry! Salem Diesel Service, 3713 Sllverton Rd. mils' BUILDING MATERIALS KEITH BROWN'S Close-Outs Wa are closing out our entire stock ( Lawn Movera, Electric and Oas. Also Qarden Hose. Regular Sale 1 16" Hand Mowera 334.80 118.76 118 Oas Rotary Mower 118.04 34.44 14" Elec. Rotary Mower 71.30 87.44 J 18" Elec. Rotary Mower 79 98 88.80 10 Feet Plastlo Hose 8.94 4.78 KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD Front Court St. Ph. 1-31U Wa Olvg S&H Green Stamps TOP SOIL Fill dirt, garden aand. 3-0849. WROUGHT iron dinette aet, 8 pe., S8C.9S. Olenn Woodrr'a. looo at, summer St. MIS' USED sewing Machinea galore. Some like sew. Priced rami, xraoer Louie, 1870 Lena Ave. nils' KIRBT vac. attachmenta, Including pol isher. gso.BO. woodrr'a. laoo ho, sum mer, Bll2 BUNK BEDS, complete, 839,80 up. Trad ar Louie, 1S70 Lena Ave. - run 1980 PONT1AC CHIEFTAIN t 4-DR. JU8D. KatK, IIC. FINISH. CLEAN CAR THROUGHOUT. GUARANTEED. Brown-Fox BRITISH CAB SALES 1339 N. BROADWAY -FHONE 4-8031 4 CHEV. 3-TON truck, terms. 1341 Pontiao Sedanette, 330 down will bur. 1943 Chev. 2-door, 3100 down. Phone days. 34041. 0.1U SOUND VALUE $495 1948 8TUDI CHAMP SEDAN O.D. SHOWS EXCELLENT CARS. SEE IT. YOU'LL BUT JT Brown-Fox BRITISH CAE SALES 1330 N. BROADWAY PHONE 4-SOU SOUND VALUE 11595 im hhjUcax sedan, only driv en SHORT TTME BY DS. , SATS 4300! Brown-Fox BRITISH CAR SALES 1130 V. BROADWAY FHONE 4-8031 $ for $ You Can't Beat Our Gars For Value PONTIAC it Sadas, Hydra, RAH ,,, .33498 81 Sedan, Hrdra, Beater 41394 40 Sedan, RAH 81395 43 Sedan Cpa. Hydra, RR .... A13M 44 Sedan, RAH 8998 4? Sadaa Cpe., lal ,.....,4494 STATION WAGON 31 FonUae Hydra. RAH (sharp) 33394 STOCKS Best For Less . ..135 ..3143 ..4144 ..3335 .,8481 41 Bulek. RAH 40 Packard 4 Chevrolet 30 Chevrolet Cpe. (clean) 41 Ford Club Cp RAH ALWAYS THE BEST FOR LESS AT KELLY OWENS Co. iBy Tte meul ripest atdBlrt Corporation titiM cnrnttii ...... UlU Onilmiri .......... VBtritstS V.rIio ,..) .tmtrto4.ii fovtr Uih... trtoa TO Ttl . . atmtfstMi Tobftcw lintcosMU Coppor AWiUcn Rtiilfk4 ,,... BtMbem tStici 8Mlztc rpi Ce , Sort WsvrnoT urrov A0Uqi Mwlili... CKUfOT&ift rtSttOaJ Cuadltn Paclfw CUfiir Trtctor CtUkittM CorportUon ... , Chrj4tltr Corporilloa . ClUtf Strrviec ConoUOt4vd BdUoti i Ce;9lki..$ VtiHe Crown Irelltrbacl ....k... Caniit WrUbt douiim A.rorart Du Foal ! Nemours . ... SoUK a Emir-ion Radio Gtcerfci Eiftctrtc ,41( Oaniral IwQm ..,.. GtntraJ VffoMra ... Qoorcia Fac. Pinrood .., Ooodrear Ttrt HcduUM Mict&c CO. ,,,, Zntirnatlonal BirvMtw. , ZcunutUoDsU Papar . .... Jotuu iianTill XaUar Aluminum Kanoacot. Cej?pf . Llbbr Men an ivocaihatd AlrerafU Laoawca Xsoorporalird BtU iioatcosair Wt4 . 660 N. LIBERTY PH. 2-4113 JUS" AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR SAVEKQ RADIATOR TlOCBiXT VMet Motor Co. axpwt vlll aoira your prob Umf sd ufi Ton mooar- Pr iU nataa, apeadr aarrlea. Casta? at Lib. arty. o HilAVYiQUIPMENT MODEL 13S4 Carco Jr. Logging Arch. Oeorg c Turner, Bt. l. Amity, rn. 3413. -V 1U FOK SALE, lease or rent two donkeys, one yarding and one loading, a eicallent condition. Complete with Una and olocta. One 138 son. power Buda diessl power unit. Terms can bs arratiaed. Phone Albany 1049. cell! FINANCIAL 3IONIY TO loan on real estate. Phone J-0TO4. till MONEY PROBLEMS? Xaeit ua tika tha "lfa" out of your stosey pfoblemJ. Up to S00 a fmali loana. up to 950Q oo auu) loana. STATE FINANCE CO. S-914 Phone 34113 34-333 147 t. Blah Bt. rll3 444 .. 84 V. .. 15 ... 1H ..14514 ... 33 ... M5t ,.. 1H ... 43 H .... 31Vs ... 40 H .... n ... 194 ... tm ... 34 ... IMS ... 39 ... 4t ... 44 ... 34H ,.. 44 .... 11 .... 53V4 .... 43 .... (3 .... 14 .... 45 .... .... 39 ... 81 ... 5Vs (t ... ... 33S4 .... m .... sirt Nash Kelvlnator 33 Naw York central , Northern Pacltlo Paeiflo American Pish .... Paclttt Ou Si Siccus. .... racilM Tel A Tel Packard alotsr Car Fanner, J. C Pennsylvania R. B, Pepsi Cola CO Fhllco Radio rladin Cnrperelhm , Rayonier incorp Rayonler Inecrn. Fid. .... Republic Steel Reynolds Metale , RichfieMi Oil , Safaway stores Ino scctt Paper Co. Sesrs, Roebuck At Co. .... Soeony-Vacuum OU Southern Pacific Standard Oil Calif. ...... Standard 08 U, ........ Btudebakar corp. ........ Sunshine Mining Swiit at Company Tranaamerlca Corn. ...... Twentieth Century Fat union on company , Qnies Pacific ..,..,.., United Airline , United Aircraft United CorporaUoa ....... united Statu Plywood... Dotted State. Steal ..... Warner Pictures , Wastara union Tel. ...... wutfnghouta Air Srak... Weatlnghouaa BuectrH ... Waoiwortta , , 21 , 43 .... iMs .,..116 .... 5 .... 10 .... 30 .... 14 .... 33','c .... S31 .... 38 . 49 . 33 . 6SH . 38 . 43 . UK , 34 . 44 . 84 . . 34 . 3 . 34 . 38 . 14 . 39 .108 . sm . 38 MAR K E T QUOTATIONS , tVA . 30 , 1H . 40 , Sty, . 48 . 44 m Av4vaaaaai LOANS UP TO $1500 on SEETiktura. Puraitur. Car AT PiaaoNAL it' Ti" promptly to csployad a or woman. 1-tuu loan . , . pnotw xim. Tou selaok bait paymant !ata. BatwMB payday loatc. Phona, writ or coma In TODAY. . Personal Finance Co. ' m . man jst, balkm tata Uconat Koa. W-16S Loana ever tSOO ap to H500 tx& to SO monthi to repay made by PenonaJ fano Co. f jVari ob County u&dar tha InduitrlAl Lou Oompanlaa Act ol Hack Market Hew York iVJ-toduiirUla ktpfc tha aiock market tut! torwaii Ho&4t In extremely aeiecuva tTaduu. $ MCEfc tWcisr, jGOtortc aircrafw. aif' llnaa. ohemlcal and rubber company shares worked biefear, but cba&caa vara generally minor, nettm tlnna, larm machinery producers and metal mining oompaaiai irira irrattUmrir Igk voiuma waa about 1,100,000 iharaa comparaa witn iao.wo anaraa rrMy, DURHAM, ft po. card table let, apec $18.95. Extra chaira, only J.7 eacn. Olenn Woodry'a. aXU 0,000 CUBIC Inch air conditioner, can be used lor conditioner or exnauai system. Cheap. Bay Curtis, 3550 Fair haven Avenue. 4-2894. Pll3 TWG-WHEE& tracer. 35. Olenn Wood ry's, 1604 No. Bummer. nilT 3LEEPINO BAO, new, wool flHti. $18.95. Trader uniie, ibyo .uana Ave. piii- CRIB and mattress, full panel ends, $19.50. Olenn Woodry's. nlia SHAKES Ho. 1 Painted Shakes At undercourse ......810.78 J-piec. Bath set, gd. "A" 183.00 Switch Boxes with brackets 34c CAMPBELL BLDG. SUPPLY 3 all. S. center St. Ph. 3-8334 nils OCC. TABLES, end, coffee and lamp. 36.88, Woodrr'a, 1806 M. Summer. nils' OVERSTOCK of radios and radio-phono graph comblnatlona. asaraeo war down to reduce our .lock ol trade ins. Be the first to take advantaie of this opportunity. Open Mon. At Frl. aves. Trades Louie, 1870 Una Ave. mis' GOOD used mahogany desk, 438. olenn Woodry's, 1808 No. Summer. nlI3 BEAR CAT tractor, other gardes Im plements. Phone 4-3017. nlI3 BASINET on stand, 16. K). rr's, 1408 No. Summer. Oieea wood-nlia BUT, SELL or Trade. Used Mdse. Afart. 370 So. Liberty. Phone 48871. nlia USED TURN., tools and misc. Alwars better buya at snooa-a narsain 1358 Broadway. Ph. 41734. nil; HOSPITAL BED lor sale or rent. B. L. Still Furniture Co. pnone 3-iee. - PLAYEft PIANO rolls, 31. 00 eech. Piano bench, 34.00. vienn wooan, "" " Summer. "'" CEDAB TELEPHONE and electric poles, niuLm. dobu aim Phillips Bros., Bt. 4, EOT 493. 3 Biles east ol 4 Corners. Ph. 4-3081. n NEARLY new, electric Ironer, Oleen Woodry's. 434.80. nlia FOR BALE, loading donkey, steel framed. medium alie: new siea ana roDi. ao cable. Bill Wagner, Boi 35, Palla City, Oregon. nlW OCC CHAIRS, solid oak, 44.86, Olenn woodry. niia Wonted MISCELLANEOUS LOGS WANTED Top truck acale price lor second and old growth fir. Long ana snort. WEST SALEM LBR. CO. 1160 Wallace Rd. Ph. 4-1784 nam1 trnnnsv WANTS Pianos. Phono 3-8110. n- CBECK PROTECTOR, 330. Olenn Wood ry. 1805 N. Summer. nlia GOOD USED refrigerators, 44S up or rent one lor stun per m. "" era. need, 8i8.0 up or 81.00 per month rental. Master Service Station, 348 14. rwm'l. Phone 8-4163. nlia CHEST, 4 DR., 81150. Olenn woodry's, 1405 N. summer 8t nlia A TEN CVBIC TOOT Leonard relrlsera . i.t. madcL excellent condition. Moving, must sell. Would take 416 down, balance monthly. 4-aen. niu LADY'S BIKE. 410. Olenn Woodry. nlia FOR SALE New hospital bed. Crank adjustable neaa ana iuv. . hiumi stlckly lifetime furniture, buflet, dining table and chairji auto matic gaa water neater, i... St. n!14 BETTER BAROAINS at Olenn Woodry's. nlia air ta Bt'LOVA wrut watch, slightly shopworn, eloseoot price .... i nri. 399 state. nlt4 Coast or Mountain Cedar Shingles Ho. 4a. It Inchea clear. 43; No. 3. I inches clear. 84. No aap wood or culls Come and get them. Ted Muller, Salem-Independenc. Road. Ph. Salem 1-1184. BEMINOTON noiseless office typewriter, S17S0. Phone 4-jbsj. n" nnnn RUNNING washer, 830. Olenn vdrt'i IBOS n. summer di. aft. u-aiNtrr PIANO, nlaltt walnut case m,iv a8. Terms. Olenn Woodry'a. 1805 N. Summer. n" ntawnvn. aaorsUed 4875. (or eale prlv ata owner. Will sacrifice for 6460. see at Hartmsn Bros., m pibiv. nn-. NEW tlNOtEl'M rues. 83.45. Woodry. 1605 N. Bummrr. Olenn nil J1 LOGS WANTED a.,,,. Mill tjmcthi 8' 4" or 16 I". Blemeier 4" to 18" Sawmill, Lragtha ia and longer. Diameter a w w Top prleea paid. Burkland Lumber Co. Turner, Org. Phone 1136 .a vTvrrntfl asvAKL Woodrra. rn t.BMO - 000000t00009 NSiSWW" SETA SfalADT DUV You can have confldencs in these reconditioned cars and in the dealer you're buying from! 1950 Buiek SuDer Riv- . iera .......... ...$1995 MOST POPOLAR STYLE, PINS CONDI TION AND APPEARANCE. DYNAFLOW, TDBELE8S TIRES, EASY-EVE GLASS, 30,677 MILES. x 1650 Mercury Sedan ...$1595 OVERDRIVE;. RADIO. HEATER, CARE PULLY RECONDITIONED, SHOWS GOOD CARS, ' 1950 Buick Special Sed- anet $1495 WE HAVE SERVICE RECORD SINCE NEW, RADIO. BSATSH, M LUnw TICK. 1851 Plymouth Club Coupe $1495 CAMBRIDGE MODEL, BEAUTIFULLY MAINTAINED, ONLY 31,411 MILES. 1950 Studebaker Coupe $1195 STAR-LITE MODEL WITH OVER DRIVE, RADIO, HEATER. 1946 Oldi. 66 Sedan ...$ 695 HYDRAMATT.C, RADIO, HEATER. . '. VERY CLEAN, GOOD CONDITION, 1946 Ford 6 Tudor ....$ 895 BETTER THAN USUAL, WITH RADIO, HEATER. 1948 Nash Super 600 Sedan ? OVERDRIVE, HEATER, ECONOMICAL TO OPERATE. OTTO J. WILSON COMPANY COMMERCIAL AT CENTER PHONE 3-3433 .f g. rti Chieat (Jl Orsins Blade A ttra&f aftort to push upward on tha Boar, ol trade Monday, out early gain, ware ult generalir wiped out wheat atiag . aura aapanded is aha last hour. KBTLANT. fso.ccs utt ef ff ' ,f4 f w aaaaegai .ttertat-Tentattv subject 4 Ha- 14 .nd. to tha laat tow mlnulaa, . aaadlata chanse: Prtrcium .tntitty, tat-ri- r.t '. L?!J2S SreVin pirSn.,lTlb,''.utl: j.''and-, tTfprS Oragon "tl Mar 81.63-Vs, aorbaana unchanged to Or"0 ' iV. hiah.r, M ti.MV t . tut Jar. . sundiad aaaa ""Sensed to 10 wnU a hundred pounda Sggg t. Waalaaalara aaaias atas gse.fT. containing no lota, ewe Included I.n.a. ' ' avjrtlanA, A grade large, 67Vs-5414cl A f,,;. Griim grade i mediutr, 44H-71 grad loft, TotVltai usy-Coarta grtisg unqsxad. "rt-Jwc. Wheat bid, to arriva market, baala rartlanl Dairy Rutin Ne. I Mix, seiivand Coast: iScit whit Bailer prioa to retaneret orad. AA j jj; soft whit, eicludlng Bex 3.311 prist, lit: A cartas, 78c; A prints. Tie: whit dub 3 ii. carton, 13ol B prints. 48c. Hard red winter. Ordinary s.Ki it Eif (. wraaweara Candled (. o. b. par csnt 3.35; 11 par cant 3.381 taVPer Portland: Dnaradad large, 634JS doa.! cent 2.54. grade AA large, 65o dog.l A large 43o doa. Hard whit, baarti Ordinary S.36i IS AA medium 43c A grade sedluss, par cent 346; II par per Mst IMS it 66-810 doa. A grade smalia nominal. per cent 3.38. Its 4 EU tier Grade AA. larte. Mod cay's car receipt.' Wheat 35: bar- 63c; A large, 59-60c; AA medium, 40c; lay 4; tiara it, corn U; at. 3i aalS A rnedlum, &9e; A small, nominal. Car- feed t. tons 3 aenta .ddltinnal. a , Cheesa Price to retallara, Portland, Chieag. Oalana Oregon ainalat, asie-SCc; 4-lb. ioavas, chicag. OU0 SuppllM liberal, demand 53ta-63Mjci triplets, lHo leu than sin- moderat .4 aitghtir lower pricas, star glee. Premium brand, alnglea, 66Vset ket allghtly weaker, loat, tOVic Prooaaaad American cheeaa. Track & 44 Us. V, B, I unless eth- J-lb, ioavea to retail, 434-460 lb. srwlae stated: Texas Yellow Bannoda pwitrr -Its 3-inch car 1.80, car. 1.65; Oraoa Live Chiekema (No. t quality, to., 3-lneh .nd larger ear t.TOt Crystal Was plenta.. rryerr, 3-3 lbs. 37-34e; 8-4 3 to 3-iuch car 1,76; truokiot sales de. lbs 37-38e; roastsrs, 4H lbs. and over, livend sobbing t:eet basis epproJOma 27.3SCI heavy hena, all waighta, 36-36c; a care Orano 8-inoh and larger 1.76. light hens, aU weiihts, 33-c; tM roost- Street st:i is lbs: Tana Yellow Bar. ors 10-180. mudaa I to 3-ineh l.n-3.00, 3-inoh and Straaaed chSataM 34a. I dratted to larger 1,69; Orano 3-lneh and larcer retailers, Pryera, broilers, 41-tac lb.; 1.S0-3.J8; Crystal wax i to 3-lneh 3.34- n ta.. si-aae; light hsns. 3.00. 3Sc; heavy hena, 46c; cut. up frrert, aj ' ts., 87-580 ibw.1 wnoia orawn, w . , ...... . xaaMia Aram t srowsrs: Llr! hAtrt At FImm.a44a whltea. 4-4 lbs,, 16-3701 6-8 lbs., 13-384 IT1IU Tf IltUIIICtiC j eoiered pelts, 4c . under; oioi , . , . does, 10-14c: few higher. Preth dress'ci OblTllfirtPC frrera to retailers, bi-bso; out up. ee-eio. Coaotrr Killed att tmm . . Veal Top io.i rougn u-.i.. I nwtaar - Jseavia. 36-c iiMtliB s.,iv. Hon Lean nioesers, aa-aco; . aows, Wfinrthiirn . Hntt a I ,n trier light 26-32C, laa-jHj, l rt t - Lambs Best, eo-tie ,t rmgerat vv, utcta caity c, at nominally 44oib. , Salem hospital. She had liv- MtB seat, i-i&e itfcj auw,i , ... ... 9.10 cu mt tiic laiHuy tcaiueiivc, ti seer otiiity cos, umo lb.! banner. Aeg Cleveland street, for the outtera, 31-lso: aheiie down to 31s. . , D, ,, fresh Dreasei Meata past TWO yean. Prior 10 ITIOV- Wholetaiers to rtsatiars! Bcaars wnnf t0 WoorJSum the ftatS lived "seat - , tiHBa gve-sss Use. on h farm near West Wood-37.oo-4o.ooi good, 86. 00-39. oo: commercial burn for 17 years. - SJ.OO-3 00; ntillty, 31.MJ4.00; cowb. a 57 1 RR7 pt WnK. oiramrcil, .9-J: . ataity, 3K- Born April 27, 1887, at HUD- 39.00; cannara-cutters. 34.00-37.00. . bard, Mrs. Lavier had lived In Seat Celt icsde. staert;. Kisai.i. . Quarters. 47.00-51.00; rounda, 48.00-83.00; 1 " enure isic .. jistt istoa, tritnmad, 4!.oo -48.00; tri-J Survivors include the wid- anslSB. 30.00-33.00: lore-trttnTtara. 33.00-1 . -ts 4 .a xir .' 34.00; CbuckS, 17.00-41.001 Bb,, .0, ""' 63.00. 1 sua, t;;t'aier iu u.o. sriity m'xLMM' U"in Fre; a daughter, Thelma Lambs prim, sprtngsra. ao-so 10a-1 tjruenmer. noouaurn: two sis 444-46; good, 340-44. . Is, Marv Plueard and Elizs- anttaB Qosa csotoa, s;e-st. - j - - ; .7 . r.rk c.ta-Loina, no, i, 4-13 ins., 46o-beth Paquette, both of Cottage . !tr7r-aheh.nU SfitfR G' ? U Pandchildren. 43. pork carcasses, iao-170 us, 437-34.1 jrunerai a n n o u ncements ssaekM Baaaa-eksnnaa, K-s. -1 Inter bv the RmsTO KOrtSiBrJ. Hned lard In drums, 613-18.60; alab bac- "":r " """ ,"""" , ess, ist-aj. PartlanA Mlaeettajsaaast ' Celery Cel. flat arstat 1-1 doa. 43.35-438. eaj to ttiC ttea, I, jsmBjintt , Sidntw- Ci. 3.50. ' ' . 1 c .... bo , 1 uit J 4 OCSSKf tacxs wast oragest Tat-1 tstsw tattle, a, aura atr aeatuctta (Sidney Sawteiie rertlssg EstU!4 BfsrkM Portland Ulo Beat Cur district ,. fa. a.lkl.0.1 3Uln. aaln..l .a hid c tt. w-.t ti -t.a aaaearaaua aolA .t assatlv t TS 19. iCTI . . I ta eoao ouuui . umiu Biitsi. pound pyramid on the Baaiatda wartnaraM TaIU ,u0wa. 3-in. mad., 3.U-S.4S pat i PQrtlansi, Ore.. QSeO. In a.ForU J22JZ0SI!J!2 if. ... . . land hosoltal. Thursday.. May to whoiaaaiera. Im, nam. hranca 4.s. 71 lbs., sisa a. 1 7, alter an extended fficess. ,sSii.KS:.T -'!S; ?!iU 1 Mr- Sawtelte was born la no. la new apuda from caiiiornia'a rso-eoVcaiu. ions Twutal, li.ri.T76;l Crlinvffie, Bl October 6, sehutes sold at 4,60-415 aartretn.. with 1 uriilt car ku tii PorUandT nominal. 1 Lo Angeles, Calif., since. 1923, Lie 8-u snl M-334 ' ; , &d ' HOT H. SIMMONS - ' INSURANCE AND LOANS Hear "Top Tntdea" 13:08 Dallr stSLM 1344 KB. OENXRAL nNANCE CO. LOANS 134 So. Commercial St, Tel. 3-Blfll AUTO LOANS WHjLAUKTTE CREDIT CO. 183 south Church Parking A-Plentr Ph. 1-3461 Uc No. M-160. S-134 SEX US FOR FARM, CITT OR ACRIAOI LOANS BSBT OS Sitaass WI BUT Rssl estate mortgages At contracts State Finance Co. 187 SO, High St, Ph. 3-413! 5fo Interest ve .,t M it fssda setting In vestment, then you re the type of person to whom wa can ca or aervtce. For over Twenty-flv. Teara wa have been helping people In this community find profitable work tor their money. During this psrlod w. have prompUr paid St MBitw.a3 Interest gsntanta totalUnr many Thonaanda of Dollars. Wa are currently paring 4 INTEREST on funds front 4860 to 86W0, General Finance Corporation 136 S. COMMERCIAL ST. Salaa, OragoS Phone 8-8181 PERSONAL ALCOHOLICS ANONVMOO, Oroup NO. i. 3044 B. Commerciat. ra. -" vIANT taXH LOAN on business property at 6. Also it.ow .n w ..,- properly at 6. Both proportlea good values. a,, j-wm No. Capitol. 8-33.W. rill i,tt9000t0t0ttirt000000000'n TRAILERS ONE-WHEEL TRAILER Steel body, al- uminam painteo, "r nearly new. 3-4483. 1343 Elm, 1113 tail rrtsEV. club caune. aood condition. radio, heater. Phone 3-3581. H4 000000000000000000'"P Piil' IM3 WILLTA 4 Parkway atsllon wa- mt. like new. Less tnan s.buv m. Part of an estate. No trade-in. Bank terms. Pull price 41.435. 3-4374. .113 AUTOMOBILES '48 FORD W-ton pickup, 4-cyilnder, 3-tpeed .heater, defroster, new pelnt. very dean. Only 1786. No down pay ment on approval of credit. Open evening.. K. Smith and son Mo tors. 145 union, rnone ..' , nftnriE A-Antr .Mian, heater, de froster, aeat covers, new paint, a nice running car arlve u ano ti, nnlv .IBS. No down pay . .nn,Av.i .f i,r,dlt. Open eve- nlnia. X. smith and Son Motors, 345 Union. Phone 3-3010. r.r. nrefer Chev, ,i..n. reasonable. No dealers. Phone TrM..,r'tf .n.iai rf.n.ite. Exceptional lr clean. Bee at 1074 So. Liberty. OH 1LIGHTLT t SED Underwood portable, j FOR KALE OR 3 1 rn" 61 W ieuonabl.r Phone stylellna DeLui. S-door or US6 CeSoto sllei custom 4-door. Phon4 1-6646. i SOUND VALUE $1595 1451 M.a EQUIPPED WITH RAsH A-l MBCH. CONDITION Brown-Fox BRITISH CAR SALES 1336 !t. BROADWAT PHONE 4-6031 To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 DIRECTORY DRIVING INSTRUCTION Leers to driv. th. "Easy Srlra" war. Call or aea Mr. Snelilng, Valley Mo tor Co- Salem. Phone 3-3147 or 4-3074. IXCAVATINQ Ben otjen At Son excavating At grading. Land clearing. Ph. 3-SOS0. olia FURNITURE RE FINISHING Furniture reHniahisg, repairing. Ed gar Brock, 464 Norway St. Phone XS3S7. O170 i 4S6.00 tons Seattle, tig-si. S movine to Foreland, two WaM-orau. nttna, wiuametia vat. terr anaxtttas. 4S-4Sa a,i Eastern oraaBajMe "BO. . : - .1' . tine artd hau-btood, oa-aac. wiiiamettei- nar. oawtcust, , at s.attia. ie'-e" m.4.i 4Bffleri.,i!b! a member ol the" Mohair--49-67o lb. on 11-month grow-1 Pentecostal church. th. f.o.s. country aMppingr stunta. - 1 H t. lurviVB hV Ml wife. h rf.. nr ni ii.r. u.. i nr nrics x.o.D. I - Portland, caif aMr 31-aJc lb. accord- Mrs, Mary Sawtelle of Port- INSULATION Insulation, weathcratrlpa. storm aash, swreene. Free astimatae. T. Pullman. Phone 3-J86S, olia In. tji annAltlnn: arcan , Bios 17-140 lb.: green cow hides, 8-loe 10. accoraing to weight and aalitri hrtl Mdat, 4-te lb.i glue hides. 60 per cant below prices for above classes. Filberts Wholesale gelling price, Ro. 1 medium Barcelona., 23-340 lb.; .hell ed, 4i-Sle IB. walnnta wholesale sailing prices. first eiisiity mn Framjus'.taa, 25-10C lb.i shelled, light amber hairee, 70-T6o Oli light halves, TP-aso jo. MATTRESSES Capitd Beddlnsw nsovatca, Fui. lis new mattresses. Ph. 3089. OrriCE FURNITURE A SUPPLIES Desk ehaira, liiea, filing supplies, safea, duniloatotra. supplies, desk lanpe, type writer stands. Roen, 486 Court. o SHARPENING AND REPAIR SERVICE Ohert's Sharpening and Bepair Serv ice. Lawnmowers, knivtt, .hears, bi cycles and email motora, Ph. 34616 or 45146. Uth tr.d U Sta. !! SEPTIC TANKS Hamel'a aeptio tanka cleaned, Una advice. Guaranteed work. Phone S-7404. Sl36 Sewer, septlo tanks, drains cleaned. Rote-Rooter Sewar Aerrlce. Phona 3-SS3T. Mike'a Septic servic. Tanka cleaned. D'rooter oleana sawars, drains. Phone 3-4468. "138 Compiled fret, revet, of Salsa Saaitn ..for tha galdanea as uapitai jaaxnw raadara. atavfaaA tteUrJ .fall Swj Prleaat Rabbit Pallet. 434 its- St, kagl, 34.48-6.40 (100.1b. basl. Brr aiaan tp..v-e.w. . . Dairy reeo 45 M-! SS 4t 3k, bag). 34.38-6.00 (100 wt.K thudtrv BBrise frteea Coisrad frrrrs, 97ct old roosters. 16c: colored lowL 36o; ichors fowl, 34c; rooster, 36c. Sggal Baring Prlcee Ears, AA, 49cl lam A, 47-SSc: mediant AA, 46CS Badluss A, 44-50c; small, 40c. arhaleaaia Priaea En who! aisle prices n.r.llv A.7o hlahsr than tha prices above. Larga grade A generally .uoled at 61c; medium, s&c. . Butterfat Buying prlcei Premium, 10 tic; so. 1, ?-ttei No, 3, 44c. Batter wnoiesai. graoa a parctunans. tl 1IM retail, 74c TYPEWRITERS Smith, Corona, Remffigton, Royal, Un derwood portablea. Au makee used machine Repairs at rant. Boas, 464 Court. e prompt television and radio repair aervtce. Phone 4-M4L. IT4 Markai, day or night, 0114 VENETIAN BLEND LAUNDRY Canfleld'a Laundry, Repairs, Reflnlsh lng. 1440 S. iith. 7s. 4-646.. Pick-up. Dtllverr. 0116 WINDOW CLEANING Acme Window Cleanara. Industrial floor waxing, housecieanina. Phone 3-333t. 34J Court. aV 00000000000000000000000000000 LEGALS IKDfVI&t'AL WANTS tft iMtUH UUU 1400 will BUT. Ytinm i.-t Jttensil. 3 jfsism rrf-ter tt" a a HOUSE THAILCR5 rnnr t-i!r hovit, )eepa four, tx autnX conomoii. rnqo ivwv. jtoi-itv in 1951 Libfrt houM trailer. ii ft T3r,m, ilti. in$ jjit-rrrfr " DIRECTORY ADDINO MACHINES an ,.k.a ssed machines aold, rented. repaired. Roes. 444 Court. Ph. 3-4771. BUILDING MATERIAL O W. KLANQ Wrecking Co. Builders' cheep aupplles. 3-7398 evenings. oll4 BULLDOZING Bulidoalng, rosd clearing teeth. Virgil Busker, 1616 Fairvle. Ph. i-3146, C131 CASH REGISTERS instant delivery of new RCA cash reenters. All makee, aoid, tinted, re paired Roen, 454 Court, Fn. 3-4771 DRESSMAKING Alterations, hemstitching, buttons buckles covered, buttonholes. Mrs. H Ml AUeader, 3-tvlL .ill SALEM MARKETS NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION Frldav. Jana A. 1969 kotics KEaiEir is ojvjm that as Friday, June 6, 1953, . apeclal election will be new tB ttte area or writer bounded and described as iollows, to- wit: . J Beilnnmg at tn mttiat comer ei Welkins Addition to Polk County, Ore gon, ie Vol. 4, Ps. II, Record i Town Plats for said county and state); thence northerly aKmg the east line of aaid Walklna Addition and aims the eilsllng boundary Una of the City of Salem to the northeast comer of said addition; thence northwesterly along the north iina of said Watkina Addi tion to tha northwest corner ot the same; thence southwesterly along the west line ot said Watkisa Addition ts the eouthwest aorner of the aama; these easterly along tha south line of said Walking Addition to th. point of beclnninc. for ths purpose of submitting to the registered voters of auch araa or tar- riiorr. for their approval or reiecuor.. the proposition of annexation to tne City of Salem, ores so, ol sues .re. or terrltorr. The registered voter, oi eucn .re. hereby .r. Invited to vota upon the pronotition of such .nnexatios. THE POLLINO PLACE for aald elec tion m be at the resident, of JOSEPH W ATKINS, at NO. 1365 WEST WAY With- in the area &ov deacrtoea. said el ection will be held at aaid polling place beslnnlns at 6:00 o'clock In tha evening and continuing until 4:04 o'clock Is tha evening of tha aald 6th day of June, 151. BT ORDER Of TUB COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SALEM, OREOON, APRIL V.. 1953. ALFRED MUNDT , Cur Recorder Salem, Oregon May 4, 11, 14, M, June i, m Cb teste LIveataek J . Chicago ypi Th. 43. nog returnee to the livestock market Monday, This was tha first time since Amort 1S& that this prlc. had been made locally. It cam. st part of A general 16 te 80 Mnti rlaa on ail nork animal., with ao. lending to tha higher end ot the advance. t. . cattle ware ateadr to 40 cent, higher Ut4 sheep ateadr to 36 casta batter. nutnh.r weiant noaa aeneraiir nam from 623.50 to 434.90 and aowa from 630.60 to 333. M. A few arm reached 333.36. Clearance waa good. Choic and prima ateers and raarHnga: gsnaralr aold from 331.00 to 833.00 and good to prim, heifer, from 419.00 to 823.36. Just prima steers moves sp to il3S.60 to 424,78, Cowa topped at I15.SS, balls 44 lit 38, and vealers at 824.00. A arsau lot of good gonna tamag awe .t 420.00, followed by good ftnd choice wooiskina at 436,76 and choice and prima shorn lambs at 434.64 to, Ewe grading choice and poorer, sold 4town ward from, land: one son, Lee D. Sawiells of Independence; two de ligh ters, Mrs. . Margaret E. Flee- ner, Eugene, Ore., and Jrlrs. VJoIa Hansen, Portland, Ore.; eight grandchildren and li great sTrandchildren. Funeral services were held under th direction cf fhs ' Smith Mortuary, Indepen- . dence. from the First Chris tian - church of Mohmouth, Monday, May 11, Hev. Lynn ton H. Elwell officiating, in terment followed at , th Fir Crest cemetery, Monmouth. DEATHS Estlm.ted receipt. Included 7,000 sel- afei hoes, 18.0M cattle, 600 eelrae, Vk! ooo ansap. Stag BartteM . King Bartlett. at tha ratldence, aasts Rosa, Calif., May 4 at tha age of 63 rtara. Lata rasidra of aWrm. Bturfve 1, ir. nertruda: . daughter. Mra, Rohert Oesttkow. Ceiucahaa, oaui three sons. Melvin Cleveland, Seattla, w.,h.i Rolland Cleveland, Salem, and Jerry C4evalasd, Ssnta Jtoaa, tiaiifj sister, Anna M. Bartlett, Seattle, and three asandehadrta, noser Steven, and rtantakow. all of Columctrs. , Services will he held Wednesday at 1:34 p.m. in tn. w. - rttaoos w .i w rjnvrt T. Anrieraon offlcl.tlng. Ccnci tiding ffrvkei E,rrest Mnssriel Park. Ritualistic service by th. Amerl cava Legion, Capital Post No. 8. Jobn Losa. loraba. Johs Logas storaita. at as. iii.r Hildrara 476 D St.. Mag 6 .t the ftg. of 47 rtart. sarrlred by wife, Mra. Ma Sorahan, Salem l two oauemert, an, Mrr. Hank. Fairbanks, Alaskai Mrs. Hamrat smith, Vaiieis, Caiil.i four aons, Jack Sorahan, Lebanon: Philip eKFTahac, PcTtSacd; Oarlcrd Sorahan, Colorado sprtnga, t;oio,t sa. vol rrsns Aorshan, V. s. Army, Oermany; two orothera, anam ctoron, rate uasa, Calif.: Prank Sorahan. Cottonwood, CtUE.i rmd tie fKdchlidres. Serrlca. will ha held Tuesday t l:so p.m. in tn. Hovreii-Edweriia ChspeS with the Rev. Dudley fStraln officiating and in vermes. .4 Balcreat Memorial Park. , L. Day. Idlaman L. Dtrs Sdintas, iaU rasldast at Sea. aide, at local hospital May 6. Survived ar daushter, Mra, Hales n. Less, uea- . aidat sitters. Mrs. A. 8. Johnson, aorta, Mra. Carl Btamer, Salem, service. Mon. nay, Jaar 11 at ii-M a.m. At VireU T. Oolden Chapel. Portland Uvaateh Portland two catti. 11801 market ... live, toc-l.DO hither; .hole, att-isll-ib. fed steers 361 choice ateerg up to 1125 Ibc, 34.60i few good ateera S3-34i com merclal 31.60-3a.50: utility down to 17.80: cood lisht stoct steers 14-34; good fed hellers 31.50-22.50; canner-cutter eiowa 16-13.801 utility cowa 13.50-16) commer cial up to 111 commercial b3ii 13,60-16; outter-utl ty bulls. 16-18.80. ciw 150; starkM active, 1.06 higher. gooa-cnoica veaiera 34-31, prim, to n uttiitr-commercial aradas 18-34, Hoaa 650; market active. 66-696 hta ti er; choke 180-335 lbs. 36.-34.80i choice 319-396 SU. 2t.t5-S5.iS; S-i7!l iht. 34.60-38.501 Choice 360-500 lb. aows 13.40- I S3. SO. Sheep 6001 market alrong to 40. high. : -t eholce-prtm. 67-100 lb. spring lambs 34-34.50; one lot mostly choice lot Is. fed wooied lamba 33.601 good no. I nan tv.t 6.54, Note: Opening of m.rket win be de- lired ur.tll 14:34 a.m. Tiiaadar dua to cattismas'a .onvantios. Babr Joseph Letter DamawaoS Betby Joseph LeRoy Domewood, ass l mcnt, 9 days, paaas awar i& Saiera Mar 10. son of Mr. and Mrs. cilllord IHrsawoOQ, RkirfsH: brother of Nf ricy Damawood; grandson of Arthur Leppis, Sr., McCoy; Mr. and Mra. Leo Dame- wood, Rickreali; great xrasds&a or atr. and Ms. Rudolph Loppln, Sr., Amity. Service, will be held Tseadar. Me. 12. 1:30 p.m. In tha Maoy as Son Chapel. Mcfcllnnvllie. Ore, Interment .t Xvar green Memorial Park. About two million wombat (Australian koala skins were sold on world market In 1924. LODGE SALEM LODGE No. , A. P. & A. M., WKjneoday, Kay 13, S. A. dtsgree, 7:80 pjn, 114 'at t, T. Urn. i4.o. Br, a, ehs DRS, CHAN . LAM CHINESE NATt'ROFATHS UpgUIrt, 241 North Liberty Office open Saturday entr re to 1 a.m.. 4 to t D.m. Consultation. Hood pt ears re was sls test an free .1 ch.rg. practiced ainca ivii. Writ, for attractir. gift. 4u- gatloB. . T" ' ' - --'-t-V-al: tar r,-"' tr I'-V I'.W-t. ' r