..... JO Monday, May 11. 1953 Pag It FOR SALE HOUSES SELL OR TRADE Tor Farm. Clow In apartment,, lilt monthly Income, plui ownera lovely I Br. llvlnt quartan. Income could be lnereeead II owner could occupy smaller apt. owner needs 3 Br. bom on 10 A. or sort not too tar from Salem. Asklni prloo lll.OM. SELL OR TRADE For i Br. taomi. South Commercial at. Bualniu tone property. I etory houu. eoaUy converted to duplei. Pull baeement. Hot water heat. A tood Investment tot now ul too future. Prlca 911,900. Tormi. ! . SELL OR TRADE For I Br. home. But 1 Br. homo North Salem. Ma llO.ooo. Would Ilka t Br. Enilewood DlaL tut torn difference. A. A. LARSEN REALTOR , it.. uiw Ph. SUM Andy Helvoraan Ph. 3T1M A. Wei vanlnal FOR SALE HOUSES BEDBOOMS, 1U b.thl, larie llvlnl room. dlnlni room, nook, full hut ment, excellent location. U,950. 1090 No. cotteee. ' ' FAIRMOUNT HILL Siclueive district, by owner, charm ing cottage, landscaped gsrden. lot 10x150, 3 bedrooms, large living room, electric beat, set tube, (rult trees, ber ries, line lawn, garage. lT5e John At. OWNU WILL jell nice 2 bedroom home. I jinitxl next to KlneWOod. WMt Be- lem. Hae nice girden space, I65O0 with term,. Phone 4579. nil 1060 N. 13th By owner end builder, new l-bodroom plastered borne. Close to huh school. 1359 Llvlnt Aero. Terme. WILLIAM T. J. FOSTER HOME BUILDER 1140 Olive ,. Phone 13900 HI1 BT OWNER. 1 bedroom houee. Modern, near school, bue. For further lnforme tlon coll 3-7(33. 0111 FOB BALE or trade eiullr in bedroom homo for tir or Urller houae. 3379 Claude St. aw MALL bedroom home, low down pay ment, lood dlltrlct. Ml Weat Ulh St Albany. 3-0571 Salem. nil' EAST Wo tfa. 1-bdrm. hae. Iaree eer. Lot 100 x 170 ft. with youna fruit treee. trase, etravrberrles, flowere. Chick, hae. Oiled at, water system. Pull prlca 14475. Easy parmenle. . C. W. REEVE, REALTOR Ml Mission St. Ph. 14690 Eve. 19534 BUS FOB SALE OB TBADK Mr equity 124. acre, new droom home, wired for ranee, desp well anteci, electric pump, win (TMe I or lata moaei car. Phone Oa)la 2884. all7 BAZaS or trade BY OWNXH 1 aerat with 3-bodrooa ilouee, take , oar, trailer nouio or wnat iiavo you, down payment. 3-77M ereninM. uiiv 11.000 Below appralMd Talue, lane I bd room, xuu oajemeni. mono 4ffiii. alii I BXDBOOM, llrlni and dlnlni combin ation. Kitchen, bath. On boa lint. Couth. Attlo floored, f -year-old. lit 00. 200 down. 36 month. Phono 41243. alls BT OW1VEB 4 bedroom home, larae jot, aouDit farwe, worm aotn bu smau down payment Phone 4-3803, alll ENGLEWOOD SFECIAL A REAL HOME ON NO. 19TH ST.. SPOTLESBLV CLEAN, STRICTLY RES- LQENTIAL. HEAR SCHOOLS, BUS AT THE FRONT DOOR. TWO BED. ROOMS, SPACIOUS CLOSETS, LARGE : UV, ROOM WITH EXCELLENT F1RK PLACE, COZY DINETTE, WELL AR RANGED, UOHT, MODERN KITCH EN. ALL ON ONE FLOOR, LARGE ROOMY BASEMENT, ELECT. WATER HEATER. SAWDUST FUEL PURN. ACE (fuel bill lut tt. only ISO). SINGLE CAR DETACHES OARAGE. EXCEPTIONALLY FINE FENCED-IN raBU Willi OUTDOOR BARBECUE. SEVERAL GOOD PRODUCING FRUIT AND NUT TREES. OUTSTANDING. - LANDSCAPING WITH BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS AND SHRUBS. THE LAWN IS SUPERB THERE IS A NICE ' O ROWING GARDEN. ALL OF THIS FOR JUST II 1,000 WITH EXCEP TIONAL TERMS. THE OWNER IB RE TTRINO TO THE COUNTRY, BY ALL MEANS BBS THIS ONE. FRANK LOCKMAN Real Estate T FeJmounda Rd. Ph. 4-MU 111 ,0380.00 Mow S bed room houe.. mom tin far lrdv Hardwood floora, outomatlo oil heat, lnaulated, plutered, larae lot, lota of bullt-lna. Br bulldere, Open homo Sundaia, until aold. a Stark mil BY OWNER, 1 bedroom aufcurban. eloie in, larae uiiui, or titra bedroom, lm medlat. poaaeaalon. 3-OOH. atlll OPEN HOUSE 1M0 NORTH 1STH ST. SUNDAY . . . S-S P.M.' B.w, -bedroom. plaitarod horn, with Una llelni room, olntni room and in,n. i4ia oi ouui-ina. Eatrn larta erase. Automatlo Bandberi furnace. Lot MUH. Cloaa to Hlih and Junior Biih. . PRICE 1J,700 Tonne ATallabli WILLIAM T. J. FOSTER 1M0 Ollre Fhone uioo mil BY OWNER, Eitalewood dletrlcl. Ap praUM at M a bodrooma, oawln, room, dlnlnr room, nice larea llvlni room, patio, auiomauc ou neat, wee therattlppwl. Phone sella. alll DO YOU LIKE View Property? Sapeclally when It can pay for Itself in a hi yean, piua an old 1-room bouse, sst among the oaki. 1 have about M acres, tVi miles from Balem. II acres In commercial cherries. Also pears and walnuts. 60 1Crts in cultiva tion. Ealaoce In open pasture with crecg. i ruiy a bargain at 3U an acre. Terms. Box 0 orchard Heights Rd Phone 4-4033. t FOR SALE LOTS CORNER IMHIM. isth Madlion. 11,00 Ph. I-Ult, Walt Boeolofaki, Real EKtate. nj ......... ...j.... FOR SALE FARMS tl-ACRE HOI.ALLA valley farm, atocked and equipped, for Quick lale. See Olav Buer, routo 2, boa M. Call Molalla aeit. bill UI.ASSIHEU AUVEBTIIINO Per Ward tlaeea la. Per Weri 4. r.r H erd, I llraaa ih Par Ward, I raeath ate Na Rofaaae Mlalani M Werde. IRADIRa la LMal Nawt Caraaaa Oalr, Par Warel 1e Mlalaiaa) U Weed. I PUes Ad In Rome Dirt Paper, Phone l-IM Befora It avm. FOR SALE HOUSES Ph. 3I71S A. M. Beckett - Ph. 34891 fB(i ftUTMlftV FOR SALE FARMS GRADE A DAIRY TRJUOATED 1A rr.u Urk lilt tMmt ft, Stream deep well. Most In grsesee and clover. 4-bedroom bungalow home, older birn, tin Nrw milk home. Urge machine shed. On paved rotvd near jtore and school. Includes lots of irrigation equipment. Owner leaving Taller and will sacrifice. nnRT AMD POULTRY PARK 10 acre eait of Woodburn. But of locations, wwameiie ioam. moihj ui eanaberrlcs. Older modernised 6-room borne, larct new type poultry Dunin, other building. A pretty plae and big Income. Itf.wo V sou soon. Higginbotham -Real Estate pint National Bank Building, Woodburn PAono ; oiiiee iw. SKY RANCH If yon like to Uvi In Nit oeuntry within 4 tollea of Balem and bavo city convenience!, view over itr, vauij, mountain, and need a one thousand too to. It, raoota atyla homo that wu built by n master ouiwir tn mi materia! 2 years aso, aod want to aave about 10,000 of the orlalnal cost of property, don't fall to look over this dartain. Tna nome eoniww irc llvins room with x 19 tbennopane windows, flreplaco that Ban-dies i-rt. Ion. dlnlnr room with fireplace, work avinc kitchen with breakfast nook. Two largo bedrooms and 3 complete baths. A den for the man of tho bouee. Patio and barbecue. Xxpenilve wall-to-, wall carpet. insiuaiM ana weainer e tripped, stable baa S lane box stalls, knotty pint tack room, feed room, shop and bayioit. Asaenine sneo, chicken house, and cattle ehed, corral, 10 acres of permanent pasture, tar dea, family orchard, sprinkler syitem In the lawn. Plenty of good tasting water. There is over 146,000 Invested In this property. We will sell for 34,000 and take 113,000 down from responsible party. Call 4-6S4S oven Inge, and Sundays 2-M9S for appoint ment, bill FOR RENT FARMS BEDROOM HOME with 1 acres. New 140 foot well, electrta pump, water and lights In fcouie, so bath, good barn, chicken fcoute, shed. IS mllee northwest from Balem. Rent $40 month. 1 rear leaae ISA month. Phone a.m. or after V p.m. 2-8858. belli FOR SALE ACREAGE 5 ACRES Kre Is an Ideal acreage only I ml, out. Good hae., gar., chick hie. flood water ayitem. Only 15900. C. W. REIVE, REALTOR 1H0 Mission Bt. Ph. S4M0 Kve. 35518 or 43045 bbllS Number 3 Business Zone 4J9SI SQuare feet. This la In north Balem Inilde city limits. Oood access to main truck route and downtown. There are no buildings to buy, so the price if very reasonable $8500. FJI OR CALL A. W. McKILLOP 38620 OR 37904 McKillop . 'REAL ESTATE Ml Center St.. Sal.m bblll- REAL ESTATE 3 Bedroom Located on West aide near soboola, this houie Is well suited for a large family. Mm bedrooms downitalre, large living room, dining room, kitchen filled with built-1 ru, Inside laundry room. Upstairs has one bedroom and Ion of storage room. Everything In tip-top shape. 181 M) with about 91800 aown. . KEIZER Ttew -bedroom bouse with double garage, can be shown now. Automatic oil furnace, fireplace, hardwood floora Will be completed In about S weeke, Bee this now and pick your own color scneme. Priced at tewo with 30 aown, oaiance r.n.A. ABRAMS, BOURLAND & SKINNER 411 Matonle Bulldln, Baal Betate Ineuranee Mortiaca Loana Phone I-M11 Bvenlnea: 1-tlM ellJ1 10 A. AYLVAN HOME! 4)4 miles Boutb on BATTLE CREEK ROAOl 2 mllm South of PR IN OLE BCKLe PAVEMENT all the way. All year BATTUE CRERK thru place) nmart areai AuL ROUTES fc SERV ICES. Part wooded! SHINY white rineh bouial Big living room with n replace, n water heater Dump. wired for range. Attached taraie hop. Hum i reus poultry bldgs. email nsrn. sesoo. loo for sian. O, W. ATUUaER. Rltr, Balem, Oregon veo wage water at. rn, am, mil cut1 $14,000. NMtted In the Irets. An every day vacation from nolle and crowded liv ing, yet lrtiMe city. Has apaclous L R, with beamed selling. Large view win- flow. Fireplace. DR, t large bdrms, Vltohen an inspiration for any cook, Beautiful lawn, and flowering ohrub bery. Let us show you this home; we nini rou u tove It, $9,450. Locsted Inside eltr. N I. Thil alean, up-to-the-minute 4B.R. home. Pi re place, hardwood floors, D.R., very at- war live giicnen. Attached sarase. workshop, outside fireplace. Beautiful lawn ana anruoe, ideal for city farm er as the lot Is llxaMVi', Ptult trees, Can gel P.H-A. terms, $8,950. Just one rears old. this dandy M R home located ImWe city and close to bus line. LH.R. 144i3l with fireplace. Oil floor furnace. Very modern kltrh en. Lane attached garage. Treee. Toll home Is In the best of condition. STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS MT . Blah St. Ph. l-tlil Eve. phono i-MM !!( REAL ESTATE CALL COLBATH DIAL 4-4494 8 ACRES , FOR YOUR TRAILER USE.- Leav ing elite. MUST SELL THIS MONTH. Larie 1-bdrm. home icouia ae .i( DR. bath, lovclr kitchen, utllltr LR, rm., creek, 1 blka. from eltr llmiu. Barler ir A wheat crop eoea In deal lahould b rou 1100. Price IM0O. Terma 13100 bring do, i part do per mnw .r down parmt. N. LANCASTER t 110 ACRES with 1M ft. trontaie, Late-bum attractive 1-bdrm. home, Mtinlv e.r.r aaraea. hen he,. l.ntr of Irrleatlon water. Beautiful ..ii t.r,t .r.undi. Onlv 17100. Terma, M dn, belanc. can be aaaumed on atat O.I. wan a, av ... .v.. alder traoe lor e-oarm. SI. Vincent ieh. or car aa part On. 23 ACRE EAST .k -i ..Mpm. home, attaehad ee ..... Oarden aoll. Price la M7O0 wllh terma two dn. U HI Per month. 5 ACRES i WITH A FUTURE.. Nice newer I-bdrm. i -i.t. t.. i.R. DR. bath, elcel- kitchen, utllll rm, unflnlehed upetalre. Oaraie, bara with barloft. ..... .... A, unrutir on eVunnrvlew. Price 111.500. SUBDIVIDE IN THE FUTURE Ai WATCH THE DOLLARS ROLL IN. Will trade for . cur noma. WHOPPER BUY rw THIfl 10 ACRES with M A. In oau J, vetch (could cult. 30 A. morel .m home with fireplace, 7- cer ,erae. barn A etc. TOTAL PRICE ail.ooo with Vi dn. or TRADE FOR CITY HOME. COMPARE THIS VALUE WITH OTHERS YOU HAVE seen. Thi, bur aoea for ,13.900 and look at all thle for your bbbm. ar I-bdrm. home, maaler bdrm UMi 11, larje plullc tile bath, LR 17V.X II W. DR lOMili, kitchen ha, mora room buUt-lna than the avaraae, Mi... knaitv nin. nook. fir. arrange ment le elceedlmlr eood, Roman brick heatolator flrepUce 13 Inehos In width. Iron Fireman oil furnace piped to all rm,.. French door, open ouj to coverva patio, uuw.t ,,,u-., - tached faraie, water araiem, iovut utllltr rat atoraae rm wall-to-wall carpetini, new flnlah hdwd. fire., fiber alaa alnaulatlon. over 1100 ft. fir. apace, corner lot Juat 1 bike. from the now Waahlniton aoh. Null aold for youraalf If tola lan't your beet bur for 113,900. EVE. PHS.: 11799, 41103, 19371 or l13 orncE DIAL 4-4494,24552 A ST. VINCENT'S DIST. Lovely S-br. borne, detached garage, large lot with plenty of flowers & ehrubs. This home le right next to at. Vincent's school grds. on Highland Ave. TSM. 12TH STREET BEAUTY This la an older home but In excel lent repair. Walls are plutered, and mere is an BDuncance oi room. Alio, an apartment In connection that rents for 150 mo. This has an exctpttonally large lot with a good many bearing treee including nut, cherry, apple and prune. Also many shrubs and flowera. This property has excellent business possibilities. The houae is clean and neat and can be bought for 1 13,000, INCOME DUPLEX Two-unit new duplex, located at 3010 - 3020 unlverilty Bt. This proper ty Is quite new and has been ateadlly rented. It is Just blks, from new H. B. , ACREAGE NORTH 30 extremely choice acres a short distance north of city limits with bouse, barn and other outbuildings. This property hag very definite bus. Ineas posalbl titles. Pull price 448,000 wun very noera. terms. BUILDING LOT Mrong Prlnila Rds., lot 105 X 110. $1100. FRANK LOCKMA N Real Estate 1017 Falriroundo Rd. 1U1I ellt' Center St. Realty $4500 roUR-ROOU HOUSE. Suburban. Lara. lot. Two bedrooma, lota of bunt. lna .lnaulated. Only IU00. Soma terma. MARKET STREET ACRE with this well-built small home. Wall-to-wall carpet, attached laraae, good well, 10 x 10 poultry houae. Near school and atore. Prlca ie7e. SIX ROOMS SUBURBAN - NORTH. Thre, bed roome, e.parate dlnln, room. H.W. floora, flreplece, foreed air ell heat, attacher aaraae. tood well. Juit com. pteled. Immediate pOMeulon. A nice piece for children oa a oulet atreet, yet near achool and buelneaa dtatrlct Prlca 111,000. Terme with payment, like rent, will conelder your email home, or lota, for part. Center Street Realty lilt Center Street Phone 4-sail Ere. phor.ee: Olee I-ltll, Brliht I-9H1 114' $1000 Down burs a large 3-brdtoom home only a few yeara old. Newly redecorated. Large living room. Large dining room. Oood plaster. Bui br door. Balance like rent. $5350 Pull price for a tood l-bedroom home wllh beaement. tloae to Loane acnooi. Paved atreet. Bue cloee by, Levi. lot. Would make an excellent rental. Only I1IS9 to handle deal. NEED MORE ROOM? If that home of yours is too email, then trade for this lerer S-bedroom home. Brand new. .Double garage. Beautiful view from large picture window In living room. REIMANN REALTORS, LOANS AND INSURANCE 301 South Hleh Street Phone No. 3-1103 Phone evanlnea and Sunday; 4-lcu, mm 1-I9II, 4-1399, 1-4979, 4-M1I, I-J2II BUS REAL ESTATE TOWN FARM II acrea of the tlntat Wlllamelta ellt, all In wheat. Suitable for almoet anv kind of farmkol. Within one mile of Amltr. eaet. A els-room houaa that la in tip-top condition. Three bedrooma, ooinpoelllon roof. Ineulated, wired for electric ranae. Cltr water, achool bua by door. Forty by alxty barn four hundred-bird chicken houae. workahop and lira,.. Elderly widow will aell for 111,000 with only ,1000 down and paymenta Zm atari fall of 1991. or will lake email houae In Salem u part pay Bint. Thle baraala farm l Uated with ue only, cau today; u won't lait. CLOSE-IN SUBURBAN Hera ll a truly fine ranch etyle houaa only four yaara old that la lnaulated end weatheretrlpped. It haa the beat automatlo oil heat. It haa i Una bedrooma, dlnlni and llvlna room,. The cuuet kitchen with larea nook Eipenalve well-to-wall carpeu In llvlna and dlnlni roome and hall Two-car partitioned earaee. The lovalr lOOUll corner lot u well landieaped. haa tarden. aprlnkler er,t,m and circular drive. It la an aieeptlonal oood bur at 119.100. - LOVELY OARDEN HOME If you Ilka ,ardena and flowera don't fall to a.e this flv, room Keller home well built comfortable houae only four yeare old. Haa a aardea tot 74x194. The location a oulet dead-end atreet. The houee la In un ueuel fine condition. The price la only HJ.ooo, we'll arranie morteaie to ault within rcaaon. Severin Realty Company 335 N. High St. Dial PRIDE OF OWNERSHIP Will be youra If you buy a homo Ilka thla 1199 iq. ft. floor apace, all 9 rooma are leneroue alae, aeparata ahower in bath; lane lot 11 walnut treea, carpet and draperiea to at 14,900. Lee Ofcmart BEAUTIFUL SETTING 3 ACRES Swell place to keep a horee or two, 3-bedroom home with knotty plno llvlnt room, very comfortable, located about mllea aouth of town. Here kt a food deal for luat 99400. ROOMY 2-BEDROOM HOME Located In Enilewood, thla home haa the extra larta lovlnr. and dln lni room typical of a much hliher priced home, there'a a eood eatlrtt apeee In the k; chen, tnaide utility and pleaeant bedrooma. It'a ONLY 111,000 ao better live hi a call. WANT TO TRADE? Wa have f-unlt apartment houaa for 911,900 will trado on home In Balem up to lil.ooo. ITS DIFFERENT Beautiful S-bedroom home with brick trim, double plumblni, full bae v ment with lane party room and fireplace, radiant heat, doe, to hlih achool and within walktna dlatance to city eenter. That homo la a yeara old call NOW for appointment. . , 30 ACRES 8 MILES EAST Well-drained Amltr aoll, all cultivated, nearly new buildini, in a beautiful aettlnt of oak treee, conatitlnt of lane 3-bedroom home, doable aorace. 10 x 10 barn, chicken houee, aood location, cloae to aehooL will aell on terma or take mall place ai part payment. ' Ml.000. ... Ohmart & Calaba, Realtors 477 Court St. ' . .i .1 phone 14US - 34119 Xvt.: Henry Torvend 11933 Ted Morrlaon 39049 . Loukt Lorenx 399B0 . Ralph Maddy Grabenhorst Specials . ' 11NGLBWOOD SCHOOL Lovely l-yr.-old 3-bdrm, borne, combination llv. rm., din. rm., kitchen with nook, Inside utility room, dble garage. Price $11,500. CALL PETER H. OEI8ER , , APARTMENT Excellent location 4 units plus owner's quarters. Completely furnished. Very good condition. Terms. For further Informa tion OAU, H. K. LAYMON LOCATED ON KILL CREEK 3-bdrm. Colonial home. Modern thru out, all fenced. Sprinkling system, large patio, shade trees. Complete In every detail. For appointment CALL ROY 8, FERRIS, CO-OP ' BROKER. CHOICE BO&IE IN CHOICE LOCATION Quality, charm, convenience In this 3-bdrm. home, partially floored nttla that could be finished Into 3J more bdrius. k bath. Lovely llv. rm. with Roman brick fireplace, kitchen with din. area, full bath with ahower, utility room, lge. single garage. Auto, oil forced air furnace. CALL J. E. LAW BUSINESS LOBO. Located on Edge water atreet In West Salem. Blxe to x B0. Concrete walls, plumbing, a fine bldg. for a garage. Price 4.500. CALL O. H. ORABENHOR0T, JR. . , .. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 114 ft. Liberty at. phone 1-3171 ' Xvenlnta & Sunday, call Hoy S. Ferrla 3-1010 J. E. Law 1-9111 s. K. Laymon 1-1499 Peter H. Oelaer I-8HII H3. ED LUKINBEAL, Realtor 433 N. HIGH 200 CHOICE ACRES COMPLETELY equipped with 914.00(1 worth of mdn. machinery, excellent bulldensa, Irritation, etc., worth 901.000. (Seelnt ll belle vine). Null aid. 4 MONEY MS per month Includes taxes, Inter est Ji ins. P.U.A.-bullt three-yr.-old 3-br. home, flrepl., oil ht.t in sulated. Pvd. sts. fe walks, real nice nelthborbood, close to aoh. $10,600 Eve. call (Peck) Peckenpaugh REAL ESTATE WASHINGTON DISTRICT Let your children enjoy a new aohool, whlla llvlnt In a moat charmlnt a b.r. home, lovely kitchen, aep dlnlnt room, fireplace, auto heat. BRUSH COLLEGE DIST. Larta Lot, Straw At R.R. berrlee, fine lawn ahruba. see thla well built home only five yeara old. 3 btF.P., Carpet, att. tar., patio. Out or atate owner muat aell. HI ON HILL-TOP WEST Juat finished 3 br home, by better builder. La. Kitchen plumbed for auto waaher. Plra place. H. W. floora. Will accept lata model ear. Priced below T. H. A. KINCIWOOD HEIGHTS Here le a line 1 br home below re placement coete. Li. lot from atreet to atreet. Att. tar plus carport. Own er movlnt to farm. Bee thle lane home now. JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR . 915 Bdiewater Phone 4S741 or 3471, ellS" COUNTRY ESTATE Super Value See thla ipacloua, lovely home, edge of city. OVER 3000 sq. ft. planter con struction. Features lane living and dining rooma, big kitchen, laundry room, 4 bedrooms, den, 3 fireplaces, forced aid furnace heat. OVER 3 acrea well kept ground, fruit, nuts, berrlee. 1 pouitrr houaes, stablebarn. 4 choice building oltea add value. Reduced to ggftO. Easy terms. Higginbotham Real Estate Fir! National Bank Bulldlnt, Woodburn Phono ; Ofllci 1711 Etenlnt 1191 rill1 WANTED REAL ESTATE NOTICE, If rour property it for eeie. rem ar nehinia, Uat 11 with ua We her, all klnde of eeao burere. STATE FINANCE CO, REALTORS 191 S. Hlih St ee" HI ABB badly In Bead at I and 9-aed. room homee, in Laalle Diet. Alee need home anrwhert with amall down pay ment!. What have your AL trtAAK- REALTOR. PH 91111 If no anawar, ph. 4-1149 aaa WE ARK In need of tood bouaae to eu. In ar near Salem. If you with to lilt your property tor tale, aee ORABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS. 131 S. Liberty Ph 1-3471 ee" Journal Want Ads Pay REAL ESTATE 4-5943; Eve. 2-5695, 3-3292 Rudy Calaba 33499 ellt' PHONE 2-6680 $7950 BARGAIN 00 sq. ft. of floor space, plus at tached gar, and 14x14 workshop, pvd. at., 73x313 lot, one block to bus store, will go O.l. JUST SUBURBAN N.E. BRAND new 3-br. home, flrepl. Ax oil piped pur. Pvd. rd. Lot 10x310, very good carpenter work, you'll really like this one. $13,000. . 3 - 5413 Ed Lukiribeal 2-8704 REAL ESTATE GOD GAVE YOU 100 years or less. Tou can't take It with youl start living now. Call us to find your Heaven on Earth. CADILLAC BIB THIS CADILLAC of homes. We know you will love It. Complete with finest MAO-IE carpeting and drapes in harmonising colore. Double wlndowa and aluminum screens throughout. Smart tile bath. 3 large br., den fln lahed In redwood. Storage space ga lore, complete sprinkling system in lawn. Please) if rou want one of the beat in Salem, call us for an appoint ment. PA. Beautiful entrance hall. ' ? DIGGER ? TURN A SPADE In thla garden spot and you're In to slay. Lovely 3 Er. home In fine suburban neighborhood. Owner bought became he loves to garuen. Now his health la gone. Take over hli aoll and attractive home for fftnu. terms can oe arranged. J 1199 Palrtrounda Road Mext to Willamette Valley Bank Phcm 4-3399 Pvs. 1-9063, 4-1709, 4-49T3 ellS' To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 JOE PALOOKA Li WEU,FOU&... Bhtwaasaate' HCRES ABOUT THE ; STRANGEST SITUATION I X) EVER OCCUR IN REAL ESTATE , Realdeatial Lota. MalOO, Hot each 11-Acre Farm eicae to Salea t-Unll Motel Drive-Inn Reatauraat . en Hllhwey 10 9M.ooo.00 TelevUlos Applianee Store REALTOR 3041 M. Capitol Ph. 4-4K1 '" raan im -a WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES WB NEED LISTINGS, particularly "fh.r nrlcee homee and all typee with low down paymenta. HOME BEAUTIFUL TO TRADE For a bua. bldt., realdentlal court, apt. Sua! whi? have rouf Bellev. ue, ltra beauty. Either 1 bedroome Plue den or 3 bedroom,. Beautiful tile bath and kitchen. Mahoianr trim and doora. 3 flreplacea, I of them marble. Larie party room in full baeement. 3 cTr aerate In b.eement with autom,. tie door. 3 bathrooma. it'a Indeed a pleasure to enow. Full price 139,000. EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN With 1000 ao. ft. floor epace. Larie apacloua rooma. Fireplace. Automatic oil heat. Lovely yard. Lotl of lawn and ahruba. Unflnlehed upataln. Very aolld and In the beet of repair. Pvd. St. oareae. Tool houae. Thla le a real et.al for 17900. 4 BEDROOM IN , ENGLEWOOD Juit Ilka new. It'a epotleellr alien, separate utility room. Pvd. driveway. Oil heat. Roman brick trim front. Lovely lawn. lnaulated. Weather etrlpped. Thla la an Ideal family home. Price la only 913.500. F.HA. terma. RED HOT BUY In Enilewood. Wall to wall carpet. Automatic oil heat, lniulated. Very dealrabie home. Oaraie. In the beet of repair, rull prlca only 19700. F.H.A. terme If dealred. 3 BEDROOM $10,500 All rooma on 1 floor. Forced air oil heat. Flreplece. Only 314 yre. old. ln aulated. Near eehool, but and atore. Att. taraie. 1099 en. ft. floor apace. Well worth the aaklnt price. DUPLEX In very dealrabie location. 1 unit hu 1 bedroom and hath. Other hae 1 and bath. Modern and clean. Will conald ar exchanie for tood smaller houae or other Income property. Full price only 99900. Terma. INCOME $180 PER MO. On thla apt. All on tround noor. com pletely fumlahed. Very deilrable loca tion. Bath each unit. Extra bldt. for atoraio and utllltr. Parklnt area. Full price only 113,700. 400 FEET HIGHWAY FRONTAGE On 1 tidee. Ideal for hui. bldt., aerv Ice atatlon, motor court, drlva-ln rea taurant or what have you? Full price 919.000. CALL FOR MR. KIOOINS, EVE. PH. 4-9494 or MR. CRAWFORD, EVE. PH. 4-5030 or DAN ISAAK, EVE, PH. 4-ISJ1. If no anower call 4-3349. , 20 ACRES Of Will, and Amltr aoll. Modern 3 bedroom houae, barn, chicken houee, tarate, machine abed, walk-in cooler. Family orchard, berrlea. 93000 down, full price 99390. PRICE REDUCED On thla 3A tract. Cloae In. Modern 3 bedroom houae with basement. Only 9 yre. old. Flowera. ahruba. walnuts, cherrlea. We consider thai a tood value for 910,100. 2 AND 810 ACRES With modern 3 bedroom houie In tood condition. Pvd. rd. Stone throw from atore and bue. Near achool. Good well. Barn and tarate. Prlca la only 17,350. CALL FOR MR. LEAVENS, EVE. PH. 1-4719. If no aniwer call 4-1341. MORTGAGE LOANS 30 Year Maturity Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Office Phones: 4-UU or 3-7930 3095 PORTLAND ROAD Eve. Phonea: 3-4739, 4-5494, 4-3933, 4-5010 or 1-1159 If no anawer, phone 4-3341 EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE TRADE OR SELL Small hee. on back of lot will trade for place on coaat with about equal value of IS500 or will aell for 1500 dn. C. W. REEVE, REALTOR 1990 Mlaalon St. Ph. 14590 Eve. 19939 cbllS- BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE OR TRADE Reataurant equipment and leaae. Paying business. Box So, Capital Journal. cdllS FISHING Located on one of Ore. flneat flahlnt treame. 30 boata, 13 motorl. Plenty of float apace. 9 eablne, itore At lunch counter. Llvlnt quartera." Trailer apace with lliht At water. Thla la a money maker. Tradei or lome trada on Salem prop. Ill health cautlnt aale,- luat aa flahlnt teason te itartlnt. Full price 139,000. C. W. REEVE, REALTOR 1990 Mlaalon St. Ph. 14199 Eve. 91539 or 49949 cdlll Own Your Own Business WE HAVE TAVERNS. LAUNDRIES, RESTAURANTS. MOTELS. FOUN TAINS, BAKERIES., LUNCHES, AND MANY OTHERS FOR BALE. ROME WITH LIBERAL DOWN PAYMENTS. IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL A BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY, BETTER BEE FRANK LOCKMAN Real Estate Ml relnrour.de Ph. 4-1193 "Bui. Opp. Specialist" JUST HAVE eSOROFToOM THE DRESSING ROOM... TOM HOYLE, THE referee; is very ra AND CANNOT BE INTERVIEWED THE PECISIOH pssts saeur MTM HIM.- i ' rr BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR-SALE by Ownert 1114 ecrei cleared. ready for exclusive nou.iu 1940 feel lake trontaie on popular Devlla Lake. Price eW'WJJ",. aeven-room houae Included In price. Bxcrlt.nl opportunity for bulldlnt con tractor. Property located one mil. out of Oceanlake. N. E. Roher. Box ua. oceenlake. oreeon. cdlll It CBXOROPBYL turn meenmea iw aale. Earialn. Will trade lor Shop Smith. Phone 19997 altir I dl .................. ........ BUSINESS & INCOME Auto Court Coast prop., very attractive. 10 unite plue llvlnt quarters. 101 Hwy. In tood recreation area hae alwera enjoyed vood business. Owner will consider aomo trade-in. First time priced at thla low llture 7,9O0. i O. W, REEVE, REALTOR 110 Mlaalon St. Ph. 14999 Eve. 41949 or 39539 cell3 Capitol Lumber Fuel Co, Plywood cores, old trowth fir, plener trtmmitttc. Phone 3-7731. -199 so. Com'l. ce FURNITURE FOR SALE SOLID WALNUT dropleat dlnlni table. Bedroom eel complete. Elec, rente, ex cellent condition. Poeturo chair and davenport. Console radlo-phonoireph and other furniture ltema. Ph. 33979. , dll4 A SUPEBIOB used piano. Hartman Peck uprltht trend, Clrcaelen walnut In excellent condition, 1350 cash. Ph. 3-1737. dl!4 TRADER LOUIE OPEN FRIDAY at MONDAY EVENINGS. dll3- WANTED FURNITURE AUCTIONS Auction .. OF FURNITURE ATSCOTTY'S TUESDAY EVENINGS U0 CENTER ST.. SALEM ddll3" .............................ex LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCKER BEEF White face -iereford. 38o. Locker pork, 3oc. Homing aown, o mos. to par. Custom killing. Trailer loaned free. Balem Meat Co., 1325 S. ifUh Ph. S.aHrSfl. S PETS HALF LABRADOR puppies. Will make tood huntere or watch dots, t wes old, fully weaned. 16.00 each. 3-8477. Route 1, Box 956. oclll GIVE "MOTHER" a beautiful Cannery "MOTHER'S DAY", 1340 cnemexeie, 3-4365.. eel" HOLLYWOOD AQUARIUM 1068 McCoy one .block eaat of N. capuoi, w blocke north of Ataouon. fn. a-eevf. eclSt LOVELY SIAMESE kitten,, with papcra. 30939. 0C1J4- MOOBE TROPICAL FISH, Parakeet!, turtles, auppliea. 3 mllee from Lancast er on Macleay road. 4-3773. Closed WMin..utRvx. eclll .............a................. PRODUCE noon 8EED POTATOES Netted Gems, plant any time now to juiy, ?.&u per 100. Phillips Bros., Rt. I, Box 403, 1 mllee east 4 cornera on Biata &t. Ph. 43081. ft" FOR SALE netted tem and Burbank eecn potatoes, e.. n iw to.. ,.w. 1 eatlnt potatoes 91.35 50 lbl. Onions 91.00 60 lbs, 5330 Portland Road. Phone 4-4078. I " ...................... ........I FUEL West Salem Fuel Co. BLOCKWOOD. W CLEAN IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Pickup Wood 1539 Ediewater Phono Salem 1-4031 .4. ........................... FOR SALE POULTRY N.H. FRYERS, 3SC lb. Phone 33410, op- ooslte Liberty school. ma WANTED Colored hens. Lee's Batch- err, phone 3-3861. GOLDEN BROAD and New Hampshire chicks, batched every atouiiay ana Thursday. Our chlcka grow faster. Pox's Hatchery, 3830 Btate Bt. Ph. 3-4969. f FOR SALE, dressed red fryers. Average S lbs. each. 68e lb. Mrs. Rose Haupt- man, Oervals. Ph. zm alter e. hit FOR SALE Twice weekly, day-old chicks In New Hampuhlre, Parmenters, Red, White Leu horns, Austra-Whlte, White Rocks. White Wyandottes, Par- men ter cockerels. Lee Hatchery, phone 3-3861. f- HELP WANTED CARRIER BOYS Now is the time to register for a Capital Journal news paper. route. No Sunday de livery. See Circulation Mgr. CHILDREN1 AND Mothers rrBlflter now for strawberry platoon. Transporta tion furnished. Call Harriet Robinson after 8:30 P.m., 38633. gU7 WANTED Men or women to train hops, starting Monday, May 11. Call Jack Stefan!. 4-1333. HIT 8TRAWRERT PICKERS register now. Tranaportntlon furnished. Call platoon Ider 3-9867. tll3- HELP WANTED M TOU NO MAN for tar hop. Woodrotle'a Ban Shop, 3400 Portland Rd. No phone call. THE OREGON Btate Motor Association I A. A. A.) has an opening for a repre sentative in the Balem area. 8 alary ana incentive. Insurance experience helpful, but not necessary. Call 3-3761 or write 10M Bo. Commercial lor ap pointment, gal 15- mm SOU' CXdiawalwi . da' SIS ScHIM i U4l AMBULANCE I A COMMISHUN rV I 3f UCI D WA KITED FEMALE SvAliriuT bookbeepeb, W"'" Q.;,.,on'a office. cell 3-4011 between 1 and U . '" riim.i for interview!. lol" WAITRESS, woodroffi'a sen twop. EXPERIENCED 9ALESOIBL Wr Apply in peraon. Hertmeu ',, DEMONITBATOEiV-Party "J-.,"'"J"t i...n. ehiidran'a war. noeiery. ee trie.. Great to lSraaW ritorr. We etart you. THOROERSEN. iu.h Til. tone W'''C!?.."""'A,r..,hA.'S330 ADD1T la WW. - - .... .,-.-, mds Road. tone EXPERIENCED D'NNER waltraia, cock tail experience preferable. Phone eisa, for interview. tblli WOMAN FOB OPICE and eelae, typlnt required. Apply Seari, Roebuck and r. aalem. Il WAITRESS. Woodroffe'a Ban Shop, 34M Portland Ha no poop CAR HOPS Part time. Woodroffe'a San ri.T.,r,a;,T?i EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES Jobs, Jobs! Hlih Khool trade, at betlBniri with useful ofc. ikllli alwaya welcome. M-Salesman, Mlery lAMuItlllth opr 9 350 M Bkkpr. - aeiee lmbr. yd lira M Ofc. as credit mir. to 9350 M-Acct. - cpa (o J;;; M-Jr. sect to 9335 F Gen. ofc. accti. clerk 1325 F Payroll it typlnt 9J35 F Order clerk typist over 30 .,.9175 F PCX - typist 13:30-9 p.m.. II. It nr. F Aaat. bkkpr., some exp to 9195 F Cashier - lleno 3335 F Bkkpr. FC 9350 F Aaat. bkkpr. relief PBX temp. 91.U nr. F Dr.'a ofc: recept, hkkpr. 9200 F Recept. bkkpr openi F Steno. phone- variety ......9139 F Secy, eteno. apt. flare... .to 1335 F Geo. ofc. - ateno It. bkkpt..93tO COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AOENCY 494 State St. lOreion Bldt. I 4-3351 PORTLAND OFC., 909 CORBETT BLDO. II11X" WANTED SALESMAN BEAL ESTATE .Salesman, write box 19. Capital Journal or call Miss Welch, Broadway 333 Broker. Portland. gglSS WANTED SALESMAN under 60 years of age to eell reliable fast-selling elec trical appliance and TV sets, oood set up for right man. Apply at Teater Appliance Co., 37& Chemeketa. Bt. ggiis WANTED POSITIONS MOWERS SHARPENED at door. Make It run eaay. Fhone 1-9314. hill CEMENT WOEK and flnlahlnt. A Bom beck, phone 3-9574. 1696 N. 6th. hl!9 TILLING WITH Rotary-hoe. Oarden lawne. Phone 1-9539. 3395 Bvertreen. hl!5 BOTOT1LLER WORK. By hour. Job. Phone 3-1746, 3090 N. Church, hill BOTOTILUNG Ph. 44611. Middle Grove Nureery, 4930 Silverton Road. h BOTOVATOR 30-Inch 15-horewower. Do work faster and deeper tllllnt. Economical work. 1-6991. hill MARV'S FLOWING and dlaclnt, prompt service. 4-5449. hill GABDEN, FLOWER bed and lawn pre paration.. Plowlnt. dlaclnt, . levellnt, rototllllnt. Service Center. Phone 43573. ' hl30 MICKENHAM'S DAY NURSERY 8tete licensed and Inspected. Phone 1-7979. hl31" LIGHT CRAWLER, dozlnt. dirt level lnt, tradlnt. Phono 3-3339. bl3t NEW LAWNS, complete. Free estimates. Phone 4-3941 or 38445. hill GRADING, levellnt, nackfllllnf, lawne, tardena. By hour. Job. Phono 3-3041. hi!, PAINTING Local references, free es timate. C. Horn. Ph. 39191. hill ROTARY HOEING, ,4.00 hour. Phone 3-7338 after 6. hI13 TREE WORK. Topplnt. trlmmtnt, re movlnt. Insured operator. John Payne. Ph. 3-0385. hill" PLOWING, DISCING, levellnt. 13.90 an hour. Phone 4-3111. hlJ3 LANDSCAPE maintenance, p r u n 1 n t, trtmmint, plantlnt, fertUlalnt. Serv ice Center. Phone 4-3S73. hl30 BOTOVATOR work wanted. Vincent Kramer, 3190 Lanalnt Ave, Phone 33190. hll4 PAINTING 35 yeara experience In Salem. Free estimates. Phona 3-7953 hl9 TILLING WITH M. E. rotary tiller. Xve nlnca 3-8383, 13.60 hour. hl33 EXPERIENCED BEAUTY OPERATOR would Ilk. part or full lime. 3-9390. hill PLOWING DISCING IMMEDIATE SERVICE. Phone 3-9300. hill NEW LAWNS, Rotary hoelnt. Pre. esti mate.. Duane Wolcott, Phone 1-9137. hl37 LADY WANTS housework or Ironlnt. Call after 8 p.m. 993 So. Capital. h!14 GARDENING AND lawn work. Karl Cox. Phone 17336. 950 Marlon Bt. hl3T IRONING IN MY HOME. Phono 30964. hll4 EXCELLENT CHILD care In my heme. Four Cornera. Ph. 46866. hll7 a.............................. EDUCATION LEARN RAILROAD telepiraphy at Co- 4UU1U, 1U.MIUIB, Ul UC SHItt you In a field that offers permanent employment and security, come in and aee us or write to 301 Flnenclal Cen ter Bide. 331 SW 9th Ave. Portlend, Orw. New cless.s etartlnt now. hhllt" ......... . ................ ... FOR RENT AVAILABLE MAY 9Jt, l bedroom, all electric. BuUt In rente. Hollywood district. 175. Ph. 34413. Jmll4 LARGE warehouse epaca for rent or lease. Cement floora, brick bulldlnt, Down town. Inoulre H. L. Stiff Fur niture Co. Phone 3-9135. ............a... FOR RENT ROOMS LARGE SLEEPING room, for gentle- mam lin Uni oau.-- .... .. .. w J-1IOH4J JKIIZ" ROOM for girl. Kitchen privileges, lift entlt-s. hAiisa. ei.t it,,., . . 7 .i.. vwta ai, TV lU.ejr. T!Ort9i a-72 or 3-90. jkiu Jklll "p?MvW,iTa b,,h- ao" lu.'0itlem. rn. 34791. V'L cMFOTBLE, .lean aleepiu room, down town. 471 N. Liberty. Jklll' WANTED TO RENT Phone 1-.0M7 Journal Want- Ads Pay By Ham Fisher '.' ;-""v";' e I