Monday, May 11, 1953 Lt. Col. Charles E. Warren, Salem Marine (right), is congratulated by Lt. Gen. Cliftorf B. Cates, commandant of the Marine Corps Schools, Quantico, Va., after the general had presented Warren a Gold Star in lieu of a fourth Bronze Star. The presentation was made at a bat talion parade and review held at the Marine Corps School May 2. Warren's wife and son are residing at Triangle, Va. His parents are Mr. and. Mrs. C. M. Warren of 1380 South Liberty street, Salem. (U. S. Marine Corps photo.) Tele - ? Radio - By DAVE "With another 12 hours we. might have made it" says Hal Davis, bossman at Radio station KGAE after the fatal hour of 7 :30 p.m. came Saturday night. , Hall and Spider, Smyth, and the rest of the crew at KGAE turned in an outstanding performance on their talkathon program Saturday to -raise money for the Red Cross. A total of $2,554 was raised by the station which was about $3,000 shy of their goal. However, Davis and the rest of the crew faced bitter rain during the day and their spirits were high throughout the day. The only damage showing on Davis was running nose and his blonde hair was messed up considerably. - A job well done by the station and the citizens of Salem will long remember this public service deed, I am sure . . . . . ' ; YOURS FOR THE TELE-VIEWING MONDAY Voice of Firestone 7:30 Robert Peters, coloratura eoprano of the Met. as star. Solos include "Passepied," "Rymn to the Sun" "I Passed by Your Window." I Love Lucy 8. Lucy looks for sympathic friends but gets cold shoulder when she plans to celebrate her "Last Birthday." She joins "Friends of Friendless," but Ricky has a surprise in store for her. ' -. Robert Montgomery Playhouse 9. "Summer Tempest." , Geralding Ftizgerald in a story of a young war widow who contemplates another marriage against the objections of her mother-in-law. . Nite Owl Theater 10:30. Ellis, Warren Hull. YOURS FOR THE TELE-VIEWING TUESDAY What's Cooking? 9:30. KPTV cooking show starring Barbara Angell. Morning Edition 10 :48. Live news and sports show with Norm Wallace and Bill Clayton. Meet Betty Furness 1. James Armster, interior designer as guest. Describes ideas for converting kitchen into a kitchen-living room. ' Betty will model suit she wore in Easter parade and discuss detachable collars. Matinee Theater 2. "The Shadow Returns" Kane Rich mond, Barbara Reed. ' . ' Sightseeing With the Swayzes 4:45 .. . Vactation land America . . . The Southwest will be featured in this fifth installment of the travel series. They visit the Grand Cayon and Santa Fe as well as Indian villages. Two for the Money 6. Mr. and Mrs. F. Hanning-Lee, English couple who have come to America to try to break the world's speed record in jet-propelled motor boats are guests of Herb Shriner. Texaco Star Theater 7. Robert (My Hero) Cummings, Wallcy (Mr. Peepers) Cox, and Lisa Kirk attempt to lurtner Mliion eerie s . Fireside Theater 8. "The and Kutn warriCK. aiory 01 a wife is completely bound up On Television KPTV (Channel 27) (Onlj pronrm ichfdulrt in dvnct) MARR RADIO and - TELEVISION INC Salem's Most Complete Telfvl !on Center 2140S. Com'l Phone Onj or Slifht 2-1611 sr 2-4728 Motorola TV MONDAY IM p.m. Search (or Tomorrow a 30 p.m. Love of Lite 4:00 p.m.-Wikl Bill Hlckok 4:30 p.m. HopBlont CaMldy 1:30 p.m. Telenews : p.m. Time (or Briny t:00 p.m. Kn Murrtr fihow 10 p.m. fiportmn Club 4ft p.m. News Caravan I :7IUBLEsT it Can b iWf If ,M fmr lwitl la fc; I lt M. Call f I i we'll tla air bit I te y I CALL 4-2271 HEIDER'S 428 COURT 1120 CENTER DECORATION FOR WARREN . ; . , Views Television BLACKMEB "Rythm in the Clouds." Pat u.00 with Rnh Paiee - Gift Horse with Bob Paige young cl""" ml" in her suburban existence. 1:3 p.m. Voice or Ftreiton t:00 p.m. T Love Lucy S:30 p.irt.-Bed Buttom 11:00 p.m. Robert MonttomPf 10-30 p.m. Nttp Owl ThMter TV TROUBLES? Technician on duty till 9:30 p.m. daily TELEVISION SERVICE CO. 1410 S. 12th Phone 4-5512 TL'KSDAT 0:30 a.m. What Ctwktni 10:00 a.m. Freedom Hind , 10;4S a.m. Morninit Edliion 11 00 p.m. The Elf Payofl 11:30 a.m. Welcome Traveler 12:00 noon Kate fimlih 1:00 p.m. Betty Purnwa 1:15 p.m. Arthur Ondtrey 1 30 p.m. Strike Ii Rich J 00 p.m. Mattpit Theatfr 1:15 p.m.-eaieh for Tomorrow 1:30 p.m. Love of Life 4:00 p m Howdy Doody 4:45 p in. Vacatloniand 5:00 p.m. Ntme'i the Bama j iO p.m. Dour Edward 45 p.m. Time for Beany 8:00 p.m. Two for the Money 0:30 p.m. Dinah Shore 6:45 p.m. Nem-a Caravan 7 00 p.m. Texaco Theater I 00 p.m. PirMtde Theater I 30 p.m. Circle Theater 9:00 p m. Life of Rllev a0 p.m. American Porum or Air 10 00 p.m. Mv Little Marale 10 SO p.m. Nile Owl Tneater MITCHELL'S Factory Trilned Service and Installation lt State St. Phone S-7S77 P Gold Star to Col. Warren Marine Corps Schools, Quan tico, Va. Lt. Col. Charles E Warren, Salem, Oregon, has re ceived a Gold Star in lieu of his fourth Bronze Star, with the presentation made at a cer emony held here May 2. The presentation was made by Lt. Col. Clifton B. Cates, com mandant of the Marine schools. Schools. Warren received the award for his meritorious achieve ment while serving as a bat talion commander in Korea. In addition to his Bronze Stars he has the Legion of Merit. Commissioned in the Marine Corps in' June, 1940, Warren is a veteran of World War II and served with the First Marine Division in Korea from Sep tember through December, 1950, and again from May, 1952, to February, 1953. The Marine officer is a grad uate of Salem high school where he took part in football and track and graduated from urcijon aiaie vouege wun me class of 1940. He has a bach elor of science in forestry from that school. " ' Col. Warren's wife and son reside at 26 Courtney Drive, Thomason Park, Triangle, Va. His parents are Mr. and Mrs. C. M. -Warren of 1380 South Lib erty street, Salem, Oregon. Major Campion Goes To Maxwell Airbase Major Nbrmari W"Campion, for nearly four years com manding officer ' of the! Wil lamette university AFROTC department, is to report to Maxwell air force base, Ala bama, July 9 where he will study command direction and administratoin for 22 weeks Maj. Campion's successor at Willamette has not been nam ed. The curriculum at Maxwell base is designed to provide of ficers with an effective ap proach to the command tasks of air force groups and wings and to the principal staff tasks of air force wings and num bered air force' headquarters, Maj. Campion was a senior pilot in the European theater during World War II. j Prior to entering the air force, he was in the public school sys tem at Oakland, Calif. He received his B.A. degree from the University of California andJ before his assignment at Willamette he was assistant csS0I ot air K,ence.,nd tactics at Oregon State college. Snyder Will Address Richmond School PTA The Richmond PTA will meet at 7:30 Monday night when Walter Snyder, mperin tendent o schools will address the group on the subject "What Makes a Good School." New officers will be in stalled by Dennis Patch, presi dent of the Marion county PTA and delegates to the recent state convention held at Med ford will report. The second grade taught by Mrs. Alyce Yoshika will pre- eAnt n rtlau j. ei 1 1 1 -.H 1 'Cnrln rl sent a play entitled "Spring Neighbors - - t A,T,la,l-,tUr,ri1-nn0r'ngT' innl rl1o4Vii l.-Ie cl 1 1 rm nnA f ha icucners, wilt De in cnarge ui Mrs. L. F. McLaughlin, chair man of the room mothers. Mrs. Eldon Kinton and Mrs. Elmer Amundson will pour; Mrs. Wil bur Varah and Mrs. Harold Johnson will serve and Mrs. Nick Schweiger't will have charge of decorations. Hubbard Hubbard Mrs. Harold Wolfer will be hostess for the Mary Martha circle of the Hub i bar dcommunity church, at her home Monday evening. May 11, 8 o'clock. Plans for strawberry festival will be dis cussed. Thalia Reoekah lodge will meet Tuesday evening. May 12, at 7:30, in the Rebekah 'hall. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Ortgoa 7 American POW Arrive Moscow UJ Seven Ameri can civilians, freed from north Korean prison camps, eagerly read today the first message frqm relatives delivered to them in nearly three years. The seven arrived here look- Ugper Dies in Sonliam Wreck Detroit A skidding car that rolled down a 600 foot cliff from the Santiam - highway three miles east of Detroit dam early Sunday brought death to Fred Winburn, 61-year-old Mill City logger. Joe Challender, 39, Mill City, driver of the car, and Eugene Roland Fluitt, 33, a passenger, were thrown clear and escaped with minor injuries. Challen der suffered a dislocated hip and is In -Santiam Memorial Hospital at Stayton. After the accident Fluitt climbed back to the highway to obtain aid. Buck Delano, De troit, carried Challender back up the bank to an ambulance. , Winburn, whose body was found crushed in the wreck. age, apparently died instantly, Charles Edwards, deputy cor oner; said. Winburn only recently had recovered from injuries receiv ed in another accident. ; Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Evelyn McCarthy; Wald port; a son, Eddie Winburn, Eu reka, Calif.j his mother, Mrs. Betsy Ann Franklin, Salem; sisters, Mrs. Etta Yoos, Salem; Mrs. Shirley Russell, Sandy; and brothers, Vernon Winburn, Salem; and T. B. Winburn, Col orado. , Mr, Winburn was born In Ir- vin, Ky., November 23, 1891. He was a veteran of World War I. He had worked as a logger in Marion county for 20 years. Funeral arrangements will be announced by the Weddle Funeral Home at Stayton, Reddig of Dallas Gets High Award With the Seventh Infan try Division In Korea, April 7 (delayed) Pfc. Richard L. Redd It;, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Reddlg, Dallas Ore., was recently awarded t h e Silver Star, the nation's third highest award for gallantry. Reddlg, a squad leader in Company , I, 17th infantry regiment, Seventh Infantry Division, joined the regi ment in December, 1952. He also has the Combat Infan tryman Badge and the Ko rean and UN service ribbons. HEADS DEMOLAY Sam VanArsdale who has been , elected master coun cilor of Woodburn chapter, DeMolay. Salem 24 Years Aoo May , 1929 A local survey made by Prof. S. B. Loughlin's class in eco nomics at W.illamette univer sity shows that there are 98 places In Salem and immediate vislnity where the motorist mav mirrhasi. rnsnlinp and 0.2 gr0Ct.ry store, in Salem, West I . . .... ' Salem and vicinity. Average life of a grocery store in 1929 w f0"nJ years . and 11 months, When the new bridge and fill is completed between Trade and Mill streets about June 1, Liberty street will be come an artery for north and south traffic through the city. Work of tearing out the old belt gallery of the water com pany that crosses Liberty street started Thursday morning. Salem high school band of 48 pieces, 48 boys and two girls, will go to Portland Fri day to compete for the state trophy. Director O. P. Thayer will accompany the group. Independence Woman's club met Tuesday afternoon and members responded to roll call with "back fence exchange,' manv offering valuable infor mation relative to ear and Civilian in Moscow lng fit and in good health, They said they were cut off during their entire Interment from all contact with their families and from any news ex cept a few Russian and North Korean reports. ' One of the seven, Anders Cl.'istian Jensen told a brief press conference here that -'during the entire period of interment we acted like good Americans. At no time what ever did we compromise our principles." . " ,-: , , . Treatment Improved All said their treatment im proved gradually . over the period they were held. They wore grass sandals, they said, and had poor food until the Red Chinese took charge of them in 1952, after which it improved considerably. The group included six mis sionaries, five of them Meth odists and one Catholic, and a former State Department em ployee. The internees were met by U. S. Ambassador Charles E. Bohlen and other members of the embassy staff and went to Bohlen's residence, : S p a s s o House, for lunch. '' , Fly to Berlin ' The Americans are to fly to Berlin Tuesday morning in special American transport plane..;', ; ; ..; . , The other Americans, freed' from North Korean camps on intercession of Soviet authori ses, are William Booth, Nellie Arkansas Dyer, Mary Rosser, Bertha Atkinson, Smith, Law rence A. Zeller and Louis I. Dans, i , . ' - -. . ! ' They were captured by the North Koreans in the early stages of the fighting in Korea, in the summer of 1950.- Funeral services will he I held at the W. T. Riadon chaD-! el Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 o clock for King Bartlett, Sa-can be expected." -lem resident for many years prior to moving to Santa Rosa, aui., in i47. s . Rev. Lloyd T. Anderson will officiate at the service and in terment will be in Belcrest Me morial park. ' . , . . sartiett, who has been in 111 health for some, time, died Fri day at a Santa Rosa hospital, where he had been a patient for three days. - A native of , Chicago, 111., Bartlett was born June 14, 1889. He was a World War I veteran, enlisting in 1917 and being discharged in 1919 at Vancouver,. 1 Wash., as a ser geant. Bartlett was one of tjie orig- inal organizers of the Ameri can Legion Capital Post No. 9 in Salem and remained active in the Legion after, leaving here, being on the board of the Theodore Roosevelt Post Noi 21, American Legion, in Cali fornia and being a member of Sanoma County Voiture of the 40 and 8. In Salem Bartlett was a self- employed automobile mechan ic and since being in Santa Rosa had been associated with the Barnett Motor company Survivors include his wife, I Gertrude of banta Rosa; a j daughter. Mrs. Robert Genw-; Kow, uoiummis, oa.; three , Seattle. Wash.; Rolland Cleve- , n . a , ! land, Salem, and Jerry Cleve- j mull, ouuta nuati, aiaici, miua graiadchlldrcn. Robert, Douglas i , c( - . - , it Hi 1 1 1 1 1 v Ltil as rnuisii won .an.- and Steven Gcntzkow, all of,. , . ,,. , , Columbus. HAYESVILLE UNIT Hayesvllle The Hayesville ; Home Extension members will ; be guests in the home of Mrs. ! E. Zahara, 2665 Blossom Dr., at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 12. names of different flowers and shrubs in their gardens. Scio is excited about the possibility of acquiring a saw mill that involves a big timber deal promising a payroll of several thousand dollars monthly. Opposition to having a radio station in Salem at this time was expressed by Salem Ad vertising club at their Thurs day luncheon. . Aldermen Harry Hawkins, David OHara and Frank Wil kerson will compose a council committee to investigate Sa lem's water power rights on Marlon lake. Fred Wolf has formally ac cepted the principal -ship of Salem high school In letter received today by Superin tendent George W. Hug. Lee Eycrly of the Eyerly School of Aeronautics made several successful landings and take-offs from the new mu nicipal airport site on Wednes day. The field was found to be much smoother than the landing field now In use at the fairgrounds. . PALLAS ENTERTAINS V. F. W.J sasaa ai'r .esMsasaiaaassigv in -rrrT-jffl i i t 4 't , ft " 5 X - i ' V . ' H" n ! n V'" &i sTli , f) '.' ' r tit- """, ,M ! -jv , , fj ii . Dallas V. F. W left to right: E. L. Mlkesell, commander of the Department of Oregon, V. F. W.; Mrs. Doris L. Holm, national president, ladies' auxiliary, V. F. W.; Mrs. Garry Hanson, president of ladies' auxiliary of Dallas post, V. F. W. in Prison Camp Another released prisoner of war has brought back a long list of names of the men who were left behind. .: The list, includes two Ore gon men and one from Wash ington state. ' Sgt. Albert L. Howard .' of Oakley,' Mich., gave a list : of 62 names to a Detroit Times reporter. It included: Roy D. LeFluer, Vancouver, Wash.; Lonie J. Kelly, Port land; Orville Daniel, Veronia, Ore.. , ;V; ' Howard carried the names In a notebook which he smug gled out of the North Korea prison camp. . . ' ; ,; "" He was "sure" of about 12 names but uncertain about some others. He commented: . "Vnn pan loll iVta nlV 4Viai are in is sood condition as Find Ambergris AtRockawdy Rockaway (U.B A local busV nesaman. -was eagerly awaiting today a report on 15 pounds ot a substance he found on the beach . here, and "whieh : he be lieves to be ambergris. -': Frank Miller, owner, of the Rockaway Mercantile, has sent samples to Oregon State college nnrl TTntirAxelftr f arfrn 4nw j testin . v . - .- , , Reports said ambergris has currently been selling for $50 ap ounce. ; Ambergris is a secretion from the alimentary canal , of the sperm whale. Whales have been passing the coast in a northward migration for more than a month. Baby Born in Car On Way to Hospital , Tne slorki on routine flight from independence' to the Sa- lem General hospital Saturday, marfr. a fnrrpri Innrllnff a mile I west of West Salem on the Weal UI West kSUlCIII UII IMC Dallas-Salem highway -utu u.. ,.,nn Ln,- to Mrs. Dallas Parrish in the 11.. TJ l.u .-u Lucille Parrish, a sister-in-law, assisted at the birth. . . v n , , IA car and his driver. Robert Ble- gen, arrived at the scene in time to transport the mother and child to the hospital where they are reported to be doing well. CRUEL IIU MM 3rd ruct iaa I MIL nut Hill i .f,m f.lnter.' Ink. America's CAMELS the confidence in wwawaawoiwaaww aaa) Woman in Morgue Says She's Alive Atlanta (U.R) A , 70-year-old Negro woman who lay in a morgue , for. almost 17 hours awaiting to ' be embatined astonished employes a fu neral home Sunday night when she emerged from a stupor and declared, "No; I am not dead." W. L. Murdaugh of the Mur daugh funeral home aaid the woman, Julia Stallings, re vived when an apprentice em balmer turned on a light.. Falls City Woman Dies following Fire Dallas Mrs. Maude Heri- tage, 79, died in the Dallasios-. pltal Sunday . night of burns I received in an accident at her I home Sunday morning. , The woman,' who was par tially blind: accidentally ig nited her clothing while light ing a fire in her home. - She --Jv.' """"1 the flames were extinguished by a neighbor, Tommy Gil- Mtjl Herit&IlA tnVpn Dallas hospital In the TtZ&2Z&-: ambulance by Elmer Masiker, , Mrs. Heritage, was ,the widow of Joseph Heritage. She is sur vived by a daughter living in Ohio. She had lived at Falls City for 25 years. Funeral arrangements Will be announced by the Bollman Funeral, home., LEGALS NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HERRBV OIVEN tht VICTORIA MADILL hu bern. by order or the C rcu t court or th 6tte or l Oregon ror Msrion countr. appointed AQinilll.irKiriK Wl.n .,iib mil of the EsUte of FLORENCE CATTKR- LIN IRWIN, Deceaied. Any peraone har ms claim i atalnat aaid aatate are re- quested to preaeni them, with proper vuuu.icia. . mm.u iiiiiiiuir. vi a w v the will annexed at 310 Pioneer .Truit Buildlnr, Salem, Oregon, within alz months from the date of this notice, Dated April 37, 19AI. . VICTORIA MA DILL Administratrix with the Will An nexed of the Estate of FLORENCE CATTERLIN IRWIN. Deceased. RHOTEN, RHOTEN At 8PEER8TRA 310 Pioneer Trust Bid a. Salem, Oregon Attorney! tor Admlnl.tralril. Ar-.?7L""?'..,V-." "- vATiiir nl Itnl aAlDn VIVr'TlflM Notice li hereby ilrtn that a''arhool Jhtrlct bond election will be held McLauihlln achool house In and for mrhnnl district No. of Marlon coun tr Oreeon. Wednesday, the 13th dar of May. A. D.. 1B53, between tne noura oi 3 o'clock p. m. and I o'clock p. m., for the purpose of aubmlttlni to the leiat voters thereof the question of - contract Ink a bonded Indebtedness In tha sum of 163,76ft for tha purpose of: 1to ac quire, to construct, to ro.coiutriict, to Improve, to repair, to equip, to furnl"h a school bulldlnt or school bulldlnis or addition, real and personall 2 to pur chase a school bus for transportation In and for said achool district. Dated this nth day of Mar. 1S.M. Lola E. Vauihan, clerk, Rt. 1, Sllverton, May 11, 1K3. urcnsTHE4lM"r sa.aais Ca gWaJ. : Cornel' smokers give greatest vote of citorfttta hictnrvl aariQMl wesaiw aaaw wWB PW II DIGNITARIES VFW Leaders Dallas Entertained Satur day at a luncheon in Dallas was Mrs. Doris L. Holm of ' Chicago, national president of the Veterans ot Foreign Wan auxiliary, . . . y- The guest of District 18 cf the auxiliary, Mrs. Holm met with the group as an award for showing the greatest mem-, bership gain in Oregon during the past year. The official, hostess was the local post of Valsetz, Oregon. ." , , : :-. ,, . ( Mrs. Holm addressed the- group and told the assembled persons about activitlei of the Veterans of Foreign Wara throughout the United States,, and in the Territory of Hawaii. In attendance at the lunch were E. L. Mikesell of Grant Pass, Commander of the De- . partment of Oregon,-and dele gates from local posts through out the state including persona from places as far separated as Pendleton and Grants Pass. In addition,; there were . many members irom Lianas ana roue County. A baby is born in the United States on the average of once ' every 8.S seconds. . utGALaV. -4 - MlMlNISTKATOR'a WOTICS NOTICE . IB HRRKBY OtVEH t . HMll.AM SCOTT hki bean, -by order at tnltn. u.nn counlv. BDOelntad Kdmtats-" BCOTT. tecMa; Any poruwM -hfcilnt -; elftltna Mtinw io wmxm -i- i , . , to ntnnt them. Kit, propel xoucn.-. to ma Brnritrtor it-iu maw Trort Butldlni. Balem, Oreion. within llx (SI ' month! from the date of thl notloe. : Dated thll 7th day t April, ISM. ; HARLAN BCOTT ' . AdmlnHtrator of the Iitatf or ' ZADIE WEIMER eCOTT. Deceaitd. RHOTEN. BHOTEN BPEBReTBA Attorney! at law Pioneer Truet Buildlnr Balem. Oreion ' '... . Attorneys for Admlnlitrator. Apr. J7i u , H, H. M. r ADVERTISEMENT FO BIDS o-.i.ri htL ror the eonitruetlon of on'- mAtlnn In T.lbrtr AohOOL flOUtb BalCm. ' Oreion, will be received at tho Offlet of achool DUtrlct ICJ, Marlon Countr, 460 N. Hlili Street, in ftalem, Oreion. until 1:30 o'clock P.M.. P.9.T.. May M. IMS. and will then Da publicly opened and read aloud. ' tii nun.. jDeelfleatioM and other contract document may be examined flnd pi thereof may ba obtained at jj,. orflce OI JamfS I mm!, MCIW tect T39 flou:h Commercial Street, Sa lem, Oregon, . t A deposit of $16.00 per aet of drawlnn will ba required. Any bidder upon re turn In hia aet promptly will be refund ed hla depoalt and any non-bidder upo returning hla aet will be refunded one--half of hla deposit. Thli project involve Ihe onatructloa nf wnmt frimi and brtck veneer ad dition to the axtstinr Liberty Achool. All classification will ba covered MB der the Oenerai contract rroposai. A ha.e bid. alternate!, and unit price. are reotilred. All propoiali muat b. ac companied by certified check, eejhler's check, or bid bond mad. payable to the' Owner In an amount oi bos jeaa than '. of the bid. A performance bond will M required In accordance wltb terms at contract documents. The Owner reserve! th riant to waive any-Informality In, or to rojoet, any or all olds, or to accept any bid. No bidder , may withdraw or modify his bid after, the hour eat lor th. open Inr thereof, or before award of th. contract, t,nlets laid award If delayed for a period exceedlnt thirty tlO) daya alter May a. 10SJ. SCHOOL bUiTRIOT S4CJ, MARION COUNT?, ORlOOlf CONNKLL C. WARD, CIJDRJC. Mar 11 r-iesaenES J i' :Vi: I: 1 i' K.