Monday, May 11, 1953 Page 14 RADIO PROGRAMS STEVE ROPEB . ' v- ' ' . PM I f V TANK AV 0 DOrVNSTAiBS K MTE, IS ?M ! ! WfZfrt&fr.'A IZA NOW AND EAT MY LAWNCH f C HOLDS COURSE WrM DOWN -THAT mQBR tUUU I fy '-gMig W -KSgggT-j itS The Voice of Love ly WIL.UAM NEUBAUER '. UP HewaleaUres) . It t i ! i i : I ' CHAPTER 33 ' He asked gruliiy: "What ut you doing to me, Ruth?" She could Just look at him with love In her eyes and hope that Mature would take care of the rest. "It wasnt In my plans, you see. . I had a long way to go, and I wanted to give the ambition my all. I'll make a confession. One of the reasons I want my own hos pital Is that I hope to do research. I've got Ideas. My brain teems with them. I see my hospital be coming as famous, as Important as helpful to humanity as the Mayo Clinic. There's time for only so much. This wasn't Included." Darkly came the words of Bob O'Brien. She'd laughed at them then; now they made her shiver. She didn't care how much Dan worked, but she did want him to , have time for her. "You must live In the round, Dan. It's true that single-minded gsrsonj accomplish a great deal, ut it's also true If you don't live in tne round uie passes you oy. I can cite Miss Elolse Vance as an example. She gave her whole me to teaching, am umes nave changed, the system Is changing, and now what will she have?" "Yet there Is the doing, the ac complishing!" "Hred by his own words, his own thoughts, he Jumped to his feet. "Did I tell you I've gotten several more cases? That friend of yours, Johnny Lord, gave his arm a nasty gash, He came to me to have It patched up." "So It moves, you see," she said aoftly. . . "It'll take tune, Dan. But grad ually you'll build up a good prac tice. After all, you can't expect u to happen overnight, it toon Doctor vcare to reach the DOfll tlon he finally reached. People have to find out how good you are. People have to be given the onance to Know you." He sat down. "I'm rushing things, isn't that what you re try In? to say?" She nodded, hating to have to be the one to tell, him so. "A . little bit." V "I should wait before I try to build the hospitaj?" "It would be more trraotlcal "I mlghfve," he confessed. "But when I heard all this talk about a community hospital well Where's the time to wait? Remove me, and the people will have to vote yes. men u next year I suu liked Golden City, still wanted to build a hospital, I'd find myself facing the competition of the city." It was a good point. She sup- gisei he had other good points, ut she didn't want to hear them. The other thing was more im portant to her woman's soul, her woman's heart. "You have time for everything, Dan, and every one." "You'd be happier with Bob O'Brien, you know. I would only give you a small part of myself. That sounds terribly melodramat ic, I know. But it's true." "If. I wanted Bob we'd be mar ried. I've had all the chance In the world to marry Bob. But I wasn't sure." "And you're aure about me?" She shook her head, compelled ti rin an too ATI tartar Vtrvnewet.v etronger than her wanting heart! ana mina. "i m not. how can you ever be sure? But there's no hurry. You have a .practice to establish, a hospital to build." His voice grew furry with an ; ger. "It will be a mean fight. There are a lot of people express ing opinions. Some say the fisher men will side with Doctor. "They probably will." His voice crackled. "There are always people In this world who want something for nothing. Nat urally, they're trying to make things easier for themselves. They'd love to have a hospital to (to to that would take them In whether they could pay or not." "Dan, that's unfair! Need Is need!" "And will be met. But there won't be handouts. How could I five things away for nothing?" "Bob's idea sounded good." "That would be the best way to handl it. But you wont ever make the free-loaders see that. Ruth, what are you aolna to do?" It surprised ier. There was the question she'd been expecting to hear, and by this time, she sup posed, she should have figured out an answer. Yet there was no an swer. "I don't know." she aald simply, honestly, "I just don't know." Dan Curtis had never been so shocked or disappointed In his life The following Thursday the Golden City Spectator used the same word Dan had used. Black headlines warned: DON'T LH7T FREE-LOADERS BOOST YOUR TAXES. Almost the entire first Dane was devoted to those head lines and the story Sean O'Malley had written ta so with them. Aff the redheaded newsoarjer mull saw It, only the poor wanted a public hospital. He didnt quite accuse the poor of wanting the city to support them In times of Illness, but the ugly charge could be read between the lines by all but the most obtuse. Infuriated, Ephralm Carlisle hied himself to f'lsnermen wuarter where ne de livered himself of a speech. The next Saturday the forces support ing Luchettl and Dan Curtis is sued a call for a mass meeting in Henderson's Park, and the cam' paign was on. ra Be uonunueaj Carol Curtis Pattern '5 102- Coronation Coronets. The alrls in London, England, are making and wearing these pretty, inex- pensive "coronets" for party and auung-ana-oancing wear, boui these were given me by two glam orous uriusn overseas Airway Conmratlon stewardesses Bar bara Jupp who flies the London,! Home, uaicutta. route to Tokyo wears tne one in top uiusirauon.1 It's crocheted of white ribbon, white gimp and trimmed with bright red velvet bows. Coronet in lower Illustration Is worn by Faith Slsman and is of stiff gold braid lavishly trimmed with multicol ored pearls and beads. Very pret ty indeed lor American girls, too, ano penect lor niaesmaicu! fiend 30c for the CORONATION CORONETS (Pattern No. 102) complete crocheting, tiimmins in structions, YOUR Pi AMIS, AD DRESS. PATTERN NUMBER to uakoli (Juki is. capital journal. eoz Mission street, san Francisco I s, cam. YOUR 0VU00K jnjoj good ctownj Want to fed happier? Chew Wrigley'i Spearmint Cuml Cive. you n.ce httit int. Beie,MBg 0,. Heir time pas. pWntly. PttC i Lebanon Mill to Precipitate Cinders Lebanon Grown Zeller back paper mill will toon be equipped with a precipitator designed to prevent cinders! from escaping from mill stacks, B. C. Smith resident manager announced. The project will cost 80,-1 000. Equipment will be order ed as aoon as final engineer-! ing plans are completed. A new stack will be built and the precipitator unit in stalled between the mill boileri and the stack. Cinders will be collected by mechanic al means and blown back Into i the boilers to be burned. kp a package handy " r" or poCKCt ROOM ft BOARD By Ahren LET'S SA.7 THECE ABE 15 MILLION W GOLFERS AND IF THE GOLF CLUB MANUFACTURERS MAKE MY PUTTER. AND PAY ME A jf 3 ROYALTY ON EACH ONE. ...THEN SAY A THIRD OF THE GOLFERS BUY THE 'PUFFLE PUTTER. ..THATD BE 5,000,000 TIMES f 3...AWK- 1 1 J J inyuLWIiu COME ON... GRAB A HOLD AND LETS 60 ..IF YOU WERE ONCE ,r-itrr i irrrn THEY MUSTVE BEEN THE KIND USED J ON DRUGGISTS H SCALES A J IT'S STAGGERING, 'p . r..., . 7Xir" U I uT, VJJ i iuiI lit 11 V 11 ' n n I YUV UAFTA YHCOvV 7 AWTOONtrATl Now,owir. tsrrrTi w nr-. ' - 17,.;, . uta.t all rgSmPu ynrk-' mjgZ4 ",k J&5?A "Hy wfsfaj eiuttWtj T ' ORPHAN ANNIE ' - ' " ' -' ' mWtm""1 lrroiM.'nai Ma DOWN BV THB I PWMDASHW ABOUT Jf I tTi' ri ' ' LIL ABNER .. .. , - - :' - - ' - ' ' ; BltaJfa&rt Vi ' li'i'iiifff J! .aftiAf uiT25gN muroZJootD CHICK WITH THE m WAS JUST GIVE ME THE VlLDOaP I y JT OOWAi T2? WBBoS STTOT GWiMA' FRIEND)) HMMI 6N-r LET'S, 4LUUHr Vl cHtCKWt'U. -t LETHERKNOW J WINKEDOMEO' O'HIM MOVE INff y-T ttfrmaWk B 2ZtiwMJ? nu former- nsm.RB , -ah'u. ) S---, cI- HO P A L ON GCA S S I D I . . ' ' ' - ' r3SSI33aST , ANP IET Y0U ANP I I VtfU WK6ET THAT I NflWlESWlY"fltW I I 0X7 BETTER TAKE AOMER " AT im yaii MP aw tMia m M mt At in Auoifim CdmI nounu I I rUTAten MAM9TV rlUlt Ull OOnuC fTI I I II tiiNP?rurivm 11 their tkam. herw .thmiwh the I L -A I lr F jfafZr- x' IV TWff AUM LP FEXTER WNE ? HARPlY, A5L6ML j WT I "i t I IMMSWl MBIT ft JEFF . " ltSi-' li" 1 1 I DO YOU KNOW VOUR 1 1 SEE? VOU COULDN'T t .1 W WfW i mil ir- u.,im n - yar 11 REX MORGAN, M. D. i i r r s. 11 ' jn i y v i I FOR A X 'YOUK MeKT SOUNDS I t l-wi lf WEU 5c E WHAT 1 I HWM . JU5T WINUTB I AftE EXCECLENT, MiLISSA. J UNPERSTANO J VvOU PVESSUM I I I THOUSHT.' J I I FfeTlfiNT A KNOWM ' I IllttlTV ll "721 H WVKW XIV mTW - 3, TO MELISSA'S HOME I I 1 'Jf'H fePTlGrr" h 7 ' Nuwtt, june SALS I . g ei riw mmt, r&m n I I MfTIlTm! I1liafl IKZ3 DONALD DUCK , ' I Tr IIttI H 1 1 1 r$t1 ISr1 sET! lf L I J ' 1 JR HR: . Cre niAKT WORTH DWWWBHHTn I rut... this- J-i. 0M.rui.oT S I loon'.rrs much simpler to v- I I H r i MIN6 IT FORA SHOW MY SISTERS THAN TO EXPLAIN J ; V t CAN DRAW 0NLV ONE OOSH.NO.MM. XI SjS HABVL-VOUSEE-.n 1 THEMI...WHY OON'TVOUCOME 1 ,cSffiKl;WSKE Hi . I mysiste'uh-.J II homemthme? aJrrvi ; HAVE BEEN StCRETLV J HUNTERS ARENT Jl $K V , . IVaW r- 12. 0 it 15 a rarE to- tt close to the n V s.v Rr- I TiT I K-v 1 rTDOESNOT N"1 fcjY L L vR , ' MONOAY P.M. - itWlTT'kEX KSLM KGAE KOCO . ,. ..J.TT MHila af 0f Tw I1M DiAr llaglt OjW.le.-. til" D.I1M aa.w Nihil ... :!jfS.,,o.;.?." r-2 M",, J:l! Bh. A..i' M,r, MMl,Tw Hgg-jM.... M.. w. ?.. ' mcb.t H.iitwiii am wr ci v.ii.r ni. -S7 -1 rf.T' 5Tfc' n.wk Walbmn Gk. Bttr Ivhi Cl Cuaialliki . i. B.i h"I wHU"A ciik Cuauikhi l; s:k i ;:; v"" 'r c ... - - - ; ,.,, i-M Manctr Could ThU Muk Koiarr ii5;riwi;su.p.n , ;-"": u'.o,r" srb.,iiD,p -3l SSSiu Ut ! 8t.l!r Mleh.i Blih ;Mw S""t S 145 5, Ml.. .- "" 5i g.n, T.lnhnna Hi R4I Er "fWi B.bll 9:4" All.o jon Tbwttr Mn.k "" "wwiT .1.. J-81r rinal Flnl EJIt. Behln lr Biub.U I1?:'?, a,:,"'"!-.! inu"l. D..M T. . 10:'; InK.lll.lw TrtM. Btnil Dlin TIM' "j!L """ . TTiTvSi; Cb.mber Tim. r.lin NllblBU( ll li L UC.II r.m . Tl. S f M 8... 11 .ir ril7cyll Dm Tlmt Ml41e. . Son. j if' Sir C ..n 'n TJX, D.c. TI-. H. M.I.HI. Mbl 8... lilQflsitn Off Isitn OH 'P'e Tli M.m I I Sim W IT I f. If Don't Blow Your Top! You loo cm own i bwullful RATHEON TV SET Trader Louie will take " most anything in trade Trader Louie 1S20 Urn Avi. Phono 3 8558 ! TUESDAY A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. f 0i Dave Wet RFD Oreian O. Fnrn Br. New. UrMkfMt VVMltra ; Din Wot KOIN Kloek O, h Br. Mil 'fakir. Nook Molollot Doro Wo.t KOIN Kloek O. form Hr Now. Brioktul F.rra Nom B:4 Form Tin' KOIN Kloek O. Tori Hr. Moreb Tlroo Nook New. 7-01 Cobolrj Id KOIN Kloek Flrot Edition HimlnfwOT Bre.kfoH Modltollou 7:ir Jobnnr -Willi Now. M Bra.kfo.i Nook KOCO Kloek 7 :r Newo Newi Bob Gorred Oan. Bre.kfo.t ' KOCO Kloak 7:4' Fnoi Mnnln, H. Bobbin Bot llooon Son HirM Nook KOCO Kloak B:0r Tbo Old Now. Bkf.t Clib Coell Brown Jlro Bondr Newo ' !:.' Some New. Bkfol Clnk Fmlr Altar Jlro Dull KOCO Kloak ;S0 Box . Helen Trent BreokfoJl . Horen . of Jim Dnndy KOCO Kloak :i Mnlc Bog Ool gnndor Clnb Boot Jlra Dsndr Newo :te Newo Rood of Lift 8 n.ra. Edlttoi Dr. Sword Baek ranee Woman'. Fit 0:1' Ma.le Bos Mo Perkln. Bt'ro of Toda: Capitol Com. Matinee Mo.lo :Sf Mu.leBox Or Melon Friend In Po.tori Call Baek Fenea Piano P.I. 0:4.' Vic. Llndlohr tldn. Llto v Need Bare. Ctn. Matinee M. Carson 10:01 Brad Ber- Mr.. Barton . Gardiner Glen Hardr Baek Feneo Kara ' 1:1 nold. Show Ferrj Maoon Cbot Hantlor Tele Tool Matinee Bceords 10:10 Strike It Norah Drake Mr Traa , Mn.le , Baek Feneo Ian 10:45 Bleb Brio-blot D. Slow Mo.lo Matinee Keeerde I1:f Doable or Grand Slam W. Streets Ladlor Fair Baek Fenea Bare " 11:15 Nalhlnt Hollo Snarkl Girl Marrlao Ladle, Fair Matinee Beeorda - 11:10 Phra.e Pan Honao Parti Vie. Lladlakr Qaeen Far Baek Fenea Bare '1:4 Beb Hope Hoaec Party Barney Keep Day Matlneo Keeerds 11:00 Newr Newr Panl Harrey Tap Trade. Spider Newo " ll:l.r Road of Life Come Got II Noon Edition News Spider MaJ'rleaeas IS :Sr Pepper T'ng IV Warren Jack Oweno Gay H'a Spider Mai'rLeane- 1:" Happlneoi Aant Jenny Jaek Owena Ma.le Spider ' Mai'r Lesiae rg B. 8 Wife Hilltop Kay Wool Jaek Spider Mai'r Leaiao f Stall. Dalle, a. Godfrey Kay Wool Kirkwaad Spider Mai'r Leans ;S0 TB Widder Godfrey . Kay West Lneky U Spider Moi'r Leasee :45 Wmn In Hie Godfrey Kay Weet Baneh Spider Mai'r Leasee . an Plain Bill Godfrey Cal Tlnnoy News Spider Mai. Loesse t'-.lf T' r,r"" Godfrey Cal Tlnney Mo.lo Spider . MaJ Leans j.jnL.Jonee Godfrey Lira like a Ma.le ' Spider Msile j:4f Poe " Ma.ey.Show Millionaire Sheppero Spider Melody l:0T Weloome Try Aahlen Reyae-Ma.lo Ma.le Jim Dandy Maeie J.y Woleome Try Wakely .how Rim Show Mu.le show Melody " :!W ' ' Rooemary For .he New. ... . . Jim Dandy wi',,,., jsr D. Oarroway Tanefnlly Girls Masle Show Me'.d, J:0l Mu.le Box Klrkham Tiny Tones Fallon Lewis Kiddles Krnr Maole Tea :1! Maalo Bei Mr. Infa. Saalrrel Homlnaway Mu.le Marl. Want 4:;r Mn.lf R Klrkham Cats Carl Maasey Maole Marl Mnale Tel 4;d Art Baker Klrkham Happy Time Sam Hayoe Musle Marl Want FM Met.; KOIN 10 1.1, a.m. ta 11 p.m K". .'.- k to u p.m DIAL LISTING, KOAC, 550 VftAC Monday 4:00, Ressareh Ad-1 A.(" A. M. 1:M, lowei S:00, Children's Newn 10:00, Slin Off. Tenture; 4:1S, Weather, theater; 0:00, and Weather, 10,10 r.u lally for Womeni 11:00. Oresen Sebeel of Aln 1!:00, Newo: 12:15, Noon Fsrs. Hoar, Polk Coanly Aeenti 1:00, Ride fat Cowboy; 1:00, E.peelally for Woaieai :M, PNtSCO World Rerlew. ML Angel Mt. Angel R. J. Koessler 'who was injured in an explo sion at the Electric Steel foun dry in Portland Monday eve ning, formerly lived in Mt. An gel. He is a brother of the Rev. James Koessler, OSB of Mt. Angel Abbey, and a cousin of the Frank Amans and Edward Hoffers. Koessler was taken to the St. Vincents hospital, Portland. He suffered third degree burns about the face and shoulders. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Aman have returned home from Eu gene where they were visiting at the homes of their daughter and son, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Appleby and Mr. and Mrs. Don Aman. While in Eugene they assisted the Appleby's in mov ing into their new home. Two of their grandchildren, Patricia Appleby and Leslie Aman received their first Holy Communion Sunday it the St. Mary's Catholic church in Eu gene. When thp Welland Canal was built around Niagara Falls, lamprey eels got into the Great Lakes and now threaten extinc tion Inr the lake trout, former ly an important food fish. ACROSS 1. Cover the inside ol 3. Swiss moua- . tains 9 Cooking vessel tl. Philippine negrilo 13. Loyal: poetle 14. Single thing 15. Well-Ailed 18. One of an ancient race It. Had the courage 20. Yale ii. Rubber 25. Sleeps . . "Bhtlj 27. Apples of a certain ion II. Part of a kitchen stove Si onjawjoBBJeWnennl 32. Rather mar 33 Masculine name 34. Intercede 36. Apart 37 Stone wrltlni tablets 3D. Spread foi drying 40. Kind of thread 43 Series of names 45. Insertion of new matter 50 Compete 51 Covering of a wheel 32. To a nnlnt on 5.1 Corrode 54. Noticed 55 Easer . DOWN 1. Head covering onei3amS B gpflAlNlElw EhEBI AN ATJJ piainIt ff AWAWn WAGT EQajr iBILII tflg A I DEfl Solution of Saturday's Puuia 2. Long fish I. Stated in detail 1 Division of a highway 5. Make . changes ( Rumanian coin T. Fill out Avalanches ' r"r7"'' l? p In!9 i'" I"1 1 p iffr "i71- : - ZS2JltT'n ww 1 W i35- !IltlISF Ssm17" XW o ii ii fe:?j st n irmr 'f- rT -wj? ri 1 H ;--LJ- I. Having litUd wealth 10. Burden 11. Trial 16. Roman data 17. Attendants oa the sick 20. Biblical countrf 21. Ardent affection 23. Louisiana court judgment 24. Petition 26. Isolate 28. Diving forth 29. Motion of the sea 0. Vehicle on runners 32. Japanese, outcast 35. Military warning signals 16. Continent 38 Feminina namt 40. Reside 41. Fresh-water porpoist 42. Let It stand 44. Greek portico 46. Dessert 47. MeUlliferoua rock 48 American Indian 49. Egg drink RVRIE,UNK- J jfl . J rS,,MJ -...n.'.iniW... ll II PeW S