-?w It- THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem. Ores-oil Monday, May 11, 1953 . FAN FARE ly Walt Dlrxer) Dodgers Lead National Cleveland Tops American Seattle Splits With Bevos Holds Two-Game Lead By SCOTT BAILLIE San Francisco OWi) Seattle retained ita two-game lead lor first place over Loa Angeles in the PCL today in the wake of a frustrating Sunday afternoon that saw all the elubs spilt their twin bills. That left the standings right where they were on Saturday night with nothing startling coming out of the weekend un less it is a trend to extra In ning contests. Los Angeles was forced to go 14 Innings before downing Oakland 8-5, in their lid lifter, and Seattle a trifle bleary-eyed from Saturday nights 14-in-ning grind with Portland, lost Its second game to the Bevos yesterday 2-1 in 10 frames aft er winning the opener, 8-2, Oakland took the finale from L. A., 8-3. Winners Take Lours In other double features, San PCL STANDINGS fgl United Press) W L ret. Seattle . Lot Anielee 1 Hollywood 3 " . Portl.nd " San Dleio " San Francisco M ' Sacramento J JJ Oakland 1 J Bandar's ssltsl ' flscrtmento J, Bin Dlejo 0 (W). a. niH. t Aaf-r.mente. 1 (2D41 Loi Annies . Oakland (lit, It mn.) Oakland e, WW Anseira a . ..,1, n Hollywood t (lit). Hollrwood 11, Ben Francisco Und) Seattle 0, roruana a new. Portl.nd 9. Seattle 1 Hnd, 10 Inn.) Sam Snead Wins Greenbrier Golf Tourney White Sulphur Springs. W.I Va. (U.R) Sam Snead and Ben Hogan, two of golf a top stars, are nursing nervous putters as they warm up to bid for the U. S. Open title on the glassy greens of the Oakmont. Pa., course next month. Snead, famous for winning just about every major tourna ment except the coveted U. S. Open, captured the 72-hole Greenbrief open Saturday with a last round 68 and a 268 total. Snead, the host pro, won the $2,000 first money by three atrokes mainly because he started the final 18 with a .three-stroke lead. He played aome of his home greens like a duffer, three-putting two of them find flubbing other putts of 3 Mi ancj five feet. ' Hogan won the Pan-Ameri can Open last week despite some poor putting and started the Greenbrier with two vic tories in as many tries this year. But his greens play dur ing the four rounds here proved too big a handicap and his last round 69 gave him a third place tie with Clayton Heafner at 272. Jack Burke grabbed the $1,- 000 second place money with a slx-under-par 64, the finest round of the tournament, for a 271. , Prineville Wins Central Oregon Track Meet- Bend (U.B Sprinter Fred Hnll ran a sizzling 9.8 in the 100-yard dash to lead Prine ville to victory in the Central! Oregon high school track meet here Saturday. Prineville piled up 96 points ! , to 82 scored by Bend in the tight-school meet - Hall's time in the 100-yard . dash was a new meet record, one of two set The other was Miles Boardman of Bend who leaped 20 feet in the broad Jump. 17 Horses Die In Stable Fire Columbus, O. (UR) Seven teen thoroughbred race horses and a stable pony valued at $52,000 perished or had to be killed when a blaze swept a atame at ueulan FarK near here. Gale Osborne of Olney, HI., suffered the heaviest loss. Eight of his horses and the pony suffocated and four more horses were burned so severe ly they had to be killed. Pat Mitchell of Lansing, Mich., had five horses lost in the blaze, but he saved one. Osborne told firemen that he discovered the blaze while feeding one of his horses yes terday. He said he heard a crackling noise and looked up. "The roof was a ball of fire," he said. Francisco beat Hollywood 7-5 In the nnener and. lost the sec ond game 11-9. San Diego halt ed Sacramento 2-0 in its first contest then lost 8-1 in the closer. Los Angeles won the opener with a three run outburst in the 14th frame. Jess Flores was belted for 15 hits In the second Inning night cap but won for the Oaks any way to make his record l-i lor the season. Al Widmar 8-2 pitched the Rainiers to their 6-2 win in the opener against the Bevos as Seattle scored braces of runs in the first, fifth and sixth In nings. Loser Boyce Lint 3-3 hit a solo homer in the third. Frankie Austin broke up the finale with a tenth inning sin gle that scored Red Adams and gave the Beavers a spit, 2-1. Five In Sixth Frank Kelleher s bases-load ed homer was the big blast of the second game. Tom Saf fell and Ted Beard also un loaded homers to outslug the Seals 11-8. Al Lien 1-4 was the loser. Larry Shepard 4-1 got the victory. Chet Johnson 8-5 spun a three hitter as Sacramento downed San Diego in the first contest, 2-0. The Padres broke a famine of 23 scoreless innings in the nightcap when Tom Al ston homered to show the way to a 3-1 triumph. Seattle seeks to steal another half-game on the field when it closes out its series with Port land tonight. (I) r.rll.nd First same: Seattle ( B Tobln.of Oldjbry.l Thomas,! Msddro.r Judnlch,lf Ortelt.e wiuon.s Combf.ll Wldrner.p Schmeu.r E OA . B 1 S 0 Austin, 4 lKUSiell.r 4 S Rstlll.U 4 0 Oklstn.ct S 0 Artt.lb 4 1 Rbnsn.o S Ekltrt.l 2 Ornnt,J 1 Llnt.p 0 W.tol.p K-RCDD. Llnde.p H 0 1 0 1 1 S S a u o 1 0 1 o 0 0 1 0 0 0 Tot.ll IS 11 37 S Totale 14 11111 Hln.lMl for Walbel In 8th. Seattle , 300.032 000 S Hlta .. .01 uuu i Portland 101 000 000 3 Hit. 301 110 oao 1 Pitcher: IF 11 S B IS BBS) Wldm.r .... 8 1 1 3 1 1 Lint (4-35 11 4 S 0 Walbel S 10 1 1 1 0 Und 1 I 0 0 0 winner Wldm.r. Loier Lint. Sohmees, Austin 3, Robinson. R Tobin 3, colosberrr a, Judnlcn, urteir. -telll. Lint. RBI Maddern. Gladstone, Lint, Thomae 3, OrtelK, combs. SB Ooldsberrjr, Restelll, Lint, Ortenr, Combs. HR Lint. DP Lint, Orant and Arlti Arfs unassisted; orant and Arlt; Or telv and Combs. LOB Seattlt 8, Port land 4. 0 JaooTSttl. Ford and Bunif. T 1:49. , Portland Teams Dominate Swim Portland (U.B Two Portland clubs took team honors In the Pacific Northwest Internation al swimming championships which were completed here yesterday in a splash of record setting. In the two-day competition, the Aero Club of Oregon out distanced all clubs in the boys and men's division, while Mult nomah Athletic club paced both the girls and women, Mrs. Delia Sehorn of the Co lumbia Athletic club started off the meet Saturday with three record-shattering per formances as she broke her own American short course breaststroke records. Mrs. Se horn, who set the marks In the championships here last year. bettered her times in the 220 yard, 200-meter and 200-yard oreasisiroKe. Second tains: Seattle (I) B IT Tobln.ef Qldsbrr.l Tbomas.t Schmees.r Judnlcn.U Wllson.3 Combs.u Chrlstle.o DlDuca,p ORoboe.rf 4 1 Austin, 4 1 RstellMf S 0 Olditn.cf S 1 Reloh.l 4 3 Oladd.o 4 SEteerl,! S 0 Orant.3 1 SAdanu.p 4 a-Russel 0 (I) Portland B H OA 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 3 0 Totals 94 4 II 14 Total SI S SO 10 Ono out when winning run eoored. a Walked lor Orant In 10th. Seattlo 01O 000 000 01 Hits 020 011 000 04 Portland 000 100 000 13 Hits 101 101 011 2 a Pitcher: IP AB B H BR BB BO Del Due ..! a S S 4 4 Adams .... 10 34 1 4 1 S Winner Adams. Loser Del Duca. R Combs, Restelll, Adams. B Austin, Oladd. RBI Ooldsberrj, Restelll, Aus tin. 3B nobbe. HR Restelll. B.C. Austin. Del Duca, Orant, Christie, Robbe. DP Combs, Wilson and Ooldsberrr, LOB Seattle 11, Portland I. V Ford, Runso and laoovettl. T 3:26. A 7138. By CARL LUNDQD1ST New fork UJ9 The Brook' ivn Dodgers regained a term ous jrlp on first place as the National League teams Invad ed the Western badlands for the first time this season today, and the Cleveland Indians held first place by .002 points In the American. With red-hot Roy Campan ula driving in all their runs, the Dodgers beat the Philadel phia Phillies, 5-0, yesterday while the Indians scored all their runs in the last two in- nines to swamp the St. Louis Brdwns, 12-3. The immediate future prom lsed a breathing spell for the Dodgers but the Indians play tonight at home and then open second-place New York Yank ees in New York on Tuesday night. The Yankees defeated the Boston Red Sox, 7-4, yes terday but showed a .682 per centage compared with Cleve land's .684 mark. Boom-Boom Bats Rav Boone hit a grand-slam, Al Rosen blasted two homers and pitcher Dave Hoskins hit three-run homer in we In dian's late surge after Virgil Trucks had carried a shutout seven innings. Vic Rashi won in a rare re lief appearance as the Yankees broke a ,2-2 tie wltn tnree runs In the seventh inning. The game was marked by a pecu liar accident in which Red Sox outfielder Jim Piersall injured teammate Billy Goodman while attempting to restrain him from attacking umpire Jim Duffy. Piersall threw his arms around the 150-pound . Good man and squeezed so hard that Goodman's ribs were bruised and he probably will be side lined a few days. Swineline and Slinging The Senators twice topped the Athletics, 8 to 0 and 6 to 2, as Philadelphia's losing streak went to six games. Detroit topped Chicago 8 to with a five run rally in the fifth that gave Billy Hoeft his second win, then the White Sox poured over nine runs in the first two innings and coasted to a 10-5 second game triumph, first of the year, for Saul Rogo Brooklyn again took over Major Leagues ClSTSland New York . Cnlcaso .. Boston ... Washington ftt. Louis ., Philadelphia Detroit (Br United Preul AMERICAN LEAGUE W L Pot. O.B. II 8 .4 II 1 Ml 1 10 .Ml ltt 11 10 .924 I 11 11 .491 4 18 13 .4 4t 10 II . 3 It .3 10 Seutday Basalts! Nsw Tort 7, Bosum 4. Clsrsland 13, at. Louis I. Washington (-4. Philadelphia 0-3. Detroit 1-5, Chleaao 8-10. NATIONAL LEAOHH W L Pet. O.B. Brooklrn 14 Philadelphia , 13 Blllwaukea 11 St. Louis 10 New York 10 Plttiburth t Chleaao .. 8 Cincinnati I ,M7 .800 .811 .H8 Ait .40 .331 .384 Stewart Wins Ardmore Open ,-1- At DA D.n a Ardmore, uiun. fessional golf had a new wp money winner today In young ...haired Earl Stewart, Jr., of Dallas, a man who had won only one other tournament in his brief cateer until he cap tured the Ardmore Open's $6,900 choice plum. Stewart's two-over-par win ning figure of 282 yesterday ran his season's winnings to 110.850, surpassing Lloyd Man grum of Niles, III., the previ ous leader Who won on y $390 here as an 11th place finisher. Mangrum now has won $10, "6.67. , J . Stewart played rounds of 67-69-73-74 over the double tough par 84-3670 Dorick Hills lay out and finished three strokes oh.ari nf little Jerry Barber of La Canada, Calif., who finish ed with a 285 and won himself $3,000 of sponsor Waco Turn er's oil-rich bank roll. Tied for third place In the tournament, which saw $14,000 in bonus money paid oui lor birdies, eagles, chip-ins and day'i low rounds wee Jimmie Gauntt of Oklahoma City and Ed Oliver of Palm Springs, Calif., who finished with 288'a. worth $2,350 each. CALL CADWELLOILCO. FUEL OIL Mikt Hum nwiilngi wirn s InsI PRONE t-731 " CAR & TRUCK RENTALS 394 North Church Phone 3-9600 Sanlar'a Besillst Brooklrn , Philadelphia 8. New York 4-1, Pltuburth 0-3. Milwaukee 8-4, Cnleeio 3-1. Cincinnati 4-5, St. Louis 3-3. The Llneseoreii San PraneUoo .... 000 108 1007" 14 1 Hollywood 101 000 001 t 13 1 Muncrler, ahandor (4), McCall (8) and Torn.j; Hlttle, O'Donnell (8), Fish er (8), Bhepard (8) and afalone. 1st tame, 14 Innlnis: Loa Anielea 005 000 000 000 03 13 S Oakland .... 100 004 000 000 00 S 3 Paditt, Bplcer (8), Oumpert (4) and Brans; Bamberger, Dempser (13) and Nsal, CUIIU (101. 1st tame: Sacramento 010 000 0013 S 0 Ban Dieto ooo ooo ooo 0 s I Johnson and Rltcheri Luna, Benton () and Mathls. 3nd tame: Loa Anielei 011 003 03 18 S Oakland 032 010 6 13 0 McLlsn, Hide (8) and Tappei Fiona and Cultll. 3nd tame: Sen Francisco 010 811 0 0 11 3 Hourwood 404 100 11 10 3 Lien, snandor (3). Cosslns (41. Boem- ler 14) and Tleslera, Tornar (4): Walsh, O'Donnell (4), Shepard (4) and Braian. Whitman Wins Own Track Meet Walla Walla (U.B Whitman college track and field athletes captured nine first places and tied lor another to defeat four other colleges in the second annual Whitman invitational meet here Saturday. Whitman piled up 57.7 points, followed by Whitworth of Spokane with 46, Eastern Oregon 41.3, Northwest Nazar ene 17 and Yakima Junior col lege 9. Eastern Oregon's Bill West was high-point man with 12.2 points. He won the high hurdles, tied for first in the high Jump, was second in the shot put, and third in the low hurdles. 2nd fame: Saoramento 000 100 01 S 0 San Dleto 000 102 -3 8 1 c-ables and Rltcheri Smith and Poee- kar. Livesay Wins Emerald Trophy Eugene (U.B Jim Livesay, co-captain of the University of Oregon baseball team, today was holder of the 1953 Emerald athletic trophy, top award giv en each, year to a graduating athlete. Livesay. leading hitter of the Ducks and a three-year var sity letterman, is third winner of the award. It is sponsored jointly by the athletic depart ment and the Daily Emerald, campus publication. - Medford Sends 12 to State Meet Medford VP) Medford high school easily won a District 3 track meet here Saturday, scoring 146 Vi points to 93 H for -Grants Pass. Klamath Falls had 92, Ashland 52 ft, Crater 34, Eagle Point 6V&, Illinois Valley 5 and Phoenix 2. . Medford qualified 12 en trants for the state track meet. BEST BUY'S BUICK Ready for Delivery NEW 1953 SPECIAL SEDAN Heoter-Defroiter Foomtex Cushions Clock Chrome Wheel Trim Two-tone Green License only 2799 Otto J. vilson COMPANY Commercial at Center MELROSIE! Straight BoURBON Whiskey EIGHT YEARS OLD NINETY 90 PROOF Is JTHL: L Q p years $ 1. T,.HS8 B0URB0V SE25 lA 14W 'WP N MOOf.ITRAISHT BOURBON WHISKCT.MEIROSE OISDIURS, INC., NEW YORK. Nit. first place in the National when Roy Campanella hit his fourth homer in two days, added a pair of doubles and drove in all the runs in a six hit triumph for Billy Loes, who made it four wins against one defeat to top the Dodger staff. And More of Same The Milwaukee Braves twice topped the Cubs, 6 to 2 on Max Surkont's four-hitter for his fourth straight win, and 4 to 1, behind rookie Don Liddle's two-hitter. . The two wins mov ed them into third place. The Giants also won a pair, 4 to 0, behind three-hit pitch ing by Sal Maglie, and 3 to 2, on a ninth inning homer by Bobby Hofman. The Beds, who have encount ered rough' going, rebounded to defeat the Cardinals 4 to 2 and 5 to 2 as first Bubba Church and then Ken Raffens berger turned in strong pitch ing performances. . YOU CANT AFFORD this kind of protection BUT almoit everyone can have fire protection 36S day. of the year with a policy from the Farmers' Mutual Insurance Co. of Enumclaw! Since 1898 thi reputable Imuranee Company hai been protecting thouiandi of homei with iniurance that eoifl leu if you can qualify. Csrl E. P- Arndt 1010 Electric Avenue Salem, Oreson Deaslas B. Bsker el8 liaeonle Bldr. Sslem, Oreton B. A. Oaenlhner 418 Mssonie Bids'. Salem, oreton " . nan . inner . ancf im William D. Kerr 841 N. Capitol Salem, Oreaor. David L. Melsen 3037 Falrlroundl Road Salem, Oreton Bonald O. Nichols 418 Masonic Bids. Salem, Oreson Kobert O. teller 184 a. Bleb Street Salem. Oreton courmmimt INSURANCE to go to Sah Francisco on the SfiaStaVafliqit eappayiem P'U'H 1 II .giiii'l'.ini iiii)iiiiiis aiae.a Misai it S fllll to go by train the relaxed, easy, dependable way and of all the trains in Americ you'll find the Shasta Daylight one of the finest It's the luxury streamliner every one can afford. You'll enjoy its ultra modern chair cars with King-Size windows, sponge rubber re clining seats, gay coffee shop, spacious dining car and exciting Timberline Tavern. Reserved seat to San Francisco (not including tax), Lrsa- I you'll fee Oregon's Soaring Cascades, 14,161 foot Mt. Shasta, the Sacramento River canyon by day. you'll relax .. . meet people, snooze, read, enjoy the scenery. Have f un. Leave Portland 7:45 A.M.; Salem, 9:00 A.M.; Albany, 9:29 A.M.; Ipugene, 10:13 A.M.; Klamath Falls, 2:23 P.M. Arrive in San Francisco 11 :15 VM. same night l(All times PST), From Solent f I n life n f-'l lip Fv 1 7 III 11 kJJ0 AMERICA'S MOST MODERN TRAINS C. A. Lanon, Agent Phone 3-9244