Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 11, 1953, Page 11, Image 11

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Salem Divides
At Vancouver
Salem's Senators enjoyed the
second day of a two-day rest
today, as they prepared to
open a series with the Lewis
ton Broncs at Waters park
Tuesday night.
Ralnm nl!t a J..U11 l
at Vancouver Saturday, losing
me aiiciuuuii game f-S, DUl
winning the nightcap 7-3 as
Bob Collins registered his third
straight victory.
Calgary and Edmonton open
their home seasons in the West
ern International baseball
league tonight with Edmonton
hoping to break a one-run jinx
and the Stamps bent on con
tinuing their iatest scoring
Eight Physical
Ed Staff ers at
EWCE May Quit
Spokane (Pi The head foot
ball coach and seven other
members of the physical edu
cation department at Eastern
Washington College of Educa
tion turned in "qualified res
ignations" Saturday.
The Chronicle said it under
stood all will quit if W. B.
(Red) Reese is retained as ath
letic director or in any other
capacity. Reese, who has been
at the school. 23 years, was not
available for comment.
J. Harold Anderson, chair
man of the school's board of
, trustees, confirmed that the
resignations had been submit
ted but didn't elaborate. He
said the board is unfamiliar
with the situation.
Abe Poffenroth, a football
tar at Eastern under Reese
and head football coach since
1947; Eddie Billings, an assist
ant; Wally Beard, swimming
coach; Richard Hagelin, An
nette Dustin, Marlys Bridg
ham, Jan Patterson and Ruth
Kriehn turned in the resigna
tions, the Chronicle said.
Anderson would confirm
only that Poffenroth was on
the list. Poffenroth is also dean
of men at the Cheney, Wash.,
school 16 miles west of here.
Cece West, assistant basket
ball, football and baseball
coach, has already resigned to
take'a high school job.
" The board was scheduled to
meet later Saturday but An
derson said he doubted if it
would be able to take final
action on the resignations at
this time; He said the board
would probably conduct an in
vestigation. Reese, president of the na
tional association of intercol
legiate athletics last year, went
to Eastern in 1930 as athletic
director and head coach
gave up football to Poffenroth
but has continued as track and
basketball coach.
Antelope Survey
To Be Conducted
Portland (P) -The Oregon
Co-operative Wildlife Research
unit prepared today to under
take a three-county survey of
antelope to determine the rea
sons for an apparent difference
between the -number of ante
lope born in recent years and
the number that shows up in
fall checks. -
The unit plans to keep a con
stant check on the antelope in
Lake, Harney and .Malheur
counties during the spring and
summer months.
Results of the study also will
be used as a basis for an analy
sis of prevailing conditions on
the antelope ranges'.
Portland Golfers
Score Another Win
Portland VP) Portland uni
versity posted its 12th victory
In 13 starts when it beat the
University of British Colum
bia 11-7 in a golf match here
Saturday. Portland's Gil Frey
and Bruce Cudd tied for med
alist with 74s.
fnllfie but bill: Collt of Idiho at WtllimtU Ml).
Ccllet flfi Pacific tt Willimttt.
College tennti: Pacific t Willtmettt.
fUtt hlch chool ten nit ebanplenihlpi. Cvmllli.
Wcilern Interna lions. letRDe baiiballi Wenatche it Otlfarr, Yakima tt Kd
Hi on ton, Victoria at Vancouver. -
Get those brakes relined now for those long Spring
drives. This Special Is for popular cars and for a limited
time only. Hurry!
Top Quality Lining
All Work Guaranteed
0 Car Called For
Batdorf's Firestone Store
14th & State St. ' Phone 3-9582
Twin Bill
Edmonton dropped a twin
bill at Wenatchee Sunday and
both defeats were by a single
run. Wenatchee took the open
er 3-2 and the nightcap 1-0.
Calgary and Yakima split a
doubleheader at Yakima where
Danny Rios hurled the Bears
to a 4-3 victory over the
Stamps in the opener. Calgary
went into high gear in the
nightcap and waltzed to a 16-0
The Lewiston Broncos, sur
prise package of the league,
took Spokane in both ends of
a day-night twin bill at Spo
kane. The Broncos turned in
a 3-1 victory in the afternoon
opener and came up with four
runs in the tenth inning of the
nightcap to salt away an 8-4
Monday night's action is
limited to the Canadian circuit
with Wenatchee at Calgary,
Yakima at Edmonton and Vic
toria at Vancouver.
Spillmcn and
Brande Gain
Elks Finals
Evangelist Don Splllman
and Lebanon's Jack Brande
will clash in the finals of the
championship flight in the
Elks club mid-Willamette val
ley golf tournament at Salem
Golf club next Sunday.
Splllman and Brande won
their way into the finals by
registering victories over
Dusty Woods and Cliff Ellis,
respectively, yesterday.
Spillman defeated Woods 4
and 2. The play ended on the
16th hole with Spillman three
under par. He had shot six
birdies en route.
The championship match
will be played over a 36-hold
route next Sunday, beginning
at 9 a.m.
Playing in the same four
some as Spillman and Brande
will be Bert Victor and Jim
Hunt, finalists', in the first
flight. . .
Matthews and
Beshore Meet
In Portland
Portland U.B Harry Mat
thews and - Freddie Beshore
took things easy today after
winding up training for their
10-round heavyweight match
here tomorrow night.
Both lighters went through
their paces at Barnes hospital
across the river in Vancouver
yesterday and both pronounced
themselves ready for the bout
Promoter Tex Salkeld said
800 general admission tickets
wnnld no on sale at 7 D.m.
Tuesday at the auditorium. He
said a few other ducats also
were still available,
Oregon State
Track Team
Defeats Idaho
Moscow, Ida. W.PJ Oregon
State's defending champion
Beavers were on top of 'the
Northern Division baseball race
today. OSC downed Idaho 3-2
here Saturday to make a clean
sweep of its four-game Inland
Empire invasion.
The Beavers hold a 6-2
record against 8-3 for Oregon
and lead the Ducks by a few
percentage points.
Six Baseball
Players Killed
Nome, Tex. (P A passen
ger train slammed into a car
at 60 miles an hour Sunday
night killing six persons near
this East Texas town.
The victims were members
of the Beaumont, Tex., All
Stars Negro baseball team.
They were going home from
a game played here.
Bob Rush of the Chicago
Cubs led the National league
pitcher in hitting during the
1952 season. He batted .292.
Bearcat Track
b:? IhLjfidS, ti
v. .$
Racing Derelict
i $25,000 racing car after it smacked a wall at 135 m.p.h in
a practice spin. The driver, Cliff Griffith, 37, who placed
ninth in the 1952 Memorial Day race, was seriously
Injured. He got out alone but suffered extensive second
degree burns and back injuries. The - car was wrecked
beyond repair in time for the 1953 race, May 30. (UP
Salem Oregon Monday, May 11, 1953 Pgae 11 '
1 4,000 Fans See O'Brien
Crack World Shot Record
Fresno (U.R) - The touring
track and field athletea set
their eyes on new records on
new fields today as they aimed
for trophies at the Coliseum
Relays in Los Angeles Friday,
and the California Relays at
Modesto Saturday! ' '
But it is doubtful that any
thing as dramatic as big Parry
O'Brien's shot-putting per
formance in the West Coast
Relays here Saturday night will
be witnessed by fans in these
cities. w
O'Brien, who tossed the 16
pound ball 59 feet, inches,
will be gunning for an even
better mark at these two
events, but even if he again
3 Handicaps
Fired at Salem
Gun Club Sunday
Three handicap shoots were
conducted at the Salem Gun
club Sunday.
H. Warrens and John Glaser
tied with 46-50 in the presi
dent's handicap, with Glaser
winning a shoot-off. '
O. F. Wooley won the Imlah
handicap with a score of 48x50.
Jim Van Keulen was runner
up with 47x50.
The Park Tbede handicap
was won by Larry Imlah with
40x50. Dick Baker and R. R.
Bailey tied for runner-up spot
with 46x50.
. High over-all for the shoot
was fired, by Dave Wallace of
A registered shoot is sched
uled for the Salem Gun club
May 24. -
McKenzie Paces
OCE Thinclads
Monmouth UP) Linfield
scored 7214 points Saturday
to defeat Oregon College of
Education and Portland State
in a track meet here,
OCE had 45 points, edg
ing Portland State with 44.
Don McKenzie, OCE fresh
man from Salem, tied for first
in the high Jump and won the
100 and 220-yard dashes and
the broadjump for the indi
vidual high score of 17
points. ;
Bonded Lining
Slightly Higher
.With' buDSta Toesd&y
$v tr
Speedway officials at Indianapolis
rather about burned wreckage of
cracks the record, it would be
I""" - 0!8"1.8110 -
e reriormances
The 225-pound Southern
California star, who already
held the Olympic crown in the
event, stole the show here from
such fine performances as a
13.6 mark in the big hurdles by
teammate Jack Davis; a 241
feet. 10 inch heave in the Javel
in by Cy Young; and a 9.5
mark in the 100-yard dash on
a windy night by Les Laing,
the Jamaican who runs for
Fresno State.
Parry made his record
Duckpin Playoffs
Get Underway
At B and B Alleys
Willamette Art Tile bowls
against Les Newman's to
night at B and B duckpin al
leys to determine second
place in the second half City
league standings.
The Art Tilers and New
man's tied for second In reg
ular second half play.
Winners of tonight's play
off will roll against Capp's
Used Cars tomorrow night to
decide third place for the
over-all season.
First and second places
will be determined tomor
row night, also, when Fros
ty Olson's, wluners of the
second half, meets Kay's
Radio, first half champions.
sWjf ay
pol'0" Jeejf
It's where they keep the 'Jeep' . . . when the Jeep' is
not busy ... but on most farms the door's wide open.
Year around, the 'Jeep' is kept on the go, for it fills the
need of so very many tasks on a farm ... for farm trans
portation, for hauling, for pushing, and, with power
take-off, it supplies numerous shaft and belt driven
operations . . . there is little wonder the door of the
'Jeep's' garage stands open the 'Jeep's' off working.
New 1953 -.-Wheel-Drive Universal 'Jeep powered
by the famous llurricant F-Head Engine ... 20 more
horsepower, increased performance with greater
operating economy.
352 H. High SI.
Benson Sets Willamette
Record in High Hurdles
Despite four firsts by Lewis
and Clark's high-regarded track
athlete, Caley Cook,. Willam
ette won its sixth consecutive
dual meet victory at McCul
loch stadium Saturday, defeat
ing the Pioneers 77-55.
Fans who came to the sta
dium to see Cook perform
weren't disappointed in the
least, as the Negro flash cop
ped firsts in the 100 and 220
yard dashes, the low hurdles,
and the broad jump.
But almost stealing the show
from Cook was Willamette's
Dean Benson, a freshman from
Bend, who established a new
all-time school mark in the
high hurdles, skipping . the
sticks in 15.1. That was two
tenths of a second faster than
the previous record, set only
this month by Benson himself.
Willamette had nine first
places in the 14 events. Don
Empey won two of them, the
mile and the two-mile.
Five Willamette-Lewis and
Clark meet records were estab
lished Saturday. Benson's mark
in the high hurdles was, of
course, one of them.
smashing toss iust as 14,000
fans stood up for the playing
of the national, anthem and
practically every fan in the
stands had their eyes on him.
They let loose with a deafen
ing roar as the bail pounced
off the 80-loot chalK line.
Trillins Take Title
They all were certain it was
wona a rtruuru, tuu mw tape
measure proved they were cor
rect. .' 1
As usual. Southern Califor
nia won the team title. It was
the Trojans 21st title here In
27 attempts. They scored as
points in the open intercollegi
ate division to o lor secona
place Stanford. California came
third with 28, followed by the
U. S. Naval Training Center
from San Diego with 21 17.
Los Angeles City College won
the junior college division wun
29 67 points.
Tldtt for Taft, Orcaon Mar, IMS
(Compiled bT V- S. Coait and Oeodttlo
Sorter, Portland, Ortron)
Mar Hlih Watero Low Wattri
Tlmt Heltnt Tlmt Htliht
11 11:34 a.m. 3.0 9:08 a.m. -1.0
10:47 p.m. M 4:41 P.m. 1.1
11 . 13:31 p.m. 3.1 5 a.m. -1!
11:37 p.m. 7.4 3:35 p.m. 3.0
13 1:1 p.m. 3.1 :43 a.m. -1.3
:10 p.m. 3.3
. 14 13:07 a.m. 7.4 7:37 a.m. -l.
' 3:03 P.m. 3.0 0:95 p.m. 3.0
14 13:43 a.m. 7 3 3:13 a.m. -1.7
3:87 p.m. 4.3 7:43 p.m. 1.3
It 1:39 a.m. 3.8 8:37 a.m. -1.4
1:47 p.m. 4.8 8:33 p.m, 3.8
17 ' 1:13 a.m. 8.4 8:43 a.m. -0.3
4:38 p.m. 4.8 8:30 p.m. 3.0
18 3:00 a.m. 8.8 . 10:31 a.m. -0.8
8:31 p.m. 4.8 10:39 p.m. 3.1
18 3:93 a.m. 1.3 11:18 a.m. 0.0
8:31 p.m. 4.8
SO 4:17 a.m. 4.7 19:01 a.m. 1.8
7:07 p.m. 3.9 13:08 p.m. 0.4
Others were by Empey In
the two-mile, 10:18.3; Willam
ettte's Jim Hitchman in the
shot put, 45 feet, S inches; Wll
lamette's Layton Gilson in the
discus, 136 feet, 6 inches; and
Cook in the broad Jump, 22
feet, 4 V4 inches.
Results: -
mi 1, Smixr. W: t, SUpht&ion,
W; 1, BirtUll. IiC. Tlmt. 4'.4.
4401. Griffith. Wl 1, MlHU, Wi
, Hullnt. LC. Time, li t.
looi, cook. LC; s, zoUch, w; I,
Cocktnt, W. Tlmt, 10.1.
Klih hunUo L Euuoa. W; S. Schro.
dir. LC: I. Huff, w. Tim lf.l.
no l. Miuvr. w; 3. jiotu, wi ,
Qulnn. LC. Tlmt. :0t.T.
3301. Cook. LC: 1. Vu Bora, W;
, Griffith, w. Tlmt, ll.l.
Tvo milt 1. Empty. W: S. Butlltt.
LC: I. PbUlhH. LC. Tlmt. 10: U.I.
Low hardlM 1, Cook, LC; 1, Btuon,
W: 3, Schromtr, LC. Tlmt. 3S..
Reltr 1. Wltltmtttt (Ullkr. HovU.
Griffith, Bortmtnnl. Tlmt. :M.
fihot put 1, Hitchman. w; 3, Aatmt,
LC: I, Ollton, w. DliUnct, 45 fttt, I
Jtvelln 1, Ntptrud, Wl , Bttphtni,
Lei 3, Martin, W. cutanea, 131 Ittt, 0
DUcua I, OUton, W: I, Adama, LC:
Porttr, L. DUtanca. 133 Ittt. lnehti.
Polt Tault 1. Malcolm, W; 3, Otncltr.
LC; 1, Noland, L. Htliht, 11 Ittt, 3
Hlih Jump I, cniodt, lo; 3, tit m
twttn colvard, W. and Otniltr, - L,
Htliht. I fttt, 10 Inchtt.
Broadjump 1, Cook. Lot S, Chlodo,
LC: 3, Shantla, W. DUtanco, S3 fttt.
, ' t
Pendleton Open
To Draw Golf
Stars of NW
Pendleton (U.B Many of
the Pacific northwest's top
golf stars were expected ' to
participate in the $2,000 Pen
dleton open golf tournament
scheduled May .18-20, Harold
West, in charge of entries, said
He said leading profession'
als have indicated they will
sign up. Former champions ex
pected to compete include Ken
Tucker, Everett, Wash., and
Ron Clark, The Dalles ama.
teur. . . ' !.
Chuck' Congdon, Tacoma,
who won the event in 1948 and
again in 1951, will be unable
to compete. West said.
Oregon State
Leads Northern
Moscow, Ida. U-R Oregon
State's track team defeated
Idaho 75-57 in a Northern Di
vision meet Saturday. Merv
Brock of OSC ran the 100'
yard dash in 9.7 while the
Beavers' Ralph ' Sutton threw
the javelin 207 feet six inches
for a new meet record.
Hagerty Wins
Stock Car Race
Royce Hagerty, .'piloting
1952 Ford, won the 50-lap
main . event of Saturday
night's stock car racing pro
gram at Hollywood Bowl.
Hagerty finished more than
a half lap ahead of the second
place car, Ray Gericke.
Ray Ellott s brand new 19E3
Dodge was third,, despite a
blown tire on the fifth lap.
Elliott drove the last 45 laps
on a flat.
Yt, wa movad to now addrass, 1201 South Commercial, wo Imagln that
Odd rots sounds famriiar to many of you, probably because It was Hain't
Sporting Shop. Wo Hop it will remain familiar to you as Green's Sporting
Shop. Wa will do our bast to carry on in tho tamo friendly way at Mr. Hain.
To all of our old customers and to all of our new, wo extend a cordial invita
tion to drop In and tee us.
,1201 J. Com'l.
f f
l Ft. HIK3!,t J!! t
' MKtf
f m, ,16 in
. W4CH .
"74' 67".
NOtMAl "
40- 19"
13 IN, 12M
, T
11 IN. M A IN.
35 W. 32 in
1 'JllCfM-
16 IN. t
21 IN. 22IN
. CAl '
.14 IN. 14i M
' ANKlf -' '
9 IN
How They Measure up
ano and Jersey Joe Walcott
scheduled for Friday night
Willamette Wins Pair of
. 1
Thrillers from
' Willamette university's base
ball team preserved its tie for
first place in Northwest confer
ence standings Saturday with a
thrilling . twin . victory over
Whitman, fl-5 and 1-0, at Mc
Cnlloch stadium.
The Bearcats put a sudden
finish to both games. They got
a run in the bottom of the ninth
Inning in the first game, and
scored in the bottom of the
eighth of the nightcap, sched
uled for seven innings.
The winning run in the first
game came when Chuck Lewis
scored on a single by Dave
A squeeze fcunt broke up the
second game. Lester Akeo
squeezed Elmer Haugen in
from third base.
Dave Gray, who relieved
Mickey Coen in the seventh in
ning of the opener, got credit
for the victory in that game.
Andy George tossed the Wil
lamette win In the nightcap,
allowing only three hits. Wil
lamette was held to two hits
by Sid. Arenson of Whitman.
Arenson had the misfortune
55 Archers
Participate in
Sunday Shoot
Fiftr-flve archers oartlcfant-
ed in the Mother day snoot -
the Jabberwalkie field archery
club headquarters Sunday,
Bob Norten won the men's
division, with Lewis Johnson
second and Chuck Anglln third
In women's shooting, Mar
garet Springer was first. Fern
Epperiy second and Evelyn
Hoxsey third.
Carol Springer won the jun
ior division, followed by Ver
non Hill and Tom DeSart.
In the pee-wee shoot, Jimmy
Hoxsey was first, Sharon Ep
periy second and Pat Jamison
- A weiner roast followed the
PHONE 2-0781
6winlid Pail Control Ssrvlct
265 SO. 20TH
It's easy to own an EVINRUDE
Thousands have bought Evlnrude this easy way!
Drop In and open an account in our "Own an
Evlnrude" Club, Make deposits at regular in
tervals. Sooner than you'd guess, the motor of
your choice will be all your ... for years of
boating and fishing fun. Call and see our com
plete line of Evinrudes, boats and boating equipment.
Ph. 3-6050
1 1 4 t r
185 til
, 4 J (N
14 IN
10 IN.
This is how Heavyweight
: Champion Rocky Marcl-
compare for their title boat
in Chicago. (AP Wirephoto.)
of being losing pitcher in both
games. He relieved starter
Gene Lepage in the seventh in
ning of the opener, and went
the route in the nightcap, giv
ing up only two bits.
WUItatttt )
(I)' WblttMB
nrtt soma
Reed, lb
0,3 olfecr, lilt
1 1 Ward.3b 4 113
lKllckr.3 1 S 1
1 OHnan.U 1 0
IPaln.cI 1 S
1 ILdmclU S 1 11
1 0 Nther.c 4 S t I
0 OSkbna.r 3 8
1I4P,B S S 1
S 0 Anun,p I
Shield, rf
Total 81 II 17 t Tottlj U 134 U
Whitman 000 001 no t I
Wlilamttt 110 001 001 11 1
wlnntns pttohtr Orar. Lotus pitch tr:
Artnion. ' .
Pitcher: , V AS I t ED IOM
Orar ....... 8 8 0 0 0 1
Coen . 37 I
Leptn 18 10 S 8 11
Arenson .... I 10 1 1 1 4
HBPwLodmtll br Coent suacstr by ,
Arenaon. WP Ootn. LOS WUlamttt
8, Whitman x Perlman. Ward. 3BH .
Hauttn, Lodmall, Xlaaattr. 3BH Reed,
MeQTtw, Ntntr. rtrunan 3, Kira .
tndau, naater, coen, Mcortw. ward 1,
Kllektr, Nehtr. DP Parlman to Hanatm
to Rttd; Kotpf to Parlmant KUcker to
IteOraw to Lodmell. TUno 3:00. Vu
plrta Rasew, Campbeu.
A V '
Second saint:
Willamette (l) .1 ) whltaMm '
... a K o A : . B H O A
LevU,ot 1 OHcOrw.t 8 3 3 1
Hauttnja 1 t 3 lWard.3k 1
tPerlman,! 11 lKllekr.J 4 1 1 1 t lHmnJt 4 t 1
IKoepl.e 1 Iraln.ct S 1 1 "'
Irirksdl,! 1 1 t lLdmtU.1 8 t 11 Xttm.e 3 4 1
' ltMeva.rt S , 1 (OoII.rt ' 1
IOoona.V'1 4 4 1 ArBan. - S S
..J.,; :.!-,:.!jr:tv
.Total 14 1 14 Total MIDI
a Ran lor Soepi In 7th.
Whitman , 000 000 OOO S S
WUlamttt 000 000 Oll 1 S
Wlnnl pltchtr Otorit. Loalm plten
r Arenioo.
Pltchrr: IP AB H R BB SO SO
Oeore t 39 8 0 O 10 1
Arenton .... M ' 1 1 0 4 S
WP Arenaon. LOB Wlilamttt 10,
Whitman 7. JC Perlman, Reed, Ocorte,
Mcorew, Wrd, Kllcker. 3BH McOrew.
RBT Kirkendall. Sao. Hauitn. Klrk-
andaU 1, Eltuw, Perlman, SB Xltaattr.
Tim 1:40. Umplr Oampbell, Reel.
Danny McShain Cad Kngalrm
AI Sun ra Johnny Demchook
Oeorre Drake vs Frank Jantes
Tommy Marilndale vs
Buck Weaver
TUESDAY, 8:30 P.M.
JpoM9fid by in. Isoloii Ms. f