Parents Hear Meeting Call " Over 1700 invitations are being tent parents by student In the ninth grade In Leslie Junior High, Parrlih Junior high and Weit Salem Junior high schools. Theae students will enter Salem high school . this fall and the parents are urged to attend the Salem high PTA meeting to hear E. A. Carleton, principal Thursday night In the school library. Carleton will speak " on "Preparation for High School" This is the final PTA meeting for the year and will convene at 8 o'clock, Parents of students In their senior year who plan to fur ther their education In some college this fall are alio asked to be present and receive some j neipiui uuornuuDD in msu tration. Teachers and inter- . csted public are invited. Mrs. John Mlmlfle, program chairman, has arranged special graduation exercises following the business meeting. Re ports of the state convention held In Medford recently will he given by Stewart Leek and Mrs. O. W. Green, delegates from Salem High PTA. Mrs. Maude Merlan will give reading, Mrs. George Matter, one of the graduates will re view the past ' Looking Sack- ward." i The newly elected officers will be installed. They are: president, Cecil Monk; vice- president, Mrs. Dennis Patch; second vice-president, Don DuBois; secretary, Mrs. My ron Butler; treasurer, James Hardie. Stewart Leek will confer honors on the retiring presi dent, George A. Hall and his officers. The hostess committee is In charge of Mrs. Gilbert Jones , and assisting will be Mrs. John : Glenn, Mrs. Leonard Golblatt, Mrs. Rollin Stearns, Mrs. K. W. Hamilton, Mrs. W. H. . Matthews, Mrs. John A. Olson, Mrs. A. D. Seal, Mrs. Francis Smith and Mrs. R. W. Van Horn. , t No further regular meetings will be held until the faU school term. St. Paul Girl Gets High Post St. Paul For the third time, a student from the St, - Paul Union High School Stu dent Council has been selected by the State Adivsory Commit tee to attend the National Con vention of Student Councils which will be held this year In Portland, Ore., June 15-18. ;' Miss Darlene Pelland, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pelland of St: Paul, is the re cipient of the honor this year. Darlene has been active In the affairs of the St. Paul high school student council, holding the present position of secre tary. She has been elected stu dent body treasurer for the coming school year of 1953-54. Darlene Is a junior this year, i Twice before the St, Paul student body has been repre sented at a national conference. Four years ago, Tom Kirk at tended the national convention at Denver, Colo., and two years ago, Eileen Wolf attended the conference at Boston, Mass. Delegates are expected in Portland from most of the 48 stales with a total number of somewhere around 800 expect ed. Building Slows Lebanon Another low mark ! in building was registered dur ing April when business per mits called for but $34,200 in cost construction of homes and business buildings. Three resi dences are being built at a to tal cost of $30,000, one private garage is costing $2,000, re modeling of three residences, another $1,000, and three bus iness remodelings, $1,200. Tired?Weak?Run-Down? "he miir ti mvr" UUUIEIIHIE TIRED DL00D -..J C.l Cj f . . reek ouunvcT rasti when yon twrls to tol tlrtd by tht ktlddlt of th dr . . wbn yoa look pile, 1 nu vrvryuiiiiff ymj ihi eta ruori , , , uitl you may bt rafftting from troo drflcltjncy ftoraila. Your blood ia tired, not on ta nr. To rjn.nlV your tired blood fait, try Ocritol, to MdlcaltypproTcd blood tout vast iiAru id treoKUMD una blood w.tbla 14 botirm. 1 Jat t UbiMDoont of Gtrltol Mntln twice) tht Iron In a pound of calm' titer, I t limn nm iron in a ponna oi cpinirn. Within ona day Qtrltof brinft atrcnsUf Iiving Iron to tired artnt, ), back. Voo 1 IreniM fait In 7 tUyt or money Uck I Try Gerltol today In titbtr liquid or ,Why Suffer Any Longer Whtn ethwi ftti, um ear Chlntit rwntdlu. Amutnff lueetu for 1000 tn ta China. No ntittr with whti tllmcnK nil r afflicted, dlioMjrt, Inuutu, hmt. Iuu, Mm, kldnm, iu, amaup.tlca, nlnra. IHbu, rheaaillam, tail and bladder ftrtr. CHARLIE CHAN csroresiBMac. OfflM Hnra to S Ih uS 81. wtr M4 N. CMBircUl am tin OBS. FREE PRIZES! Free Demonstrations! Win an Electric Range! Wm No Down Pa A Few Cents a Day buys a PHILCO the EASY METER MATIC WAY! i ,,. niHii im i ii "TIT2ttrM9T T O cBurt treet tre . TNa fl jL Iji TO ATTEND yment Th ntw, easy way to' buy Hurt's how It works! ; A W dslivsr your PWU WHfc I no down payment. ' 2Th new Metsr-mstic with in srtsd coin banV Ii connecttd to your Phlleo. 3 You jurt dtpoiit a quarter day Into the mstsr. 4 You rtmov the little coin bank iuit one month snd bring it to Roberts Broi. at your monthly payment and wt give you a receipt! Stmpl and taiy ... you bet it is! TJia meter-mafic it the "painless way of pay ing." No Urge sums et the end of the month : ... 30 easy "loose change" pay ment,; You pay as you uie. It's juit like ' buying bread and butter at the grocery store. Buy your Philco today the easy Meter-matic wa.y! Liberaf Trade-ins! iWif GREEN STAMPS 2 CD (fife (bra mm ssssMsiBsitsaw Tor only . . . and it's a BIG 7.5 cu. ft. Refrigerator ES, 7.2 cubic feet 20 L mora rofriReralor than a "nix"! Plus full width freezing , compartment a luxury Ad vanced Design feature yours only from Philco at this Rotat ing low price. See it now! g-A rate food or, um for covered M meat itoraso or ilt wjrrtaWe crlffpwr. dZ35P nmco 701 Ql 1 1C Sftf-Omins floor I Latch Rimd. Cor- ration-Proof Strtl Shelves Phileo Suprr Power Sytttm 6-Ytar Protection Plan NO DOWN PAYMENT TRADE MARK COOKING SCHOOL TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY fc&nti&A- MAY 12 and 13 ' riwivi x to p.m. EMwn lm i COURT STREET 1 ) , MISS MARY UW Director of Home Economics for the A. J. Lindemann & Hoverson Company of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, is a graduate of the School of Home Economics of the University of Wisconsin, and has had wide experience as a teacher Tf Home Economics and as Home Service Director lor a large utility. Miss Underhill is di rector of the LECTRO-HOST test kitchen where constant cooking, baking and food E reservation tests are conducted on all &H appliances. Because of her exten sive experience and familiarity with to day's kitchen problems, her presenta tions are uniformly interesting. L & H Electric Range No. 8822 289.95 ROBERTS APPLIANCE DOWNSTAIRS Special Cbmbination Offer! Big 9.3 Cu. 't. Capacity Brand new! Not a "back number" model... you get factory delivery in original factory crates. And what features! Full-Width Freezer. Full-Length Cold. F.xtra-Deep Crisper. Stain- Froof Porcelain Enamel n tenor. Sold nationally everywhere at $269M Complete 31 Piece Cutlery let Bread knife, paring knife, meat ' cleaver, ladle, spatula. Many morel Knives are all Stainless Steel. Imported Roeewood han dles. Handy wall rack for uten sils. A handsome set . . . from one of the world's leading man ufacturers of kitchen cutlery. Sold at retail for '40 YOU SAVE toooo aeanti iniiMittot Moon ta $2M.W met "mm KiiN" ciminy $n $ 40,00 torn (m.tS T0U PT SUIT $1115 YOU SAVE 90 WE GIVE AND REDEEM ?H GREEN STAMPS i