THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Social Items Are Reported for Week Marlon Lele Norrli Wesleyan Service guild of the ririt Methodist church ii meeting on Monday evening in the fel lowihlp room of the church at 8 o'clock. On the nostes committee are Mr. Isa bella Kenagy, Mrs. Gladys Slathers and Mrs. Mary Brown. Junior Woman's club is to meet Mon day evening at Salem Woman's club. Elections will be conducted for all officers, except the president, who was named at the last meeting. Refresh ments will follow the business session. The board meets at 7 o'clock preced ing the general club meeting. Meeting next Friday will be the . Woman's auxiliary to St. Paul's EpJs v copal church, at 1:S0 o'clock in the par iah house. Mrs. Prince W. Byrd and Mrs. T. W. Creech are hostesses for the tea. There will be a guest speaker for the program. A tea honoring mothers is calendared for Thursday afternoon by Marion aux iliary, Veterans of Foreign Wars. Amer ican War Mothers and American Gold Star Mothers will be especially honored at the event which is to be at 2:30 o'clock at the Veteran of Foreign Wars hMrs. Clarence Forbis Is to be general chairman, and she has named her com mittees as follows: Entertainment, Mrs. C. M. Briggs, Mr. Russell Mudd; re freshments, Mrs. Charlie Hunt, Mrs. Charles Hagan; decorations, Mrs. Leon Hansen, Mrs. Ralph O'Brien; table serv ice, Mrs. WoodroW Barnett, Mrs. Charles Hagemann; hall, Mrs. Mike Becker, Mrs. A. H. Aeschlimann. Regular business meeting for the auxiliary will be Monday at 8 p.m. at the Veteran of Foreign War hall. Del ' of ate to the department encampment In The Dalle In June will be elected. From Bur bank, Calif., come word of the birth of a daughter, Carta Troy, at Colton, on April 2S to Mr. and Mrs. Oerome T. Tasto of Burbank. Also wel coming the little girl 1 a brother, Thane Mark. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Tasto of Salem, and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Henry of Pottatown, Pennsylvania. 1 Circlet of the Woman' Society of Christian Service, First Methodlit church, will meet Wednesday at the following places: Circle 1, Mr. Waldo Marsteri, 1858 D, for dessert at 1:18 o'clock. Mrs. Ralph DiMetr and Mrs. C. R. Monk will assist the hostess. Circle 3, Mr. Fred Zimmerman, 878 Statesman, for dessert at 1:18 o'clock. Assisting wlU be Mr. Carl Abrim and Mrs. Bess Stevenson. Circle 8, Mr. Leona Johnson, 461 South High, for dessert et 1:18 o'clock. Mrs. Battle Looney and Mr; Bertha Compton will assist. Circle 4, In the Fellowship room at the church for a no-host luncheon at 12:80 p.m. ' ' . Circle 8, Mr. Loyal A. Warner, route 1, box 1, in Turner for a no-host lunch . eon at 1 p.m. Circle 6, Mrs. Don Smith, 1190 Spruce, for a no-host luncheon at 12:80 p.m. Of ficers of the circle will be assisting hostesses. Circle 7, Mrs. C. A. Love, 2811 Park Lane, at 8 o'clock. Assisting hostesses are Mrs. Severt Swanaon and Mrs. Her bert Hansen. Devotions will be led by Mrs. Zdwerd Taggart Bush School Mother club i meet in next Tuesday afternoon at 1:15 A'elAck at the school. The school band, directed by Walter Beck, principal, 1 to plsy. The four first grades are in charge of the entertainment. New offi cer will be elected for the club. The first grade mothers are to be hostess t the tea. Mr. and Mr. W. C. Brown announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss of Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Huntoon of Napa, No date is set for the wedding. The v.Hri.lact Is a senior at Salem nlgn school. Mr. Huntoon Is stationed Sheppard air force base In Texas. RECEIVES GERLINGER CUP at Officer for the summer term will be elected Tuesday evening when Chad wick assembly, Order of Rainbow for Girls, meet at the Masonic temple at 7 o'clock. Rainbow mothers and past mother ad visers will be special guesta for the Mother' Day program. Member of Chadwick chapter, Order of Eastern Star, will be in charge of the dining room, Mrs. C. L. Blodgett as chairman. . . m i. c..i.h, christian Service, Jason Lee Methodist church, will have the Pratum society a its guest for the general meeting on wean.y. slons are to begin at 10:80 a.m. in the Klrby room with luncheon to be served at noon by tne may-novtmm Devotion are being planned by Mr. Ross Wingard, the theme being "God s oi.n All One Family." Mrs. A. E. Ut- i. .ni Mr. Walter Nystrom will sing. Mrs. C. A. McClure Is in charge of the music. New members will be presented by Mrs. Gordon Black, memoersnip cnair man. The goal chart will be discussed hv Mrs. Genn Larkins and delegates will give a report of the conference in Bend this week. . Mr. nd Mrs. Howard Smith were host Thursday evening to a group of their friend. Guests at the Smith home were Mr. and Mr. W. T. Perrenboom, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Davis, Mrs. Opal Janes, Mrs. Henry Davis, Mrs. La Verne Davis, Mrs. Duaine Holmes, Mrs. Bessie Lockord, Mrs. Roy Smith, Mrs. Troy Mink, Mrs. Robert Grobe, Mr. Scott Ebright end Mr. Axel Jacobsen. Student from the planb tudlo of Miss Margaret Hogg will present a re cltal for the pleasure of friends Sunday at 8:80 o'clock in tne Kooercs biuoto. Those playing during the program are: Helen Lewis, Mary Linda Doerfler, Lynne- Kigginbotham, Samara Ramp, Jim Hart, ValLeta Hay, Irene and Carol Ann Livesay, Sally Tontz, Jon Nelson, Loree King, Diana Pearcy, Judy Reed, Sharon Elbert, Sally Mollet, Gordon Blrrell, Sara Kathryn Lauderback, Gall Zlelesch, Tanya McNall and John Wesely. May meeting for the Pest Matrons tlub, Order of Eastern Star, will be a dinner event next Friday at the Golden : Pheasant at 0:80 p.m. The newly elected officer will assume their re sponsibilities at thl meeting. Entertaining at a kidnap breakfast Friday morning was Mrs. R. O. Bowman, Attending the party were Mrs. Don Jud on, Mrs. A. A. Niederberger, Mrs. Nora Pierce, Mrs. Hubert Gatts, Mrs. Leonard Judson, Mrs. O. C. Harris, Mrs. Earl Burke, Mrs. R. L. Forster, Mrs. Axel Jacobsen, Mrs. Thomas Romaine and Mr. L. L. Hansen. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Niederberger en tertained for their daughter, Carolyn, on Thursdajr evening. The little girl was four years old on Friday. Tnwited for the anniversary party were Carolyn's grandmother, Mrs. Nora Pierce, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Rockafellow, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wolf and Sherry. tec 61 IT1 s4 ' Vi if '? , 'I f -4- East Salem Armed Forces Week to Get Stress in Salem By MARGARET MAGEE M.v ll throueh May 16 the.aon, commander nation will be observing Arm ed Forces Day and honoring the men and women serving in the Armed Force et the United States. Salem has set Thursday, May 14, a the main day for the ob servance here with the featur ed event the speech to be given by Maj. Gen. Alfred A. Kess ler, Jr., commander of the Fourth Air Force, before a luncheon meeting at the Salem National Guard armory. The general, who will be making his second visit to Sa lem since taking over hi com mand last fall, is slated to ar rive by plane shortly before noon. The luncheon has been arranged by Salem's service clubs. Just prior to the luncheon Wil lamette university's Air Force ROTC band will play In the Salem streets and then will play at the armory. Four branches of the Armed Forces re to be represented In the color guard at the armory tor the luncheon. In the group will be Master Set. Robert C Hartman, Air Force; Bruce Cairy, yeoman second class, Navy; Sgt. William Kitchen, Marine Corps; and Sgt. Law rence Baker, National Guard Among the special guest at the luncheon for which Mayor Al Lourks is to serve as chair man will be Maj. Gen. Thomas I. Rllea, Oregon's adjutant general; Ma). Gen. H. G. Mai CoonfiHL ? of the 41st division (Oregon and Wash ington National Guard); Vice Adm. Thomas L. Gatch, and the commanders of the 11 local defense establishments.- The speaker is to be introduced by Seward Reese. ' Honoring Gen. Kessler Thursday evening a reception to which the public is invited will be held In the Cave room of the Senator hotel. The hours are from 7:30 to 8:30 ,m. TAntntvalv nlannM far later that evening la a military ball with the nubile invited and a special invitation extended to men in uniform, including all branches of the reserve of all branches of the service. Two reserve installation here have planned open houses for Thursday with the public invited. Thursday afternoon is set as the time for the open house at the Salem Naval Air Facility, located on the east side of Mc Nary field, and the training site for three reserve squad-rone. Salem's organized Naval Re serve surface division will hold ami) hnii.n Thttrsdnv eveninff. which in the units regular! meeting time. Hours for the open house are 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. As pnrt of their share of Armed Forces day observance the military Installations here have planned an exhibit oi equipment and weapons on Ferry street in front or tne Armory for. Thursday between the hours of 10.30 a.m. and 8 cm. Cooperating in planning tne exhibit are the Army Reserves; Salem's National Guard units (battery D, 722nd AAA. AW battalion and companies B and D, 182nd infantry regiment); the Marine Reserves; the Na val Reserve surface division; the Naval Air Reserve Facll Among those things to be placed on exhibit will be the Navy reserves emergency com munications truck; a helicopter Naval Air Reserve exhibit truck from Seattle which con tains a cut-away jet engine; operating radar equipment, aircraft radio equipment; cut away BO caliber machine gun, cut-away propeller, radial en gine demonstrator, cut-away aircraft carburetor, aircraft ignition system and a public address system; 75 and 87 re coillesa rifle. 81 mm mortar; 40 mm gun on carrier, M-16 (four 80 caliber machine guns mounted on the back of a halt track vehicle); vehicles; 80 and B0 caliber machine guns; eu mm mortar 2.36 and 3.8 rocket launcher; new radio handy talkies; and a IBS mm gun ana the TD 18 tractor pulling the sun. and an armored vest and other piece of individual equipment used by the Marines in Korea, including com wwut r hnnti and clothing. Ma. Wilfred Schaplow is nroiect officer for Armed Forces Day onservance nere and special project officer is Lt. Comdr. James mormon Chairman of the civilian com mittee planning the observance ia Seward Reese. Others on the committee with Reese are O. N. Enger, Bernard Malnwarlng, Coburn Grabenhorst. Leo D. Reimann, Clyde L. Thommen, G. Ira Moore, Henry E. Morris and L. R. Thomas. If m ?J7f Capital Baptist Special Meeting The Capital Baptist church, 3000 Lansing Avenue, an nounces a series of special services, beginning Wednesday night. May 13 and continuing through Sunday, May 24. The speaker for the meeting will be Rev. Nolan M. Kennedy, pastor of the San Jacinto Bap tist church, Amarllo, Texas. Rev. Kennedy will preach each evening except Saturday, at 8 o'clock. Pre-services will be conducted at 7:30 for all ages and will be under the direc tion of the Sunday school, an nounce Pastor James E. Frost. These sessions will feature prayer and song. teew"HMtsMewt Twwn I siivHiii) rv viewi) if mm l - sinm Milled Mother, Daughter Banquet Planned The Klngwood Bible church women's missionary circle will hold a mother and daughter banquet at the church the night of May 12. Arrangements for the dinner were made during a meeting of the circle held early this week. Dumpy Hagler, golf coach at Duke University, 1 also a line coach with the Blue Devil football squad. Dr. Truman B. Douglas of New York, who will be a featured speaker during the 105th meeting of the Con gregational church to be held in Salem,. May 11-13. Congregational Conference Due Dr. Trumann B. Douglass of New York, executive vice president of the Board of Home Mission of the Congre gational denomination, will be a featured ipeaker for the 105th annual meeting of the Congregational conference of Oregon to be held In the First Congregational church of Sa lem May 11, 12 and 13. Dr Douglass, nationally - known radio speaker, prominent in the work of the National Coun cil of Churches and widely known among all denomina tions, will give his address on "Portrait of a Living Church" at the banquet on Wednesday evening. May 13. Other speaker Include Miss Lyda S. Houston, Congrega tional missionary of Japan and China, who returned to this country in March; the Rev. Kenneth D. Claypool of Walla Walla; Dr. Stanley U. North of New York, Church Extension secretary, and the Rev. Elmer S. Freeman of Chicago, Evan gelism secretary. The conference will open on Monday evening, May ll, with a fellowship dinner followed by the conference sermon with Dr. Duane M. Nlcol of Park rose Congregational church, Portland, as preacher, and the Communion service with the Rev. Louis E. White of the Knight Memorial church ef Salem officiating. Tuesday afternoon Dr. Wal ter C. Glersbach, Oregon state senator, will speak at the So- East . Salem Dr. Robert Anderson' was Installed as president of Hoover Parent- Teachers association meeting Monday night at the school. Others who were elected ana Installed by Denny Patch, the new -president of the Marlon County association, were: vice president, A. W. Morris; Sec retary, Mrs. jordon jonnson, and treasurer, Don Culp. Don Sebern, who represent ed the association on the Sal em Parent Council this term, reviewed the meetings of the council for the past nine months. There is to be one more meeting this year and Sebern will attend to complete the term. Mrs. Genevieve Wegner, fifth grade teacher, reported on tile conference of class room teachers from all the northwest state and Alaska at Seattle. Harry Johnson, assistant school superintendent of Salem schools, formally accepted the large picture of Herbert Hoo ver which he sent to the school. It waa accepted by Linda Se bern, as representative of the school classes. The yearly treasurer's report and the special carnival report by George Goforth were given. Hostesses for the social hour were first grade mothers with Mrs. Robert Kottke, Mrs. Geor ge Gorforth and S. L. Jackson University of .Oregon, Eugene Joan Marie Miller, above, eldest daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Vern W. Miller, 1825 Fairmount avenue, Salem, Friday night received the Gerlinger cup, one of the most coveted honors for an upperclass woman. The presentation was made et the Uni versity of Oregon junior prom, a highlight of Junior Week-end and Mother' Day Week-end on the campus. Basis for the award of the Gerlinger cup is scholarship, leadership and service. Miss Miller also is a princess in the Junior Week-end court, too, and is shown here in her official princess gown. Queen of the court is Joan Walker of Portland, her identity being announced at the junior prom also. clal Action seminar on "Inside the Legislature." Tuesday eve. ning men and women will hold separate dinners for installa tion of the officers for the Lay. men's Fellowship and Women's Fellowship. Election of con ference officers will be held on Wednesday afternoon at 2:45, At the close of the Wednesday afternoon session there will be a specially conducted tour of the state capitol. Dr. Paul A. Davies, minister and superln tendent of the conference, will give his report at 2 p.m. Tues day afternoon. serving. Several early vacation trips have been taken by East Salem residents. Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Tartar have returned to their Garden Rd., home from a three weeks trip east by train. They went east on the Northern Pa cific to Detroit for a visit with their daughter Ann and family, Dr. and Mrs. Noble Reid and two sons. They returned home on the Great Northern through Can ada stopping at Banff and Lake Louise and in Seattle visiting in the home of his brother, H. ,V Tartar and family. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dlbbern have returned to their Lan caster Dr. home from a vaca tion trip east to Nebraska where they visited with her parents at Kearney and attend ed the 80th wedding anniver sary of his parents at Grand Island. Their trip was by auto. Forestry Meeting at Molalla Thursday Two hundred and fifty-seven logging operators learned about Oregon's new forestry laws and the latest in fire pro. tection at a meeting held at Molalla Thursday night for the Clackamas - Marion and Linn districts. The meeting, arranged by the state forestry department, also featured the new Keep Oregon Green film,' "The Ene my Is Fire," which was fi nanced by logging operators and members of the Oregon Forest Fire association. Show ing the film was the executive secretary of Keep Oregon SALEM'S HEALING AND SALVATION CENTER CALL CADWELLOILCO. FUEL OIL Mtkt flWM eMffliflp MfM is ImsI PHON1 M4J1 ii aT f. :r. sMCT-l-i CALVARY CHAPEL 1143 N. Liberty Invites You to See and Hear The Amazing Ministry of CLAUDE C. HUNT THREE SERVICES SUNDAY 11:00 A.M., 2:30 P.M., 7:45 P.M. Wed. and FrL 7:45 P.M. Supernatural Gifts of Healing and Discernment Green. Albert Wiesendanger, James Walker, assistant state forester, was in charge of the meeting and assisting him were state forest inspectors, L. C. Moorehead and Frank Hamil ton and C. C. Scott and Dis trict Warden George Bunke of the Clackamas - Marion Forest Protection association. Another meeting for the two districts is sent for May 8 at Mehama. According to the American Bowling Congress the sport started 7,700 years ago when an lnvestive Egyptian devised a nine-pin game. gatnrdar, May 9, 1953 Dr. Kempf on to Talk at St. Paul's Dr. Lansing X. Kempton. ret. tor of Trinity Episcopal church in Portland, will be the princi. pal ipeaker at the Men' club meeting of St. Paul' Episco pal church Tuesday evening. The Tuesday dinner meeting will be the final until fall. Dr. Kempton has previously appeared before the Men' club and hi talk have always been received enthusiastically by the' member of the club. A large attendance i anticipated, with) all men pf the church in vited. ; Suspect Gulps Eidvence as Police Arrive Albany Were it not for numerous witnesses District Attorney Courtney Johns might have fonnd it neces sary to employ the nse of an X-ray machine to prove a forgery charge against Ev erett Arlelgh Overholser, 27, Waterloo, filed in circuit eonrt here Friday. According to information supplied Johns by Don Dash nea of Sweet Home, Over holser drove hi ear into Grovom's Richfield station at Sweet Home Thursday and purchased 18.1 gallons of gasoline. ' In payment, according to Dashnea, Overholser offer ed a 17.86 Bank of Albany check to which he signed the name of Robert L. Morse, representing that to his name. - Dashnea and other wit nesses became suspicious, his statement asserts, and Sweet Home police were summoned. The check passer wa searched and his identi ty was established as Over holser. Overholser seised the check ' from Grovom, said Dashnea, and popped it into his mouth, took a big swal low and down it went. After a struggle with Dashnea and Karel Hyer, Sweet Home officer, Over holser was arrested. He I now awaiting dlspo-' itlon of his ease in the Linn eounty jail, where he was brought. C.D.A. Election Mt. Angel Annual election of officers will take place at the -meeting of the Catholic Daughters of America at 8 p.m. Monday, May 11, at the St Mary's meeting room. SALEM FIRST CHURCH OF THf NAZARENE Center at Thirteenth SUNDAY, MAY 10th 10:50 Tribute to Motherhood 7:30 A Disturbing Question 9:45 Church School 6:30 Youth De votional Hour Ik blk b mM Selem't' Singing Church William F. Clay, Patfor MT. CREST ABBEY MAUSOLEUM CREMATORIUM , West End Hoyt St. Salem Vault Entombment and Cremation Service) Crypts Niches Urn "Indoor Memorials In Marble and Bronze" (THE TWO BETTER WAYS) Under Direction ST. MARK'S LUTHERAN 841 N. Church B. Uhn U CMM. F,M WELCOME TO WORSHIP :30 A.M. Sunday School 11:00 A.M. Morning Worship 4:00 r.M. Adalt Initr. Class ; P.M. Lather LMfim 1:9 r.M. Film Nltht In the Charrh Welcome U "v To New Building Capital Baptist Church 3000 Lamina Ave. MOTHER'S i DAY 1:45 a.m. Sunday School 1:10 p.m. Training Union .Worship 11 a.m. And 7:45 p.m. Flower te Oldest and Youngest Mother REVIVAL May 13-24 1:00 Each Irenlng 0 In H 'i f --.iW. iJ.y t I if irr" ,Mft Rev. Nolan M. Kennedy, Evangelist, Amarlllo, Texaa PA8IOR 8 SERMON SUNDAY "The Hand That Reeks the Cradle. Mt, "Wheat Ron Uk nninv. .11 "A Going Church for a Coming Savior" I Lloyd T. Rigdon, Pres. I 101 fiak1m UbiisaUmm ft. r..M.l.JMM I.. ' HEAR JANZ QUARTET Well known radio and recording artists! REV. L. E. MAXWELL Author, educator, conference speaker. REV. WILL BRUCE, Youth Speaker JACK SYMONS, Pianist, representing Prairie Bible Institute Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Prairie Rally 3:00 p.m. MUSIC MEDITATION! MESSAGE! Halbert Memorial Baptist Church 4290 Portland Rd. Robert E. Sander, Porte'