..' .aw II . V'-. i's;;-5-v- Si vAw L-J , UuUa-II tuar Studit alotnn) THEY. PLAN PROGRAM AN EVENT interesting a lure group neat week-end Is the table settinc content sponsored by the Salem YWCA. On the prorram. committee for thli event are Mra. KeynoMs Allen, at left, and Mra. Otto Skepll, Jr. Proceeds go te the YW building fond. At Convention Delegates from Salem who will at tend the state convention of Business and ..Professional Women's clubs in Grants Pass, May 15 to 17, are Miss Mil dred Yetter, Miss Betty Elofson, Mrs. George Causey, Mrs. Eugene E. Wootten and Mrs. Louis Neuir.an. Mrs. David E. Fulwider of Hollywood, Calif., national education and vocations chairman, will represent the national federation at. the conference. She will be speaker at the banquet on Saturday, May 16. Several hundred delegates from over the state are expected to attend the ses sions, the theme being "The Ramparts We Build." Officers for the Oregon Federation will be elected on Saturday. Mrs. John Versteeg of Salem is to be in spector of elections. - Final meeting of the Grant school Mothers club will be on Thursday at the school at 1:15 o'clock. There will be election of officers and annual re ports by committee chairmen. Sixth grade students who are gradu ating this year will be honored and other guests will be mothers of first grade children who will enter school next fall. Members of the executive board will serve refreshments following the meet ing. Mrs. Paul Silke entertained board members at ..her home earlier in the week. Installing' new officers at West Sa lem Woman's club on Thursday will be Mrs N. Edward Shaw. Mrs. Stanton Zelmer is the new president; Mrs. R. C. Cameron, vice-president; Mrs. Carl Oleen, secretary; Mrs. Darrel Bradford, treasurer. . Musical selections will be presented by students from Sacred Heart acad emy and refreshments will be served by Mrs. N. Edward Shaw, Mrs. Donald JKuhn, Mrs. Jack Taggart and Mrs. Guy Newgent. The meeting is at 8 o'clock. Meeting Thursday evening at the Gol den Pheasant will be Salem Toastmis tress club. Miss Constance Weinman to be toastmistress for the dinner event. Mrs. George Bcane will give the table topics. Speaking will be Miss Amanda An derson, Miss Ada Ross, Miss Alberta Shoemake, Mrs. J. B. Hansen and Mrs. Louis Ncuman. Miss Ruth Jaynes will be general evaluator and time keeper is Mrs. J. M. Hartley. Catholic Daughters of America, court Capital City, will elect new officers at Us meeting at 8 p.m., Wednesday, at the Catholic Center. Board meeting for the YWCA will be Tuesday at 9:45 a.m. at the YW. The group will discuss plans for the table setting contest May 15-17, and the an nual tea on June 4. Progress of the new building will also be covered. Amateur Artists association of Amer ica will meet at 7:30 o'clock on Tuesday at the YMCA. Mrs. L. Earl Watson will entertain members of the Accent club at her home. 1190 North H'.h, on Thursday at 8 o'clock. Co-hostess is Mrs. Jack Williams. FNAL party of the season, for Sub scription club members is arrang ed for Saturday evening, May 16, at the Marion hotel. . The social hour will be at 7:30 o'clock, the dinner at 9 o'clock. ' . , On the. committee for the evening are Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. William H. Hammond, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Keech, Mr. and Mra. Robert Drager. Honoring their daughter, Miss Joanne Blaxall, and her fiance, Gene W. Bartu, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Blaxall are enter taining at a dinner at their home next Saturday evening. The party will fol low the wedding rehearsal and attend ing will be all members of the wedding party, their friends and out-of-town rel atives coming for the wedding. ' Miss Blaxall and Mr. Bartu are to be married Sunday afternoon, May 17, in the First Congregational church, the re ception following to be at the Knights of Columbus hall. Among out-of-town relatives expect ed for the wedding are Mrs. William Barber of Eugene, cousin of the bride, and Mr. Barber; and two aunts of the bride, Miss Candice Lynn and Mrs. Reu ben Lynn, both of Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Mr. Bartu is the son of Mr. and Mrs. , Mylo Bartu of Waldport. Young matrons of the church will be special guests at a luncheon on Wednes day given by Evelyn de Vries circle, Woman's Society of Christian Service of the Leslie Methodist church. Mrs. Ar lie Largent will lead devotions and Mrs. Mason Bishop is in charge of the pro gram which follows the 12:30 o'clock luncheon. Laurel Social Hour club is meeting next Tuesday for luncheon at 1:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. J. M. Fan drich, 2390 State street. The program will honor mothers. - Delta Gamma Province Event Here A conference drawing a large group to Salem next Friday. Saturday and Sunday, May 15, 16 and 17, will be the province convention for Delta Gamma sorority. Members of the Willamette university active chapter and the Salem alumnae club are in charge. Headquarters will be at the Delta Gamma house at Willamette. Delegates and visitors are to attend from Univer sity of Montana, Montana State college, University of Oregon, Orcgorj State col lege, Willamette university ,n well as from the Portland alumnae association and from alumnae clubs in other cities of the district. Registration begins at 4 p.m. Friday at the Delta Gamma house. A buffet supper is planned that evening a 6 o'clock at the chapter house, followed by a joint panel discussion on rushing for alumnae and collegiate members. Dr. Poling Speaker Registration opens again Saturday morning. The meeting opens at 9 o'clock in Waller hall with Dr. Paul N. Poling, pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Salem, as guest speaker. A project luncheon is arranged at 12:30 o'clock at the Marlon hotel Mirror room. Guest speaker is to be Mrs. Daniel C. Hay, Santa Monica, Calif., national first vice-president of Delta Gamma. Students from the blind school will be guests to give a talk and present balor twirling. The formal banquet for the conven tion will be at 6:30 o'clock in the eve GATHERING In the garden at the Robert W. Gornuen home thU week were misting in plana for the table setting contest of the YWCA, May IS, 16, and 17, at Left to rtrht: Mrs. Harold Schick, recelvinc tome of the ticket for the event; Mrs. nan for the eontest; Mrs. James Table Arrangement Contest of YW Top Event of Week; Opens Friday About 35 entries will be set up for the table arrangement contest being , sponsored by Salem YWCA next week end as means of raising additional funds for the new YW building now under construction. v.' The contest will be conducted through Friday, Saturday and Sunday, May 15, 16 and 17, the tables to be set up in the show rooms at Valley Motor company. . , Four divisions for organizations are act up for the event. One is for re ception or a bridal table; the second is for a tea or coffee party table; a third is for a dinner or luncheon table, the fourth for an outdoor or patio party table. A fifth division is open to individuals only, and is for any occasion table tea, after dinner coffee, a children's birth day, a foreign table, or other theme, r , Winners in the contest will be deter mined by those attending the show, each admission ticket providing a vote. The table receiving the most votes will win the prize. There is a $25 cash prize in each of the four organizational divisions. The prizes are being donated by Better Bed ding store, Roberts Brothers, Hogg Brothers, Allen Hardware company, and Miller's. For the occasion table division for Individuals, a gift prize is being pro vided, donated by the Gift Box. Firms providing materials for the -show include Pomeroy and Keene, the Gift Box, Better Bedding store, Allen Hardware company and Miller's. The Hallmark shop is providing table ac cessories. Tables for the settings are being fur nished by Hogg Brothers, Stiff's, Ham ilton's . and Miller's furniture depart ment. The show opens at 1 p.m. Friday, to be open until 9 o'clock that evening. On Saturday and Sunday the show will be open between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. The balloting will be counted at 6 p.m. Sun day. Many interesting themes are being worked out for the tables, reports Mrs. Robert W. Gormsen, general chairman for the show. For example, the Saddle ning at the First Methodist church. En tertainment will be provided by Misses Janice Gladden, Lorraine Lanrud and Nancy Hanson from Willamette, and a 18-member chorus will present the win ning May Week-end songs of the chap ter. Sunday's events include a breakfast at the Delta Gamma house at 8 o'clock, a panel discussion for collegiates only at 9 o'clock, and church services at 11 o'clock. Committees Listed Mrs. F. Gordon Reynolds, Missoula, Mont., alumnae chairman for the pro vince, and Mrs. Ivan Traynor of Eugene, province secretary, will be among of ficials at the meeting. Chairman from Salem alumnae for the convention is Mrs. Lloyd Hammel and chairman from the actives at Wil lamette is Miss Gay'.e Updyke. Miss Donna Chancy, active chapter and Miss Olive M. Dahl, alumnae, are on the finance committee. Arranging the luncheon and banquet are Miss Marjoria Dawson from the actives and Mrs. Rich ard P. Emblck from the alumnae. Miss Sally Cooney, active chapter, and Mrs. Steve Anderson, alumnae, arc In charge of housing. Mrs. Reynolds from Mis soula is in charge of the alumnae wor ship and Mrs. Traynor from Eugene is arranging the colleuiale workshop. Miss Dee Miller from the active chapter and Mrs. J. William Stortz from the alumnae group here, are In eharge of publicity. COMMITTEE ARRANGES fOR CONTEST R. FhUlipa and Mrs. Kolun Haag. club, with Mrs. Fred Anunsen as chair man, is doing a car picnic setting. 'The' First Congregational guild women are arranging a bridal table. The Welcome Wagon, with Mrs. Floyd A. Baker as chairman, is an organization for new comers to the city and they have in teresting plana, for their table. It will be a dinner table all in silver. Social committee for Cherry court,' Order of Amaranth, on Wednesday will include Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Davis, chairmen; Mr. and Mrs. Willis Sullivan, Mr. and Mrs. Ota Binegar, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn 'Slentz and Miss Evelyn Stark. The group will meet at 8 o'clock at the Scottish Rite temple. Hostesses at the Thursday meeting of Salem unit, American Legion auxiliary, will be Mrs. Walter G. Esplin and Mrs. Kenneth Taylor. Mrs. Bert Walker will give the recommendations of the nomi nating committee when the group meets at 8 o'clock at the Woman'a club house. y v y i ' ! f'ti ? , ' I ' '.;; M .: I . : i ' V V1 ' ' VJ I -.-., ". . , , , ,.v.. 'iJiLL (JiiUn-MUHr Studio picture) PLAN FOR COFFEE PARTY OS THE committee planning the coffee to be (Iven by Mothers club of ChadwicV aMiembly. Order of Kilnbow for Glrl, are the three above, left to right) Mrs. Carl M. QuInUd, Mrs, Arnold Johnnon and Mm. Virgil Sexton. The party will be next Tuesday morning at tba Qulstad home on Cascade Drive, (Jeittn-MUUr Studio picture) , . : ' then four committee memberi Valley Motor company bulldlnr. ' Gornuen, who la general ehalr- ' FORUM will make up the pro gram for the regular meeting of Salem unit of the Oregon Fed eration of Republican Women on Mon day afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Senator hotel. ;' 'On the panel will' be Mrs. Robert D. Gregg, Mrs. William S. Van Meter, Mrs. Charles Low, Mrs. Peery T. Buren. i ' Mrs.- James -T. Brand Is to be the moderator. - '; v , ; lv .. Mrs. Effie Olson of Roseburg, depart ment president, will be honored by Bar bara Frietchie tent, Daughters ot Union Veterans of the Civil War, at a luncheon and meeting on Friday. The group will meet at the Gold Arrow restaurant at 12:30 o'clock and the business session will follow at the Veterans of Foreign Wars hall. . Meeting at 7:30 p.m. at the Scottish Rite temple on Monday will be bethel No. 43 of Job's Daughters. There will be initiation and presentation of the ma jority degree. Members will bring pies to Salem chapter meeting, Order of Eastern Star, at the Masonic temple on Saturday, for benefit auction at 8 o'clock. t f H f A hi' -' J I Coffee Tuesday Honors Mothers Honoring mothers of Job's Daughter! In Salem, and mothera of members of Chemeketa chapter, Order of DeMolay for Boya, the Mother club of Rainbow Girls has arranged coffee party to be on Tuesday; -' The affair will be at the home of Mrs. Carl M. Qulstad, president of Rainbow Mothers club, the hours to be from 10:30 until 1:30 o'clock. Assisting with the arrangements are Mrs. Paul Griebenow, Mrs. Vincent Neal, Mrs. Zlna Sharpnack, Mrs. Arnold Johnson, Mrs. Virgil Sexton, Mrs. Max Muller, Mrs. Louis Lorenz, Mrs. C. A. Rust, Mrs. G. E. Osko, Mrs. A. D. Shields, Mrs. Lorlng Grier, Mrs. R. J. Seeger, Mrs. Wayne Walls, Mrs. Jack Kuhn, Mrs. C. E. Lee, Mrs. W, H. Mer rill, Mrs. Merle Phillips, Mrs. Eldon Scott, Mrs. H. F. Roseler, Mrs. Robert Hansen, Mrs. H. J. Gillespie, Mrs. E. H. K. Dorr, Mrs. R. J. Searcy and Mrs. Karl Wenger. . -, i , i ; i , Speaker' at the annual banquet hon oring mothers and daughters at Christ Lutheran church on Tuesday will be the Rev. Victor Hugo Sword. His topic will be "Women of India." Others on the program include Mrs. George Johnson who will give a short talk, Mrs. Herbert Hamman who is to sing. Misses Barbara Gronke and Betty Johnson will sing a duet. Mrs. George Johnson is chairman of the event and assisting with the arrange ments are Mrs. Warne Nunn, Mrs. Lester Byrnelson, Mrs. Evelyn Hamby and Mrs. Otto Roller. . Social afternoon group of ChadwicV chapter, Order of Eastern Star, will meet for dessert at the Masonic tempi on Tuesday at 1:18 o'clock. .- Mrs. Rex Hartley will sing and piano numbers and humorous readings will b given by Mac Baker of Salem senior high school. .' Assisting Mrs. Effie King, chairman, with the refreshments will be Mrs. E. E. Bergman, Mrs. K. H. Pickens, Mra. Fred Keeler, Mrs. P. H. Collins, Mrs. J. B. Schaller, Mrs. George E. Hanson, Mrs. Benjamin Knight and Mrs. B. W. Stacey. Attending a district meeting in New berg on Monday and Tuesday will be several members of the Neighbors ot Woodcraft ot Salem. Delegates are Mrs. J. H. Igleheart, guardian neighbor, Mra. O. H. Edwards, Miss Pearl Balrcy, Mra, : C. B. Shaw, Mrs. Halite Lynch, and Mra. Cora Smith. 'District officers who will be present Include Mrs. J. McNeil, mu- slcian, and Russell Wlnchcomb, part i guardian neighbor, both of Salem. V? . : An event of Interest for Monday av- nlng will be the sonata recital to b : ' presented by Ethel Lou Stanek, cellist, and Catharine W. Schnelker, pianist, in" waller hall auditorium at 8:18 o'elock. The interested public Is invited. ' ' Program for the evening is as follows I ' ' -Sonata No. 2 In D for viola da gamba and klavier Bach . Adagio ., ''"' Allegro " . ' Andante !'" Allegro , a Sonata Op. 69 in A for piano and cello Beethoven Allegro, ma non tanta ' Scherzo ... 1 . Adagio cantabtle ' " . Allegro vivaca III . First Sonata Op. 38 In E miner for cello' and piano Brahmt Allegro non troppo . Allegretto quasi Minuetto Allegro IV Three Concert Pieces for cello and piano James Ming Capriccio Meditation Animated "You'll Remember Oregon"- is th title of a movie to be shown at the Busi ness and Professional Women's club on Tuesday. The group will meet at 7:30 o'clock at the Woman's club house where they will discuss vacation plans follow ing the movie. Mr. LeMar Hobbs is in charge of the program and Mrs. Thomas G. Lovett le in charge of refreshments. AAUW Event Thursday evening, May 14, will mark the last meeting of the year for the Sa lem branch ot American Association of University Women. The occasion will be one honoring the graduating senior women of Willamette university and will be at 8 p.m. at Baxter hall on the Willamette campus. The program announced by Mlsi Elconor Roberts will feature the Mod ern Dance group of Oregon State col lege under the direction of Miss Betty Lynd Thompson, associate professor of women's physical education. Mlsi Thompson Is an authority on interpre tive dancing and has written a textbook on the subject. She has studied with such famous artist-dancers as Martha Graham and Hana Holm. Her under graduate study was done at Wesley uni versity in Bloomlngton, Illinois and she received her masters degree from the University of Wisconsin. The Modern Dance group has toured throughout the state of Oregon, given guest appearances in. Canada and has appeared in every high school in Portland. Mrs. Lawrence C. Merrlam, Jr., will give a brief talk for the senior women . on the meaning' of the AAUW fellow ship program. During the short business meeting election of officers for next year will be conducted. Punch and cookies will be served fol lowing the program and those presiding at the punch bowls will Include Mrs. Paul Frost, Mrs. Kenneth Bush, Mrs. A. M. Strohbchn and Mrs. Robert F. Nichols. Members of the executive board will serve as hostesses for the evening. No reservations are necessary to attend the affair. . . , .