Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 09, 1953, Page 6, Image 6

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    Faculty Dinner
To Be Thursday
. Annual formal dinner given by the
WUlamette university Faculty Women'i
club It to be an event of next Tburiday
evening, May 14, in Lausanne ball, The
dinner Is to be at 0:13 o'clock.
Honored guests to be at the head table
Include Dr. G. Herbert Smith, president
of the university, and Mrs. Smith; Dr.
and Mrs. Robert W. Fenix, Dr. and Mrs.
Charles H. Johnson, the latter the In
coming president of the club; and Prof,
and Mrs. Hay Smith, the former retiring
this spring following 37 years on the
'' faculty.
Mrs. Robert W. Fenlx, retiring presi
: dent, will be toastmistress.
Mrs. Maurice Brennen and Mrs. A.
Freeman Holmer are co-chairmen for
the dinner. On their committee are
Mrs. Murco Ringnalda, Mrs. John
Myers, Mrs. Ray Smith, Mrs. Ralph E.
Purvlne, Mrs. Richard Wedel, Mrs.
Theodore Velde, Dr. Martha Springer,
Miss Lorena Jack, Mrs. Charles Jens,
Mrs. William Kirkman, Miss Rosa Zim
merman, Mrs. Thomas Watson. Mrs. W.
C. Dyer, Sr., Mrs. Vine Buchholz, Mrs.
, F. J. Furman.
Mrs. Paul A. Lardon Is to be hostess
Tuesday morning for an informal cof
. fee at her home to honor Mrs. Philip W.
Allison who returned recently from a
winter's vacation trip. Friends are in
vited between 10:30 and 12 o'clock.
Mrs. E. R. Viesko and Mrs. B. E.
Owens are to be hostesses for a 'group
with whom they play bridge for a day
it their beach homes next rnursaay, me
group to stay over night.
In the group are Mrs. Henry A. Sim
mons, Mrs. Richard A. Meyer, Mrs. Wil
liam Paulus, Mrs. Harris Lletz, Mrs.
William Schlitt, Mrs. C. Lester New
man, Mrs. Ellis VonEschen, Mrs. A.- L.
Adolphson, Mrs. L. R. Burdette, all
members of the club, Mrs. L. V. Benson
as a guest and the two hostesses.
Among affairs planned In farewell to
Mrs. Louis Gerlinger, who is moving to
Portland to make her home, will be the
Informal coffee for which Mrs. James
T. Brand and Mrs. Harry S. Dorman '
are to entertain on Wednesday morn
Ing. Guests are Invited between 10 and
12 o'clock, the party to be at the Brand
home on Klngwood Drive.
Hostess to her bridge club next
Thursday evening will be, Mrs. Robert
H. Hamilton.
Pi Beta Phi Mothers club plans its
final meeting of the season for Tues
day afternoon at 2 o'clock at the chap
ter house. New officers will be elect
ed. Plana will be made to attend a
meeting of the Portland Pi Beta Phi
mothers on May 21. Hostesses for the
Tuesday meeting are Mrs. Roy Girod
and Mr. Harvey Gibbens.
Mrs. Ralph Hamilton is to entertain
for her bridge club at aupper and cards
n Tuesday evening.
Visitors here for over Mother's Day
at the home of Mrs. Addle Curtis are
her daughter, Mrs. Irene Allen of Pen
dleton, and her grandson, Bud Allen of
Portland air base. . Also joining the
group for the Mother's Day dinner will
be Mrs. Curtis' son and daughter-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Deane Curtis. Mrs.
Alien is remaining until the middle of
next week.
Alpha Phi alumnae are sponsoring
their second annual no-host dinner for
members and husbands on Monday eve
ning at the Bruce F. Pickett home, the
dinner to be at 6:30 o'clock.
On the committee with Mrs. Pickett
are Miss Antoinette Kuzmanich, presi
dent of the alumnae, and Mrs. Pickett's
daughter, Mrs. Richard Scandling.
Installation of officers for Salem club
of Zonta International will be conduct
ed at the group's social and evening
meeting next Thursday at the home of
Mrs. Mary Thomas. Dessert will be at
7:30 o'clock.
Mrs. Vernon Wlscarson is the incom
ing president. Co-hostesses for the
meeting with Mrs. Thomas will be Mrs.
James Bunnell, Mrs. Robert M. Fischer,
Jr., Mrs. Harry L. Miller and Mrs. Tom
Chapter AB of P.E.O. Sisterhood Is
meeting on Monday evening at 7:45
o'clock at the home of Mrs. H. G. Carl,
Mrs. D. A. Larson as co-hostess.
Mrs. Charles H. Huggins and Mrs.
William Ekblad will be hostesses at the
home of the former Monday evening for
the meeting of Chapter BQ of P.E.O.
Sisterhood at 7:30 o'clock.
Among dates on the calendar (or Gov
ernor and Mrs. Paul L. Patterson next
week is the evening In Hlllsboro, Mon
day, the governor to address the Cham
be of Commerce dinner meeting there,
the two later to attend a school function
Will Install
tnttfallDllnn nf nfflrfr III r.n thi ml-
endar for two local chapters of Beta
Sigma Phi next Wednesday.
Alpha Epsilon chapter is meeting at
8 o'clock Wednesday evening at the
home of Mrs. David Bennett Hill for lis
Installation. For the program, Mrs. Wil
liam Habernlcht and Miss Dorothy
Chase are in charge, modeling to be
the topic. Mrs. Ted Morrison is chair
man for serving.
XI Lambda meets at 8 o'clock in the
evening also, at the home of Mrs. Wil
liam Collier, officers to be installed.
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TOMORROW is Mother's Dat, the occasion to pay tribute to mothers, grandmothers and, yes, gre' rrand
mothers, too. Representtnr mothers on our page today Is Mrs. Frank G. Myers, above, long time resident of
Salem. She l the mother of Deryl Myers and Mrs. Charles Claggett, both of Salem, and the four grand
, children are Mrs. Richard Grena (Marilyn Myers) and Robert Myers, Patty and Carolyn Ctaggett.
Guest Day Due
Guest day for Sojourners club is plan
ned for next Thursday afternoon, a des
sert to be served at 1 o'clock in Salem
Woman's club house.
Mrs. B. J. Cleary is chairman of the
hostesses and on her committee are Mrs.
Louis Ertz, Mrs. Gerard Horne, Mrs. J.
W. McCrea, Mrs. Vere McCarty, Mrs.
Frank Parcher, Mrs. H. M. Price,, Mrs.
Lee Thomas.
Timmy Heltzel, youngest son of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles H. Heltzel, Is observ
ing his seventh birthday on Tuesday.
Mrs. Heltzel . has arranged an after
school party for Timmy at their, home
for a group of his school friends.
(Pieturt or Durtt, Otiumw. lo
BRIDE AT a reremony lut Saturday afternoon a Mrs. Wlnflrld II. Needham
(Marlha Pauline Proctorl, aboe. The bride is Ihe daughtrr of Mr. nd Mrs. Umn
Kmrrr Proctor of Ottumwa, lna, thr parents coming west for th wedding. Br. ecd
rim Is the son of Mr. and Mrs, W. I. Needham of Salem.
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A SOCIAL affair next week honor-
Alng Mrs. Paul L. Patterson, wife
of Oregon's governor, will be the
! buffet luncheon for which Mrs. William
L. Phillips, Sr., is to entertain on Thurs
. day. ,
The party is to be at the University
club In Portland, some 60 women being
invited. Assisting the hostess will be
members of one of her clubs, Mrs. W.
Wells Baum, Mrs. Robert M. Filzmau
rice, Mrs. Lester F. Barr, Mrs. Margaret
Rosecrans, Mrs. Philip W. Allison, Mrs.
Walter H. Smith, Mrs. Walter Kirk,.
Mrs. J. N. Bishop, Mrs. Ronald E.
Jones, Mrs. Wolcott E. Buren, Mrs. Ro
bert E. Shinn. 1
':' v:
No at Homes
Due Next Week
No at home afternoons are planned
during the next two weeks by Mrs. Paul'
L. Patterson, wife of Oregon's governor.
The calendar brings many out-of-town
dates for the Pattersons through May.
Two out-of-town social affairs honor
the first lady of the state next week.
On Friday afternoon, Mrs. Hugh Bar
zee is entertaining at her Portland home
at a tea to honor Mrs. Patterson, the
affair to be between 2 and 4 o'clock.
On Sunday,; May 17, Mrs. Patterson
Is to be honor guest at a tea at the
sGamma Phi Beta sorority house in Eu
gene. Eugene alumnae and members
of the University of Oregon chapter,
Nu chapter, are giving the tea between
2 and 5 o'clock. Mrs. Patterson is
an alumna of Nu chapter.
Members of Chapter BC of P.E.O. Sis
terhood are meeting Tuesday at 1:30
o'clock at the home of Mrs. Sidney B.
Lewis, 340 Lane place.
Pi Beta Phi alumnae are meeting
next Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock
at the home of Mrs. John Hughes.
Co-hostesses are Mrs. Harrison Elgin,
Mrs. Lawrence Feidschau, Mrs. Vern
W. Miller. Mrs. David Wheeler, Mrs.
Wayne Doughton, Miss Mary Louise Lee.
Mrs. Robert W. Gormsen will be host
ess to her bridge club on Tuesday eve
ning, late dessert to be served.
Cr.aptcr CB of P.E.O. Sisterhood is
meeting next Thursday evening at 7:30
o'clock. Miss Margaret Perry and Mrs.
Keith Reich will be hostesses to the
group at the home of the former, 485
South Whitman, Monmouth,
Salem Soroptimist club Is meeting for
luncheon next Wednesday at the Golden
Pheasant. Herb Smith is to be guest
speaker to discuss radio programs.
Mrs. Fred H, Thompson Is to entertain
for her study club on Monday, the group
meeting for luncheon. Mrs. Thompson
Is to give the review.
St. Mary's guild of St. Paul's Episco
pal church is meeting on Monday for
dessert at the home of Mrs. Lester Car
ter with Mrs. Sam Haley assisting.
Junior guild of St. Paul's Episropal
church plans its luncheon .'or next Tues
day, May 12, at 1 o'clock at the parish
Mrs. J. F. Causey Is general chairman
and on her committee are Mrs. George
L. Moses, Mrs. Andre Lambert. Mrs.
Leon W. Gleason, Mrs. H R. Walters.
At 2:30 o'clock, Mrs. R. H. Baldock
Is to give a talk and show pictures on
her recent trip to Europe. All women
of the church Interested are Invited to
the program.
Spinsters' 20th Annual Jea May 21
4nr Kt.lem Snlnsters
The ' cryswi " . .w
club, marking the 20th anniversary of
the event, will be a major social affair
of May the tea to be at the West LefeDe
home of Mr. and Mrs. William L. Phil
lips. Sr., on Thursday. May 21.
The tea a benefit affair, is given each
spring to augment funds of the club for
its philanthropic projects. ,
Guests are being biddeh to call be
tween 3 and 6 o'clock. - ,
jrfrs. John P. Maulding ai d Miss Eve
Ivn Johnson are co-chairmen for the;.
' ... j .L.trmsn fnr different com-
mittees arranging the tea are being an
DELTA Delta uena aiumnae ox oa
lem are gathering at the Marlon
hotel on Sunday morning, May
17, for a Pansy Breakfast, a traditional
event in the national, sorority. The '
breakfast will be at 9 o'clock.
Mrs. J. B. Corlette, Mrs. Wallace
Bonesteele and Mrs. L. V. Benson are
on the committee.
... . t
. Phi Mu alumnae are meeting next
Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs.
B. F. Williams in the Lee apartments,
the meeting to be at 8 o'clock.
Rotana club is meeting on Monday
evening at 8-o'clock at the home of Mrs.
Herbert Miller, route-3, at 8 o'clock.
Mrs.. Fannie Douglass is co-hostess for
the meeting. .
-'Hollywood Lions club auxiliary will
meet with Mrs. . Lester Thomas, 1595
Roosevelt, on Wednesday at 8 o'clock.
Mrs. Verne Boon and Mrs. J. L. Bat
dorf will assist Mrs. Thomas.
Celebrating his, twelfth birthday an
niversary on Friday was Billy Gentz
kow,. son of Mr. and Mrs. William
Gentzkow. Billy was host to a group
of 23 friends for a line party, with'
refreshments and games following at
his home. , ..''.:..
Guests were John Schmitz,' Norman
Ferry, Delmar Kerber, Phillip Schiller,
Ronald Lundy, Robert Walker, 1 Larry
Smith, Gary Grayson, Douglas Thomp
son, Sylvester Edler, James Weiss, Nor
man Nuxoi, Robert Taggart, Gary Her-'
berger, Steven- Roth, Victor LaRoche,
James . Mason, Lance Rund, James
Moenes, Richard Myers, Kenneth Rupp,
Robert Biegler and Max Lucero. ;
Honored at a recent bridal shower
was Mrs.' LeRoy Edwards (Donna
Tooley). Mrs. Donald Waller, Mrs.
James Tooley and Mrs. George Tooley,
the latter two sisterr-in-law of Mrs. Ed
wards, entertained at the Waller home.
Invited Twere Mrs. Edwards, the
Misses Shirley Plumer, Joan Vylupek,
Betty Thompson, Ollie Rose, Lenore
Davis, Jeannie McKinley, Dorothy Jaen
icke, Betty Baughman, Joe Baughman,
Peggy Thomas, Beverly Klenski, Betty
Hall, Leta Stevens, Patty Dunn, Jeannie
Luke, Ramona Tooley, Carol Tooley
and Mrs. Dora Effinberger, Mrs. Mervin
Hodden and Mrs. Frank Gross and
Final dance of the season for Bon
heur club is announced for next Friday
evening at the Veterans of Foreign
Wars hall. There will be a no-host
supper at 7:30, dancing following.
New officers will be named at this
meeting. The retiring officers are: Fred
Humphrey, president; Max Scriber, vice
president; Kenneth Hamilton, secretary
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OUlnonU 8ludl olctuTfl
dauthte? of Alalia 'Mr."kiS' lt!J n'm"' ' Miss Marlene Raaehlio, aboft,
Krcoi, ' d Mr, M' J' Rko, la Ronald Krebs, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. Jtoy Edgerton is chairman for
invitations. Mrs. Charles N. Flitton
heads the refreshments committee. Mrs.
Ernest H. Miller is in charge of decora
tions. Mrs. James R.t White is chair,
-man for patronesses- and Miss.Adele
Egan will be in charge of the guest
book.' Heading the committee for those
assisting about the rooms is Misa Norma
Sletton and Mrs. Delwyn Kleen is chair
man for those serving. : Miss Mary
Louise Lee is publicity chairman and in
-otS- ' " " " ' ...... ""..Hi v,,
Haehl. Jr.. and Miss Phyllis Johnsen.
Wedding Toddy
Wed at a simple service this after
noon in Oak Grove were Miss Joan
Risley of Portland and Lt. Robert Pat
terson Craig of Salem. The bride is
the daughter of Mrs. Jacob Risley of
Oak Grove and the late Mr.. Risley.
Lt, Craig Is the son of Dr. and "Mrs.
Doloh Craig, Salem. .
The ceremony was at 4 o'clock at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clin
ton Bradshaw: in Oak Grove, Mrs. Brad
shaw being an aunt of the bride. Judge
Tialph M. Holman of the circuit court,
Oregon City, officiated at the service.
Only the families were, present for .
the wedding and the informal recep
tion following.
-Miss Mary Penwarden, Portland, and
. Ronald Blume of Salem attended the
couple. '
. The bride wore a hand-loomed linen
suit, woven by her mother, with white
hat and accessories. Miss Penwarden
wore a gray suit with pink accessories.
The bride's mother wore a black and
white print with pink accessories and
white flowers. Mrs. Craig wore a pink
.suit with violet hat and corsage of
violets, . , . . .: .
Salem relatives attending the wedding
were Dr. and Mrs. Craig and daughter,
Clara; the bridegroom's grandmother,
Mrs. Frank Durbin, and his paternal'
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Craig;
his brother-in-law and sister., Mr. and
Mrs. Lewis Franklin Ford; and his great
uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.. Arthur
Churchill. : - , M - I
Lt. Craig has been stationed at Fort
Ord the past year and in early June is ,
leaving for duty in Korea. He is a for
mer University of Oregon student and
a member of Theta Chi fraternity.
The bride also ' attended University
of Oregon, where she is a Delta Delta
Delta, and this year graduates from the
University of Oregon medical school
nursing department. She will. be in
Salem on the staff at the Oregon State
hospital while Lt. Craig is in Korea. .
Alpha Xi Delta alumnae are meeting
next Tuesday evening, May 12, at the
home of Mrs. Rollin O. Lewis, 4095
Rivercrest Drive, dessert to be at 7:30
o'clock. Miss Verna Keppinger is to b
co-hostess. ' ' " '
Officers will be installed. Mrs. Scott
Foster, Jr., is president of the group.
Following the meeting, there is to be a
potted plant sale. ' ' ' ' 1 '.
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Francis T.
Wade for Mother's Day will be their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Wade of
Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. O. B.
Gates of Hillsboro
Pioneer post, American Legion all
woman post, will meet at the American
Legion club on Friday,' at 8 p.m., for
a business session.