Saturday, May 9, 1953 5 GOLD MFDAl criD bav r a 1 H. - j- Hi; 1 V . -1 f ,.- 'V- w - i . :vw J j 3U ltd a "fttilsasaiM.'.t.-i-M hi hi 11 mi 1 Howard Fitzgerald, left, received a gold medal for saving the lives of a younger brother and sister when the ritzgerand home was destroyed by fire last spring. He Is being congratulated by Buddy . Raymond while James Frlesen looks on. James and Buddy became Eagle Scouts at the same Court of Honor held at Valsetz. TEX CAPITAL JOURNAL, galea, Oretoa Entry Chosen For Derby Race California and Oregon Sessions Quite Unlike By JAMES D. OLSON An Oreeonian familiar with in thsii. h.nri.ri.. una sraies legislature would be in for a number of surprises if he visited the California Legislature now in session. Perhaps the- most striking difference would be encount ered in the assembly (the low. er house) where members seem to continuously talk with one another while another is speaking over a loud speaker. The result is noise which raises to such a volume at times the" Speaker must rap his gavel and appeal to the mem bers to quiet down. On one occasion last Moa day when the writer was visit ing the Assembly, SpeaKer James W. SUliman banged his gavel and said: I would like to hear the arguments being made by the speaker, so will the members kindly quiet down." , ' One of the biggest hassels in the California Legislature is over setting up main line routes for priority in highway construction. Attached to a number of bills now in the assembly and senate is provision for an in crease in gas tax ranging from 1 cent to 2 cents a gallon. The fight has developed to a point now where the argu ments wander off into section al demands for inclusion of secondary routes and larger al location of funds to counties with no mainline routes with- FREE! DANCE LESSONS 8 TIL 9 SAT. NITE (Prior to our regular dance) CRYSTAL GARDENS Professional instruction by Mr. Triplett and staff . JON MARR STUDIO J Ac Modern ft 7 At Old Time Dancing from 9 to 12 , A great majority of Assem bly members favor a 1-cent in crease in the gasoline tax. while the majority of senators seem to favor a higher increase. Numerous legislative leaders including Speaker Silliman and Jonathan Hollibaugh, a veteran assemblyman, feel that the fight will end in a confer ence committee agreeing on an increase in the gasoline tax and leaving the selection of the mainline ' highways to the Highway Commission. . Another bitter fight has de veloped over another Bay bridge location, with Governor Earl Warren and his followers favoring a new bridge parallel ing the present long Bay bridge, while the San Francis co supervisors have gone on record for a southern crossing that would lead from Army street in San- Francisco to Richmond in the East Bay. The recommendation of the San Francisco county supervi sors was made only last Mon day and is expected to carry considerable weight with mem bers of the Legislature. Among the visitors to the California Legislature during the past few days was Ben R. Chandler, chairman of the Ore gon State Highway commis "After looking in on the Leg islature and visiting about here for a few days," Mr. Chandler said, "I am more than ever proud of the Oregon Legisla ture, the officials of our state and our state highway depart ment." Mr. Chandler was visiting with his brother, Irving Chand ler, who, following an illness, died last Sunday in Sacramen to. According to old timers in Sacramento the legislators there this session have been hard-working and attentive to business before them. Incidentally the California legislator is paid $3600 a year plus $14 a day expense money during the sessions. In addition they contribute, along with the state, to a legislative retire-) ment system, under which a legislator upon reaching age oz or aiter 20 years of contin uum services, wnicn ever comes first, may retire with $225 a month pension. The work in the Assembly is speeded up materially by use of a Voting machine. Members push buttons for yes' or 'No' on their desks which is record ed on two large boards located in front of the assembly. When the final vote has been taken, the totals are flashed on top of the boards as well as on a smaller board on the Speak er's rostrum. Desks in the As sembly are in pairs and fre quently a member will reach over and vote for his fellow legislator who is absent from his desk but is within the bar of the assembly. The Assembly meets in the mornmg and frequently con tinues its session until about 3 p.m. after which members at tend committee meetings. The Senate does not .take up until 2 p.m., leaving the sena tors free to attend morning or evening committee meetings. In the new $8,000,000 office building-type addition to the State House in Sacramento, of fices are provided for members of the Legislature, with a pri vate office handsomely equipped for the members in the rear and a reception office in the front. During interims between ses sions, legislators use these of fices for interim committee work which is gone in for heavily in California. ' Prmviuwl atlvltla 4n 4 Vie coming year war discussed wnen saiera cnapter ox the Old Information Committee held Its first meetlne for the vmt Thursday at the Senator Hotel. This included sponsorship of a Soap Box. Derby entry. The boy chosen was Michael Per kins of 1770 Fairgrounds Road. - Lait vaar that enmmltt mA. vided free refreshments for the contestants, and although the committee members have not decided on an. aetlvitv vt far the 1953 Derby they hope to be of considerable assistance. Tom Kelly Is chairman of the Salem chapter and his assist ants are .en Carlson, Kay Kea ton, , Willis Clark, Howard Smallev and Gnra A1vnrf who are vice chearmen. i-ach local committee com prise! all of the pensonhel con nected With lh tiwkiatnr Inn.t- ly and its purpose is to ac quaint the public with the part industry plays in everyday life. More Extension Unit Meetings Scheduled Marlon county : extension unit meetings for the week of May '11-13 are listed below. Anyone who is Interested is invited to attend. The date of meetings, units, tune, and place are as follows: May 12 Donald. 1:00. M. sonic hall, Herbs tor Varietv and Accent: Hayesville, 1:30, with Mrs. E. Zahara, Becom ing a uooa Buyer; Fruitland, 10:30, with Mrs. Burt Karr. Care of Ruga and Upholstered Furniture. May 13 Labish Cnte. 10:30, Labish' Center school. Herbs for Variety and Accent; Bethany, 1:30, with Mrs. Leo Peterson, Becoming a Good Buyer; Aumsville. 10:30. with Mrs. E. T. Tietxe. Care of Run and Upholstered Furniture. May 14 Lansing Neigh bors,, 1:00, Grace Lutheran church, Becoming a Good Buyer; Quinaby. 10:80. RNA hall, Herbs for Variety and Accent; Middle Grove, 10:00, with Mrs. R. W. Barger, Care of Rugs and Upholstered Fur niture. May IB Clear Lake, 1:30, with Mrs. Everett Whelan, Becoming a Good Buyer; Ma rion, 10:30, Care of Rugs and upnoisterea Furniture. 2 Fingers $25,363 AlbanyLoss of two fingers as the result of an automobile accident is worth $25,863 to her, Jeanne Faulkner alleges in a complaint filed In circuit court here. The plaintiff has named Frank W. Asp aa de fendant, for allnilw dam aging collision at Second and Mary street In Lebanon, Au gust 3, 1953. She claims her hand wn badlv lrwi n the accident and as a result two ringers were amputated. The minimum TlUraa at YVrta- ware Park, where racing be gins for 32 days oh May 28, wu oe sjuuu. This is an in. ere asi of $500 over last year. AUMSVILLE PAVILION DANCE Every 8atnrdaT Nlrht 10 Mi. Southeast of Salem Mono by LYLE AND HIS WESTERNAIRES Broadcast KSLM 7:30-8:00 P.M. EVERY DAY SPECIALIZING , LUNCHEON, 65c to 80c, DINNERS, $1.10 Choice of No. A, B, C, D 55c Hot Dinner San. with Soup We feature the Finest in Chinese and American Food Make Site Cafe 1964N.Copitol . Coll Salem 4-3641 At the Hollywood District Traffic Signals 162 H N. Commercial You walking op over 1 S-ijover paint store Hello Motaher of Bveryone You some up to my place of eating 1 fix you nice Chinese dinner very good. No need for menu, but we bare them, ust say to me or to waitress Sou fix for us special Ohlnese din ner and I will fix you best Chinese dinner In the world and In Baiem, Coat will be do more than "everybody order" and you will have selection of many dif ferent fine cooked dishes. You come up anytime and see me. Ja (be meanwhile I am say to you "Happy Mother Day. YEE SING (that's my name sure) Picture not of me. this my ' cousin Frank m A TREAT FOR MOTHER ...AT CHUCK'S... Choice of Tomato Juice, Fruit Cocktail Wine or Soup Relish Dish Salad jV Roast Prime Rib of Beef au Jus. . .2.25 fr Baked One-Half Spring Chicken, pressing 1.90 jUr Sugar Cured Virginia Baked Ham With Champagne Sauce ........ 1.85 jV Chuck's Special Swiss Steak With Creole Sauce 1.90 TV Grilled Chinook Salmon Steaks ; . .1.75 AS WELL AS DELICIOUS STEAKS, CHICKEN AND SEAFOOD Chuck's Steak House J&3190 q Portland Rd. . 1 Phone 3-3992 Hearing Set on Rate Charges by Truckers Charles H. Heltzel. itsU r, 11c Utilities commlulnnar h set Wednesday, May 27, as the DANCE OVER WESTERN AUTO Dick Johnson's Oreh. a court St 't PLANTATION DINNERS 12 NOON TO I P. M. (Mother's Day Only) TABLES BOOTHS CHERRY'S PLANTATION Corn Ewald ind Sa. 99E date for a Wring eo requeeted increases in Intrastate mini mum charges for motor car riers. Last July 16 Pacific Inland Tariff Bureau. Inc.. filed anoll- cation requesting that all mo- Page tor carrlen ha nrHant n i crease Oregon Intrastate mini mum charges, and an amended petition was filed April 28. Bucky Walters, coach of the Milwaukee Braves,, won 198 games as a big league pitcher. SAVE MONEY luy Tht I. MO. . Way to Save ' Stock's I.M.O. Store 437 N. High Street Satan, Ore. Ph. 4-5591 Television Sets, Radios -Urlng, Dining, Bedroom v Mat trasses, Chrome Furniture, Fireplace Sets, Lamps, . -Clocks, Watches, Jewelry " Small Appliances, Silverware, Refrigerators, Vacuum Cleaners, Sewing Machines, Luggage, . Home Freezers, Ranges, Dryers, Hot Water Heaters, Furnaces, Sporting Goods, . Blnooulars, Bicycles, Tires, -Batteries, Groceries, Plumbing Fixtures, We Handle Everything I .' Don't Be in Doubt CHECK THIS SPOT FOR Salem Business Establishments That Remain OPEN SUNDAYS! v 1 Is Open Sunday 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. . SL-fC GREEN STAMPS 1240 N. Ciplfol SI. SAFEWAY OPEN SUNDAYS 1265 2120 . 935 Center Fairgrounds Rd. S. Com'l 8-10 9-6 9-9 SAME LOW PRICES ALWAYS LADD'S MARKET 1705 S. 12th OPEN 24 Hours Daily, Inel. Sun. Now . . 24 Hour Drug Service! OPEN8A.M.T011 P.M.S. AND DUTY PHARMACIST ON CALL IT P.M. TO 8 A.M. v Just Phone 39123 or 42248 QUISENBERRY'S PRESCRIPTION STORE 130 So. Liberty Howser Bros. Equipment Sales 1 Rental Service 1185 So. 12th Phone 3-3646 Salem, Or. Chicken in a Box Delicious Pan Fried Chicken Dinners and . Hamburgers to Go 21905. Commercial Mont 41452 Delivery Service Open Sunday For Your Convenience Our Store Is Open Sundays From 12 Noon to 1 P.M. FOB MURGENCUS Call 38543 39S79 CAPITAL DRUG STORE BUte and Liberty "Tour Prescription Store" LADD'S MARKET 1705 S. 12th OPEN 24 Hours Dally, rnel. Sun. Senator Hotel Coffee Shop We Specialise la SUPERB SUNDAY DINNERS ' Open Sundays ' 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. . Dairy 6:30 a.m. 9 p.m. SkImb'i r.vvitt OcffM Sll9 Goner Court ft High Phone I 41b Pay Less Drug Store I Hooker SERVE YOURSELF and PAY-LESS Hardware OPEN SUNDAY 11 A.M. 'til 8 P.M. Ph- 37031 . 990 South Commercial PAY LESS HAS EVERYTHING w. Ferrill's II R G s II GOLDEN II phone Nursery PHEASANT . ShrubuhidLflowirlng lnfh OPEN 22406 MwSK'Tmv CopltolShopplnoCente, It Noo. Til M. WW OPEN (0 A.M. SUNDAYS - 1A 8TJNDAX . .. V Ml. East of 8 m- 10 P. I". SUNDAY DINNERS 10 VlitQ .uKE,E,L E""" Open Sunday Fhom 2-1307 nrtj Advertiiemenli ImAWKjkmim