1 M "k Saturday, May 9, 1953 In the Valley Edited by MIKE FORBES Sweet Home Sweet Home The Sweet Home chamber met Wednesday night for a regular business meeting. A letter was read from Weddle Real Estate requesting the chamber to recommend to the council to reconsider the question of retaining the nous, lne project. The question was discussed and voted down. Also a letter from the Jay. cees was read requesting ap proval on the yearly Frontier Day plans. This approval was sriven. Sergeant Trainer, Portland, showed a film "Operation Sky- watch," and gave a brief talk afterward explaining the film. condition Is listed as critical. A short report on the recent conference of the Key club held in Belllngham, Wash., was given by three local Key club members. They were Mike Thometz, Dick Stark and Bill Dayton. These talks on tne northwest district conference were the highlights of the weekly Kiwanls meeting held weekly In the Grove's hall. . Four visitors from the Jeffer son chapter of Order' of the Eastern Star attended the reg ular meeting April 6. It was friendship night and an Adden da by the Courtesy Girls was presented. The theme was "Building Star Town." Refreshments committee in cluded Lucille Rice, Rosalie Morton and Mr. and Mrs. Har old Dishaw. At the next meeting, May 20, the initiation of two candidates is scheduled. Loyal Johnson fractured his right ankle when he jumped off a log and is in the hospital for treatment. Lewis Young fractured his left hand In an accident at Al bany Sand and Gravel division in Sweet Home. It was reported he was hit with a sledge ham. mer. Walt Workman was admitted to the hospital with pneumonia He is the foreman in tne ma. chine department at Willamette National Lumber Co., roster, His condition is reported ser ious. A farewell party was given recently to honor Mel craw. ford and his family at their home in Pleasant Valley. Mel Crawford was the fire warden with the Linn county, patrol and was transferred to' Prlne ville. He is acting in the same capacity there and will move his family as soon as school Is out. The Crawfords were pre. sented with a gift on this oc casion. Hostesses for the event were Mrs. Bus Moorehead and Mrs. Bernard Dooney. - During the evening the Craw. ford family and Bus Moorehead entertained with music. Detroit At a recent meeting of the fire department auxiliary the plans for a cooked food and fancy work sale was completed. The sale is to be held at the Central Super Market on May B. Chairman for this event is Mrs. Ivan Hoy. Her committee is Mrs. Loren Johnson, public ity, and Mrs. E. Toland and Mrs. Cliff Cannon' in charge of arrangements. The proceeds from this sale are to be used for financing doll repairing which the aux iliary has volunteered to help the fire department. Accident cases reported from the Langmack hospital include: Kenneth Walls, son of Harley Walls of Pleasant Valley, was crlticaly burned April 4 when gasolne ignited from a backfire. Kenneth was sprayed by the burning gasoline and his broth. er Jumped out of the car and ripped off the boy's clothes in an attempt to extinguish the flames. The younger boy ii suffering from second and third degree burns on hli neck, face, chest, arms, hands and abdomen. His 13" LIVE PONIES At MINER'S KIDDIE RIDES Opt RlghHf wullwr permitting Detroit Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs.. Cal Schlador this week were Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Mount of Zig zag and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Raines of Silverton. Mr. and Mrs. O. J. White and their daughter, Marlene, will spend the week-end at Orovllle, Calif., where they will visit Mr. White's mother, Mrs. Annie White. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Owens of Corvallls visited at the De troit ranger station Wednes day. Other visitors at the ranger station during the week were J. R. Bruckart, forest super visor from Eugene, and Rich ard Bowe, landscape architect from the Portland regional of fice. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford White will attend the wedding of Mrs. White's cousin in Oak rldge Sunday. Mrs. Nettie McMillan, moth er of Mrs. Starr Read, will leave next week to fly to Alas ka where she will remain in definitely at the home of her son and family, the Malcolm McMillans. Mr. McMillan is with the air rescue squadron in Alaska. Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Moore will attend the forest service open house at the Lowell ranger station Saturday and go on to Medford to visit Mr. and Mrs. Verus Dahlln and family, returning to Detroit Monday. Visiting at the Ray Johnson home recently were Mr. John son's brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Johnson of Nor ton, Kan, Joining the family for reunion on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Cletui Johnson from Portland. PlanCentenriia At Providence Sclo The Centennial of the Providence rural church south east of Scio will be held June 21. The committee for planning the program for that day met at the home at two oz tne com mittee members. Mr. and Mrs. Lonard Arnold, Monday eve ning. May 4, with Mr. Benton Arnold as chairman. Other members present were Rudy Friberg, pastor of the Provl dence church, who has been appointed to take the place of Reverend Elvin Fast on the committee: Mrs. Iva Abbott, eranddauKhter of Joab Powell who organized the church 100 years ago, and a long-time members of the planning com mittee, and Mrs. Lettle Crane, secretary-treasurer of the organization. Rudy Friberg was selected moderator for Providence Day and will arrange the devotion. al part of the program. Churches in the nearby towns will be asked to contribute mu sical numbers. If possible there will be "Reminiscences of Providence" by Mrs. Abbott and a short his. tory of 100 years by someone connected with the church for many years. Cyrus Peery. whose father organized the Providence Me morial association, is being asked to give a short review of the organization and its work up to the present. One of the features is to be a display of pictures furnished by anyone who has pictures of the church or smy of the mem bers or scenes of bygone days, Pictures must have ownership plainly marked on the backs. Pictures should be addressed to Mrs. Lettle Crane, Rt. 3, Sclo, uregon. The Providence Sunday school will decorate the church and furnish free coffee.' - Sunday school will be held at 10 that morning with church services following at 11. If possible there will be special numbers for the service. The usual picnic dinner will be held at noon and the after noon services will open with congregational singing at 2 m. Plans for putting In new con crete steps at both the front and back entrances were start ed with the hope that the work will be completed before Prov idence Day. When plans are completed help by any inter ested persons in doing the work ill be appreciated. The meeting was adjourned until the evening of June 1 at the same time and place to complete arrangements for the program. Grand Ronde m i1' MOTHER'S DAY DINNER ROAST TURKEY AND DRESSING Mashed Potatoes end Giblet Gravy Sour Cream Cole Slow Cronberry Sauce Hot Rolls .Butter 85' AT SALEM'S NEWEST RESTAURANT Toihe ipeeiidwav AT THE CAPITOL SHOPPING CENTER Acroii From Bergs Market Grand Island Mrs. Frank Flnnlcum attended the Dayton school May Day exercises Friday. Miss Delorei Flnnlcum re turned home with her mother for the weekend. She is a sen ior at Pacific college. Misses Allta and Margaret Richards of Webfoot district, were Sunday dinner guests of their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Flnnlcum. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Der- eaves and two daughters of near Amity were afternoon guests at the same home. Evening guests at the same home were Mr. and Mrs. Mil ton Gardner of Portland, Mr, and Mrs. Rex Ross of Mt. An gel and friends of California; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Finnlcum and Freeman Finnlcum of Webfoot. Curtis Douglas and his mother, Mrs. Susie Douglas, at tended the sports show at Sa lem Wednesday. It was spon sored by the Isaac Walton league. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholson of Salem were Sunday dinner guests of Curtis Douglas and his mother, Mrs. Susie Doug las, In the Grand Island dis trict Curtis Douglas and his moth er will be Mother's Day dinner guests of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Les lie Douglas, and son David at Portland. Acacia Chapter Eastern Star Fetes Many Mothers Stayton A 6:80 dinner was served to the members of Acacia chapter. Order of East era Star, Tuesday evening, by a group of men, of the order, in honor of Mother day. Dinner was served buffet style, from the cans and jars. The tables were decorated by the men, with bouquets of ap pie blossoms. Outdoor Meals Af Sweet .Home Sweet Home Outdoor meals was the project of the Home Extension Unit at Sweet Home May 6. Showing the pre paration needed were the pro ject leaders, Mrs. Asa Smith and Mrs. Stanley Sheldon. Twenty members attended this meeting held at the City Park and after the meal was served a meeting was held to decide that for the first meet ing in September, the Sweet Home-Holley unit would invite the Cascadla-Foster unit for a picnic at the City Park. It was also decided to con. tinue meetings on the regular date to study and complete hobbycrafts. Mrs. Chester Her- old and Mrs. Loren Johnson were appointed to help with the luncheon at the 4-H Fair to be held in Albany May 16. The first official meeting of the unit will be the Fall Festi val held in September. At this date the riew officers installed In March will officiate. These include: Mrs. Chester Herold, president: Mrs. John Benson, vice president; and Mrs. Ger als Brink, secretary. Guests were present from Alnsworth chapter of Salem, Salem chapter of Salem and Ramona chapter of Silverton. Introduced and escorted to the east were Eleanor Eakers ley, and Carl Snyder, the wor thy matron and patron of Sa lem chapter; Anne Smedley and Lowell Shinn, the worthy matron and patron of Alns worth chapter; and Julie Leo nard and Ted Flnley, the wor thy matron and patron of Ra mona chapter. Mothers were honored by the worthy matron, Lillian Humphreys, with the special mother of the evening being Vera Savage of Salem. Mrs. Elsie Potter of Mill City and Mrs. Ollie Purdy claimed honors as the oldest mothers present, and Mrs. Joan DaRou of Salem, as the young. est mother. Each received a corsage. Ail visitors received a pep permint stick, with a crepe paper carnation, in remem brance of the worthy matron and patron, Mr. and Mrs. Wal lace Humphreys. During the program a tra velog movie of Oregon was shown and1 light refisshments were served. May 19, memorial services will be held to honor all past and present Adah's. There will be a pot-luck dinner with guests expected from Rhoden- dron chapter of Falls' City, Na omi chapter of Dallas, Gervaia chapter of Gervals and Venus chapter of Donald. Amity Monmouth Monmouth Carl McMahon is now at his home after being confined to a Salem hospital for several months. Mrs. Ethel Moreland is caring for him daytime. The First Baptist church vot ed at annual meeting held last week to affiliate with the Con servative Baptist association of Oregon. Reports show 46 members received and income more than doubled during the past year. New officers are: Ed Flelsch- man, deacon; Keith Tow and Hal Snalr, trustees; Mrs. S. J. Williamson, church clerk; Mrs. Hal Snair, deaconess; George Knaupp, Sunday school super intendent: Mel Purvis, assist ant superintendent; Paul Mad dux, Sunday school secretary treasurer; Mrs. Paul Maddux, cradle roll superintendent. Committee chairmen will be: Missionary, Mrs. Ralph Wine gar; social, Mrs. Mel Purvis; ushering, Mel Elklns; decor ating, Mrs. Elmer Chapln; mu sic, Mrs. Roy Campbell; sun shine, Mrs. S. J. Williamson. Charles Moore and Mrs. Everett Evans have been re hired with a raise In salaries, as teachers in the Alrlie school. Moore la principal and teaches the upper grades and has been there two years. Mrs. Evans, primary teacher, has complet ed her first year. Rosie Alsip, leader of the "Tanda" Campflre Girls pre sented honor beads to mem bers at a ceremony Tuesday at the city hall. Those earn ing "Trail-seekers" rank are: Lynn Rogers, Delores Seward, Ardis, Alsip, Karen Bryant Brenda Easterling, Carol Gar ver, Beverly Flaming, Velma Dalton, Shirley Flaming, Yvonne . Meyers, Margaret Lauerman, Sharon Sauer and Janet Guenther. Miss Alsip told of activities of the six weeks summer camp at Camp KUowan on Teal Creek near Falls City. Amity Industry Rebekah lodge honored mothers Tuesday evening. 1 - Mrs. Leslie Stewart was so loist, Mrs. Soren Sorensen gave a reading and presented cor sages to Mrs Russell Lawson, mother of the oldest child, Mrs. John Lahley, .mother of the youngest child; Mrs. Louis Lynch, with the largest family. She also presented corsages to the noble grand, Norma Schroeder, and the soloist, Mrs. Stewart. Ethel Lawson, Hattle Wlthee, Vernishla Newby, A. R. Glandon, Herman Bruther and the noble grand were hon ored with a birthday party. Greeting cards and gifts from secret pals were presented. Twenty-two members at tended. The lodge received invita tions to Naomi Rebekah lodge May 8; a reception for Harold Patterson, who will be grand master of the grand lodge of Oregon I. O. O. F., May 24, at Canyon City; and to a special party by Agate Rebekah lodge at Monmouth May 23. I 22 Graduates At Sf. Mary's fit,vnnMav 29 Is the date set for eighth grade graduation at St. Mary's school, when ZZ pupils wiU graduate. The graduating students are: Catherine Kirsch, Lola Ann Kline, Darlene Boedighelmer, Rita Beitel, Darlene Kalmys, Eileen Kalmys, Joan Fery, Ar lene Mlnten, Linda Van Han rf.i Arlene Bye. Terrence Frost, Leroy Foltz, Donald Murphy, Donald Welter, Joseph Purdy, Thomas Wolf, Allen Dozler, Allen Sllzernagel, Dan iel Pletrok, Gerald Smith, Thomas Mack, Eldon Sllzerna. eel. Sunday, May 10, at 7:30 p. m the students of St. Mary's school will hold their annual May procession Immediately following the services, there will be an ex hibition of the 4-H club work, and an entertainment program, in the bid church building. Dayton Dayton The new officers and committee chairman of the Women's Christian Fellowship of the Christian church, gather ed at the home of Mrs. H. G. Coburn Monday at 10 a. m. The state officer, Mrs. Edna Burke, was present and present ed to the group the coming year work. At noon there was a potluck lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Erie Parker and baby were dinner guests of her sister, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Adams in Portland Sunday. The occasion being the birth day of the little Adams baby. Over the weekend at the Parker's was his brother, Charles Parker, who Is a stu dent at Oregon State college. Velma Farmer of Dundee has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. Ben Asquith, Jr., last weekend. M;-. and Mrs. Gordon Atkin son plan to spend Mother's day in Albany with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Duzan and family were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Duzan and family in Portland Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Crane and children were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hunt er recently. On Monday night the Crane's entertained Mr. and Mrs. Al Gould and children for dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Max Todd of Albany spent Sunday ' night with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rob inson. The Todd's are former residents of Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Mather and baby have moved to an apartment in Carlton. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clark visited Mrs. J. R. Bell and Mr. H Mrs. Ted Bell on Sunday. A group of friends gathered ot the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Flnley on Monday eve- night for potlucK dinner in tne uninff. Those enjoying the ninn were Mr. and Mrs, Henry Doud, Mr. and Mrs. rirH Sloan, mi. nnu Arne F. WiUson, and Iner Mor- 4AT1C0T1 Mr. and Mrs. Jim Carey and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith of Yamhill went clam digging at Tillamook last aunaay. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin nu-u and family of Tillamook came to spend the day with her father, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ed wards Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Hedge cock and children spent the weekend visiting relatives at Philomath and Eugene. At Eu gene they were guests of her two sisters and brother, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Anderson, Jr., who have a new baby; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Richardson, and Mr. and Mrs. George Meuengolt. At Philomath they visited their grandchildren and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Fleming. Miss Margaret Foster accom panied Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gladden and Charlene to Port land Saturday, combining busi ness with pleasure. Mrs. Smith Fields has a seigo of mumps. Previously she had cared for her little grandchild who had them. Stayton Stayton Mother's day ob servance services are planned for the Methodist church on Sunday with flowers being presented to the youngest mother, to the oldest mother, and to the mother having the largest family, present during the services. The following Sunday will be the Children's day pro gram in observance of nation al family week. Stayton Plans Street Oiling Stayton The street on ing project was under discus sion at a meeting of the City council, on Monday night it the city hall. An estimate of the cost of the work has been ordered. A letter was read front th Chamber of Commerce, In tZ gard to' the street traffic and parking control, and w tabled for further atudy by th street committee. " The liquor control ordln.n.. was read for the first time. A committee submitted complaint about the "junky" condition of the premises of property located in a reslden. tlal district of Stayton. The Montreal Canadi.-. won the NHL Stanley Cup in itfju, ipit ana : f HMKMrta -3 PHONI l-7ti Elizabeth Taylor Fernando Lamas "GIRL WHO HAD EVERYTHING Vlttorlo Gaasman "CRY OF HIWTED" PHONI James Stewart Janet Leigh In Technicolor "NAKED SPUR" Red Skelton """THE CLOWN" Wild, Wonderful Paris! ROMULUS, COMING WEDNESDAY! ENDS TONIGHT Open 6:110 "ABOVE AND BEYOND" And "RETURN or GILBERT A SULLIVAN STARTS SUNDAY Cont. 1:45 3 Ml TV UIISH 0AIDINS. HIGHWAY ft Gates Open 7:00 Show at Durft ENDS TON IT E (Sat.) 1 Technicolor Hits LAST OF THE COMANCHE8" Broderick Crawford Plus "I DON'T CARE GIRL" M1UI Gaynor STARTS SUNDAY Winner of Six Academy Awards "THE BAD AND THE BEAUTIFUL" Kirk Douilu Lane Turner Gloria Graham. Pin All should see and remember "THE HOAXTER8" Starts TS Tomorrow! f 'rV.Y -1 r. ,1 II - -i-r-i-a J ENDS TODAY! (SAT.) "CALL OF THE WILD" & "DARLING CLEMENTINE" MATINEE DAILY FROM 1 P.M. Two of the Best Pictures of the Past Two Years! Both Won Academy Awards! Best Actor 1953! Best Actor 1952! THE HOUR WAS SET... A SHOWDOWN HAD TO BE MET! I r,ru. CrR f t Savage filreii HIGH NOON! ( f r"j'i. fm frontier ftM ? frttJL J??. il7 't 1 H k Til nicjiNlOO J THOMAS MITCHELL LLOYD BRIDGES KATY JURADO m' -