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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1953)
r Saturday, May 9, 195S FOR RENT APARTMENTS ATTRACTIVE 3 . room, refrigerator, range, garage. Phono 3-6870, )pm LOVKLY ruKNIBHKD ' or unfurnished apartment, dot In. ground door, 4 blockj from D. a. Bank, shade IrM setting. Automatlo laundry. Adults. See at 838 Oak fit. Jpll5 1 BEDROOM court apartmint turinihtd, newly decorated. Cloeo In, 1-0714. Jplll DOWNTOWN, F1BBT floor, 1 rooms, bath, private antranca, til Cinur. JplU FURNISHED DUPLEX, 3 rooms, clean, Hollywood, adults, 3-8)43, lm McCoy, JP113 UNFURNISHED, modern, 1-badroom, court apartment, close to bus. Lane lawn. Phona 3-336. Jplll S BOOMS furntshsd. near atom and busee. 1310 MadUon. Jplll l-BOOM lurnlihed apartment, utuitlea (urnUbed. Private entrance and bath. Phona 4-3631 or 3310 Lansing Ave. Jplll APARTMENTS, dole In, adults. 100 N. Church. Phone 4-S45T. Jplll PRIVATE T11REE.ROOM furnished court apartment, dean. Adulta. 360. 3560 Portland Road. Jpl39 MODERN FURNISHED court, 880. 1061 Madlaon, Phone 3-7796. JpllS NICELY FURNISHED baiement apart ment on Mill Creek. Reasonable. Pri vate garagei 193 So. 34th. Jplia MODERN, unfumlahed 1 bedroom 4 room apt. 1140 6. 13th. )pll5 S ROOM NICE apartment. Private bath. 588 N. Church. Phone 34745. Jplll NIUILY FURNISHED apartmenta; Am baieador Apta. 550 No. Summer, Jp SEVERAL furnlrhed apartments, food location. Inquire H. L. stlft Furniture. Phone 3-9168. Jp S29.60 1-room lurnlahed housekeeping apartment, close In north. See Bert Plena. 370 N. HUh. 3-4047. JpU3 SMALL, CLEAN 3-room furnished, 3 blocks down town, suitable ior bach elor. 3-3434. Jplll" l-BEDBOOM iurnlahed apt, lncl. util ities. 3 blki. to school, 1 b! to bus. 3050 Myrtle. JP114 FOR RENT In Dallas, 3-room partly furnished apartment, reasonable rent. Located 3 blocks from Mala street. Phone Salem 3-3117. - Jplll NICE furnished 3 room apartment. 1177 Court St. Jplll 3-ROOM furnished apt., llshtt, water furnished. 130. 1030 Ferry St. 3-3101. - Jplll ATTRACTIVE furnished laraia apt. nice location. 034 Judson. Phona 34885. Jplll t ROOM APT., water turntrjhed, 133.50. Adults only. Phone 3-9(11. Jplll I ROOMS, furnished, private bath, clean, dose In. 53 N. Hlth. 335. Jplll CLOSE IN, nice, clean 3 room. Utilities furnished. 058 Center. Jpi:4 MCE 3 ROOM and bath. Completely furnished. Oarage. $44. Alter 5:30 ' p.m. call at Apartment 1, 1410M Court St. jplll 1 ROOM furn. apt., for lady. All utilities turn. 1 block to CapltoL 37.50. Ph. 36354 eve. Jplll l BOOM furnished apartment, refrlgere tor, bath, automatlo heat, 098 N. High street. Jplll JNICE 3 room apartment, private bath. 588 N. Church. 34745. JpUO ( ROOM furnished ajt. Call 3-1851 alter 8 p.m. JP12B furnished 3 rm. apt. Phona 33303. Lights, water furnished. JpllS CLOSE IN nice modern furnished 3 room apartment. Adults. Phone 38400. JpllS' WANT THE FINEST? One of the newest one-bedroom Conrt apts. Now Available. Private utility room and connected garage. Stove and refrigerator included, all quality features. 3-3738. JpU3 UNFURNISHED 3 bedroom, unusually attractive, comfortable, heat, hot water, garbage furnished. Cloae In. Automatlo waeher. Phona 3-9008 or Box 88. Capital Journal. JpllS MODERN COURT, nice yard, appliances furnished. Near Shopplnt Center. Adults. 1431 Trade. JpllS 1 AND 3 BEDROOM art. Newly dec orated. In ahopplnr center. 343 No. 13th. 3-1351. 1P113 MCE 4-BOOM furnished apt., 1 or 3 adults, close chopping and stats build ings, private entrance and bath, dec trio stove, refrigerator, garage, 3-7804. JpllS LEE APTS. alem's Most Distinguished Address. Attractive, spacious 1-bedroom unite svt 877; large picture-frame windows; cheerful colore; elect, range and re frigerator furn.t television available. For better living call 4-1841. 585 N. Winter. Jplla MISCELLANEOUS DEE-HIVE TRUCKS U-DRIVTt MOVE YOURSELF SAVE 4 PICKUPS STAKES VANS TEXACO STATION III COURT ST, PHONE 3-1931 PAQE STEVENSON and AL MEAgTORD SALEM SAND & QRAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Boad Clearing - Ditching Sewer and Basement Equipment Rental Ditching by the Foot Phone Days 3-9408 Eves. 3-4417 or 3-7413 Salem, Oregon m DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 3-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARVEY 8EMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bids., Stete & Commercial Sta. SALEM PH. 3-3311 m FREE FILTER CARTRIDGE with oil change from May 11th thru May 15th, while present stock lasts so hurry! Salem Diesel Service, 3 7 75 sllverton Rd. 1 mils BUILDING MATERIALS BARGAINS '" Sen wood (Jap Birch) A ...... ,81c k" fitnwood (Jap Birch) A,.,,....24c V Mahogany Plywood A 42c V," Mrthojnny Plywood A 30c Mo. 1 Painted cedar hake. Rauranterd to be aqua re fit ting, complete with under- course 110.75 Colored bath aeti. Grade A cheip White, bath flxturei .... lowest prlcei C. Q. LONO Si flONfl Ph. 4 1 ml. Ko. of Kelter ma KEITH BROWN SPECIALS LUMBER Regular sale S0M' 3x3 r1 No. 4 com. StS 30.00 M 13.00 M 7000' 1x6 r1 No. 4 comm. T0 M.OOJJ 35.00 M Car atakea 3' to 10' roush.. .80 ea. 1X8 r1 E Beaded Celling. 40.000 M OVERSTOCK 4x8 H" duplex board. 93.00 M 41.00 M 4x8 V Standard Board 65.00 M 56.00 M Shakes Stained No. 1 vg IS" with unrtereouree. uncertoned . 13 00 gq. Pirron riywood 31 eq. ft. NO. 1 MAHOGANY DOCRS 3-0x-8x!H" HC RC. 3-4x6-xl'i" HC RC, l-x-axl" HC RC. 3-8X8-8X1V"1 HC RC, st: 11.97 1091 11.40 110' 11.91 11.74 1-PANEL DOOR B.P. 3-Oxl-BxlH" ,,,, 3-4x-8xl'a" .... J-x6-8xli" .... 3-8x8-6x14" .... 3-6 At 3-6xt-8xl'V 683 8 95 , 695 8 no 1 lite 1 panel 9.50 Keith Brown Lumber Yd. Front 0 Court Street Phona 1-9111 Wl OIVI Sttlt OREIM STAMP ma' UILDING MATERIALS KEITH BROWN'S Close-Outs We are closing out our antlra stock of Lawn Mowers, Bectrlo and Oas. Also c-arden Rose. Regular Bale 3 16" Rand Mowers 934.80 116.15 118" Oas Rotary Mower 118.06 94.44 318" Else. Rotary Mower 71.80 57.44 316" Elee. Rotary slower 79.98 50 Feet Plastlo Hots 1.96 4.76 KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD Front ft Court St, Ph. 3-9111 We Olva SAB Oram stamps ma Coast or Mountain Cedar Shingles No. 3s. 13 Inches clear. 15; No. 3. 8 Inches clear. 14. No aap wood or eulls. Come and get thsm. Ted Muller, Salem-lndependenca Road. Ph. Salem 3-1196. ma REDUCED $10 Per Day Until Sold START1NO PRICK W-M.W MAT Sth 1 Zenith refrigerator nodal rz-H10C Custom Deluxe. ThU treat new rcfrli rator la tot llcesi arer to bear the Zenith name . . . featuring MORE of everything that everyona wants most. It's BIO ... 10 cubic feet to live large capacity and com pie ta flexibility. And newly engineered, up-to-the-mlnuta automatlo defrost and butter condi tioner plus such other wonderful features as shelves In the door, giant twin crlsperi, porcelain Interior, 62-lb. freezer locker. It's America's greatest value In superb, all-feature boma re frigeration, , MAY 11th $349.95 Keith Brown Lumber Yard .front 9t Court Street Phone S9111 WK OIVE 6&K OREXN STAMPS mi Look! Look! O. W. Klanr Wrecking oo. la wreck ing S houses at Union and High. Toi lets, lavatories, bath tubs, aheetlng S10 per M, 3x4s 35 par M. All kinds of alien siding, kitchen bullt-l&a, lota of antique light fixtures. Shlplap 120 per M. Lots of Sxfls and 3x8s. Call 3-72H. malll Remodeling? Ooah. tou ought to sea thus Birch Soorsl 3.1x6.1 18.91. .3.0X6.3 H.tO PLYWOOD (still running out our earsl) Ax4x8 Ren lv. aiexexs nan auc All thickness Irs Sand ReJ. inter ior da exterior. Sugar Pine. Knotty Fine, Birch, aianoganr. rjeaawn, WaldUx, aU beautllul In 4x1 aheeu. KNOTTY Furl Paneling 139.50. Cedar Panel 129.50. naxea nrwooa ens. toe toot. WALLEOARDS, all kinds, Sheetrock 1.60 up. Hardhoara 1.75. snaxes inc. unaer course 11.36 square. BEV BDO 19.50, lx Pig 98.50, 1x3 rig 69.50. Nothing down, 36 months to par. Prea delivery A estimating serv ice. Corns In and visit, open all day Saturday. Portland Road Lbr. Yard 3645 Portland Road Phone 4-U33 mi1 SURPLUS ITEMS Mill prlcei. Coest Ranaa Mill. 663 Basset St. west Ba. lem. main BUILDER'S SPECIAL New planed lum ber. 816 ser U. and up. delivered. 3-3043. mall6 WRF.CII1NO building at 7 Marlon street, all materials lor aaio cneap. Madson Wrecking Co. malll NURSERY STOCK BELLING OUT. Pansys, 600 dosen. S83Q Midway Drive. Phona 3-ean. m&na- AZALEAS Olft wrapped for Mother's Day. War ing Nursery, 1025 Oak Hill Ave. (turn East from 90E at South VUlaga Tav ern). Open Sunday's. tnblll PEPPEBS, cabbage and tomato plants, by the thousands. Tuberous begonias, petunias, geraniums and all bedding out plants. Wholesale and retail. Ar thur Plant Greenhouse, 1308 So. 13th. Phona 3-70. mblll CHOICE GLOXINEA8 now blooming. Visitors welcome at Salem's Airican Violet headquarters. Fuchsia. Petunia, tomatoe A bedding plants. Oppen's Oreenhouee, 4330 Auburn Rd. rnblM MARTHA WASHINGTON geraniums, hundreds In bloom; begonias, xucntias and bedding plants. Kllber'i, 716 Sa lem Heishta Ave., phone 44029. mbl34 CHRYSANTHEMUMS New Kraus Intro ductions. 150 English, epooni, Spiders, Cushion. Delphiniums (including Axtolata), 16 varieties Astllbei: Ger aniums, Rusiell Lupines. Iceland pop ples, Iris, Hostai. Black's, 2370 Che mawa Road, IV miles east of Keiier. 2-430. mbll4 HEDGE OR WINDBREAK Privet, laur el, camellia, conifer, ooxwooo. rn 32183. 2497 Hollywood Drive. mbl34" GERANIUM, FUSCHIAB 25c Mixed Dahlias 3.00 Dt. Tall Boxwood 3 for 11.00 Red Azalea- 4 for 11.00 Eversreen Trees 1100 Up Everbearing Strawberry Plants. MERRILL'S OKEENHOUSE, BROOKS mbll4' GERANIUMS, bedding plants, perennials, shrubs. Boy it Nursery, 3440 state. mblll AZALEAS FOR MOTHERS DAT. Nice Hexe Azaleas In bloom sow 11.00. Ex tend the season by planting late blooming varieties. Sales Yard, 2830 N. Sth St., Strayer Atalea Gardens, 65S LocutU Mreet. mblll For Sole MISCELLANEOUS HOSPITAL RED for sale or rent. H. L. stiff Furniture Co. Phone 3-dl8l. n CEDAR TELEPHONE and electrlo poles, fence posts, bean pouts and stakes. Phillips Broi., Rt. I, EOX 493, 2 mllfi eaxt o! 4 Cornen. Ph. 4-30B1. P SO LI iDM An OG ANT Drexel Ovsl Dining room tab, alx matching chairs, like new. 2-3048. nlll GOOD I'SED refrlierators, US up or rent one for 14.00 per month. Wash ers, used, 118.00 up or 11.00 per month rental. Master Service Station, 365 N. com'I, Phone 3-4163. nll2 nXR.VER-CHICAOd uprlsht piano, In eicellent condition, 1100. 1-8437, 1995 So. Commercial. nlll NEW DUAL mufflers complete with headers for Olds II. 1110 Pine et, Sll verton. nlli PORTABLE RFXORD p.arer with built in amplifier and speaker. Looks like new. We allowed 10 on Raytheon TV. A bargain at 137.80. Terms or we'll trade in an old radio. Pr all's, 230 N. Liberty. nlll DANVENPOHT AND chair set. slightly ujieri. Sparks oil heater. 2-4813. nll2 VERY OOOD rtvoet-a-Hioned Maytag washer, 130. 1990 No. Cottage. Phone 3-75B7. niu LIGHT WEIGHT Ainser portable, latest model, complete with ettertmnti, Today's iptcli:. 50. :neer sow ing Center, 130 Mo. Commercial. 1-3512. 113 For Solo MISCELLANEOUS IUQUTLT UUD 10 gallon neavr dulr waieriana. fa. s-rssi. nilg BADIO combination with apaad chang er, an Airline u perlect condition. w-d.7 guarantaa. We traded la on B.jth.oo TV. Ton can have (or 141.10 at bank terms and trade U jour old radio on It, rRALL'a, J10 N. Libertr. mil TOP SOIL River gilt and till dirt, rrompt de. Ilrerr. Phone 1-1141. n OAEAC1I DOORS, unllnUhed furniture maae 10 oraer. Dmaii carpenter and cabinet repelr Jobs. Frless reasonable. Woodworking Fixit Shop 1ST No. 11 Ph. l-UU Bill Organic Fertilizer ' Pre of weed seeds, and odorless. Sack or bulk orders delivered. Phone 1-6137. olll FERTILIZER PulTerisid. rotted manure. usuiTcrca UeTwacrs. .-vm or ej-oma. SMALL BOY'S 16-lnch bicycle, 13. 10fl0 no. cottage, rnooa S-7D87. nil a MeCULLOCB CHAIN SAWS, 108 Kdga- water. wast Baitm. oalem Logglnt Sup ply. Ph. 4-1541. n STEEL clothesline posts, planters, rail ing porch columns, furniture, ma n. Liberty. nlll ONE TAPE reoorder. CaU 3-100 or see at 770 So. Lancaster Drive. nlll CLOT1ILINE POSTS, iron legs lor ta bles, furniture, railings. 1148 N. Lib erty. nl24 ROTTED MANURE 1,000 yards, the best wa have aver had. for good organic results order rotted oow manure that rou can use without tear. 1(1.00 par yard. 4 yards 111. I yards 138. 10 yards 40. Flat stones, lava stone, tenet poits, 4x4 stakes nd rustle red oedar fencing. Phillips Bros, IU. I, Box 411, Ph. 4S0I1, aalem. S ml. I. A Corners, n TOP SOIL Pill dirt, garden sand. 3-0S4B. nll4 FOR SALE Grossman pellet pistol. CO. 3. 812.50. 1075 N. 18th. nlll AUTO. ELEO 8 IDE ARM water heater with Insulated storage tank. Bargain. Guaranteed o.k. By Owner, ph. 4648S. nlll USED sewing Machines galore. Some lino new. Priced xrom 117.60, Trader Louie, 1870 Lana Ave. nll3 FOB SALE: Complete outfit for Spud- nut Shop. Vis power Mixer, 1 h.p. motor, s stool counter. 2 milk shake mixers. Xlectrlo soup kitchen. Cash register. Electrlo deep tat frier. Cut lery dishes. This is a fine lot of equipment tor anyone, starting in the Dullness, flow, soma terms, w. A. Bailey, 1324 e. X. Concord Rd., Mii waukle, Ore. EVl-327fl, nlll BUNK BEDS, complete, 128.10 up. Trad er Louie, 1870 Lana Ave. nll2' 0,000 CUBIC Inch air conditioner, can be used for conditioner or exhaust system. Cheap. Bay Curtis. 3550 Pair haven Avenue. 4-2894. nU3 SLEEPING BAG. new, Wool filled. 110.99. Trader Louie, 1870 Lana Ave. nl!2 SHAKES No. 1 Fainted Shakes a undercourse 10.16 3-piece Bath Set, td. "A soi.oo switch Boxes with brackets 34c CAMPBELL BLDG. SUPPLY S Ml. E. Center St. Ph. 2-8224 nll3' OVERSTOCK of radios and radio-phono graph combinations. Marked way down to reduce our otock of trade- ins. Be the first to take advantage of this opportunity. Open Mon. k Prl eves. Trades Louie, 1870 Lana Ave, nll2' BEAR CAT tractor, other garden Im plements. Phono 4-3077. t)113 BUY, BELL or Trade. Used Mdsa. Mart. 270 Bo. Liberty. Phona 48171. n!12 PIANOS, new and used, wide selection. spinets, grands, studio uprights. The Muslo Center, 470 N. Capitol Phone nlll FOR SALE, loading donkey, ateel framed medium slse; new sled and roof. Also cable. Bill Wagner, Box 15, rails City, Oregon. una Wonted MISCELLANEOUS LOGS WANTED Top truck teal, prlc. for aecond and old growtn nr. Long and abort. WEST SALEM LBR. CO. 1190 Wallace Rd. Ph. 4-17K nam WOODBT WANTS pianos. Phona 3-1110. na LOGS WANTED Stud Mill. Lengths r 4' or 18 8' Diameter 6" to 16" Sawmill, Lrnstha 13 and longer. Diameter I to M Top prlcea paid. Burkland Lumber Co. ELECTRIC RANGES. 3-5110. Woodry's. Ph. na SPORTING EQUIPMENT 6-H.P. MERCURY outboard motor. 1C0 Phone 43693. nclll PERSONAL ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, Group No. I. 2083 N. Commercial. Ph. 3-4537 Pll7' AUTOMOBILES '48 FORD H-ton pickup, e-cvllnder, S-speed .heater, defroster, new paint, very clean. Only 1793. No down pay ment on approval of credit. Open evenings. X. Smith and Son Mo tors, 345 union. Phone 3-3010. '40 DO DUB 4-door sedan, heater, de froster, seat covers, new paint, a nice running car drive it and stei Re duced to only 1195. No down pay ment on approval of credit. Open eve nines. K. Smith and Son Motors, 245 union, prion e 3-JfMo. FOR KALE OR TRADE. 19M) Cht strlellne DeLuxe 3-door or 1950 DeBoto Custom 4-door. Phone 3 -IK 48. Ql 13 SI OI.DS HOLIDAY Coupe for sale or trade. Rerilo, heater, hydromatic dr. Dare 124 8. Lancaster Dr. 3-2003. Eve. 3B5 N. Elma 27131. Olll IBM CHEVROLET convertible, excellent condition. Phone 3-1981. olll lofU '.i-TON Clicr. pickup, rust house soutrrot jnaepenoence oriase. rtouie s. Boa 127, Sslem. olll 01 CIIEV. 2-door Fleetllne, fully equip ped, white elde valla, food condition, ucl. 3177 Sunnyvlew Ave. alter a. gill Hill RTlriFBAKFR convertible. Radio, heater, a-hlte Kalis, very sharp. Phone 2-12. 0113 19M CREV. Fleetllne Aero Sedan. Rill. Just overheuled, new rubber, shocksb eorbera, undercoated, all the extras. Very clean. 309 South Dlmlrk St.. Dal las, Oreion. Phone 3900 after S p m. qlll 194R CHEV. 4-door, food rubber, radio, heater, 7(S. Ollbert, 310 N. Liberty. qlll 19.13 FORD 4-door. Only 3090 milts I139S. Will take trade-In. 314 Miller Ave., Dallae. qlll WANTED '31 Chev, 2-I29I. notor. Phone qlll SELL OR TRADE 1917 Lincoln Custom 4 door eeden. Real nice. 3.1,500 actual miles. 3-6417, 199S So. Commerclsl. qlll 1947 CBYHLER Windsor 4 door aedan. excellent condition. 3-00S8. 695 So Elma Avenue. qlll 'II KAIsrrt 4-door sedan, lood rubber, heeler, sportlleht. eeet covers, 1495 No down psrment on approval o,' credit. Open evenlnes. K. Smith anc Son, Motors, 14k Marlon, Phona 1-3040. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Orcpm AUTOMOBILES GOTO AND DRIVE CAREFULLY ALWAYS! THE SALEM USED CAR DEALERS ASSOCIATION URGES YOU TO ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE TODAY OR TOMORROW. AND ALWAYS TO DRIVE CAREFULLY EVERY DAY IN THE WEEK. AFTER CHURCH LOOK AT THESE USED CAR BUYS ON THESE LOTS WITH THE FAMILY. 51 FORD ..$1395 Delu:, l-tor aedan, RAH. whit side walla, 1 owner, low mileage. 48 CHEVROLET $805 nee Ulna are, aedan, RaaH, Terr clean. 81 BUICK $1895 Bseclal delus, 4-dr., R&H, drnaflow. original 3-tona green, 1 owner. Verr dean. WESTERN MOTORS ' 1383 Broadway REMEMBER! OTTW CAR WARRANTY ON AU, "41 THROUOH 'S3 HODSONS NINITY OAVS OR 4,000 MILES SEE THESE! 13 Hornet Sedan, B4H, Hrdra. tnts '10 Bupar 6 3-dr., RAH, OD, 15B '49 oommodor, 0 Club Cpe. R&H, 139s ALL VXRT CLEAN BUARPI Open I a.m. to J p.u. SHROCK'S Wbira Chemeketa does to Church n tsaaM (Yea a seieteO LODER BROS. 1950 OLDS. 88 HOLIDAY COUPE ....$1995 Radio, rear seat speaker, two-tone cream with black top, white sldewall tires, it's a very popular model. 1950 PONTIAC "8" STREAMLINER.. 1595 Deluxe sedan, radio, heater, Hydramatlc, fern green. Here's that exceptional buy you've wanted! 1951 FORD "8" CUSTOM 1645 4-door sedan, equipped with Fordomatic, puncture-proo tubes, radio and heater. 1946 OLDS. "78" 4-DOOR SEDAN 695 This car shows excellent care and is going to go quickly at this low price! HURRY! 1950 OLDS. TUDOR SEDAN 1545 A very clean automobile . . .and worth much more than this low price. LODER BROS. Your Oldsmoblle Dealer SOUND VALUE $1295 lDtO PONTIAC CHIEFTAIN S 4-Dn. BED. RiH. EXC. FINISH. CLEAN CAR THROUGHOUT. GUARANTEED. Brown-Fox BRITISH CAR SALES 1330 tf. BROADWAY PHONE 4-1031 qlU- SACBIFICE SALE, 1043 White ton panel. Mechanically OK. uooa ruooer. Ideal for television or radio. See et 41(5 N. River Rd. qlll 1047 OLDS Club Coupe, heater, clean. rood condition, 710. rn. aj.oj anrr 0:10 p.m. nl"" 1047 MERCURY club coupe, radio, heater, overdrive, W.W. tires, exceptionally good body and Interior. Phone 39926. qll2 '46 CIIEV. 3-TON truck, terms. 1941 Pontlec Sedanette, 120 down will buy. 1942 Chev. 3-door, 1100 down. Phone dsra. 34041. oils 40 cnEV. COUTE. Oood radio, heater, defrottera, make offer. Phone after 4. qlll NOTICE! WATCH THESE CARS BEINO REDUCED $25 PER DAY 1 BUICK StIPFR RIVIERA SEDAN HAB EVERYTHINO. ONE LOCAL OWNER. 41 CADILLAC "62" 4-DOOR. CI.rAN AS A PIN. A MCE FAMILY CAR. CAPITAL AUTO SALES com'I at Chemeketa rh. 41(107 SOUND VALUE $41)5 1141 STUDS CHAMP SEDAN OD SHOWS EXCELLENT CARE. SEE IT YOU'LL BUY rr Brown-Fox BRITISH CAR SALES 1210 N. BROADWAY PHONE 4-6031 qlll AUTOMOBILES 50 MERCURY 5)1495 Club coupt, KStK, 1 owner. '49 PONTIAC 5il95 3-door chieftain "I". BAH, hrdra matlo. 49 FORD $095 Club coupe. RAH, orerdrlva, direc tional signals. ARROW USED CARS no t. Blah 51 CADILLAC ???? 4-door, fully equipped. An outstanding buy. '48 FORD $645 Low mileage, very clean, and vary good, '51 STA. WGN 7??? Kaih with overdrive, radio and heater. DONT FORGET! Open Evening Til On Saturday TU f- DOUGLAS McKAY CHEVROLET CO. 13S N. Commercial St, Phona 3-int BUY WITH CONFIDENCE FROM A REPUTABLE ASSOCIATION DEALER Remember NO SUNDAY SALES! The Week-End Specials and Message Above Are Brought to You So You Can Look Leisurely Then Buy Later Phone 3-7973 1941 CHEV. Club Coupe, sood condition, radio, heater. Phone 3-8581. qll S)4nlTi:vredan delivery, mllease 47, 000, sood condition. 1800. Phone Georsa Dunsmoor 4-1013 or see at 4775 Her court St. H1' ml!) CIIEV. Deluxe 4-tIc-r atdan. Radio, Jifalcr, perffct condition, new ni&ior. Must sell quick. 11050. Ont owner. 3-5384. HI llV! WILLY 4 Parkway tatlon wa on. Ilka new. Lesi than 3.500 muei. Part of an estate. No trade -In. Bank terms. Pull price 11,435. 2-7B. gH3 SOUND VALUE 11593 1051 H.G., EQUIPPED WITH RAH A-l JJECH. CONDITION Brown-Fox BRITISH CAR SALES 1330 N. BROADWAY PHONE 4-8031 $ for $ You Can't Beat Our Cars For Value PONTIAC 83 edn. Hydra. RAH ... 61 Sedan. Hrdra, Heater .,, 41 tirrlan, RArH 48 fiertan Cpe. Hrdra, RdiH , 48 Sertsn, RA:H 47 Sedan Cpe., RA;H ..62MIH . .31608 .12flS , 8I00S ...6K STATION WAGON tl Pontlee Hrdra, RAH (aharp) I13J Best For Less 41 Rtilrk. RAtll 40 Packard 40 Chevrolet 39 Chevrolet Cpe. (clean) 47 rord Club Cpe., RAII ...ties ...tit? ...S14S ...S22S ...USS ALWAYS THE BEST FOR LESS AT KELLY OWENS Co. C60 N. LIBERTY PH. 2-4113 sin AUTOMOBILES CHURCH '52 DODGE .. Wayfarer, 3-door. low mileage. ....$1795 Hull drlre. JUsB, 3 STA. WGN. $3195 Dodgo Blerra suburban, JUtU, grro torque, 3-ton, finish. 48 CHRYSLER $1095 windier club cpe, RH, shsip, drlre it-rou'U bur 111 3 Locations To Serve You laallrl m North Hlth tit Chemeketa. 1110 Portland Rd. Stan Baker Motors NOW! TWO LOCATIONS To Serve You and oiler Tou the Beat, Low-Prieed USED CARS BUYS IN SALEM Mora Than to Car, Tot Your Selection FROM $100 TO $2300 Marlon as Commercial Center as Commercial . Salem Automobile Co. SOUND VALUE 1595 IKS HILLMAH eroAN, ONLY DRW XN SHORT TDia BY UB, SAYS (1001 Brown-Fox BRITISH CAR SALES 1330 N. BROADWAY PHONE 4-8021 Sv '9VAlrH-W GET A BUV You can have confidence in these reconditioned cars and in the denier you're buying from I 1B50 Bulck Super Riv iera $1995 MOST POPULAR STYLE. FINE CONDI TION AND APPEARANCE, DYNAFLOW, TUBELESS TIRES, EASY-EYE OLA 88, 30,677 MILES. 1950 Mercury Sedan ...$1595 OVERDRIVE, RADIO, HEATER, CARE FULLY RECONDITIONED, SHOWS OOOD CARE. 1950 Bulck Special Sed- anet $1495 WE HAVE SERVICE RECORD SINCE NEW, RADIO, HEATER, FINS CONDI TION. 1951 Plymouth Club Coupe $1495 CAMBRirxiB MODEL, BEAUTIFULLY MAINTAINED, ONLY 33,411 MILES. 1950 Studebaker Coupe $1195 STAR-LITE MODEL WITH OVER DRIVE, RADIO, HEATER. 1946 Olds. 66 Sedan ...$ 695 HYDRAMATIC, RADIO. HEATER. . . . VERY CLEAN, OOOD CONDITION. 1946 Ford 6 Tudor . .$ 595 EKTTEH THAN USUAL, WITH RADIO, HEATER. 1948 Nash Super 600 Sedan $ 745 OVERDRIVE, HEATER, ECONOMICAL TO OPERATE. OTTO J. WILSON COMPANY COMMERCIAL AT CENTER PHONE 3-1431 REDUCED twenty dollars every day until sold 1948 Bulck Sedan Starting price $1095 TODAY $955 OTTO J. WILSON CO. COMMERCIAL AT CUTTER till ff va FARM EQUIPMENT BIOINO GABDIN TalACTOIt, plow, cul- tlfator, tumbiebug, Use sew. Ml winota. 3-2805. .bill AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR BAV1NO RAOIATOH TBOUBLBt Valley Motor Co. experta will eolra your prob lem! and aava you money, prao eiU ma tea, apecdy garvloa. Center at Lib arty. HlAVY EQUIPMENT MODEL ISM Carco Jr. Logging Arch. Oeorgo C Turner, Bi. 1, Amity. Ph. 313. qellS FOR SALE, leua or rent two donkteyi, ont yardlni and one loading. Both In xceHleot condition. Complete with Ho and block. One 933 horao power Buda dleael power unit. TertiM can be arranged. Phone Albany 10, qellS BOATS BL'NAilODT- 11-It. Ma Fisherman with Arnolt fieamlta engine, tioellent condition, locatl on AUea rlrer. Write CiT court, or call i-UU or t-3S. fialem, Oregon. qqlll FINANCIAL money TO loan on real estate. Phone 3-otss. rill MONEY PROBLEMS? Let ua take the 'lfa" out of your money problem, up to $300 on email loan. Up to IftOO on auto loan. STATE FINANCE CO. S-316 M-321 lit S. Blah si. mi Phona 94131 LOANS UP TO $1500 on Slsnature. Furniture. Car AT perbonal U'a "res" promptly to emplored men or women. i-viiii loan . . . pnone nut. You aelect best payment, date. . Between partiar loans. pnone, write or coma In TODAYI Personal Finance Co. 109 8. HIGH ST BALD! State Ucena. Hoe. 8-133, U-1SS Loans over 1300 up to 11500 and no to 30 months to repay made br Persona) Plnance Co. ol Marlon County under ine industrial Loan companiee Act ol Oreion el'S- LIc S-133 and U-31! and ROY B. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS Hear "Top Tradea" 11:08 Dally K8LM 1300 He, GENERAL FINANCE CO. LOANS US So. Commercial St, TaL 1-B181 AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 183 Bouth Church Parklnl a-Plent Ph. 1-1487 14c. No. M-ltO, S-184 SEB US FOR FARM, CITY OR ACRXAQI LOANS BEST OF TERMS WE BUY Real aetata rnortaaiea at eontracti State Finance Co. 17 So. Blah St. Pa. 3-411 5 Interest It you havo till lands iteklni In- veitment, then you are the trpa ot perton to wnom we can be ol aemce. I For over Twenty-tlve Teare we have been helping people In this community find profitable work tor their money. During ttala period we have promptly paid U atml-annnal intereet parminta totalling many Thouiandt ot Dollari. We are currently paying t TEBEBT on tunaa from sw to i&ow. General Finance Corporation 138 S. COMMERCIAL 8T. Salem Oregon Pnont 1-1161 WANT 20-000 LOAN on builneea property et 9, Abo 14.C00 loan on buslneae property at fl. Eotn props rue good Tallies. J. e. wcierc, neaitor, loiw No. Capitol. S-32H. rll TRAILERS 1941 FARSENGER Chev. 14 foot trailer house. Cheap. 1665 No. Capitol, till ONE -WHEEL TRAILER file el body. 1 umlnum painted, extra wheel, tire, nearly new. 3-1683. 1342 Elm. tin INDIVIDUAL WANTS best house trailer 1400 will cur. write Box m, capita Journal. till HOUSE TRAILERS Buy . . Bargain! . . . Sell LANA LANS TRAILER PLAZA Trade 1940 Lancaster Ave. . Rental Ul 11 f.7 FOOT trailer bouse, ilenpj four, cx cellent condition. Phone 3-O00B. tall 3 EQUITY In 1S51 Liberty home trailer. 31 ft. Phone 4 -0116. talis DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES All makes used machines sold, rented, repaired. Roen, 458 Court. Pa. 2-6773, nUII.DI.VQ MATERIAL O. W. KLANQ Wreeklns Co. Builders' cheap supplies. 3-72B5 evenlnis. oils nmxtioziNO Eulldoelna, road clsarlnl teeth. Vlrsll Ilusker, 1010 Fslrvlew. Ph. I-I14D. 0121 CASH KEQISTEBS Instant delivery or new RCA aaeh realatera. All makes, sold, rsnted. re paired. Roen, 4SS Court. Ph. S-8773. o- DHESSMAKINO Alterations, hemstltchlnt, buttons, buckles covered, butlonholee, Mrs. H. VS. Allender. 3-W11. oUl DRIVINO INSTRUCTION Learn to drive the "Beay Drive" wer. Call or sea Mr. snelllni, Valler Mo tor Co., Salem. Phoue 1-1147 or 4-2074. o EXCAVATING Ben Otlen it Bona. Eacavatlna, frad Ine, land cleerlns. Phone 1-9080. olll FURNITURE KEFINIHIIINO Furniture reflnlahlni, repalrlna. Id ler Brock, 864 Norway St. Phone 18367. 0 INSULATION Inaulatlon. weatheratrlps, aluminum screens. Free estimates. T. Pullman Ph. 3-56i. 01 H1 MATTRESSES Capitol Bedding, renovatee. Full Una new mattresses. Ph. 3-4063. 0 OFFICE FURNITURE St SUPPLIES Desk chairs, files, filing supplies, sefea. duplicators, supplies, desk lamps, trpe writer atanda. Roen, 4&8 Court. o SIIAItrENIN') AMI REPAIR SERVICE Obert'e Sharpening and Repair Serv Ice. Lawnmowers. kntvee. aheara. bl- erdea and email motore. Ph. 34818 or 4SHS. 18th and "D" Ma, out SEPTIC TANKS Hamel'e septic tsnks cleaned, line service. Guaranteed work. Phone 3-7404. 0139 sewer, septlo tanks, drains cleaned. Ro to-Rooter Sewer Service. Phona 3-8337. Mike's Septlo Service. Tanke eleaned. D'rootor cleana sewers, dralna. phona 8,9468. 0136 TYPF.WR1TF.RS Smith. Corona, Remington, Roral, Dn. derwood pnrtablea. All raakee used marhlnea. Hepalra as rent. Roeo, 45.8 Court. o TFLEVISION Prompt television and service. Phona 4-8981. dey or nlsht. redlo repair 173 Market, 0118 VF.NF.TIAN BI.1NII LAUNDRY Canfleld'a Laundry. Repalra. Reflnlah lne. 1441 a, 13th. Ph. 4-S103, Plek-up, Delivery. all3 Page 15 Escape Trio All Caught The remaining pair ot the . trio that escaped from Oregon State Hospital Wednesday night were captured In Sandy Friday evening by Sandy police alter they received a tip that the stolen car the men had been driving was heading their way. Eugene P. Ferguson, 20, Portland, and Thomas Malone, 19, Springfield, offered no re sistance when they were stop ped by police In the car of Valdemar J. Karklin, the at tendant whom they overpower ed to escape the hospital. They were returned to the hospital Saturday morning from Oregon City where they had been held in the Clacka mas county jail overnight. Karkllns went along with other hospital aides to return his car to Salem. The two men were spotted by a merchant patrolman aa they went through Rhodendron in the stolen car and state po lice at Milwaukle were noti fied. They in turn called Sandy police to be on the lookout for the car, they stopped it as it went through town. The third member of the trio, Verlin O. Thayer, 39, went to his home in Toledo after the escape and was re turned to the hospital Thurs day by his family and Lincoln county welfare authorities. Staprans' Paintings Exhibit at Gleasons The exhibition of oil paint ings by Raimonds Staprans, 26-year-old Latvian artist, will be shown one week more at the Clifford Gleason studio, 162 South Commercial. The pictures mainly have their settings around Seattle, San Francisco and Salem. Crit ics have especially commented -on Staprans strong lights and darks of the modern era, com bined with the Influence fa miliar to the 18th and 19th century paintings. Mr. Staprans maKea Hi home in Salem but - Is now studying at Berkeley for his master or arts degree. He is a graduate of University of Washington. tola Fire District Votes 7 Mill Tax Eola Voters In the Eola Fire District Friday approved a proposed 7 mill tax to de fray the cost of fire protection by West Salem fire equipment. The vote was 67 yes and S no. At the same election voters also approved formation of a 55-acre water district to pur chase water from the City of Salem to augment the limited supply now available from a well. DENIES ASSAULT Albany Bertha Rolwee, Lebanon, pleaded innocent in district court here to a charge of assault and battery follow ing her arrest on complaint of Emily Hall. The complaining witness claims to have been assaulted May 8. Judge Wen dell Tompkins set the hearing for May 25. DIRECTORY WINDOW CI.EANINO Aems Window Cleaners. Industrial floor waslna, houaeeleanlnr. Phona 3-3337. 147 Court. LEGALS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT Of THS 8TATB OF OREOON FOR THS COUNTY OF MARION PROBATO DEPARTMENT tlie Matter of the Eetata ol BASIL P. BTtTPFEL, Deceased. NOTICE TO VKEUITUHS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that th underelrned, br an order of the Circuit Court of the state of Oreaon, for tha County of Marlon, duly made and an tared on the 3tth day ot April, 1853. waa aoDolnted Execute x or the aetata or Baall P. Btupfel. deceased, and baa duly Qualified aa such. All persons navlni eiaima aaainat saia estate are hereby notified to pressnt tha aame, duly verified aa required by law, and with tha proper vouchers, to tha undsrslsned Executrix at Salem, Oregon, lthln alx months from tha data of tha flrat publication of thla notice, said first publication belnt made on tha 3Sth day of April. 1013. MARY KEMMERICK BTUFKu Kxeoutrlx of the Islets of Baall P. Btuplel, deceased. W. W. McKlnner Attorney for Eatata Salem, Oregon. , FIRST PUBLICATION! 4-J3-DJ. LABT PUBLICATION: 5-2J-6J. Apr. as; May 3, t, II, 3, NOTICE TO CREDITORS On May a. 13. The First National Bank ot Portland (Oregon) was duly ap pointed aa executor of the estate or oeorgo A. Mtnzcnmler, deceeaed, by aa order of the circuit court tor Marion County, Oregon. All persons having clalma agalnat aald aetata ara hereby notified to preaent auch claims In duo form to said executor at an pioneer Trust Building In Sslem. Oregon, wlthla six months from tha data of thla no tice, to-wnt May . 1113. THB FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND (OREGON) aa auch Executor. John A. Heltrrl, Attorney for Executor, Pioneer Trust Building, Salem, Oregon. May , 18, M, in, June Ot. t. T. Lam. N.D. Dr. O. Chan tl DRS. CUAN . . . LAM CHINESE NATUROPATHS TJpataln, 241 North Liberty Oftlea open Saturday only 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., I to T p.m. Consultation, blood prrsaura and urine tests are free of eharge Practiced elnra 1917 Writ lor attractive gilt. No soil-getloa. : s ' t t . V .4