I W. 1 Pas 14 , I HELP WANTED ntir FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE REAL JAE! HBtE. " ' ' ' '- I ! I II.IIM.I.I. i-i . i- Mil I - - I 1 I DRIVE BY 417S roster Ave. iftMO MM Mission It. IT600 1140 X. ltth St. 7W0 - 1400 Jiuilon St ITBJO S bedroom, larae corner. 1600 N. Lancaster Dr. $8600 Beautiful ictttag, unique property. 4-Conieri $9660 t btdroomi tod baaement. M9 U. 18th fit. ICKH) 3 bedrooms and basement, InfJewood. T30 N. ltlb 6t. K6M I bedrooms and basement. Olenereek Dr. 110,900 1 bedroom, tery attractive, J-rr.-old. Bonhtn $9000 S bed room i, 3 yr. old. South. WO Manbrm 114,000 3 home, 3 amply attractive loti, Un oorner property. 4 Miles from Salem $18,000 7 no. bomt and 40iW concrete block ebop. 4413 Sllvtrton Hd 122,800 t bedrooms, full basement, 3 fireplaces, 1 acre land, 3600 mi. ft. lti home. South Balem 125,000 4 3 -bed room home, each on 100100 lot, excep tion aJ construction. Clip this ad and check the properties described at your own conve nience. Terms of course art arallable on all properties offered. Pie ae do not bother occupants. If you arc Interested, call our offlcti we will five you further Information and arrange for thorough inspec tion. CLAUDE KILGORE Realtor KM N. Capllol 'none 4-W . OPEN HOUSE 1196 NORTH 16TH ST. 16 FM. SUN., MAY 10TH 2-atory Dutch Colonial built In 1938 and kept In perfect repair. Pull bem't, 3 B.A., Den, Din. Hm., nook, lie. bath, huge cor. lot, beau, landscaped. Pull price $16,200. Mr. Conklln, representative. BURT PICHA 7 N. HUrh St. SOLD 765 Hansen Avt. OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY, MAY 10, 1953 2:00 to 5:00 P.M. 755 HANSEN AVENUE SALEM, OREGON JUBT ONZ LEFT, WILL BE FINISHED THIS WEEK ALEM'a OUTBTANDINO VALUES PEATURTNO: Uvlm Room Activity Room 38' Loni S Bedrooms Kxcelient Room Arrangement Dishwasher Clothes Wuher Dryer fireplace Double Lavatory Porced Air Oli Heat BookJfcelvea ONLY-$14,500 GRABENHORST BROS. REALTORS 114 tV Liberty Bt. Ph. 3-34U Evenings Jc Sundays call Rr Porrli 3-W10 - J. X. Law S-Mll - H. r. Laymon -S49 Peter H, Of leer 3-9968 OPEN HOUSE m TO KIBTA 8 to 5 P.M., SUNDAY JV&T FINISHED AND FKADT POR OCCUPANCY S BEDROOMS J7 FT. LIVING ROOM OAK FLOORS THHsUOUT WIRED POR DRYER A PLUMBED AUTO. WASHER ATTACH E13 CiAKAOE Oo South on Commercial Just past Erlckson's Mkt., turn West on Han nun Ave. fur about V mile, then South one block, watch for oprn bouse alsna. "Mac' McDonald Representing CLAUDE KILGORE HE ALTO R Phone 4-8082 Eve. As Sun. Ph. 441 56 SELL OR TRADE Por Fsrm. Clone In apartments. 17S monthly Income, plus owner loTely 8 Dr. tlviiin quHrteit. Income could tie lnrraael if owner cuuld occupy smaller avt. owner nerda 3 Hr. home on 80 A. or more not too far from ftalcin. Aaking iilre ISH.OtX). SEt.L OR TRADE Tat 1 Br. home. South fomtiif tc ul St. HiLslnr- tone property, t story house, eajllr cirnvrrtnl to dji'if Full tnnnnriil. Mot water heat. A good Investment for now aiul tl.e future. Price 112.500. Terms. SKLL OH TRADE For 2 Br. tixme. N.tt 2 i:r. home Nurl1. Snlfm. Price 110,000. Would like I Br. EiiUlfwoml DUt. Pay soma dl.Ierrnce. A. A. LARSEN REALTOR 11 (i llith Andy llsltoi,en - A. Wella - rtl 37l nines and Piin.1.. FOR SALE HOUSES a nrnitomis r? tth. inue uvins room, dining rocm. nook, f'lll base ment, excellent location. Ill.UM). im0 No. Collate am tipJCN HOI PK VJfDAT. USX 10 l.m f 00 P M. 410 Ton I VHxr, n-ji NEW 1 KEIJHOM lU'lf-K IN MAN BHIN OAHDFNS AtvrilATIC I'll. 11 FAT. INSIPK UTII.1T. tXTHA LA1U1E OAHAOK. niitiS'ilSO TAlIt T: OM'.VFffl IN BATH WTVH IXM llI.K LAVATOKY. WAimKOME ruvn-'iis. i aith ok ntniriNS i'hice. i.otjo EHIC CARLSON, BUILDER alll fr OIVNTH -3 -bedroom house wilt. Iiv lng room, kite hen. I bnUis. dlnene forced air oil furnace, e.e. ulc ynr: garage, fruit (Tees, I Siti t2w -doan, balance n.onthlr. See at l"w Plitlier Road. Call aflrr 8 r m. or on week-ends. Would consMer ear a-, part donn payment. 4- Uia alll Journal Want Ads Pay il.ASMIIII) AIVt HTIMM1 Fer Word limes Vt Fer Word 4f Per Vtord, I llmea lik Per nerd, I month ef No Re run da Minim am 18 Herd RMnilRS In I ncal Newe ( elBmn Only Pet Word 1e Mlnlmnm ! tTerd To Place Ad in Smtif Ony'i I'sppr. Phon 2-240 Before 10 ft.m. KILGORE'S KOLUMN - Jiut last of 4-Cornera. Very attractive Inside, J feedroomi. I bedrooms, Ingle wood Dlst. SOLD 775 Hansen Ave. Lots of Storage DfslKiied for TV Kiwtto Ranch Exterior Trees Bua by Door Entrance Hal ' Awrax. 1349 Bq. Tt. Hardwood Floors Weatherstrlpped Double Car-Port Dalit by James Afflntr TMMED1ATK POtSfiEBSlON SHAKE EXTEltlOH e Bt'lLDEH WILL PIiANT LAWN PRIC'El RICMrr AT 89TfO VFRY EASY DOWN PAYMENT Ph. iju Berkm Ph. Sil FOR SALE HOUSES COKMU KNiilW). lMh A Madlsoo. 83100 Ph. 3-8JU8, Walt Socolofsky, Heal EMate. mall? IIV OW.NrH 4 bedrooms, f Itep'.at e, hardwotd floors, double garage, good lor st ion. Immediate paste a ion. can get F H A 1-33. alll FA I R M 0 U X Tiff IT L RicliisUe dUtrict. by uaner. rharm Ins oitiae, Landcaped garden, lot 50x150. 1 oedroonia. larce Ihlng room. ctnc heat, set tubs, fruit trees, ber ries, fine lawn, garase. 17ti8 John St. al14 (UVMR Mil I, sell nice 8 el1room home Lor a le .1 next to Kineaood. West fla iem. Hl nt.-e sardrn Space, v)?00 a:th tentii. Phone 4S478 all7 10H0 N. 13th Hr owner and builder, new I -bedroom p. altered home Ciryte to b'.sh ScJiool. l.':o Utlna Arra. Terms. W1LMAM T J. FOSTER home m.u,Dnt 1540 C,le Phone MHOO alll KiH'.lish siuiko - kiiKlewoori Weil hum 3rdrrom hcr-.e. t down. 1 up, doable pmrnMrtg. nire living room, flreplsre, iriiaraie (.imng room, nook, full bit'emrnt, attached garage, lovely enrlt?r.l yartl IUi patio, cho;re loca tion on No, Iflih St $14 500. call Pst Kemner, a-6':s7 for appointment J. L. UIMMKIj. REALTOR Fhont M384 will ENGLEWOOD SPECIAL A REAL HOMB ON NO. I9TH BT.. aPOTLEflSLY CLEAN, 8TRICTLY KE8 I7JENTIAL, NEAR BCHOOL8, BUS AT THE mom DOOR. TWO BED ROOMS. 8PACIOHB ChOSCn. URGE LIV. BOOM WITH EXCELLENT FIRE PLACE, COZY DINOTTE. WEU AR RANGED, LIOBT. MODERN KITCH EN. ALL ON ONE FLOOR, LARUE ROOMY BASEMENT. ELECT. WATER HEATER. BAWUUST TVCL FURN ACE (fuel bill lut yr. only $60). flINOLE CAR DETACHED OARAOE. EXCEPTIONALLY FINE I1NCED-IN YARD WITH OUTDOOR BARBECUE. SEVERAL GOOD PHODtUCINQ PRU1T AND NUT TKEW. ou LTvrAnumv LANDBCAPINO WITH BEAUTUtlL FLOWERS AND 0HRUBO, THE LAWN IB SUPERB THERE IS A NICE GROW7NO GARDEN, ALL OP Tina POR JUST 111.000 WITH EXCEP TIONAL TERMS. THE OWNER IB RE TIRING TO THE COUNTRY. BY ALL MEANS SEE THIS ONE. FRANK LOCKMAN Real Estate tOST Fairground Rd. Ph. 4-6863 alls 80260.00 New 3 bed room house, room up for frd. Hsrdwood floor,, automatic oil beet, Insulated, plut.red. large lot. lot, of butlt-lnl. By builder.. Open hou.a Sunday,, until aold. 380 Stark St. alll BY OWNER, 3 bedroom houae. Modem, near school, bus. For further Informa tion call 3-7833. alia' rniL HALE or trade equity In t bedroom home for ear or tarller Douse. 22in Claude ftt. , alll SMALL 1 bedroom home, low down pay ment, good district. 921 west lath t Albany. 3-0673 Balem. a!13' BY OWNER. 3 bedroom suburban, close in, larre utility or extra bedroom, lm medlste possession. 2-0078. alll- OPEN HOUSE 1060 NORTH 13TH ST. SUNDAY ... 2-5 P.M. New, 3-btdroom, plastered home vitn large Uvlna room, dining room and kitchen. Lots of bullt-lns. Extra larve s erase. Automatic Band be r furnace. Lot 6ntl35. Close to High and Junior Hlih. PRICE $12,700 Terms Available WILLIAM T. J. FOSTER Home Builder Phone 33000 alll 11,000 Bilow appraised value, large 3 bed room, full basement. Phone 4-8113- alll' 1 BEDROOM, living and dining combin ation. Kitchen, bath. On bus line. South. At lie floored. 6 -year-old. J3500. $300 down. (36 month. Phone 43243. alls BY OWVER 4 bedroom home, larpe lot, double garage, North 30th Bt. Small down payment. Phone 4-2603. alll DO YOU LIKE View' Prrmprtv? Especially when It can pay for Itself In a lew years, plus an old 7-room house, set among the ORks. I have about 9b acres, 2't mllea from Salem. 18 acres in commercial cherries. Also pears and walnut. 00 acres In cultiva tion. Balance In open pasture with creek. Truly a bargain at S3M) an acre. TermJ. Box 009 Orchard Heights Rd. Phone 4-4032. alll' FOR SALE FARMS 2&-ACKF, M01.AI.I.A valley farm, stocked and equipped, for quirk sale, fife uiav Buer, route a, box 80. Call Molaila 3BF4. bll3 SKY RANCH if you like to live In the country within 6 mllea of Balem and have city conveniences, view over city, valley, mountain, and need a one thousand 800 so. ft, ranoh style home that wax built by a master bulkier of the beat material I years ago, and want to ave t.tan tit a 10.000 of the original cost ol property, don't fall to look over this bargain. The home consists of a large living room with I x 10 thermopanr windows, fireplace that handle 3-U loan, dining room with fireplace, work iivmi kitchen with breakfast nook Two large brdrooma and 3 complete bntlut. A den for the man of the house. Patio and barbecue. Expensive wall-to- walt carpet. Insula trd and weather- stripped. Stable haa 8 large box stalls, knotty pine tack room, feed room, aliop and hay lort. Machine shrd. chicken house, and cattle shed, corral. 10 acres of permanent pasture, gar den. family orchard, sprinkler system in the lawn. Plenty of good tasting wtcr. There is over $45,000 Invested tn this property. We will sell for 8.(8. 0(it) And take 812,000 down from resiKtn.'Iblr party. Call 4-5943 even time., and Sundays J -WAS for appoint ment bill1 FOR RENT FARMS SinitoOM IlitMi: Kith 8 acres. New 140 li-ol wrll. elertrlo pump, w and llsliti In hoiine, no bath, good barn, chicken houe, shed. 15 mile northwt from Salem. Rent 840 month. 1 year lease 135 month. Phon am or after pn- j-ss. balll FOR SALE ACREAGE Number 3 Business Zone 41M0 square feet. This Is In north Salem Insula city limits. Good acceas to main truck route and downtown There are no buildings to buy, so the price Is very reasonable $!00. SHE OR CAIi A. W. MrKILLOP 88620 OR 37904 McKillop REAL ESTATE 49.1 Center Si . SOm bhl' REAL ESTATE 3 Bedroom Located on Weil fule near schools, th i houne II veli aulte.1 for a larse fsml'.r. Has 3 bedroome downstairs, large tlvlue room, dining room, klt. iien fl'.ied with bullt-lns. ln.ti1e laundry room. Utvtetra has one bedroom and lout of storage room. Everything In tlr-top shape, with about 1 1 (00 down KE1ZER New I-bedroom house with double garase, can be shown now A'-iti-malic oil furna.-e. fireplace, hardwood l.oor Will be completed In about S weeks. Srw this now and pick vour own color scheme. Priced ai with 30 'i drn. balance F H A AH RAMS, BO URL AND & SKINNER ,U Masonic nm:itne Rsa'. tjtate TiuuraiKe rleaee Loan.' THOU, Hill Ivenliua; IsTHJ all' THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Saltm, Oron . 1 TOWK FARM II aerei of the finest Willamette lilt, all In wheat. Suitable (or almost am kind of terming. Within ona mil. of Amity, aaet. A all-room house that 1, In tip-top condition. Three bedrooinJ. composition roof. Insulated, wired for electric ranae. City water, acbool bua by door. Pony by amy barn, four hundred-bird chicken houae, workshop and laraae. E.derly widow will sell for IU.000 with only 1600 down and parmente will start fall of me, or will take small house In Salem aa part pay ment. This barials farm Is listed with us only. Call today: It won't last. CLOSE-IN SUBURBAN Hera b a truly fine ranch elila house only four years old that 1 Insulated and weatherstrlpped. Jt haa the bast automatic oil heat. It haa l larae bedrooms, dlnlna and living rooma. The cutest kitchen with larae nook. Eipenslvo wall-to-wall carpeta In living and dlnlna rooma and hall. Two-car partitioned laraae. The lovely lOOHJl corner lot la well landscaped, has aarden. sprinkler ayslem and elrculer drlre. It la an exceptional food buy at $10,600. U-ONTT APARTMENT " Nssr statehouse and ahopplnc eenter. Over IIO.OO annual croea In com.. Property In excellent condition. Never any vacanelee. Ased owner desires to retire and will eell for Ms.000. Take house up to aio.000 and tie 000 omah. Balance mortaaie. If you'r, looking for Income property with top return,, better call ua at once. This It unuaual. Severin Realty Company 335 N. High St. Dial ! Grabenhorst Specials PLENTY OP OPPORTUNITY In one of fiaJem's choicest location, larae home, lot 120x160, good Interior, baemt., hot water heat, No. 3 one, plenty of room for expansion, food potential business site. CALL ROY FERRIS, CO-OP BROKER. OLDER 4 BDRM. HOME Convenient to transportation and shopping center newly redecorated Inside rreih and clean. A good buy at $3500. 81000 down payment. CALL J. E. LAW. MR". INVESTOR Here Is a business bldg. especially suited for retire ment or aa a "security" Investment. Corner lot In excellent business area. 2 story bldsr. Well leased, approx. 98x100 lot. Income 1963 per month. Price 179.000. CALL H. X. LAYMON POR DETAILS., ACREAGES: Own a Hilltop & the Valley 6 acres t 4.200.00 C roll an Creek li acres 3 Bdrm. home 8 0,760.00 Liberty Road 10 Acre 2 Bdrme. Terms 8.500.00 Raise Sheep 10 Acres Pe need 3 Bdrms. Barn 9,500.00 99E 3 Acres 2 Bdrm Home 911.800.00 Wonderful family Home 4 Bdrm. k Acre. Baimt. ....1 12.600.00 99E 1H acre 3 bdrm. Motel Site 810.500.00 English Style Deluxe Home 1 acre 918.000.00 CALL PETER H. OEISER GRABENHORST BROS., REALTOR in e. Liiertr st. n. i-un Zventmu et elundaya call Xor Ferrl, 1-(010 - J. I. Law 1-5113 - H. r. Laymen Peter H. oetter 3-ssei REAL ESTATE $5350.00 Is full price for this well located si bedroom home. Even has basement. Close to McKlnley school. Nice sited lot. Paved St. and close to bus. Has separate dining room. We can't argue about the price on this one. It'a worth It. "THE KEYS" art at our office lo give us call and let us show you this 3 bedroom home ; located In noover school dlst. Trans portation right by the door. Only I years old. Out-of-town owner aaya sell, even If he haa to take as little as (500 down. Total price only 85500. "BRAND NEW" Large 3 bedroom home located on a good sited lot that really gives you a wonderful view of Salem. A real spot for your TV set. Large double gar age. If you appreciate a roomy home with a spectacular view this should Interest you at a price of $13,500. REIMANN REALTORS T.OANS AND INSURANCE Ml B. High St. Phone 3-v3 Phone Evenings and Sunday 4-1611, 3-3B68, 4-1388, 3-4B70, 4-&J1U, J-Ji clH' WASHINGTON DISTRICT t.t mnr r hi id r en nloy ft new school, while living In ft most charming 2 b.r. home, lovely kltcnen. eep oinim ruum, fireplace, auto heat. mtllfiM COLLEOE DIST. Tam. i.rtt straw At. R.R. berries, fine lawn A shrub. See this well built home only live years old, 3 br., r.p., Carpet, att. gar., patio. Out of atate owner must sell. MI ON HILL-TOP WEST jujit finished 2 br home, by better builder. Lb. Kitchen Plumbed for auto washer. Fire place. H. W. floors. Will accept late model car. Pticea oeiow P. H. A. KINOWOOD HEIGHTS Here Is a fine 2 br home below re placement cost. Lg. lot from street to street. Att. gar plus carport. Own er moving to farm. See this large home now. JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR efti Ednewater Phone 45743 or 241B9 CllJ Home and Income tee this slde-by-slde Duplex with 100 ft. frontage facing a park. Late built, Ige. rms. Has the appearance of a beautiful home. 4-rm. house and 3-car garase In the rear. All 3 units attractive furnished and rented to good tenants, 3-Bdrm. and Basement J vi it listed. Lgs. Mv. rm. with fire place. Din. rm. and nook. King wood Heights location. Price $13,500. Sacrifice Thu practically new home was Jusl taken in on ft trade. If you want a nice 2-bdnn- home for leu than cost, call lion Cleary. WALTER MUBORAVE REALTORS 1311 Edsewater. Ph. 3-6109. Eve. 3-9D3B cur OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 1 P.M. 7 P M. AT 20.15 KANSAS ST. 1WILT IY TOM DALKR AND SONS. CELEBRATING MOTHER'S DAY Plnel But remember, Mom worka 365 days a year. Let's modernise and find her a new business location. Call us for professional advice on how to choose the riant home. CADILLAC SEE THIS CADILLAC ot homes. We know you will love it Complete i finest MAOKS carpeting and drapes In harmonium colors. Double windows and aluminum ecrrens tnrousnout Smart tile bath, larve br., dn fin. lined In redwood. Storase space ra lore. Complete sprinkling svstem tn lawn. Please! If vou want one of he beit In Saiem, call ua for an appoint went. PA peauttful entrance hall. ? DIGGER ? TURN A SPADE In this garden spot and you're in to stay. Lovely J Er home In fine suburban neiahhorhood Owner boiulit because he love t aar.len. Now his health is gone Take over tils eoil and attractive home for ?lff0. Terms can be airned. lltO Fairgrounds Rosd Keit to Willamette Vtliey Bent Phone 4-I1W Eve. 3-W53. 4-I7M. 4-4S73 elU" PRODUCE GOOD MID POTATO! S-Nftlel Oen. p.snl any time now to July, 13 50 per IM. Phillip, Bros . Rt. 8. Boa 41. 1 miles east 4 corner en Atat, 81 Ph. 4301. ff FOR SAIF. netted ittn and Burbsnk seed p.Matoev a 7T 100 lb.. Also No 1 estme pi-tales II 15 50 !r. Onions 81 0 50 lbs. 5JJ0 foitiend Road. Plne 4-4011. UI1C IBrPyrl J0E PAL00"KA lijiri;;i f ii 1 4-5943; Eve. 2-5695, 3-3292 cm REAL ESTATE flats? mm WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES WE NEED LISTINGS. Particularly higher prices homes and all types with low down payments. HOME BEAUTIFUL TO TRADE For a bus. bldx., residential oourt, apt. house or what have you? Believe us, It'a ft beauty. Either 3 bedrooms plus den or S bedrooms. Beautiful tile bath and kitchen. Mahogany trim and doors. 3 fireplaces, 1 of them marble. Large party room In full basement. 3 car garage In basement with automa tic door. 3 bathrooms. It'a Indeed ft pleasure to show. Full price $ 25,000, EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN With 1000 sq. Xt. iloor space. Large soaclous rooms. Fire place. Automatic oil heat. Lovely yard. Lota of lawn end shrubs. Unfinished upstairs. Very solid and In the best of repair. Pvd. St. Oarage. Tool house. Thla Is a real eteal for $7500. 4 BEDROOM IN ENGLEWOOD Just like new. It's spotlessly clean. Separate utility room. Pvd. driveway. Oil heat. Roman brick trim front. Lovely lawn. Insulated. Weather stripped. TJila Is an Ideal family home, Price is only $13 500. IiH.A. terms. RED HOT BUY In Englewood. Wall to wall carpet. Automatic oil heat. Insulated. Very desirable home. Oarage. In the best of repair. Pull price only 89700. F.h.a, terms If desired. 3 BEDROOM $10,500 All rooms on t floor. Forced air oil heat. Fireplace. Only 3li yrs. old. In sulated. Near school, bus and store. Att. garase. 1008 sq. ft. floor apace. Well worth the asking price. DUPLEX In very desirable location. 1 unit haa 1 bedroom and bath. Other has 3 and bath. Modern and clean. Will consid er exchange for flood smaller house or other income property. Full price only fOROO. Terms. INCOME $180 PER MO. On this apt. All on ground iloor. com pletely furnished. Very desirable loca tion. Beth each unit. Extra bldg. for storage and utility. Parking area. Full price only 113,700. 400 FEET HIGHWAY FRONTAGE On 3 sides. Ideal for bus. bldg., serv ice station, motor court, drive-in res taurant or what have you? Pull price 16. 000. CAI.L FOR MR. KIOOINS, EVE. PH. 4-504 or MR. CRAWFORD, EVE. PH. 4-9020 or DAN ISAAK, TVE. PH. 4-3533. If no answer call 4-2348. 20 ACRES Of Will, and Amity coll. Modern 3 brdroom houfe, barn, chicken house. gArane, machine ahed. Walk-in cooler. Family orchard, berries. 12000 down, lull price IU250. PRICE REDUCED Oo Uile 3A tract. Close In. Modern 3 bedroom houae with basement. Only 6 yrs. old. Flowers, shrubs, walnuts. cherries. We consider thlc a good value for $10,000. 2 AND 810 ACRES With modern 1 bedroom house In good eondlt'on. Pvd. rd. Stone thro from store and bus. Near aohool. Oood well. Barn and garage. PrKe Is only 17.20. CALL POR MR. LEAVENS, EVE. PH 1-4735. If no answer call 4-3248. MORTOAOE LOANS 30 Year Maturity Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Ofrtee Phones- or J.WO POKTLAStl RO.M1 rre Phones: l-7!re, 4 M,, 4-IM), 4-J010 ar I-1SJI If no answer, phone 4-334I To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 TWnfS GREAT CONRKJON M TMF RING THE COCIOR t5 EXAMIN. THE RffERPE. THE EaSMTERS 6TAN0 TOGETHER. H A CCRWER. POTH LOOK ALL . IN... ' Residential leu. U1C0. KKKI eecn. Il-Aere arm Cloee lo Balem l-UDlt Molel A Dv'-In" ""i"""' on HUnwar JO - no ooo Television pplla Btor, REALTOR foal Jt. Capitol rn. -901 Ke. 1-3991 C1I8- WAIirrELlREAL ESTATE NOTICZ: It Four properu rent or eschense, uji n hv. all kinds ot eesb buyer JBTATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 1.S3 8. Kish Bt- ca' WE AIIE Oadlj In need ot 3 ana ,-uc.i- room homes, in lrmio vi. home anywhere with smaU don par- ments. What have you? AL I6AAK, REALTOR. PH 4IJ11 If no anawer. ph. 4-2248 ci WE ARE In nerd ot ood homes to sell, lo or near Salem. , 11 you to list yoiir property tor SQle, see OKABENHURST BROS.. REALTORS. 134 B. Liberty Ph. " BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES u-nn 4i-ii-unit nartment home. 43 s monthly income, near cucuu. building. 26223. din TOR 8ALE by Owner; 17V acres cleared, ra-alv fnr rXClLlSll'e nOUSing H40 feet lake frontaee on popular Devils Lake. Price 816.000 cash. Large seven-room house Included in price Excellent opportunity for building con tractor. Property located one mile east of Oceanlalte. N. E. Roher, Box 134, Oceanlake, Oregon. cd!12 FOR SALE OR TRADE Restaurant equipment and lease. Paying, business Box 86. Capital Journal. cdlia Own Your Own Business WE HAVE TAVERNS. LAUNDRIES, R ESTAUR A NTS, MOTELS. FOUN TAINS. BAKERIES. LUNCHES, AND MANY OTHERS FOR SALE. SOME WITH LIBERAL DOWN PAYMENTS, IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL A BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY IN THE WTLLsAMETTB VALLEY, BETTER SEE FRANK LOCKMAN Real Estate 1037 Fairgrounds Ph. 4-6359 "Bus. Opp. Specialist" od 10 CHLOROPHYL gum machines for sale. Bargain. Will trade for Shop Smith. Phone 38067 after 0 p.m. cdllfi BUSINESS & INCOME Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. Plywood cores, oia erowin Itr, pianer trimmings. Phone 3.7721. IBS So. Com'l. NEWPORT MOTEL Ideal location, half block off Highway 101. Two blocks south of bank and' main business section. Sen-lng year around business. Full front ocean view. Four modern apartments, hot water heat. Refrigeration, ranges, etc. 3 bedroom manager's residence. Room for 6 additional apartmenu. For In formation write Box 61, Capital Jour- EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES 8 1 NIT MOTEL located near Newport overlooking the ocean. Will accommo date 20 guests. Price $39,000. There is a loan of 6,000. Will accept terms or trade, preferably farm or stock ranch. C. A. MILLER, REALTOR 470 E. Miller St. Ph. 4-5417 eflll FURNITURE FOR SALE ONE ALMOST NEW Hot Point 8 cu. ft. refrigerator. 3 che.it of drawers, one vanity, 1 good used Mnytag washing machine. Also rebuilt Hoover vacuum cleaner. See at 4185 N. River Rd. dill1 WANTED FURNITURE LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCKFK BEFF White face Hereford, 2Br. Lockrr poric. 3 sc. wotning down. moe. to pay. Custom killing. Trailer loaned free. Salem Meat Co., 1325 s 25th. Ph. 3-4RS8 en FOR SALE LIVESTOCK 1 FHESH COlV and 2 white faced helfei calves, 1 ten-week old veal. 5156 Rtdgi Drive. West ot Cliemawa along Ore gon Elertrlc trnrlt. elll FOR SALE POULTRY N il. tRVKRS. 35c lb. Phone 33010, polite Liberty school. f 1 13 WAMEIi-Colori'it hens, erv, phone 2-2HB1 Lee s Hatch GULDEN HHOAD and Ntw Hampshire chicks, hatched every Monday and Thursday. Our chicks grow faster. Fox's Hatchery. 3830 State St. Ph. 3-4009. t FOR SALE, dre?ed red fryers. Average 3 lbs. each, toe lb. Mrs. Hoie Haupt man, nervals. Ph. 1382 after 8. f!13( FOR SALE Twice weekly, day-old chicks in New Hsmpahire. Parmenters, Red. White Leihorns. Auntra. White. White Hocks. White Wrantiottes, Par metver cockerels. Lee Hatchery, phone S-3MI. f FUEL West Salem Fuel Co. I1LOCKWOOD. 1" CLEAM IMMEDIATX DKLTVERY PltlUP Wood 15 Edsewater Phone ealein t-4031 , ,.ntn: I llrv , . I. REGISTER NOW FOR WORK IN C STRAWBERRIES Kelly Farquhar & Co. 1450 TILE RD. - EMPLOYMENT OFFICE' HALF LABRADOR PUPPles. Will make ,ood hunters or watch do,s. I weekN old. fully weaned. 16.00 each. 3-8471. u,,i. j. Box 56. ecll2 GIVE "MOTHER" a MOTHERS DAY' 3-4385. beautiful Cannary 1340 Chemeaeta, SIAJUESE KITTEN'S-PedUieed. male. 1 month old. Phone 3-3073. eclll' GIVE "MOTHER" beautiful cannery on Mother'a Day. Phone 30841. eclll' cute piri'IES for quick sale, Boy 16. airl $3. 3-1243. HOLLYWOOD AQLARIl'M 1968 McCoy one block east of N. Capitol, lis blocks north of Madlaon. Ph. J-0S97. ecue LOVELY SIAMESE kittens, with papers MOORE TROPICAL FISH, Parakeets .,t1.a ailnnllata 9 mtlM Irfflti lsnCftl. er on' Macleay road. 4-I77S. Closed HELP WANTED REGISTER NOW for strawberry pick. Ins. 17 acre, or mutated Denies. Transportation furnished. Ph. 4-1233 Salem or aea John Jeffery, Rt. I fill verton or H. M. Culter, Rt. J, Box 401. ealem. 111! CARRIER BOYS Now is the time to register for a Capital Journal news paper route. No Sunday de livery. See Circulation Mgr. CHILDREN aged 13 to 15 for straw berry platoon. South saiem and iesi,e High dlitrlct. Call Harriet Parcher, 4-3411 or 4-3248. gill STRAWIIERY PICKERS register now. Transportation furnished, call platoon leader 3-9867. H13 PICKERS WANTED Register now for strawberry picking. 1 mile west and north of Kelxer school. Jorglnsen Evans, Oil West Eowden Lane, Salem. Ph. 41906. a"! HELP WANTED MALE YOUNG MAN for car hop. Woodrolfe's Ban flhop, 3400 Portland Ra. no pnone calls. i THE OKEOON State Motor Association (A A A ! has an opening lor a repre sentative In the Salem area. Salary and Incentive. Insurance experience helpful, but not necessary. Call 3-3761 or write 1056 So. Commercial lor ap pointment. gallS r.FNERAL FARM Cat. and wheel trac tor, email out attractive a-Dearoom home. Neat and dependable couple. C. J. Mcliood, t. 1, BRox 134, Brooks. 34 miles north of Brooke and 2t miles ea?t. gain H ELP WANTED FEMALE QUALIFIED BOOKKEEPER, typist, for surgeon's office. Reference required. Call 3-4013 between 9 and 13 a.m. for appointment for Interviews. gbl!3 WAITRESS, "Woodroffe'a San Shop. 3400 EXPERIENCED DINNER waitress, cock tall experience preferable. Phone 27592 for interview. gb!12 WOMAN FOR OFICF, and sales, typing required. Apply Sears, Roebuck and Co., Balem. tibll2- WAITRESS. Woodroffe'a San Shop, 34A0 Portland Rd. No phone calls. tb" CAR HOPS Part time. Woodroffc's San Shop. 3400 Portland Road. fb TEACHERS AND HOMEMAKERS Platoon lenders needed, age 33 to SO. with ability to supervise and direct activities of children (13 years and older) and adulta for summer harvest work. Waxes will vary $13 to 118 a day. Contact State Employment Serv ice. 710 Ferry. gblll EXPERIENCED wool prefer, ladlea. Capital City Laundry, dry cleaning de partment. chill" WANTED SALESMAN REAL ESTATE Salesman. Write box 79, capital .Journal or call Miss Welch. Broadway 4333 Broker, Portland. KK130 WANTED SALESMAN under 60 years of sue to eell reliable fast-selling elec trical appliance and TV sets. Good set up for rlht man. Apply at Yeater Appliance Co., 375 Chemekete. fit. KB 1 13 WANTED POSITIONS MOWEKS SHARPENED at door. Make It run eay. Phone 2-6314. hllS" CEMFNT WOBK and finishing A Bom beck, phone 3-9574. 1595 N. 6th. hll5' TIMING WITH Rotary-hoe. Oardrn laans. Phone 3-8529. 23S5 rvemen, hl35' ROTOTILLER WORK. By hour, Job. Phone 2-1746, 30o N. Church. hi 13 BOTOTILLING Ph. 44fiJ3. Middle Orove Nurserr. 4920 Sllverton Road. h" Botovator 30-inch lft-horsepower. Do work j faster and deeper tlliinc. Economical work. 2-6691. hi 13 EAKL rox R0 Merlon St., Bslem, Ore gon, phone 3-1328 Gardening end lawn work. hill MAKV-s plowing and discing, prompt service. 4-549. h 1 16 GARDEN, FI.OWFB bed and lawn rre psratln. Plowme. dlsrini. lereitna rotniilling. Service Center. Phone "3- hno" MICKENIIAM'5 DAT M'RAf RT State licensed and Impeded. Phone 3-7876. hiai" LIGHT (inn It R, dosing, dl-t lsrel Ini. grading. Phone 2-3230. hl2B Nltv LAWNS, comp'.ele. Free e.tlmai.. Phone 4-3941 or 38445. hllfi Ime notice sniPtcioKs ano iHe CXXTW CCref FSREO FOR A AV.MENT n ANNUUNCEWEIT... LAPIf S AND fiENTLEVEN... MR. MOVLE.TME REfEREF.HAS 6UtFERt A WERE HEAT AMD FATIGUE r R05TRATION .. o r T - . Saturday, May 9, 196S HELP WANTED, Git UMNO, leveling, backfilling. lawns, gardens. By hour, Job. Phone 3-3041. hl29 PAINTING Local references, free es timate. C. Horn. Ph. 36191. hU3 ROTARY HOEING, $4.00 hour. Phone 3-7238 after 6. . h"a TREE WORK. Topping, trimming, re moving. Insured operator. John Payne. Ph. 3-0385. n112" PLOWING, DISCING, leveling. $3.60 an hour. Phone 4-3111. "3 LANDSCAPE maintenance, pruning, trimming, planting, fertilising. Serv ice Center. Phone 4-3573. hQ NEW lawns. Rotary hoeing. Free esti mates. Duane Wolcott, Phone 3-8127. BOTOVATOR work wanted. Vincent Kremer, 3150 Lansing Ave. Phone 23180. h!14 PAINTING 25 years experience In Salem. Free estimates. Phone 3-7552 h!26j EXPERIENCED houseworker by once a week. Phone 3-7019. hour, hill MIDLE-AGED couple with 10 year ex perience want apartment house to manage. Rt. 1, Box 100, Sllverton, Oregon. Phone 3-4348, SilTerton. hill TILLING WITH M. E. rotary tiller. Eve nings 3-8383, $3.50 hour. h!23 PLOWING & DISCING IMMEDIATE SETP-VICE. Phone 3-9300. h'.1"! EDUCATION MOTEL MANAGERS Men, Women wanted to start Immediate training; for Motel Management Positions. In ternational Motels, Inc., P. O. Box 3167, Portland 14, Oregon. hhlli LEARN RAILROAD telegraphy et Co lumbia Business Institute. Let us train you In a field that offers permanent employment and security. Come In and see oa or write to 301 Financial cen ter Bldfc. 233 SW th Ave. Portland. Oreir. Npw claww etartlntt now. hhlld- FOR RENT LARGE warehouse space for rent or lease. Cement floors, brick building Down town. Inquire H. L. Stiff Fur niture Co. Phone 3-9185. J" WANTED TO RENT NEED 2 or 3 bedroom BQfurnlfihed home br June 1st. 2-2917. Ja-lll BUSINESS HAN, vita and I children, want auburban borne before Mar 18lh. Phone S-5058. Jall3 TELEPHONE CO. employee and vile, want nice 2 bedroom unfurnfashed house, good garage or basement. City or suburban. Excellent care. Call 4-6C57 or 3-S3. jalll S OR 8-BEDROOM house on agnail acre ase. 2-4371. Jo 1 15 ONE OR 1 bedroom unfurnished house, young couple. Before May 10. Phon 35163. Jalll' I CAR GARAGE or larger building- that can be used as such for pereonal use. 4-62M. lalll" FOR RENT ROOMS LOVELY ROOM, for lady, large aloset. Convenient phone. 76& Marlon. Jklll- LARGE SLEEPING room, for gentle men. 830 Hood. Phone 3-8547. JSEllLt LARGE ROOM, kitchen, refrigerator for gentleman. 125 month. 1474 Court s3t. Iklll ROOM FOR G1KL. Kitchen privileges, use entire house. 845 N. Winter. Pnone 3-4372 or 3-S460. Jam noT, COLD WATER In large room, close In. 737 Center St. Jkll3 VERY COMFORTABLE, clean sleeping room, down town. 472 N. Liberty. Ikllje PLEASANT ROOM, 1 block from post office. 658 Ferry street. JkI12" LARGE SINGLE housekeeping room for one or two. Utilities furnished. (15 a, month. 695 Bo. 18th. 2-5285. Jklll ATTRACTIVE, clean, warm room. Clos In. Rfasonnblf. fTi3 N. Hieh. jklll FOR RENT HOUSES UNFURNISHED z bedroom house, ge rage, basement. Phone 3-3B4B. Imlll 2-IltDROOM- Hollywood dlst. LotT ol storage, 136. Rawlins Realty, phon 41781 or 24664. 1-nF.DROOM S1BIRBAN, partly fur nljhed. 145. Rawllna Realty, phon 41761 or 24664. jm. S ROOM COTTAGE. Unfurnlahed, 4 blocks city center, etate office, and ahopplng center. Adult preferred. Available May 21st. 449 K. Cottage. JmllJ COMPLETELY furnished. Lovely for two. i duplicate lor 145. 2-5083. Jmlll" CLEAN l-BEDROOM. living room, kltch-' m. aineiie. auacned garage. Adults. Ordcn.I37.50. 2-1323. Jmlll CI.I.W, MOIIERN, 1-brdroom house In court, stove and relrlgerator furn biied. Close to bus. Big back yard. Ideal tor couple. Sea at 1841 K. 6th or Phone 2-7430. jm. S.186 CHESTER AVE. 1-bedrOOm house. 'Call Wlllamlna 2t33. Jmlli 2 B1DROOM In WeTTealem. close to J1"- electric heat, all ulllltlea paid. "i11- FIRNlaHF.D one bedroom hou-i for couple. Easement, garase, oil heat. !?iJjSIM. Jmll3. BEDROOM modern house. June 1st" nro.nine Ave. 185. Phona 3"'2' Imin- fOTTAGErAdulU. No peu". ......... OFFICE FOR RENT FOl R OR FIVE-ROOM aulte. Bi;i:dlne. Phone 3-4111. CROI ND FLOOR office or store (pact lor rent, call at Fltta Markst. m. By Ham Fisher -iMcrte WILL 6E A PELAY -, J" H RENPERlKGi A DECISI0M i-ljik HE 6EINO THE SOLE -Jfijff