1 1. Saturday, May 9, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salrm, Oregon RADIO PROGRAMS STEVE ROPER " The Voice of Love 1 By WILLIAM NEUBAUER IA Kiaiteeturn) . . . mi irtrmT 1 AV NOW TANK AV SO DOWNSTAIRS . MCTCK. 1 HVrX w ' ' U BAT MY LAWNCH 160IN3 TO NEED PUHTY OF Tlfcegg HMM VUST A gKSS FALL f5? MONDAY P. M. DOWN --THAT MUKUCK SURE MAKE MB VUMKV K0C0 1IM LBS KGW 1 KOIN 1 KEX KSLM KGAE n if w U NBC nt CBS I UN ABC ISM MBC I4M K. C CHAPTER 31 "It leaves me where I want to be, Bob," her voice throbbed with emotional intensity. She seemed to live and breathe love and to exude love irom her every pore. "Thames though. Thank you so very much." "Thanks lor loving you? Why, jroure weiconr, hum. "I'll have to helo Maggi now, He barked mocking laughter. "You always have to help Maggl when you want out. You ought to be more Imaginative than Uiat." . He went to the defiant, laughing figure. He took her into his arms and kissed her fiercely, almost sav agely. His lips bruised, She want ed to cry out and fight. Then the kisses warmed her. and she clung to him until he himself broke the embrace. "That's what I mean, Ruth, Thnt'e vhfl T mean." She shuddered. She stared at him with haunted eyes, men cneo out. Her nails raked at his lace. "Beast!" she screamed, "Beast! Beasti Beast!" San Francisco was a relief. The streets were crowded and noisy, and in the slehu and sounds Ruth found it Dossible, or so she Uunwht.. to lose herself utterly, She plunged with zest Into the task of helping her mother track down exactly the right suit for the important canaiaaw lor uic office of mayor. After the suit had been selected and ordered, they went for a walk along Marina Boulevard. She looked wistfully at her mother in staid Mack and Nancy in warm red. "You wouldn't want to go to Clear Lake, would you?" dinner." "Lunch, brat. "Mom, make her stop picking on me!" They had dinner. Ruth noticed that in an unobtrusive way her mother was beginning to sloe wnn Nancy more and more. Yet she didn't resent it. After all, Nancy was being loyal to tneir iawier. For Nancy there were no "ifs, ands" or "buts." Their father was running for mayor. Their father needed all the support he could get. Nancy, loyally, was giving her all. A few days ago Ruth had caught Nancy delivering a cam paign speech In Mr. Schultz's gro cery store on Main Street. "Vote lor my Dad," Nancy had whooped, "because you know darned well he's honest and efficient and loves Golden City." Someone had laughed. Portly Mr. Schultz had not. He'd glowered at the scoffer. "Know a better reason for elect ing a mayor than that?" . Inside her she yearned more and more for Clear Lake with its love ly mornings, its vacation people and vacation sports. By the time she returned to Goiden City for the new school term most of the furore would be over. Then, per haps, she could make order of living again. "I ought to get away for a while," she tried again. "Aft er all, Mom. if I think Dad's wrong I'll blurt It out sooner or later. He deserves better." ."You bet he doesl And so does Boor "You told me you liked Dent You told me that it had to be the man I loved1" , - Back came the stormy, breath less answer: "That was before Dan said lies about Doctor and Dad." "They weren't lies! They were truthar Affnln Mrs. Mien Carlisle had step between them In a figurative sort of way. She was laughing heartily now. "I don't know who the younger! Really, I Just don1 know" After that better controls were kept upon tempers. Neither Ruth nor Nancy said anything more to one another at ainner, ana iu the long ride home was made In silence. That evening, for the first time In weeks, there was peace aromiu the hotel. Mr. Hufford. coming hnma fmm his usual strou to Mrs. Mi.vr' shoD for ice-cream, found all the family seated harmonious ly on the big veranda facing the sea. The sight delljfhted him. "Mind if I Join you? One of these days I shall paint your picture. I shall call it Love ana iTanquiii ty,' and I'll hang it over thenre- piBVe JII WIO WIS ivuuii "Him. Mr. nullum. The tone iOf Ephralm Carlisle wu the tone of a hard-hearted businessman. Wearily the artist dug Into his pocket and proaucea a roll oz ouis. lie peeiea oil uvc tn and handed thenl to the pro prietor. "All right.. There's the rest I owe you. Now we're even, env Nancy claDned her hands. "The old goat came tnrougni Mr. mu lord, vour sungy aunt came t.hrnii(rh!" Ellen Carlisle was scandalized, Th nature of "Lava and Tran quility" was disintegrated. "Of all the dreadful things to say I Off to bed, young lady, this instant.'" 'Quite wrong,' said Mr. aw 'Too late." said Ellen Carlisle ford with hauteur. "As a matter nlmnlv. She led them over to a of fact. I've sold a magazine bench. "Who wants to eat. and cover. A nellcan. a gull, a fat fish where?" and yours truly sprawled on the "Fishermen's Wharf is out," deck of the Dauntless Me." Nancy declared. 1 want, an Italian This was really news, it cauea for a celebration, end the first person to suggest it was none oth er than the so-called hard-hearted businessman. "Come to the cot tage. Mr. Glfford. We have some cold roast chicken in the icebox, and a pitcher of fresh milk." "Am I hearing things?" roared Mr. Hufford. He looked wildly about at their smiling faces. "Am I seeing things?" Ruth chuckled. "We like to be adults, Mr. Hufford. I agree they have the rurht to their opinions, and they agree I have the right to mine." While thev went off around back, she went down the veranda steps and moved lightly, content edly across the rolling lawn under the madrone trees to the bench overlooking the sea. There was a moon, there were stars; phosphor ous glinted in the ocean, starlight and moonlight glinted in Dan's eyes. "Miss me?" she asked.. Heiio, Hum." (To Be Continued) B.C. Transit Workers) Reject Wage Oiler Vancouver UP) A concilia tion board recommendation for a six cents an hour wage in crease has been rejected by transit workers In Vancouver, Victoria and New Westminster who want 23 cents an hourj more. 1 The present journeymar scale for drivers is 11.51 an hour. Throwing I mag to dittrwet the niirht etui Mtch- mm. Stove darts into the POGO ROOM ft BOARD m m By Ahren LET'S SAy THERE ARE 15 MILLION ' GOLFERS, AND IF THE GOLF CLUB .MANUFACTURERS MAKE MY PUTTER. AND PAY ME A f 3 ROYALTy ON EACH ONE. ...THEM SAY A THIRD OF THE GOLFERS BUY THE PUFFLE PUTTER1!. ..THATD BE , 5,000.000 TIMES f 3...AW... IT'S STAGGERING COME ON... GRAB A HOLD AND LETS GO ..IF YOU WERE ONCE A WEIGHT LIFTER. THEY MUSfVE BEEN THE KIND USED ON DRUGGISTS SCALES SCALE 5 A f IT'S STAGGERING gT . REDnsAVE. sirnw leiLDS T RgJET sW"i iff COLT oTmWlWpUtjo qsijjo pir jnnietr" M 11 p OC ESjt3 i NUgETr oTte disC n aipBd. i pioTSDS pTa E IB HllD QJCE L Hi n oR TTaH'r ieIsTp Tt e tIrieIeIsUSinioToIpieTr ACROSS 1. Forced air upon S. Hold back 8. Ring slowly 12. Regulation 13. Preceding night 14. Medicinal pltinl 15. Philippine white tnt 18. Metal 17. Wild animal 18. Hung loosely SO. Solitary 21. Of that girl 22. Crafty 33. Flaywithout words 17. Beard ot grain 30. on 31. Daughter ot Cadmus 32 Awry 3:i. Witty person 34. Stormy 36. Land meas ure 37. F.nKlish rivei 38. Wink 41. Hoisting machine 43. Military assistant 40. Evergreen tret 47. Metal 48. Relate 4D. Individual 50. Walking slick 51. Large knlf 92. Scarlet 63. Afresh Solution ot Y.ilarday'i Puuit 1 " "s " in 1 1 1 n '.:U 'Jt i if '. ri ar ' AMivp rr jrprt-r To J? TJ -S Ti ' .' n v 11 li 2T " " " 7T. Xt ' 5J"" "Sf T 3f" T " 7T n f 55 n J3. to noun 'IfaWfSeJ, HOMKY, 10 iKtVys FALL INTO WK A4 cumHtSjJ ORPHAN ANNIE tucu iViutu rum mtntm iu' r MAUKKty ASOUT IbCHUNK 7DU INTO 7Ht 3XUH CV. , TVU. i . . . - 1 1 1 si'LafcTTLT etinNy SlVI HIM ASMAU- HOUtft A HfLf COM OM.Hl't WgQO.MOY' ajmim trim' MMLBf Ji IIAV. at 1 JUaM 1 xjm 1 USit VhUUti tusv Jista THIBW H AWT 80 W sum 111 au'ouros TT 1 M TteOfT ALL rktZUtl OK AN " ATHm . E..4 ( III. ra. BaaalBM. Bik.li. Wll Bulla Pall.. WIS. Brawa hVom.a, Hi.. Man o o.i It Warr.a Aaal J.anir HIUI.p Bit. G..rr.r G.dfr.s Godfrey ' Flaln Bill Fl. P. rarrc L. Jeo.s Da.'. Witt Wcle.Bc TraTCl.r. Di. raal Garrawar (Utc Best, n.tt anew Mull B.I Art Baker Hero V1re.lB. rirtllese ' V.al Barvcr Na.a ESIIIaa Jack Ow.b. Jack Ow.b. Bar W"l Kar Wc.l Bar Weil Kar Weil Klrkhaai Aaal Jcmlaai Kltkbim Klrkhaai Kd Marrew N.ar. W.rld Tadaf Fraak Gosa C.I. Tinner Cal TlBn.r Llk. MllllcB.lr. Muele B.vu. Bill BIBS r.r Ihc GlruJ Fer lb. Girl. Mail. SBlrr.l Crnw s.alrr.1 cat U.apr Time M.rri. Circle V. riskier Ch.l Haallr 'B.b Garred Tea Trades N.w. Gar Ml Mail. Sald.c saldcr Spider Spider Kirk.eea Kirkw.od Lurkr U Ranch Spider Spider Spider Spider New. Musi. Muile Muile Our Town Dalla. New. Ma. MeGBlrd FBltoa Lewis HetnlBrway Messes Baa. Uara. Beb Beasaw Bob B.BB.B Maelc Muile Ms!. Ln MaJi Loru MaJ. Lm Ree'rd Kouto Kco'rd Room Kee'rd Eoent Heo'rd Boom Jlu Dandr Show Jin Dantfy Shaw Kldi Karaar Muala Mart Ma lie Mart Muile Mart Traffic Jambarta Supper Club Supper Clttb New. iMeJ. Laataa Mai. Leei.e Mat. Leei.e Ma). Leeiue MaJ. Laasu. Mail. MeU Merle Mel. Marie Mel, Mesle McL Mail. Mel. Marie Mel. Mall. Tea Weal . Muile Taa Wast Beeearch Bceand Lack Valler B.rL iM.ilc ' jPSrT WHAT ARE VOU Xf V B2E I ' WOTCHINQ 90 K ftiH4l f nUAREHXlX, ANNIE? I At IT w-cworvr erst? J torn BV TJtT S TiJ2f J yL I I LrrTLE GIRL-WHERE'8 CTO W I B PoSI 1 Jill El HER K0N? I aMWRRECB AM' 1 V 66 W0HDEiyX MW W.TI,1 LIL ABNER WALDORF BLOBBOVIA gLOBftOVIAN COOKIES ' tHOJ,, :-VO BOSTON r"- 4enQ HOPALONG CASSIDY PSiTfr-AFTSRlHSrVii CM. AND PAIDTHf I ft 'I W A I'l I UIUUATTUF CHICK WITn Tn& RIBtXJN.UUbl I LETHEK KNOW I M FOR HfcK .7 ?i::r.rT. t WINKEDOHEO A ijiC j i'i turn I (-'THAT I f THE BIG CHICK "Si WAS JUST GIVE ME THE FRIENDd If HIGH SlGN-r LET'S , m J:ll 1:4.1 p:aw Rtlai Maale Bab and Bay Bab and Bar. Dinah Shart Nat l. B a ilnt I Al Goodman Man's Fain II Warld Nawt Ballraad Ravr Buipenta Kmpniia Stafford Junior Mill TtlphJia Haar Ataa Jmh !aa iaaaa Ranartar Sparta Ptaal CattfldaBtlal Ia?aatlraUr Nawa L. HaCaM ' Cltr Caanell citr Caanell M tin Off Beb Hawk Bab Hawk Command Theater h. Themai On Spot Talant fleoa Talent Seam Lone Ranca Lona Banaa Henrr Tarlo Hall of BUri Nrmphonefte Srmphonatte Michael Shayna Radio Theater Badio Theater 5 Star Final Inter vie wa iTraaaarr Band Chamber Forma Muile Made lUeat Weatherman G. Heater lime. Edltlai Goad Listening iNewi Serenade Sam Hayet Could Thla Be Ton . Golden Echoei Let George Do It Muelo - iMusle IVewe Muile Powerland Muile Final BdUlei Dane Time DanH Tine Daaee Time Dane Time Dane Time Dane Time Danee Time 18 upper Club Hupper Club Supper Clob Supper Club Musle Muile sim on Glen Bardy Fallen Lewli Muile Muile Behind Stor Mutual Ne News Hall Fantasy Mldnlte Melodies Dane Time (Melody Man iCandlelffht iCandlellcbt World Newi US Keys Rosary Stars Slnr Bandstand Bandstand Durout Dope Baseball Baseball - Baseball Baseball Baseball Baieball Baseball Baseball Nltht Newa Nlrht Bona Nlyht Sonr Nltht Sons r NUbt Soar Nlrht Song Miht flanr llga Ml V . I lOOT M M, n-m. W IS a.m. UX Mtttl Don't Blow Your Top fou, too can own i beautiful ijtheonp Tracer Louie will take . most anything in trade. Trader Louie 1820 lani Ave. Ph- 38558 TUESDAY 6 A.M. TO 1 1 :45 A.M. f X V7UR HIKEP KILLERS f ARE V5UCUT Of 1 BUKK THE RANCHER FRflM PRWINd I MINP? PUT PAWN JJ THEIR TRAIL HERW THROUdH THE V TH W 4AM I 0U? t'EXTEi! E 1 HARW.Y, ABIiSNL YU R5R6ET THAT I rWW'LEfiAUy'tfrW THAT MIUEYlJUR HANWRITWlS OH THI6 V0CVm PMPERTY PEEC Hill PROTE IT.' Eum I X0K7 BETTER TAKE hOJiiK I LMK AT THAT PEEP. ) Weslberi 1(:1S Bipeelallr (.r Weeiea.. 11:H. Sebeel rain 11 :M. Caeerl Belli lt:M, Newe Weatkm Kill, N..a rasas Bear: 1:11, Beaaal at Aln t:a, Per MUIT & JEFF ''-' THAT'S THE TROUBLE" ) I AM NOT WITH VOU' rrrx 7 I STAND UP VOU'RE STRAIGHT CTIIDin I rT-T V OO VOU KNOW 1 VOUR i I SEE? VOL) COULDN'T J "f' ', WHO THE X wi FP EVEN ME OHB J( ME 1 --" ! SPEAKER OF THE: ) wlrc- NEW IMPORTANT 1 , ' REX MORGAN, M. D. HAViNO RECEIVE 0 AN URGENT CK.I FHOM H,5 FAVORTfi PKT16MT, A KNflwH CARPIAC, EEX MORGAN RJSHE5 TO MSi-iSSA'S HOVE ACCOMPANIES BV opfics NURSE, 6 ALE.' S-ll DONALD Dl'CK r FOU A X VOL'R HEART SOuNDs MlNUTB 1 ABE EXCE-1.ENT, MELISSA.' THO'JBUT THiS WAS HeTK" ' I CANT "l' WEtL SEE WAT I f HMAA . JUST A "" I X TMOuflMT.' J ( PRAT.' I LL BET) (JW IT'S THAT ttf-n-1 00S30NE "TAf?" (WOODPBCXEZ TO BOTHER f" JlM MARY WORTH V Nneafealrta. 1 CAN DRAW 0MLY ONE GH NO MRS J CONCLUSION , PAPPY! . ,0U ) VTH'BRIUu A HAVC BUN SECRETLY J HJNTERS ARENT J IT 14 A RARE I WVRRIt0- j-X THAT CLOSE TO THE DAY INDEED Ts,-r4!V BOTTOM Of THE BARREL! rHATDOtSNOT '.til.- -'W, - o"l. BPIfiGANtW 7fAVrrJ' PROBLEM TOR 4.iA-j"r. MAkY WORTH -1 Vl fc f mS- I CURRENTLY J lVVl flwjl ilTF CHAPERONE AT TWjj jjlyp ' BUT... THIS--? MJ rA MOT s 7 " MAKING IT FOR A I MVSrSTERS-'UH"- LOOK! ITS MUCH SIMPLER TO SHOW MY SISTERS THAN TO EXPLAIN J it THEM!. ..WHY DON'T YOU COME j t HOME WITH ME? ftr-rUIv S:M "ail. Tim. rD Orwaa Farm Bear Newi Bre.kfa.t Wen. Melea :1S Ma.l. Tim. KOIN Kleek Farm Hour. Timekeeper Nook Weot. Helelt :U Hail. Tim. KOIN K1..K Farm Hoar New. Br.akfali Farm Newe I'M Fare. Hie KOIN Klock Farm Hear Harm'By Bie. Nook New. i:M C.aatrr Id. KOIN Kleek rir.l Idliloo Newi Brrakfa.l Medllatlen. ' :15 Johnar Will Newe M. Arraaeki Breakla.l ook Kara Kleek ;lt Maw. New. Bek OarraS g.bi Brokfaal K.e. KI.ek 1:48 K MbbiiIp. H. Bebblll Bek aatu Sam Hare. Nook Koea Klock Old Bonn Coa. New. Breekfeel Cecil Brown Jim D.ndr a.ell..lt . Old Seate Detr Fall. Breakla.l Famllr Altar Jim Dandr wii .rb :M Mail. ! B.l.a Treal Bre.klael Harea al Jim D.ndr i a !.I t M Mael. B.I O.I SnBd.r Club Ke.1 Jm De!,d, j Kl"k tits'New. Road Life 9 a.m. Edl. New. Mr. Srarlh w.-.. CIS Ma.l. Bar M. rerkla. star. Tod., Melod, Mr. Smrth MaTl. :MHa.le Be 1 Dr. Melon. irn m Pe.lore Call Mr. Snrlh ... tM V- Lladl.tr G.lde Ll.hl rfl.n b.b. C.Hcr Mr. Smrlh l 1S:H Brad Mr.. Burton D. Gardner oiM Hlr4, Back Fence iT lt:lf era.lle Pcrrr M.i.n Ch.l HoMl'i Xtl, Xeil iercn.de Recerde !!it "J,"-" iTi. '"'"" Sniwer Ma. Back F..M Bar. lllg Kick Brlrhlcr D. Sl.r, M., 8eren.de E.,.rd. II :H n.akl. ei Muilo Sn.rkli VFkliperlBt Ladle. Fair Back reaea Bar. N.lhlBf Grand Slam Girl Marrle. Udle. ralr Serened. Record! 20J Td ,"Hou,e Llndl.h. Qaeea lor K.ek Peace Kere 11 :U Beb Hope Parlr B.raer Keep Day ' 4erea Kcctr.e DIAL LISTING KOAC, (St IfOAC . St.: H:0, Naw. A, Women 1 l:M. Orel. BeaerMrii I:1S Mule: 5:N, Children'. Tbe.lert 1:10, Book, and P.oplet 7:18, Evenlnr Farm Hour; 0:00. Muile. Webfoot Macleay Webfoot The Friendly Neighbors club entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Zinsli in the Webfoot district, Wednesday afternoon. The guests were Mrs. Marion War ner and daughter, Famelia. Mrs. Ella Branham was co hostess. Mrs. Bruce Millam was in charge of games. Officers elected were: presi dent, Mrs. Ralph Curfman; vice president, Mrs. Marion Sisco; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Bruce Millam. Macleay Mrs. Edwin Pow ers and Mrs. Elmer McKee will be hostesses to members of the Grange Home Economics club, Tuesday afternoon, May 12, at the Grange hall. The study subject will be "Gardert Pest Control and Care of Shrubs." Mrs. Robert Hansen will be the leader. The annual plant exchangt will be held. Carol Curtis Pattern Scene Stealer! Younger set's dainty pleated dross cut in one piece for easy-sewing, buttoned down the sides to save Ironing time. Panties to match are in cluded In this pattern. No. S665 is cut in sizes 3, 4 8 J. Size 4: Dress and panties take J:, yds. 3S-in. with 2 yds, of rlc rsc for smart trim! Send 30c for PATTERN with jame, Address, Style Number and Sire. Address PATTERN BU REAU. Capital Journal. 6.1J MLi slon Street. San Francisco 5, Calif. The Boston Red Sox Is the only club in the American League having no returning serviceman. , SmXWilSm&mWiM PPM tfQfetl -175 Fluterf FHn li..r. u.. . laree doilv mf,nci,rir, u across, 3 smaller ones measuring U inches have an unusual, in. rrSl",(!' '.I,1U,"i" Cd WhlCn forms a little stand-up edge of ruining like a pie-crust. Very pretty. You'll like the set on i m .i ' .va1lty dreMer or " in dividual pieces under bowls of flowers on small tables. 2.. ,or lnp "FLUTED Ike, " "u" " (Pattern No. 495) crochet Instructions, starch l?,,8" "'lutlnt" directions. YOUR NAME. ADDRESS PAT TERN NUMBER to CAROL CUR TIS, Capital Journal. 653 Mis sion street, San Francisco 6, Calif.