Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 09, 1953, Page 10, Image 10

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    1 I I
ftock Cars llSace Tonight
Destruction Derby to
Augment Regular Races
Auto racing makes its first
1953 Salem appearance at
Hollywood Bowl tonight when
the stock cars engage in a full
evening of auto racing, aug
. mented by a six-car destruc
tlon derby which will follow
the SO-lap main event.
The roadsters were sched
uled to have opened the local
auto racing last season, but
their program was idled by
The stock cars which will
race tonight are non-modified
Fords, Hudsons, Oldsmobiles,
Plymouths, etc., that John Q.
Public drives about the streets
Pairings for
Women's Spring
Handicap Listed
Pairings were announced
Friday for opening round play
in the annual Womens Spring
Handicap Tournament at Sa
lem Golf Club.
Medalists in the qualifying
i round completed Wednesday
was Mrs. Fred Bernard! with a
low net of 75. First round ac
tion will begin next Wednes
day, May 13th. Matches will
Championship flight Ber
nard! vs. Eismanf M. Allen vs.
Stevens; Stevenson vs. Mar
ble; Huff vs. MacLaughlin; Loe
vs. Wood; Kokko vs. Wilbur.
Second flight Shafer vs.
, Adolph; Lowry vs. Musseh;
Anunsen vs. Perry; Ivie vs.
Coppock; Potts, vs. Chase; Mc-
Cargar vs. Flannery; Burklund
vs. Johnson; Wicklund . vs.
Fourth flight Pekar vs.
Goulet; Bye vs. R. Hill; Ha
worth vs. Williams; Lewis vs.
Groff; Kanz vs. Roth; Herrall
vs. Dyer, A. Smith vs. Joseph;
Xruegar vs. Cannon.
Day's play prizes on Wed
nesday went to Mrs. Fred Ber
nardi and Mrs. Don Huff who
tied with low net of 75 In
Class A. In Class B, Mrs. Rey
nolds Allen and Mrs. Eugene
Kokko tied with a 76. Class C
was won with net 82 by Mrs.
Frank Nichols. Class D hon
ors to Mrs. Jim Sheldon with
a net SO.
Mrs. Frank 'Shafer took top
honors in Class C at the OWGA
play at Alderwood Country
lub In Portland Wednesday.
The stocks will time in
beginning at 7:30. After that
ccmes a trophy dash, three
heat races, a 50-lap main
event, and then the special
added attraction the de
struction derby.
In the destruction derby, six
Jalopies will take the track in
an effort to knock each other
out of commission. The last
heap running shall be declared
the winner.
At least 18 cars will parti
cipate in the regular racing
for the evening.
Roster of drivers and cars:
Car 1, 1953 Dodge, Bill
Weiman; car 3, 1948 Ford,
Armond Milien; car 5, 1949
Olds, Floyd Trimble; car 8,
1950 Olds, Bill Amick; car
15, 1952 Ford 6, Royce Ha
gerty; car 17, 1951 Olds, Bob
Dillon; car 22,1952 Ford 6,
Art Watts; car 25, 1951 Hud-
son, Johnny Kieper.
Car 28, 1950 Olds, Ray
Chase; car 31, 1949 Ford VI,
Wally Gervals; car 33. 1948
Plymouth, Don Dehaan; car
44, 1950 Plymouth, Sheldon
Johnson of Salem; car 53,
1953 Dodge, Ray Elliott; car
54, 1949 Plymouth, Woody
Stark; car 66, 1949 Ply
mouth, Gay Gerlcke; car 98,
1950 Mercury, Ernie Ras
mussen; no number assigned
for 1959 Chevrolet, Larry
Gardner of Salem.
Page 10 Salem, Oregon, Saturday, May 9, 1953
Antonelli Begins to Pay
Off on $65,000 Bonus
New York U.R) Johnny An
tonelli, who acquired muscles
snd maturltv while In thft
Army, supplied new evidence 8t. loU1,
today that he could be worth Milwaukee
the $65,000 bonus he cost the yo'k
Major Leagues
Diamond Lake
Fish Season
Is Extended
Portland VP The State
Game Commission extended
the angling season and raised
the bag limit Friday for sports
fishermen at Diamond Lake In
the Cascades north of Klamath
r The lake, which is schedul
ed to be poisoned to remove
trash fish in the fall of 1054,
will be open from May 16
through Oct. 18 this season,
adding about a month to the
season originally scheduled.
The limit will conform to the
general limit throughout the
state 10 fish a day. It was
half that previously.
After a public hearing here
in the morning, the commis
sion also opened some pre
viously closed waters there.
including Lake Creek from the
lake to the North Umpqua
highway crossing. This and
other previously closed por
tions will open July 15.
Braves six years ago,
Times have changed and An
tonelli, who once was such a
bust that his 1948 pennant-win
ning Boston team mates would
hardly speak to him, now is in
a position to become a big win
ner. The Braves have gone
from Boston to Milwaukee and
most of the guys on the 1948
team have gone cither to other
club or oblivion.
But not Antonelli. Back from
military service with a remark
able won and lost record of 44
and 2, he worked in several big
games before putting on his
"big" performance last night,
shutting out the Chicago Cubs,
2 to 0 on four hits before 30,
923 fans in the Milwaukee
County atadium.
Buggy Whip Arm
Breaking a big curve and
whipping in many a fast ball,
Antonelli defeated one of the
league's top hurlers, Warren
Hacker, who yielded but two
hits in the seven innings he
pitcnea. uei fjranaau hit a
triple in the sixth and scored
the first run on a bad relay by
Eddie Miksis. Johnny Logan
doubled home an insurance run
in the eighth.
The Reds got the homers but
the Cards put on the winning
rally in the sixth in a S to 3
triumph at Cincinnati. Gus
Bell, Ted Kluszewski and Bob
Marquis homered for all of the
Reds' tallies. The Cards scor
ed three unearned runs as a
result of errors by shortstop
Roy McMillan and outfielder
Bell and Red Schoendienst's
bases-clearing double.
Other Contests
Joe Dobson managed to
maintain his hex for the White
Sox over the Tigers, topping
them 7 to 2, with a five-hitter
as Chico Carrasquel drove in
four runs with a double and
At Boston, Billy Goodman
hit his first homer of the year
in xne lltn winning to give
the Red Sox a 2-1 win over
the Yankees.
The Senators came from be
hind to defeat the Athletics, 10
to 7, with a five-run rally in
the eighth inning.
The Indians came through
with a four-run rally in the
w L Pet. O.B.
13 I .706
13 Ml H
a i .m i
.80S 1
to Mi 4(4
7 ' 11 . 6ti
I II .333
11 .314 754
New York
Oleveland .
Boston , . .
Chicago . .,
St. Louis .,
Detroit ....
Friday Willi's Besulls:
Oleveland 7, St. Louis 4.
Chlcaio 7, Detroit 1. '
Washington 10, Philadelphia 7.
Boston 3, Now York 1 (11 Innlnas).
ninth, inning to defeat
Browns, 7 to 4.
The Dodgers-Phillies and
Giants-Pirates games were
rained out.
Friday's Results:
Milwaukee 3, Chicago 0.
St. Louis a, Cincinnati J
Pittsburgh at New York, postponed,
Philadelphia at Brooklyn, postpoi
W L Pet
Hearing on Proposed Dog
Track at Eugene May 15
Portland (UR Oregon state
racing commissioners said to
day they will hold a hearing In
Eugene Friday, May 15, on a
proposal of a group of Eugene
businessmen to build a grey-
nouna racing track there,
The decision was announced
after a meeting here yesterday
ai wnicn proponents and OD'
ponents of the move aired their,
Spencer R. Collins, Eugene
accountant, told commission
members a group of six Eu
gene businessmen, including
himself, have filed articles of
incorporation for the Eugene
Greyhound association. He list
ed the members, most of them
holders of stocks and bonds in
the now defunct Eugene Larks
baseball team, as Robert Toner,
Reeves Taylor, George Hitch
cock, Ralph Parr and Archie
Collins said the group plans
to build a $300,000 plant if
racing dates are granted. The
group asked permission to
start a meeting July 10.
Collins said the group would
hire David E. Funk, who heads
tracks in Tucson, Ariz., and Ti
juana, Mexico, to serve as gen
eral manager. He said Slim
Howell, former Multnomah
Kennel club race director,
wouia be hired as race director
of the Eugene track.
The meeting drew a great
deal of opposition, much of it
from church groups in the Eu
gene, Springfield, Oregon Clty.J
ana baiem areas. Another op
ponent, Donald McDonald.
identified himself as chairman
of the Eugene and Lane Coun
ty Civic Welfare committee.
Albany Runs Off
With Honors in
District Five
Corvallis (U.K Albanv hieh
school ran off with the Class
A District 6 track and field
meet here yesterday, scoring
126 points and aualifvina
eigni penormers for the Ore
gon state prep track meet.
In second place, far behind
the Bulldogs was Corvallis
with 71V4 points. Other team
scores included Central Union
63; Newport 86: Lebanon 45:
Waldport 32; Dallas 24; To
ledo 20; Taft 8 and Sweet
Home 4.
Top individual performer
was Frank Rider, Albany so-
pnomore, wno won the 100
yard dash and the high jump
and placed second in the 220
yard dash and ran on the win
ning relay team.
Tom Alsip and Mertin Ret
mer of Central qualified in the
8Bu, finishing first and second.
respectively. Central's relay
team also earned the right to
enter the state meet by finish
ing second in district competi
tion. Members of the team are
Snyder, Reynolds, Owens and
Johnson. 1
Mel Friesen of Dallas took
first place in the 440, and will
be the lone representative of
his school in the state meet.
In the District 5 Class B
meet Monroe won first with
125 points. Others were Shedd
112?a: Scio 106; Perrydalc
34; Philomath 16; Halsey 10.
Hillsboro to
Send Five to
State Meet
School Kids to
Help Out in
Walton Effort
Best designs for posters, arm
bands and auto stickers in the
growing "anti-lltterbug" cam
paign, will be selected from
entries prepared by Oregon's
school children, according to
Sam Moment, member of the
Izaak Walton League and pro-j
moter of the campaign for
cleaning up Oregon.
Competition for litterbug
and vandalbup slogans has al
ready begun in Portland
schools around the state. Prize
winners will be selected by the
league and the best ones used
for campaign posters, stickers
ana literature. It is expected
mat wan Disney win draw ux.
on these entries for inspiration
in the production of his pro
posed short movie on the sub
The anti-litterbug campaign.
which began in Oregon with
the Waltonians, is rapidly being
adopted in other parts of the
country. Object of the drive is
to clean up our highways, pic
nic grounds, recreational areas,
stream banks and the outdoors
in general of trash, discarded
Dotues, junk, paper and other
refuge. ;
A recent Life magazine edi
torial commended the Izaak
Walton League and Sam
Moment for one of the most
worthwhile projects of the year.
West Salem
Defeats Leslie
In 10 Frames
West Salem scored a run in
the last of the tents to edge
Leslie 7-6 at West Salem Fri
day afternoon.
West Salem tied the game up
in the seventh, which is the
scheduled length of the junior
high games, on Bruce Davis's
home run. The Giants won the!
game in the tenth when Mc
Carmack singled and after two
outs was singled home by
Leslie 101 001 100 0-4 s 1
West Salem 033 000 100 17 4 4
Johnson, IScCorrnack (31, Davis i(8)
and Davis, Mccormack ft): PredeHch.
Jones (3), Merchant (7), Jones (7), and
Yesterday's Stars
(By The AuocUted Frew)
Pltehlot johnny Antonelli. UHwank
Braves, shut out Chlcaio on four talti for
on lecona victory or tut year.
Battlnr Billy Ooodman. Boiton Rati
Sox, homered In the nth Inninr for the
winning run m Boston defeated Mew
Newport Slates
Drag Races for
Sunday Afternoon
Competition in eight
classes for automobiles and
one class for motorcycles
will be conducted in Sun
day's drag races at the New
port airport.
The Surfriders, a group of
auto speed enthusiasts in the
Newport area, are cooperat
ing with the Northwest Tim
ing association In sponsoring
Sunday's event. -
Any ear which has a
weight certificate from' a
public . scales and ' which
passes safety standards miry
race In Sunday's drag races,
Drivers must carry a driv
er's license and by at least
21 years of age, or furnish
notorized proof of parents'
consent to compete.
' Drag racing will get un
derway at 12 noon, but late
entries may .register as late
as 1 p.m.
In drag racing, cars are
clocked from a standing
A similar meet at Camp
Adair recently proved pop
ular to the competitors and
spectators alike, and the
NWTA hopes to sponsor sev
eral drag races during the
spring and summer, if the
association Is successful In
lining up sites on which to
Solons Idled by Rain at
; Caps in 2nd
Le wliton . .
Victoria . ,
Trl-City ..
Yakfma ..
calcarr ..
Mixed Foursome
Play at Golf
Club Scheduled
Husbands and wives will
form teams for Sunday's mix
ed two-ball foursome play at
Salem Golf club.
Hubbies and wives are to
line up their own game, and
advise the Salem Golf club.
The Golf club will assign four
somes a teeing off time, which
will be sometime between noon
and 2 p.m.
Following play, a social hour
and a 8:30 dinner will be held
for the golfers in the clubhouse.
mi.. . t.tMt Prtakl
Vancouver idled its way Into
second place in Western '
national League sianoiu. a-.,
day night as the rest of the
league was putting on 1"
tlon of good, bad and Indif
ferent baseball.
The Capilanos moved up
u,hn fhpir name with last
place Salem was rained oul at, i.-,V.'.''
Vancouver ana viciuim
second straight game to Tri
City, 5-2, on the home dia
mond. .
Frfmnnton saueezed Into
fourth place by defeating Wen
atrnpp. 3- 0: Spokane held to
seventh as it eked out a H-n
win over the league-leading
r.Pwiston nine in a free hitting
fracas at Spokane and Calgary
pmwled over wenatcnee into
eighth by winning from Ya
kima, 7-5.
- The debut of Bob Drilling
was spoiled at Victoria when ,
his seven hit pitching per-,
formance went for naught as
his teammates made five
errors that led to as 'many
unearned runs. Jess Dober
nic, former major and Coast
league hurler went the dis
tance for the Braves, allow
ing eight hits but getting
1 -
WIL Standings
l ret.
I ' .!
i .ill
I .lit
( .Ml
i .430
' .335
t .107
. .331
Spokane 14. lewlston 13.
Edmonton 3, Wenatchea S.
Caliary 7, Yakima S.
Trl-Clty. . Victoria S.
8alem at Vancouver postponed, rain.
Salardar'e Senedalel
Lewlston at fcpokane.
Trl-Clty at Victoria.
Edmonton at Wenatchea.'
.Calgary at Yakima.
Salem at Vancouver.
better fielding support.
Another rookie, Calgary's
Glen Kiitner, fared belles at
Yakima, although he allowed
11 hits. Hittner pulled him
self out of trouble In the ninth
when, with two on, he forced
Yakima's heavy hitting Dan
ny Rios to pop and conclude
the game. Calgary iced the
tilt with three tallies in the
seventh. A walk, an infield
hit and a single brought in the
first run and Jim Mellinger
drove in two more with a hard
At Wenatchee, righthander
Jack Widner held Wenatchee ot
five hits to give hts team the
series opener. Widner was in
trouble only once, in the sixth
inning when Jay Ragni opened
with a triple but couldn't get
home as the next three men
went down on easy outs,
Spokane never trailed
after jumping on Lewiston'a
Manager Bill Brenner for
four hits and five runs In
the first inning. Brenner was
shelled off the mound but
the Indians continued to pile
up runs enough to keep
ahead of the Broncs, who
did some fairly effective
stick work themselves.
Both teams used Three pitch
ers and two catchers in the
lengtniy anair ana each mm
got one more run than hits.
Will Hafey connected for a
three-run homer in the first '
for Spokane and Dick Neal,
first Lewiston batter in the
ninth, went all the way
Salem Jayvees
Down Parrish
W I. Pet.
Parrtsh ( 0 1.000
West salem 1 s .1(3
Leslie 3 .183
Aol. rarlnti stork cars. Hollytood Bol. Time trials betln at 7 30. to-lap
main eent and destruction derby.
HMtrrn International Leslie baseball! Salem at Vencouer (3). Lewlston at
pokane, Tri-Clly at Victoria. Edmonton at Wenelohee. Calcarr at Yakima
Collet, basebalh Whitman at Wlllamslls ill: Oreion Tech at OCK
Cnllese track: Willamette at lwls and Clark.
Stala aim school aolf ehamalenshlm at Albany.
sundayTmay 10
Aata rarlnn Drat races, Newport airport, 13 noon.
Western lnl.rnall.nal leasaa baseball: Lewlston at Spokane Hi, Edmonton at
WanalthM canary at Yakima (3i. imo a
C.lleee kaaebalh Collets st Idaho at Willamette it,,
Collese i.ll: Farlflo at Willamette.
Celine tennis: Pacific at Willamette.
State Men orhaol trnnle ehamal.ntblps. Terrains.
Western International react baseball! Wenatchea tt Cellar, Yakima at Id
sa on tost, Victoria M Vsnooursr.
Hillsboro (P? Hillsboro won
a district track meet here Fri
day and at the same time quali
fied five men for the state
track meet.
Hillsboro won 4H4 points In
the district meet. Other scores:
Astoria 30, St. Helens 26, Mc
Mtnnville 19, Beaverton 16,
Newberg 13 Vj, Vernonia 13,
Tigard 9, Forest Grove 814,
Rainier 8 '4, Clatskanie 6'4,
Scappnose 5H, Wlllamina S.
Tillnmook 4, Seaside 2, Dayton
i, onenaan u.
Fiqhts Last Night
New York Ramon Puentes. 14T. T-o.
Anaeles. outpointed AI Wilton, !..
Knclewood. N. J. HOI.
Srdne?. Australia Pat Pord.. 111. New
South Wales, stopped Prank Planners-.
lit, Sdrner II0.
The Salem high junior var
sity defeated Parrish Friday
afternoon 4-0 as Gary Smith
pitched a one hitter for the
The lone hit off Smith came
In the first inning when Ed
Syr in g opened the game with
a single to right field. Jack
Loy pitched the first three
frames for the Pioneers and
Keppinger came in for the
fourth inning and gave up the
lour runs,
Parrish 000 000 1
Salem JV's ooo 3
lot. Keppinser ft), and Stephen;
Smith and Luby.
Lewis and Clark
Defeats Pacific
Forest Grove VP) Lewis and
Clark, behind the four-hit pit
ching of Ray Hyde, defeated
Pacific, 11-4, in a Northwest
Conference baseball game here
He was" aided by a six-run
Lewis and Clark batting surge
in the fifth inning. Pacific col
lected its four runs in the sixth
nd C 100 490 00011 101
Peclltc , 000 004 000 4 4 I
Hrde and Allen: Ross, shumacker (4),
Simmons (t) and Lenten.
Seattle Team Wins Team
Title in NW Bowling Meet
Tacoma (VP) The Seattle
Cook's TJ-Drive won the five
man title and Brotman Brothers
of Tacoma took second place as
team competition ended In the
38th annual Northwestern In
ternational Bowling Congress
Friday night. Cook's U-Drive
tallied 3010 pins and the Ta
coma team 2918.
Following in order were:
Rushlow Insurance, Portland,
2917; Sartori Jewelers, Spo
kane, 2905; and Mary and Joe's
Department store, Albany,
Calif., 2903. Les Long Jr. rolled
a 248-185-219652 series for
the Sartori Jewelers.
Doubles and singles competi
tion Saturday and Saturday
night will wind up the tourna
ment although many of the
leading pin-smashers will re
main for the "sweeper" Sun
day. The Frisco-Burnett Earl
Johnson duo of Tacoma was
leading in the doubles with
1260 and Burnett's 684 was
tops in the singles.
Only other team to land a
berth on the prize list Friday
night was the Val Cox Realty
crew of Yakima, which moved
into 11th place with a 2831
The veteran Louis Vitalich
is ahead In the all-events with
1889. Standard Construction
of Tacoma already has nailed
down the commercial team
crown with 2,823, the five
man competition in that divi
sion having ended.
Although additional com
mercial doubles and singles
contestants are due to roll Sat
urday, there seemed little like
lihood of disturbing the all
time record 1293 doubles score
posted by Mike Moriarty
Johnny Bulger of Vancouver,
Wash. Bulger is also leading in
singles with 632 and In the all
events with 1927, another all
time mark.
Oregon lips Lead Over 0SC
By Beating Huskies Twice
(By The Associated' Press)
The. University of Oregon
took out some Northern Divi
sion insurance Friday with a
double win over Washington's
hapless nine, 3-0 and 4-v, near
Seattle wbile runner-up Ore
ron State was winning lone
one from Idaho, 13-9, at Mos
cow. '
The- Duck-Husky tilt was
played near Seattle because it
was raining too hard in a local
ized thundershower at the
Washington campus,' The
change of location did nothing
to help the Huskies; they could
n't do anything at the plate that
would generate a run in 17 in
nings play.
The first tilt went 10 frames,
with a scoreless tie resulting in
the first nine as Bill Reams of
Washington and Norm Forbes
engaged in a tight pitching
duel. Reams weakened in the
10th and Oregon got the neces
sary three runs on three walks
and two singles.
The seven-inning nightcap,
first ever played by Washing'
ton under the lights, was score
less until the sixth when Ore
gon . batted around for four
Izaak Waltons
To Give Awards
Annual awards for outstand
ing achievement in advancing
the cause of good conservation
will be made for the first time
ip Oregon by the Izaak Walton
League of America, it has been
announced by L. C. (Jack)
Binford, president of the Ore
gon Division.
The "Ikes" will go to one per
son in each of the following
categories who has distinguish'
ed himself in conservation of
Oregon's woods, waters, soil
and wildlife during 1953: news
papers; radio and television;
schools and education; farmer
sportsman; private citizen.
Presentation of the awards
will be made at the annual state
convention of the League in
Eugene, Dec. 4, 5 and 6. Wil
liam H. Osborne, Portland out
door writer and conservationist,
is chairman of the selections
sub-committee. -
Winners of the awards will
receive a permanent trophy and
a certificate of citation. Profes
sional conservationists, such as
members of state and federal
agencies, are not eligible. Ore
gon's 23 local chapters of the
League are cooperating in nom
inating candidates for the
Marking the League's 31st
year of existence, Oregon's
Waltonians are currently en
gaged in some 40 conservation
projects throughout the state.
These range from public boat
landings to soil and water acti
vities and tree planting in burn
ed over areas. Portland chap,
ter's "anti- litterbug" campaign
has already attracted nation
wide interest.
(By The Associated Press)
W L Pet.
Oregon 8 3 .737
Oreion State S 1 .114
Washlntton State .... t t .455
Idaho 4 I .444
Waanlngton ....... 1 1 .138
runs, three more than was
needed to win.
Idaho had a healthy 8-2 lead
until it allowed Oregon six un
earned runs in the fifth inning,
The Vandals broke the tie with
a tingle tally in their half of
the fifth but the Beavers settled
the argument with five more in
the seventh.
Idaho and Oregon State meet
again Saturday.
Oreton State 90 0(0 MO 13 19
Idaho 301 410 000 t t
Nlerman, Coleman 14) and Thomas:
Dodel, Plynn (5), Patrick (7) and Otle,
Oreton 000 000 000 33
Washlntton 000 000 000 00 I
Porbes and AverlU; Reams and Mitchell.
Oreton 000 004 04 7
Washlntton 000 000 00 3
Dmoehowsky and X. Ayerlll; Veiling and
Mitchell. .
Estacada Downs
Silverton, 3-1
Silverton Estacada high
school defeated Silverton 3-1
in a Willamette Valley league
baseball game here Friday.
Silverton was limited to five
hits by Estacada pitcher Miller,
Estacada had six hits off Sil
verton's hurler. CoDole.
'The Estacada team played
errorless ball afield, while the
Silver Foxes bobbled three
Tldsa for Taft, Oreion Mar, IMS
(Cvmnfletl by V. 8. Coast ani GeatJetle
sarvcr, rortiand. Oman)
Mar men waters
Time Heiiht
t:13 a.m. 4.9
9:38 p.m. C.T
1 10:22 a.m. 4.t
10:08 p.m. 7.1
It 11:34 a.m. 6 0
10:47 p.m. T.S
IS 13:21 p.m. 8.1
11:27 p.m. 7.4
II 1:14 p.m. 5.1
12:07 a.m.
3:06 p.m.
13:48 a.m.
2:57 p.m.
1: a.m.
3:47 p.m.
3:13 a.m.
4:38 p.m.
3:00 a.m.
5:31 p.m.
3:85 a.m.
8:21 p.m.
4:37 a.m.
7:07 P.m.
Low Water
Tim Heiiht
3:06 p.m. 0.8
3:06 p.m. 0.8
4:18 a.m. -0.7
:54 p.m. 1.3
8:08 a.m. -1.0
4:41 p.m. 1.6
5:56 a.m. -1.5
S:3S p.m. 3.0
0:42 a.m. -1.8
6:10 p.m. 3.3
7:27 a.m. -1.8
6:55 p.m. 3.6
8:12 a.m. -1.7
7:43 p.m. 3.8
1:37 a.m. -1.4
8:32 p.m. 3.9
8:43 a.m. -0.9
8:30 p.m. 3.0
10:31 a.m.
10:39 p.m. 3.1
11:18 a.m. 0.0
12:01 a.m.
12:06 p.m.
Lewlston (. 000 400 40413 11 3
SpoUn 510 130 40 14 13 0
Brenner. Nichole (It, Bpurlock (6)
and Cameron. Neal f6i ; Spring. ,Dfeti
so 7), Cordell 9t and Sheet, Trisndos
(7). ,
Edmonton ooo 101 0013 9 0
Wenatchee 003 000 000 0 S 3
Ektner and Pliant; r?nmoa and HeU
Ciliary ,,, 030 030 3007 1 3 4
Yakima 001 001 0315 11 3
Hittner r.nd Brlcker; ftchaenlm. Rial
(It, Youns (9) and Day, Mount Units
Trl-Clty 010 001 0036 8 1
Victoria 000 002 000 2 7 f
Dobernic and'Pesut; Drilling and Mar
tin. - ,
Duck, Beaver
Golf and Tennis
Teams Fare Well
(Bj The Associated Picas)
University of Oregon and
Oregon State College tennis
ters and golfers walked away
with three out of four matches
with Idaho and Washington
State Friday afternoon in
Northern Division play.
Oregon gained a double vic
tory at Moscow, defeating the
Vandals, 17-10, in a golf duel
and 5-2 on the courts.
The Ducks won two of the
best ball matches and tied the
third with Idaho in the golf
match when both teams scored
a best ball of 66 on the par 70
Washington State coif era
trimmed OSC, 17-10, at Pull- ,
man although Bill Sundstrom
of the Beavers was the day's .
medalist with a par 72. Th
Beavers evened it up in tennis,
winning both doubles matches
and four of the singles for a
6-1 victory.
Bryant Quits
Estacada Job
Estacada VP) Don Bryant. :
Estacada High School coach.
Friday announced his resigns- "
tion. He said he had no im
mediate plans. .
Bryant, who came here in
1948, suffered minor iniuries i
last month in ' an automobile
collision near Eugene in which
two of his athletes were killed.
The collision came while Bry
ant ana ine track team wer
enroute to the Hayward Re-
lays at Eugene:
Minor League Scores
IBy The Associated Press)
Baltimore 8-6, Syracuse 63. '
Rochester 7, Ottawa 4.
Montreal 6, Toronto 8.
Surlnefleld at Buffalo postponed.
Kansas City 4, Toledo 3 (U Innlnn).
Only came scheduled.
Dallas 13, Beaumont 7.
Shreveport 4. Port Worth t.
Tulsa 4, Houston 3.
San Antonio e, Oklahoma Cltx 4.
Idaho Pane S, Otden 0.
Oreat Palls 13, Boise I.
Maalc Valley 15, Bllllnis 1.
Pocatello , Salt Lake city 1.
For tale to the highest bidder, dwellings located at
1010 N. Cottage St. and 2487 Maple St., Saltm, Or.
Terms and conditions of sole may be obtained from
Pioneer Trust Company
Pioneer Trust Bldg. Salem, Oregon
Willamette Spring Sports Week
(MAY 11-16)
Mon. W. U. vs. College of Idaho, 1 :30
Tuei. W. U. vs. Oregon, 3:00
Wad. W. U. vs. OCE, 3:00
Saturday (May 16) Annual Northwest
Conference Meet, 1 :30
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