Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 08, 1953, Page 9, Image 9

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    Friday, May 8, 195S
Silverton Churches Plan,
Services for Mothers Day
Sllwrtnn CII....1 . . '
oiivcriun Dlivenon lerv.
Ices paying tribute to mothers,
for the Sunday, May 10, liith
Sunday after Easter, include
at Trinity Lutheran morning
worsnip nour, xne theme is
".frayer Helps a Home." . The
junior choir Is to sing: "For
We Beauty of the Earth"; the
senior choir: "Cherubim Song
No. 7," Bortnlaosky. General
observance of Mothers Day,
noiy Baptism is to be admin'
istered. Kay Bergerson and
ioretts Toft will present the
7:30 o'clock Luther League
program topic: "He Ascended
Into Heaven."
"In My Name," is the Sua
day morning sermon subject
of Rev. Arvid L. Hokonson of
Calvary Lutheran church. An
intermission meeting is an
nounced ior 3 o'clock in the
Mrs. McNeil Speaks
To Women's Group
Mrs. Evangeline ' McNeil,
. director of Cannon Beach
Bible Conference, will be the
guest speaker for the Chris
tian Business and Professional
Women's Council on Tuesday
) evening, May 12 at 6:15. The
dinner will be held in the Mir
ror Room of the Marlon hotel.
Miss Dorothy Ball, city mis
sionary," will give a devotion
al talk and conduct the Instal
lation of officers. Both Mrs.
McNeil and Miss Ball will
present musical numbers.
Special recognition Is to be
given to each woman state
employe attending the dinner.
A prize will be given to the
lady, who invites the most
state employes; and another
prize will be awarded to the
one who brings the most state
employes who are "first tim
ers." The program will be of in
terest to business and profes
sional women, and all women
are urged to attend.
Reservations for the dinner
must be given to Mrs. John
Bruhner, 25096; Mrs. C. Ed
wards, 27578, and Mrs. Jack
Quiring, 24660, by Sunday,
May 10.
Holiness Church
Meetings Continue
A revival meeting Is in pro
gress at the Pilgrim Holiness
church located at 2285 Carl
ton Way. The meeting was
scheduled to close last Sunday,
however the Interest has been
good and the congregation has
desired that they continue
through this week. Rev. Frank
Mills and his wife from South
ern California are the workers.
Rev. Mills has spent years in
working in the Los Angeles
City Missions among unfor
tunate people.
Services are at 7:30 each
evening except Saturday and
there is also a prayer and Bible
study hour each morning at
Rev. Story, the pastor, has
been gone the past week at
tending the convention of the
National Holiness Association
in Indianapolis, Indiana. He
will return this week before
the meetings in the local
church are over.
Gunther to Begin
Sermon Series
Rev. Paul W. Gunther. pas
tor of the Christian and Mis
sionary Alliance church, will
preach the first sermon in
series of Expository sermons on
the parables of Matthew 13 at
11 a.m. Sunday. The subject
Sunday mornlne will be Un-
miMessful Seed Sowing." The
other sermons in the series will
follow In succession for eight
Sunday night at 7:30 o'clock
Rev. Gunther will speak on the
unhlect: "God Conquers Jacob"
and on the following Sunday
nieht the sequel, "Jacob Con
quers God,"
Central Lutheran to
Confirm 7 Persons
Seven confirmants will be
confirmed at the morning
prvlee in Central Lutheran
ohurrh this coming Sunday.
TJie confirmants are Kenneth
BnnUer. Rose Marie Jellum,
Darlene Olson, Marylln
Hnmp. Caroline Iverson, Eve
Ivn Vpltrus and Kay Hanley,
The communion service for
these confirmants and the
members and friends will be
held Sunday evening at 7:45
At Immanuel Lutheran
church Mothers Day will be
observed during the Sunday
school hour with special pro
gram to be presented. Moth
ers are specially invted to at
tend. Miss Hannah Olson,
superintendent of the Sunday
school, will give a talk. Songs
oy me children will be fea
tured. Recognition will be
acknowledged to the oldest,
the youngest mother present,
and to the mother with the
most children in Sunday
school. The Rev. A. W. Nel
son, pastor of the church, will
talk of "God, Home and oMth
er." Other meetings during
the week Include adult class
on Monday evening, the board
of trustees on Tuesday eve
ning, and the choir rehearsals
on Wednesday evening.
The Rev. A. W. Nelson will
be In Parkland, Wash., Friday
and Saturday attending a
meeting of the board of trus
tees of Pacific Lutheran col
lege of which he is a mem
ber. ,
Mrs. Robert Rose is general
chairman for the Immanuel
Mother-Daughter banquet to
be given Saturday evennig of
thin week.
"Queen of Queens," Is the
sermon theme for Mother's
Day to be given by the Rev.
Douglas HarreU. pastor, to fol
low holy communion observ
ance at 8:30 o'clock, and
church school classes at 9:45
The Christian Women's Tel.
lowship of the First Christian
church are announcing a
Mother-Daughter banquet
Friday evening at 8 o'clock
in the basement dining rooms
of the church.
Also announced is fellow
ship dinner following morning
services, Sunday, May 17, in
stead of May 10, as previous
ly planned.
A special appearance of the
First Christian choir of 32
voices is announced for Sun
day evening, May 17, at 8
O'clock. Mrs. Hobert T. Nel
son directing, and John Mid
dlemiss at the organ.
, Mrs. Al Clemetson, publica
tions chairman, Is announcing
the annual Trinity Lutheran
choir concert to be at the
church, Sunday evening, May
24, beginning at 8 o'clock,
with the public welcome to
Mrs. Joseph A. Luthro is
directing the 30-voice group.
Committee chairmen for the
concert include on decorations,
Mrs. George Parks, Mrs. Elmer
Palmqulst, Mrs. William
Bloch; on program, Miss Jean
Neperud and Mrs. Alf O. Nel
Mother's Day observances
at the Silverton Methodist
church will be conducted in
the traditional manner. Em
phasis upon motherhood will
be stressed in the various de
partments of the Sunday
school at 8:45 a.m.
At the morning worhsip
service Pastor Douglas HarreU
will present, assisted by the
president of the M.Y.F., Miss
Nancy Foote, bouquets of
flowers to the oldest mother
present with her child or chil
dren; youngest mother pre
ent with her child; the mother
present with the largest num
ber of her children
Special music has been plan
ned in accordance with the
theme of the day and the
pastor wil preach on the theme
'Queen of Queens."
Monthly Meeting of
Holiness Group
The monthly meeting of the
Marion County Holiness asso
ciation will be held at the
Highland Friends church May
12. :
Rev. Edgar Sims will be
speaking . at the 10:30 a.m.
service and Rev. Vernon
Story, pastor of the Pilgrim
Holiness church will give a
first-hand report at 2 p.m. of
the National Holiness meet
ing recently held at Indianap
olis, Ind. There will be a
basket lunch at noon.
Amity Churches
Baalist William P. Bray, pastor.
Sunday school 10 a.m. Morning worship
11 a.m. Evening service 3 p.m.
Church ef Christ Robert Powell,
pastor. Bible school 10 a.m. Morning
wnrshln 11. Christian endeavor 6:30 p.m,
Evening eervlca 7:30. Choir practice S:30.
Mrthodlit David polndexter. minu
ter. Sunday school 10 a.m. Mornlnt wor
ship U a.m. youm reuowsaip . p.m.
iventni service I p.m.
Oak Orova Chapel David Polndexter,
minister. Mornlnr worship MS. Sun
day achool 10:45 a.m.
Assembly af O.S - Fran K. Mspes, , J-"Y ITu ar, I I JhXV VQ?a
raetor. Sunday school t il a.m. Mornln, I 217 8. High Ph. 15751 I I SCcM jtxA. If j?tf?l
worship 11 a.m. tvenlm aervlea 1:30. 1 1 J I ela Cj
i i'hrh'i
L' V;. J
'' -
S i
Rev. Fred Lester, Burling
ton, Iowa, who will open a
series of meetings Sunday at
the Salem Free Methodist
church, Market and Winter
streets. He will speak at both
morning and evening serv
ices Sunday and at 7:30 each
week day night except Sat
urday. ......
Saiem Cliurcliei
St.'a Lalhoraa (Me. BtvU) six
teenth and A streets. K. W. Groaa, paa
tor. Services at and 11. Sunday
school and Bible elaaa at 10.
St 'Jeseph'e Cathelle Chemokote and
Wlntar. Rev. Joseph 1. Vendorbeck, paa
tor. Sunday muiei 6, 7, S, 1:1ft. 10:M
and 11:46. Confessions Saturday 1:30 to
:30 and 1:10 ta . -
LabUh Bethel Aesmelr Lablih Vil
lage. A. R. Brown, mlalater. Sunday
school 10. Morning worship 11. Young
people's service 1 p.m. Xventellstlo eerv
tce 8. Thursday mid-week eervlce S. .
First Spiritualist MO North CotUlt.
Speaker, Rev. Mary Oerken 1:30 p.m.
Topic: "Mothers."
rirst Mathodlst-eervlca at Kslnore
theatre. Mother's day sermon, "Borne,
Bweet Home." Brooks B. Moore, minis
Bathel Baptist North Cottaia and D
streets. Rev. Rudolph Woyke, paator.
Sunday achool at t:tt a.m. Mother'a day
worship at 11 a.m., the pastor preaohlsi
the tonic. "A Mother'a courage.
Evening gospel hour at 1:30 o'clock.
St. Mark's Lutheran 341 N. Church
street. Rev. John L. Cauble, paator. Sun
day school 0:30 a.m. Classes and instruc
tion lor all members ox the lemur. Dl
vine worship 11 a.m. Sermon by the
pastor. Adult instruction class 4 p.m.
Luther league 0:30 p.m. Film night In
the church 7:30 p.m.
Salem Truth Center 341 Chemeketa.
Bunday school 10. Bervlca 11. Topic; "The
First Great Principle." Mrs. rerguaon.
guest speaker. Rev. onve Stevens.
Central Lutheran North Capitol and
dalnes street. O. B. Rundttrom, paator.
Central Lutheran Hour KOCO, (.30. Fam
ily Sunday school 0:40. Morning wor
ship with Continuation II. Frayer rel
lowship 7:18. communion aervica i:ee.
Balut Paul'a Episcopal Church and
chemeketa streets. Rev. George 3L
wilt, B.D., rector. Holy Communion
1:30 a.m. Family service and olaases :30
a.m. Nursery school in parish hall 11
a.m. Frayer servlca and sermon 11 am
Church at Jesue Christ of Utter Day
Saints (Merman) Filth and Madison
streets, John E. Salisbury, bishop. Priest
hood meeting a.m. Mother s uav pro
gram. 10:30 a.m. Sacrament Servlca
p.m. '
Seventh Day Adventlit Bummer and
Hand. SfthbAth School 1130 ft.m. MOW
wood Academy faculty and student It
a.m. Young peoplei UV, Academy etu-
denti 3 p.m. Bawl concert Livingston
school gym 8 p.m.
Lablsh CenmaallT Lablsh Vlllaee. B.
If. Brooks, B.DH pastor. Sunday school
and Mother's day program 10 a.m.
Freachlnt, "Jesus the Life" 11 a.m. Jun
iors 1 p.m. YFS :U p.m. Freachlni
S:30 p.m.'
Christian Mlislonarr Alliance
North Filth and aalnes. Rev. Paul W.
Ounther, pastor. Sunday achool :. a.m.
Mornlnt worship, pastor preachlna : "Un
successful Seed Bowlnt," 11 a.m. Alli
ance Youth Fellowehlp S:30 p.m. Eve
nine evanreltam, sermon by pastor: "Ood
conquers Jacob."
First Church af Christ, Scientist Lib
erty and Chemeketa etreeta. Sunday
achool at 11 a.m. Mominf service at 11.
Lesson-sermon subject: "Adam and Fall
en Man." Nursery for children under 3
durlne the morning service. Evening oor
vlce at t. Lesson-sermon subject: "Adam
and Fallen Man."
Beorianlsed Church al lesns Christ af
Latter Day Balnte 17th and Chemeketa.
Church slhool : a.m. Morning worship
11 a.m. Wlllard L. Harwell, speaker. Bve
nlng worship S p.m. George W. Speed,
Christ Lutheran State street at llth.
Rev. T. M. Oebhard. paator. Sunday
services 1:45 and 11 a.m. sermon by the
pastor, "Honoring Mother." Sunday
school mission service and Mother'a Day
niuervanee. with claasee following, 10
a.m. Luthsr league Parents' Night, 1 p.m.
Mother-Daughter banquet Tuesday, 0:10
Grace Lutheran Bunnyvlew and
Lansing avenues. :. a.m. Bunday
school. Mother'a Day program. 11 a.m
Divine Worehlp. 4H Sunday observance,
7 p.m. Luther league. I p.m., Monday,
Brotherhood "Family Night." L. W,
Holte. paator
klmms Bible g:4S a.m. Sunday
school for all agee. 10:lt a.m. Rev. Alex
H. Sauerweln will praach on "The
Mother of Our Lord." 7:45 p.m. A Moth
er's Day service In which the men and
boys will honor their mothers. Message:
"Samuel Lent to the Lord."
First evangelical Unite Brethren
Corner Marion and Summer. A. Q. Ja
mleson. minister. Bunday school 8:45.
Worship service 10:50. Msssace: "Mothers
Wi Honor." Youth Fellowship :30. The
Oospel Hour, 7:30. Meseaie; "A Mlthty
Capital Baptist 3000 Laming avenue.
James E. Frost, pastor. Sunday, May 10,
f wy flLOWfaUMO) WILLY.' ALL l
Linnlum wrum won't J thiy need
Faith Lutheran Church to
Inaugurate Financial Drive
Faith Lutheran church, N,
River Road and Cherry Ave
nut at Cummings Lane, is
launching a builders' crusade
to secure funds to complete
payments on the site of a new
church plant, so announced
George Gillis, general chair
man, today. The church hopes
to provide in cash and pledges
payable during the next 24
months a minimum of $10,000.
The present church proper
ty consists of a tract of land
facing on North River Road and
Cummings Lane. A parsonage
on Cummings Lane is now in
the process of completion. The
old Lansing home on the corner
of the tract has been remodeled
and is being used for all church
purposes. It provides a chapel
seating 150 people besides var
ious rooms for Sunday school
purposes and their activities.
Faith Lutheran church was
formally organized less than
three years ago with the Rev.
George L. Holmqulst as pastor,
under whose energetic and ca
pable leadership the church is
being developed. The present
First Christians
Honor Mothers
Mothers will be honored bv
the special emphasis in both
music and the message in the
Sunday morning service at the
First Christian church. Dudley
strain will speak on "Adven
ture in Togetherness:" The of
fertory anthem will be "How
Beautiful Upon the Mountain"
by Buck, Peter Larson, inclden
tal baritone solo. The choir, di
rected by Melvin Gelst, will
sing as the morning anthem, "O
Magnify the Lord" by Wooler.
In observance of National
Family Week, the film "As the
Twig Is Bent" will be presented
at tne evening service which is
at 7:30 p.m. Visitors welcome,
Tan-Ditters Will
Sing Sunday Night
Meyer and Alice Tan-Ditter
will sing and speak at the
Court Street Christian church
Sunday evening. During the
past year the Tan-Dltters have
been working , in southern
California as faith missionaries
to the Jewish people. Their
many friends in the Salem area
will have an opportunity to
hear of their work and renew
acquaintance ' with them this
Sunday evening. The service
will begin at 7:30 p.m. accord
ing to an announcement by
W. Harold Lyman, minister of
the Court Street church.
ipeclal Mother'a Day services. 1:45 a.m.,
Sunday achool for all am. 11 a.m..
Morning Worship, pastor' menace, "The
nana mat Kocks the cradle." 6:30 p.m.
Training Union for all ages. 7:46 p.m,
evening worship, pastor's message "When
Home I Ltka Heaven."
Si, Vlaeens da Paul Catholic Colum
bia and Myrtle etrcets. Massee at 9,
7:30, 1:45, 10 and 11:13 a.m. Confessions
Saturday, 4:30 to 3:30 and T to 1:30
p.m. and before maasee. .
Flrat Christian Marlon and Cottage
etraete. Dudley Strain, minister. Donald
Payne, minister of Chrletlan education.
Church achool 0:45 a.m. Morning worahlp
and communion 10:43 a.m. Sermon by
Dudley strain. "Adventure In Together
ness." Evening worship 7:30 p.m. Film,
'AO the Twig la Bent."
Ceart Street Christian Court street
at 17th. W. Harold Lyman and o. Philip
Hurd, ministers. Bible school assembly
0:30 a.m. Morning worship 10:50 o'clock.
Sermon by Harold Lyman, "Happy
Homes." Youth Hour, 6:30 p.m. Evening
worship 7:30 o'clock. Ouest minister.
Meyer Tan-Dltter, mleslonary to the
Jewish people.
Flret Cbarcb. af Ood Cottage and
Hood. H. J. Mclntlre. minister. Sunday
morning "Christian Brotherhood" 3:30
0:00. KOAI. S.8. 10. Morning worship 11.
Special "Mother's Day" service. Evening
eervlce, play entitled "Mowers scrap
Book," 7:30.
Church af Christ Chsmsketa and
Cottage atresia. Choice L. Bryant, evan
gelist, Sunday morning "Bible program"
fKOCOi 9 to o:id. BiDie acnooi 10 a.m.
Worship service 10:50 a.m. Young peo
ple's training class 6:30. Evening preach
ing and worahlp servlca 7:30. ,
Knteht Memorial Congregational Louie
E. White, minister. 343 South loth street.
0:45 a-m.. Bunday school. Classes for all
aaes. Adult class taught by Rev. Edward
C. Salter. 11 a.m. worship sermon by the
mlnistsr, "Love's Extravagance." Church
time nursery in the parsonags. 6:30 p.m.,
Pilgrim Fellowship groups.
First Baptist Marlon and Liberty
streets. Dr. Lloyd T. Anderson, pastor.
Rev. Thornton Jansma, assistant pastor.
Sunday school 0:46 a.m. Mornlni wor
ship servlca-U o'clock, "The Motherhood
of Ood." Pastor Lloyd Anderson, youm
mee tines 6:1ft p.m. Evenlnv aoapel serv
ice 7:30 o'clock "The Church's Race
Atalnst Time."
Fear Centra Baptist State and Xlm
streets. Rev, Victor h. Loueks, pastor.
Sunday school 6:46 a.m. Morning worship
service 11 o'clock, pastor speaking.
Young People's league 6:30 p.m. Evening
gospel service 7:30,
baptized membership is 236.
There is a Luther league, a
Men's Brotherhood and a Wom
en of the Church organization.
Faith church is ideally located
to serve a vast and rapidly
growing area. No more strate
gic location could have been se
lected. It is planned to offer the
entire Kelzer District a vital
and expanding program of
Christian activities and serv
ice with a purpose to serve all
irrespective of church affilia
tion or religious background, so
Mr. Glllls stated.
Seventy-five workers are
organized into various commit'
tees and will engage in a gener
al solicitation for funds. Includ
ed among the committee mem
bers and chairman appointed
for the Crusade, Chairman
Gillis announces the following:
Gaylord D. Hibbs, Richard J.
Sears, Gordon Gettls, Thomas
G. Scholtz, Oscar Phillips, Leo
Hodges, James Lakle, . Oscar
Bjerke, Herman Kreft, Roger
S. Morse, Mrs. Richard Sears,
Mrs. Harry Goodrich and Mrs.
Thomas Scholtz. Other prom
inent members and friends of
the congregation are serving on
various committees.
The present Crusade for
funds will come to a close on
Sunday, May 24, whilh has
been designated "Victory Sun
day." All members and friends
of Faith church are asked to
share in this forward-looking
program. Contributions will be
gratefully received and may be
sent to Faith Lutheran church,
corner of North River Road
and Cummings Lane.
Grace Lutheran
Mother's Program
Children of Grace Lutheran
Sunday school will present a
short Mother's Day program
aunaay at 8:45 a.m. All par
ents are invited to attend this
service and to remain with
their children for the Worship
service at 11 a.m. in addition
to the Mother's Day observance
xnere will be recognition of
4-H club work. A group of
young people directed by Har
old Bressler will take part in
the Sunday service. Included
in this group are: Tom Fiske,
jeanme stone, Marguerite
Good, Jack : Stone, Maxlne
Bressler, Marilyn Good, and
Mike Stone.
On Monday the men of the
church will sponsor a "Family
Night" program consisting of
entertainment, fellowship and
refreshments. President of the
Brotherhood Is Roland Dahl.
Flowers to Be Given
Mothers, Old. Young
A service in wiilcn tne men
and boys of the church will
honor their mothers is being
planned for the evening serv
ice at 7:45 o'clock on Sunday
at the Klngwood Bible church,
1125 Elm street. Flowers will
be given to the oldest and the
youngest mother present and a
special Mother's day message
will be preached by Rev. Alex
H. Sauerweln, pastor.
At the 10:45 a.m. service,
Rev. Sauerweln will preach on
"The Mother of Our Lord."
"The Street," a motion pic
ture based on the Chicago skid
road, will be shown in con
nection with Union Gospel
Mission services at the First
Evangelical United Brethren
church, Summer and Marion
streets at 7:30 p.m. Friday,
May 15.
Mill City Churches
rint Presbyterian Rer. Noble Street
'. minister. Sunday school MS a.m.
Youth fellowship 4 p.m. Church services
11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.
First Christian Rev. Hush Jul!, pas
tor. Bunday school 9:43 a.m. C.Z. 6:30
p.m. Church service! 11 a.m. and 8 p.m.
St, Catherlnt CathaUe Father Ro
bert O'Hara, pastor. Mornlnt man 6
a.m. Confessions heard before mass.
Free Methodist Rev. C. R. Brewer,
pastor. Sunday school MS a.m. Church
services 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.
Community Rev. Lee Joiner, pastor.
Bunday school 10 a.m. Church services
11 a-m. and p.m.
Assembly of God Bunday school 10
a.m. Chureh services n a.m. ana i-.w
p.m. Young people 6:30 p.m.
Christian Be knee Sunday 11 a.m.
4th Wednesday p.m.
the Day
to Surt Uto A tW 1m Ifctl
Yaa, this very da
von can tniof tht
favorite foods you
asscd up befora
ecanse of (a,
heartburn, (out
atomach, acid iodi.
Raatira, That is, if
yon do a, millions
do aat 1 or 2
Tarn, after meals
or whenever die
treaa occurs. Tumi
etsmto work In seconds to oentralna
mAA rnfain nn aoda. to over
alkaliie or cause add rebound. No
raising, no water needed. Just cat like
candy.anyti me, anywher. Always carry
Baptist Youth
Meeting Here
Young people from the Cen
tral Willamette district will
meet in Joint session at the
First Baptist church on Satur
day of this week with the
theme of the afternoon and
evening being, "Looking Unto
Jesus." Registration of the
young people from the 21 Bap
tist churches located in the
central part of the Willamette
valley, will begin at 1 p.m.
Included in the afternoon
program will be a sound mis
sionary movie and other acti
vities by the young people of
tne various churches. A pic
nic banquet will be served at
6 p.m. and the venlng meeting
will begin at 7:30 o'clock and
will include singing by the
male quartet from the Mult
nomah School of the Bible and
a message by Rev. Leonard
Thompson, youth pastor of the
First Baptist church of Cor
vallis. The Sunday morning wor
ship service will be based on
the theme of Mother's day
with Mrs. Charles Losie, con
tralto soloist, singing and Pas
tor Anderson speaking on the
subject, "The Motherhood of
Salem Academy's
Mayday Program
The Salem Academy Friday
combined two functions of the
school that of May day and
the Church Choir festival.
Beginning at 9 a.m. with
roll call and "time of prepara
tion" ana continuing through
out the day there was a varied
program, including the crown
ing of the queen.
Inclement weather may in
terfere with the activities but
the dinner scheduled for the
Lac Mix
Van (amp's
Mayonnaise TWTSfT
M.D. Tissue ICUSt
Hi-C Orange Ade 4
Crisp Lettuce
Ground Beef TiPi 3
Beef Rump Roast SiSf 65
cafeteria from 6:30 to 7:30 was
expected to be carried out
From 7:30 to 8:30 pjn. tht
program will Include a variety
of church talent, mostly along
musical lines.
Christ Lutheran
Parents Night
The Luther League of Christ
Church will conduct a Parents'
wgnt at their May supper
meeting on Mother's day, Sun
day evening. The parents of
the youth will be guests at the
meeting. In charge of the pro
gram are Misses Arda Leln,
Mar ode Williams, Barbara
Gronke and Carol Lee. They
will present the devotional in
inspirational service under the
theme, "The Forgotten Feitl
val" and present special num
bers in honor of the mothers.
. In charge of the buffet sup.
per will be Mesdames Roller,
Zlstel, Alton and Lee.
Mothers to Receive
Gifts Sunday Morning
Every mother attending the
10:45 a.m. services of Wesleyan
Methodist church, South 18th
and Mill streets will be remem
bered with a gift. In addition
there will be a gift for the
oldest mother, the youngest
mother .and the mother with
the most children present
'V..' at the '.'
BROAKAST UI 1 1:30-1 2:00
Brooks H. Moore, Minister
While Jalin
Dry Milk
Pork & Beans
Dennison's or Red Hill
Firm heads lb.
Time lo can
Prairie Alumni
Rally Here Sunday
The Prairie Alumni raly lor
the Salem area will be held
Sunday, May 10 at 3 pjn. in
the Halbert MemorlrJ church
according to Rev. Robert Sand
ers, pastor.
Rev. L. X. Maxwell, found
er and principal of the Prairie
Bible Institute Is the speaker.
Vocal numbers will be offered
by the Janz quartette of the
Prairie Bible Institute. This
quartette is one of the top re
cording quartettes in America
and heard dally on many radio
stations. Rev. Will Bruce of
the Prairie extension depart
ment will also take part.
The Prairie Bible Institute,
which this team represents, is
known as the "Miracle of
Three Hills." Begun in 1922
with an original enrollment of
eight students, the attendance
now averages well over 1,000,
including the high school and
Bible school.
Attend Festival -
Fall-view Mrs. Howard
Stephens, Mrs. Kenneth Wes
ton, Mrs. John Fuqua and Mrs.
Ross Rogers of the Falrview
district atended the home dem
onstration Spring Festival held
in McMinnville Tuesday..
First Presbyterian
: Church
Chemeketa and Winter '
Sermon by Dr. Poling
Two services, 9:45 ft 11 a.m.
KOCO, 19 A.M.
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