iWarWWrarl"B3oV Friday, May 8, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL,. Salem, Oregon Nominations Reported Nominations for o f f I c e r s were accepted by Kingwood unit, American Legion aux iliary, Thursday evening and elected to preside at activities this year were Mrs. John Kenney, president: Mrs. Jack Noteboom, first vice president; Mrs. Ira Noteboom, second vice president; Mrs. Floyd White, secretary; Mrs. Fred Muller, historian; Mrs. O. B. Long, sergeant-at-arms; Mrs! E. M. Hoffman, chaplain. In stallation will take place on May 21, Mrs. Guy Hastings, past president, conducting the ceremony. Mrs. Ray Hlggens, Mrs. John Kenney and Mrs. E. M. Hoff man were named delegates to the state convention in Seaside in June. Arrangements for a Mothers day luncheon to be at King wood hall on Saturday at 12:30 p.m. were discussed at the meeting and committees were named as follows: Luncheon, Mrs. Irl Folsom, Mrs. George Combs, Mrs. Jack Noteboom; program,' Mrs. Floyd White, Mrs. Dean Dav enport; decorations, Mrs. Carl Miller, Mrs. Elmer Thompson; transportation, Mrs. Ray Hig gens, Mrs. Verne Axelson. The group will join King wood post for a no-host dinner on May 21. ".. STAR OF the Sea troop, Junior Catholic Daughters of America, met recently in the home of Pat McReal. It was announced that honor court and a tea for the mothers will be on May 12. Discussion was by the group on a play which is to be given on that evening. Junior Women at Silverton Meet Silverton Junior Woman's club met Tuesday night at the home of Mrs. Jim Ekman.J Flans were completed for a cooked food a ale to be Satur day, May 9, at 10:30 o'clock at the Sprouse-Reitz store. The young matrons decided to discontinue the weekly Saturday afternoon story hour at the Municipal library for the summer months. This has been a project of the group for several , years. To serve on the nominating committee are Mrs. Lowell Hoblltt, Mrs. Nick Weiss and Mrs. Jim Ekman. A special meeting was arranged for Tuesday evening, May 26, at the home of Mrs. John Dent on, when officers will be elected. Mrs. Jim Ekman is chair man of the committee on plans for the installation of new members to be Tuesday evening, June 2. The cere monials are to be at the home of a club member, final plans to be announced later. Banquet Set Silverton The annual m,other - daughter banquet is being arranged at the Inv maauel Lutheran main fellow ship room, for Saturday, May 9, at 7 o'clock. Mrs. John Over lund is to serve as toastmistress. Mrs. Justin L. Dyrud is to direct group singing and special musical numbers, with Miss Mary Beth VanCleave acsiitin? at the niano. Mrs. Robert Rose is general, chair man of clans. Members of Immanuel Men's club are to serve the banquet. , innr - NX 3 Program Listed For Fox Concert For his program Sunday evening, May 10, at 7:30 o'clock at Roberts Studio, Valerian Fox, Portland organ ist, has selected as his major works the G minor Fantasia et Fuga (The "Great") of J. S. Bach, one of the greater 18 Leipzig chorales of Bach, O Lamm Gottes, - unschuldig, and the Introduction and Passacaglia from the Sonata No. 8 in E minor, Op. 152, of Rheinberger. ., Purcell's Suite V, the Vari ations on a theme of Clement Jannequin, one of the popular Widor works, the Scherzo from the Second Symphony, Op. 13 No. 2, and H. Dallier's Stella Matutlna are also in cluded. Added to these will be chorale prelude on the Gregorian hymn, "Adoro Te Devote" by the organist's father, Norbert E. Fox, and the delightful Spanish rhythms and modern Idiom of E. Torres' Cantos Jntimos III. ' Mr. Fox is appearing here as the guest of Prof. T. S. Ro berts, well-known Salem or ganist. This is one of several spring concerts in conjunction with a tour this month that will take Mr. Fox as far south as Stanford university. Persons desiring to hear him while in Salem may make ar rangements to attend the re cital Sunday by calling T. S Rnhcrtn (3.H111. The organ program will be followed byj an informal reception. Plays Here Sunday Valerian Fox, above, Portland or ganist, is to play here Sunday evening in a concert at the Roberts studio at 7:30 o'clock. Boots & Spurs By CHARLEN WOODS Another little reminder about the Jean and Cotton dance on May 23. We don't want you to forget because it will be the last dance of the year. ' , . Last Friday night fun night was a no-host one. Many members turned out though and had a lot of fun playing different games. Afterwards, cake was served. Floyd Seamster called the drill Monday night and then Mrs. George Stender served coffee in the' club room. The drill team had their regular practice Wednesday night and Mrs. Harry Carson served coffee afterwards. 1 The drill team got their new red shirts, white hats and white ties Wednesday night an are very proud of them, Their first showing this year will be at Scio on May 23. This will be the third straight year they have attended the lamb show and have drilled at Scio. Thirteen drill" members went to Jefferson last Friday to take part in the annual Jefferson May day ; parade. They had a wonderful time and the hospitality was won derful. They were served a huge ham dinner after the parade. ' Ella D u r k e e, Mar jorie Woods and Charlen Woods at tended the first annual horse show in Toppenish, Wash.', Mav z and 3. it was a very nice show .with large classes. Bill Fyock, Eugene, who many of us know, judged the show. , Camp Fires Meet Salem Heights the Ota- kuye Camp Fire group of the sixth grade of Salem Heights school met at the home of Mrs. Robert Howells on Stan ley Lane, Wednesday after noon. The group- discussed plans for a camping trip in warmer weather,' and a work week end at Camp Kilo wan. The girls presented their leader, Mrs. Kenneth Zwicker, and assistant leader, Mrs. Floyd McClellan, with gifts. Present were Joan Haskins, Charlotte Ponsford, Judy Mc Clellan, Betty Jean Dyke, Carolyn Howells, Nancy Mrs. Hall New Club President Liberty . Mrs. Clarence Griff Is was hostess to the Liberty Woman' club on Wednesday at a dessert' at her home on Pembrook ave nue. Mrs. S. B. Davidson re ported on the Girl Scout activities, and announced the Girl Scout picnic is scheduled for May 23, with the place yet to be decided. Trans portation is needed and any one with a car available is asked to contact Mrs. David son. The group decided to hold the club picnic at the William Lustoff home on May 22, at 12 p.mf with a no-host dinner. Mrs. William Lustoff, chairman of the club's booth at the Joryville Park carni val, reported on the progress, and it was announced that the dates of the carnival had been changed to May 29, 30, and 31. There was an election of officers. Mrs. William Hall was elected president, Mrs. Louis Kurth, vice-president, and Mrs. Lettitia Clark, secretary-treasurer.' The officers will be installed at the picnic with Mrs. S. B. Davidson as the installing officer. Mrs. John Douglas was the guest speaker and she spoke on geraniumst their history, care and various varieties; also on wild irises. Guests present' were Mrs. Charles Moore, Mrs. Ralph Toler, Mrs. Ray Riffe, and Mrs. Sarah Baker. It was announced that the cake sale netted $31.14, with the proceeds to be used for Joryville park. ' . Garden' Event An event for Saturday aft ernoon wijl be the silver gar den tea sponsored by Salem Art association, the event to be in the gardens at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Gatke, 280 Richmond, between 2 and 5 o'clock. .. The affair is open to the interested public, men and women. Mrs. Lester F. Ban and Mrs. William H. Burg- hardt are to pour. Mrs. Henry ' V, Compton, Mrs. Lorinf Schmidt, Mrs. David T. Dunl way and Mrs. Bryan Good- enough are assisting the gen eral committee, Mrs. Clifford Taylor, Mrs. Ida Nestell, Mrs. Walter Kirk and Mrs. W. E. Anderson. . RNA Ciub Silverton Mrs. Thorn Blundell was 'hostess to 24 members of the Royal Neigh bors of America club, at her home, Wednesday. The after noon was spent socially. During the serving hour, Mrs. John Towle and ' Mrs. Nellie Howell assisted Mrs. Blundell. Of S Meeting IE6ALS Woodburn - Invited guests g'jE th. ,. irom CAPITAL YOUNGSTOWN KITCHENS Housewives' Delight 181 N. High St. m Baker, Sue Bartlett. Claudia Weaver, Sue Zwicker, Bonnie Jean Kurth and Karen Harris, Mothers attending, were Mrs. John Dyke, Mrs. Lewis Bart lett, Mrs. Louis Kurth, Mrs, Kenneth Zwicker, Mrs. Floyd McClellan, Mrs. Rollln Baker and Mrs. Howells. ' THE SMART SHOP FOR VANITY FAIR. LINGERIE ' 115 N, Liberty ON THE HIGHWAY THE BEST WAY IS.. Get EYHOUMD ' rave-notice cotton! fmlf Hit of the lon-ieaion. Toffetited S J1! I fcll I IIkIiSv v cotton, bold o it it beautiful. A 1 111 jE-fiy ipol-lighl fathion that hirnt in a f Nl.lflrv rave-notice performance on any - w IlrfT ' eccaiion. Joan Miller't ttriped en- $A 1 tJ lotion with the new 'muitache' tie, VaSsSyTTifl. wide wonderful skirt. In aqua, pink, jYfjHfft J4 Sold, red, all with Qrey tt Mother -Appreciates Ramona chapter of Silverton and.aGervais chapter of Gervals art expected at tht regular meeting of Ever green chapter No. 41, Order of the Eastern Star, Monday night May 11, at the Masonic Temple at Woodburn. A Mother's Day program will be presented. Decorations - will be ar ranged by Mrs. Lester Henn and Mrs. John Scbmld and the refreshments committee will Include Mr. and Mrs. Albert Relllng, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Gilbert and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Leighty. lined tiu file In the Circuit Court of the suit of Oregon, County of Morion. Proboto Deportment, hu final account aa Aaminietraur OS no Batata ot Edna C. BUlott. doceaaed, and uid couit hoi . find Hondo; the lib day of Juno lit) t 1:11 o'clock o.m. In tho Clreull Court twos id wo county courwouao ot so torn. Oregon, for hearlM Mid final ac count and all objootloni thereto. Dated Hoy ftn, law. . jAius i. nxiOTT. Admlnlitrator of too Batata of Bdna C. BUlott, DonoMd. -CHARLES W. CRIIOHTON, JB, , , Attorntr for tho Admlnlitrator, 111 North Liberty llrnl Baitm, Onion. Datu ot Publication: May S, U, M, and 4. Juge t, 1U. Otto ot tint publication Hay S, lit). Data of laot publication June I, imi. Mays, II, II, June 1 ;;i I- -. ' '. iM'v.' To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 brev modiU , duchett I , towoleodio) ' toroooedoo) ' Medio) ' V. .'--.. I ' for ileoler ler omiboo hr eM, m Vv ' ' . fl or imII too. eleo too. ewoor lee. . f t Slaoillol.SU Ure.lrtr.lt daaaOVb loll f f JLmmm, ,'. : . ' etasslCteoalterleloiB.SraeeaioMail tlyig ' ' ' ' , eW . m mother will feel so Jijf I glamorous in leg-sized I E L L E 1 MAI Ml lit Delick m ea IW Day hmmi right! Fear tbey ftag 9m - sia af slia. VWi (mm- 1.35 to1.95 CANDIES KmeAitl Slovtlb c ere e 0ri,BNfb ami iQli 1 YOU CAN BE SURE OF MOTHER'S APPROVING SMILE when you give her these Assorted Chocolates ... she knows they're the finest... the freshest... she buy Stover' herself! Pound Box l2.5 A FAVORITE GIFf ...these wonderful Chocolates and Butterbon In an embossed gold box, with index nam ing each piece. Pound Box $l6.5 i Sc. MS BECAUSE SHE LOVES PRETTY THINGS . . . give her these favorite chocolate, gift wrapped in sparkling pink foil tied with satin bow and a clever "fan" gift card to tell her ti t just for "her day." 1 AC The Box Complet L,li You aaaae- fa JH -i ' if. 'ja r;;. m We Ar6 Ready for MOTHER'S BIG DAY! Ready to serve you witft all the finest things mo ther likes her favor ites . . . a fine quality ' she'll like . . . glamorous ly gift wrapped just for her big day! Four floors of gifts . . . four floors of happy sales people ready and willing to help you with your Mother's Day gift prob- ' lems. So come to Mil ler's where qualty and low prices travel in the same company. Gift Suggestions For Mother's Day . . . Gloves - Nylon Stockings Handbags - Perfumes - Cos metics - Lingerie - Foundation metics Lingerie Foundations Dresses - Coats - Suits Sportswear Blouses Scarfs Hankies - Flowers - Costume Jewelry - Footwear - Furs Hots - Appliances Sewing Ma chines - China - Giftweors -Linens - Beddings - Kitchen Gadgets Fabrics Furniture Notions Candies Greeting Cards Wrapping papers Nancy Valentine's New... Lacquered black dots and white pique frosting on Nancy Valentine's triumphant new cotton! SCOOPED HORSESHOE NECKLINE UNDER SCORED BY TWIN GROSGRAIN BOWS ON A BODICE THAT HUGS AND WHITTLES THE MID RIFF. DANCE-AWAY SKIRT, WITH A DEEP TUCK, WORKS WONDERS AT MINIMUMIZING THE WAISTLINE. BLACK DOTS ON GREY, BLUE, RED OR GREEN COTTON THAT'S SO EASY TO LAUNDER. 3 caujMp MOTHER'S FAVORITE BRANDS ARE HERE! Ok'- r ( . m it ir .I 'if I ft . i :l -. ! K ' I J j t -...' ""-, ' , ',.'. x - , . i . ' ' " . . i, 1 I ' j V ,.-'- i i - - J