Frldsy, May 8, 1955 THE. CAPITAL JOURNAL, galem, Oregon PW S Half Million Dollar Center for Lebanon Lebanon Plans fnr ,plng center costing aoDroxi. mately a half-million dollars " uuin toanon were dis closed this week by Fred Cub bison, real estate dealer and member of a corporation that rwill finance and operate the .venture. The proposed center will In clude eight business units and pfour office spaces. First official announcement I of enterprise was made this j week at the city council meet ing when Carroll Courtnier 1 associate of the Cubbison real- ty office, outlined the program x and sought extension of the j present business zone to in j elude all the area for the pro 1 posed district. The center will be located I south of E street and west of J Main. It will include Richie's 1 Drive-in, already in business, j The business section will ex 1 tend 270 feet west on E street TOP JAYCEE 1 Horace (Hunk) Hender- son, Virginian, and national president of Junior Chamber 1 of Commerce, w h o w i 1 1 apeak at convention here. i National JC iHead Coming National Junior Chamber of 'Commerce President Horace E, (Hunk) Henderson will be the iguest speaker at the state Jay icee convention in Salem this (month, he assured the local ichapter this week, ! "We consider it a feather in ,our cap to get the national president of a group of 150,000 young men in over 2000 chap iters all over the nation for our jstate convention,"' President iDouglas Hay of the Salem 'chapter declared. 1 The Salem Jaycees are host-ing- the state convention this Jyear on May 22, 23 and 24 with headquarters at tne senator no 'tel. About 350 Jaycees are ex pected from all over the state -and about 150 Jaycee wives. i High points of the convention iwill be the election of state of jficers, the Saturday night ban iquet at which Henderson will jspeak and the ball following line Danquei. ! Henderson will fly here from shis home in Virginia, giving 'Oregon s convention preference (over many others in other 'states at the same time, Hay jsaid. I Wnriprsnn has hppn artivA In jjunior Chamber of Commerce iwork since 194.B when he re turned home from the service no organize and head the Wil liamsburg chapter. He has been :active in Williamsburg eovern- Jment and church and civic ;work and operating a real es tate, insurance and construc tion firm. and have a 828 foot frontage on Main. The enterprise will require fuiuirucuon of an alley be tween Main and Second street, extending from E to Cox street, a newly paved, dead-end street extending along the south side of the center. The eight business units, other than Richie's will include a furniture store, hardware, grocery, drug store, Bakery, dime store and farm store, the promoters pointed out. Four office spaces will house two small business units and two will be for professional units. All but the professional units have been allocated. Financed Cubbison said that financing of the building venture will be met. in part through local money raised by the corpora tion and the balance in form of a loan repayable by the cor poration. Each business unit will be Individually leased, and a large parking lot with entrance on both Main and E streets, will accommodate more than 100 cars. . The ' realtor said construc tion will start immediately upon favorable action by the city council extending the pres ent business zone. The matter was-referred to the council's building commit tee for a report back at the next council meeting. ' Names of the tenants who will occupy the shopping cen ter units were not disclosed, The program will require the purchase and removal of six homes. Colliers to Be Semi-Monthly New York U.B The Crow- ell-Collier : Publishing com pany announced today that Collier's . magazine - will be published semimonthly begin ning with the August 7 issue. Clarence . E. Stouch, presi dent of the company, said the 85-year-old weekly would be increased from 72 pages to 112 pages with the inception of the new publishing sched ule. Stouch said there "would be increased editorial content, but no increase in pictures. The newsstand price will re main 15 cents. New Idea Used For Memorial The Memorial Day subcom mittee met last night at VFW hall to further plans for the annual memorial service for veterans who have died the last year. In the nast a church service was held in conjunction with a regular church service on the Sunday preceding Me morial Day. This year it is planned to have a special eve ning church service with the women's patriotic groups in charge. The patriotic men's groups will have charge of the parade, cemetery services, water service and program on Saturday, May 30. The eve ning church service will be held in the Presbyterian church at 7:30 o'clock with ah Invitation to all patriotic groups in Marion county, and closest relatives of deceased veterans including the Euro pean war. j James Callaway, president of the Federated Patriotic So cieties of Salem, says this is the first time that a candle light memorial ' service has been held in the evening and hopes it. will be a success so that it may be held annually in the churches of Salem. Bruce ; Williams Is general chairman for . Saturday, May 30 and he will name his com mittee. General chairman for the memorial church service on May 24 is Mrs. Ted Ullakko hand assistant chairman is Mrs. Austin H. .Wilson. The following committee has been named by Mrs. Ul lakko and Mrs. Wilson: Mrs. C. E. Forbis, Mrs. George Pro, Mrs. Louis Maurer, Mrs. Gus Erikson, Mrs. Blanche Stuart, Mrs. Henry W. Fries en, Mrs. Leroy Simpson, Mrs. Mary A. Champ, Mrs. Kath tryn Carter, Mrs. A. Kenneth Smith, Mrs. H. G. Henderson and Mrs. Fred Gahlsdorf. Dave Hoss will be master of ceremonies. TOO ROUGH FOB HIM ' Johnson City, N.Y. (U.R) The C's were too rough for his sign painter. The freshly painted traffic warning on the pave ment near St. James' parochial school reads: "Cshool." And the "C" is reversed.' The longest losing streak by the Brooklyn Dodgers during the 1952 season was five games (July 25-29 inclusive). BEST BUY'S BUICK Ready for Delivery NEW 1953 SPECIAL SEDAN Heater-Defroster , Foamtex Cushion! Clock Chrome Wheel Trim Two-rone Green License only 279)3) Otto J. vilson COMPANY -Commercial at Center G-E ALL-ELECTRIC j flET ! f STRAIGHT 2" lIlOURtON gfWV ! BHtoJoTvto' A m . J 24 Months lo Pay Small Down Payment Automatic Washer and Automatic Dryer A brand new designed-to-go-toetther automatic waiter and drpsr tobrtpyow btcufitiiiuugh your washdays! Electric, so too know they'll give too complete dcpeodabBityl COME IN TODAY FOR A FREE DCmONSTttATtONl Own lump In Drytr ! r h ami Interne Tinhham Gilbert ' yy - . w . I7MJ I : I 1 v - vVX - ion 'V, ttidlnf I . lMenier.tO-gange M nKXTX jvL Omw kniHioi tor perfeel, Max 'bsa-a&,', ' 1 ' l V sfcMestislaslilM' tjj$f " ' f'- 15du,)aDgel. jSffl ,' (y' ""N Wow a if 1 w e-sil o tor WHr AWf' f C 41 I ' lMtt MmUbi for tnmit wmt . ''if I tsf' HE?tMi X lMtor.Sl-gaiige 1M fJJ 'iSfX ' ' Ajaalit7iloklntataarbwptM ' m l V Hrlny ibwuwr tt ftf wemm', fc y MSTwCKINLIKIN.MIND rCT"" I MM)dluH-iaioDitenanlorlirdiin' ft " 1 Tx wfwr...east KoMtids new TasUon Raiaetioa" -11 : . CloVrs are fcshtehed fm you. f &Mflfft ONLY . fhioned mm9ASm Up to S40 Trode-ln I jj 'v.- -,- . liberty street - court street ' as advertised in clip in ihe new miracle fabric... NY-RON ' irMlIiryatibwrilB ; ivolnkr7wwotIJie.Hieli eyloa's rtarfy swenglh ad fick Uuaing esnbto4wlthti.sWsttoim(M , tot aertate... And kew Is ttutfttk' paesfiil styliaf wilk teoebes el detoty uuniiuty a pieituy otefcad bodice ad dyp hem wlA ioMe nyloa aUM - , ; And. of ceursc. 8eamieute' 8iM-U.MsUeprepofticedsiatoie tjW7lnIIheiit ' k soaps uB, wrstai, shoit-M ' t from. fowMtt and plak a mltad Talu al Does everything (or yoa washes, rinses, drains, Tacwam dry, and shots itself off all ontdmorifnllyl Bendix' pat ented Woodcrrub and Miracle Agitator create a new kind of washing action. With Bendix' exclusive Floataway Flush away draining, dirty water never drains back through dean dothes. Bendix' Tacnam drying is positive gentle ever breaks buttons. It's the world's greatest washer value it's die beautiful new wock sree washer you want rn your home! BSSr iERSSI UBERAl AIIOKVANCESI COME IN NOW KO Stl I UBS ff. J hiiohi oiours... 7 '" " H mmrr i l,"ta-M H The PRINCESS Jewel Case It's a charming gift . . . from its tich leather-grain Texol cover to its shimmering rayon satin and Velvet lining . . . with a ring slot and - an earring bar to hold her gems proudly. Jade Green, Rose, Blue or Sand. Other Farrington Fashions from $US0 to 112.50 MM I ' , UL1 MAY SAVINGS! ATTRACTIVE TAILORED FLORAL PRINT Taffeta BEDSPREADS Count the dollars off Its regular price and make up your mind to have this extra special spread you've been wanting! Colorful floral print over shimmering whito taffeta . . . with a contrasting flounce. Blue top with rose flounce; rose with wine or forest; gold with brown or forest; gold with gold. You can have twin or double slzesl DOMESTICS DOWNSTAIRS JLIBERTY STREET 'w'. OPEN FRIDAY NITES TIL 9 WE GIVE AND REDEEM SMC GREEN STAMPS 260 No. Liberty