Fags 2 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8alem, Oregon In -the -Valley ' Edited by MIKE FORBES Silverton Silverton Mri. Andrew Moore, who fell at her1 home and broke her left wrist several dayg ago, la Improving norm ally at her home. Mrs. J. P. A. Hansen, 87 years of age, emer gency surgical patient at the local hospital, Is reported to be making a speedy recovery be ing able to walk- about her room. , Mrs. Carl Benson, surgery patient at Silverton hospital for several days, will be able to return to her home the latter part of the week. Mrs. William Shufford and daughter, Billie, from Detroit -., Dam, paid a surprise visit to! the home of the Suel Shep herd's coming to assist the fam lng in moving to their South Water st. residence from East Hill, where they plan to live, temporarily, to be nearer the location on Silver Creek of their new home being complet ed. Mrs. Shufford and Mrs. Shepherd are sisters. Miss Goldle Stump and Jim Mang of Portland were week end house guests at the Silver- ton home of the parents of Miss Stump, Mr. and Mrs. John De- Mr. and Mrs. George Brewer were recent supper and evening social guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Verbeck. Fishing guests of Jack Mor ton, and dinner guests at the Morton South Water St. borne, were Gary Webb of Salem and Bob Lathrop of Silverton. Mrs. Loren Bushnell and daughter, and Mrs. George Dennis spent Saturday as Sa lem guests at the A. R. Sour's home. Vlsting at the Portland home of Mrs. Hugglns' parents, the I. A. BIttners, over the pasters, student body president; Mothers Star At Woodburn Woodburn More than 100 mothers attended "Mother's Day," at Woodburn high school Wednesday afternoon, sponsor ed by the student council of the high school. This was the first event of its kind at the school and was much enjoyed. Met by members of the stu dent council the mothers sign ed the guest book and each was presented with an Ameri can Beauty rosebud. The pro gram opened with music by the high school band, directed by Donald Jessop, and greetings to the mothers was by Bob With- week end, were Mr. and S. R Hugglns and Carl and Stevie, Silverton. Mr. and Mrs. George Lueck and two sons of Portland were recent visitors at the home of their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Wade. Mrs. Carl Haugen was under treatment at Silverton hospital lor two days this week. Mrs, Haugen was able to return to her home in 414 Jersey St Thursday to complete convales cence, FREE! DANCE LJ50N5 1 711 9 UT. KITI (Prior to our regular dance) CRYSTAL GARDENS Professional instruction fey Mr. Triplett and staff JONHAUSTUMO JAt Modem file Old Tim Dancing from to 12 New Telephones for Lebanon District ' Lebanon Completion of new line will this week give 19 suburban and rural homes south of Lebanon telephone j service. The Linn County Tele phone company i now doing ! the necessary house wiring witn call service to go into ef- feet this week-end. A liberal rural line exten sion policy being followed by tne company will soon bring service to many more farm and suburban customers in Leba non, Sweet Home and Browns ville exchange areas. Under the plan 1.000 feet of pole line, or 2,649 of circuit on existing pole lines alone public roads can be construct ed for each customer without customer contribution other than the usual installation charge. UJ SPECIAL MOTHER'S DAY DINNER STARTING AT 12 NOON MENU Cocktail . Soup - Salad Orilfed Fillet of Salmon. 2.00 SakeJ Sugar Cured Ham Sweets 2.10 Pan-fried Rainbow Trout... 2.50 Roast Prime Ribs of Beef jaus 2.50 Tenderloin Cutlet, Noodle Polonaise 2.25 Hof Fried Chicken a la Maryland 2.25 Old Fashioned Fricasee of Chicken with fluffy dumplings 2.10 Choke of Desserts SPEC1AI $1 JO DINNER Braised Tenderloin Tips, or Breaded Veal Cutlets, or Pot roast of Beef, or Fillet of Sole, Soup or Salad, Drink and dessert. .............. .- rrrrrrrr I rti tpp Children's Complete Dinner SI MARION HOTEL Main Dining Room ust off the Lobby If It Is necessary for yon to wait a few minutes we Invite yon to see the television show In the lobby. Mrs. N. F. Tyler gave a re sponse. A style show was put on by the home economics girls, in terspersed with musical num bers. The first number of the style show was "Off to School," followed by music by the Choraliers, directed by Har riet Nizic. "Ready for Play" in cluded modeling of play clothes followed by a reading by Bette Norton. "My Favorite Date" modeled date dresses and "Church on Sunday" modeled suits appropriate for church. A vocal solo by Ronald English was followed by pantomine, a vay at Coney Island." by Shirley Anderson and "My First Prom." modeled formals. Shirley Anderson acted as com mentator. The program closed with music by the high school chorus, directed by Miss Nisic. Tea lor the mothers and their sons and daughters was served by the FHA girls at small tables decorated with serins flowers. Presiding at the urn was Mrs. O. L. Withers and serving punch was Mrs. Frank v. uoertier. Committees In charce In. eluded Mary Yuranek. chair. man, Karen Magnuson, Shelia men, itoyal Hastie. Boh Win. ters: Invitation. Martha An. fir, timuumn, jnanone (,-nitwoori- reception, Marjorle Chitwood, chairman, Martha Austin, Jane McGrath, Shirley Anderson, Phyllis Roberts; programs, Dol lie Cummings, chairman, Paul Edwards, Mildred Parton; re- "OTuucmi, rars. Al ttlngo, ad viser. Unionvale Unionvale Members of the Unionvale Home Demonstrs tlon unit attending the Yanv hill County Spring Festival at McMinnvllIe Tuesday were Mrs. Susie Douglas, Mrs Jamie Ediger, Mrs. Adolph Hraba, Mrs. Louis Magee, Mrs, Clark Noble, Mrs. Claude Pil cher, Mrs. Fred C. Stackroff, Mrs. Carrie Kidd, Mrs. Jacob Tompkins, Mrs. Cecil Will, Mrs, Steven Nevll, Mrs. Fred Wlthee. Calls Lilies and Cecil Brun ner rotes are blooming at the Mrs. Clarence . Fowler farm in the Unionvale district Gervais Gervais Mrs. Fred Man nmg ana sister-in-law, Miss Serena Manning, entertained me v arxersvllle Birthday club at the former's home Friday afternoon. Prizes were won by Mrs. Don Zelienskl and Mrs. Ray McCormlck and Mrs. William Davidson of Parken- ville and Mrs. James Davidson of St. Louis. Refreshments were served to Mrs. Arthur Patterson, Mrs. A. Impecoven. Mrs. Mrs. John Beals of North How ell, Mrs. William Umjendahl of Gervais, Mrs. R. Harrison of Salem, and Mrs. D. Dutton. J-wo ill members of this community are M. B. Earner and Henry Seguin. Miss Serena Manning left for Oakridge, Monday morn ing to attend to business. - Ladies of St. Ritas altar so ciety will meet Wednesday, May 13. at the home of Mr. Val Miller, with Mrs. Miller, Mrs. J. Zellner and Mrs. F. Adelman as hostesses. Grade school Mother's club is sponsoring a cooked food exhibit at Gervais Hardware, aaiuraay, May 8. DeMolay Elects S. Van Arsdale Woodburn Sam Van Ars dale, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry VanArsdale of Wood burn, a senior at Woodburn high school, was elected mas ter councilor of Woodburn chapter of DeMolay at the regular meeting Wednesday night at the Masonic Temple, He succeeds Philip LaBarr. Willard Thompson was elected senior councilor and Bob Withers, junior councilor. Appointive officers will be announced later. Open instal lation of the new officers will be Friday night, May 22, with Philip LaBarr, retiring mas ter councilor, as the installing officer. There was. a large atten dance of Masons at the meet ing and the initiatory degree was conferred upon Duane Balrd and Robert Dixon. At the next regular meeting, May 20, the DeMolay degree will be conferred. Preceding the meeting a family pot-luck dinner was served by the Mother's Circle at 0:30 o'clock. A short pro gram was held at the table, wtih Master Councilor Philip J LaBarr, presiding. Lester E. Keller, DeMolay Dad Blind Students Entertain Club Dallas The Oregon State School for the Blind presented the program for Women's club at their regular May 9 meet ing. Lorraine Taylor, Salem, and Betty Jo Gillstrap, Win chester, entertained with a va riety of numbers on their gui tars. They sang several num bers, as well accompanying themselves. Another student, Harold Har grave, Salem, discussed the cur riculum of the school as well as its history. He demonstrated the use of various Braille ma- was chines, and demonstrated read- presented with a lighted birth- ing. INDICTED i v'S'V tri i j I Aurora Arthur H. (Artie) Samlsh (above) has been indicted by a federal grand jury in San Francisco on eight count of income tax evasion during the period 1948 through 1951. Samlsh was charged with "wlllf ully evading $71,878 in taxes for himself and his wife, Mer ced. (AP Wirephoto) day cake as a surprise in honor of his birthday anniversary, and he also gave a talk. Wil lard Thompson gave a comic skit. ' 1 Sfayfon Man Hurt In Auto Accident Stay ton Russell Shaffer. 23, a Stay ton police officer, was treated at the Santiam Memor ial hospital' Wednesday for a lacerated ear and bruises fol lowing an automobile accident at Shaw junction. Shaffer s car crashed through a shed and into a farm yard after being involved in a col lision with a car driven bv Marion Lorenz, 780 Lancaster Dr. Both cars were heading to wards Aumsville on highway n. Shaffer's wife. Donna, and their two children, Sheryl, 4, ana JJiane, 6, and Lorenz escap ed injury. . , . Mother's Day Topic At Christian Church Silverton "A Mother's Task," a Bible story based on the Book of Esther, is the se lection for a sermon topic by the Rev. Arthur Charles Bates of the First Christian church Sunday morning, May 10, at the 11 o'clock worship hour. On Sunday at 8 p.m. reports will be given by those who at tended the state Christian En deavor convention in North eastern Oregon during the past week-end. Speaking will be Miss Glen- LIVE PONIES At PALMER'S KIDDIE RIDES Opsn nightly vNlker semUffl, The children were accompa nied by one of their instruc tors, Frank Sanders, who was also sightless. He discussed goals of the school as well as progress that he has made in Oregon in recent years at early detection and aid given for blind children. The organization heard com mittee reports and made plans for the final meeting of the year in June. Hostesses for the afternoon were: Mrs. V. O. Williams, Mrs. George Woods, Mrs. J. C. Tracy, Mrs. John B. Eakin, Mrs. Eugene Hayter, Mrs. R. G. McFarland. The tea table was tastefully arranged with pink dog wood and ice cream May baskets. Pouring were Mrs. Paul Mor gan, retiring president and Mrs. Morris Slack, president elect. Aurora Those who Jour neyed to Brownsville recently to attend the Institute xor v. cation Church School were: xii.. nrutta Kraus. Mr. and Birs. Robert Hampel, Mrs. u.lnh Bair. Mrs. Herbert Jo- lin, Mrs. Harriet Ehlen, Mrs. Erma Leek and Mrs. Hartwell White. In Aurora, vscstlon church school will be held the t two weeks in June in w byterlan church. Tne scnoui will run from 9 to 11:30 each morning and there " classes for aU boys and girls from nursery age (3) up t.,h kindergarten, primary, junior and intermediate. This year, the brand new Westmin ster vacation church school materials will be used, and therwlll be many other new features. The monthly meeting of the Aurora Women's association of the Presbyterian church on May 29, will be in the form of a missionary offering tea, with the Rev. L. C. Leikauf of Christ Lutheran church as the spesker. Devotions will be led by Mrs. John Krsus from the stu dy book on Colossians. Host esses will be Mrs. Lorin Giesy, Mrs. Robert Colvin and Mrs. Vernon Eilers. ' The Women's association has purchased new dishes service for 100 for the church kit chen. ' On behalf of the church, the women's association also has given $40 to help send Scouts Robert Will and Wendel Mc Lln to the National Boy Scout Jamboree to be held in July near Santa Ana, Calif. Delroil-ldanha High Exercises Detroit Four senior stu dents will share tne graaua tlon spotlight at Detroit-Idanha ki.k .hnnl Mtereises In the mgii - gymnasium June 2.. The small class includes two .iMrf.nt tt,hn have attended ltuui". " high school here for four years, Alii- Frver who comnletea her twelfth year at the Detroit Idanha school, and Raymond Wallace who has attended for five years. Other graduating aenlnrt ir Jules Hill who came to Detroit as a sophomore and Jeannette Knodal who has attended one year. This school averages 35 stu dents and has recorded several years with no ararluatlns t. dents and others with from one to seven. : Guest speaker for the com mencement program will be Dr. Roy C. McCall, head of the University of Oregon speech department Student speakers will be Jeannette Knodel and Alice Fryer. Baccalaureate services will be held at the Detroit church on May 31 at 11 a.m. Friday, May 8, 1953 Cooked Food Sales At Silverton May 9 Silverton The Junior Woman's club of which Mrs, Larry Crennell is president will sponsor a cooked food saie ' the Sprouse- Reitz store, be ginning at 10:30 o'clock. Sat. at the week's meeting of the members at the home of Mrs. James Kkman. Mrs. Homer Westfall of th DeMolay Mothers club, is an. nouncing a Saturday, 10 o'clock sale of home cooked' foods, to be at the carter Appliance store, 20S Oak St. Reimburse Linn Co. For Polio Expenses Albany' The polio founda tion has made up a $3,175 Linn county deficit it was announc ed Wednesday by Mrs. Vivi enne Abraham, Shedd, treasur er and acting chairman of the Linn county, chapter of the Na tional Foundation for Infan tile Paralysis who had received a check for the above amount The deficit accrued by require ment of 19 cases of polio which have received aid from the po lio chapter during the last year. The money has been ad vanced from the epidemic aid fund of the national founda tion, turned over to the Linn county chapter by Gene Mal- ecki, state representative of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis. The amount is about equal to the total of 1953 Linn county March of Dimes contributions and - has come in addition to $8200 re ceived here last November, also to cover a deficit va McKlnney, Miss Patty Dick man, Miss Nellie Harrington and Bobby Vetter. Rev. Bates and Mrs. Bates were , official chaperones for the four delegates attending from Silverton. Branded Select STEER B EEF! Branded Select Beef Pot Roast Branded Select Steer Beef Steaks Ground Beef ib. 39 IB. 49' 3 ,, 1.00 All klndi OLD YANKEI Peanut Butter In cookie barrel jar Old Yankee n $Ti69 lbs. A Syrup 8 c'an 99' FREE DELIVERY On Orders Over $4.00 ED'S MARKET Open 7 Days a Week 7 a.m. to 1 a.m. 1120 S. 12th St. Ph. 26403 123 NOW SHOWING Open 1:45 Robert Taylor Eleanor Parker "AMHaJID KYOTO" Also Special Marieal Shirt "Reterp of Wlherf t SBHrm" H0UYW00D (IDS MATINEE Tomorrow - 1:00 U l:N SJn. Special Matinee restore "SfttET6UDr Margaret O'Brien ( CARTOONS Plus An "Our Gang" Comedy ' nnusuiwuiB" Also BENSON'S BIRTHDAY CAKE for Cheryl Schacher, Marcls Miller, Ronald Cooper, Gloria Miller, Karen Kaaer, Lelrh Stereos, Robert Meeks, Sandra Wood ruff, Sandy Atwood, Carol Ma Mn, Ronald Cleary, Nickie Kemper, Michael Cnlp, Waoeta Cable, Carole Clayton, Ray mond Horn, Mary Cook, Jackie S teuton, Patty FoeiU, Gordon Gesner, Diane Fleary, Kathleen Koch, Billy Hoyt, Anita Bei-SS- ABBe Seheidemann, Billy Odem. SIMMS a-sree Elizabeth Taylor . Fernanda Lama "GIRL WHO HAD EVERYTHING" Vittorio Gassman "CR" OP HUNTED" 3 f T1JH.ir-T s-sose Clark Gablo ' Loretta Young "CALL OF WILD" Linda Darnell "MY DARLING CLEMENTINE" nWNS S-S4S7 James Stewart Janet Leif a In Technicolor NAKED SPUR" e ' Red Bkelton "THE CLOWN" Hey Kids! Tomorrow! At Noon PRIZES? CARTOONS! SERIAL! 2 BIG FEATURES! DRIVE-IN THEATRE rHONI UIISH CAI0INJ, HIGHWAY tl Galea Open 7:04 Show at Dusk Usance VI Ballroom H syu w V - nnN ALLEN 5 or 20 Hr. Private Class $10.00 Armstrong Studios 155 S. Liberty Ph. 2-7523 wm f 1 I I M ' L IMDi SATURDAY r I f X Technicolor Hits 1 i I "LAST OF THE .1 JH f COMANCHES" 1 4 lm Broderlck Crawford M 2Jj f "I DONT 1 f CARE GIRL" .1 -is m Mltri Gaynor H Tonite (Fri.) at Dusk I Jj? l CARTOON CARNIVAL 1 assaBaBVlslBSmaemmmBSSSSSBVsS"" I BT SSF-" SJ SSJ - t -rwyvTTJi IK CP 1 m 1 emeu Waters Field SATURDAY, 7:30 P. M. Skills Games - Pageantry Presented by 2,000 BOYS Adm. Adults 74c Children (under 13) 25c (liKkdna, Tit) Sponsored by Salem Lions Clnb for all Boy Scouts of Marion, Polk and Linn Counties r 1 MAKE A DATE SATURDAY MAY 9 For a Combination Never Before Offeredl Premier release of the Long-flay Gregorian Chant records produced at Mt. Angel Sem inory under direction of Werner Janssen. Personal appear ance of Father Dorid Nicholson O.S.B., conduct or of the choir front 11:00 a.m. i.nA -.vw p.m. st Zl ill m i ii lin ed to all pur chasers on Sat urday only! f rV. V N v. 4 Cri r Father David Nicholson j NDTFr-.n . ". isa giant kxiPSfiHftp u. : - .n l"Oi rreoie ana sail AT HEIDES'S 42(ort ' Ph. 4-227t I: b4 i m si Ha