,..-a'v-----iA ' i I Page 18 WANTED REAL ESTATE W ABE bedlr In need of I and l-bed room hornet, Id Lealle DUt. Alio need homt anywhere with amal) down par menu. What have rouT Alt I6AAK, REALTOR. PH 41)11 11 no anawcr. ph. 1-3341 ca WK ARE In nted of food houiu to ell. In or near Salim U you with to list your property lor aalt, let ORABENHORST BROS. REALTORS 131 a Liberty Ph. 3-3471 a GREAT BUYlNtl DEMAND lor (arml and aereaiea. Llat yourt with Colbatb ' Land Co. Set T. T. Anderaon, arm - f t -1."-'. I'-'f'A 41714. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE FOB TRADE Mr equity In an apt. houtt In Salem (or a email butlneu. Write Box 96. Ctpltal Journal. ebllO' BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR BALE 11-unlt apartmtnt house, 43S monthly Incomt, near canlto! build inc. 36 22 J. cdlll FOR HALE by Owner: 17 Ve urn cleared, ready for exclusive houslnt project, 1040 feet like frontaie on popular Devils Lake. Price 113,000 cash. Lam aaven-room house Included in price. excellent opportunity for build I nr eon tractor. Property located one mile aalt of Oct a ni eke. N. Z. Hohtr, Box 134, Oceanlake, Oregon. cdll3 FOB SALE OB TRADE Restaurant equipment and lease. Paylm business. Box 85, Capital Journal. colli 115 EQUITY and etock In 27 new vend- lni machines. Wonderful opportunity ror person with soma apart time. Phone 4-4S30 or e-ima. cdiio I BAKERY ROUTES for sale. Phone 38418 after 4 p.m. rdioa- BUSINESS & INCOME Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. Plywood Corel, old irowth fir, planer trlmmlnga. Phone 37731. 198 so. Com'l. ee FURNITURE FOR SALE ONE ALMOST NEW Hot Point I til. ft. refrlttrator. 3 cheat of drawera, one vanity, i good mad Mtrtoa weahlng anachlne. Alto rebuilt Hoover vacuum leaner. Set at 4101 M. River Rd. dill TRADER LOUIE Of IN PRIDAY A) MONDAY BV-rNIMOB. dllo WANTED FURNITURE AUCTIONS TUNiuura auction uuiudea aoma ear sloe furniture. 3113 Cherry Avt. ddllO FREE PRIZES Scotty's Auction House 4840 CENTER ST., SALElvl Sat, May 9 - 10 a.m. Sc 7 p.m. pink furnituiu. or i HOMEQ ARRIVB8 AT SCOTTY'B TO AUCTION CONT MISS THIS I 1052 Admiral X. lUnae. like new 1053 Hotpolnt Mt. Refrlierator. 1952 Thor R. Washer (food) 6pc. Chroma Bet, Sew. Machine 3 Chests Drawers. Swing Rocker 9 Deveno A hair Bats, like new 0-pc Uahoganr Bedroom M This la really a beauty, uh -WT. 8 -PC. Walnut Dining Set. WesUnthouse Combination Radio Set Step Tables, Coffee Table Lamp Tables, New Floor Table Lamps, Kitchen Utility Tables, asst. eolors. ' Several food Vac, Cleaners e-pe. Dinette Set, food. New 10L.3 Power Lawn Mower Ve-ln. siec. Drill Bet Oomb. e Bis Chest Oood Tools Misc. farm Tools Many Items Too Numerous to Men tion. ' S-H. Johnson Outboard Motor. 1 Guns Livestock Sale at 2 p.m. Cains, Vis Lb, Baby, Calves, Waaner 1 Piss. Pat Hogs, 1 Chester White Bred OUt, to arrow aoon. Come, brine us your Uveetock; we aeii by head or weltht, get you the top market price. e) Chickens, Rabbit, Triers e) Sales conducted every Tuea. eve., Set. day At eve, Everybody welcome. Our business U conducted In an hon- eit, dependable way. Your buslnesa m appreciated. Col. Ernest E. Scott AUCTIONEER PH. 46433 IU0 LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCKER BEEP-Whlte face Hereford. JSc. Locker pork, 36c. Nothing down, moa. to pay. ouatom killing. Trailer loanen iree. naiem Meat Co., 1331 8. a.un. pn. s-4imi. PETS GIVE "MOTHER" a beautiful Cannery Mi'incno wfli-, uio cnomrkelc, i-i.ea. eclll' SIAMKSE KITTENS Pedlireed, male, ; month, old. Phone 3-3073. eclll1 long haired kllleni to glvt away. rnone ..UBB. tclll OIVE Mother" a biautlful tannery on Uother'a Day. Phone 31311. eclll CUTE puppies for quick aalt. Boy is. 01rl3;3-i:43. tclll' BOLLYWOnD AQUARIUM IPSI McCoy! nnt Diock eait of N. Cipltol, li hv... uvi.u 01 aeaauon. ro. 1-1897. eclll' LOVELY SIAMENE kllleni, with pinen - eclll' MOORE TROrlCAL riSH. P.i.klJ turtlei, iuppiim. I mllea from Laneait er on Macleay road. 4-1771. cioied FOR SALE POULTRY K.H. FRIERS, 391 lb. Phont 13111, op- poille Liberty ichool. fu WANTED colored hem. Let I Hitch- V ery. phone 1-3911 ""I broad and New Hampihlte enicki. hauhid tviry Monday and Thuraday. Our ehlcka trow faiter. rs'it H"h' u" ,ui- Foil SALE, dreed red Iryere. Averan 1 lha. eech. tie lb. Mn. Ron Haupt man, Oervali. Ph. 3383 alter I. Ills' wun balk -. Twice weekly, dar-old chlcU In New Himtaihlrl, Parmenlere, Red. Whit. LMlinrni - tt..I- While Rocki, While Wyandoltea, Par. mental cockerel, t... u.i.h... - - ,uua. I CLASSIFIED AIIVERTIIINQ Per Word t time. u. Per Ward 4. Per Word, I llmee loe Per Word, I month to, N. Rrfande Mlnlm.m It Werdi. READER In Local Newt Celine Only, Per Word 7i Mlnlmata It ft erg. To Place Ad In 8m Dty't Psprr, Phont t-ZW Befor ltt.m. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK PIKE ALPINE milk act, glvee au.ru per nay. 1-1252. uo FUEL West Salem Fuel Co. , BLOCKWOOD, 1" CLEAN IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Pickup Wood ll Edaearater Phone Salem 1-4011 PRODUCE NETTED OEM and burbink ated po- letoee. Al red. nil Portland Phone 44011. ffUO' GOOD SEED POTATOES Netted Oema, plant any time no to July. I2.lt per 100. Phllllpi Broi., RL t. Boa 1 mllei eaat 4 corntra on State St Ph. 41011. ff HELP WANTED STRAWBERRY PICKERS ratlater now 14 mile north North Howell ttort. Jot wnitt, Rt. 1, Box 129A. Sllrarton I4II4, gllO' CARRIER BOYS Now is the time to registe: for a Capital Journal news paper route. No Sunday de livery. See Circulation Mgr, CHILDBEN tied 11 to It for itraw. berry platoon. South Salem and Lealle Hlih district. Call Harrlil parchtr, 4-1117 or 4-1241. STRAWBERY PICKERS rtllltir now, Transportation furollhld. Call platoon leader 3-IH7. in.- PICKERS WANTED Rtllltir now for atrawbtrrr pleklni. 1 milt wtit and -north of Keller jehool. Jorglnim Kvana, 411 Wait Eowdtn Lant, Salem. Ph. 41101 HELP WANTED MALE EXPERIENCED WOOL PRESSES at . Jim Laundrr Co., 363 south Hlih. aalio YOUNO KAN for ear hop. Woodroffe' San Shop, 3400 Portland ltd. No phone cam. TBI OREGON State Motor Association (A.A.A.) bsi an opening Jor a re pre sent all va la the saiem area, salary and Incentive. Iniuranct experience helpful, but not necessary. Call l-Jiei or write 1061 Bo. Commercial lor ap pointment, sails GENERA L FARM --Cat. and wheel trae tor, am all but attractive a-bedroom home. Neat and dependable couple. C. J. MeLood. t. 1, BR ox 134, Brooks. Stt miles aorta of Brooks and 3'. -4 miles east. tain HELP WANTED FEMALE QUALIFIED BOOKKEEPER, tjpllt, for lurgton'i offlci. Reference required. Call 3-4013 between I and 13 a.m. for appointment for lnterrlewi. abll3- WAITRESS, Woodrolfe'a San Shop. Portland Rd. No phone call. 3400 b EXPERIENCED DINNER waltreta, cock tall tiperlenco preferable. Phone 379113 for Interview. ibll3 WOHAN FOR OPICE and aalal, trplna requirea. Apply seare, RoebucK and Co.. Salem. fbllS JOBS - JOBS . JOBS FREE PLACEMENT Tot all atudanta. Enroll now and get ready for s sood Job. Office Jobi art lneraaalnr. Theae Oood- Jobl so to thoat who art ipiclllaod. Nltht achool Mon. and Thura. 6 to 9 o'clock. Day School Mon. Throuth Frl, S a.m. to 4 p.m. Call 11416 for Information. M ERR ITT DAVIS SCHOOL OP COMMERCE 4to ttete St. - oter the Wan'i Shop IbllO' WAITRESS. WOOdroffl't Ban Shop, 3400 Portland Rd. No pnont colli. gb CAR, BOPS Part time. Woodroffe't San Shop, 3100 Portland Road. lb' TEACHERS AND HOMEMAKERS Platoon liadara fiieded, aga 33 to to, with ability to juperrlit and dlrtct actlvltlea of children (13 yeara and older) and adulta for tummer harveat work. Weill will Tary $11 to 111 a day. Contact state Employment Serr let, 710 Perry. gblll EXPERIENCED wool preuir, ladlae. Capital City Laundry, dry cleaning da pertinent. gblll WANTED Middle-aged practical nurae for part time dally. Bog 17, Capital Journal. tblio HOUSEKEEPER tor country. J. D. Hart- weii. mono 11349. gblio WANTED SALESMAN START YOUR OWN BUSINESS on cre dit. Tour own boss, lni Dealers sold 15000-137,600. 1M2. We supply stocks, equipment on credit. 300 home neces sities. Sales experience not needed. Pleasant, profitable buslnesa backed by world-wide Industry. Write Raw lelih Co. Dept. ORC-m-U, Oakland. Calif. ggno REAL ESTATE Salesman. Write box 79, Capital .Journal or call Misa Welch, Broadway 4331 Broker, Portland. eelfO EDUCATION MOTEL MANAGERS Men, Women wanted to atart Immediate training jor moici Management Posltlcma. In ternational Motels, Inc., P. O. Box 3167. Portland 14. Or mon. hi. Ill WANTED POSITIONS MOWERS SHARPENED at door. Make It run taay. Phone 3-1314. hill' CEMENT WORK and flnlahlng. A Bom nect, pnone 3-1474, lltl N. 9th. hilt' TIIiINQ WITH Rotary-hoe. oarden .awni. rnone . 3305 Bvergreen. BOTOTILLER WORK. Br hour, lob rnone --me, auvo n. ceiurcn. hill KOTOTILLING Ph. 44833. Middle Grove nuriery, v.o Bllverton Rood. h' BOTOVATOB 10-lneh 18-horienower Do work Mi falter and dnpir tllllnt. Economical work. 1-1911. hll3 EARL COX too MarloiTst., Salem, Ore lon, phono 3-7131 Cordoning and liwn work. hill MARY'S PLOWING and dliclng, prompt lervlce, 4-1441, iiiis GARDEN, FLOWER bed and lawn pre paration. Plowing, d-aclni. leveling, rototllllng. Service Center, Phone hllo' MICKENHAM'I DAY NURSERY 41 ete Mceniod and Impeded. Pnone I-7I7I. hill PLOWING A DISCING IMMEDIATE SERVICE. Phone l-MOO. hllo' TILLING WITH new M, R. Rotarr tiller. Evenlnsi 1-1331. 13.90 hour, hllo LIGHT CRAWLER, doilne, dirt llVll ing,graoing. Phono 1-3330. hl30 UKADlNu, leveling, backfilling, lawni. auoeni, ny nour, job. Phong 1-3041. hill NEW LAWNS, cornel. I.. Free eillmatcj. ruou. ...en or aei.e. nut PAINTIVG Local relirencee, fret iimite, c. Horn, Ph. 30111. ROTARY HORlNn. ei aa Dh etirr e. hl!3' TREE WORK, Topplni, trlmmlm, u- muiina. in.urea operator. John Peyne Ph. 3-0311. hill' PLOWING, DISCING, leveling. ,3.10 an nour. rnone 4-3111. bill LANDgCAPR maintenance, prualng, .ummine, pi.oung, tertuiiing. eterv. lee cenlir. Phone 4-IS71. hue NEW Item . . W - k W IT matea. uuana woleclt. Phone 1-1137. hill ROTOVATOR work wanted. Vincent i-rcrner. ei.v i-aniini AVI. pnont 31110 31114 PAINTING 31 yeara taperlenre In Salem rrie eitimatae. Phone 3-7IS1 MX EXPERIENCED liouicworkrr by hour, once a week. Phone 1-7010. hill MIDLE-AGED couple with II yeara ei- I perirnca want ap.rlm.nl home to 1 menace. Rt. I, Box loo, SUverton Oreeon. Pnone 1-4141. silvirton. hill" t TILLING WITH M. E. rotary Hilar. Ee- nlnn I BM, 11.90 hour, hllo- To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 RADIO TV SERVICE HOv St Inch Motorola T.V. Console, nearly new, plus antenna. Will in stall both In your homo. eJIO. Phone Dayton 13X4. hallo1 rillLCO MAHOGANY Console, radio. phonograph, t speed, AM and PM, S years old. 1-4OT7. isjrj Norway, balio FOR RENT LABGK warehouse space lor rent or lease. Cement floors, brick building, Down town. Inquire H. L. Stiff Pur nlture Co. Phone f-ftm, J WANTED TO RENT- BUSINESS MAN, wife and 1 ehlldren, want tuburban home before May llth. Pftont I-I0l. lalll' TELEPHONE CO. tmploTtt and wife. want nlct 1 bedroom anfurnlehtd houit. lood garait or bailment. City or tuburban. Eicellent care. Cell 4-IIST or 3-1143. 1.1 11- I OR l-BEDROOM houie on email acre, ail. 1-4371. Jall PURNISHED BOUSE, man and wife. H, c. Oaley, 171 So. Slit. Salem. lalio ONE OB I bedroom nnfurnlihed home, young couple. Before May IS. Phone a4. lain S CAB OABAOE or Jarler building thet ceo be uied at jueh for pirional uet. .. ' Jalll FOR RENT ROOMS LOVELY BOOM, for lady, large cloaet. Convenient phone, 745 Marlon. Jklll- LAROE SLKEPINO room, for gentle Jklll men. 130 Hood. Phone 3-1947. LARGE ROOM, kitchen, refrlieretor for gentleman. 11 montn. 1474 court St. Iklll- BOOM FOB OIBL. Kitchen prlvllegei. uit entire bouie. 141 N. Winter. Phone 1-4373 or 1-1440. K113 HOT, COLD WAXES In large room, clou . 717 center st. . jam1 VERY COMFORTABLE, clean aleeplng room, down town. 171 n. Lintrty. Jklll TV. KITCHEN prlvlligei, alleplng room, 130.90 per month, mono 3-7gao. iklio PLEASANT BOOM, 1 block from poll office. 199 Ferry Street. Jklll' NICE LIGHT housekeeping room. Lady. 499 No. Church. JtllO' LABOE SINGLE houeekeeplng room for one or two. Utllltlei furnlihed. Ill a month. Ill So. llth. 3-1399. Jklll ATTRACTIVE, clean, warm room. Clou In. Reaiokable. 193 N. Hlih. Jklll FOR RENT HOUSES UNFURNISHED bedroom houn, la- rige, buement. Phone 3-3140. Jmlll FURNISHED clean one bedroom taouie. garaie, but, jtorei, Adulti, no ptti. 4-315S. Jmllo BEDBOOM unfurnllhed dunlel. s block, thopplng center, gtovei. 3-9015. Jmllo- N1CE I-BEDBOOM furnlihed houae. garage, full baiement, fireplace, oil heat, couple only. 149. 1-INI. JmllO BEDROOM Hollywood dllt. LOtl of itorage, 131. Rawlini Realty, phone 41791 or 14194. jm BEDROOM SUBURBAN, partly fur nlihtd, 141. Rawllna Realty, phone 41711 or 34914. jm ROOM COTTAGE. UnfurnlehMi . blocka city center, ctate officea and mopping center. Aauitl preferred. Available Mar Hit. 44t N, Cottage, 33444. Jmll3 BOOMS unf urnUhtd. ttoreroom. Adulti. Phont 3-4111. not Mo. 4th. JmllO- COMPLETELY furnlihed. Lovely for two. can't duplicate for 149. 1-9099. Imlll- CLEAN l-BEDROOM, living room, kltch- dinette, attached garage, Adulti. Oarden. 137.10. 1-1331. Jmlll' CLEAN, MODERN, L-bedroom houia In court, fitovo and refrigerator furn Uhed. Cloaa to bua. Big back yard. Ideal for couple. Boa at Met N. 9th or Phone 1-7490. Jm' NICE TWO bedroom home. Oaa atove ana automatlo furnace, too. 1,31 state. Ohmert At Calaba, Rltrl. JmllO l-BEDBOOM houit, automatlo oil heat, fireplace, full baaement, available June 1. Inquire H. I, stiff FAirnlture, 1-tlW. Jm' ssao CHESTER AVE. 3-bedroom home. let, Cill Wlllamlna M93. Jmllt WAN tedA couple for a clean upstalre oupiex a rooms, electric stove, refrig erator furnished. Very good and only $35 for the right people. See Joe L. Bourne, Agent. JmllO OFFICE FOR RENT FOUR OB FIVE-ROOM aultl. Oregon Building. Phont 3-1114. Jo' OBOOND FLOOR olflco or ttore apace tor rent, call at Fltta Market. Jo FOR RENT APARTMENTS ATTRACTIVE 3 - room, refrigerator. range, garage. Phone 3-1970. Jplll LOVELY FURNISHED or unfurnuhed apartment, doae In. ground floor. 4 blocka from u. 8. Bank, shade tree aettlng. Automatlo laundrr. Adulti. Set at 334 Oak St. Jplll BOOMY ONE bedroom furnlihed apart. menu Lou of itoraia apace. Utllltlei paid. Automatlo wuher, electrlo dry er. Cloie to atata bulldlni. and ehop ping center. Alio Pullman apartment. ee n. win-.er. alter s p.m. IpllO' FIRST FLOOR, very nice furnished 3 rooma. Private entrance. Bendlx. Adulti. 319 N. Llbirty. Phono 37134 ior appointment. JpUO 1 BEDROOM court apartment furlnihed newly decorated, cloie in, 1-0714. Jplll' hu:e l-ROOM furnlihed apt., 1 or 3 adulti, doit ihopplni and atata bulld Inie, private entrance and bath, elec tric alove, refrlierator, garaie. 1-7801. JpllO' DOWNTOWN, first floor. 1 roomii bath, prlvatt tntrance, 131 Center. ; Jplll' FURNISHED DUPLEX, 3 rooml. eleen, nourwooo, aouila, 3-1841, 1010 MrCoy. Jplll' UNFURNISHED, modern, l-bedroom court apartment, cloie to bui. Lane iewn pnone 3.3530. jpiu I ROOMS furntihtd, near atorea and ouiii. uit ataauon. Jplll l-ROOM furnlihid apartment, utllltlei xumuneo. Frlvate entrance and bath. Phono 4-31 or lilt Laming Ave. Jplll' 1 APARTMENTS, clone In, adults. ISO N. cnurcn. rnone 4-3407. Jplll LIVING ROOM, dinette and kitchen otteT Call after a, 3-84M. jpno CtRAM l bt-droom unfurn. except alec, ranee, near bua, cannery. J -wot. JpllO CLOAK IN nice modern furnished I room apartment. Adults. Phone 360- JpllO1 SALEM Housing Authority has vacant unit ror ou aimed persons. Inqulrs at nomine utiice, iaoo a. tetn Bt, jpioo1 PRIVATE THRKE.ROOM furnished court apartment, clean. Adults. $M. 3560 roruana Road. Jpi3$' MODERN Fl'RMHI'.KD court, ffiO. ion asaaiion, rnone a77v JpIIA NUKLT Fl-RNISIIED basement apart ment on Mill Creek. Reasonable. Prl vate garaae; 105 5o. 34th, Jplll MODERN, unfurnished 1 bedroom 4- rooro apt. 110 B. 13th. Iplll ROOM NICE apartment. Private bath. 685 N. Church. Phone 34745. JpU7 NICELY FVRNI911CD apartments; bamador Apts, 530 No. Summer. Bi: VIRAL furnished aoartments. sood location. Ineulre H U Stlfr Furniture. Phone 3-918. jp $a.,w l.room fumisbed houiekMptnc apartment, close in north. See Bert Plena. 370 N. High. 3-4047, Jpll3 SMALL, CLEAN 3-room furnished. 3 blocks down town, suitable for bach elor. 3-3434. Jplll l-HI.IROOM furntahed apt., inc.. utll- iiim. i Diis, to acnoei, i aik lo bus. 30M ktrrtic. jpiu FOR RENT In Dallas, 3 -room partly furnlfhed apartment, reaoonable rent, t-ocated S blocks from Main street. Phone Salem 1-3111, Jplll' THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, 6alem. Oregon FOR RENT APARTMENTS NILE FURNISHED 1 room apartment 1177 Court St. Ipll t'ROOM furnlihed apt., llihti, watei furnUhed. 111. lilt Ferry SI. 3-111 Iplll1 ATTRACTIVE Mrnllhld gllage apt. nice location. 134 Judtoo. Pciona 34II&. Jplli I ROOM APT., watir furnlahed, 11300. aouiu only, rnone l-ltii. jptii' S BOOMt, furnlihed, private bath, clem. cloie In. 453 N. High. 139. iplll CLOSE IN, nice, clean 3 room, furnlihed. Sol Center. Utllltli Jpllt NICE I BOOM and bath, complete!? furnlihed. oaraae. 144. Alter 1:30 p.m. call at Apartment 1, 1410 Court St. Iplll1 1 BOOM furn. apt for lady. All utUlllei turn. 1 block to capitoL 37.H. rn. lfl4 eve. Ipll s BOOM furnUhed apartment. refrliera tor, bath, automatic heat, HI N. Hl.h itrert. Ipll MISCELLANEOUS BEE-HIVE TRUCKS U-DRITB MOVE YOURSELF SAVE M PICKUPS STAKES VANS TEXACO STATION 111 COURT ST. PHONE 3-ltll PAOE STEVENSON and AL MEPPORD m- SALEU SAND A, ORAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Bead Clearing - Ditching Sewer and Baaement Equipment Rental Ditching by the Pool Phone Deri 3-1401 Ivae. 3-4411 or 3-7413 Salem, Oregon DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 1-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARVEY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Blda.. State Commercial Sli SALEM PH. 3-3311 m FBEE FILTER CABTBIDGE with oil oning. Horn May llth thru May llth. wblle preaent etock laite ao hurryl Baiem olMel Bervice, 1771 SUverton Rd. mill" BUILDING MATERIALS BUILDER'S SPECIAL New planed lum- oer. in per M. and up, delivered. '-3043. mam WRECKING building at 411 Marlon street, all material! for aalt cheap. Maaion Wrecking Co. malll KEITH BROWN SPECIALS LUMBER Regular Sale loiKP- in rl no. I lom. S4S 10.00 M 11.0011 1000' lit rl Mo. comm. TAO 39.00 M 11.00 IS Oar atakei I' to 10 rough., .90 ea. lit rl I Eeaded Celling. 40.000 M OVERSTOCK 4x1 " duplet board. ,9.00 M 44.00 M 4l " standard Board 98.00 M 08.00 It Shekel stained No. 1 vg II" with undercoune, uncartoned . 13.00 gq. Plyron Plywood 31 .4. 3t. NO. 1 MAHOGANY DOCRS 1-OlO-lxlH" HC BC.... 10.11 1.13 l-lal-tlHi" HC RC... 11.17 10.11 i-axo-nny1 ho rc... 13.40 11.07 l-lxt-lxW" HC RC... 13.01 11.74 1-PANEL DOOR B.P. 9-Oxl-lxlV 3-4M-IX1V l-tll-BxlH" 3-8x4-8x1" 3-1 At 3-lxl-txlH" 105 t.39 445 S.0 1 lite 1 panel 1.90 Keith Brown Lumber Yd. Front Court Street Phont 3-1111 WR OIVI SdtH OREEN STAMPS ma KEITH BROWN'S Close-Outs Wa art gluing out our antlrg stock of Lawn Mowera, Electrlo and Oai. Alio Oarden Hue. Regular Sale 311" Hand Moweri 34.90 111.11 11" Owi Rotary Mower 111.01 14.44 17.44 11.10 2 44" Xlec Rotary Mower 11.10 3 11" Elec. Rotary Mower 11.11 It Feet Flaillo Hon I n 4.14 KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD Front J. Court St. Ph. 1-1111 Wa Olva S&H Onen Stampi ma Coast or Mountain Cedar Shingles Ho. la, 11 lnchee clear. II; No. 1, t lnchea clear, 14, No aap wood or aulle. Coma and gel them. Ted Uullar. Salem-Independence Road. Ph. Salem 1-1101. ma REDUCED 110.00 per day until sold - Starting price $t0.6 Mar $ih - 1 Zenith re frigerator model KZ-H10C Custom De luxe. Thlt great new refrigerator is the tinsel ever to bear the Zenith name . . . featuring MORI of every thing that everyone wants most. It's BIO . , . le cubic feet to stve larse capacity and complete flexibility. And new tar cne-neered, up-to-the-minute automatlo defrost and butter condi tioner plus such other wonderful features as shelves in the door, giant twin crlspera, porcelain Interior, 63-lb. freeier locker. It'a America's greatest value in superb, all-feature home re frigeration. MAY 9 395.95 Keith Brown Lumber Yard Front Court Street Pnone 3111 WK OIVC SStn OREEN STAMPS BARGAINS V Senwood (Jap Birch A sic 4" Sen wood (Jap Birch) A. Mc V Mahogany Plrwood A .41c W Mahogany Plywood A ....... ,30c Ho. 1 Painted cedar shatM, sauranteed to be square fit ting, complete with under couusi ,,..$10.15 Colored bsth sets. Qrade A .cheap White bath fixtures lowest prices O. O. LONO SONS Ph. 4-SMI 1 ml. Ne. of Reiser ma Look! Look! O. W. Klang Wricking Oo. u wrocg. lng I houiea at Colon and Huh. Tol leu, lavatortei. batb tuba, ghettlng lit ptr M. lile 111 per M. All Hindi .1 aUen aiding. Iltchin tullt-lne, tou al antlQua light tlilum. ahlplap lit ptr M. Lola of llll and Ull. Call 1-71N. malll NURSERY STOCK SELLING OCT. pansys, 0c dosen. 3 Midway Drive. Phone 3-0311. mblll COME IN and aee our line of garden supplies, ahruba and bedding plants. Mtddt Orover Nursery, 4930 SUverton Rd. Phone 4433. mblio AZALEAS QUI wrapped for Mothtr'i Dar, War In, Numrr. 1011 Oat Bill Axe. (turn Bail from MX At South Village Tar IrfO. opin Sundar'a. mblll For Sol MISCELLANEOUS Used Appliances NO DOWN PAYMENT USED NOROl REPO Only I yrl. old, pirficl condltloni large freea ar eompt., auto, defroet. Only 1148.01 USED DC LUXE COLDSPOT. Large family alii, very clean, good run ning cond. Only Ill.pt USED CR08LEY REPO. Oood run nine cond. clean. Large Ireeilng unll. A dial at I4I M USED OENERAL XL. REPO. Flrfeet condition, very .lean. A good bur At only mot Tinkham Gilbert Appl Co. GENERAL 2S0 N. LIBERTY, SALEM NURSERY STOCK PEPPERS, cabbase and tomato plante, by tha thouianda. Tuoeroua Deioniaa, petunias, seranlums and all baddlns out plants. Wholesale and retail, Ar thur Plant Oreenhoi.ee, 1381 So, 13Lh. Phone 3-4S70. mbtll CHOICE GLOXINEAS now bloomlns. Visitors welcome at Ssiem's Airicsn Violet headquarters. Fuchsia, Petunia, to ma toe ts beddlns plants, Oppen's Oreenhouae, 4330 Auburn lid. nib 114' BEDDING PLANTS fillrerton Qreen Mouses the but in lersntums, fuchsias, pelseonlums, all other plants. Csbbsae and lettuce Me per dosen. IT Bo, Water, on road to SUrer Creek Falls. mblio Martha Washington seranlums. hundreds In bloom; besonlaa, xucbilas and beddlni plants. KUber's, H Sa lem Helshts Ave., phone 44033. mbl34 CHRYSANTHEMUMS New Kraua Intro duction!, 180 Engllih, Spooni, Splden, Cuihlom. Zlelphlntume (Including Aatolata), It varletm Aatllbea; Oer anlumir Rumll Luplnn, Iceland pop plea, IrU, Hoatai. Blaek'i, 1370 Cht mawa Road, lft mllta eaat of Kelxer. 1-4390. , mbllt' HEDGE OR WINDBREAK Privet, Jaur- ei, camema, eoniiers, noxwood. ra. 33182. 2497 Hollywood Drive. mbl34 GERANIUM, ITS CHI AS alOC ... 3.00 Da. S for tl.00 4 for $1.00 Mixed Dahlias Tall Boxwood Red Aialeai , Xversraen Trees 11.00 up Sverbearlna fatrawberrr Plants. MERRIUi'S OREENHOU8B, BROOKS mbll' GERANIUMS, beddlni plants, perennials, Miiiuof. bo j a i nurserr, iv fltate. mblll AZALEAS FOR MOTHERS DAT. Nice Hexa Aaaleaa In bloom now 91.00. Ex tend the season br Dlantinr late blooming varieties. Sales Yard, 2010 N. 8th St., strayer Azalea Gardens, 565 Locust Street. mhiii For Salt MISCELLANEOUS HOSPITAL BED for sale or rent. H. L. Bun Furniture Co. Phone 3-t.UO. n TWO BABT BUGOIES, $20 A; $25. Used Mdse. Mart, 2.0 So. Libert, phone 43371. Terms of Course. nllO TV SKT 21" Strombcrg Carlson, excel lent picture, used only 1 months. Xxtra low price. Phone 43SB3. nlio 000 FT. Hi" black pipe, used, lood condition, 30c ft. Tour choice, lonx lengths. Independence Metal Co., 248 Picture St., Independence. nllO GOOD DOUBLE BED mattresses, 18.95. usen Mose. aaart, 370 so. jjinerty, phone 40371. Terms of course. Terms of course, nllO RANGE, REFRIGERATOR. reasonable. nllO Rear 314 Water. FOR SALE, loadlnc donkey, steel framed, mvaium iiie; new sien ana root. Also cable. Bill Wagner, Box 18, Falls City, ureton. nllO CEDAR TELEPHONE and electrlo poles. icnce pew is, oean poau ano stakes. PhllUps Bros.. Rt. I, Eoi 403, S miles east of 4 Corners. Ph. 4-30S1. n. FLORENCE GAS RANGE 4-burner, not new but good condition, t35. Also gas heater, $7.50, 1035 No. 18th. 2-OflOfl. nllO SOLID MAHOGANY Drexal Oval Dining room Die, aix matching chairs, like new. 3-5046. nlll- GOOD USED rcfrlgeratora. $45 up or rent one for 14,00 per month. Wash ers, wed, $15.00 up or 11.00 per month rental. Master Service Station, 305 N, Com'l, Phone 3-4-163, nils WERKER-CHICAGO uprlaht piano, in excellent condition. $100. 1-0437. IMS So. Commercial. mn NEW DUAL mufflers complete with headers for Olds 88. 1110 Pine St. verton. - FORT ABLE RECORD player with built- in amplifier and speaker. Looks like new. We allowed $50 on Raytheon TV. A bargain at 127.50. Terms or we'll trade In an old radio. Prall'a, 220 N. Liberty. nill SLIGHTLY USED 30 gallon heavy duty water tank. $8. 3-7387. nll2 DANVENPORT AND chair set. slightly used. Sparks oil heater. 3-4603. n!12 VERY GOOD reconditioned Mar tag washer, 130. 1090 No. Cottage. Phone 3-7557. n!13 LAMPS as low as $3.50. Used Mdse. Mart. 270 So. Liberty. Phone 46371. nllO LIGHT WEIGHT Singer portable, latest model, complete with attachments. Today'a special. $99.60. Singer Sew ing Center, 130 No. Commercial. 2-3612. nll3 LOTS OF occasional ehaira, sale priced. Used Mdse. Mart, 370 So. Liberty, phone 46371. Terms of course, nlio ANTIQUE FURNMTRE, glassware and china. 240 So. Liberty street, after noona only. nuo RADIO combination with 3 speed chang er. An Airline in perfect condition, o-day guarantee. We traded in on Raytheon TV. You can have for $148.50 at bank terms and trade in your old radio on It. PRALL'S, 230 N. Utwrtr. Bin. TOP SOIL River silt iVd fill dirt, Prompt de livery. Phone 3-1741. n GARAGE DOORS, unfinished furniture meat to order, smell carpinttr and caomit rtpur joba. prlctt riaaonabla. Woodworking Fixit Shop 1S7I Ne. II Ph. I.I3M nlll' Organic Fertilizer Frtt a wied leedi. and odorlin. Sick ar bulk erdiri dlllrired. Phone 3-IIJ7. nlll JOE PALOOKA flVlEV CXONT HEAH. rue eeu MOVLE TRIED TO 6EPARXTC THfMHE STEPS IN H6TWEEN THEM... THE BELL rs CLAMOrMS For Suit MISCELLANEOUS USED HOTPOINT EL. RANOK Very clean, good condition, divided cooking top. Onyr 191.11 USED o. I. IROHEX With hand lend, ilka new, auto, heal con trol Ill.tl USED WASHERS-A1I trende. all fully guarantied, with At without Pump ,14.11 . ,t. ATT. TV BUYERS nationally known dleeouota. Only a prleea. Floor aamplaa, brand!, hug. few al real ELECTRIC PHONE 20SH For Sole MISCELLANEOUS FERTILIZE R---Puiverlged, rotted manure, delivered anywhere. 3-0774 or 3-6073. one SMALL ROT'S 30 Inch bicycle, $13. 1000 No. Cottage, Phone 3-7587. nl!3 MoCULLOCH CHAIN SAWS, S0$ Edge water. West Salem. Salem Logging Sup ply. Ph. 4-1541. n STEEL clothesline posts, planters, rail ing porch columns, .furniture. 1145 N. Liberty. mn ONE TAPE recorder. Call 3-3004 er see at 770 So. Lancaster Drive. Mil CLOTHLINE POSTS, Iron legs for ta bles, furniture, railings. 1141 N. Lib erty. Bl34 WASHING MACHINES from only $7.00. Used Mdse. Mart, 370 So. Liberty, phone 46371. Terms of course, nlio ROTTED MANURE 1,000 yards, the best we have over had. For good organle results order rotted cow manure that you can use without fear. $6.00 per yard. 4 yards $10. t yards $25. 10 yards $40. Flsg stones, lava atone, fence posts, 4x4 stakes and rustic red cedar fencing. Phillips Bros,, Rt, 5, BOX 403, ph. 43081. Bslcm. 3 ml. I. 4 Corners, n TOP SOIL Fill dirt, garden aand. 1-ISM. nlll FOB SALB Cronmin pellet Plato). CO. 3. 113.10. 1671 N. llth. nlll AUTO. ELEC 8IDEABM wattr hiattr tun iniuiatea gtoraie tank. Bargain, Guaranteed c.k. Br Owner, ph. '44183. nlll' FOR SALE: Complete outfit for Spud nut Shop, via Power Mixer. 1 h p. motor. I .tool counter. 3 milk shake mixer I. Ilietrio aoup kitchen. Caih reglitir. Electric deep fat frier. Cut lery At dlahei. Thli la a flna lot of equipment for anyone alerting in the huilneu. 11000. Soma termi. W. A. Bauer, 1334 8. X. Concord Rd., Mil- wauiue, ure. EV1-3.7B. nlll Wonted MISCELLANEOUS LOGS WANTED Top truck acala price for aecond And ora growtn nr. Long and short. WEST SALEM LBR. CO. lilt WaUaci Bd. Ph. 4-1711 nall7 WOODEI WANTS Planoa. Phone 3-1110. na LOGS WANTED Stud Mill. Lengths t 4" or 16 Diameter 6" to 18" Sawmill, Lengths ia- ana longer. Diameter i" to M Top prices paid. Burkland Lumber Co. ELECTRIC BANGES. Wocdrr'a. 3-1110. SPORTING EQUIPMENT 0-H.p. MERCURY outboard motor, 160. Phone 43693. nclll PERSONAL ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, Group No. 1. 3011 N. Commercial. Ph. 3-4317 - P117- FINANCIAL MONEY TO loan on real aitata, Phone 3-0714. 1117 MONEY PROBLEMS? Let us take the "lfs" out of your money problems. Up to $300 on small loana. Up to tBOO on auto loans, f STATE FINANCE CO. 8-311 Phont 14131 M-331 117 I. Hlih St. rill LOANS UP TO $1500 on Signature. Furniture. Car AT PERSONAL It'a "rei" prompllr o etnplored men ar women. t 1-vlilt loan . . . phone flrit. Tou ulect but payment data. 4) Between pardar loana. Phona, write or coma In TODATI Personal Finance Co. 101 S. RIOR ST, SALEM Stat, Llccnio Not. 8-131, 14-141 Loana over 1300 up to mot and up to' 30 month, to repir mede br Perional Finance Co. of Marlon count, under he Induatrlal Loan Companlii Act of Oregon rill" Lie. t-133 and 11-131 and ROT R SIMMONS tNStmANCI AND LOANS Hear "Top Tradei" n ot Den kslm nee Ee. GENERAL FINANCE CO. LOANS 111 Bo. Commercial St. Tel. 1-lllt m DENNIS the MENACE domy pull, Dennis. FINANCIAL AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 113 south Church Parkins a-Pleotr Ph. 1-3411 Uo. Mo. M-ttO. 6.111 r BIX US FOR FARM, CITY OR ACREAOX LOANS BEST OF TERMS WE BUY Real aitata mortgagee at aontracta State Finance Co. 147 So. Blab St. Ph. 1-4131 r 5 Interest If you have Idle funds seeking in vestment, then you are the type of person to whom we can be of ssrvlce. For over Twenty-five rears we have been helping people In this community find profitable work for their money. During this period we have promptly paid SO semi-annual Interest payments totalling many Thousands of Dollars. We are currently paying 6 INTEREST on funda from, $500 to $5000. General-rn&t3- Corporation 130 8. COMMERCIAL ST. Salem, Oregon Phone 1$1$1 WANT 10,000 LOAN on bualniit properly at 1. Alio 14,f0G loan on bualneli propertr at 1. Both propertlea lood valuta. J. X. Leclerc, Realtor. 1494 No. Capitol. 1-3255. rll FARM EQUIPMENT BID1NO GARDEN TRACTOR, plow, cul tlvator, tumblebui, Ilka new. 3407 Wlnola. 1-3603. obll AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR HAVING RADIATOB TROUBLE? Valler Motor Co. expert! will eolvo rour prob lema and aavg rou moner. Free eitl matta, apeadr eeretoe. Centar at Lib. ertr. to HEAVY EQUIPMENT MODEL 1SW Carco Jr. Logging Arch. George C. Turner, Rt, 1, Amity. Ph 2413. cei BOATS K UN ABOUT 18-It. fi ports Fisherman with Arnolt Seamlte engine, excellent condition, located on Alsea river. Write 087 court, or cau e-aaaj or x-aeas, Salem, Orecon. Odll AUTOMOBILES 48 FORD H-ton pickup, 0-cyllnder, 3'speed .heater, defroster, new paint, very clean, only 1785. no down pay ment on approval of credit. Open evenlnge. K. Smith and Son Mo tors, 145 Union. Phone 33040. '40 DODOE 4-door sedan, heater, de- iroster, seat covers, new paint, a nice running car drive It and seel Re duced to only $105. No down pay ment on approval oi credit. Open eve nines. X. Smith and Son Motors, 943 union, rnone j-juiu. FOR SALE OR TRADE. 1S50 Chv fitylellne DeLuxe 5 -door or 1950 DeBoto custom e-aoor. rnone a-0648. qua 47 PLYMOUTH, Deluxe 4-door sedan, clean condition, tegs. Will accept .raae. rnone --ii03, agio jtappimiin 1M1 FORD Club Coupe. Lots of extras, ciean mrougnout, $295. 433 Union. 4-OJBO or 3-BB5B. qllQ 81 OLDS HOLIDAY Coupe for sile or traoe. Kaaio, neater, hydromatle dr. uaya 134 b. Lancaster Dr. 3-2003. Eve, m H. Blma 27131. qlll CLEAN, BLACK '41 Bulck Super Sedan wnue sioe wau tires, call 4.3016 olio 1900 CHEVROLET convertible, excellent cDD4uiLion. rnone X-IBBI. qlll ltMl H-TON CHEV. pickup. First house OUIU oi inaepenaence oridge. Route 3, no Qt, oaiem. qnj r.inuiin e-aoor, A-l bodr end motor, clean, ,190. Phone 4-1113. 3330 "'."U ATE. qlH), 'II CHEV, 3-door Pleetlln. full. Jf while tide walli, good condition, ...-. .in ouunrvirw Ave. irter 4, 0111 l" BiVIIKHAKKR CAnv.rtlhl. D-i. J"1", while MIL!, verr iharp. Plionr qui- 1410 CHEVROLET ineclel deluxe l-ci'i club coune. 41,000 actuil mil.. -J line Jim overheuled. or. rubber. Bodr and upholiterr Ilka new. Muit be inn .uir.ci.iea. Term! can be ar tangedPhone 3-1313. ,in INS CHEV. FleeTllneTlero Sedan. R4,H Juat ovarhaultd. new rubbir. ihockib. oroere, undercoaled. all the extm Virr tlian. 301 South Dlmlck Bt Dal lee, Oreaon. Phona 3100 alter 4cm our ilea OHEV. -oor, good rubber, redlo heater, 1714. oilberl, 310 . Llberlr. olll- ,,??..ro,,n --oor. Onlr 1000 miieT i r, l"L'-i"- -1 Miller 0111 WANTED II Cher, molor. Phone 0111 1-1131. SELL OB TRADE 1H7 Lincoln r. 4 oor iMin. Real nlre, JS MO actu.: mllei. Inn, 1-M So. Commercial. . olll 1M7 CBTSLEB Wlndlor 4 door ..H.r excellent condition. 1-OOSI. ,j WHAT'S THISS THfr a-JM SCPARATEPJ rJTLC PROPPED TO THE CANVAS. THE MEN HEAR THE BEU. NOW AS SILENCE SUPPENLY RE'6t.s...rr UST BE Friday, May 8, 1953 By Ketcham Just MGOY' AUTOMOBILES $35 and UP 1130 Chevrolet coach ... 1133 Chevrolet pickup, 130 dn 1034 Plymouth coupe, 125 on 1937 Plymouth coupe, 130 dn. ... 1031 Chevrolet coupe, 430 dfc. ... 1137 Nith ledan, 130 dn 1938 pontile coach, 130 dn. 1939 Pontile adn 131 dn. 1931 Bulck icdin. 110 dn 1940 Chivrolet club cpe., (to dn.. llll Plimoulh adn.. 150 dn 31 10 41 , 7 71 74 74 94 111 111 ISO 1911 Desoto clb. cpi., Ill dn. 141 1939 Plymouth Idn., 140 dn lit 1910 Ford cpe., Ill dn 171 1911 Chevrolet clb. cpe., HI dn. .. 179 1941 Ford 3-door, 175 dn 191 1911 Dodge adn., 175 dn Ill 19(3 Pontile idn., 175 dn 334 1940 Chevrolet clb. cpe., IIS dn, ,,, 341 1941 Chevrolet adn., IIS dn 395 1941 Mire. clb. cpe., 1131 dn 341 1941 Chevrolet clb. cpe., .1,000 actual mllei, like new Inildi and out. 1911 Ford 3-door, 1195 dn 191 1941 Chevrolet tin., ills dn tot 1947 Ford clb. cpe., 1250 dn 795 1941 Chevrolet clb. cpe., 17 75 dn.. 141 1941 Chevrolet ate. wagon, I29S dn .' Itt On Your Own Terma Within Rcaaon AYNBEE MOTORS Nlti Ph. 3-I3II er 4-1013 NO DOWN PAYMENT ON APPROVED CREDIT $545 1848 Ford Super Dlx. 4-dr. Sdn. R&H 1946 DeSoto 4-dr. Sdn. Heater $595 1948 Buick Super 4-dr. Sedn, R&H $895 $95 1941 Olds. 4-dr. Sdn. Hydra matlc CAPPS USED CARS No. side of Marion Park at 253 Union - Ph. 36143 '"i' N-C-G NEW CAR GUARANTEE 'I HUDSON COMMODORE "I" 4-DB, RADIO. HEATHS, OVERDRIVE, FACTORY REBUILT MOTOR $1295 Shrock Motor Co. "Where Chemeketa Ooei to Church" Open I a.m. to I p.m. ,110 REDUCED . i twenty dollars every day' until sold 1948 Buick Sedan Starting price 3)1095 TODAY $975 OTTO J. WILSON CO. COMMERCIAL AT CENTER 4111 L-L-A LIVE A LITTLE $2495 Shrock Motor Cn "Where Chimekit. Ooei to church" m. to I p.m. ., ,. By Ham Fisher "