&gStfSfeiiftSSi4.&g'' rif SjtWbitwifciWtyiiiw ..,mih.i ' mm Hiawinawn. Friday, May 8, 1953 MARKET QUOTATIONS PORTLAND PROPOCR U9T a llerf at Tentative, subjtet t la. nidliu change: Premium Quality, mail, mum .1 of oot ptr cant acidity de livered In Portland 09-lIe Ib.t first qual Ity 97.10c, second quality, 9497c. Valley routes and country point, i cent less. Batter 'Wholesale r.e.b- bulk cubci to wholesale, trades a A, 91 score, 47c; A grade, 92 ecore, 05c; B, 90 score, 44c; C. 99 acort, 9Je. Abort prlcaa atricUj nominal. Cheese Selling price to Portland wholesalers. Orison ainiiea, 43 v 46c: Oral on ft lb. loar. 49ve-lVt, (rlpltu. ltte Ian tbaa tingle. fta la Wholesalers Candled mm containing no iou, cases included f.o b. Portland, A trad larie, 57Vi.58V4c. a rada medium, 60W-97Ve; B grade large Pertland Dairy Market Batter Frtce to retatiert! Orade AA print, tie; A carton, 72c: A prints, lie: ear ton, 13c i B prints, 18c, East le producers Candled f, t. b. Portland: Ungraded line, SJ-iJc doi.; trad AA large, 96c dot.: A large 63c doi. AA medium 53c doi,; a grade medium, eo-ftlo doi. A grade a mall nominal, Eggs to Retailers Grade AA, large, 12c; A large, bfl-60c; AA medium, 60c; A medium, ftSc; A imall, nominal, Car Ions 3 cents additional. Cheese Price to retailers, Portland, Oregon singles. 4&Va-ft0c; ft-lb. loaves, 2'i-ft3,ici triplets. lMie teu than sin ties. Premium brands singles, HVicj loaf. OOtte. Processed American cheese, fi-lb. loaves to retail, 43t-46c lb. reultry Live Chickens (No. 1 quality, f.o.b. plants.) Fryers, 3-1 lbs. 27-39c; 3-4 lbs. 27-29c; roosters, 4Va lbs. and over, 27-28c; heavy hens, all weights, 2S-29c; lUht hens, all weights, 23-34c; old rout. en. 1&-1BC. Ureaie4 Chickens No. 1 dretscd to retailers. Fryers, broilers, 41-43c lb. roasters, all wts., 41-3c: lisht hens, H-J5c: heavy hens, J 7-3 8c: cut-up fry ers; all wU., 87-58c lb.; whole drawn, 53c lb. Rabbits Average to growers: Live whites, 4-5 lbs.. 35-37d; ft-l lbs., 11-5S0 id.; ooiorea pens, 4c id. under; does, 10-14c: few htther. Fresh dressed fryers to retailers. 1-I3e; cut up, 65-87c. venniry n,iue ateau Veal Top quality, 40-43 re.: rough neavies, josm. Hete Lean blockers, 34-lfc; aowi, 11th t Umbs Best, -43c lb.; springers nominally 4Bc lb. Mutton Best, l-le lb.; gull-utlllty, 12c. Beef Utility cowt, 36-30c Ib.i esnnir cutters, 3l23c; shells down to 31e. Freali Dressed Meats Wholesalers to retailers: Dollars per wt.: Beef Bteera, choice 100700 lbs-17.00-40.00; good, 38.00-8g.00; commercial 13.00-36.00; Utility, 31.0O-34.O0i cows, commercial, 37.00-30.00; utility, Jft.fto 99.00; eanners-eutters, 33.00-33.00. Beef Cate Oholce steere). Hind quarters, 48.00-50.00; rounds, 45.0011.00; full loins, trimmed, 11.00 - g.0O; trl smiles, 30.00-33.00; fore-quarters, 33.00 34.00; shucks, 17.00-41.00; ribs, g.00 13.00. Veal an! Calves Oood-choict, $43 3; commercial, 136-47. , Calves Oood-sholce, 143-53; eom nerclal, 137-48, Lam be Prim springers, 4010 Int., ft44-4B: good, 140-44. Motion Oood choice, lt30. Perk Cats Loins, No. 1, 8-12 lbs., $60 144; shoulders, 18 lbs., 33943; spare ribs, 1057; fresh hams, 10-14 lbs., 157 40. pork carcasses. 120170 lbs., 137-38. Snaked Hams Skinned, 980-60. Re fined lard In drums, 113-16: slab bacon, e-ij-63. Portland MlaeelUneeag Celery Cel. flat crate, 3-3' dot., 63.-5-4,35. Few to 14.80. Ore., 63.35' 2.50. Onlent 50-lb. tacks West Oregon yel lows, aed. No. It, 3.75-3.00; Texaa white wax, 3.404.00; Texas yellows, 2-In. med.. 9.5075 per tO lb. tack. Pciatei Oregon Russets No. 1, 4.00 36; name brands 4.15; 35 lbs., else A, 1.35-3&; 10 lb. mesh, 4555c; Idaho Rus sets, No. 1A, 5.506.00; fi-10 lb. bales, 1.30-50; Calif. long whites, No, 1, 3.75 4.2.V Bay TJ. B. No. green alfalfa, de livered car lota f.o.b. Portland, nominal ly 636.00 ton; Seattle, 13637. Weel Grease basis, Willamette Val ley medium, 6052e lb.t Bastern Oregon fine and half-blood, 6562c. Willamette Valley lamb wool, 42c; 12-month wool, 46-ftOc. Hid ee Calves, 31-33c lb. according to green butcher cow hides, 6-0e; glue hides, t0 per cant below above prlcet for above classex. ruber la Wholesale telling price. No. 1 medium Barcelonas, 3324e A.; ahell d. 4051o lb. Walnuts Wholesale selling prices, first quality large Frankuettea, 35-30c lb.; shelled, light amber halves, 70-76c lb.; Hint halves, 79-83 c lb. Mid-Willamette Obituaries Mrs. Lena Skiwin Silverton Mrs. Lena Skir vin, 69, Scotts Mills, died in Silverton hospital Thursday after a two month's illness. Mrs. Skirvin was born on a farm near Marquam and had lived in the Marquam and Scotts Mills district all her life. Her husband, Fred Skir vin, died in 1939. Mrs. Skirvin was a member of the Christian church and the Rebekah lodge. Surviving are three daugh ters, Mrs. Edna Baker, Scotts Mills; Mrs. Ora Robertson, Marquam; snd Mrs. Nora Brown, Lone Pine; two sons, Rex and Arthur preceded her in death. Also surviving are a sister, Mrs. Nora Ridings, Mar quam and two brothers, Albert Barth, Marquam and Carl Barth, Woodburn and 13 grand children. Funeral arrangements will be announced by the Ekman Fu neral Home. Ellis E. Kaufman Woodburn Ellis E. (Red) Kaufman, 45, died at the Vet erans Administration hospital at Portland, Wednesday. Mr. Kaufman was a former resi ri.ni nt Wnnrthurn. but had made his home in Portland in recent years. r v.iifmin was born Feb. 9. 1908 at Silverton, but was reared at Woodburn. He was a barber by trade. Survivors include a daugh ter, Joan Kaufman, Milwau kie; a brother, S. E. Stoller, Hillsboro; a sister, Mrs. Roy Abraham, Lebanon; Mrs. F. A. Hanauska. Portland; Mrs. V. J. Why Suffer Any Longer Whn otnen rail. u out Chlnf!, rmidin. m.nn luccm lot looo rear. In Chin.. No mitur n llmtnM rou r, flllcttd. ilKtit". ilnuillK. hurt. loi. " m' u, camtlpttloB. ulefn. IUftf, th.unnllm. till and bladder Jettr, .kid, lemai, tomptii."' CHARLIE CHAN cniNEsB nr.aa r. OfflM Hoara I. 1 T. aal Sal. Mir nt n r.nm.ttui han. JIM ai.fm. naa SALEM MARKETS tar the laManee , ,, En Mailt 15 10-S so. 1Mrf -- M . bail. I4.3et.0a 1100 wt.l n'll?.'?" '"'"-"'oVed Irma, iis'J-"JS!?""'- 21 mM, "m ,tci "ii' . M-aOc atnal . uu- rVh.lr.il. p,tftr., hi..., ' .1 i Zn ,1,,r" .UOIei B.iterfetBulni price: Premium. 10. .If: liu I. 7.IIQpt kin . ... Chicago Llvesteek Chicago Butther hoes were to cent a hundred pounds hither Fri day in an active market. Sows mostly 13 75' " up' Tht 0D " Choice steers and heifers were steady, ...J,ri1!1;iuu wer bnt- c w.r; west at the recent decline. Bulls were weak to bo eenLa hlthar a i good and choice steers and heifers brought IB. jft ,3;100 ",,a aiautiiter lambs were steady. A small ot or good to choict 0 pound sprint lambs brought 936.00. !. ,.Um,Ud . "llbI receipts included ooo hots, l.ooo e.tti. inn vTi 500 sheep. ' " Portland Llveitoek Portland OJPj-cattlt for week XW; market uneven on reduced supply. Calves for week 150; market weak to mostly l.oo lower. hois for week 1505; market closed 3Sc lover Sheep for week Hi: -nrkt iai nn higher. Cfaleasa Grain Chicago J-Propects for very little moisture In the winter wheat belt, grants of funds to foreign countries to buy American bread trains and the usual weekend covering on the part of previous short sellers boosted prices on the board of trade Friday. Advances were mistered In all pits, with soybeans showing the widest gains. They had been under heavy pressure Thursday, along with soybean oil, and some grain men felt the market had been oversold. Wheat closed Vi lower to lt higher May 12.18'., orn IM lower to V higher, May U7-, oats V-H higher, May 73S-V4, rye hk lower to iy4 higher. May 81.5CS-4. soybeans unehanmil tn a. higher. May $3.9Vt-, and lard 2 to 5 cents a hundred pounds higher, July 110.77. Portland Grain Portland () Coarse grains unquoted. Wheat (bid), to arriv market ha-u No. 1 bulk, delivered coast: floft White 3 37; Soft White (excluding Rex) 2.37; White Club 2.37. Hard red winter: Ordinary 1.37: 10 per cent 2.37; 11 per oent 2.37; 12 per cent 2.37. Hard white baari: Ordinary J.37; 10 per cent 2-37; 11 per cent 3.37; 12 per cent J.S7. Friday's ear receipts: Wheat : flour 6; corn f; mill feed 3. Chicago Onlent Chicago (U.fc Supplies liberal, demand very light, market dull. Track sales 50 lbs.: U.S. 1 unless oth erwise stated; Texas Crystal Wax U.S. commercial, 2 to 3-inch, car 1.75. street sales 80 lbs.: Texas Yellow Ber mudas 2 to 3 -inch 1.852.00, few low as 1.85, 3 -Inch and larger 1.50, few 1.75 Orano 3-Inch and larger 1.90-2.15; Crys tal Wax 2 to 3 -Inch 2.25. Par II and Eastaide Market Portland UR Green onions and rad ishes were generally SS-fii cents s dozen bunches on the Eastslde Farmers mar ket today; . Willamette valley rhubarb limited with 30-pound boxes going at l.as-i.GO. First California cherries arrived on produce row with prkes quoted at slight ly over 36 gents a pound. Stock Market New York (JF Early losses In the stock market were fairly well cancelled out Friday snd the list aaaumed a mixed appearance. Oalns and losses spread out over a range of around a point either way with the tide running first one way and then another. Volume was at an estimated 1.300.000 shares, being boosted from around the lowest levels of the year by one huge special transaction. Thursday's total waa 1,110,000 shares, equal to the lowest vol ume of the rear. Hobson, Fresno, Calif.; and Mrs. Lloyd Waymire, Wood burn. Funeral services will be at 10:30 a. m. Saturday at the A. J. Rose Funeral Home, Portland. Burial will be at Belle Passi cemetery, south of Woodburn. Marqaret Koppert Mt. Angel Mrs. Margaret Koppert died at her home in Portland Monday, May 4. Fu neral services were held Thurs dav morning at St. Andrews church in Portland. Mrs. Koppert was the mother of the Rev. Vincent Koppert, O.S.B., former assistant pastor of St. Mary's parish here, and now pastor at Tillamook. DEATHS B,rlli. r.dffa.n 1119 enter St., In local hospital Mar at tha ae o( TO eari. Survived t . u , r.v.n.ti.,1 Klrknll Pedenon. Salem: dautlitera, Mn. Vivian Davldie. Ml. Belhel, penn.. Mr. " Huntln.ton Park. Cam., Mri. Klliel Hill. Un, Eeaeh, Calif.. Mrl. Malvlna Soren ton Wale. N. D., MIm Clara Pedrrion. ... ...it. uinn uri. Lillle ForneM, ...,,- un stdner Peder.on. Lane- u r. i ....I II .ranrichlldren ...'i...' will be announced later by iHoaell-Edwardi Co. Albert T. smllh at the reiident 14 vlved br two aUIen. Mrl. Ida Smith. Detroit, Mich., and Mias Anna flmlth. Sioux Pall". South Daaoie: orowirr Iwiihim Smith. Lenno. South Dakota Shipment la belna made lo Bloul Fall. South Dakola for aervlcea and Inter ment br Howell-Marda Chapel. . , , ....... John Uiran soranan ai m, i..n..j reildence 076 D St., Mar I at tha ae n Hiirvlt-d br wife. Mrt. Mr o.,.. .-n n.ii.ht.rH. Mra Horanan. c.i.m. ..... n.nt F.lrbanka. Alaka. and Mri. M7,arel Smllh. Vallejo. Calif.; . .... o.r.h.n T..hanon lour aon. .... ...... - -- Man. Colorado Surlnea. Colorado, and t.ir.l. Frank aoranan. v. Oermanr: two brother. T.lmer Sorahan ..n Frank Sora han Cottonwood, calif. Alan aurvlved br II arandchlldren. Announcement ol "ervlreji later br Ho.e.-Edw.rdl Chapel. "op.r'Ric"" t "X"""1 1" t. Lal reildent ot HI McNarr St. Sa lem. Survived br daulhter. Mra. Al b,rt Llndbeck. Dalla.. Oreton: eona, T J. Rlchea. Salem. Darld Blchea, Camp Roberta, Calif, Robert Rlchea, Saem; mother, Mr.. J. H. rarler Saem .randchiklren. Sleren t-lndbeck Dal a. Ore.on, Suaan Rlchei. Portland: lo ililera. Vht. Catherine NKkeraon. Sa- Parler Moaan Sa'em Service, will be held at St. Paul rpucopal church on h. Mar 11 at 1 p.m. Rev nenrea H .".."''rrw.iln. under direction .1 STOCKS (By The Associated Admiral cmnrni.in Allied Chemical I,','.','., . 11V. . 1 iiis c Maimer American Alrllnea ;., American Pn. t i.k . U'a . lit, American Tel ii Tel . ',,', American Tobacco Anaeonda Caaart r .199 AtcbUon Rallrwad ,,, . . tl . l . . 1 . 1 . 1 .' 17 Bethlehem Bterl Boeing Airplane Co. , Borg Warner ,,,,, Burrowa Addlti Uapi.ii 'California .acting ...... tanaoian Facille Caterpillar Tracior Ccianeie Corporation Chrysler Corporation Cities Service Consolidated Edton , Consolidated Vultee Crown 2-ll-i-taaeti . 1H . as'. . '. . ItH . MS . IS . Ml. . Hi , 4414 . tit. Curllu Wright , oouslsj Aircraft Du Font da. Nemours . Eastmsn Kodak Emerson Radio Oeneral Elect la Oeneral Foods , Oeneral Motors Georgia, Pae. Plywood . t . 1H . UU . llf. . UVi . . 44'. . (1 . '. . m. . llTt . iv. , M , 4 , 11 Qoodyea Tire 'Homes take Mining Co. ,,,,, International Harvester International Paper . Johns Manville Kaiser Aluminum Kennecott Copper Llbby McNeil Lockheed Aircraft Loewu Incorporated Long Bell Montgomery Ward Najih Kelvinator New York Central Northern Pacific Pacific American Fth Pacific Oas Fleet m . 17H .lib . . 11 . to . 14S . 31 . Id . tl ! 40 i . U . S9 . Id , . ' 111, . 4S . ty. Pacific lei A Tel Packard Motor fr . .. Penney, J. C. . Pennsylvania R. R Pepsi Cols Co Phllco Radio Radio Corporation Rayonler Incorp Rayonler Incorp. Pfd Republic Steel Reynolds Metals Richfield Oil Safeway Stores Inc Scott Paper Co Sears, Roebuck & Co Socony-VatMiiim nil Southern Pacific Standard Oil Calif Standard Oil N.J Studebaker corn , 11'.: mshlne Mining Swift At Company ,.' Trans am erica Corp Twentieth Century Foi Dnton Oil Company ,. Union Pacific ... United Airlines United Aircraft United Corporation United State- Pivunnri . !'. . 11)4 . 40 .loss . iV, . 17 . 1H . II . 3". . ItH . 41 . 1H :Slt United Mates Sleel ........ Warner Pictures Western Union Tel Westlnghouae Air Brak Wesllnchouse Electric Woolworth Charlie Grimm, manaeer of the Milwaukee Braves, has a son serving with the Marine corps and a daughter who is married to a naval flight sur geon. . DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES All makes used machine fold, rented, repaired. Roen, 458 Court. Ph. 3-9773- BUILDINO MATERIAL O. W. KLANQ Wrecklns Co. BuUdera' cheap aiippllw. 1-7395 even Inn. o!16 BULLDOZING EulldoslDv, road clearlm teeth. Vlrtll Hufittey, ioio Fairview. Fn. 3-314B. 0131' CASH REGISTERS instant delivery or new RCA cash reiisters. AH makes, sold, rented, re paired. Roen, 459 Court. Ph. 3-9773. DRESSMAKING Alterations, hemstltchlni, buttons, buckiiw covered, buttonholes. Mrs. H M. Allender. 3-9911. ol33 DRIVING INSTRUCTION Learn to drive the "Easy Drive" way, Call or see Mr. Snelllnf, Valley Mo tor co., saiem. prions J-JH7 or -ao74, EXCAVATING Ben OUen b Sons. Excavatlnt, rad- lnc. land clearing. Phone l-aoao. oila' FURNITURE REFIN1SHING Furniture reflnlshlnc, repalrlm. Ed- mr Brock, 964 Norway St. Phone 383B7. f INSULATION Insulation, weatherstrips, aluminum screens. Free astlmatej. T. Pullman. Ph. 3-5985. 0112' MATTRESSES Capitol Bedding, renovates. Full line new mattresses. Ph. 3-4009. OFFICE FURNITURE SUPPLIES Desk chairs, files, filing supplies, safes, duplicators, supplies, desk lamps, type writer stands. Roen, 458 Court, o SHARPENING AND REPAIR SERVICE Obert'i Sharpening- and Repair Serv ice. Lawnmowers, knives, shears, bl cyrlea and small motors. Ph. 34918 or 45185. 18th and "D" Mi. oll4 SEPTIC TANKS Hamel'a septic tanks cleaned, line service. Guaranteed work. Phone 3-7404. 0135" MUt'i Septic Service. Tanks cleaned. D' rooter cleans sewers, drains. Phone 3-9488. ollO Sewer, septic tanks, drains cleaned. Rc to -Rooter Sewer Service. Phona 3-9337. TYPEWRITERS Smith. Corona. Remington, RoyaL Un' derwood portables All makes uxed m sell In ei. Repairs s rent. JtoeDi 458 Court. TELEVISION Prompt television and radio repair service. Phone 4-5681. 971 Market, day or nlRlit. olIB' VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY CnnOld'i Laundry, Repalri, Reflnlsh' inr. 1440 8. 13th. Ph. 4-5403. Pick-up, Delivery. ol 10 WINDOW CLEANING Acme Window Cleaners. Industrial floor wailng. housecleanlng. Phono 3-3337 947 Court. ' TRAILERS J941 5 PASSENGER Chev. 14 foot trailer houie. Cheap. 1455 No. Capitol, till1 ONE-W HEE LTRA 1 LER- sit eel body,"ai umlniim painted, extra wheel, tire. nearly new. 3-4981. 1343 Kim. tl 17 HOUSE TRAILERS Buy . . . Bargalni . . . Sell I, ANA LANK TRAILER PLAZA Trade . 1940 Lancaster Ave. , Rental talll 27 FOOT trailer house, sleeps four, ex cellent condition. Phone 2-0009. tall EQ I ' ITT In 1951 LloVrty'ouse trailer 31 ft. Phone 4-0115. tall3 LEGALS Nollrc f Registration ef Trademark Notice U hereby given that The O. M. Scott Ac Sons Company, an Ohio corpor ation qualified to do business in Oregon, clttmi ownership of and has filed with the Secretary of State of Oregon an ap plication to register the trade-mark "AMERICAN LAWN PRODUCTS" appearing in block, script or other uaual types of print on cardboard cartons and boxes and on bags and other containers appropriate for the packaging of lawn grass seed, fertiliser and related products. This notice is published. In compliance with the provision of Section 43-109 of Oregon Trade. Mark Laws THE O. M. SCOTT At SONS COMPANY P. C. Williams Vtre President and Treasurer Published May L 9, is, 1953. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Ore FOR SALE HOUSES Y OWNIB 4 bedroom., tlr.place. hardwood, floore. doubt laraaa, good location, lmmedlat, yoaaaaalon. Can at r U.A. I-1I2I. till FA1RMOUNT HILL Bacluiivt. district, br owner, charm -lnr oottaae. landscaped garden, lot 901190, 3 t4lroo ma. largo living room, t lac trie heat, sot tubs, fruit trees, ber ries, fine lawn, garas. 175 John St. t.114 eventually sell, but believe mayou will aava a lot of time, headaches, and money lyaa, save money), by coo per a i Inc with us on our "I point plan" of selling. Buyers Ilka tt. Owners Ilka It. so why not call us about tha "8 point Plan" and get action. Clrd Prall, Realtor. Ph. 4-3951. Ask for D. A. William. Evenings call 4-5844. alio NEW l-BRDROOM, 3 blocks high school. Sea belor you buy. 3-3471. all4 CLOSE TO STATE BLDOS. ' S v.rr good rental, and 1-bodroom oicallent living quartara. If rou want on Incom and a, v.rr comfortable viae, to lite, call air. McQueen with JOHN J. DANN. REALTOR 411 M. High Ph. 41411 va. 11471 alio NEW . : NEW Located Id Bast Rnglewood only 3 blocks from school this 3 bedroom house Is now ready to show. Hardwood floors, fireplace, automatic oil furnace, hardwood trim, all Birch kitchen with large breakfast nook, Formica counter tops, built-in vanity in bathroom, full basement Ideal for TV room. On lane lot, (&6X1S3J. Price Is 113,000.00. F.HJt. terms, Abrams, Bourland & Skinner . 411 Masonic Building Real Estate, insurance. Mortgsga Loan rnone izii . Evenings: 3-470S alio MPOTLBSfl, VACANT. FAMILY BIZK HOME - A plice for tverytbinv tnd tvery bodr. 4 bdrrxis., jjict lars din. rm plui tttlnir area In kitchen. Lovtly vtndowi, flrepltce, all hardw.. floorn. treci, patio, quiet itreet. Kas( luburb an. $2500 down. i per mo. A. A. LARflEN, REALTOR , 191 S. HiKh Ph, 26129 Evt-nlnfj A. Wells, ph. IS 73 8 Andr Halvorten, Ph. S1163 A. t. Beckett, ph. 3681 allO' OWNER WILL jtU nice 2 bedroom home. Located next to Kin i wood. Wut Ba lem. Hat nice- Harden apace, 19500 with termi. Phone 45419. all1 1060 N. 13th By owner and builder, new I -bedroom plastered home. Close to high school. 1350 Living Aera. Terms. WILLIAM T. J. FOSTER HOME BUILDER 3540 Olive . Phone 33900 all3 BY OWNER 3. bedroom house with liv ing; room, kitchen, 3 baths, dinette, forced air oil furnace, electric pump, ' garage, fruit trees, 98,900. 13,000 down, balance monthly. See at 1790 Piaher Road. Call after p.m. or on week-ends. Would consider car as part down payment. 4-1939. alll1 CLOSE TO STATE BLDOS. 1 very good rentals and 3-bdrm. ex cellent living quarters. If you want an Income and a very comfortnble place to live, call Mr. McQueen with JOHN J. . DANN. REALTOR 419 N. High Ph. 43493 Eve. 38478 alio English Shake - Englewood Well built 3-bedroom home, 3 down, 1 up, double plumbing, nice living room, fireplace, separate dining room, nook, full basement, .attached garage, lovely enclosed yard with patio, choice loca tion on No. 16th St. 314,500. Call pat Kemper, 35397 for appointment. J. L. HIMMEL, REALTOR Phone 3-1384 alll BY OWNER, 3 bedroom house. Modern, near school, bus. For further in form a- tlon call 2-7933. all2 99250.00 New 2 bed room house, room up for 3rd. Hardwood floors, automatic oil beat, Insulated, plaMered, large lot, lots of bullt'lns. By builders, Open house Sundays, until sold. 390 fitark fit. alll t BEDROOMS. I", baths, large living room, dining room, nook, run base ment, excellent location. 911,950. 1090 No. Cottage. elltv FOR SALE or trade equity In t bedroom home for car or tarller house. 2270 Claude St. alll VIEW HOME 2 bedrooms, play room carpeting, double garage. 3-8013. 22h Forest Hilla Way. allO1 SMALL bedroom home, low down pay ment, good district. 921 west 13th fit. Albany. 2-0572 Sslem. al13 BT OWN SR. 2 bedroom suburban, close In, large utility or extra bedroom. Im mediate poMfsslon. 2-0076. alll DRIVE BY 2315 ABRAMS A good 2-B.R. house, 6 yri. old, on paved at. in city. Ire. fenced yard, nice neighborhood, full price only 17800. Mlaht take good car. Auk for Bob Conklln. 1700 DOWN 3-E.R. home only t yri. old, lie. rooms, pecan firs., tile bath, oil furn. 60x138 lot, In city. Take late model ear for equity. Full price only 18600. Ask for Bob Conklln. DUPLEX Side-by-slde cone. blk. bldg. yr. old ,ea. unit has 2 bdrms. A garaee. 150-ft. frontare on So. Pac. Hlwar. A good Investment at 17500. Auk for Bob Conklln. Burt Picha 379 N. High St. Ivei. 3-2599 Off. 3-4047 alio LEGALS IN Tim CIRCUIT COURT OP THE STATE OP OREOON FOR THE COUNTY OF MARION PROBATE DEPARTMENT In the mstter of the etate of JOHN D. WEL1J3. Derreted. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IB HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, by an order of the Circuit Court of the Stele of Oregon, for the county or Marlon, duly made and en tered on the 4th day of May, 1R53, were appointed executrix and executor of the entate of John D. Wells, deceased, and have duly qualified ai such. All perrons having els ran against said entale are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified as required by law, and with the proper vouchers, to the undersigned exrrutrlz and executor Silem. Oregon, within sli months from the date of the flrnt publication of this notice, aald first publication being made on the 9th day of May, 11)51. DOROTHY BURROUGHS D. W. BURROUGHS Exerutrlx and Eierutor of the Entate of John D. Wells, Deceased, W. W. MfKINNEY Attorney for Estate Snlem, Oregon. FIRST PUBLICATION: May 9th 1953. LAST PUBLICATION: June 9, 1951. May 9. 15, 33, 29; June t. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice tl hereby given that the under signed has been, by an order ol the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marlon County, been appointed Admin Iitrator of the Estate of Dycie a. wear er, deceased. All persons having claims aialnu the estate of Dyrle O. Weaver, deceased, are hereby notified to prevent the same, verified as required by law, to the un de.ataned. Administrator of tht Xtete, at the law of lire of Win ton A PI mirk, 409 Pacific Bide.. Ronehiirg, Oregon, within six (I) months from the date of this notice. DATED and first published this lotn day ef April. 1953 WILBERT D. WEAVER. Admtnitlrator ol the Estate Of Dycie O. Weaver, dcreed. I April 10. 17, 34, May I, I FOR SALE FARMS 133 ACRES South on WE. about 139 A. tillable, Irrigation well, year 'round treek, 1 good a-B.R. name, 1 other bouses, I nntad, cross-fenced. 139.900. PINS 90 A. RANCH la Mission Bottom. Irrigation tor alL l-B-R. home, sheds, otc Home orchard. $39,900. Terms. 190 ACRES H A. gtaarad to crop, bottom soil, duck pond, good bur, $14,179, with Vk flown. 110 ACRES Bottom soil In various crops. One of tht best farms In the valley. Come In. lata talk ll over. 600 nor acre. Can be divided. we have other good farms. sHe our farm man ton Walt Burt Picha in H. mgh t- bvu. 4-4rr Off: i-toti bllO' GRADE A DAIRY XRJUOATBD 0 acres dark silk loamr jr. it ream; deep well. Most In grasses and clover. 4 bedroom bungalow home, older barn, alio. NEW milk house, large machine hed. On paved road near stores and school. Includes lots of irrigation equipment. Owner leaving valley, will aerifies, 113,900. BERET AND POULTRY FARM 10 acres, east of Woodburn. Best of locations, Willamette loam. Mostly in caneberries. Older modernised 9-room home, large new typo poultry building, other bulldlngtr. A pretty place and big Income. 19,900 If sold soon. Higginbotham ' Real Estate. Insurance Farm Loans 1st National Bank Bldg.. Woodburn Phong 1711 Evening 9191 b!10 08 ACRES, all good land and in crop. soma seed contracts, owner expects j good return this year. Will draw 93SD0 In advance August 1st. This and all fully equipped with good machinery; modern, t-bedroom home with oil heat All for 143,000. 97,500 down. Will take town property for down payment. F. H. WEIR REALTOR Call Forrest Simmons, farm salesman With F. H. Weir. Phone 4-3793. bllO Calling Mr, Farmer LA ROE DUTCH COLONIAL (east) 4'i miles out. 3 '.4 sets of plumbing, forced all oil furnace In lo.'eiy setting on mis ioo acre stock fe grass RauJh. Oood Irrigation welt si pump, live creek, barn b etc. RAIBE WHITE FACES OALORE HERE. Nice shade trees it VARIETY FRUIT. PRICK IS 950,000 on OOOD TERMS. 26 ACRES BUY FOR S90O A in cult. 8 aera Snd crop strawberries. 1 bdrm modem nome, nice shade treat, largo barn, plenty water and on paved road 1 miles out. M, ACRE NEAR KE1ZER SCHOOL No bldgs, . some trees, comer lots Price 9900 for 8lfi0 down. Many; Other Good Buys oca j.. -X-, AnuiutauN run a rAiui. IVE. PH. 43714 OrilCE DIAL blPS' 25-ACRE MOLALLA valley farm, stocked and equipped, for quick sale, fiee OJav Buer, xoute 2, box 90. Call Molalla SSF4. b!13 FOR SALE ACREAGE SECLUDED ACREAGE Just the place to raise a few head of beef en this 4', -4 -acre tract, which Lb fenced and cross-fenced, with Little Pudding river running through the back of the property. Large trees and lots of flowers and shrubs. A smsll, modern home with a good deep well, also a good deep well. Price 910,500. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 3(ffin Portland Rd. Ph. 2-7642 Eve.: Richard Klumpp, 2-3884 bbllO' Number 3 Business Zone 43039 sous re feet. This Is In north Salem Inside city limits. Oood seems to main truck route and downtown. There are no buildings to buy, so the price Is very reasonable 18900. 8 BE OR CALL A. W. MrKILLOP 38620 OR 37904 McKillop REAL ESTATE 4l Crntar St., Salem bblll REAL ESTATE iiiui mill mum mum Milium! mimill liiiiiiiit itiiiiiil ...... i. ...... i fie Lis) immimm Buy Mitiimt ii iiiiiiiiiI Italian it annul Hill ii mill ii M SULLIVAN APARTMENT LIVING In the country. Ranch style, 944 sq. ft. ot floor space. Cute, compact, handy. Nice view. Beautiful lawn, val uable extra lot. Bus by door, tnbOQ. Trade on larger home. PRICED' TO SELL One of the nlcel and best hornet. 9 rm. on lee. lot. Lovely landscaping. Cloie to school trans. 99350. HOME PLUA ACRK. Huburban, l-rm. In top condition. 1000 sq. ft., only 2 yr. old. Trull trees . place for chickens. Priced right at 9760. BE SMART OUT A START! 20 A . 19 tillable At seeded to wheal. View prop. 7 ml. from Salem. No Improvements. Low don payment to eeiy terms. Make us an offer, call Mcrsriane, eve. pn. A SALEM MOTEL 9 it), 9 dbia. Bsla. can be convert' ed to dbls. Ample linen to bed supplies. FurnlshM. 3-bdrm. home with dble. bsth. Would coneider small hse. as a trade-iD. BUSINESS BLDG. trilh 3 4-rm. apia. upatalra. 3300 a. fl. on earn floor. About 30 ml. from 0alem. Makt ofter. Robert B. Sullivan REALTOR 3111 Portland Road Pn. IM1 Br. oftlre: 37 N. Huh Ph. 4-M11 Ive. ph. l int, 4-3141, I-KI1 Ba. 44494, 24552 y REAL ESTATE auaii wt syj WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES Wl NEED USTINOsl. Particularly higher priced homes and til types with low down payment. Hollywood Special One of those good solid 8 -bed room Domes with full basement. Flxeplece. Attractive living room and dining room. Fenced yard. Ntctly landscaped Walking dtstanct to at. Vincent, High- land school and Hollywood ahopplni center,. Just 111,150. . Terms. There is no catch - $5250 t-bedroom home In 9)t. Vincent Dlit Very motern. Oarage. In good condi tion, 9 walnut, 1 cherry trees. Corner lot. Consider aichanaa for noma near , Parrlsh school. . . SWEET BUY - $13,500 In Candalarl Dlst. Owner leaving. Nlea 1-bedroom home only 4 yrs, old Ore. fireplace. Insulated. Bue by door. Lawn and shrubs. Full price only 13,900. Terms. $1000 DOWN a this really nice home. Dlst. la fine. Construction la of the beat. Qply 1 jr. old. Offered for salt to alos es tate. Oil heat. Insulated. Att. garage. Lawn Is In. Deep lot. The price has been reduced to 910,000. BUILDING LOT v la aj.K. Salam. Watar and Mvar. la. 100 x 116. Only tUOO. New Development Area new gone on this property u for business. Short distance from new de velopment diet. - Has good older - type I' bedroom home with basement. Now rented. This la an ideal property to hot dlor a short time as the rent will carry tha mortgage. Full price anly lll.ftoo. Excellent Highway Frontage . Over V A. of the best hlfhway front al e. New by pajs will not Interfere with this property In any way. Has a brand new fine bldg. that la equipped with. tha best equipment money can buy. Ideal for night club, motor court. drive-In thettr or what hftvg you? Full price for everything including very desirable living Quarters 962,700. Terms arranged. MOTOR COURT This la a good one. In very desirable location on tha coact. Owner report grojs income last yr. of 911,000. Each unit Is modern and equipped with kitchens. Overlooking the surf. Can accommodate from 2 to I in a narty. Owner will aonsider farm up to 940.000 In trade. Better hurry. Full nriee 995,000. CALL FO RMR. CRAWFORD, WE. PH. -9vv, or UAH loAAK, IVE. FH. 4-S53S, r MR. XIOC4NS, EVE. PH. 4-5494. If no answer, call 4-2349. $4950 FULL PRICE for this modern 3-bedroom house built in imm. in good son dltl on. Chisken house. Soma berries. Oood 90-ft, well. raven ro. near saiem. 8 ACRES Modern housa unfinished tinatalr Barn, garage, chicken house. Pvd. rd. Vi A. strawberries, 1 A. blackberries, 10 fruit trees. Oood soil. Wejl worth tha asking price of 15000. May con , alder late model ear as uarfc payment. CHINCHILLAS Taa, 1 sain. Plua 10 eataa In a new barn. Owner Taporta on. of tha beat atocka In tha atata. Oood modern 3. bedroom houae. chicken home. Very aeairaoia joeauon. Vi A. Derrlea. treraelr reaaonabt price. CALL rOR MR. LEAVERS, IVE. PH. l-73S. ir no anawer. call a-asta. MORTOAOE LOANS 90-Year Maturity AI Isaak & Co., Realtor Ollle. Phonea: 4-IIlt or l-7J0 10 PORTLAND ROAD ve. Phonea: t-int. 4-SU4, e-3331, -ll10 or I-lttl Tf no anaw.r, phone .394 did' 5 ACRES with a very well built 9-room home. east front, large basement, furnace heat, big garage and workshop, poul try house, small bsrn. Located about Smiles northeaM of Salem. Good rich black Willamette soli, family fruit, nut trees. Nice surrounding homes and neighborhood. Maohlnery can be pur chased with property If desired. Owner will trade for home In city or sell out right, full price including machinery 913, 7S0. Good property like this is hard to find. Seeing Is believing. One More $1000 Down Nearly completed neat new 3-bedroom plastered home with attached sa-, rage. Beautiful mahogany woodwork1 and doors, large roomy closets. One of the very few PHA loan approved homes that can still be sold for 10 down with an PHA appraised value of 993.i0. If you have been looking, for a home with approved financing i and do not have much down payment.: don't let this one get by; they arr, hard to find. G. I. APPROVED 3-bedroom home with 900 eq. feet of floor space, plastered, Inaulated, hard-1 wood floors thruout, attached sa-1 rage, nice fenced-in back yard with awinax, good location near school and surrounding homes are nice. Price reduced to 97500. Properly rented and must ba shown by appointment. Low down payment to O. I. or we have an excellent loan ready for non-O.I. Joe L. Bourne. Realtor 0 N. Capitol Ph. 99219 cllO MOTEL OWNERS ATTENTION PLEASE. WE ARB HAPPY TO ANNOUNCE THE ASSISTANCE OF Mr. Carl Arndt who will be giving son de! attention to the Mle and ei ehange of Motels, Courts, Apt. Hsis. end all types of rente! propntv. CIVK US A CALL WE CAN HEIP you. rve. ph. 4 net. orncE DIAL uprn MARKET Gross 9200,000 In 19A2, plus 93190 for rental of 4-unlt apts. and 11200 for rental of restaurant, pool hall, with beer and wins llrensea. Price of I All. 000 Includes lot 90x90, building appro. 07 i0 sq. ft., plus upstairs wiLh apart ments, furniture In apartments, fix tures, equipment, reatatireni and pool hall. Approi. 914.000 etock extra at Inventory. S.UNrr MOTEL 221 fl. frontage on E. Room for expansion. Nicely furnished. Hdwd. firs., 4 yrs. eld. 939.600, er will trade for Isrger motel. Call Nil Knlttel. eve. 4-2310. SAI.EMS NICEST BEAUTY PARLOR Established 19 years. Pent of equip ment. 10 to 14 operators during sum mer. Shflws excellent income. Shown by appointment only. No phone Infor mation. 3llIT llili Mm H. Villi k.. V j REAL ESTATE TOWN FARM 93 acres of tha finest Willamette silt, all In wheat. Suitable for almost any kind of farming. Within one mile of Amity, east. A six-room housa that la In tip-top condition. Three bedrooms, com poii tlon roof, insulated, wired for electrla ranst. City water, school bus by door. Forty by stitr bsrn. four hundred-bird chicken house, workshop and ctrase. Elderly widow will sell for 118,000 with only 95000 down and payments will start fall of 194. or will take small house In Salem as part pay. ment. This bargain farm Is listed with us only. Call today; It won't last. ... , : CLOSE-IN SUBURBAN ' ' Here Is a truly fine ranch atyl housa only four years old that la Insulated and weatheratripped. It has the beat tutomatle oU heat. It has I large bedrooms, dining and living rooms. The cutest kitchen with largo nook. Ei pensive wall-to-wall carpets in living and dining roomo , and hall. Two-car partitioned garage. Tha lovely looiiss corner lot 19 well landscaped, baa garden, sprinkler system and circular drive. It la an exceptional good buy at 919,900. 11-UNTT APARTMENT Near ststehouse and shopping center, Over 910,000 annual grots In .. coma. Property In excellent condition. Never any vacancies. Aged owntr deires to retire and will sell for 101,000. Take house up to 910.000 and 91B.0O0 cash. Balance mortgage. If you're looking for Income property with top returns, better call us at mm. This is unusual. Severin Realty Company 835 N. High St Dial 4-5943; Eve. 2-5695, 8-3292 ESPECIALLY FOR YOU Lovely 3-bedroom borne, all n on floor, i aets plumbing, wall-to-wall carpeting, dlshwaaher and disposal, hot water heat, large basement play room with fireplace, small lot, close to all schools and ahoppur center. A REAL BUT AT 933,900. Trad eon-Wered. NOW ONLY $5950 -- - A neat and clean 3-bedroom home, well worth tht money. ECONOMY SPECIAL Here's that 97500 home you've been waiting for. Large living room ' and dining room, 2 good bedrooms, all newly redecorated. There'9 a basement, too. Oood terms available. YOUR OPPORTUNITY to buy a home In Walnut Park. H' all en one floor and only I years old. Immediate possession, too. The price la right, at 911,900, ' IN THE BEAUTIFUL EASTMOR ELAND DISTRICT ; This well-planned 3-bedroom borne has central hallway, large llvlni room, separata dining room, apaclotta birch kitchen with handy -nook, ample clout space, convenient double garage with extra storage pace. You would enjoy the ereen lawn and flowering shrubbery. If you need a 3-bedroom home let us enow you this one for Just 91T.M0 Ohmart & Galaba, Realtors 471 Court at. vs.; Louis Loreni tftoM Ralph Maddy 29481 Ted Morrison JW49 Grabenhorst Specials NOLVWOOD DISTRICT Uv. rax. with fireplace, convenient din, rm. 1 Ige, bdrms. Very nice wall-to-wall carpeting throughout. Venetian blind, floored attic. Utility rm. Patio and beautiful rwrd. Price 911,930. CALL K. K. LATMON ARRBSTINO HOMX APPZAIiubUTban tumb tVpe home with let 109 x 179 ft. Beautifully landscaped. Shaded patio. Hare la a home for children. I bedrooms, living rm. with fireplace, din. rm. with French doora to patio, dream kitchen with nook. Dbie tatese. CALX J. X. LAW . 'TIME TO MAKE A CKANOE to a roomy 9 bdrms. on one floor, beau tiful kitchen, view over town, schools and bus aloes, fireplace, forced ' air heat to all rooms, full burnt., play room, dble. oarage. . CALL BOX -FERRIS, CO-OP. BROKER . : CHARM . PERFECTION . VIEW Warm new home, perfect room arrangement, loveliest view In town, J bdrms.. full baamt., 2 fireplaces, live In this desirable home. See It today. CALL PETER H. OE1SER WAREHOUSE OFFICE SPACE For aala or please. Appmx. 4000 sq. ft., class "A" offices, air-conditioned, ideal for contractor or whole sale type business. CALL C. I ORABENHOR8T ; GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 2-2471 Evenings at Sundays call Roy Ferris 2-9010 J. E. Law 3-SI13 H. XT. Lay m on 1-9459 Peter H. Oelser 3-90M ' t Ed Lukinbeal Realtor 433 N. HIGH Pearl St., Englewood Dist, ONE-story 3-br. home, new carpet ing over oak floors In reception hall, living to dining rm. Oood value at 913.760. (Owner wants to sell walnut burl upright mirror piano 9300.) Just an Acre PUT It has a real pretty 9-bedroom home with a fireplace, dining rm., full bsjimt. with new auto, oil fur nace, a good variety of fruit trees and loads .of flowers. Pvd. road, gouth. 113.600. Private Lake AND 2 all-year streams, 7 acres, 36 A. In oats to vetch (no building!, fine building sites, 2 mile from Salem city Imti. 913,900, good terms. EVE. CALL (PECK) PEBKENPAUGH I-M1S ED LUKINBEAL S-8704 tilt REAL ESTATE $5350.00 Is full price for this well located I bedroom home. Even hss a basement. Close to McKlnley school. Nice sited lot. Paved St. and clone to bus. Has separate dining room. We can't argue about the price on thla one. It'a worth IL "THE KEYS" are et our office so give us a rail end let us show you this 3 bedroom home located In Hoover school dlst. Trans portation right by the door. Only 9 years old. Out-of-town owner says sell, even If he has to take as little as $600 down. Total price only 95500. "BRAND NEW" I.srge 3 bedroom home located on ft good sited lot that really gives you a wonderful view of Balem. A real spot for your TV let. Large double Kar ate. If you appreciate a roomy home with a spectacular view this should Interest you at a price of 912.500. REIMANN REALTORS LOANS AND INSURANCE 301 S. High St. Phone 3-9203 Phone Evenings and Sunday 4-1611, 3.391,9, 4-13M, 1-4979, 4-9319, 3-3304 elll 3 Bedroom Located on Weil Side near schools, this house Is well eulted for ft large family. Has 2 bedrooms downitairi, large living room, dining room, kitchen filled with bullt-tns. Inside laundry room. U pat sirs has one bedroom and loxt of storage room. Everything in tip-top shape, I93&0 with about 91900 down. KEIZER New l-bedroom houe with double gsrage, can be shown now, Automatic oil furnace, fireplace, hardwood Moore, Will be completed In about S weeks, See this now and pick your own color Scheme. Priced at 90990 with 20 down, balance F.H.A. ABRAMS, BOURLAND & SKINNER 111 Maaonle Bulldlnt R.al Kitate Insurance atorleeee Loan. Phone 3-1317 Ivenlnaa: 3-t70l cm- Journal Want Ads Pay PW 17 REAL ESTATE st.- L!lw4 Phone Mill till) Henry Tarvead 3tcf Alt PHONE 2-6680 North of Market on 23cd St. XXCELLINT dlatrlct, ,ulet Jtreet, -trim, neat 3-bedroom. home, you'll Ilka IL I10.K). . z Wlt Side WOODID lot, brine your roller akatea; It', a lone war acroaa tr.. 1 lane bedroom, and Jarea littnf room. Music alcove, aun porch, bath half, bearmrnt oil fur. Will take auto, pickup truck or email rantabl. houae In part trade. Prlo, I11.S00, with WOO loan e. Wall-to-wall Carpetinf bulling, at O.I. appraaied price f 17,100. Por-rr.-old 3-br. home ft north aalem, Hlahland Dial, REAL ESTATE Home and Income See this etde-by-slde Duplex with 104) ft. frontage facing a park. Lata built. Ige. rms. Hag the appearance ot a beautiful home. 4-rm. house And 2-car garage In the Tear. All 2 unite attractive furnished and rented to good tenant. 3-Bdrm. and Basement Jiiat lined, lei. Mr. rm. with lire. place. Din. rm. aqd nook. Klniwooi Holihte local Ion. Price 1!,W0. Sacrifice ' ThU pracllcallr new home waa Itjil taken In on e. trade. 11 you want n nice 3-bdrm. horn, for laaa than coaa. call Bon Clearr. WALTUR MUBORAVI REALTOR 1311 Idiewater. Ph. I-IIM, (re. 1-ltll el 11" COUNTRY ESTATE Super Value See this spacious, lovely home, edge of city. OVER 3000 sq. It. piei'er con struction. Features terse living and dining rooms, big kitchen, laundry room, 4 bedrooms, den, 2 fireplaces, forced air furnace heat. OVER 2 acreo well kept grounds, fruit, nuts, berries. I poultry house, stableharn, 4 e hoi re building sites add value. Reduced to 99950. Easy termi, Higginbotham Real Estate Pint National Bank Bid,., Woodburn Phone Of Mo 1711 Eeenlm Sill el 10" FOR SALE LOTS LO'", no DOWN, H5 month, with water and electricity, cloae to lood .tore, school. Penrre! Real Pwttate, 3an Cm. Ifr. Phone SUM. aalin1 WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTl.lt FROM owner. 3 beroo.u to 110,000. Preferably suburban. Pho 39473 fMH" TRADE ltHYl PONTIAC "I" 4-door, like new, as down payment on real eatete In ftaiem. Olva full description vnere property is located. Write Jack fUschka, 911 Academy. Dallas, Or. ralld NOTICE:" It your " property "is" tor sal, rent or exchange, list tt with ue we have all kindr ot cash buvera TATE FIN AMI E CO, REALTOR A III if HI l b It. eV ' IjVlrall T. Oolden Cfc ...... It v' miti. r-: . . - v W