Friday, May 8, 1953 . Page 16 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon . I STEVE ROPER I"" 1 ' mmCSXr electric clock cmvc me an idea iwii M9fi0i K oosm..iwu. cnov vrul I IbliT it's going to take more k miijU Uf-i Y 1 -:-;-?;. J MI6HT AS WELL ADD BREAKIN3 j UKK THAN IVE SEEN I Ll VW ;1&W Vi'-M' I IAVO ENTERING TO YOUR '- HAVING TO MAKE IT Sll2r Ifcl -:-VVi;V;-. I ISSAVO tVtW POUCE RECORD tHtW PAY OFF tfrgg-Z&oX M-& HI f f Tm X I i-FI IWVhW 13! MHHK33Hm: II ii. vj iHj I- I crr2L3 yjt ibh-Lc ..!. I I ' P0G0 ' SATURDAY P. M. 'L -Jr.0MMeut 1 aw.1 dunno. jT I KGW iKOIN l Kca IviLiVi mc f 0IAV1OTH X - J. II EtfV I rTAlNTNeAR H f nbc .it rBsliiBCljaMBrl us. .. II"" 1 nir...rv fV'T"! I Ml dT I waw.wrv.rar I I in inim T,f-v-J I MZ-.30 u.,.i. r.ird.n (iUI Bonos '' . ""- I I ndSK rY 0t Itt KJ(LXU .FT ..lilt' I SOT A BAP 1 1 60T A LOVCiy f7r&mff rr sKST" KiuTi. R.. r... m.j. uSS .y . J rlwa r rails 7TiTrtrn liteBrtess: &JL.?C Ll -R HJiLH rtTV U- .!KC tor., Si-cSJJ: r., r itaK.- s nuTTlAN 4MNJIR l.?V Concert ll.llnrood B. Flnnlt.n llltnlntm L !?"" . - J:,. MrtiMl l, hhul Ai I.. Iprur MO. Mb cnih MHFWn- vt -AfZHL yni lfi B 9 -K I iW wnufi li? er, m v.. b..i. v.,.. y!!.!1!!!;: N" .- yfeSlTr",-,,-. .'IViW'ln K f 1 J WONDER HOW THEV BVER QOT I If OFTEN THAT lVtt. I GUESS". 1 it . I KilUnborn l.efi Prel.nd N.vy Hour .. '!' !"!"! ," .. Pjf GEE, 6AN0Y-F0LK8 W V 1 1 ALONQ WITHOUT ONE THJS LONQ". I I M IT TAKES STRPNGERS TO . U U I jl S Ja;;? Km P ... E T -jm wv, I t M-Mtfv-, 4 ... J. iisssKs, 02rs:.. ?.,w 5: p . . fVXf ff -ftffitMff" I I US! If f'I'l, ' I If.M Tl i . "I I JI Arnold, Lone C.Ik.. Du.oul D.p. I S , ' 1 1 T fH life 01 LJikCStt r-ffi l V 'i Nm sI'itMT nS5wHT t.. 5f' LIL ABNER ... I:H Muelc Look Ahead Time Number ew ' ,., Ire.i. Time Tre r P.rl. AHBINCOURTIN'WIDPERVOKOM THESE-cHoAtp.uRpJ. HMH-TF ) H t WOUkPNT LET Jc"OFf-THIS 14 MEANWHILE: IN Any. TAXI - " - , n.n.. ..... fiiZ rETJC GKffi AMorj Wfjaa. !iiSffiaaKLffiKisL -;-f STUPID SHOW,N'V0RE!ttPA 71 LEFT-J - ' , 7 HANDT?JLHANS WIF SAILORSJ? :IHI l.n Ofl' sllenl Time Melody M.n pjPi 1-TfT Tj jT' GRATITUDE,eW t--i -rf C-JTSSV e"OM-f f tTTl m tlT ' ,u . mill l. l l . l. I: m nrx .J. I I. t pm, 125- C,"'''lird tfT ' ; ' fl . A J Lntf?ii?&BA r ytlW " , I - most anything in trade. HOPALONG CASSIDY . ' Trader Louie I H A. BANK FMNP5 J, THAT LITTLE ESiAPAPE J WK6HIP MONEY. YtfU A HANiE ABUSAIL . I-I'LL I W?Vf4.VS', 1820 llM Avl. Ph 38558 I I ABI4AIL,PRUN6,YJU CWNT REALIZE MAPE PUBLK f . I TURNED THIEF, 10 PROVE dET THE RECR I If !7 I what ym'ke 6Uestin6 TAMPERIN6 VjaJSK P& ' -f wpina to win that toE. V froh the file. mmmmamammmmmmtmmmmmiBmmmm j j--H Ef WE. " SUNDAY ' ' ' I f dpP WjfiPJSrjk. " LjTiMI 11. I IV yihlUl BTsVOAI I lS,,if-f'l Hi la knUaUn to oISl' Sti Mritilp ll -J ,M r 1 Ii Jidefyf I7j'lJPAai:SjffKA PT'Vrj Rk. t f f 1:4S Snnd.j l.e.rnln. Hen'r. I. Vel Journfj By Ahren tf ; . I k T VJ I iIilJi a hls)v ICR I ""'"'" 'i'miib ucu? ,.. b.'c. cod T.CpIw! c""t.i I wA .-! S (T5v- ? ' ll. I ilM'ltHVjiUX ySr2rlll i:5 Mo.leMoodi Hr.SI.Fr.neli Lliht ft llle Bck to God Chrlillan l,olh-r.. 5:15 Radlft Pttlpll LcwUb riUblTop Morn. BibJ Clin T. Bobfrl- Ortan Ltft MITTT It irrr f:S0 Glenn Cnlv. Eiplon lfa.t l Volet f Wifll Club Av Mm rift WtJU E JKdrf j:4s ghfy t.ntl frophwy W.tfle Club Hour CI xr-w irZZjoE-' jcrFfR IK how are PThTs1!1" happened ii i sjivL? eb,iTrsk..-, 'c ?.". isiasis'sss" IL-J v J NCJIM.OFOR l ii VrtU i 9 TO JIU OTTO (I I OVER IN THE FIRST j.n Proudlr H.USnmmTMoi. N.llon.l l.nlher.o Willie Club Chrlflonher. W ubi I n 71 I ....lO 1 nrm c rM3 II "L-L" F lb ll lw ll I PL AfJP AMD SAVED- Proudlr Veipera Hour Willie Club Remember fgjSm 1 HELLO 1 7 -this 13' S vwnwvLw EDDIE , GOVS? WHICH f JOfr I AND EDDIE:.? aA DIME &2rT i7mm B7nTcTob7 summer p.r.d. .1 Fr.nk-Erne.i mB.,.i,r !mW m-ri rZr lS (T Z- " ONE IS '.1 . llX 3)ra-, -jifuN... r,.ii,.i Hit. t B..11.1 I -N JOE.'.r l 'T, t-T, u.lkJP H. AAP V t S l- JlkV S tl:Wn.., Summer Pr.d. ojf H"l 111 x s, WVS' TALK.IN& JAr X'f-Itr il.l hii. b.pii.i lit I fe'Pk h. iPC If U A, aftjtr" f FJS T'7') Arl Ll'"' N w "' Sund.r New, , ilSA s&i9 V 7 ' NT LyfA Bolton Popi Ple.Nure r..rd. T.lka C.n.rlei Serenade Plaaeball t;r. I ylpMBIW at w - rV ijtf If AB&i 1 r73j it'lfl Roiton Pope Godfrer'a Muile Sunday Baaeball jT Y qj rJffTl teri" f V ffTPl rfiW .'.?JI "W Pop Sunday Horn In Action Muile Serened. B.ieb.11 if 1 8 Tv l2im I 1 jHa "SiWe eiil. Vj, . IW xHajir' I It,'"" Godlrej'a Reilra. Hon " " Sund.r Baaeball 8 1 I LJVl V ff)rtJ I lU'taat. fTSf rl TkI Iss4i2'-S IllSO" " Sunday HouiReeim HourMule Screed. Baaeball V 1" Y Vt f 'JciWI Ff3 V? 'rrf7 tfCS f:?nMlnd V.ur Hollywood Rceli.i Houi11"1. Beally Sunday Baaeball 7T In P Sjtl Ml -'"II'iiiH., -g ATI to) Y lSQjBflKr S ii Jj 1 Grfjl-'-Ly -l( M,nn" s'"'' Berlyal Hont1"1. .""' Serenade Baieb.ll D f I I f -j J I 1) "Nllmlillilj' " ""I I BSlll'M V - kjNfrk V f'4'-. l-rin B C.nilolnc Star The.ter Voir, of Tb. shadow" Sunday- Baaeball i I I II I if 0 I IE) : WlkSrr 1 K aa S- l'S f:1.1 v" Prophecy fbe Sh.dow Seremd. Baseball V r.wlr&a !LilBr , ?3SSS JI3W rt 1 1L K. Jfri -lEi VJr t:0l.lten to W.kely Grratril True Sunday Baaeball j'- I ..acaji . .tewjgaa itSdlr taMallMBi t Kfcal) Tftl l fTTaTin trg-53 3 pt- - ' - j IM Wa.hlnaton Show Story PclcclUe Sercn.d. Baaeball J REX MORGAN, M. D. I:M Jurenll. Jark Benny Billy Nlek Carter Record Baseball Ull i:iS J" J '"n Oraham Nlek Carter Room Baaeball ill II "VI I . V I r . aaa.rJaal.MPfjV. I ...n M X. AnA. Henlii .1 nrri.i.i . . . ..L f M I I f JUNE: THE I Lf HELLp THI5 . . JUSTSTAY QUIET.' V-T I W Kiaw 2 Aad TrMh netVeiir. k.Z,a si... . Vjr0K'eiH W- Hfrfl ' - - SWW tl VeonBrW-andlcburcb ,. .The rSSr LL 1 I I I d"TJ- VI tl J I I ' 1 UTf I :' story B ewa Sunday Kdll.N.W. Artists Record Room Baaeball ' I . I iflL illl I. ndSh. a SfS'tsd l;!?!Tb?'""'' !"""' SUr American li'se'eVKn. Record Km Myal.'7'r T 'j J 17 " iMMtW V VifT -:! . Music Hall Bible Hour Record Room Amerlc. E A k SJ1 AlRJinCIOIPJE rS 11 S '! lliMx'PS ' M 1 A :M, Theater Bdy. My Beat Wlnchell Concert Record Room mii ' 0 R A Ll IT C AI I A V PD SWJ t :l mfWmmt V1 I ll .-f 1 A Siln.00!"... " ' JlmmyFldler Musle Record Rood Musi. HtSsIIt r nllSxrF SXv&P &&rl ' if tslWlrfe- KcLA CVd- -- l rS J J" Lulh View, .lors.n Concert Record R.err New. AUT E DUN A VE I '1 Vi f I HlA "l The News Mu.le In Salem Musle Record Hr. St. Frsn s Wnt edBLup lFr fK&?' I Wen W il. l Tfz- V 2:"Dr"B,t " Misap.., ,..,. Sn; Mii 1 Mt f M MrTI DV-1! 1 I KlimfrmllV I t X. JgthVK' K J:i5 J;M'n;' , . """"" " ""' Know Record Rm. "u.le A D VIF N T M DIP BTflr r 2df ISl-S- aeiniv I livWt I 1 r TOT5tlll W J:JJ, J , """"" nn,. , wile w.h sm oil H.nor Medal f?-K.yiL N JiltllA GJE , IjSsS 1 W -VJ fR I B j fit! f J M""1'1"1"- '''" ' Mile TV Clinic Nal'l Guard railltH vj l:Snp-J tatt r ; Hi A ia a:; rv,si, d;: A B ElBflr A llr R H A v DONALD DUCK !.:fj""""" h.ii c.. n... Lto71to"w.ri H 5 feliJIlX E J.J IB K A Y J:ltl Ho.r .1 Fara. t'arreri Carrera n.n Stewarl r? I TTaIIATEIIL I R E 1 I ' T 1 I 1 I 1 rUAI , T "I :' ! Prei. UW, MarilrPortlend HI. roll. Speak. II N. Vm' IVIINM"-c-JM'rtrl'-0 SEE TAT' Tkf 1 (4umiiT V V Nx Jl I . . ,1 I I. ..i VT- TV It t. R Re.erler Final V... .11. sir.:. 1. . ?FeCTC3TjVl -. V' LZr yO, VC COVVLO'j -' IjJ-.SJ'C.lbell. Treasury 1. Cook. R.m.nll. r".". ANO HOT r-A- -vx . -I . . (iTy: . 12., lil?L ""J! Concert Hr. Moods i,".ri, 1 C . A ) y -J ) ? . Kja'tR'ff ClS' V T? 11:H City C.unell MMIe C.neerl Ha.iC.e.rl ninsuia UVXeTCC. 1V JJ rJ?-H JrMJ monday-s a.m. to ni u kZaT1 -C TVW :,S"'S" 0,k r,m " r7.klt W-ur. NwsVVVN . t7W,i?P-:1 VOi ' Jr-N pL?,. rr N , :l.-n...;l Klork Farm a.,, Tl.,k-,.r N..k Wester. - , - Tilj i T Vf I l5VT1V -""ZT" ZJ tfri, ti ""J!"' Kl",k Frrss Hr. New y..a New. ' l WSSO-0 'Z'r fK C"-? J:R f",""1- 5"" ,",. Harm.., B7e7kto7i Meditall... -f " ' ..- l3 ArVJ ' 5 flf t" 'I i t , 7:15 J- L. Will. U., Brklsl (i... I Nook . J aw. ' I I I 7:4;M.nnln. H BakbH West. Mail. N..k ROCO Rl.e MART WORTH tlliS i i"' "'"'tCI.kC.ellBr.wn He. D.ndy !:J5 2 i'7' . "'k',, Club Family Altai Jls. D.ndy . . id! is"' !" S""T"M !"'" HIM. Jim D.nd, k . -rrd, I I .Nturu,rw.Ul, . . )l 1 . ,r .,.c. . T". ; , 1S " "IBrkl.t Cl.k Bible Jim D.ndy ,?,Ht.RtV0U,'n W.TMMYEAWW1M T0 T WRORITY.. JUTtVHTtCORD I TO COLLEGE NEXT ) V llJn m"! S ft M.u," t.Vn' to A ' W.THYOUU-,, -'vw'M!rLZi:' V-"Ae,Ti' - -:RSS22 52-E2L: Ml i i t , 4 mkr L T iH Fi k Iff us& J Ll flBI t! c-H- 1 I'D ri I 1 1 s p. jj 7 1 immm m Ah mi The Voice of Love RADIO PROGRAMS y WILLIAM NEUBAUER lAP M.wI..turil CHAPTER 30 Be came out of the back door of the cottage. If It gave him a (tart to aee Bob there In the patio, his grim face gave no Indication. He pumped Bob's hand as Ruth mado the introductions. "Let's consider, Just for a moment, Mr. O'Brien" "Call me Bob,'' Bob paused in the act of filling his pipe with to bacco. "Incidentally, you may as well know that I've loved Ruth a long time. But until the does choose you I'll scrap." "BOD!" reprovea a girl witn scarlet, burnlne cheeks. Dan's sharp black eyes made her feel very young. "It has to be that way, Ruth. People have the right to love." He turned his full attention to Bob. "In the first place," he said, "Doctor doesn't want it on that basis. He wants the community hospital, the fulfillment of his dream. In the second place, it would seem, he doesn t want me to practice in this town. I under stand he's been checking up on me. Well, that's all right. He has a duty to his people to make sure I have the right to practice and the skill to practice. But this op position to the practice itself what am I to think but that he wants the whole plum, if plum It is, for himself?" "Hes never made money, nr. Curtis. I don't think he considers tt a Dlum." "Nor do J. But will you explain then, this opposition? I want to practice medicine and surgery here. I am ouaiuiea to ao mat. i think I'll do a better Job if I have a hospital's facilities here, and I'm prepared to build such a place at my own expense, is were anything- so reprehensible in all that? Am x a monster to oe cajiea names, to be doubted, to be in sulted, because.. I happen to want to earn my living m my own way? mow would you ieei u rarmers in a community were to deny you the ngnt to farm in your own way?" ' This was meaty stuff. This was tt man pleading for a fair chance, and since Bob had always believed in fair play it was highly effec tive. "You have the right to prac tice and build a hospital, it seems to me." He turned to "What's eating Doctor?" She spread her hands. "Who knows? Unless he Is ready to re tire, unless his dream means more to nlm than anything else. But Bob couldn't accept that. He shot Dan's face a quick glance. "SuDDOse the city gives you otr- mission to build? Will you submit to the control of the city?" "No. sir, I would not. Put the question to yourself. Would yon Invest over a hundred thousand dollars of vour own monev In business vou could not control?" The figure made even Ruth tieuD. Bob whistled. "That's a tidy sum. How could you expect make that kind of monev back? "In time the capital would be made back. I'm thirty-lour, say practice, in one way or another. for as long as Doctor has. The hospital would return three or four thousand a year, It seems to me. And vou forget the vital thing It would be a help to me In my work. II you're puttinE it on business basis, then you must take into account every fee I would got as doctor, as owner of the hos. Dltal. as director of the hosoltal as seller of the hospital's services to the city and county and possl- Diy slate." "A lifetime thing, something like my setuD out on the farm?" Dan grinned. "The work I want to do. Bob." Bob O'Brien drew a deep breath He liked the sound of that. He liked the bigness of Dan Curtis' thinking, too. "My dad likes It," he announced. "Aa a matter of fact, so do I. Here's an idea. You could set aside a certain number of beds and ask the city to endow them. They would handle the Door, who couldn't pay." oreati" wow Dan was on his feet, all smiles, all giddy elation. By tnunocr, that's the first fair ness I've met with vet! Luchetti and his crowd they're In this for tne Domical capital thev think they'll make. But this by thun der, put her there, Bobl" The gray eyes twinkled. "As Ruth said, fair's fair. And speak lng of fairness, may I have a few words alone with her?" Dan had turned and left before Ruth could think of a protest. "I love you," said Bob O'Brien. "Bob. please!" Very deeply." he -went on. "And itll be forever. And he doesn't love my, honey, nor do you love him." She sprang to her feet. She stamped her foot, "Don't you dare say any more." "I, for example, was aware of SM all the time we were talking, e wasn't. He lives and breathes his plan for a long career. That's all right. That's fine. More power to him, and I'll help him all I can. But where does that leave you?" (To Be Continued) FREE TV THEATRE Watch TV at Our Television Theatre See Them In Action Before You Buy Packord-Bell, Emerson, Roytheon, Wettinghouw OPEN FROM 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. WEDNESDAY-FRIDAY Open Other Evening! by Appointment YEATER APPLIANCE & TELEVISION (0. 375 Chemeketa Phone 3-4311 KOCO UM LBS M.j., i.J. Leans M.J. Leecae MaJ. Lear.a Ease that teisfon Chew Wrigley'i Spearmint Gum. . Pleasant thewint reduce! etriin. HclpywfetlreU"(L ; Woyitenytime..nywWe. d good for yoa wmcttv's - CMiWlNOUMP ROOM ft BOARD ...BUT OF COURSE. MORGAH I DON'T INTEND TO MAKE THE FAMOUS PUFFLE PUTTER1! MY SELF ....111 SELL THE RIGHTS TO GOLF-CLUB MAKERS TO TURN EM OUT... AND ON A ROYALTy BASIS 1 SHOULD RECEIVE $3 A PUTTER....AND WHEN YOU THINK OF THE miONS OF GOLFERS.; 5AY...Y0U HAD ANOTHER. MILLION-DOLLAR POT BOILING A COUPLE OF WEEKS AGO...THAT BIG OIL DEAL...HOWD IT COME OUT? n.l Wsnt that -Mfr VXIR PHONE ACROSS 1. Climbing 8. Sulkt 13. Sunshsd 14. Watchful 15. Among 16. Word of choice 18. County In Ohio 19. Vermilion 20. Rescues 13. Public slopping place 14. Overhead railway 15. Thorough fares 17. Pronoun 28. Particle 29. Lick up SO. Toward si. Bar legally S3. At no time 15. Myself St. Unclose: poctie S8. Frozen desserts 39. At an inner point 40. Signified 42. Southern state: abbr. 44. Short sleep 46. Antics 47. Mineral spring 48. Greenland settle ment 50. Perform 51. Dinmounter) 52. Water wheel 54. Brief paute 57. rorett growths 58. Inquisitive person DOWN i. Extra part Solution of Ytttsrday's Puxxle 1. Beast of burden S. Dry 4. Boy 5. Exists 8. Word of denial 1. Covering for the hand s i i r""1a 19 I'o f Li '0 ii j? a rZZ1mZllrZ wtz JT 11 5 5r rp 70mpvr r r!!If 5 0tH it" O ffTi """iT Emr' 54 W :far dVreWNnms 8. Mother: colloq. (. Leaf of the palmyra D.lm 10 Persian falrj it. cmeraia- green mineral 12. Person with loud voice 17. Bobbin 20. Ceased 21. Limb 22. Postures 35. Rose In the fert !fl. Velocity 2. Near 31. Noted 3.. legislator 34. Against: Jjbr. 37. Tennysonian character 36. Japanpse admiral 41. Rents 42. Petty malice 4.1. Serve food 45. Peel 47. Lose one's footing 49. Hurry 51. Mountain In the Philip pines 5.1. While 55. Half em 56 .Thus p.n Gardnei' 1. H.ntle. Trie St.ry Tru. St.ry Wbltwrllif Girl Marrlea T. Barney Re. Cecil Br.wn Family Altai Bible Bible NW News Rack Fenee C.. Cm. ' M.tlne. Call. Back Fence Bar. c.anlei At.iin. Ncwa "ell. le.l Musi. MnsU Ladies F.l7 L.dlre Fair 10a. lar Day On. tor D.y Back Fence Serenade Bark Frne. Sercn.d. Fene. Seren.d. F... Serra.d. ROCO RUek KOCO Rl.rk ROCO Rl.rk New. Wamans Pf. 'Ian. P.I. lec.nd L..k Peis-y Lee Raya Rec.rd. R.' Rec.rd. IR.y. Rec.rd. R.y atoa.rdi Hugh Taylor, Washington Redskins end, set a team rec ord in 1952 by catching 12 passes for touchdowns. The previous record of 11, set In 1939. ua hold k.. Aj t-. WEED CONTROL MEET The agricultural committee of the Pomona Grange has ar ranged a weed control meet ing, open to the public, to be held Saturday. May 9. at !OOF hall at 8 p.m.