Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 08, 1953, Page 15, Image 15

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    Friday, May 8, 1953
Paw If
-"- wit; riaiun
t T,E,H?"V1ES wishes t extend a hearty "Best of
Luck" to Radio Station KGAE in their Big Show for
v&7am Sat!""d-,ay- KGAE is n the air Satur'
day from 7 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. and try to get $5500 in
donation and contributions for the American Red Cross
Blood campaign.
Jim Dandy ad Spider MacLean will handle the mike
for a solid 21ia hours Saturday. Regular KGAE pro
grams and commercials are being tossed out the window
to bring this on the spot program from State and High
Btreets in downtown Salem.
Three telephones will be ready to receive calls from
the public. Long distance calls from the valley points
will be accepted also. Talent for the program is still
iiBcucn as juAi is still taking applications for Willa
mette Valley talent to appear on the show.
.Serveral state and city officials will be on hand for
Interviews and also Mary Pickford.
Hal Davis, station manager of KGAE conducted a
similar program in- Seattle over station KING. The
object in Seattle was to raise $15,000 for the Seattle
Orchestra and they did it. If Hals luck is that good in
Salem the station should come up with the $5500 needed.
Again we wisn to express the Best of Luck to the gang
at ivuAi:, ior xneir program Saturady. I hope the readers
nf TPT P VTEMire :n i x . .
w uu-Twtro win respona to xneir can Saturday . ,
Cavalcade of Sports 6. Ramon Fuentes, Los Angeles,
Calif., vs. Al Wilson, Englewood, N. J. 10-rounds welter
weight from St. Nicholas arena. NYC.
You Asked for It 7:30. A 10-year-old boy will ask the
television audience to help him find his missing mother.
The boy is Eddie Price of New York City whose mother
mrs. eiyvia rnce disappeared on March 21, 1952.
The Big Story 8. Experience of Eugene Parker of the
Parsons (Kansas) Sun reconstructed. Concerns the fatal
shooting of an elderly farmer.
Chance of A Lifetime 9. Nannette Farbray, musical
comedy star as guest. She was an original member of the
"Our Gang" movie troupe.
Favorite Story 9:30. "The Prison With the Open Door"
with Adolphe Menjou, Frances Rafferty and Paul Harvey.
A penniless painter wagers that he can voluntarily remain
imprisoned for ten years. The stakes; one millioVj dollars.
Club Embassy 10. Revue recalls San Francisco at the
turn of the century.
Stake Horse Racing 12. The Acorn from the Belmont,
N. Y. track for 8-year old fillies. Distance, 1-mile . . .
Value $20,000.
Date With Judy 1. Judy Foster turns amatuer psycho
logist for the benefit of a neighborhood problem child
and almost drives brother Randolph into a neurosis.
Victory at Sea 1:30. "The Road to Mandalay" tells of
the rise and fall of the Japanese empire in China and
Southeast Asia.
You Are There 2:30. "Signing of the Declaration of
Independence" . . commentary by CBS-TV News Chief
Walter Cronkite. !- -
. Life Is Worth Living 8 :30. Fatigue mental rather
than physical is the topic of Bishop Fulton J. Sheen. He
will discuss three ways in which to achieve power and
overcome fatigue and stress the need for the philosophy
of life.
Dangerous Assignment 8. "The Italian Movie Story,
Setting is in Rome, Italy. Concerns the theft of a reel
of film from a movie studio. Murder and blackmail take
plac before Steve Mitchell finds the reason behind the
atolen film.
Nash Premiere Theater 10:30. "Getting Gertie's Gar
ter" with Dennis O'Keffe, Marie "The Body" McDonald.
tthJjr ' v V ' , 0 T S " v "... t
V I HI 1 1 17 3lih'l- 1 ., .Ml
II v "tff llj;- hjjt i ill
British Duke Buys Island
In Frazier for Industry
Chester, England () The
Duke of Westminster, one of
Britain'! wealthiest peers, has
confirmed purchase of a Brit
ish Columbia Island to create
a multimilllon dollar indus
trial site.
v A statement Issued by the
duke and his advisers said
Wednesday he will use his
personal fortune to develop
the 1,200-acre Annacls Island
In the Fraser Valley for de
velopment Into a $150 million
. At Vancouver, Tuesday, Gil
bert J. Hardman, British Co
lumbia representative of the
duke, announcd that the Is.
land had been purchased and
said Its development would
go ahead as soon as possible.
"You can Imagine the proj
ect as big as the whole down
town district of Vancouver."
he said.
The duke's announcement
said: "We must be prepared
to accept building applications
from anyone, of course, but
we feel it It necessary to give
every encouragement to those
wanting to crash the North
American market and ex
pand them, they must estab
lish plant in Canada. ,
The proposed development
would diversify industry, with
emphasis on manufacturing,
and Including light, medium
and heavy industry. Factories
would be built by the group
and leased or rented to ten
ants. The first factory if
planned for 1954.
In the meantime, a $180,000
causeway, 2,000 feet long, will
be built from the Island to
the shore of the Fraser to
carry rail and road traffic
On Television
KPTV (Channel 27)
(Only protrama Juim in iTincit
, and
Salem's Most Complete
Television Center
Phone Day or Night
2-1611 or 2-4728
Motorola TV
?m. Matinee Theater
I:1S p.m. Search for Tomorrow
ID p.m. Lot of Lift
4:00 p.m. Qull Kldi
4:30 p.rflf Hoy Roeerl
u :00 p.mCUOO rid
1:10 p.m. DOM Sdwerde
1:44 p.m. Time for Beany
-00 p.m. -Sport Calralcade
T.00 p.m. AboU end COItellO
Tio p.m. You Ajked for lit
S:00 p.m. Bl Story
1:10 p.m. Dennll Dey
00 p.m. Chenco of Llmlme
e 10 p.m. Adolph Menjou
10:00 p.m. Club rmbwty
10:16 p.m. Lite of Riley
eanaeSalnlllllll ii ill
I Ceil be eelred If t,,
i j year loeetioa fe JL
' J bed. Cell ee fj)
I ;1 we'll ie r but I j
I s I eel feed pie- J
i jVyler. '
jf'i 'in ""711"
CALL 4-2271
428 COURT 1 120 CENTER
2 of 3 Hospital
Escapees Still Free
Two of the three men who
escaped from the State Hospi
tal Wednesday night were still
at large Friday. The third
man, Verlin O. Thayer, 39,
was picked up at his home at
The other two are Eugene
P. Ferguson, 20, Portland, and
Thomas Malone, 19, Spring
field. They esaped by over
powering an attendant and
taking his keys.
l:S0 t m. Frontier f Filth
10:00 m. Cindy Cs.rnlY.vl
11:00 .in. ThU Ii tht Lift
11:30 .m. World'i Orettut Motbtr
13:15 p.m. Hour of Decision
13:4 pro. eundsvy Stir Tim.
3:00 p.m. Three Oueieei
3:15 p.m. Art t'nk letter
3:10 p.m. fire It Now
3:00 p.m. Invitation Fliyhoui
1:90 p.m. Prlvat Secret air
4:00 p.m. Comedy Hour
:00 p.m. Fr4 Wrln
5:30 p.m. Mr. Peeper
0:00 p.m. RJ Skelton
0:30 p.m. What' My Line?
7:00 p.m. fttudio On
t.00 p.m. TV PinrhouM
:00 p.m. Th Doctor
6 30 p.m. Th Web
10:00 p.m. Tl of Tomorrow
10:SO p.m. New Review
10:40 p.m. Racket Squid
Technician on duty till
9:30 p.m. daily
1110 S. 12th Phone 4-5512
Outstanding group of the style show at the Polk County
Homemakers' Festival Thursday was Mrs. Matt Bronec
and her four children of Suver-Airlie. They modeled cloth
ing made by Mrs. Bronec and decorated with textile paint
ing by Mrs. Donald Armstrong of the same district. In
photo from left are Kathy Bronec, Mrs. Armstrong, Kenny,
Mary Lou, Theresa, who objects to photograph, and Mrs.
Homemakers Festival at
Rickreall Features Exhibits
Rickreall Choice of prod.
ucts of home extension unit
training were exhibited Thurs
day at the annual Folk coun
ty Homemaker's Festival held
In the grade school at Rick
reall. " i
Outstanding were displays
oi textile painting and uphol
stery of furniture. Mrs. Matt
Bronec of Suver-Airlie and
her four children starred in
the style show by modeling
clothing which she had made
Rites Held for
Alex Scharbach
Mt. Angel Funeral services
were held here Thursday at
9:30 a. m. for Alexander Schar-
back, a pioneer resident of Mt.
Angel, who died in Salem on
Tuesday at the age of 86.
Rev. Cyril Lebold, OSB, of
ficiated at the Requiem High
Mass in St. Mary's Catholic
church, and also at the grave
side services in Calvary cem
etery. Rev. alentine Moffen-
bier, Woodburn, was assisting
He was born in Richfield,
Wis., In 1867, and moved to Mt.
Angel with his parents when
quite young. He married Miss
Helen Heller, May 1, 1901, at
Mt. Angel, who died in 1944.
He left Mount Angel in 1924,
and moved to Salem, where he
worked for many years as an
aide to the Oregon State Hos
pital. Survivors are a daughter,
Mrs. Sylvester Smith Jr., Sa
lem, with whom he made his
home, and two sons, Lawrence
Scharback, Silverton, and Syl
vester Scharback, Salem.
Pallbearers were cousins, E.
P. Scharback, Frank Bentley,
Tony Kahut, Sr., and Joseph
Kahut, all of Woodburn, Ben
Zollner, Silverton, and August
Scharback, Mt. Angel.
Unger Funeral Home was in
as a project assignment.
Mrs. Roy Nelson presided At
the morning session. Mrs.
Walter Brog and the Lincoln
unit was In charge of regis
The introductions were
made by Mrs. Roy Nelson, who
also gave the welcome. Mrs.
William Fisher led group
Miss Eleanor ' Trlndle of
Oregon State - college, state
home extension agent, was the
Mrs. Viola Shaffer Wells
was commentator for the
fashion show assisted by Mrs.
Oliver ' Sargent and , Mrs.
Wayne Wooden.
Mrs. Malno .Reichert, Polk
county home extension agent,
showed colored slides cf the
extension program.
Mrs. Brog presided at the
afternoon session, which tea.
tured a colored motion picture
of Extension Unit activities
shown by Mrs. Monroe Cline.
Mrs. Reichert presented
achievement awards to the
units and Introduced members
of the county committee.
Jury Unable to Agree
In Suit Involving Boy
A circuit court jury that
heard the damage suit of R. L.
Phillips, guardian of James
Phillips, aged 6, against
Charles W. Creighton, Jr., ad
ministrator of the T. M. Gos
ser estate, reported at mid
night Thursday that it was un
able to agree on a verdict.
It had been given the case
at 4 p.m. by Judge George R.
Phillips brought suit for
$25,000 general and $1,207 spe
cial damages for Injuries said
to have been sustained by the
8-year-old boy when struck
near his home by T. M. Gosser,
September 19, 1950. Gosser
died a half year later and the
estate was named defendant in
the suit.
Stayton Girls
Star at Show
Stayton Stayton girls from
St. Mary's school Thursday
won their share of honors at
the Annual 4-H Spring Show
at Stayton when five of them
won blue ribbons in Knitting
u ana state lair entries.
The winning girls were Dar
lene Boedinghemmer, Aria
Jean Boedinghemmer. Arlene
Minten, Lois Van Handle, and
aueen Jtuamp.
Other winner wertt y
Xnlttlni n-Beth Boe rimer n4 Bu
llae Smith, Aurora.
Knlttlnt m Frteolle Durhra, Xeuw.
- Sew It'e Fan Oolrle. BantUT. n.
lent DrttkUl, Jefferion; lUrlene aort.
Mt. Anieli tuner Bert. Keller: end
Merit Durette, chunnow. Theee stele
won inn ieir entriee.
Communion Class
Mt. Aangel -First Commun
ion Day wil be solemnized in
St. Mary's Catholic church on
Sunday, when 63 children will
receive their first Holy Com
munion together with all the
grade school children of the
parish, at the 8 o'clock Mass.
Rev. Cyril Lebold. OSB. pas
tor of Si Mary's, wlU officiate
at the services. The Commun
ion class will be enrolled in the
scapular at 2:30 o'clock in the
afternoon, followed by Benediction,
HomemeklDf Cherltne Staid. Iterator:
Jean Dunn, North Howell; Maner Wett
er, unda Lafkr, Prieellla Durham and
Patrlela Loekler, Cellar.
Wlnnert In other drrtelone without
tete fair entry avarda follow:
bim watcher Tom Tweed and aeral
Homenn, both of Monitor.
Art Portrait!. Anna Hurd and Blue
Lopechlee, SUeon Cerr, ell of Ketaer:
Bettr jonle, Frlutlend; landactpee, Jen
Wollander, Jttttreoni KonaM Cole, North
Howell) Diana Bote eh. North Howell:
Nancy otrut, TMon; John Wollander,
Jetfereon; Joroe Sweeer. Silver Croat:
Oeorela Sehaap and aordon attract,
both of North Howell: Ann Qordom,
Hirer ureal, eettr donee, rruitiana.
tsnu me Jerry roarnoun, Nort
leneo Todd, Blrftr Croat; Joroe aweeler.
m vrea.i utraoe ntevena ten Ktis.
teen sowe. aota el mora Howell: Doro
thy BippnoT. Surer Oreat; Joan Dunn.
norta Howell: aotraala. Jaa Wollartdor.
Jeffereonl Diana Seetr, Union; Dotbart
uoiAuattun. nnwni burr undhedt,
Broadaeroe; aartoona. Tboraaa Brown.
union; Anenerueaer, ajuror ureae.
tloYi Just '43)9"
: 965 N. CeimmSirciol - Court Capital
- Center t LMbtMty - KUrion art Uberty
I 0 a.m. Where Cooxlnif
10:45 a.m. Mornlnr Edition.
11:00 a.m. Bit Perolr
11:30 a.m. Welcome Trareleri
13:00 noon Kete Smith
1:00 p.m. Double or Nothlnf
I SO p.m Strike It Rich
r 00 p.m. Metlnee Theater
I Sis p.m. Seeren Tomorrow
10 00 a m. Kldi end Co.
J0:l0 a.m. Skr Kin' , .
11:09 noon-Hone Btclne
M: p.m.-Telent f
roo p.m-Dete with Ju1'
1 10 p.msea Victory
J 00 p.mlooe
1 10 p.m.-You re There
t oo p.m.-TV Tn Club
S JO p.m.-B!h0P Sheen
4 00 p m -ll' B',1M " ,0
4 10 p.m. Supermen
1:00 p.mmow of Sho
10 p.m.-HIt Perede
? 00 pm. Jackie Oltaion
0 p!m. Denieroui Atilenmenl
I 10 p.m. Wretlllnt
1:00 p.m.-r a secret
JO p.m. Plarhouee of Slr
10:00 p.m.-Mr. and ri. Norm
10:10 p.m. Hath Theater
Faftory Trsintd Sfrrlce
and Imumtlon
1M0 SUt St. Phone I-7S77
SAVE 125
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Phone 3-8558