Pas 14 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Friday, May 8, 195 j FAN FARE By Wok Ditxcn . JW- i Ak, llnfarhHli ! jlj Bevos Rained Out Again; Padres Seek Ninth in Row Junior Sports Group Proposed For Lebanon Lebanon A junior sports men organization open to all Interested boy and girli 18 and under ii being launched by the fcantlam Fish and Game asso ciation. The junior club will study and participate in con servation, hunting and fishing, according to Kenneth Lanning, secretary or the group, . - ' The new program was an nounced at a meeting here this week, and further details will be given at the association's mn m T to 5 per cent of the fall pop- All Interested youths are Jn- nutlons in a given herd may iicu hi bucuu. me junior pro-1 be taken yearly, and total gram is Deing neadea and numbers wil remain stable, pianned by Bert Bellinger of Reacting the kill to bucks ". only removes an estimated 10 The Santiam sporting organ-1 per cent of the herd, ization included members of nv lanooo hunter, nnr- Game Commission Releases Data on Big Game Seasons Portland UJ9 Portland and Seattle make another effort to night to get their Paeifle Coast League baseball series ander way. Rain brought postponement last night of a scheduled game and a doubleheader was post poned the night before for the same reason. A doubleheader is on the books for tonight, weather per mitting, with a single make up game Monday. By SCOTT BAILLIE San Francisco (U.PJ Bob Ker Oregon's first large-scale i last year had no substantial rigan takes his 6-t pitching antlerless deer season in manv I effect o.n the deer herds. record to the mound for San rear hrnnrhl .limit the har.l Br.. kink., bin - .i.. Diego tonight and with it the " . -iiic (iisiicDii aha ui mi id icaa 1 . . , vest of a record number of fleer was made in Lake, Har- dr.eams th ' htti O'Doul's the animals. Final tabulations, as announced by the game commission this week reveal that bucks, does, and fawns totaling 77,659 were killed in the state during the 1952 deer season. This market a step-up In the commission's program to adequately har vest deer surpluses. Since 100 mature does will produce an all we tern Linn county com' muni ties. Fights Last Night (Br The Aeioclle4 Freei) r ' CLEVELAND Johnnr BrettOD, ISOtt, vutmwv, Duvgiflifa Jim MJJWU, JH. ItaJr. 10. FALL RIVEB, MASS. Harold Oomee, 131, Providence, outpointed Filberts on. no, ia'i, rutno jfico, 10. DETROIT Al Oronlk, letH, Lincoln r, icn outpointed Norm in Webb, .D7.( IfUIDim e. NEWARK, N.J. Al Werner, ltett, Hew Tork, outpointed Tony Clmmlno, .loo, Beronne, S. . VANCOUVER, B.O Ken Deril, UO, Lot Anielee, outpointed Bobbr Woodf, nili. Eunice, cell!., 10. . . COPENHAGEN - Joenen Joheneon. Demnerk, outpointed Jeoauei Prlnnt, Frence, IB, Llehtwelihti. ticipated In this tremendous harvest and the total exceeds by 20,000 the 1951 deer taken. . Though this total far sur passes last year's kill, the ac tual number of buck deer taken declined by 6,139, but on over-all basis 44 per cent of the hunters afield were able to bag a deer while in 1981 only 35 per cent of the nimrods were successmul. This year's relatively mild winter made deer census very difficult for game com mission agent throughout the state, but it was found that the large harvest of animals ney, Grant, and Klamath I " . . counties. The purpose of the .""'f "l "y hunter's choice season in east- , Ri?ln high ,on " "v,en ame ern Oregon was to stabilize ftreak,''d2re la,t nlght con- deer herds with range carry- 'es' wun a a era menio, me in rMtu. ,L Padres knocked off the Sacs ... ' in i 0t. u 1- ...1.11- lor a more complete utiliza- ,h , T L tlon or the deer resource. .,,,,,?"" Z In the western part of Ore- lJLcden!?UyJ , when gon, fire closures during hunt- ?le01b?gan,1'f.,trln " May in reason moria , ttr " 1.011 were on nana ed plan for harvest ineffec- SX'SSL. tive. Crop damage is still a F,ih FIather . very serious problem in this v.luddy Pe,'!.r?? majh.ed part of the state. """.iTl.JTu'zrJ . - - I MBos -ia cjkhmi W UUi (fie Bob Mace, game commis-1 ph n,.rn,.t sion chief biologist on big Faber tent them tw. m.v. fhamti,mfnaff "if"' ,"tate' "M'lne ereat, "ving catch In Oregon because of the fire smash with the tying run on """p " vicmu se in sacnmaitti'i irt nm ocaovji was vuiiwucreu H buu- tjllff TTannfn an the, memo coast uaodi W L Fet. OB M 11 .0M ,. II .tu H ,.M IS .two ltt ..II It .(4e ..IT 10 Mt I ..le 31 .111 11 ,.11 II .33 1H4 ,.U M J31 U Seettlo Loe Anielee Hollrwood Portlend Sen Dleeo Ben 1-renclteo seeremento .....,. OekUnd ThereAeVe Beeeltei Oeklend I, Loe Anielee 1 Hollrwood I, Sen Frencleeo I. Sen Dleeo 3, seeremento 1. eeettle ot Portlend. poetponed, rein. BTov tno eerlee etend: Loe Aneelee S, Oeklend 1. Hollrwood I. Sen Prencueo S. Ben Diet o 4, Seeremento . ' Portlend 1. Seeltle 0. 2 games of Seattle on the strength of Eddie Malone's home run in the fourth to make the tally 2-0. Mel Queen, who gave up a home run to Bill McCawley in the eighth, got the triumph to make his rec ord 3-3. Elmer Singleton lost again. His mark is 1-8. The llneeooree: Loe Anielee 000 111 0107 IS 1 Oeklend MO OH 3OI-0 11 3 Hetten, Xndo (I), Oumpert (7) end Teppe; Arere, Weten. Ben Preneleeo 000 OM 0101 t Hourwood 010 1M ooi 1 4 aineietoa ana Torneri efelone. Bee rem er, to 000 0O0 0301 4 0 sen Dleeo O10 000 021-3 1 1 nereiu, Berkelew (II. Johneon (l end Rlteneri Pennln. Benton lei end Meuue. uaia, nowever, mere is no evi- In other enntrtji T.n. i.. dence of decline in either deer geles fell to a half game behind ' vuyuiauvna m me nrst place Seattle by losing to uaKiana -7 while the Bainiers i.iK nunters oi me stale nao and PorUand were being rain- . ( X SAVINGS ' fBI soower teraii at Salem Federal iiw l ' X-X 1 1 . . Money placed In your ac count during the first 10 days of any month, earns from the i - . 1st of that month. Start now S60Stat Street Facing Court House SAIEM, OREGON Hours: to 4 Dally; 'Till 11 Saturday a different story to relate. Unfavorable weather condi tions persisted until the end of the elk season and the number of tags sold showed a decline from 1951. Also, the hunter success ratio declined, with only 14 per cent of the hunters taking . elk. A total of 3,333 elk were harvested. These kill figures are com puted with the aid of the sportsmen of the state send ing in their hunter report cards. Antelope hunters experi enced somewhat the same re sults as did the elk hunters. A total of 448 bucks were taken to give an average success of 42 per cent. Approximately, the same number of hunters took 600 of the animals in 1951. Along with a decline in kill numbers, the antelope populations have been on the downgrade. A research pro ject is under way in the Hart Mountain area in an attempt to try and determine the cause of this decline. Interested sportsmen will find a complete article on the gib bame harvest of last year in the June issue of the game commission bulletin. Win Over Linfield McMinnville (U.R)- Medalist Tom Lauritsen shot a 78 to pace Willamette golfers to 12-6 victory over Linfield here yesterday. ed out for the second straleht mgnt. Hollywood clipped San f rancisco, 2-1. Oaks Break Luck The Oaks, apparently on the way. to their seventh stralaht loss, exploded for five rune In the sixth inning to move into 6-6 tie with the Seraphs. Thev did it by singling Joe Hatten suiy. He gave up no less than six one baggers during the up rising. Oakland wrapped It no in the seventh as Ben Chapman doubled home Bay Dandridge, Lennie Neal walked and Jim Marsnau scored mem with a three bagger. Con Dempsey got tne victory, his second Ihde was the loser. Stars Going T0p Hollywood moved to within 5 '-'On CAPITAL DRUG PRESENTS ... SHAVEMASTER MEM HERE'S YOUR INVITATION . . . e . to foster, closer, more comfortable shaves thon you've ever thought petslble! Choose Hie entirely new Sunbeam SHAVEMASTER, with the Big er SINGLE Head that give you double the beard coverage. The new SHAVEMASTER hat greater CONTINUOUS-ROUND SHAVING SURFACE for FASTER WHISKER PICK-UP ... yet the .haver i. .mailer In the hand, oiler to handle. Try this revolutionary tiew shaver today. You'll enjoy face comfort, convenience, and dote, quick .have such a. you've never known before). SATURDAY, MAY 9 FOR ONE DAY ONLY A factory trained representative will be at our store to show you the Shavemaster. Bring yours in for a checkup. CAPITAL DRUG STORE 405 STATE (CORNER OF LIBERTY) WE GIVE GREEN STAMPS Sacs Owe Bevos Baseball Player Portland U.R General Man ager Bill Garbarino of the Portland Beavera learned to day that Sacramento owes the Beavers a player. George Trautman. minor league boss, ruled yesterday that Portland has a player com ing from the Solons because of the retirement from baseball of Orval Grove. Grove, a pitch er, was traded to Portland along with Glenn Elliott for Joe Brovia and Marino Pier etti. But he Quite baseball be. fore he reported to the Port land camp. Garbarino said George W. Norgan, club president, plan ned to talk with Sacramento of ficials next week. Trautman'a decision requires the Solons to satisfy Portland with a player or other suitable arrangement. r 1 j i j i j ii .11 i II . fr II I ek a ii irrt:' i II I 7Z- I ii . izr ii I I J Generally Good Fishing Reported For Oregon Waters . . .. A.m. rvtmralliloo: pert oi w. ,.,, ... wiBh.F ereee ot Nortb WUUmette etreem. ere to loJ tlon. rir lUtilni ebouKI be (elr. wr eaeel' ilreemi ere eleer end IfW" J lelr. Bell lumni le urooiiu. - ---cetcnei. FlililM le loo lor ''';" In Udeweter eectlon I tne Blleel, Al ice, end Sluelew BUer. The rlrerl ere ropolni end deerlni. In the uppir Mo tion o he Ale. Sllelt, end Blvere. Ilehlni U lelr lor trout. FlihUii In the McXenile end Upper Wlllemette Blver hee elowed. Weter U hllher then normel. Dorene Beitrrelr u lelr with nrma nrnilnrln. cetChll. Cotteie Orcve end Fern Bldie Beimelre ere providing loott epiny-rex jwmue- Trout flihlnl on eentrel eoutel lekei hn ben lelr end on c.n- ti natal .tr.enU. .ood. LOWOT UniP- gue Rlrw eprlm Chinook luhlni hei Improred. Borne etrlped beii heve ben teken In the Udeweter ol the Umpoue Blver. Weter on uie eouth eoeitel ilreemi le lower end eleerlnl. iroui enillni In both etreemi end lekee hee been lelr to eood. Selmon enillni on the lower Boiue le lood. Trout tuhlni In the meln Rotue end Appleiete Blvere U Imnrovlar. In the north UmpqUI fly eree, line wet fllee ere recommended end eelmon eniUni ll lelr. Centred Oenerel weter condition! heve not cheneed from leet week in tne Btnd eree. riehlni u eipeeteo to irom lelr to eood In moet weteri. Husband-Wife Teams to Play At SGC Sunday The first in a series of hus-band-and-wife golf events at Salem Golf club will be con ducted Sunday, with two-ball foursome play. Husband and wife teams are asked to line up their own games and call the Golf club, S6SS2, for a teeing off time. The tee-off times will be be tween noon and 2 p.m. A social hour and a 6:30 din ner at the clubhouse will fol low play. Modem Pitchers 'Don't Know Ache From a Pain' Wenatchee Gets Ragni From Oaks Wenatchee (U.B The We natchee Chiefs of the Western International League announc ed today they had acquired Jay itagni from Oakland of the Pa cific Coast League. Bagni has been used as a pitcher and utility man since his purchase from the Chiefs in 1950, when he won 19 games end hit over .300. By OSCAR FBALEI v. TArk (U.B) The trouble with modern pitchers Is that h.v "rlont .know .an aehe from a pain," Manager Chuck nressen of the Brooklyn Dodcers insisted today. "Anrl not knowing the dif ference, they're afraid to work hard for fear that it will hurt them," the Dodger ooss aoa- ed. Dressen'f statement points .m the fact that Ditching is the nrlncinal item on his mind these days. The threatening Philadelphia Phillies are load ed with tossing talent and, like last year, Dressen is ever rearranging hia own etaii m his mind. The Good Old Days . "In my day," he rasped, "maybe you had an ache or Minor League Scores (Bt The Aieocleted Preeel AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Kiniei Clti 11, Cherleeton 3. Indlenepollf 10, St. Feul 3. Other eemee poetponed. INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Toronto 3, xontreel 1, (10 lnnlnll). Ottewe S, Rocheiter 4. Other feme, postponed. TEXAS LEAGUE Tulie 7-J, Sen Antonio (-11 (lit semi 11 lnnlnii). Shreveporl I, Dellee , (10 lnnlnii), fort Worth 1. Beeumont 1. Boulton S, Oklehome City 0. WESTEBN LEAGUE Dee Ilolnee 4-1, Wlehlte 1-1. Coloredo Sprtnie 13. Sioux Cltr S. Pueblo 3. OmehA 3. Denver 10. Lincoln I. High School Scores (Bt The Auocleted Prill) BASEBALL Rilnler 1. . 8clo 0, Browneviue 4. at. Helen. 3, Sceppooie 0. Beeverton II, McMlnnvtUe S. Portlend Sehoele Lincoln 7, Clevelend I. Orent , Prenklln 1. Weihlniton 13, Benion S. Rooeevelt 4, Jeffereon 0. two but you still wanted h play ball. If you had a lum? you gave It quick rub walked out to your position "If pitcher work, a tomb, game, it's bound to leave hi. arm just a little stiff the next time he trie, to throw," he sold "But do they try to 'throw ouf that soreness. No, they want t be coddled." 10 High on his list ot wlliin. workmen are Joe Black sn5 Jim Hughes, of his own coroi Allle Reynold, of the lC York Yankees and, strano.i. enough, a rival Giant hurlw named Hoyt Wllhelm. w Unsure of Black "When Black came un i..t year nobody knew whether he would make the grade." n sen revealed. "But after I toli him he was going to stick wir the team, then he tells me T ought to be all right, Charley because up to now I've had i sore arm.' He didn't mention to me before. "Hughes is a good workir too," he added. "How many guys will pitch batting prar tice and then offer to so In n. relief? Not many. But one day ' after pitching to the hitter. practice, Hughes came up to me wnen i was siuck lor a re lief pitcher and said: I'm okay if you need me, Chuck.' " Other Pitchers Driving home his point, Drei. sen pointed to Reynolds and Wllhelm. "That Reynolds has been throwing for a couple of yean with chips In his elbow," he ex, " plained. "Then you take Wllhelm, and I'd like to," he grinned. "He appeared in 71 games for the Giant, last year." ' : 1 The Jersey Bounce Jersey Joe Walcott gives his leg muscles some limbering up as he skips rope during a wonout at tne Midwest Gym In Chicago. He'a train ing for his heavyweight title bout with Champion Rocky Marclano in . the Chicago Stadium May IS. (AP Wire-photo) SCHAEFER'S COLD TABLETS For simple headache and simple neuralgia caused by a common cold, headache, nasal congestion, fever, muscular ache, and pains, temporary constipo 1 1 o n Only at 50c-$1.00 SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE Open Dally, 1:30 a.m. . I pjn. Sundays. 9 un. - 4 pjn. 135 N. Commercial Rickey Appears In Baseball Broadcast Case Washington U.B Branch Rickey, the "father of base ball's farm system," was scheduled to testify today be fore a senate commerce sub committee hearing on base ball's request for permission to restrict the television and broadcasting of major league games. Rickey, now general man ager of the Pittsburgh Pirates, is the man who organized the first big chain of minor league farm teams while he was head of the St. Louis Cardinals and another big chain while head of the Brooklyn Dodgers. As such, Rickey was expect ed to be able to give the com mittee a valuable opinion on what effect unlimited broad casting and televising of major league games has in minor league areas. Baseballs top brass have testllled that unlimited orjera. tlon of these media has wreck- ea me attendance at minor league games. Only 19 minor league teams were said to have shown a profit last season, a situation which ha forced many teams to go out of ex istence, thus drying up the sources oi future talent. wm IT AINT OONiNA RAIN NO MORI!! STOCK CAR RACES SAT. MAY 9 7:30 PM so-up Main ivinti SPECIAL ADDED 6-CAR DESTRUCTION DERBY HOLLYWOOD BOWL 1 Ml. North Salem On 99E Adm.tAdurt. $1.30 Tax Kid. 50c Incl. Brarton Chases Minelli's Bike Cleveland () Johnny Brat ton voiced high praise Fridav for Livio Minelli. his latest fight victim. But it wasn't for erjn1lt, . i . ... juuicui a DOXing SKlil. e "That fellow can really run backwards faster than I forward," the No. 2 welter weight contender sail after his unanimous decision Thursdav night. Bratton weight 180 to 152 for Minelli. i GREVilOUrJO ESTATE SALE For tale to Hit highest bidder, dwelling, located ot 1010 N. Cottage St. and 2487 Maple St., Salem, Ore. Term, and condition, of tale may bo obtained from Pioneer Trust Company Pioneer Trust Bldg. $,,,, Oregon Wt The EXTRA'VEARSnhancc the Bourbon Taste of OLD HICKORY great 05 ttOI. 4 L Iiminl 2