Why omTt We o This Salem Snaps Loss Streak with 8-2 Win Vancouver, B.C. The Salem Senators mapped a three-game winninf streak by belting Van couver's Capllanos 8-8 here last night The Senators scored live runs in the first inning, and coasted on to victory irom there. Jack Hemphill pitched Sa lem's win. He went the distance and gave up five hits. ( Five singles and three Van couver errors provided the five Salem runs in the first in ning. . Gene TanselU blasted a 400 foot triple in the second inning just to keep in style. (Br TIM Associated Press) Western International Lea gue baseball fans who have had their share of close ones and the other kind during the two-week old season, got some f both Thursday night. Danny McShain Returns to Salem Tuesday The young Irishman named McShain who wrestled in Sa lem occasionally in the 1930s ' is the same Danny McShain who now holds the world's junior heavyweight wrestling championship, and who will wrestle at the Salem armory next Tuesday night. McShain will face Carl Eng itrom of Chicago in the main event of next week's profes- sional grappling program. Engstrom earned the right to meet McShain by - emerging victor over seven opponents in a one-night tournament at the armory Tuesday. Tickets for the - McShain Engstrom fight (at no increase in . prices, . incidentally), are now on sale at Barb's Sporting Goods store. Swimming Meet At Portland This Weekend Portland U.R Stiff com petition was predicted h&e to day in the sixth annual Pacific Northwest International swim ming championships at Colum- 1 bia Athletic club this week-end ' ' Meet Director Al Sehorn of the host club said entries have been received from at least six Northwest clubs. Among the outstanding entrants are Bob . Gair of the Vancouver, B. C, Amateur Swim club and Miss Alan Potter of Seattle's Wash ington Athletic club. A full schedule of events is slated in the junior and senior divisions for both men and women. Events will be held both Saturday and Sunday. Drag Races at Newport Set For Sunday '' The Northwest Timing As sociation will present the sec ond in a series of drag races Sunday at the Newport airport. - The first drag race program t the season at Camp Adair recently was so popular -that the sponsoring group has de cided to conduct them fre quently during the spring and summer. As in the Camp Adair event, any ear may enter, providing the driver has a driver's license, notorized consent of his parents if he is less than 21, and if his car meets safety standards. Drag races will get under way at 12 noon. Late entries mav register as late as 1 o'clock. Spokane Options Out 2 Pitchers ' Spokane (VP) The Spokane Indians optioned two pitchers Thursday to Salt Lake City of the Class C Pioneer League but one of them, Gordon Palm, in dim ted he won't report. The other is Clyde DeWitt who has a 0-3 record with the Class A Western International League Indians. Palm, who lives at nearby Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, has been ineffective in the 10 innings he has worked and has no record. He faces suspension if he doesn't report. Both are right Banders. Portland State Golf Team Nips Pioneers Portland U" Portland State eolfers rolled to a 18-2 victory over Lewis and Clark here yesterday, paced by Larrv Troian who shot a 76 for medalist honors. Three-Qame Victoria and Tri-City strug gled for ten innings at Victoria before Tri-City pulled out with a 7-6 victory. But Lewiston fans watched a track meet. Starting with a 10 run second inning, the Broncs pounded five Yakima pitchers for a total of 23 hits to smother the Bears 26-1. Other ; games stuck more closely to the script. Calgary clipped Wenatchee 6-3 and Edmonton, made it three straight over Spokane, 4-1. ' Ken Richardson started Lew iston's hit parade in the second inning with a grand-slam hom- First Time Out Browns' gives his bail he used to pitch a no-hlt game against Philadelphia at St. Louis, u his proud wife looks on. It was Hollommn's first start as a major league pitcher. Leslie Track Team Wins Over West Salem, 56-46 Leslie's track team edged West Salem 58-48 in a duel meet at West Salem Thursday afternoon. Anderson of West Salem was the only West Salem ninth grade double winner as he won both the 100 and 440 yard dashes and tied for the high jump. - Mapes of Leslie also had three firsts. NINTH OBADE RESULTS 110 hurdler: 1 llapea (Leslie), 1 Mathls (W8), I Andal (Leslie). Time u.o seconds, (new record.! SO yard dash: 1 Davis (W8, 1 Thurston (Leslie), 1 Rouse (Leslie). Time 0.2S seconds. 440 yard dash: l Anderson fwa. 3 Castle (W8), 1 Rlekroan (Leslie). Time 59.0 eecondi. 1002- 1 Anderson (W8), a Thurston (Lt, 1 Johnson (L). Time 11.0 seconds. no: 1 Tarlor IW8. 1 Rouse iv. I F rater (L). Time 11.4 seconds. too: 1 cutis (W8), s Deupp (u. t Eetes (U. Time J:l. Relay: 1 Leslie (Rouse, Krater. Thurs ton, Mapes). Time &1.S seconds. Bhot put: 1 Mapes (L). 1 Farks- (Wfil. 1 Elitun L). Distance 4'll". Pole vault: 1 Ponstord (L), J Mer- SENATISTICS ficrlvens 0 WUherspaoa ....,...,....... 9 Peres f Tensell! t Sabetlnl t Lubr T Stratum S Nelson .,...,,............... Bevens 1 Hemphill Collins 4 Taylor ...,...,.............. t Haller S Mastersoa l Rick Borst ..... Strorobacn Collins .. Rick .... Hemphill Borst ... Bevena .. Btrombaeh unn.. .. ... 4 1ut 4 .11; Ai lins won 3, lost S, .386; Zstra-lnnlni israee won 0, lost 4, .000; Home doubleheadert won 0. lost 1, sollt 1; Awar doubleheadere won 0, lost 0, split Oi Total doubleheeders won 0, lost l, spilt i, 'Ifyou want a dnnk'With srr)oiifcoci!y4iaste at a reasonable rice try CARSTAIRS ! j not (tntiirt ku. Diitillln, (, Iik, m WIL Standings (Br The AsioclstM press) w u Lewis ton ...... ...... 10 Victoria i Vancouver .. Pet. .all Alt .us .too .tN .too .Mi .115 .119 .Ml J 11 Yailroa 7 Trl-Cltr Edmonton t Spokane . t Bposene ..., e Wenetcuee S Oalgarr . ' Salem .............. 1 Tasredar'a Beseits: Lewiston It, Yakima 1. - Trl-Cltr 1. Victoria . fVilem I, Vancouver 1. Caliarr I. Wenatchee . Edmonton 4, Spokana 1. rrldar'a Scheduler Lawlatoa at Spokana. Edmonton at wanatchtl. Trl-Cltr at victoria. Calcarr at Taklma. Saleae at Vancouver. er. Six more Lewiston run ners followed him across the plate in that inning, seven in the third, four in the fifth, three in the sixth (two on Dick pitcher "Bobo" Holloman (-year-old son. Gary Lee. the chant (L), 1 Davit (WS). Htlihtto 'l". Broad lump: 1 Mapes (L). S Castle (WS), J Thurston ID. Dlitance ll'U' Hlsh lump Tarlor (WS), Patterson (L), and Anderson (WB),.' all tied at live let. Discus: 1 DeLapp (L). 1 Parka (WS), I Bales (WS). Distance '". Gresham Sends Ten to State -Gresham W) Gresham high school qualified 10 men for the state' high school track meet, scoring an easy victory over rival schools in a district 8 meet here Thursday, Gresham piled up 114 points, trailed by Wilmaukie 78, Parkrose 65, Estacada 52, West Linn 47, Sandy 31, Columbia Prep 22, Os wego 17, Canby 10, Oregon City and Concordia of Port land 0. BATTiyO AS H IB IB BR RBI 60 8B Pet. IS 1000100 .Sfl5 15 II I I 11 1 1 ."I I 0 IS 1 0 4 0 1 .125 I 35 0 1 1 1 .157 1 I 1 1 1 S .JJJ riTtOOOlll .321 1 11 4 0 00 1 1 0 .133 iittttoooa .in I 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 .107 i ii i o t 1 o o i o .in I ' 1 1010000 .107 I 11 I 1 0 0 4 0 0 .103 - 11 1 0 1 0 .1S4 114 1 0 1 01 0 1 .143 I 10000100 , 000 t 1 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 i tooooeoo .ooo PITCHING IP H R IR BO BB W L ZRA ttv, It 1 1 l: 14 3 0 0.10 110000 3.00 114 10 10 t 11 13 1 1 3.00 ' 4 5 4 3 1 10 1 0.31 11 17 II 11 t 11 0 1 IK 1 13 1 0 3 0 1 18.0 eemea won 1. lost 3. .333: One-run mer real whistey value $1)35 L m Nnr Ytrk, K. T. Dtixlsd WWditt, Neal's home run) and the fi-- nal two in the eighth, Danny Race saved the Bean from a shutout with solo round-trip per in the seventh. At Victoria, Tri-City, after trailing from the fifth inning on,' tied the score with a three run rally in the ninth and won the game in the 10th when Mick Pesut singled home Len Tran. The setback snapped a four game Victoria winning streak. A Wenatchee cast-off came back to haunt the Chiefs as Calgary took the rubber game of the three-game series at Wenatchee. Ed Kapp, who was sold to Calgary by the Chiefs before the season opened, gave up eight hits as he racked up his second win of the season. The Stampeders won the game with a three-run outburst in the ninth. -: Edmonton and Spokane play ed scoreless ball until the sev enth inning when the Eskimos' Dick Morgan and Bob Stur geon, both of whom had -singled, crossed the plate on flies by Don Herman and John Co nant. Edmonton added two in the ninth on two -walks and Sam Kanelos' triple. . New series opening Friday place Lewiston at Spokane, Ed monton at Wenatchee, and Cal gary at Yakima. Sales (1) S Vaaeaarer H O B H O Sabatlnl.ct 4 Lubr.Do . i TansellLti . B Perel.Ib 4 Wltheripn,Ib f Tarlor.r! i Stratton.lt f &aaaternen,e , S HemphlU,p 4 ICeitaUt 1 tWcrMb 1 SCnorlton.cf S 0 Storey, Sl 1 11 Hernerxti.J 1 .1 Maecero,rf S 1 Lundbers,ft 1 IDavliei Quldberi.a ... Mrere.p BrUker.lk 4 1 X i a TotaU 40 IS ST Totals 17 I 11 Balem , 410 one aoo I is 1 Vancouver 000 010 910 s i t Loelnc pitcher: Outdoors. Pitcher: IP AB K K BR SO BB Hemphill ... t 17 SSI 1 s o-uidbora ... 1 IS T a t a Urera s J t 4 KliP Storey. Brrora atom. Buntn. dez, Davis, TanselU, Luby, SBH Tan aeUl, afasternson. SBH afaacaro, Perea, Davis. BBI Witherapoon, Tarlor, strat um 2, Uasternson 3, Peres, atorer. usvlav sacrifice Lbbt. DP Davie to Hernasdea to Wert. Tlm 3-fWV tlmn, Dinner ana florenson. Att-eso.. . raklma 000 ooo loo l a i Ijwl.loa 0 10 7 otl Of 16 M l nron. Louse t2, Touns (1), Chip- man IS, oreeeh (8), and Dar, tceun talntea (f; Marshall and Cameron, Seal 10). ... Tri-citr ooi wo ooi 17 s Victoria ail MO aoo 0 11 1 Ssrder. Tanner (0) and result: leaa. naekl, Hodioe (I), rlor (10) and Mar- ua, jiurea (rw. Caliarr Oil 000 00S 11 Wenetthea 100 000 000 S 1 Kapp and Brlcier; Anara and Culttt. Edmonton 000 000 101 1 apokane 000 ooo 0101 e (Tonant and isonan; Franks. Worth (), Cordell (t and Sheets. ... .. Kids' Baseball School Put Off Until May 16 A one -day baseball school for boys, originally scheduled for Saturday, has been post poned one week until May 15. The date was changed be cause of a conflict with Satur day s Boy Scout circus. Many boy scouts called Bill Beard and Vince Genna, saying they would like to attend the base ball school but that they would be busy in the scout circus. It was decided to hold the base ball school next week. Beard, former Salem Senator manager; Genna, coach of Sa lem 's Northwest regional champion American Legion junior baseball team; Jim Mo solf, former Pittsburgh Pirate outfielder; and Bill Hanauska, West Salem junior high coach, will be instructors at the base ball school. TIDE TABLE Tide, far Taft, Oresan Mar, IMS (Csmrlled br V. S. Ceast and Oeeaetle Barver. Portland, Oreton) Mar - Mlrh Waters Low Waters Time Keisnt Tims Helsht S 1:54 a.m. 4.1 3:31 a.m. l. 1:41 p.m. 1.3 3:19 p.m. O S 1:13 a.m. 4.0 1:04 P.m. 0.1 ' 9:31 p.m. I T 1:01 p.m. 0.1 10 10:33 a.m. 4.1 4:11 .a.m. -0.3 10:08 cm. 7.1 1:54 p.m. 1.3 ' 11 11:34 a m. S O 5:01 a.m. -1.0 10.(7 p.m. I S 4:41 p.m. 1.4 11 13:31 p.m. S.I 5:50 a.m. -1.5 11:37 p.m. 7.4 5: p.m. 3.0 II 1:14 p.m. 1.1 0:41 a.m. -1.1 :10 p.m. 1,1 14 13:07 a.m. 7.4 7:37 a.m. -1.0 3:00 p.m. 5.0 0:55 p.m. 3.6 15 13:41 a.m. 7.1 1:13 a.m. -1.7 1:57 p.m. 4.0 7:41 p.m. 3.1 II 1:30 a.m. I.I 1:57 a.m. -1.4 3:47 p.m. 4.1 1:31 p.m. 3.1 U Ml, 11 tril Ntttril Iplrlh 50-Lap Mainer Destruction Derby Top Racing Card , A SO-Up main event and a six-car destruction derby will highlight Saturday night's stock car racing program at Bollywood Bowl. A trophy 'dash and three heat races will also be in cluded ea the program. They will be preceded, of course, by the traditional time trials at 7:S. , At least 18 stock cars will compete in racing program. Some of the stock car driv ers wilt be recruited to par ticipate in the destruction derby. The destruction derby has only two rules 1 no head on collisions (2 last car running is the winner. Probable participants in the destruction derby are Bob Dillon, Ray Elliott, Ar mond Miiien and Art Watts. Other drivers In the more orthodox portions of the program include Bill Wei man, Floyd Trimble, Bill Amick, Roy( Eagerly, ohnny Helper, Ray Chase, .Wally Gervais, Don Dehaan, Sheldon Johnson, Woody Stark, Ray Gericke, Ernie Rasmussen and Larry Gard ner. Willamette Nine Faces Whitman And Coyotes In a top place tie with Lln field in the Northwest Con- ference race, Willamette's Bearcats put their crown hopes on the . line this week end in four games with Whit man's ' Missionaries and the College of Idaho Coyotes. wmtman invades Bush field Saturday for a pair against Coach John Lewis' Bearcats md Monday afternoon the WU tossers host the Coyotes in twinbiU. Willamette brought its con ference mark to 4-2 Monday with a S-S decision over Lewis and Clark. Mickey Coen twirl ed the important win and Third Baseman Tex Kirken- dall provided a double that knocked in the winning runs In the 10th Inning. ' Righthander Andy George will be Lewis hill choice in Saturday's first game against Whitman, with Coen the like ly choice "for the nightcap. Dave Gray, Benny Holt and Vern Vannice may be called upon for duty in the. Monday action with College of Idaho. Bearcat Track Squad Seeks Fifth Straight Possessed of four straight wins against Northwest Confer ence opponents. Coach Jeff Frei's Willamette links squad seeks No, 5 Thursday against Linfield at McMinnville. On Friday the Bearcat swing ers play host to the University of British Columbia Thunder birds at Salem Golf club. Squad members include No. 1 man Dick Renn, Dick Church, Dan Callaghan, Dave Kvale, Ellis Von Eschen and Ken Baines. Outdoor tlttping at iu lets. -warm bt. White 8U1 Slpini t dMignrd to meet the moil enacting drmandi ot cutdoortmen tverr arhett Espertly tailored Irom fenett Mterialt by White Stag mailer nfttmen. Select from While Sttg't eanptete tine oi wool, kapok, or dswit-flUtd bgt tat durable water repellent covennge.' tlaad with aflrottrvt wwirt-fiviff aft Cna44tiY welwtfcrt(iad. Owitxlt rffnr ttpptr wtftra tfm bHld and aHde. tf Ptwble aiTmnmt ptKtceH. 0 Rail aafitpMtlr $14.95 indup Other Sleeping Bags as low as $7.95 77172 mJ -Vi Umbrella Tents from Two-Room Tents from $58.50 Don't worry about cabin reservations take a tent with jrou. It will pay for Itself In a few nights, . - "SNO-GEL" $1.25 For your camp refrigerator. Keeps food cold no slush like you get from bulky ice. Budget Payment BRADLEY'S BICYCLE AND SPORT SHOP 237 N. High Street Open Friday Until 9 LOCAL UNITIP fRKS Salem, District 7 Track Meet By PAUL HARVEY HI Salem and Gervai track teams dominated the District Seven track meet at MeCul- loch stadium Thursday, Gervais had by far the most points in the Claas "B" part of the meet while the Vikings were vic torious la the class "A" div stun Salem sends 14 to the state meet at Corvallis later this month, while Gervais has men in all but three events of the state class "B" meet. Track men who are entered in more than two events in the state are Jack Bishop (Salem), Ed Castillo (Salem), Chuck John son (Salem), and Gene. Flcek, all in the A meet ' Those from "B" schools in two or more events are Bill Paulson (Gervais), Frank Adams (Gervais), Ben Greer (Gervais), Gary Espe (Ger vais), Frank Adams (Gervais) and Norman Berhost (St. Paul). - ' Oregon State Ties Oregon for Lead In Northern Dlv NOstTHEBN DIVISION (Br The Aesoelated Press W - I, - Pet. .t ,M7 .500 . .460 .1ST Oreion .... . 3 , Oretoa Btst ..4 . S .. Idaho 4 - Waehinston State ...... " ' Wasblcstcn , I t .1- The Oregon State Beavers, aided by a rainstorm which idled Oregon and Washington at Seattle, shouldered into first place in the Northern. Division baseball race Thursday with an 8-3 triumph over Washing ton State. ' The win at ' Pullman ; lifted the Beavers into percentage wise tie with the Ducks at the top of the heap, -Oregon with six -wins and three losses and OSC with a 4-2 record. Wash ington State dropped to fourth place, The Beaver move to Mos cow Friday for a pair of games with the Idaho Vandals, while Oregon and Washington play a makeup doubieheader at Se attle. Oreton state ...K 133 OOI I 11 S Washlniton Stats ...001 000 0103 1 1 Wellman imd Thomas: rrank. Bounce (I) and Goppert. Fuentes 13-10 Favorite Over Aaron Wilson New York Ramon Fu entes, the welterweight cham pion of California, was a IS to 10 favorite today to make a successful eastern debut to night in a 10-round, nation ally televised bout against Aron Wilson at St. Nicholas Arena. Fuentes, hopeful of gradu ating into the top ranks of the welterweight contenders, carries an impressive record into the ring of 20 wins In 21 professional fight, includ ing eight knockouts. ASSOCUTEP PRESS Oregon, Friday, May 8, 1953 IS Team Totals for "A" Schools Salem 175, . Stayton 55, Woodburn 49, Sacred Heart 42, Molalla 37, Silverion 34, Cas cade 23 and $orth Marion, 14. Totals for "B" Schools Gervais 293, Mill City 73, Deaf School 58, Jefferson 45, St Paul 25, Gates 20, Chema wa 7. u eorge Meyers, Salem, broke the district shot put record as. he hit S3 feet, 7 inches to better the old rec ord by more than three feet. Ben Greer of Gervais broke the Class B record as he ran the low hurdles in 15.8 sec onds. This narrowly missed the district "A" record. , The Class "B" high jump rec ord of 5 feet, 5 inches was tied by Evart Martin of the Deaf school. The Class "B" pole vault record was also tied as Bill Paulson, Gervais, soar ed 10 feet six inches. A strong wind hindered the runners at times due to the fact that the wind was blowing into the faces of all the sprint ers. " - ' The top two men in each event will go to the state championship, Salem's entries are Jack Bishop in the high hurdles, Ed Castillo in the 100 yard dash, Chuck Johnson to the 440 yard dash. Bishoo in the low hurdles. Castillo in ihet tcatmavra). Tlelkx (Jefttrsos), ' j ?,r 1"1 Oh (Mill Ota) all Bad, Wtanliti aim rkiiapp enn leunenry in-the 880, George Meyers lSiSSS, : roi, ill wie luscub, nay- iayior iu wieiwiw rwftyvoa otut iavrfin. TVm.- LimTjAcker and !Ql- .-B 1 MeyersandJimPers.mintha shot put, Bill Walker In the 1 the broad Jump, and their win - ning relay team. The retay consists of Ed Castillo, Murray oru), s cu irwi), Jensen, Chuck Johnson, andlfwm eitr). wmmna tiaau.i Ken Bawlings, . , i Mile: 1 aarr bps (Oervali), 1 Sail t MAS4 -nrtAtm IHa Lwl (Deal sshool). 3 Celsstlna (Deal . rection ot Vern GUmore and Ted OKdahl was the referee, DISTRICT BEVKN CUUtt BMBtTtS tin -w.rA Kitrh Hardiest 1 ClJXle Evtac (Surcd Heart), 3 Jack Bishop (flUem). 5 fl,m VanAriMl&ls fWOd!UTtt, 4 Bat (Sttrton, 8 -Lneh Stafton), 5 Jack Chkvve (saiemj wuuuni un 19.4 nconde. - loo yard dash: 1 3r. ftgek Wood- burn), 3 Zd Castillo (.Salein), J-owm Krupick fM&Jli. 4 Murray JMUfn Aatm Sehaffter ' tCnscmAti. 4, Terrr Sallerbttrr (sicm. Winnlnr Mm fr ies dMoond. , ; . Mile: Don mil (Cwcidi), S Art mirsit HfArfi. Soward flaUnir (fla- rtmi, 4 BH1 Robr, (SaicmV, B WeKary (North Ktrlonh 9&v NiecaisT mk7- tont. wmmnr enn uo Td OuAtit t Chuck Johnson (fia limi, 3 Ron Hutcbendorf (fillvertonj. I Stephens (Sacred HeartJ. 4 HoeUlng iMnTib MtTteni. 5 Vstj lAtm (North Marlon), fr Garr DuBoU (Salem). win nlnr ttmft iftCOltdff. ISO yard iaw nurona: t itrrroa aiuw (SlwertonJ, a Jaeic Bianop lomm), Ourette (CatMadef, 4bui (Stay ton) sind flam VanAradalfr fWoodbum) MhL oil Btewart (Salem). Winning time 32.S ifcondi. 220 yard daaiir 1 Grne Fixe it (Wood burnU 2 Ed Castillr) OSalem), t Georga Km Pick a (MoIaHa), 4 Ten KftwIinM (6alera, 5 Endres fBacrM Heart), Kraemar (Woodtjurn). winning time 33.7 aecond. tSQ yard lash; I Jim Knapp tsoiemi POWER MOWERS? WE GOT 'EM! TORO COOPER REO JACOBSEN HOMO JOHNSTON MAJESTIC Eversharp The Widest end Best Selection in the Willamette Volley Alto Reconditioned And Guaranteed Used Power Mowers rr GEORGE E- I 236 N. Commercial iT MAKES SENSE TO SEE ALLEN'S ABOUT YOUR POWER MOWER NEEDS NEWS AND FEATURES Page 13 3 Ted Henrr (Satant, MUrem Sin. rleha istartoo), 4 WaM (silrerloa), a Cole (Norm Marion), s Burns (HorUt Msrlon). Wisslni time J.-00.T, , - Discus: 1 De Van Handta (Stir, ton), a Gears la-erera QSalem), S . Hann MoletlaJ, 4 Oena Keek Wood burn), 5 Bar Tarlor (Satan), t jt (Woodburnl. Wlnnlns- distance W74", Javella: 1 Roser PHeipe tltolailai, 1 Bar Tarlor (Balem), S listen (star ton), 4 Anderson (Buverton), i vanca Corner (aaerad Heart), fl Georxe aier era (Salem). Wlnnlns distance H34". Pole vault: 1 Don JJmbocker (Balm) and Ed Ketch (Salem) tied, S Psletl (Starton), 4 Craii otelr (Salem), Bon Davis (Silverton), Prlohtl (atar !oo). Wionlna iielthtJi lo-". .. Snot put: 1 Onrxe Merer (BaSea), 3-Jlm Person (Salem), 1 Richard Lea iWoodbarn), 4 Dv Van Handle (Star ton), ft Dennis Garland (Salem). 4 Mlfchel (Starton).-- Wlnnlns dlstasca Hlsh lumo: t -Bava Haiea QJolaaa), BUI Walker (Salens),' and Jlnt t aionaritr '6 acred Be?t all tied, hnl hi .., Walker se- to th tat i n.. Ltrabocker (Salem), S Lessasher Stir- ton ana rrrdlseer (Starton) tied. Win nie netahth S'l". . , Broad jump: l4)ene nmal!'(A(v4A, 3 Dav Johnson (Salem); 1. Bill Thorwawt (Sacred Heart). 4 BchaJier (Caecade), s Oordoa Domeislla 6Sa lm), o amtuch (Ohemawa). v ; ; ISO rard relav: Wan S- a.;. i-ta iiTIo, Murrar Jensen. Chuck Johnaoa and Ken Itawllnn), S W-KKrosrc,' 3-Cll. cade, 4-sttverton, S-Morth Marlon, t Uolalta. - , - OLAS "B- acHOOL'i USVlTi Fola vault: WBili Pwtum Vnj.i 3 STank Adams' (oervats), " s-o6!.i (Oreaon School tor the nti mA PwrsOB (Gemis) sled, t fcaCUlr (Che- wMKj ami muter cnemawar tied. Wlnnlni hetthth 10'r1. " . Shot pat: 1 Evart Brevrer (Mm esitr). 3 Dale Wattenbemer (JeSsrsee), s-1 Leror Podrabskr (Mill citr), a John Perrr (Jefferson). 5 John WeiBS (Qer vais), 0 earr Xelion (Bat School). Wlnnlns distance . .- HUh, lamp: Brart Martin .(Deal School), -Bilt Paulson (Oervala. a Adams (Oetvals), and Hawkins. (Jetler. on) tied. S-Joaesh (Cirenrnra. Boan- tiwisnsn - o - a . . ... . (Oanais), 1 umiucti MfJtUmsimi. a-tr chue am taw, itmrtu (. . V io rrd aah; i cir iiaeM ' I "U2J (QerraU), rmt (Str Paul), wianins Ume 4:88.1. in ?rd sow 6QTd: s-b& atr (Oerrala), 1 Xorman Barborftt (Bt. Paul), Young Cr?aU, 4-acpp,T-gr JGerrate), 5 Soler CD SehooJ). Wlnntnc tlmt ascends. ' 440 yard-dh: 1 Allan Tall OatM), 3 Krrls Uartla 4Zef dso2) a Oatt (Oervals), 4 Coatee fGervate), S lfar - latt (JeJeiMCrti). eVTieae (J0frnon. Winn tut tlm M,l cotla. 330 yard da: i uury icay oar- rmia), 3 J&yin Marttn (Deaf Babool). 3 Boy Cvii (Qerrali). 4 Coia (Owr vaU). 5 smith (St. Paul), McCann (Dent 3 ah ooi). Wlaalna" ilme 10.8 ao- 80 yard dajh: 1 Oary Bsp (OarraU), (JflferKs;). HaIKu (0rrai. B Smith (fit. Paul), e Earl Ltwla (Deaf School). Winstar Mm 9:13.3. ' Prank Adam (GarraU), John Welaa Greer (Gerval)r Vmtoei . (CfcaraaTra). Winning dlitanea IW'I". City), s Xrart Snwer tMla &rh wmiams (GMTaitJ, cmo (orrau. S waitenbarget (Jerteraon), ap pinjer iOflryaa. , waning sussac 160'3" ssft yard raiayt 1 Mm enr KanoftV IMoy Podrabaky, Ray Ohaatv and Clyte Pleatwood) 3 Oervala, r?af SchsoJ. 4-rffrB StOwsBawaV Winning time 1 3 aeeotads. ALLEN'S IS THE BEST PLACE TO BUY YOUR POWER MOWER BECAUSE ALJ.EN'S CARRY Atle THE BEST BRANDS ALIEN'S GIVE LIBERAL TRADE-INS ON YOUR OLD MOWER ' ALLEN'S GUARANTEE EVERY NEW MOWER FOR A FULL YEAR ALLEN'S HAVE THE EASIEST TERMS' IN TOWN ALLEN'S HAVE THEIR OWN SERVICE DE PARTMENT ALLEN'S GIVE FREB HOME DEMONSTRA TIONS ALLEN'S HAVE S2 MODELS FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE ALLEN'S SERVICE EVERY MOWER AND GIVE FREE INSTRUC TION TO NEW OWNERS ALLEN'S MOWER DOWN PAYSIENTS ARE AS LOW AS $6.80 ALLEN'S GIVE PENNY SAVER STAMPS ALLEN'S PRICES START AT $52.SO i , T i ! Ikv a l a . e e -e-e n. -v- v s ' v i. -V'l '--- -'-" ''-' " w -..--.- . .... ...