I ' -- .'-.-,. , Friday, May g, 53 Farm Leaders Hit af Tariff Washington W) Leaden of national i arm organizations Joined Thursday In urging freer worm u-aae ana denouncing a bill before Congress to impose new uaue restrictions. Lloyd C. Halvorson, econo mist xor me national Grange, said new trade barriers by the' United States would stir re sentment throughout the free world and Imperil this nation's own economy. He told the House Ways and Means Committe that foreign countries must be allowed to sell goods here to earn dollars EH u atrfi Cherry City Electric S39 Ghemeketa Fhona 2-6762 "to pay for the foodstuffs and machines needed from us." John C. Lynn, legislative dl rectr of the American Farm bureau reaeration, said the bill before the committe would re long established United States mil ing trade barriers. . "Its drastic nrnvislnn. h. ld, " would nullify" the ef- recuveness of the reciprocal trade agreements program, and would be contrary to "the real interests" of the U. S. Community Dinner At Woodburn Moy 9 Woodburn The last com- raunity dinner until fall will be held at the Union school Saturday, May 9, beginning at i p-m. An amateur show will be presented following the din ner and anyone interested In entering should contact Mrs. John Ramage, Thoes attending are asked to bring "potluck" and table serv-, ice. Coffee and rolls will be furnished by the committee. Everyone is welcome. JUST 3 DAYS LEFT to moke your guess en the number ef pennies in our window. See our window for contest rules and priies. CLOSING DATE - MAY 1 1 th g&ds ACKLIN'S Junior Bootery Open Until 9:00 Tonight Senator Hotel Building RHODODENDRONS AND AZALEAS A Gorgeous Display of Bright Colored -Blossoms in a Variety of Sizes WILL MAKE FINE MOTHER'S -., DAY GIFT Bedding Plants, Geraniums, Fuschias and Perennials , FERRILLS NURSERY Vi Mile Eastof Keizer Ph. 21307 Advice Given On Rat Control Manyi inquiries are reaching the Public Health Office and exterminator companies for in formation on how to let rid of rats. Since this is the migratory season for rats are numerous and are often seen about prem ises both downtown and In the residential districts. A bulletin from the health office says four steps are neces sary for control. They are: Kill the rat, eliminate their food supply, destroy their breeding places, and make buildings rat proof. The bulletin continues: "Rat poisons are the most efficient means of destroying rats. Exterminators and Dest control operators are expert' enced in handling rat poisons. They will choose the poison that best fits the condition un der which it is to be used. It must be remembered that poi sons deadly for one warm Diooaed animal are more or less poisonous- to others. Hu man beings, pets and domestic animals must be protected against accidental poisoning. "Food and shelter are the two most important factors In a rat's existence. Open garbage and trash heaps should be elim inated. If birds, including the ducks along Mill Stream, are being fed, a rat-proof feeding tray should be provided. A feeding tray placed on a ledge to prevent spilling is best. "Once the rats have been killed and their harbors elimi nated, it becomes necessary to make the buildings as rat- proof as possible. All open ings larger than Vi inch, must be closed If rats are to be kept out. Hardware cloth over windows, near the ground,-and metal sheathing on edge of doors gives protection against rat invasion. Almost any structure can be made rat proof with a little ingenuity." THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem. Oreron NEW FRAME FOR DOUGHBOY SCHAEFER'S RECTAL OINTMENT. 75C TUBE (W(th Applicator) Why suffer the discomfort of irritating and itching of piles? Sold Only at SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE Open Dally, 7:30 ajn. - t pjn. Sundays, t ajn. - 4 pjn. 135 N. Commercial I , '"'' .HV . ' V - I f tfi'dsK. VV , f rlt j i i " it ' i - , t i , 4 ''. r a ' m I .'.1.4 4 IT? V : : ' ,fe Mm . I'M I. Uf, Power Boost For Radio KWIL Albany Radio station KWIL will be broadcasting from a new frequency and with in. creased power by late summer or early fall, it was announced Wednesday by R. R. Cronise, president of the Central Wil lamette Broadcasting company. Cronise's announcement came upon receipt of word from the Federal Communications com mission of permission to con struct a new station. Cost of change-over will be $60,000 to $70,000, Cronise re vealed. The station's power will be Increased to 1000 watts, and its frequency changed to 790 kilocycles, Cronise said. KWIL will broadcast from a point four miles east of Albany. C, H. tfsher and Son, Fort land, who have been awarded the contract tor erection of three tower and the radiating system, will begin work Im mediately. ; ' -. ' OtlME CONTEST ' Woodburn Members of the Woodburn Hobby club will hold a glider contest Sunday. May 10, at the Woodburn alr- MOTHER'S DAY CAKE SPECIAL Decorated With Bosea $1.75 Order New SALEM HOME BAKERY 13S0 N. Church h.JM45 rtt ii port field near West Wood burn.' The event will be from 2 to 4 p.m. and the public Is invited., The prize will be a "Little Duster" plane. For Mother's Day IN BLOOM., , Rock Daphne , Azaleas . , Rhododendrons j ' Camellias Knight Pearcy Nursery Town yard 175 8. Liberty (3 blks. south - of State) Conntrr yard en ME 1 mil south ef Brooks. , Erection of upper floor steel for new Marlon county courthouse created this frame for ihe county memorial to veterans of first world war. Practically all structural steel needed for courthouse construction is now at hand. Fire Destroys Mill at Idanha Idanha Fire early Wednes day destroyed the Idanha Shin' gle Mill Corp. plant owned by Wilbur Chestnut and Sam Pat merton. The loss was estimated at $25,000 and was only partially covered by insurance. A shingle shed and shingles stored in it were saved. , Warren Stoll of the Idanha fire department discovered the blaze and sounded the alarm about 1:30 a.m. Firemen were unable to check the fire which started in the upstairs and had gained considerable headway when discovered. Frey Now Publisher Portland Oregoniari Portland VP) M. J. Frey, general manager' of the Ore gonian, Thursday was named publisher of the newspaper by the Oregonian Publishing com' pany. . Frey, who will continue to handle the general manager's duties, said the change was in titles only and that the paper's policy and operation would re main the same. The- paper has beeen pub' lished by the company. if r r i C You're paying ?: ;h j ; for top quality whiskey.. .are you I V " I 'oc rlitT by Gtenmoce. It sosicea 1 1 11141111 1 I f , VV satisfying drinks. And nmambet, GVenmoee laebeea M'v': JT' I ' mAt by the same fmmily foe three gcoetatioos. This V vZ'Jr assures you mi marched wiitormiiy every tiraa. ; g V ( II fROOF KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON CUNMORC DISTIUERIES COMPANY UXMSVUUL Kt, Here !s an unusual opportunity to see for yourself the fine new cars that make the New Packard Program the news story of this automotive year. 25 beautiful new cars will be awarded, including a glamorous Packard Caribbean. We hope you will join us. Please read on Last December the people of this j country gave a typical, enthusi astic welcome to the announcement that Packard was returning to the fine- car field. Once again America had a new choice in fine cars! At the same time, the Packard CLIPPER was announced as the only medium-priced car in America built in the fine-car tradition. The 6ig type of car, priced just a few hundred dollars more than the low-priced lines. These announcements were the first step in the revitalized Packard Program! Now you are Invited to par ticipate in step number two with 12 new Packard! and 12 new Packard CLIPPERS to be awarded those who follow the simple rules for participat ing in Packard Invitation Month. May tth to June Wh is the time. Just visit your dealer then. See the new Packard or CLIPPER and, on an offi cial participation form (which your dealer will provide), write 25 words or less about the feature that im presses you most. Tell us what we should say about that feature in future advertising. Send in as many suggestions as you wish. Just be sure that each one is written on an official participation form and is in the mail before mid night on June 9th, 195). See your Packard dealer toon. Klasic Photo Center PHOTO FINISHING FILMS IN AT 10 .m., OUT S p.m I Caribbean America's sports car. STATE MOTORS, INC. 340 No. High St. Salem, Ore. I r KLAjIL rffllltl j IlillliiiiiliiilllllllllllllllM s 1 ; J Saturday, May 9 1 146 Center Lra , ;i j We sre proud to smowce Mm iriirf Peseta, smim ImiHn s " , :'f I'M Cefifer Jf. Ws wish to cteftwe Is Meg yei Me ism Dm ' $ ' pksfegriplilc ssntks Hut kss kese mslntsfotd st ser srstsnt wuHm 1$ I'M fr rnsny yssn, hi sistmilng ssr fecHIHsi Is hrt femssJsnl lcsie j Jj wWI lwtt' " Hnk T" ft11 1tt- i II I jASJuJuiusais ..ii Jl I ti;Mtsfe. ... imm.nn.1 nui-i. ymtrij All V MOTHERS, take your children to the Klasle Photo Center n openlnc day, Saturday, May I. While there, ate a Kodak Due flex camera, gtt a snapshot at your ehlldrea A Ixl enlarce aatnt will be presented to you without cost from this snap shot . . . Ton will be delishted to see how easy it Is to set a rd ptetura, FREE - FREE - FREE Door prises will be liven away, drawing to be held at 4:1 and 8:0 P.M., Saturday, May ... Need not be present to win. 1. Irownie Movie Camera Gives you movies with snapshot ease. 2. T.D.C. Vivid 35 mm. Slide Projector Picture perfection comes with projection. 3. Argue 75 Camera Set Contains flash unit, case, flaah bulbs. 4. Irownie Hawkey Set Complete with flash unit, film and bulbs. Gifts for the Kiddies fRHS M AT 10 A.H. READY AT 5 Mi ... m Two Convenient Locations 546 Stale SI. 1146 Tenter St