Page 10 THE CAPITAL JOUTJNAL, Salem, Oregon DOWNTOWN BALCONY OF YESTER-YEAR I , -rv - t, v - n , 7 yj, . M ; if .1- -;'jf; ' . jMLci,'- 4 mm I I r :' . j tmm0'' f i J j J j 1 i " 1 ... -- :1 ' f - ITS' - ' -t--t i sssWWsSSiB MMsjBtifl llf JL: J wooaoum Airs Fire Problem Woodburn A Joint meeting . was held Wednesday night at the Woodburn city hall of the Woodburn Sural Fire Pro- : tectlon district board, the Woodburn city council, men 1 4 JI .111 l J A tee, and a few interested farm ers to' discuss mutual prob lems of the fire protection problems for both the city and the rural' district. Wlnton Hunt was named to act as chairman for the eve ning. M. Gllson, state deputy fire marshal, was also pres ent. After discussing the prob lems from various angles not willrli nmtfrsgi was mod Tf was decided to hold a separ ate meeting of each group dur ing the week and to again meet together next Tuesday, May 12 at 8 p.m. at the Wood burn city hall. Representa tives of the state fire mar shal's office and the Oregon rating oureau nave oeen in vited to be present . Frank Felton of Gervais Route I, resident of the Waconda district, was named as director of the rural fire protection district as succes sor of Gail Laniden who re signed at the regular meeting f the board, due to 111 health. Lansden has been a member and secretary-treasurer of the board et directors since the district was organized six years ago. His resignation was accepted with regret. Above the Fashionette at 429 Court street in downtown Salem is this ornate, wooden balcony of yester-year. When J. A. Norwood occupied the premises with his grocery store In 1902 the Skiff building with its voguish filigree was new. Norwood, for 25 years previously, had been a . farmer on Howell prairie. He was the father of 13 healthy children and when President Roosevelt visited Salem SO years ago he congratulted Norwood upon his success In combatting race suicide. Mothers of Toddlers to Meet at School May 12 HIGH PAYMENTS GOT YOU DOWN? Refinance with A meeting for all mothers who will have children in the first grade when school opens in September has been sched uled by Miss Mathilda Gilles, principal of Richmond school, for May 12, at 1:30 o'clock In the school auditorium. Health cards, registration cards, and other Informational materials will be distributed. I Miss Ruth Ingram, school nurse, will be on hand to ex plain health requirements which should be met before the school term opens. The Richmond FT A Room Mothers' committee is arrang ing for a brief social hour fol lowing the meeting. Prospec tive first graders will be guests of the school during the meet ing, visiting the primary classes. , - It is desired that parents at tend who live in areas which have been added to the Rich mond district in a recent boun dary change and who also have incoming first graders. This in cludes homes located along the south and west sides of the creek from 19th street and Breyman to 14th and Center; thence south on I4th to State (both sides): thence east on State to 17th, giving Richmond those families living on the norm side of State between 14th and 17th: south on 17th from State to Mission (both sides); east on Mission from 17th to 20th (both sides); thence south on 20th (both sides) to the city limits; thence east along the city limits to S5tn; thence south on 25th to the airport (both sides); thence easi xo city limit; thence north to Breyman. -Children living on the south side of Breyman anena Kicnmona school. The major chaneej In the boundary lie in the area along the creek from Chemeketa to 14th and thence on to State. .mis section lormeriy as signed to Garfield has now been assigned to Richmond. Another change Includes that part of 20th street formerly as signed to Bush, now assigned to Richmond, and all of 22nd street including the new hous ing units on Electric street, who will also be coming to Richmond. Phone 4-1451 1955. Commercial Marine Corps Enlists Barnes Staff Sgt. Donald L. Barnes, member of the instructor-inspector staff for the Marine Corps Reserves here, Tuesday was enlisted in the Marine Corps for a period of six years. Barnes a veteran ol 1Z years of service with some branch of the Armed Forces, during World War II spent six years with the U. S. Army, being in Europe and North Africa for 37 months of that time and taking part in every major campaign in the ETO. During those 27 monthe he served in Africa. Sicily. Italy, France and Germany. Barnes was released from active duty with the Army in 1945 and in 1948 joined the Marine Corps reserves. In 1949 he was assigned to the Salem Marine instructor outfit on active duty and with the start of the Korean war was sent to Camp Pendleton, Calif. . Released from active duty last year Barnes rejoined and May 2, 1952, as a reserve on active duty, again reported to the Marines here as an in structor. He was discharged from the Marine Reserves this Monday and his Tuesday en listment was his first in the regular Marine Corps. Barnes, with his wile and three children, Jerald, Donna Kay and Suzanne, reside at 1165 Jefferson street, Salem. Honor Fred Frentz Woodburn Fred Frentz, long-time employee of the Woodburn Birds Eye plant, received a 25-year service pin and. a $100 bond on his re tirement last week, from Ar thur Reiling of Hillsboro, re gional manager. Mrs. Agnes Ledtke received a . ten-year service pin at the same time. SCHAEFER'S NERVE TONIC For functional disturb ances, nervous headaches, nervous, irritability, excita bility, sleeplessness. ..1.00 -1.75 SCHAEFER'S DRUGSTORE Open Dally, 1:M ra. - t pjn. Sundays, 9 .m. 4 pjn. 135 N. Commercial Pay less each month You can pay off all your bills with a cash loan and you can tepay us in small monthly amounts that will not over burden your budget. Ask us for details on our easy-to arrange loan plans. Come in, write or 'phone. SIGN AlURt AUTO FURNJTURf LOANS $25 to $1500 Km. 100, Sir (ml II. H 441ft t, D. WAIKIR, Mgr. TOMORROW IS THE TH If You Have Not Already Done So PAY YOUR FUEL OIL BILL NOW! Make it possible for your dealer to continue this fine service to you. SALEM FUEL OIL DEALERS v CREDIT ASSOCIATION LI &tf . :.n I Come In for a demonstration lodayl W. L ANDERSON, INC. 368 Marlon St., Salem, Ore. .J Sweet Home' Child Weighs 1 Lb., 14 Oz. Sweet Home An "Airlock," which acts as an incubator and also provides artificial respira tion, is being used at the Lang- mack hospital to save the life of a baby boy born three months prematurely and weighing one pound, 14 ounces. The child is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Moe of Sweet Home. Parking Change Dallas At the regular meeting of the City Council on May 4, the members heard the first reading of an ordinance to make parallel parking legal in the business district of Dallas. The issue has been discussed pro and con for some time, and will be finally passed on at the next meeting of the Council on May 18. The ordinance will be come law If a majority of the council and those in attendance vote in favor of the issue. Carnival Dales Now May 29-31 South Salem Dates for the Carnival to raise funds for the development of Joryville Park have been changed to tne Me morial Day week-end. May 20, 30 and 31 The carnival Is scheduled to be held at the Browning Brothers winter quarters, on Liberty road and Browning avenue, mere wui ne riaes, concessions by most of the organizations in the South Salem area, and entertain ment nightly. All the profits from the concession booths, and a per centage from the rides, will go to the Joryville Park fund. The park is a development of the South Salem Suburban Chamber of Commerce. Mrs. Roland Seeger, chair man for the Marion County Some Extension units met with a committee Tuesday ai ner home on Seeger Lane to make plans for their booth at the carnival. Representing Liberty-Salem Heights, was Mrs. E. A. Meola; Pringle, Mrs. Alan Dillabough; Prospect, Mrs. Laura Hoppe, and Rob erts, Mrs. William Keeney. Friday, May , 1M the Grange hall by the Wood- burn Jaycee-eties, at 8:30 o'clock. Members of the Woodburn Jaycees wiU be guests. The committee in charge includes Mrs. Vernon Eaden, Mrs. Bow Sawtelle and Mrs. Gary Butcner. BARN DANCE MAY t Woodburn A party with a "barn dance" ( theme" will be held Saturday night, May 9, at ALWAYS A COFFEE BARGAIN AT , H & H GROCERY tXW Coffee wi, 69c GERANIUMS Largest Selection in Salem SO VARIETIES IVY LEAFS Martha Washington ... plus a full line of Bedding Stock, Petunias, Zinnias, etc. We Use Only Natural Fertilizers 3275 D-VISTA D St. GARDENS SALEM 1288 State St. RANDALL'S Phone 3-6489 At a time when we know you will most appreciate it our pleasure is to bring you this fine Eastern Oregon Hereford Beef at the lowest prices in years and years! Wholesale prices on every beef cut in the house! Plan to buy a week's supply. Fill your locker. Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford Arm Cuts Blade Cuts Rumps Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford Steak rirS Round T-Bone Rib Steaks Fresh IBM mm &0!!iM! ram EEF'CU lb. lb. lb. 27 BONELESS NEW YORK CUT SIRLOIN TIP ROAST or STEAK Young Hens .LB. IB. 69' 59 BEEF TENDER LOIN Hearts .LB. Fruh beef IB, 89' 29' Plump LB. Fully Dressed and Drawn 49' c6i)kIYrY sYyIe. Sausage IB. 29' BUY UKKER HE Best selection of Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford beef. Don't fail to take adranroge of these oricei Cnv.-!.- credit may be arranged. Nothing down a full year to pay. P, Convenient Half or Whole Pound Baby Beef LIVER Tender, Lean, Meaty Front Quarter Pound Hind Quarter Pound 39 Fresh Beef Tongues lb. 29 CHUCK LB.