Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 07, 1953, Page 9, Image 9

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    Pag 10
i' ,u" t,r j6
Carnation Days
Are Set Apart
The American War Mothers,
many of them who wear the
Gold Star, whose aoni and
daughters aerved their country
in the World Wan, will tell ar
tificial carnatiom May 8 and S
before Mother's Day.
Thii custom haa been en
dorsed by 'he president, the
governor and the mayor and by
the people whose patronage
has been generous.
The funds are used for aid of
disabled service men and their
families, hospital relief, Christ
man cheer in hospitals and in
stitutions and furthering the
growth of the organization in
city, state and nation.
The second Sunday in May
was designated as Mother's
Day by act of congress on May
8, 1914, so one day is singled
out for honor and homage to
The annual Mother's Day
pilgrimage to the tomb of the
Unknown Soldier will be Sun
day, May 10, at Arlington Nat-
Local No. 247, International Printing Pressmen and
Assistants' Union, celebrated the 43rd anniversary of its
charter yesterday by presenting the hospital bed shown
above to the Salem General Hospital. Left to right are
Lillian M. McDonald, hospital superintendent, Al O'fem
stein, secretary, and Lloyd H. Arnold, president of the
union. . ;
Husbands! Wives!
Get Pep, Vim; Feel Younger
Thousands of maples arn wstk, worn-out,
rxhsujted sotoly bacausa body lacks iron. Fot
Uw vonnaer faelinff after 4U. trv uw. fctah.
ir-potency Ostres Tcmlo Tablets. Contain Iron
rou. too. may need for pent plus supplement
loses vitamin fit, vitamin Bs, and 11 miner
lis. Sl.SS size only SI. 19. Alio ask to see
rary popular, bis monoy-saving Economy siie
At all drua stores everywhere
Aalem, at Payless.
ional cemetery. Mrs. Mabel A.
Lockwood, national president
of the American War Mothers,
who lives in Salem, left by
Diane to attend that service,
Red carnations are worr. lor
living mothers and white ones
for mothers not living.
Mayor Al Loucks has Issued
proclamation seuing apart
the two days for the carnation
sales. .
Mf. Angel Students
In Music Recital
Mt. Angel Mount Angel
Academy school of music pre
sented 23 grade school pupils
In , recital Sunday afternoon
in the Women's College Auditorium.
Those participating includ
ed Lela Turnacllff, Kathleen
Weborne, Judy Henlgsgarde,
Sharon Copeland, Linda Sor-
ger, Catherine Copeland,
Mary Beth Eberle, Marianne
Fitzsimmons, Janet Kail is,
Christine McDonald, Angle
Turnacllff, Donna Robertson,
Danen Lamkin.
Carole Homann, Marlann
Frank, Nadine Zollner, Sue
Ann Erley, Sally Orton, Kay
Bergerson, Helen Provost,
Sandra Schultz, Donna Ho
mann. Judith Wachter. Carol
"iNaterlln and Donna Woodry.
Moeller Blasts
Douglas McKay
Oregon Attorney General
Robert Y. Thornton was called
upon to use every effort in the
court to block construction of
the proposed Idaho Power
company dam on Snake river
In a statement issued today
by Rjchard Moeller, president
of the Oregon State Farmers
Union. '
Moeler's statement blasted
Secretary of the Interior Doug
las McKay for his decision to
turn over the "immensely
valuable hydroelectric sites on
the Snake river to the Idaho
Power company" and de
nounced his action as a "shock
ing betrayal of the public in
terest". Western farmers will
pay $15 a ton for more phos
phate fertilizer as a result of
McKay's action, Moeler's state
ment said.
"We must prepare to take
the issue to the people In the
1854 elections and focus the
attention of the peole of the
Northwest on the record of
those senators and representa
tives in Congress who are
participating in this give-away
and grab," program, Moeller
Jaycees Meet
At Woodburn
Woodburn The regular
meeting of the Woodburn
junior Chamber of Commerce
was Tuesday night at the li
brary club rooms with L. H.
Hildebrandt presiding. Dele
gates elected to represent the
club at the Jaycee state con
vention in Salem, May 22, 23
and 24 at the Senator hotel
were L. H. Hildebrandt, Phllp
Branson, Bob Sawtelle and
Lynn Simon.
It also was agreed to post
pone the next meeting until
May 22 and to hold it at Sa
lem at the Senator hotel in
conjunction with the conven
tion. The meeting will be at
7:30 p.m.
Plans were made to put
Scotch-lite tape on bicycles
next Saturday, May 9, from
1 to 3 p.m. at the Lincoln
grade school. There is no
charge for this and all boys
are urged to be present with
their bicycles to take advan
tage of this offer. At this
time the tape also can be
bought for ear bumpers by
anyone who wishes to do so.
A project was approved to
assist in improving the seat
ing at Settlemler park for the
summer activities.
Vernon E a d e n, athletic
chairman, announced the first
Jaycee Softball practice for
May 20 at the high school
athletic field at 0:30 p.m. All
Jaycee ball players are urged
to attend.
The members voted to sup
port the state Jaycee golf
tournament at Salem by send
ing two boys to participate.
Refreshments were served
by Keith Olson and Bob
Brack. s
Annexation Ballot
For Soil District
'The organizing committee of
the Butte Creek addition and
Silver Creek Falls addition to
the Silver Creek Soil Conser
vation District have been ad
vised that the State Soil Con
servation Committee acted fav
orably upon their proposal to
annex to the Silver Creek Soil
Conservation District.
Robert Baum. executive
secretary of the state commit
tee, advised the oreanizins
Plan City Hall
At Sweet Home
Sweet Home The building
committee has recommended
that the city council take the
legal steps necessary to float
a bond issue to finance the
building of the city hall.
The revised plans which
committee that the referendum
will be held en Wednesday,
May 20. ,
The polling place will be the
Scotts Mills Grade school and
the polls will be open from 6
p.m. to 9 p.m
- .iurn hv Lvle P. Sr
tholomew. Salem, were ap
proved as overall with the
provision that some changes
in floor space could be made
in individual rooms, such as
decreasing floor space In the
Thurgday, May 7.
i .11mu a larger
,iman room w "
area for the library.
"She architect .1.0 w
Mother's Day
Rock Daphne
Knight Pea rcy
Town yard 375 S. Liberty
(3 blks. south of State)
Country yard on 99E 1 mile
south of Brooks.
A $100 2Vi horsepower Elgin outboorej
motor and a $100 complete picnic outfit in
cluding portable grill, will be awarded at
a ticket drawing during the gome.
Yes, friends it's your chance to see the Sa
lem Senators in action absolutely FREE as
guests of the Capitol Shopping Center "The
friendliest stores in town!" Boost your home
team and get your free tickets now at any !
store! Make this a night to remember with
free tickets free prizes valued at $200
free fun!
(Those attending without free tickets from
the Capitol Shopping Center will be re
quired to pay full admission price. In case
of rain, the gam will be postponed to May
Capitol Shopping Center
"The Friendliest Stores in Town"
3' Jf.
Gifts that aav better than wordn how mueh von lovst
her and cherish her and appreciate her. Best of all,
the prices are so low you can give ber several such
gifts at small cost. Each item shown is timely and
r .IV JMA?,iWimi .1 I
t r.SlaUj&J&il I IV.,
s m - - - -
These baga were a SENSA
TION at Easter time . . . and
said out completely. We Im
mediately wired for another
shipment . . and here they
are with even more atyles and
greater selections than before.
Beautiful patents and plasties
In erery possible style and
shape- DEFINITELY, Mother
would be thrilled to hare ana
of these bags.
All colors , . white, pastels,
black, navy, red, beige, grey
and pink. Sites 6 to i'A.
Lovely Sheer
AssL Calais. Slsat Small,
aasdlam a tarn. Hill
far Mstkara Dar Oltla.
fttraa aMlw
fcrUU. Whltt) "
Uh, 0m All, nti
Itn tn4l Urn,
59C pair
Lsrger sites X-XX
, FRI. & SAT.
e '! M 1 w,,
g Mams. Naw Soft
Every Mother
Loves Sheer
Our Own
First Quality
Regular 1.3S
For This Sale Only
. . IlilUtlni la Ihe aaklt. SI faats, IS
Nylons In chalet af plain seams ar Sark
tammtr shades Ineladlai Iwa new Isrsr.
Has, aosa Rasa and Qolln Balis.
Nan Nohla Nrlana aro Ihs BIST
jar moner tan bar. Take adranl
ate at this vandsrftjl aarlnts far
Malhor'i Dar. All sbis II, la 1.
4" Pots
1 Large Bloom
Ideal for Mother's
Day Gifts
Thrill Her With a
Gifa Slip
nnumuiiy isce Ulm- . I t AWl I
med or tailored Rayon I aT rVV 1 fr:-Wre 1
1 Crepe Slips. Complete 1 fif 1 fi 1 1
f siie range, 32 to S2.p I 11..UJ 1 (YAM 1
yU Choice of white, plnk.ft I Wv V J J 1
Mmi bine, maise and black. 1 I 1
A practical, thonghtfull I O Tt
gift she'll sorely appre- 1 J ,T i fc
date. J Mf pi 1