w''J".f'L,.i'.:-i.i Thureday, May jt i9ss Tliureday, May 7, 1953 Pa . I TUB CAPITAL JOURNAL, Saba, Ortfw a ragat) ' 1 i ...i. '! V v J. , v , S . (A f X, . i ' ''' Wed In Late April The wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cole wai an event of late April. The bride is the former Margie Dnnigan, daughter of Mr. and Mri. W. A. Dunigan. Mr. Cole is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Cole. (McEwan studio picture.) Mrs. Leach Heads Club, : Silverton Mrs. Bennett G. Leach was elected president of the Business and Professional Women's club, Tuesday eve ning, when SO members met at the home of Miss Hannah Ol son, first president of the Si verton club. ' Members of the nominating committee were Mrs. Virginia Anderson-Hughes, Mrs. Frank Giroux and Mrs. Ernest South jnayde. . Officers elected to assist Mrs. Leach for the coming club Tear Include Mrs. Roy Gosso, first vice president; Mrs. Frank Dederick, second vice presi dent; Mrs. Irene Roubal, re cording secretary;" Mrs. Man Ion Hoblitt, corresponding sec retary; Mrs. Virginia Anderson-Hughes, treasurer; and di rectors, Mrs. Charles Mason and Mrs. Ernest Southmayde. Officers are to be Installed at the June SO meeting. Delegates to the state con vention at Grants Pass, May IS-, 18 and 17 are Mrs. Bennett G. Leach, Miss Marguerette Hallock. 'retiring- president; Mrs. Irene Roubal, Miss Edith Best, Mrs. Ernest R. Ekman. Miss Jackson. New y Adviser in Rainbow '- Silverton Mist' Donna Jackson was elected worthy dviser at a meeting of Ramo na assembly No. 28, Order of Rainbow for Girl on Monday evening. ' Assisting officers elected for the summer term are Miss Je anne Porter, worthy associate dviser; Miss Nancy Benson, charity; Miss Francis Fox, hope; Miss Irma King, faith. Open installation of the newly elected officers and ap pointive officers will be at the Masonic temple Monday eve ning, May 18, at 8 o'clock. A special meeting for the Initiation of candidates for membership wiU be at the ball, Monday, May 11, at 7:30 o'clock In the evening. At this week's meeting, a partial report was given on the cancer drive which the Rain bow Girls are handling. Most of the returns were complete. but several districts have not yet been canvassed. Announce ment was made that if people desiring to contribute had been missed during the canvas made recently, they may do so by contacting Mrs. W. P. Scarth or Mrs. W. H. Woodard, Jr. The "talent show auction" which the Rainbow Girls put on for the entertainment of the Eastern Star and Masons was a success, netting the girls some thing more than $20. Day Camp of Scouts Planned At Silverton ' Silverton Committees have been named for the fifth an nual Silverton Girl Scout day camp to be in the city park June SO, July 1 and 2; July 7, 8 and 9. Sessions are from tD ! a.m. to 4 p.m. daily. . Mrs. William Woodard will! be director for the fifth consec utive year and her committee is as follows: Mrs. Harlan Moe, chairman; Mrs Lowell Hoblitt, staff; Harlan Moe, equipment; Mrs. John Middlemiss, site; Mrs. Maurice Schnorenberg, tent; Mrs. Robert Mallorle, promotion; Mrs. C. R. Wilson, supplies; Mrs. Wallace Satern, registration. The camp is intended pri marily for Brownies and Girl Scouts. However, in the event there are not enough Scouts to fill the available spaces, non Scouts will be admitted after June 8. Registration of all Brownies and Girl Scouts is due on that date, and should be sent to Mrs. Wallace Satern. Any intermediates who would like to complete tender foot or second class require ments in outdoor activities are encouraged to submit to the director a list of these requirements. Any adult wishing to assist at the day camp, either full time or part time, is encour aged to contact any member of the eommlttee. Plan June Wedding Lebanon Mr. and Mrs. Fred McBurney of 470 East Isabella street, announce the engagement vof their daughter, Miss Lola McBurney, to Louis Tuma, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Tuma of star rout 2, Lebanon. A lata June wedding is planned. ' Conner-Koch rour corners in the par sonage of the Court Street Christian church on Saturday afternoon. May 2, Mrs. Flora B. Koch of Cottage Grove was married to Lowman H. Conner of Salem. The Rev. Harold Ly man read the vows at 2 o'clock Attending the couple were Clifford O. Bell of Cottage Grove and Miss Violet Morten- sen of Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baker, ton-ln-law and daughter of the bridegroom, entertained at tneir home for a reception. Assisting was Mrs. Holman Conner, daghter-in-law of the bridegroom. Out-of-town gucnts were the bride's son, Elmer W. Duntan of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Wilt of Cottage Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Leo. Weir, Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Holman Conner, Dallas. Grandchildren attend ing the wedding were Arlene Baker, Paul and Virginia Con ner. Mr. and Mrs. Conner will be at home at 423 S. 3rd it Cot tage Grove. I Today's Menu Friday Fare tutted Halibut Steak Baked Potatoes Green Peas tewed Tomatoes Lettuce Salad Bread and Butter Cookies Beverage Stuffed Hallbnt Steak Ingredients: 2 tablespoons butter or margarine. S cum won oreaa cudcs (about Vi inch), cup finely diced cel ery, cup finely diced dill pickle, 1 tablespoon lemon Juice, 2 tablespoons hot water, Vi teaspoon salt, H teaspoon crushed dried basil, H tea spoon dill seeds, tt teaspoon pepper, 4 halibut steaks (about 10 ounces each), 1 tablespoon Duuer or margarine (soft). Method: Melt 2 tableiooona butter in 10-lnch skillet; sta in bread cubes. Add celery ana om picKle: mix well. Sprinkle with lemon Juice, hot water, salt, oasu, dill seed, and pepper; mix well. Place 2 of the halibut steaks on a areased shallow baking pan. Llehtlv mold stuffing on fish; cover wun remaining steaks; fasten corners and centers toeether with small skewers. Spresd top of fish with 1 tablesnoon soft butter. Bake In moderate (350 F.) oven until fish flakes easily when tested with a fork about 43 minutes. Makes 4 large or 8 small servings. j Admits Non-Support Albany James X. Snook pleaded guilty to a non-support charge in circuit court here after waiving indictment and was sentenced to six months In the Linn county JaiL Sentence was suspended, however, on condition he pay $50 a month toward support of two children. starting June 1. AVI . u it m f If 1 Am k m tSi For All You Soiwtf Special For A JN JOI -T.iiv r w moo i V n mm OS. M rTs?T n rmm frtu m W Hrth.rf Htm fcrfrty mm m r mm, mw mia f ar W Amm mJwmm Dubh M Hrnrnh m fh My ! mmm . Winlin mmm,mtmk,amm,Ommmmmipnm mmm. 0m ttmm tm tpwM U).. Item) tms era aooo tot a umtzd mt ohu HEY, LOOK . , BIKES! Master features great Goodyear Co lumbia - built bicy cles. Ariy boy or girl is sure to find his or her bike preference. t B i .. Just in lime for your jummer driving! Another MASTER safe ty service for you. Ad justment and inspection of brakes on all passen ger cars any make or model plus a front wheel pack . . . special during Anniversary days only ... Just $200 0 EEEH7 "MM s ), Dcpcndablo TIC2ES by GOODVEAR SOW Plus Tax and Your Old Tire For Marathon 6.00xlt Size Priced to please your pockatbook . . . built for L-O-N-G, dependa ble service a real husky with plenty of tough tread for quicker stops and starts; extra traction on all roads. Drive in and see it and you'll drive out on the new rugged Marathon by Goodyear! ONE DOLLAR DOWN NOTE: MllV KM I I" ninUinl nil JV.IJI b n n nn i-v U . : : 1 ' : -21 i&'mm. mm . tf. m gassaw .; HAVE YOU SEEN: l A ; 1 f 1 U ULTtlA-VISIOM? See TV'i most dfie pierur,i You!l find o thrill unsurpoised wh..yo, vi.w fomou u.,. W,P E'l jVltra-Vlslonl Yu get block r blocks, richer yl whiter whites, giving you greater contrast a , tolistic definition. Why not view the tMing proof h,f urMrf Hop In today! PRICED FROM 2299S to $54995 STOP IN FOR YOUR DEMONSTRATION G-E'S BEST! jemlj TWIN-SYSTEM REFRIGERATOR FREEZERS SEE 'EM TODAYI I :'S LITTLE AS n 1 JJ THESE GRAND DOOR PRIZES! 6-E Vacuum Cleaner 1st Prize VALUED AT $89.95 Yei, this wonderful G-E SWIVEL-TOf Cleaner will be won by tome foky lady. If you're not the fortunate one . . . get in on the greater ease lit cleaning! Buy G-E Swivel-Top Cleaner and en. joy "REACH-EASY CLEANING." Ask for dsm nitration. ;' And These Valuable Awards ROASTING PAN 2ND PRIZE This prize will sparkle up any kitchen in Salem. Copper bottomed 6-quart Eckoware Roasting Pan . , . e regular $8.50 value, it'll be won by someone . . . possibly YOU! . Pistol SPOTLITE 3RD PRIZE . Here' a gift to delight Hie heart of the man in the life of any woman. It's mighty handy In many ways. You might win this $5.95 Pistol Spot-lire. SEAT COVER BARGAINS! Be Dress up your cor no' bright summer of fn9 You'll find that seat cers from Master give you f tin- bow choice of colon awthe prices are always right it fabric or the finjtrt tks . . . buy your mt ers now at MASTER. PRICED FROM $195 Up las- WHEN YOU USE "MASTER COME ONE! COME ALL! It's a Celebration of Savings now at MASTER SERVICE STATIONS, your General Electric Television and Appliance Center. You're ' invited to com in and see the values and register for the door prizes. No obligation.. You just register and who knows you . may be one of the lucky winners? In addition, every adult attending thie anniversary ewsjnfc. will -receive free magic, magnetic pot- holder. Get yours first thing, because supplies are limited. Get in on the masterful bargains NOW at MASTER SERVICE STATIONS. GOO GXDCGS7 GXOTGD0 minis in WASHER DRYER . Suy thmm paraltly r loglkr . . . the newat. greatest boms laundry appliances you can buy! Clothes washed sparkling clean and dried fr than Mtmshint all automatically! See ism tef! . . . $349.95 . .... $249.95 1952 MODEL DRYER (eg. $249.95 $flAf!l,s Now Only SAVE $50 1 I mm WowJustW5 ONE YEAR'S SUPPLY OF CHEER PLUS A LAUNDRY CART AND BASKET AT NO EXTRA COST WITH THIS G-E WASHER 0nIy $na95 YOU SAVE $17.39 HERE'S PROOF "XT 6ENERAL ELECTRIC -jr IINEML ELECTIIC WC230K? General Ilectrfe Washer ............ 1 year's supply el Cheer (24 pkgt.) ........... 1 Deluxe Laundry Cart . . . - TOTAL VALUE ,. Your Special Cost . $119.95 7.44 8.95 ..$137.34 $119.95 6ENERAI IltCTHIC GD0 CaXDC3eS7 YOURS AT A SINGLE OVEN PRICE! BAKE AND ROAST AT SAME TIME IH TWO COMPLETE OVEHS! '--.-r- ' New EXTRA HI-SPEED Calrod (R) Cooking Unit! Push-button Controfs! Automatic Oven-Timer New Full-Width Lamp! ARanaeForYou 4 095 Priced from jusf ' MMSSsjaMissssai IRERtMl ILECTIICJ C0.1STHUTI0N fUNEE 16995 ,o$49995 ENHAtl iiEcrmcJ And Here's a Saving Special! FAMOUS WORCESTER "Shear-Master" Power-Mowers plus one bale of peat moss, 100 lbs. of Vigoro and grass catcher . . . reg. M59.95 OENEIAl IUCTRIC NOW JUST You Save )if5oon Zmmm . PLAN11 BUDGET . . .YOU DEAL ONLY WITH US ... WE CARRY OUR OWN CONTRACTS NO MONEY DOWN on approved credit and TERMS of $1.25 per week on all items featured at all stations . . . except as indicated herewith. . At All Locations i mMJ om hub juiioH lounoHj open fr iday nite 'm 9 p.m. SERVICE STATIONS INCORPORATED open friday nite til 9 p.m. - . nuam H um KHTH AT mtm GENERAL ELECTRIC TELEVISION AND APLUANCES COME IN AND GET THIS WONDERFUL NEW MAGNETIC P0TH0LDER! NO HOOKS! NO NAILS! Th handiart kitchen aid yw vr tow! Heldt (ail a metal wrfocarongatj flileitor, or SMtol ablnt. And Ifi yevn urt for rha aiding. W wtilU you're here, lei ut demenitrole Ihlt wonderful aew OeneioJU.IIecllci ICeoMncy'.ltmge' 3(5 N. COMMERCIAL PH. 3-41(3 msn.il- n 1 Throng Views HMS Pinafore A largt audience enjoyed a new presentation of an old .nH : Popular operetta, QUbwt and arauiTuva alebrate4 "TrtM.B. Plnafora," fcy th choir and orchestra of Kaiam hist. i i In the high school uditoriua last ntaht the W formaneca, Before an alahnrate faf the deck at an aM ship, students clad in th unl forms of British tevnen of an earuer aay danced and sank th celebrated linaa m m. popular show, first produced In London In 1878. Sir Joacnh Port itaa Louthan) whoa duty it was to sinf u famous lines "And Now I Am Ruler nf th On.'. Navee," was convincingly co. sumed as an elderly but torn what Inapt bureaucrat who Polished th knoh nn, th v.m front door, and numerous peo- - pie s appies on ms rise to emi nence. Sir Josenh was iwnni. panied by th Inevitable com pany ox "sisters and his cousins and hia aunts." B.07 Malthv waa the n4ln Ralph Racketraw, th lovelorn aauor was portrayed by Roger weaver, XMck Ueadeye, a "character" by Pt Van Horn; Josephine, th central heart interest In th role of captain' daushter. hv Uim Ih Rnr. ant, and Mauryne Nichols had little Buttercup's part ..... Other key rolaa were hIsvm! by Glenn Hall, Robert Frail, Johnny Saffron, and Beth Proebstal. piano accompanist war Laurel fierr and Fat ag. General .director waa Rn. ard F. Miller, orchestra direc tor Victor B. Palmason; dia logue coacn, cnester O. Good man: dance dlrectnp. Vn B.n- ny Fontaine; stag director. ueorge Brant; back stage as sistants, Phyllis Johnsen, Betty Gilbert, Mrs. Howard F. Mil ler, Al Gray and Cheater East Salem . East Salem The only bene fit scheduled lor an Cast Sal em community tbia week la th annual sal planned br raembera of Lansing Neighbors uaraen mud tor rnaay. May e. It wUl be held at the MUton Blaca-man horn, 3338 Lansing Th May meeting of th Grace Lutheran church was held at th church on Friday, On th program were re ports by Mrs. Peter Lermon and Mrs. Irving Henderson who had attended th Women Missionary- Federation meet ing at Xmanuel Lutheran church in 8 11 verton on Anril 84, with 14 member of th local group. First plans wer mad for th women's annual smorgasbord dinner at ' th church on May 18. Mrs. Robert Brown was host ess for th Tuesday morning coffee hour of neighbors. Pres ent were Mrs. Lester Orion, Mrs. Forrest Noel, Mr. Jerry Horn, Mrs. Don Maus, Mrs. William Lock. Mrs. Albert Suran, Mrs. Virgil Miller. Mrs. . Dale Mallcoat, Mrs. Harvey Page, Mr. John McCrea, Mrs. Warren Miller, Mrs. James Wilcox. Mrs. Fred Smalley. Mrs. F. Bodlne, house guest of Mrs. Lock from Vancouver, Wash., and with their mothers were IS pre-tchoo children. . The meeting date for Swegl Community Builder has been changed to the first Monday night of the month. The meet ing Monday night was at the home of Mrs. Conrad Hofstedt on Tierra Dr. Only seven mem bers, Mrs. Everett Morris, Mrs. John Zwemke, Mrs. Leonard Odom, Mrs. Richard Hlghbeer, Mrs. E. A. Rowland, Mrs. George Shull and Mrs. Arthur Masters with the hosts were present. Only general business was conducted and year books given out. ' Th last regular meeting of th year for Auburn Cooketta cooking 4-H club was held at th home of their leader, Mrs. Dale Sullivan. All record book were checked and made ready for this week's show. Each girl made a sponge eak for ex hibit at th show. Th demon stration was given by two girl leaders on table setting. At tending were Arlene Mass, Sharon Bouche, Mary Feskens, Sandra Mas and Linda Sulli van. Bflfciife'tar? "B.I.'ah.-b.Drink? E-msGaisMfcarfburi fcacjsaWink Record (mt relief (or km, brtbarJi ismaiisajiniaiiisjsannn .:':'vv:v