THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon -FROM- Peg in Washington -BT ALENE (PEG) PHILLIPS - Washington, D.C., Mar Dear Marian: So much to report that I hall plunge directly into items concerning Oregonlani, To begin with, Congressman and Mrs. 8am Coon entertain ed at dinner Sunday evening for Governor Paul L. Patter son at the Shoreham, where the elaborate and too-tempting buffet is a weekly feature. Guests in addition to the Gov ernor, here for the conference df all state executives, and Oregon's State Treasurer Slg frid B. Vnander, who came east with the Governor and who goes to New York for a bond signing chore, were Sec- retary and Mrs. Douglas Mc Kay, Congressman ana Mrs. Harris Ellsworth, Congressman and Mrs. Walter Norblad, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Smyth, and your correspondent. The Secretary and the Gov ernor were busy catching up on legislative news and na tional affairs. The McKays, the Ellsworths, and I had hur ried to the dinner party from the buffet reception at the Mayflower given by the Dele gate from Hawaii and Mrs. Joe Farrlnrton in honor of Governor and Mrs. 8am Wild' er King, of Hawaii. Back ground music by a Hawaiian orchestra, a silver fountain of flowing pineapple Juice, and special delicacies on the long table emphasized the Hawal lan atmosphere. Senator and Mrs. Guy Cordon were among the Farrlngtons' guests. was fresh and becomingly at tired for the luncheon. The Larry Smyths, ' Mrs. Frank Law, of Washington, a sitter-in-law of the Ed Laws of Sa lem, and Mr. Julia MeFar land, cousin of Mrs. Thomas L. Gatch, Portland, rounded out the table. Mrs. Lucker re membering the Oregon rose theme had provided rose dec orated placecards. Mrs. Me Kay, in black with white hat and white accents at the neck line, made a gracious response to her Introduction and the presentation of the citation Last Friday, Mrs. McKay was honored at the luncheon about which I sent you a bul letin. As the recipient of a special honorary Governor's citation from the Oregon Mothers Committee, she shar ed honors with the Washing ton Mother of the Year. While the audience was made up of Washingtonlans, we at least had an Oregon table. Mrs. John Lucker, cousin-in-law of Mrs. G. F. Chambers and Miss Dor othea Steusloff, in Salem, and herself a one-time resident of Ealem where she met and mar ried her husband, was the of ficial hostess for our table. The attractive and gracious Mar guerite Lucker is active in so many organizations here that it was not a surprise to find that she was vice chairman of the Washington Mothers' Com mittee. She took special de light in Introducing the Ore- gonlans to the audience. Mrs, Guy Cordon made a brief re sponse for our table in tribute to Mrs. McKay. Mr. and Mrs, Frank McCaslin he is a di rector of the U. 8. Chamber of Commerce which has been in aession and also a former presl dent of the Portland Chamber delayed a special trip to Vir ginia gardens a day in order to join in the Oregon party. Mrs. Harold B, Say had arrived only Friday morning by train from the west coast but she When the Congressional club entertained for Vice- President and Mrs. Richard M. Nixon, a week ago Sunday, Mrs. Harris Ellsworth was one of the hostesses greeting guests. The McKays included the club party in their busy round for the week which also Included the informal dinner given by the Oregon Chamber of Commerce delegates at the Army and Navy club, the for mal banquet of the United States Chamber of Commerce at McDonough Memorial audi torium, the annual party of the Women's National Press club honoring President and Mrs. Elsenhower, and the Am' bassador of Japan's reception, Mrs. McKay was the - honor guest also at a luncheon for 24 women at the magnificent estate of the Joseph Davles, The Davies collected many art treasures in Europe during the period that he served as Am bassador to Russia, and the house is a show place. Par ticularly beautiful at this time of the year are the gardens of the home. The luncheon table was centered with white and lavender lilacs, tall bowls of purple grapes, and with the use of lavender place mats with purple edging, and thumb print goblets in purple glass, the total effect was "Indeed lovely," reported Mrs. McKay. While I had to forego ac ceptance of an invitation to the V. S. Chamber of Com merce's $15 a plate dinner be cause of prior plans for the Metropolitan Opera produc tion' of "Samson and Delila" on the same evening, I did at tend the luncheon for the wom en of the convention last week. Some 600 women crowded the grand ballroom of the May flower to hear Mrs. Fleur Cowlea, of the publishing fam ily and the President's only woman representative at the coronation ceremonies this summer, and Dr. AHhea Hot tel, of Pennsylvania, discuss effective citizenship through informed thinking. The next noon I lunchead again at the Mayflower but this time in stead of 000 women, I had three male escorts such a contrast, did you say? well, almost an unfair distribution of wealth for one day adieu now. Peg. Miss Reeves Tells Plans For Wedding Plans for her wedding are being announced by Miss Joyce Lenore Reeves, who is to be married on Sunday, May 17, to Captain Eugene Mitchell Beard, U.S. Air Force, Wash ington, D.C. The ceremony will be sol emnized at 4 o'clock that after noon in the First Presbyterian church. Dr. Paul N. Poling of ficiating. For the music, Gor don Pratt is to be soloist and Mrs. Ralph H. Dobbs will play the organ. Lighting the candles will be Mrs. James Arndt of Portland and Mrs. Howard Olson of Sutherlin. Mrs. Paul Schaff of Pocatel lo, Idaho, is to be matron of honor for her sister, and bridesmaids will be Mrs. Her bert Hunt and Mrs. Dean Ear- hart, the latter of Medford. Gordon Reeves, Eugene. brother of the bride, is to be best man. '.' r The reception following also will be at. the church. The bride-elect is the young er daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jay E. Reeves. She has been with United Air Lines, flying out of Seattle, and resigned her wrk this week. Captain Beard is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ar thur W. Smith of Washington, D.C. . Miss Walter Bride-Elect Capital Women Edited by MARIAN LOWJIX FISCHER Miss Beckman Sets Date Of Wedding for July 5 Pythian Sisters Entertain Mothers Secretaries Bled Mrs. William DeVall Mothers and daughters were honored at the Mother's day program for Centralia temple, Pythian Sisters, on Wednesday. Introduced were Mrs. Laura Johnson and her daughter, Mrs. Herman Bergner, and Mrs. Bergner'a two daughters, Miss Betty Jean Bergner and Mrs, Frank Carnathan, Jr. of Port land; Mrs. Oscar A. Solie and Mrs. Earl Burke; Mrs. Scott Eb right and Mrs. Howard Smith; Mrs. Ernest A. Fuller and Mrs. Wayne Stanton; Mrs. Royal A, Stanton and Mrs. Frank Kol sky, Jr.; Mrs. Nora Pierce and Mrs. A. A. Ntederberger; Mrs. A. W. Rockafellow and Mrs. Ray Wolf; Mrs. Harvey Schcl- del and Miss Jeanete Schei' del; Mrs. Leonard Judson and her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Don Judson. Mrs. Ralph Willcox sang for the group, Mrs. Don Judson playing the accompaniment Mrs. Don Judson will be the pianist for the remainder of this year. A reading was pre sented by Mrs. A. A. Niedcr berger. Mrs. Willcox won the special prize for the evening. Received as a new member of Centralia temple was Mrs. Flossie R. Waring. More than 40 attended the meeting and social hour which followed. Mrs. Mary Pugh was chairman of refreshments, her committee being Mrs. L, Hansen, Mrs. A. W. Rockafel low and Mr. and Mrs. Axel Jacobsen. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse A. Wal ter of Salem are announcing the engagement of their daughter, Miss Joann. Walter, to Pfc. Dale W. Lee, son of the Rev. and Mrs. E. F. Lee of Aumsville. The bride-elect is gradu- aet of the Salem Bible Acad emy and is now employed by the state of Oregon. Mr. Lee, now in the army, is stationed at 'Camp Stoneman, Calif. An early summer wedding being planned, .i Alumni Bpnquet Notices are out to Willamette university alumni for the Alumni Day banquet planned for the evening of Saturday, May 80, at 6 .o'clock in the Mirror room of the Marion hotel. The affair this year hon ora Dr. M. E. Peck, professor emeritus of biology and pra- medics. Reservations are to be In not later than May 20. At a party and shower given for her last evening, , Miss Betty Lou Beckman announc ed Sunday, July .6, as date for her marriage to Jack W Grimes. The ceremony will be at 4 o'clock that afternoon in the First Presbyterian church, the reception follow ing also to be at the church. ' The bride-elect is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Beckman of Salem and Mr. Grimes is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Grimes of, Jeffer son. The party for Miss Beckman last evening was at the home of Mrs. Warren Baker. The shower was. a miscellaneous one. About 30 guests attend ed, ' including friends from Jefferson, McMinnville, Day ton and Carlton. . The two mothers, Mrs. Beckman and Mrs. Grimes, were among the guests. The guest list included Miss Beckman and her mother, and Mrs. Grimes from Jefferson; from McMinnville, Mrs. Irene Tedrlck, Mrs. Lee Waugeman, Mrs. Elmer Beeler, Mrs. L. W. Parsons, Mrs. Connie Cameron, Mrs. John Wagner, Mrs. H. A. Taylor, Miss Karen Taylor; from Carlton, Mrs. Ethan Dale; from Dayton, Mrs. Robert Boynton and Mrs. A. R. Mc Laughlin; and from Salem, Mrs. 1.. A. Pepper, Mrs. . E. Beckman, Mrs. J. H. Backman, Mrs. Jennie Chalmers, Mra. Loring Grier, Mrs. Max Allen, Mrs. J. D. Foley, Mrs. William Drakeley, Sr., Mrs. Julia Kotts, Mrs. W. Ed Seam- ster, Misses Dorothy Pepper, Charlyn Ogle, Sue Grler, Jane Baker, Lee Al Beckman, Caro lyn Pepper, Louise Owens, Judith Carlson, Kay Scherrer and the hostess. The tea table was set with a white clotn. . Tne center piece was of white garden flowers, rhododendrons and other blooms with a candle in the center and white satin streamers extending out from the flowers. Nosegays of white blooms were at each corner. Mrs. Loring Grier cut the cake. ' Mrs. Max Allen was at the coffee urn and Miss Sue Grier at the punch bowl. Miss Jane Baker assisted her moth er at the party. Miss Beckman is gradual ing this year from Salem high school. Mr. Grimes is with the Western Veneer Plywood company at Crabtrse. Miss Svinth in Recital Sunday Miss Carol Svinth, student of Mrs. J. N. Francis, will be presented in an organ recital Sunday afternoon, May 10, at 8 o'clock in the Calvary Baptist church. . THiss Svinth will be assisted by Miss Diane Burkland, con tralto, and Miss Evelyn An- drus, pianist. Miss Svinth plans to attend Willamette university in the fall and intends' to ma Jor in music. The Interested public Is invited. Her program is as follows: Come. Lord Jesus Bach Melody Schubert Aria Handel Miss Svinth Lascia ch'io planga-Recltative and Aria Handel Miss Burkland Memories of Dumferline Abbey Wolf Colonial March Huhn Meditation Kinder .... Miat Svinth , Over th Land Is April .Edwards Sweet Song of Long Ago Edwards Miss Burkland Hymn Improvisation . .Thomas Midsummer Caprice .Johnston Miss Svinth Reverie . Debussy Organ Miss Svinth Piano Miss Andrus Miss Burkland. student of Miss Lena Belle Tartar, will be accompanied by Miss Gaynelle Metheny. Birthday Event Vadi Hae Santha, Nomaas oi Avrudaka, will celebrate its second birthday anniversary at a no-host dinner in Corvallis on Saturday. The event will be at 6:30 o'clock at the nights of Pythias hall and non-member husbands are welcome to at tend. AMONG those In Portland . Friday for the dinner honoring Mary PIckford, noted American actress now on tour in the interest of the savings bond campaign, will be Gov ernor and Mrs. Paul L. Patter son. At the meeting of Cascade chapter, National Secretaries association, on Tuesday, Mrs. William DeVall was elected to serve as president for the en suing year. Other officers chosen are Mrs. Llndley Keeney, first vice-president; Mrs. Lloyd Darling, Second vice-president; Mrs. William Burchell, recording secretary; Miss Veriia Kepplnger, corre sponding secretary; and Miss Mayme Smith, treasurer. Guests at the meeting were Mrs. James Cromer, Mrs. Roy Olsen and Mrs. Tom Nutter, all of Salem, and Miss Lillian Fetters of the Amanuensis chapter, Eugene. Mrs. Cromer and Mrs. Nutter are new mem bers of Cascade chapter. Activities planned by the group for National Secretaries Week, May 2S-30, include I bosses breakfast, a dinner, ini- llntlon of new members, in stallation of officers and pre sentatlon of a scholarship to a future secretary. Mrs. J. B. Hansen will rep. resent Cascade chapter In the Secretary of the Year contest at the national convention in Seattle in July. Mrs. Howard Wlcklund en tertalned the group at her home on Tuesday, Miss Mayme Smith and Miss Myrtle In. gram assisting. Miss E. Ilene Allen won a special prize. Niedcrberger and daughter, Miss Carolyn Ntederberger. Golf Event A "4-8-6-7-tourney" featured the regular Oak Knoll Ladies Golf club day, Wednesday. Winners were: Class A, Mrs. Arvid Frledland; class B, Mrs. Ralph Van Blarlcom: class C, Mrs. Delbert Campbell. SPENDING the fore part of this week in Newbrrg and Dun- j dee were Mr. and Mrs. A. A.! (IMNINv IEPAIRIN6 160 NO. LIBERTY ST., SALEM, OR. STORE HOURS 9:30 AM. TO 1:30 PM. FRIDAY NJTE TILL 9 P.M. 4- l v jar . , . v , W tfi HEW 10W PRICE! h j 1 m.ovQQfoea mattrcssiI -0)39 ' WON'T PULL OUT RUMPuT JJ j IMT HIGH-COUNT MUSLIN I I I 'WIN i 1jmilminnwyili..,iMWuiil i i I JJ OUR OWN PENCO FITTED SHEETS Luncheon For Mothers Saturday Alpha Epsilon chapter of Beta Sigma Phi plans its moth er's day luncheon for this com ing Saturday in the Cherry room at the Senator hotel. Miss Beverly Lebold is chairman. Mrs. Donald Stiffler and Mrs. Braden Daggett are in charge of decorations. The May bas ket theme will be used in dec orating the table. The luncheon Is set for 12:30 o'clock. Mrs. Eldon Lindhorst is to be toastmistress. Miss Dorothy McCall is to give the welcome to mothers and Mrs. Davm Bennett Hill is to give the re SDonse. Mrs. Ted Morrison Is to give the sketch of Beta Sig ma Phi. Music will be present ed by the Cecilians from Sacred Heart academy, accom panied by Miss Marne Chris, tensen. Reservations for the event, including members and their guests, to date include: Miss Beverly Lebold and Mrs. Emory J. Lebold; Mrs Frank Ransom and Mrs. Verne Jones; Mrs. Robert McLauchlln and Mrs. Donald Earl; Mrs. Robert Tompkins and Mrs. C. A. Elmlund; Mrs. Braden Dag gett and Mrs. M. Hetzendort; Miss Dorothy McCall and Mrs. Fred S. McCall; Mrs. Ted Mor rison and Mrs. David B. Hill; Mrs. Ray Halbrook and Mrs. E. M. Wiliamson: Mrs. B. O. Bishop and Mrs. R. E. Bishop; Miss Martha Lierly and Mrs. J. F. Ulrlch; Mrs. Donald Stif fler and Mrs. Robert Burns; Mrs. Eldon Lindhorst and Mrs. Clay Cochran, Miss Rosemary Cochran. Mrs. Donald Parker; Mrs. W. W. Lessard and Mrs. W. F. Sieber, Mrs. W. P. Les sard; Mrs. Donald Klelnsmith and Mrs. R. Haivorson; Mrs. Wilder McNeil, Mrs. James Chase, Mrs. William Collier; Mrs. George Beane. To Victorip Dr. Robert W. Fenix, finan cial vice president and busi ness manager at Willamette university, and Mrs. Fenix, leave Saturday for Victoria -to attend the Western Association of College and University Business Officers. Dr. Fenix is president of the group. The convention will be at the Empress hotel in Victoria. Dr. and Mrs. Fenix will drive to Seattle. All delegates and visitors going to the meeting will assemble at Seattle, taking the boat from there to Victoria. The Fenixes will be back next Wednesday. Mothers Feted " Kappa Delta alumnae enter i.i.i i vnln at their an- nual mother's day tea at the home of Mrs. Harris Lietz, hnnt so attending, including alumnae and their motheri. nankin, orerident im . - a of the club, poured. Among out-of-town guests was Mrs. Joseph H. Koke of Eugene who was guest of her daugnter, mn, Peter Stoltenberg. Home From Trip ' Wnme from four months traveling with their car and trailer are Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Scellars, the trip taking in 11,000 miles. They went first to Palm Springs, then to the Carlsbad caverns and on to the Mardl Gras in New Orleans. Later, Mr. and Mrs. Scellars went on a Caribbean trip of two weeks, going to Puerto Rica, the Isle of Curasao, Kingston, Jamaica; and as far south as Caracas, Venezuela. Returning to Key West and Miami, they then went to Nas sau and on to Montego Bay and Haiti. They visited for a time in Florida and en route west stopped in Ohio and Iowa to visit relatives. MRS. EARL 8 N E L L left Wednesday for Portland to be there for over the week-end with the family of her son and daughter-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. William Snell. Dr. and Mrs. Tturaday, May T, 1953 Auxiliary Election New officers were elected by South Salem Lions club aux iliary when the group met last evening at the home of Mrs. Louis Neuman. - Mrs. Nels Johnson is the new president Mrs. Robert Morrow was named vice pres ident; Mrs. Howard Oberahaw, secretary; Mrs. Glen Brown ing, treasurer; Mrs. Louis Neu man, lion tamer. Co-hostesses with Mrs. Neu man were Mrs. Clayton Jones, Mrs. Arthur Martin and Mrs. Howard Obershaw. The next meeting is June 8 at the home of Mrs. Clarence Feller. READINGS were presented by Mrs. William Hageaorn when Decree of Honor Protec tive association met Wednesday evening. . Dinner Planned Silverton Mothers and daunhters of Thyphena Rebe- kah members plan their fourth annual no-host dinner at the IOOF hall on May 14 at 8:30 p.m. Committees for the dinner are: Dining room, Mrs. Clay Allen, Mrs. Nellie Southmayde and Miss Ruth Lorenson; pro gram, Mrs. Allan Foster; dec orations, Mrs. Mary Howell. Delegates elected to go to grand lodge are: Mrs. Walter Larson, Mrs. Llal McClure, Mrs. Mable Monson; alter nates, Mrs. Carl Rutherford, Mrs. Robert Renwlck, Mrs. Snell plan to be in central Ore- Lloyd Taylor and Mrs. Beesley, gon over the week-end. ' noble grand. PAINT-UP SPECIAL For a Limited Time ' r GENUINE MOHAIR Roller Coater and Pan Re 2.59 Volut SPECIAL 98' Whan You luy Gallon of . DuPONT PLOW KOTE The amazing rubber base wall paint or a ' " " gallon of Interior flat wall paint (limit on deal to a customer) WE GIVE JWf GREEN STAMPS Dough ton Hardware 355 Court Phone 3-6788 The bottom sheet marie for the busy homemaker! Once oq it itayt on till yon are ready to take it off I 'And yon am getfitted sheets in Penney 's fine Peneo quality-the anper-mualin, that's heavier, stronger.1 with limm-lilce smoothness. FULL 2i59 m A o KORDAY CHECKS TP.ATO tB sTTmmeh P.Tw P.TTT'n Wr sass VM MWaiaaftssaV VUVVWaa In town . ct the beach . . . ki the country, KORDAY? Kaiha denim Interchangeable! see you smartly through ell the fun. Koiha denim is a brand Mw cotton with tht look of good twaed. Colom Kaiha with coral, black er blue eheckt. Washable, eolorfast. Sizes 10 to 18. Halter 3.98 All available else In solid Kaiha, coral, black and blue'. Waclo, bra, camliole, lumper and pedal puiher available. Shorts 3.98 Adjustable ap, olid brim 1.9S T-SHIRTS 1.98 Cuffed shorts, elastic cinched tides 3.98 FSUntfe StSICKI tISISS 1 :Y fe . 1 I t. I u I V Wf I m DRESS 8.98 Y. . Five gon skirt with napped pockets, elas-tic-cinched tides f Komim WHITE ONLY TOP SHEET MSS MEZZANINE 2.98 Milled 309 Court