Thnraday, May T, 19SS local Paragraph Bound Over Leonard Karl Aiwuui, vjtf jaion street waived makina .t.i. ,:' district court Wednesday and ver 10 ue Marion county grand Jury on a charge of assault with intent to com- wt rape. He it accused of jun io-year-oid girl from her noma, on nrtv. ... - , Bitting job and then assaulting Cherry Trees? -Two boys were cited to im th u ..... nile officer after they were wuiua ny ponce as they were cuttine trpc iinn. ci.i ton ditch near 13th and Leslie aireeia. Scorched Hot ashes in a wooden container flared up Tuesday, scorching a wall in the garage at the home of J. D. Seal, 1455 East avenue. City firemen extinguished the blare. Baha'l Meeting Baha'l World Faith dedicated its tem ple of worship at Wilmette, 111., Saturday, May 2. The pur pose of this temple, and other ubjects will be discussed at the home of Mrs. Monroe Gil bert, 1150 Schurman road, Fri day evening, May 8. Anyone interested Is welcome. State 40 et 8 Coming Mar lon County Voiture of 40 et 8 will hold its annual pring meeting at the Senator hotel, - Saturday, May 9, starting at 2 o'clock in the aiternnnn An. ..i., . - , ?nL ?h-df ie,te fite " pected to attend the meeting, Miss Blair Life Member A life memhpmViln in h n-- State Library Association was awarded in the annual conven- tt' uPle three children tion at Bend to Miss Mirpah nsv seea - uting their home Blair of Salem, former assist- Portland while the colonel ant Oregon state librarian for was overseas. . many years. Two others were p,m : .... .lmilarly honored. They were r . petition' cited for "extra service to the fnY "i library profession." The late waJ t fiiid Wlth t. couf Marcia M. Hill of the Oregon court Thurd, seeking im State Library was honored by PT!flet of Jtam l'? U' the annual cholarship award uW,H.,teJK,rthtt ,Um" m i " its of SHvertnn. Thpv InrluHo u"8 iuuucu lur ner. Child Safety Week Des- oignating next week as Child c r t.. tit , . . study neeK, vOV. aUi i. Patterson said Thursday that Oregon has the sixth worst accjdent record in the coun- try. He raid 185 children died last year in preventable .eelden-i in th .tM. nH th.t : S of th-m wat. miu .n fhoi- own homes. Showers Forecast Showers and cloudiness continued the weather order for Salem and - vicinity, Thursday. More than a quarter of an Inch of rain came down in Salem in the 24-hour period ending at 10:30 a.m. Thursday, .27 of an inch being measured. The forecast calls for clearing tonight and slight ly warmer temperatures for Friday. Building Permit Hugh D. Blanchard, to alter a garage at 2180 Laurel, $750. A. G. Ham ilton, to build a one-story dwelling and garage at 2535 Mountain View Drive, $13,000. R. L. Grimmett, to alter a 1 hi story dwelling at 7 6 0 West Vista, $1000. Mr. W. T. Van Slyke, to wreck a garage at 156 South 14th, $50. Mrs. V. Racheller, to repair a one-story dwelling at 455 Columbia, $50. J. R. Glover, to repair a one story dwelling at 1535 Trade, $50. Julius Haagenson, to build a one-story dwelling and ga rage at 1395 North 15th, $9500. Arnold Kuper, to alter a one story dwelling at 1225 Park, $350. Arthur J. Young, to build a one-story dwelling and ga rage at 2645 Mountain View drive, $11,600. O. W. Klang Wrecking Company, to wreck dwellings at 467-481-497 Un ion, $50 each. Theodore Peer enboom, to alter a two-story t dwelling at 2640 Brooks, $400. E. H. Zitzow, to build a ga rage at 870 Rosemont, $700. Mrs. R. E. Shattuck, to alter a one-story dwelling at 2796 Brooks, $3000. Car Damaged Two car suffered considerable damage when they collided at the in tersection of Liberty and Mar ion streets Wednesday after noon. The cars were driven by Thomas L. Hanthorn, Mll waukie, and Duane E. San ford, 5380 North River road. Tinntwn told officer he fail- .H in we the red light The front end of hi car and the right aide of the Saniord. car were badly damaged. Raenllne Salem Gasoline sales in Oregon during the first three months of this year total on 1211 million gallons, or 7 million more than in the slmi lar period of last year, the State. Department ald Thurs day. BORN salem memorial nerriAi, . MMER-To Mr. W1 Mr.. " Siflfr. M0 JuUon at., Hrl. M" TH1B3-TO Mr. tixl Mr. R.Tmond ThIM. SIS0 Will Avt.. lrl. MM . SALEM GENERAL HOSPITAL DmrtJR-To Mr. .nd Mr.. Kuien. DerflT. N. Uta at- to'. M RUBri-To Mr. ud Mri. P.U t MOT, Portl.uO RA. b, DORN-TO Mr. l rw"1' II 1 MWIm Bt, bo,, MT . nrnTHCT-To Mr. 4 W"u omth.r, tm K. m at- aprtatimd. ffm5Ww5oiAt HOSPITAL PERKINS To Mr. nd Mr.. C1.7 Varktn. Rt. 1. m" Windishar Pledged -.Frank wincasnar of Salem has been named aa a nm int the Gonzaga University chap- w w wiercouegiat Knight, men's national collegiate serv ice honorary. He ia th inn Mrs. T. A. Windishar, 1685 oww Bireeu 112 Killed in Tra'N-.T,.- have been 113 persons killed In mraic accidents In Oregon In , L ji . - Secretary of State Earl t! uiv urn inur mnmni nf inn wewbry said Thursday. The total is seven more than in the corresponding period of last J.COT. Child CnU Han' rvlcn. Rogers, 1, 2097 Coral street, suffered a two-inch cut In her hand on a broken milk bottle Thursday morning. The girl was treated by first aidmen and 1 . . uw-parents were advised to have stitches taken In the wound. Clnb to Meet American Pension club is meeting Sat urday for a no-host dinner at the home of Mr. and Mr. Claude Hall at 6:30 o'clock. Each attending is to take his own table service. . Colonel Visits Cnl. nnfc. ert Lancefleld, formerly of McMlnnville and Salem vis ited in Salem this week with his narentji. . Mr. anil . Mra Lynn Lancefield. The colonel " u-e u iau juage advocate headquarter, of the Eighth my Korea, for the past 18 months and i to report to Chi- cag0 for ,lmllar Petition with headouartera of the Fifth -as oeen stair judge advocate Army. Mrs. Lancefield and Vin, ZZ Z C i V Mill street between Lincoln and Jefferson and Jefferson street between Mill and First . , T ... , -,Sll0W" Picture Mheri Wiendanger, executive ec- t Keep Oregon Green, wai J fortl?nd "d&Z " Prevention film, "The En- my I Fire" at a luncheon meeting of ' the Portland Wholesale Lumber associa tion. The film was recently given an waard of merit from the National Committee of Films for Safety. - Rnrrlnra TrrSnnionnA at. famntorl to nrv a lnnV ntt a door of the Ron's used car lot storeroom Tuesday night, but apparently failed to get any thing, city police said Wed nesday. Eugene Petitions for Dog Racing Track Portland lP) A proposal to open a dog race track at Eu gene is expected to go before the Oregon Racing Commis sion Friday. It would be a $300,000 track, to be built by a group headed by David K. Funk, Phoenix, Ariz., president of the West ern Greyhound Circuit. A number , of Eugene men have joined in the application. The group hopes to get the track built quickly and 1 ap plying for a 60-day meet to be gin night-time racing July 15. A grandstand seating more than 2,000 is planned. It would be the first grey hound racing plant in Oregon outside of Portland. DAM WORKER KILLED Grants Pass, VP) Raymond Bennett White, 42, Grants Pass, fell to his death in the Rogue River Wednesday while at work on the rehabilitation project at the Savage Rapid Dam five miles east oi nere. Waffle iron $7.50; hot plate $9.00. YWCA Budget hop, 162 So. Com'l. Open Fridays and Monday 10 to 8. 109 Richmond PTA sponsoring cooked food sale, Portland Gas and Coke Co., Friday, May 8. 9 to 4 p.m. 109 Plant ale Friday, May 8, next to Fitts Market Rhodo dendrons, African viole t , choice chrysanthemums, peren nial, bedding plants. Mother Dav gift in planters ana pots. All rices low. 109 Cooked food sale, Trinity So cial dub, Friday, May 8, Hogg Bros.. B a.m. 109 Caitle Permanent Waver, 305 Livcsley Bldg., ph. 3-3663. Permanent $5 and up. Ruth Ford, Manager. iutf Moving and itorage across the street, across tne nation Call Russ Pratt, Capital City Transfer Co. iu' African Violets, In bloom Reasonable. 795 Wet Mad rons. 109 Frh killed hen turkey 39c lb. We also sell turkeys by the piece. Orwigs Market, 3975 Silverton Rd, Phone Long-Arm Thief Working Again Her purs containing .bout $22 was taken from to to room of home ah waa visit ing at 1070 Lrdl -tract Wednesday evening, apparent ly by aomeona who reached through the window to take it off th dresser, Mrs. Marl Austin reported to city police. She said ah beard a no! about 9 o'clock and that her husband Investigated when he returned a few minute later but could aee nothing wrong. When she went into th bad room about 10 o'clock to get her purse, however, H waa gone, ah aald. . Polio said that the window screen nad been pulled out and that th ground was scuff ed underneath the window. A aerie of similar thefts occurred in Salem several year ago. Thornton Not Biased on Dam Attorney General Robert Y. Thornton announced Thursday that he would "look into the Hells Canyon dam matter" to determine if an investigation suggested bj Richard Moeller of the Oregon Farmer Union "falls within the scope of the attorney general' office." "1 have no prejudice on the dispute, one way or the other," Thornton said, "but I do think that Congress should inquire into the possibilities of refer ring the question of public versus private construction of a major dam to the voter of the state or the region affected rather than allow the whole matter to be decided by a few men in Washington." The request for an investiga tion of the Hells Canyon dam was made by the Farmer Un ion following announcement by Secretary of the Interior Douglas McKay that the de partment will no longer oppose private construction of dam on Snake river. (OonUnued from Page 1) ' contingent gift of $250,000 to ward the project. The anony mous donor has stipulated that both buildings must rise at the same time and the gift will be effective when the university has raised at least another $400,000. The new university structures will be modern concrete and brick construction and will provide the latest in auditori um, fin arts, drama, speech and radio classroom and dor mitory space. .fish Plane With tO Aboard Missing London VP) A Royal Air Force Valetta training plane, with 10 servicemen aboard, is missing and may have come down in the Atlantic off Eng land's southwest tip, the Air Ministry said Thursday. The plane took off Thursday afternoon from Hullavington, in Southwest Britain, on a training flight, an Air Ministry spokesman said. Search planes are scouring the Atlantic off Land End, and all shipping in the area has joined in the search. COURT NEWS Circuit Court Btatt unnplorm.n. nnnwun Oommlarion Don SUtchai, do Mt tro.1 - BUI mm xuwa vw.. "-.-.-.- Hkini punnt at uM to bt oat M vni-ua oniriouiiDiu. , wi w atimll n Emtlda SDmll: M- yotc. S.en to plaintiff. ait. at onflon ia Vancouver fir- wood Co., ot al: Amud (omplotnt. s. arlTHUr t. Jouph S. TJphoff: Compl.lnt dlnnU.oa non motion af plaintiff. Manila Juna Ander.on vt Varnon Olaranca Andaraon: DlTorea oaaraa to plaintiff Slval nar anatoar ox two minor children and lioo monthly rapport. Probata Court Ada Valana Skiff: Pinal aocount 10 a board Juna . Jtaaomad boalnaia nama aartulcata tor Jack'. Plata mad bj Jack R Duncan, 110 South Kirn atra.t. Lana . Bardlm artata: Order aa thorlalnl performance ot contract. Koran Ann Ctrl, cm ruardlinahfp: Or. d.r appolntlnr araco Carlaon tuardlan. Bart T. rord aetata: Nat r.loa at tax able aatata find at 30t,m.07. Batalla W. Buuer ruardlanahlp: Or der approrms nret annual aoeountins, Lillian Oardner aetata: Pinal aoeount. Hanlon Runt oatata. Final account So oa beard Juna s. Ola P. Bomeman aetata: Order ad mlttlna will to probata and aoDolnttna Sarah A. Dnmphrcr aa admtnlatratrlx. Marriage Llcns Alrin U Finn, M, elete amplora, 11 l nr, and oiadra bueina Idiaer, so, trput, 1 Roaement .tract. Eutene Mitchell Beard. M. TJ. Jt. air force, Ban Bernardino. Calif., and Joyce L. Reevaa. , atawardeu, 10 wait Nob K. Leonard BadeanL Sc. baelnae. nan. aier, SM StaUnnan atraat, and Lou Riicckar. 14. laboratory technician. SM M.rtH ...... 1 Albany Richard Dwalna Smith, ll. Lebanon RPO t. and Ruby V. Rhoadei, ia, vraocrca. . Doloraa X Rayaa. M. and Daeld w THB CAPITAL JOURNAL, Mm, OngM WOMAN RECEIVES FREE T-V SET r First winner of three free television set being given by the Salem IGA stores, Mrs. Charles Cl Hansen, 833 Sunset , Ave., ia her being presented a let by Tony Nunn, a partner in Orcutfa Market. Th other IGA store are th Stat Street Market and Vista Market Other prize winner wer Delia Charlton, 1320 State; Kenneth H. Smith, 725 Marino Drive, and Louis E. Riehter, 1110 Barnes Ave. Judge were Mrs. C. B. Hill of th Capital Journal and Mic Mary White of th Stetenhan. Patterson (Continued from Page 1) Governor Patterson said that after spending a day and a half with 45 other governor of the states and territories, he was left with a ober feeling of the seriousness of th present world aituation but also felt that the aituation wa not on that could not be' resolved. Patterson Impressed I was impressed with the type of men in the present ad ministration," he added, "and feel that if they can't pull ue out of th present tne no one can." Th Hell's Canyon problem 1 up to th federal power com mission, th governor said, and th Interior department will lurnisn the commission with all data, facts and Information concerning th Hell' Canyon situation. "However, the adcninlstra tion ha withdrawn rta opposi tion to construction of three low level dam on the Snake river by th Idaho power com pany," the governor continued. Private Enterprise Favored "Till means that this ad- Kent Hotaling of Eugene, boy governor of Oregon, who will preside at Youth Lewis la tur this week-end. Delegates (Continued from Page 1) Other advisers include Rob ert Thornton, ttorney gen eral; Carlisle Robert tax commission attorney; Lloyd G. Hammel, assistant attorney general; Dr. Irwin Hill, super intendent of Fail-view Home; William Healy, assistant sec retary of state; Bam Haley, statute revision council; Capt Lea Bown, Oregon state po lice; Robert Gangwarc, Ore gon Statesman; David Black mer, Capital Journal. Following Thursday night program nothing is on the agenda until early Friday morning when registration start at 8:30 am. fat the Sttae Capitol. At 10:80 a.m. Governor Paul Patterson will deliver a message to th youthful law maker and then Boy Gover nor Hotaling of Zugen will delivered hi "State of the Union" ipeech. Then th two house will meet in their respective cham- bers to hear th first second and third reading of the bill. The bills will be referred to committees for further study in th afternoon Friday, Th Hl-Y Mother Club, which 1 doing all th work back atage, ha a registration committee, namely, Mrs. Bar ney Erlckson, Mrs. Gus Moore, Mr. Earl Cook, Mr. Gardner Knapp, Mr. Gil Simpson, Mrs. John Minifie, Mr. A. B, Pederon, Mrs. J. B. Beck. Members of the housing com mittee are Mrs. E. P. Phillips. Mrs. Chester Pickens, Mrs. H. L. Gotland, Mrs. Don Cren shaw, Mrs. Fred Reinwald, Mrs. Glen Weaver, Mrs. Abra ham Tom, Mrs. W. P. Highly, Mrs. A. Vittone, Mrs. Don Patton, Mrs. Reynolds Allen, Mrs. A. L. Baker, Mrs. Fran Cellr and Mrs. Calvin GOVERNOR aiiaiiiijti-,:i)W8Wai; iiaii iaiiia 1 -wv; "ta ft 6$ A ft-V " -t Yv ' 4 ministration will encourage private enterprise to construct hydro-electric dams when it can be done without damaging natural resources." The three lower water dams will create a reservoir of 8,- 800,000 feet and will produoe 783,000 kilowatts. The private company ha plana completed ana II Issued a license, the gov ernor said, the dame could b completed in two year's tun. Th federal government nro- posed high Hell' Canyon dam would, including a proposed ir rigation project, coat approxi mately $900,000,000 and pro duce 830,000 kilowatt of elec tricity. However, th governor aid it would take a minimum of eight year for the comple tion of the government project with the result of low of six years' generation of electric power. Governor Patterson said theft h will call upon Public Utili ty Commissioner Charles H. iitiixel, Stat Engineer Charles -. Striklin and other state of ficial to work out a formula to determine what Oreeon'a (hare of power from the Snake river povi: development should be in order to submit uch information to th federal power commlasion when the demand is mad that Oregon's interest b written into the li cense or license kwued for the development Reds Propose (Continued from Page 1) India would be the key coun try in the set-up, partly be. causa It ia a southeast Asian country which ha cautiously guarded It diplomatic balance as between West and East partly because th new Red plan closely follows th Indian prisoner plan which the U. N. adopted in New York last Dec. The Soviet bloc rejected the plan. Nam submitted hi proposal at a 26-minute truce meeting, the 11th since the talk were resumed last month. Calls One Day Recess It bowed to some major U. N. demands on the disposition of th 48,000 antl-communis: pri- oners now hekl in South Ko rea. Lt. Gen. William K. Harri son, chief U. 1 . negotiator, called a on day recess in or der to forward the proposition to Washington through Gen. Mark W. Clark, aupreme Uni ted Nation commander in the Far East Harrison said Nam's sugges tions was "o important any major decision must be made by the government them selves." He said th proposal "merits consideration, careful thought" Deliveries (Continued from Page 1) The Joint Chief of Staff presumably endorsed former President Truman' earlier re quest for $7,600,000,000 of new foreign aid funds. The Eisenhower figure represent a scaling down of Truman' request. Eisenhowers request has run into some opposition in congress on ground it is too much. But this appear to be fading, partly due to entl- ment among key member that th U.S. should extend new aid to Southeast Asia, threatened by the communist invasion of Laos. There Is little support, how ever, for the idea of tending military force as well at equipment CARD OF THANKS Our heartfelt thank to all who extended comforting sym pathy and help in our recent sorrow, for the beautiful serv ice, floral offerings, and all other kindnesses will always remain with us a precious memory. The Zieleschs, Mr. and Mr. Ben Savage. 100, Sunday Is 5P,Ce mad o" of Libia ft Mothers are r I lilil f I i WW 1H r m mm m. nn j mi ond. 60 gauge . . . and 12 dnir . . . very pair Is Davenfit proportioned . . . only a few of this newest stock ing are on the market . a a Give "her" this sheer luxury .. , 1.65 (Box of 3 . . . 4.75) i f"K . . . of luscious . , . wondrous . . . practical nylon tricot . . . Foaming with lac ... or tail ored typos . , . os "Sha" pro frs ... 3.95 to 5.95 ownd . . . . of th tamo wondrousty nylon tricot . . . tn whites or pastels . . ,'"Sh" will rov (and lov you too) . . . 6.95 to14.95 4 rr If 11 (&l y V 4 (!f 234 N. Liberty E ntr FA In Salem . . MJj filmy petal thm mm ouded . . Of nylon ... polished cotton ... or tissue faille . . . from Judy Bond ... an exquisite selection ... In white or pastels ". . . ' Let's Go (Ml Main In Uberven) si; ; i II JJ 45742. vaoaea, n, ara t, Lavaaoa. Thomas, HtU n- M '