Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 07, 1953, Page 33, Image 33

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    Page 12 FOOD SECTION
MH City
Mill City The Mill City
3-Llnks club is sponsoring a
Mother's Day cooked food sale
next Suturduy, May 0, in the
former Ilinz Coffee shop. The
sale which fouturos Mother's
Day cakes and other cooked
food will open at 10 a.m. There
will also be fancy work dlS'
played as a suggestion for
Mother's Day gifts. Mrs. Ar
thur Olmstcnd is in charge of
the cooked food and Mrs. Fred
Duffy is sewing chairman.
There were 88 children re
celvlng services at the all-day
. well child conference held on
April 28. Dr. W. J. Stone,
Marion county health doctor,
was in charge and he was as
sisted by Mrs. Effie Cole, pub
lic health nurse, both of Sa
1cm. Local volunteer help in
eluded: Mrs. Robert Wingo,
chairman, Mrs. Floyd Jones,
Mrs. E. A. Ncsbltt, Mrs. James
Armstrong of Mill City, Mrs.
R. C. Haseman of Idanha, Mrs,
William Fcnnlck of Gotes, and
Miss Joyce Foster, a social
worker of Salcnv '
capiain. iteiresnmcnts were
served after lodge with Hattle
Fency in charge of the kitchen.
Santiam Rebckah lodge held
initiation Wednesday night for
Lois Garrison, Norma Henness
and Esther Stafford. In charge
of . the meeting were Noble
Grand Antonia Thomas and
vice grand Eva Duffy. Con
cluding the session a new drill
was put on by 20 members
with Ruth Hess acting as drill
Front Quarrel . , 28c lb.
Vior Whole... 31c lb.
Hind Quarter . . . 36 C
Phone 34858 1325 J. 25th SI.
Mill City Woman's club held
the annual music week pro
gram luesdoy night with Mrs.
Don Sheythe in charge. Roll
call was "My Favorite Song."
The final meeting of the club
will be May 19 and will in
clude a plant exchange. Mrs. C.
M. Cllne will talk on Flower
Mrs. R. S. Corbln has re
turned from a trip to Florida
where she spent several
months with relatives.
Mill City high school Girls
Athletic association held the
annual Mother's Day tea Wed
nesday afternoon in the high
school auditorium. All mothers
of high school students were
"Wildcat Willie," a one-act.
teenage comedy, will be the
feature of the Mill City ele
mentary school graduation
program. May 27 at 8 p.m. in
the grade school auditorium.
Cast for the play includes
Lee Arnold, Annette Melting,
Harold Kliewer, Clara Cau
dle, Frances Ward.
Diplomas will be presented
by William Shuey, chairman
of the Mill City school board.
Members of the eighth grade
class are: David Lee Arnold
Jimmy Ray Baltimore, Rosa
lie Martha Bassett, Clara Vir
ginia Caudle, Glenda Jean
Chrlstensen, Zita May Crosier,
Janet Louise Glunz, Rodney
Maurice Goble, Penelope Jean
Gould, Sherry Darlene Hansen,
Robert Gay Herman, Anna Lee
Howell, Richard Dean Jen
nings, Gloria Ann Klecker,
Harold Lee Kliewer, Donald
Lee Lemke, Charles Martin
Marttala, Lillian Annette Melt
ing, John Terrence Muir, Mar
lin Bruce Noyes, Gregory
Xavier Peterson, Nancy Lee
Porter, Myrna Louise Roy, Ev
elyn Faith Taylor, Bruce Clark
II ? -M
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Willamina Mrs. Kenneth
Barrett received word this
week of the death of her
grandmother, Mrs. W. E. Rus
sell of Roseburg.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gardner
and Ralph, and Mr. and Mrs.
Clifford Gardner and baby,
spent the weekend in Bend
with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton
Mrs. Tod Walker of Salem
and Mrs. John Yarco of Se
attle spent Monday with Mr.
and Mrs. R. Lee Norris.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lee and
family were weekend guests at
the Don Wolf home in Hills-boro.
Mrs. Roxie Bryant is home
from the McMinnvitle hospi
tal convalescing.
Kenny and Larry Turner of
McMinnville were weekend
guests of Jerry Spencer.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wood
en visited at the Lew Wallace
home in Molalla Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, Oscar Rudig
visited Mr. and Mrs. J. S.
Brown in McMinnville Mon
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Heider
and Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Scharschmidt enjoyed dinner
at the beach Saturday evening.
Mrs. Claude Booth and Mrs.
V. C. Neal visited Mrs. V. C.
Neal, Jr., in a Salem hospital
Mrs. Axel Lundin, Mrs. Paul
Nyleen, Mrs. Art Lundeen and
Mrs. Ed Severson surprised
Mrs. Arvid Nyleen on the occa
sion of her birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Reed and
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Sexton and
Darlene spent Sunday after
oon at the Robert Reed home.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Rossell
and family of Toledo spent the
weekend at the V. C. Neal
Clarence Thompson flew to
Salt Lake 6ity for the week
end to visit with his parents, i
Mrs. Karl Lents attended
the funeral of her nephew,
Deston Russell in Portland
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Denton
and family spent Sunday at
the John Mekkers home in Sa
lem., Mrs. Ethel Read and son
spent the weekend visiting rel
atives in Elkton.
Mr. L. E. Page returned
home from the hospital and is
Thursday, May 7, 1353 ,
recovering from her recent ill
ness. , ., ,
Frank J. Smart, father pf
MrFs Ernie Cogswell and Mrs.
Ray Barber, has been dis
charged from the Santa Bar
bara hospital where he was
confined with a stroke.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Boundy
mmn i in ni in in in mi ll
Actress Elizabeth Taylor, holding her son, Michael How
ward Wilding, was named Mother of the Year by 3800
members of the Society of American Florists meeting in
Hollywood. i
Thomas, Carol Ann Thomley,
David Lloyd Umphress, Fran
ces Ann Ward, Richard Kieth
Ziebert, Gerald Bruce Golden,
Dennis Michael Fodrabsky,
James Glenn Sullivan, Dale
Stanley Walezak.
Fruit I and
FruiUand 4-H club mem
bers of Fruitland school in
terested in the Spring show at
Stayton this week are: Sewing
Mary Karr, Lucille Hilke,
Heane Johnson, Kay Johnson,
Beverly Ediger. Mrs. Herbert
Hilke Is leader.
Cooking 4-H club members
are Pat Miller, Loretta South
wick, Joice Mires, - Janice
Mires, Bobby Mires, Sandra
Wagner, Janet Aaesrude, Patsy
Thomas, Charlen Shryock,
Mary Karr, Lucille Hilke, Ilene
Johnson, Kay Johnson, Bever
ley Edeger.
Giving a demonstration on
Thursday from this group will
be baking cookies, Loretta
Southwick and Pat Miller;
scrambled eggs, Lucille Hilke.
Mrs. Anthol Riney Is leader
of the cooking club.
W 1 4 V ?fC
' ' i ' Ii V Ii i
Fresh Sunbeam energy keeps
you going strong... on the job
...and after hours, too!
Everybody in the family depends on Dad's
energy. . . for security ... for recreation ... for
happy home life 1 And a wise wife knows that
energy can't be stored up ... so she packs Dad
wonderful lunch-his favorite sandwiches on
fresh Sunbeam Bread!
Every slice of this fresh delicious bread gives
your' family 95 unite of tntrgy! Make sure
Sunbeam Bread Is on your table at every meal,
very day... for the whole family to enjoy I f
Stay on the beam...
mMk'm yfzMsi A
1288 State St
Phone 3-6489
At a time when we know you will most appreciate it our pleasure is to bring you this
fine Eastern Oregon Hereford' Beef at the lowest prices in years and years! Wholesale prices
on every beef cut in the house! Plan to buy a week's supply. Fill your locker.
Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford
tost llllj
Arm (ills Blade Cuts Rumps
Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford
Round T-Bone Rib Steaks
raESInl MM IEIF.. 29'
Fresh Ground E! -: m
nm stow his n
69' TENDERLOIN '. .89'
Fresh beef IB.
Young Hens T 9
Fully Dressed and Drawn
urn mw
Best selection of Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford beef. Don't fail to take advantage of these prices. Convenient
credit may be arranged. Nothing down a full year to pay.
Half or Whole
Front Quarter
Hind Quarter
Baby Beef
Tender, Lean, Meaty