Thursday, May 7, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon BRIGHTER WORLD .,,,1 .. j, tin , n ?r , I FOOD SECTION-Paj. H Worried-looking Mm. Pa tricia Morrison, 27, of El Monto, Calif., faced a bleak future when this picture was taken after her arrest for stealing a pair of baby shoes for one of her three small children. Now as she awaits sentence on a guilty plea, she has a $100 check from Act ress Merle Oberon and the services of Miss Oberon's at torney, gifts of lesser sums of money from others, two pairs of shoes, and the offer of a rent free home. (AP Wlrephoto) Aurora Aurora Thirteen members from-Una Temple No. 26, Py thian Sisters of Aurora, at tended the Pythian Sisters dis trict No. 1 convention held May 2, at Rose Temple, St. Johns district, Portland. Una Temple exemplified the re-obllgation ceremony at the convention. Mrs. Willis Yoder and Mrs. Frank Thiel were the candle lighters, while Mrs. Fred Schneider, Mrs. Erven Miller, Lena, Mae Lambert, Mrs. Wm. Gooding, Mrs. C. G. Pursley and Mrs. Cal Lewis took the parts of the officers for the re-obligation and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gooding were brother knight and sister. Tn the evening each temnle was asked to put on a stunt or drill for the program. Una Tenvnle wan featured in an amusing horse act, consisting of Mrs. Jake Fenske, Mrs. Cal Lewis and Mrs. H. B. Parker, with appropriate piano music by Mrs. Jessie joiin. Members attending the Con vention from Una Temple Mlu Emma J. Snyder. Mrs. Willis Yoder, Mrs. Wm. Gooding, Mr. and Mrs. William Tvmtel Mn. Jake Tenske. Mrs. C. G. Pursley, Mrs. Frank Thiel, Mrs. uai lewis, ivirs. wmen Miller. Mrs. Fred Sch neider. Lena Mae Lambert and Mrs. Jessie Jolin. Cal Lewis and his children, Anita, Jerry and Mary Ann were present for the evening program. . Una Temple will entertain the knights and families of both orders at pot-luck din ner Saturday evening, May 9. Woodburn Fit Yes, Mothers, We Salute You With an 0 Ml ) M A beautiful Princess Aloha Hawaiian Orchid you'll enjoy wearing on the happy occasion of iilTnirlllllllsSSsislilllltiilll Mother's Day. It's your friendly IGA Store's way of saying Best Wishes and Thanks for your patronage. way ot saying THE WINNER Woodburn Mrs. Ruby Peyton, vice grand of Home Re bekah lodge No. 68, presided at the regular meeting Tuesday night at the I.O.O.F. hall in the absence of the noble grand, Mrs. Dorothy Garrett, who is ni Visitors Introduced were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Golllhus of City View lodge, Portland, and Mrs. Lura Selbold of Nampa, Idaho. An invitation was read and oxoenteri tn attend a dance to be given by St. Alexis lodge at Buttevllle May 16. . n.irlno the nrneram hour the members were entertained by Mrs. Elmer Mattson and daughter, Joanne, with color ed slides taken during their 4ln n ITnrnne last fall. Refreshments were served by Mr. and Mrs. Earl Allison and Mrs. Esther Moon. The ta- ...... Hernrated with May Tfc.fc - baskets, sorine flowers and gaily dressed dolls. The committee for the next meeting will be Mrs. Laura Livesay, Mrs. Ellen Polly and Mrs. Stella Sebern. LEGALS puma iu v ..... , In th. Countr Court ot th. BUM 01 Onion lor Y.mhlll County. NOTICI U HER SB? OIVIW, th.t th. nd.rilnd. John A. PttrOD. hu own appomiM u jmnwut.".' - -j Xh fcDOT VDUWra wui - Botliml n rwlr.d to runt tht im. lulr willed, M r 1" e,ulrd. to tht undenuned t MMih, Minti A Buhner, Attorney. t La. rirrt N.tionU Bnk BulWln,, McMlnn tlllo, oreion, wllhlnl il month, from th. lint puDlkition u Ditod and lint putJUhed April SI, "Sit. ot Urt psblle.llon, m'' JOHN A. PETERSON Admmutntor MAHBH, MARBH DASHMY, Attorney, tor ..Id "', April 33. 10, M.T -I. i.. Of Raytheon TY Set DorthaE. Hansen 533 Sunset Ave., 'Salem You Could Be A Lucky . Winner 2 More Sets To Be Given Away Register at These Salem IGA Stores Vista Market 3045 So. Commercial . Stale Street Mkt. 1230 state st OrClltt'S Market 4200 N. River Rosd No Obligation No Purchase Necessary IGA Fancy TOMATO . 40. r0 M-D Toilet rHt Rolls Reg. Frlco 2 -23 c e Ti V c id: I ARMOUR If Introducing a New Armour Product All Meat Skinless 1 pound cello pack FINE QUALITY PURE m U.S. GOOD GRADE EEF roa: U.S. GOOD GRADE IWNi ST! FRESH DAILY Blade Cut Well Trimmed For Frying Or Swiss Country Smoked Flavor Whole or Half Shank lb. lb. lb. Sunshine Krispy Crackers Special Fries Effettiye May 8-9-10 , Homogenized Creamy or Chunk 12-oz. 3E Jar 20-oz. Jar 2 lb. pkg. large 46-M. cans K& SEEDLESS Raisins & THREE-MINUTE Popcorn 24b. leg ....43) Kool-Aide625c KEIXOGO'S 1IBBT Peas No. 303 tin CORN FLAKES 21c With 10c Coupon In Pkr. Toward Parch ue of Bice Krlspies Borden' HEMO Xb. Jar ' Planter' Peanuts 35c Cashews 65c Mixed 'Si; 65c 12-oz. ' Tin DINTY MOORE Beef Stew SNOW'S CLAM CHOWDER IS ex. CAN 25c MCW ENSIAND STYLE IGA Ripe 'n Ragged Fancy Peaches -Apricots -Pineapple No.2V2)r 3 $4 Case 24 can J J for I $7.49 Beach Cliff Halm Oil Snrtfines 10 -89c I6A lunch Tongue 69c White Star Chunk T-oz. Tin nUIILfi Ur wiFinmi At iieculrl. of th. wl'l n4 ' DONALD BENRV UPJOHN. dtM.Md. th und.r.linM hM flitd W th. Circuit Court ol orwon Jor ll.rlon County, in Prob.t tm lln.l .ccount In wutt ol old ddnt, nI TnoridM, Jun. 4, room or mm eour. , br Mid court u th. urn. and th. vl for he.rlnt ol obioctloni to .Kt Mcounl LOIB CAMILLI DPJOHlt, Ai Eiecutrli AforM.M Allin O. C.rion .nd W.ll.c. P. Canon, Attorn.rt for KxocutrU Apr. JO, MtT T, 1. SI, M, tISJ IGA Deviled Meat 2 29c I6A "DOG HOUSE" DOG FOOD SNOWDRIFT lb. can With 10c Coupon mailed to you 03 C Wesson Hew Franco-Amer. Spaghetti Ml . IViefll end wuce New Rinso Detergent Package 30c Economy 59c 2..35c 3t25's 98' Full Quart LOCAL GROWN ASPARAGUS 2 k 19' RADISHES or GREEN ONIONS 2CV bunches " Cello-Salads 2Pkg,f $unkislOrangesl,',es,ief Sunlust Lemons Junb0 3f SURF Detergent Large fto Pkg. LUX FLAKES 1 29' 3 Bsfe 35' 3 Reg. tt Size I J LUX SOAP 3 ft 25 3 Bath ? Size 3 J Large Sffkt BABO CLEANSER 2 25 L cans LJ Dennison CATSUP 14-oz bottles IGA Reserves the Right To Limit Quantities YOUR FRIENDLY IGA STORE AT 3045 S. COMMERCIAL State Street MARKET YOUR FRIENDLY IGA STORE AT 1230 STATE STREET ORCUTT'S IMtME? YOUR FRIENDLY IGA STORE AT 4200 N. RIVER ROAD m