Paw 10 FOOD SECTION THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Fairview Fairview A farewell party for Oren Manley, Jr., ton of Mr. and Mrs. Oren Manley of Fairview, was held at the Hopewell Seventh Day Advent 1st school house Saturday eve ning. He has been called into, the united States army forces. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Steph ens of the Fairview district were Sunday afternoon guests oi aer sister, Mrs. Mary Balrd at Newoerg. 010015 ( 0VEH CIEMER I I tfi$!" tv removes iurnt-on food I Unionvale Gears) ovens, grills, burners Ilk new. No more scrubbing and scraping. Remove every trace of grease, boked-on drippings, hard-caked carbon. EASY-AID Is a whlfe, clean-smelling cream. Spnad H on with the convenient applicator, let stand and simply wipe It off. Works fast and thoroughly . , leaves surfaces sparkling. 90c fearered Wnerever Yea See mown Unionvale Mrs. Orick Ba star, ox unionvale has com pleted teaching two classes from the Home Extension clubs In American Red Cross Horn Nursing. She was assisted In the Hopewell class by Mrs. Ed Ter- rW. Mr. and Mrs. touts W. Ma- gee were dinner guests of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. HerlgiUd at 611 verton after attending Union vale church services. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Noble were Sunday dinner guests of her mother, Mrs. A. C. Stou tenburg and were sweats of other relatives In Portland. Complimenting Samuel C Dixon, for many years a farm er of the Unionvale district, who 'as 90 years of age April 27, a birthday dinner was served at the Unionvale Evan gelical United Brethren church Sunday, Seven of his children were present.- Mr. Dixon was born April 27, 1803 at Pleasant View, Dear born county, Ind, He resided many years near McPherion, Kan., and later near Corvallls, Ore., and with his wife and eight children, four sons and four daughters, came to the Unionvale district in 1008. He disposed of his farm and retired about IS years ago. His wife died Oct. 6, 1930 In Unionvale district. His home is now at Delake, Ore. Mr. Dixon's children are Mrs. M. F. Corrlgan, Delake; Mrs. Estel Wilson, Centralis Wash.; Mrs. Sophia Vincent, Kings Valley; Mrs. Maude Launer, Carlton; Robert Dix on, Fairview district; Virgil Dixon, Delake; Daniel Dixon, Dayton; Ezra Dixon, Mon mouth. Mr, Dixon has 27 grandchildren. He is now visiting a TEARFUL WELCOME Irvvvw'!-'' rift!. Buena Vista -1 V mmm Pvt. Lester Toad, 19-year-old repatriated prisonor of war, clings, to his sister, Mrs. Carl Beagle of Parma, Ida., in a silent fearful embrace as Todd arrived in his Alliance, Neb., home. At left Is Jerry Todd a brother, and right is Cpl. Dale Todd, paratrooper-brother who came home to welcome his brother. (AP Wlrephoto) . Hubbard child hood schoolmate, Mr. Higglns, In Dundee. Darlene Maker burned the palm of her left hand severely while driving a tractor at her parents' home Friday. Hubbard A large num ber of members of Arion Tem ple Pythian 61sters attended the Pythian Sister .convention In Portland Saturday. The Arion staff performed all the floor work for the Initiatory ceremonies of the convention under direction of Mrs. Sadie Rich and during the evening gave a special drill. Mrs. George Waddington was convention guard for the day. Also attending were Mes- dames Harold Colgan, Duane Hatcher, Warren Grim, Rus sell Rollofson, C. R. Amrlne, James Plant, Jack Moomaw, A, J. Smith, Elmer Stauffer, Lester Pulley, Clarence Friend, Lester Will, Leon Gra ham, Norman Stauffer, Tom Baldsin, A. F. deLespinasse, WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT ALL PURE Milk 9 .cans S & W or Chase & Sanborn g bjj Co i i 66 ib. N ALLEY'S vv, Beel Stew' 29 Sugar,,. WILLIAMS REG. 25c Potato Chips 19c Rosebud Butter . 69c RATH'S Dried Beef 3 1.00 RATH'S BREAKFAST Breakfast buigst, 8 or. en 3 1.00 M.D. Toilet Tissue 10 100 TENDER MEATS LARGE JUICY Franks lB.2S)' Boiling Beef u. H9' Beef Roast lB. 39' TOP BONELESS Round or Swlu Pin Ready Steaks Lb 57c Fryers Each 99C mm Limit 3 pkgs. DURKEE'S Margarine lb. 2 Pillsbury All-Purpose Hour tofe. w Haley's Vegetable St G7 30-oz. can DENNKON'S Catsup 14-m. bottle 2 29c LIBBY'S CREAM STYLE Corn sos i.. 2 tint 35c FOUNTAIN Peas 2 cam 29C GERBCR'S Bnby Foods 12 - 99c SPRY .3 lbs. 93c FRESH PRODUCE TUBE TOMATOES Each SALAD MIX Pkf. Radishes or Gr. Onions 2buncllr,1 SUNKJST 00m LEMONS B0..33' 19' 9' .9' WEST SALEM STORE NO. 2 ONLY Bert deLespinasse, Zane Yo- der, Clara Hardesty, Irene Fawrer, Pauline Fawver, F. A. deLesplnass and Miss Mildred Schoor. Garfield A. Voget was hon ored with ' a surprise solne- away party at the home of his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. ana Mrs. uoraon Andrus In Canby, Sunday. Nearly 75 rela tives and friends were present Voget will leave shortly on an extended visit to Germany. ' Attending from Hubbard be sides the honor guest and his wife were Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Barrett, Mr. and Mrs. George Grimps, Mrs. Abe Rez nicek, Mrs. Gladys Heyerly. Mrs. Anna Scholl and Miss Ig nore Seholl. During the coronation of William, the conqueror, a riot between Saxons and Normans raged through the streets of London. Buena Vista Mr. and Mrs. M. I. Conger of Suver were Sunday guests of Mrs. Addle Harmon, and Mrs. Georgia Prather. Word has been received of the birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Steven Loy near Her mlston, Ore. The child is the first granddaughter in three generations of the Loy family. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Wells en- t e r t a 1 n e d f or Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Knight of McMinnville Friday evening... Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Net son Anderson were Mr. and Mrs. Don Richmond Sunday. Mrs. Gerald Lynch and son of Scio called on Mrs. Addie Harmon recently. Other callers were Mr. and Mrs. A. Malar, Jr., of Sandy and Layton Per Xlns of Tangent. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fickle returned home Wednesday aft er spending six months in Okla homa taking care of her moth er. Mrs. Zeb Millhouser attend ed a Dink and blue shower for her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Clair Millhouser, at the Ralph Car ter home In Monmouth Sat urday evening. Other guests were Margaret Perry, Marjorie Tresper, Violet McFarland, Dora Scott Jean Darby, Joyce Martin, Leila Overs, Mrs. Keith Houck, Mrs. LaFona Brown, Mrs. Paul Maddox, Mrs. Hope Huntley and Mrs. R. E. Lew cllyn. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wells, the newlywed, are establish ing their new home, having Thursday, May 7, 1958 rented the small house of Jonas Graber. How To Hold FALSE TEETH More Firmly In win. h.o '"li'JSirH oa rout 35?i3is -Tele-fun by Warren Goodrich JasilortW tttopHrliogs thRnr... Remind the youngsters that no one can call them while the line is tied an Pj-tf leiwhoofc'; . l l . . . for MOTHER on her aayi MOTHER'S DAY MAY 10 MOOfllO MIXMASTER $wbeamwwii baker Automatically makes 4 delicious, good-sized wafles at one time. No confusion, waiting or delay be- i waffles serves peope wiui COFFEEMASTER AM yM tW k b( hi Has tbe exclusive larger BOWL-FIT beaters for EVEN mixing. AERATION, and lighter, higher, liner-teatorea cakes. one bafcsoai , 54 III PjsT((IM Shiili etew. Resets to hasp It's aalomatld Yon can's miss! Perfect coffee every time 1 cup to 8. watching no worry. All gem-like chromium platei MnBSKWCK)WiStobteslCJ Automatic Beyond Belief! AH you do is drop in the bread. bmdlouitrtUuVflQmttieolb. No UtTt to ptub. Toot rami it ululnify witbOBS popping or OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT TIL 9 YEATER APPLIANCE and TELEVISION CO. Salem's Oldest Eleetrioal Appliance Store" VIS ChemekeU St. Phone t-UU laundering with Clorox removes dulling dinglnesj and ttafnt ...makes cottons and linens really white, snowy-white They're cleaner, too...hyglenlcally clean. For no other horn. launaenng proauctequaiiciorox in germ.killing.effldencY An remember, wheoywMise-Clorox. there's refworryobou undlssorved fjrltfy particles domaolncryourwatlr-ond washer. Clorox- is a liquids, eoty to-use-eatyeevfobrics. It is free from rausti(exrrogtntltw.thanl(slc e patentedlformulaiMclutivewwIth.Clorox. And CLOROX protects health in routine) cleaning, tool eceuts) H b-ene of e.we.ld reetlilneteitvndrtien. polionouvtoo, CloroxtsKdMl fcr routine Ul&tn and battiroom cleonine. And, ot you dliinftct llh Clorox, it removal iloins and deodorisstl See lobel di. rectlons.foa'fhe.mony.wtei of 0roAmfla!,i forcritsl I HrOtWj Osiatsjai C hi a"'unrasl1r Mf 4 IIq hit VthtmU's CLOROX-deane..! SAFER lor;