Page 8 FOOD SECTION THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Thursday, May 7, 1953 Menu, Recipe for Mother's Day Dinner Mother'! Day Menu Chilled Tomato Juice with Crackers Ground Beef Muffing Baked Potatoes Buttered Asparagus Olives. Radishes, Pickles, Celery Hot Bolls Butter or Margarine Strawberry Shortcake Beverage "Mother's work . is never done" goes an old adage, but on her day, May 10th, why not change that saying to Mother's work is done for her. Preparing dinner canbe fun for the family, especially if duties are dellgated to various members. Remember that meal planning starts by choc ing the meat dish. Why not surprise Mother with clever ground beef muffins? They're simple ground beef mixture (recipe below) pressed into mall muffin pans, then roast ed in a alow oven. To add a novel touch, onion rings may be placed In the bottom of the muffin pans and the meat molded over them. . When purchasing the ground beef for this serving be sure to ack your market man to grind boneless beef tew meat rather than round Tiny beef muffins are a clever choice for the family when they're taking over mother's cooking responsibilities on her day, May 10. Onion rings and slices and pimiento designs garnish these muffins. The garnishes are placed In the bottom of the muffin pans, the meat molded over them and roasted. Bar Cookies Always Rate steak. The latter is too lean for a Juicy meat patty. Save it for country-fried steak or Swiss steak. Boneless stew meat usually has just the right amount of fat to produce juicy patties and loaves. Begin dinner with chilled tomato juice and crackers ser ved either in your living room or at the dinner table. Baked potatoes make a simple addi tion to your menu, as well as buttered asparagus. A relish plate can take the place of a salad in your menu. Rolls that require only a few minutes browning ease the. bread situ ation. For desserts pick Mother's favorite which Just might toe strawberry short cake. Toffee squaresl Here's a bar cookie with that rich -toffee flavor, perfect with a cup of coffee or a glass of milk. These bear a quick chocolate icing. Near the end of baking, choco late chips are placed over the batter. When melted they are Bef Martini easily spread over the cookies, Uy, pounds ground beef iuiibo square m cup lard 1 cup brown sugar 1 egg 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 cups sifted enriched flour Vt teaspoon salt 8 to 12 ounces chocolate chips . , 1 cup chopped nuts Cream lard and sugar until light and fluffy. Add egg and blend. Add vanilla. Sift flour and salt together and ad, mix ing thoroughly. Spread batter on ungreased pan 10x15 inches. Bake in a moderately hot oven (350 degrees F.) for 20 min utes. Top with chocolate chips, melt In oven 5 minutes. Spread chocolate, sprinkle with nuts. Cut while warm. Yield: 40 cookies. . 3 tablespoons finely chopped onion Vt cup horseradish 2 eggs 4 cup cracker crumbs 1 teaspoon salt teaspoon pepper cup catchup onion rings Pimentos cut as stars or crescents 'Combine all ingredients ex cept onion rings and pimiento Place onion rings or pimiento. stars or crescents in greased muffin pans. Pack the meat mixture in the muffin pang and bake In a moderate oven (350 F.) for 30 minutes. 6 servings. Roast Potato Chips 6 medium-sized new potatoes Vi cup melted margarine or butter - Peel potatoes and cut into ft -inch slices. Parboil 2 min utes and drain. Pour margarine or butter in large shallow roast ing pan and add potato slices. Roast in a hot oven (450 de grees F.) 20 to 25 minutes, turning from time to time un til golden brown. Season with salt. Serve on warm chop plate with Minted Green Peas. Yield: servings. Minted Peas 8 lbs. fresh, green peas, shelled 2 or 3 sprigs mint 2 tablespoons margarine or butter Salt and pepper Cook peas and mint, uncov ered, in small amount of boil ing salted water until peas are just tender. Season with but ter or margarine, salt and pep per. Yield: 6 servings. Beans in Salad ' Lima beans are year' round favorites. While we usually serve them hot, we find we like them almots as well ser ved cold in salad form to gether with sliced green onions, coarsely chopped green ' pepper and whole ripe olives which have been sliced from the pots. A sharp wine vinegar dressing is a must. Stuffed Prunes One of the most popular ways to serve prunes is to stuff them. Then, they may be served as a salad or as an edible garnish for a meat platter or casserole dish. Pine apple chunks, raisins and cream cheese, celery and shredded chipped beef and salted nuts make delicious stuffings. Crust Is Answer to 'Different' Pie Pickles Featured In Salad During National Pickle Week, May 14-23, grocery stores and super markets everywhere will be featuring all varieties of pickles. Take this opportunity to buy a good selection of pickles and add extra appeal to every meal. In this Tropical Pickle Salad a delicious blend of pineapple and cucumber with pickles gives a refreshing sweet and sour flavor com bin ation that's sure to appeal to everyone g taste. Tropical Pickla Salad (Makes 6 servings).. 2 tablespoons unflavored gelatin Vt cup cold water. Vt cup boiling water Vi cup lemon juice cup pineapple syrup drained from canned pine apple) 2 tablespoons sugar V teaspoon salt Vt cup finely chopped celery Vt cup chopped cucumber cup chopped sweet pickles i cup drained canned crush ed pineapple Soften gelatin in cold water 5 minutes; add boiling water and stir until gelatin is dis solved. In a bowl, combine gelatin mixture, lemon Juice. pineapple syrup, sugar and salt; stir until sugar and salt are dissolved. Chill until mix ture begins to thicken.' Fold in celery, cucumber, pickles and pineapple. Mix thoroughly. Pour into oiled 1-quart mold and chill until firm. Unmold and garnish with Dickie ka- bobs, if desired. Dressing Up Salad Dress up cabbage salad with some crushed pineapple and some chopped, roasted, un tflanched almonds to make it extra special. It's the crust that can make a pie different. If you want to serve berry or fruit pie in a standard crust, almost any bakery can oblige. But if you want a crust that adds flavor and texture ... a crust that's more than Just a container for the filling, then you must bake it yourself. Here are four recipes. Each one features a cereal as the suprise Ingredient. As a re suit, each pie is a unique dessert. Party lee Cream Pie 1 teaspoon butter Vt cup marshmallow ereme 2 cups oven-popped rice cereal Strawberry ice cream Melt butter in sauce pan Add marshmallow creme and stir until well blended. Re move from heat. Add rice cereal and stir until coated with syrup. Press into pie pan to form shell. Chill. When ready to serve, fill with ice cream and top with straw berry halves, if desired. Yield: 1 9-inch pie Orange Chiffon Cream Pie . 4 cups corn flakes V cup sugar Vt cup melted butter or .'. margarine 32 marshmallows 1 cup orange juice 1 cup whipping cream 1 tablespoon lemon Juice 2 tablespoons grated orange rind Crush corn flakes into fine crumbs. Mix with sugar and melted butter. Press evenly and firmly around sides and bottom of pie pan. Chill. Cook marshmallows with orange and lemon Juice over boiling water, stir until combined. Cool. Whip cream until stiff; fold in orange rind and cool ed marshmallow mixture. Pour into corn flakes pie shell and chill until firm. Gar nish with orange sections, shaved chocolate or additional whipped cream. Yield: 1 8-inch pie. Deep Dish Honey Apple Pies V cup -ready-to-eat bran 1 cups sifted folur Vt teaspoon salt Vt cup shortening 4 tablespoons cold water 6 cups sliced tart apples cup honey 1 tablespoon lemon juice Vi teaspoon lemon rind Vi teaspoon salt Vt teaspoon cinnamon 2 teaspoon butter or margarine Crush bran into fine crumbs; combine with flour and salt. Cut In shortening. Add water, a little at a time, stirring until doug'a Is moist enough to hold together. Roll out on lightly floured board to about inch In thick ness. Cut to fit Individual baking dishes. Arrange apples In individual baking dishes. Mix honey, lemon juice, lemon rind, salt and cinna mon; pour over apples. Dot with butter. Place pastry on top. Bake in hot oven (425 F.) 80 to 60 minutes. Yield: 8 individual pies. Lemon Chiffon Pie With Fig Cereal Crust 1 cup chopped dried figs Vi cup water 4 cups corn flakes Vt cup butter or margarine 2 tablespoons sugar cup cup chopped nut meats 1 tablespoon cornstarch Vt cup sugar 1 eup water , 2 eggs, separated Vt cup lemon juice 1 teaspoon grated lemon rind teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon gelatin Vi cup cold water Cook figs and water over low heat to form a soft paste, about 5 minutes. Add butter and stir until blended. Crush corn flakes into fine crumbs; mix with sugar and nutmeats. Salad Combinations As summer nears, more and more combination 'salads will be used for a complete main luncheon dish or for supper following a hearty noon-day meal. This one is especially good. Use whatever crisD ereens of the lettuce type you have on hand and break them into bite- sized pieces. Add a few wedges of tomato, thin slivers of Amer ican Cheese and lunnhean moot- maybe some whole pitted ripe olives and avocado slices if you are making a super production. Use a thin French dressing add ing extra freshly ground pepper and pour over all. Toss ever so gently. Serve immediately. . ,. Featured this month at better food stores -P 'i --'.-A Cheese. the flavors &r Sf Add to fig paste and mix well. Press evenly and firmly around sides and bottom of 9-Inch pie pan. Combine cornstarch and cup of sugar; add water. Cook over boiling water, stirring occasionally, until thickened and clear and starch is thoroughly cooked. Beat egg yolks slightly, add lemon juice, rind and salt; add small amount of hot mixture, then return to remaining hot mix turn and continue cooking over boiling water about 2 minutes. Soften gelatin in cold water; dissolve In hot mixture; chill. Beat egg whites until frothy, add re maining Vt cup sugar gradu ally and beat until thick; fold into cooled and partially set lemon mixture. Pour into fig cereal crumb crust and chill until set. Serve at room temperature. Yield: 1 9-inch pie. Flank Steak Touch Here's how to lift flanK steak out of the ordinary and into the outstanding! Dip Vi inch thick slices into seasoned flour (salt, pepper, mono- sodium- glutamatc). Roll up and tie securely. Or roll around, a bread dressing. Pan brown in hot fat. Transfer tc cover and bake slowly unW tender. For Children's Party Children's parties aren't as much trouble as you think; it's all a matter or organi zation. After games, contests and prizes come the event of the day, the food. It may be kept simple, yet keep every one happy. Little raisin cup cakes decorated with different colored icings make a tremen dous hit as does ice cream with canned fruit cocktail cascading over it. Tasty Waffles Versatile, economical and tasty, waffles are a favorite at any meal. Serve hot and crisp with cheese sauce for lunch or supper. Try them under minced creamed ham or chicken. Glamorous under - cover irir with whinDed CTttm. Scoop centers out of cup cakes. ill with sweetened and flavored whipped cream. Tod the cream with canned peach hall nuea wun un red Jelly. Bacon And Banana Fritters The fritter fans will like thU banana variety: Canadian-Style Bacon with Banana Fritters 8 slices Canadian-style ba con, cut !h inch thick Banana fritters Place Canadian - style bacon . on broiler rack. Insert broiler rack and pan in broiler so that the top surface of the meat is 2 to 3 Inches from the heat. When the bacon is nlr:ely browned, about 5 to 6 minutes, , turn and brown other side. Al low 8 to 10 minutes total broil- ( ing time. 4 servings. Banana Fritters 1 cup sifted enriched flour 2 teaspoons baking powder IVi teaspoons salt Vt cup sugar Vt cup milk 1 egg, beaten 2 teaspoons melted lard , 3 to 4 firm bananas 2 tablespoons enriched flour Lard for deep-fat frying Sift flour, baking powder, salt and sugar together. Com hlns milk. Ma and lard. Add . to dry ingredients and mix un til batter is smooth, cut eacn hannnn into 3 or 4 diagonal pieces. Roll in flour and dip in batter. Fry in deep not lara (nun ripffrpM F.). turning fre quently for even browning. Re move and drain on absorDent paper. 8 to 8 servings. Waya of Pineapple . Coffee cakes take on added appeal with a sweet topping of brown sugar-coated . pineapple slices or chunks. Crushed pine apple finds its way into bran muffins and nut bread for a new taste. In ft for your next luncheon oartv i to good, o pretty, so easy I Pick up tunned Meed pineapple and other ingredient from your grocer's "Sun Glory Salad" display and Kraft Cottage Cheese from the refrigerator. Make sure it is Krnft Cottage Cheese you use. For Kraft is made m plants especially designed for cottage cheese, and is made from specially-purchased milk to produce a clean, balanced taste that harmonizes perfectly with the good !Urr f ether choice salad ingredients. Chill the Kraft Cottage Cherte in the carton 30 minutes or longer. Ron knife around the edge of the cheese and invert carton over bed of salad green. Tap bottom of carton sharply and cheese will fall in smooth cap shape. Cot pineapple slices in half and place around the edge of cottage cheese, prow in lightly. Garnish with maraschino cherry. Then serve with Miracle Whip Salad Dressing for felled eating. Ladd's Are Open 24 Hours a Day . . 7 Days a Week '.oESwm OUR MEAT DEPT. 3 for 1ST Skinless Werners PALMOLIVE Lb. 39 soap POLISH SAUSAGE Sl . 3 I" 25C 0U "SHIONEBSTYU ni. 2 1" 19c ib. oil Cashmere Bouquet f-T S - iAPor nta'?J HiHoCracker si., o AjC Dog 4 Cat Food Offr JLiA 339' 2 25 COFFEE ft Vel 29 ffr JV Cflh 90 FRESH PRODUCE QU CM U.S. No. 1 Deschutes potntrchips POTATOES 25' 10 k 25' purex Radishes, Green Onions m. 29' 3 ge. bun. 10' Wt Reserve the Right To Limit Quantities Prices Effective Frl., Sot., May 8-9